This made Yuji Special-Grade. | Jujutsu Kaisen

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Yuji itadori is now finally a special grade or at least he's fighting on a special grade level since he very first entered chinuku it's been on everyone's mind he's finally got a curse technique along with the ability to now perform the reverse curse technique he's completely leveled up his Mastery over the soul and can even attack the space between sakuna and Megam well just a month before no one would have questioned yuji's placement alongside the rest of the grade one Sorcerers aside from Yuji himself being recommended as a grade one candidate his comparisons to other sorcerers like nanami kusakabe and along with Toto's ability to keep up with Yuji despite Yuji hitting a black flash it all made it pretty clear where Yuji stood while definitely stronger than most Yuji itadori never made it out of the grade one tier during the few times Yuji had gone up against actual special grades they were all clearly out of his League kinjaku had Yuji on the ground literally within moments although Yuji had landed a black flash pushing him to 12 120% of his potential Yuji was still out there looking like he got knocked against Utah aotu while Yugi could keep up better than most predicted he still literally died when fighting alongside Maki zenin factoring their braw with sakuna maki's got to ask Yuji before she finally decides that it's time to speed things up likely because Maki got the idea that Yuji just can't keep up with her anymore he gets tagged at times where Maki just simply doesn't throughout the entire brawl yuji's clearly on the weaker end of almost every interaction against kji aari he's forced to sit through a literal beating even before he gives up on trying to dodge aari's punches Yuji still gets caught in his technique and pummeled none of the characters I just mentioned are weak by any means in fact it's the opposite the point I'm trying to make here is that Yuji clearly couldn't stand with them before and the gap between Yuji and really any special grade he found was massive although Yuji was strong he just wasn't exactly there yet but although Yuji clearly couldn't stand with any of them before things have definitely changed in the last month before this big battle in Shinjuku yuji's been getting ready he's back at his best yuji's at the strongest that we've ever seen him before sakuna never even considered Yuji worth killing but in the present day it's completely different Yuji was given the role as one of the first people to enter the front lines when sat Gojo went down he was one of the first people to take on Roman sakuno aside from saug Gojo he was the first person to land a Blow That Shook the king of curses he's been keeping up with UT aotu even inside of his own domain expansion well before that was the same special grade that was more than capable and even pulled off killing Yuji itadori he's been Landing blow for blow and even a KNE to the face on sakuna the one before who saw Yuji as nothing special and proceeded to laugh in his face with his improvements to his Arsenal and his overall power in this video I'll be going over why Yuji itadori has reached the special grade level if if you would enjoy more jiujitsu kaisen content like this please make sure to leave a like And subscribe and comment on some video ideas you want to see be done down below before his fighting Shinjuku yuji's definitely changed a ton because of that I'll start by going over everything new to EAD dori's Arsenal and because of that I'll leave a time stamp on screen and while I don't recommend it there's chapters in the video so if you just want to skip ahead you're more than welcome since we've last seen Yuji like I mentioned already he's a lot different than he was before he enters Shinjuku with these claw-like arms and we've never seen anything like this before from his forearms down to his fist yui's got these demon-like gauntlets we don't know if this is another curse tool similar to the one we see UTA pull out in Sendai Colony or if this changed happen on more of a biological level but to be honest we'll just have to wait and see aside from appearance yuji's only gotten better at manipulating his cursed energy sakuna says that everyone on the battlefield has upgraded their cursed energy strengthening in the last month yuji's only gotten better at making his body stronger in combination with his already insane physical strength this is massive for Yuji his cursed energy manipulation in general has improved massively yuji's able to perform the reverse curse technique now having access to RCT means that yuuji now finally has a healing factor for a while that's been everybody's big problem with itadori he's had just no way to recover from damage while Yuji always had crazy endurance healing himself from damage is still massive if it's just pain Yuji itadori will keep fighting we've seen Yuji push forward when taking damage on a level that would put most people out of commission against the finger bear Yuji lost an entire arm but still continues to fight back after being slashed through with sakuna dismantles back when he was only at 15 fingers worth of his original Power Yuji still kept moving forward Yuji is just like Maki they can both endure a ton of damage but still keep fighting although unlike Maki again Yuji couldn't heal himself while slow at least Maki had a healing Factor now with reverse curse technique Yuji can still take that insane level of pain that he felt before but also come back better than ever in just the last month yuji's come pretty far with his Mastery over positive energy keeping in mind that Ryu had mentioned back in Sendai Colony that repairing an arm would be one hell of a feet meanwhile yuji's repairing chunks of his abdomen it's his reverse curse technique that's already saved him numerous times against sakuno while he hasn't completely healed yet Yuji said that he's already eaten four attacks that should have put him down for the count but thanks to his reverse curse technique he's managed to pull through on top of all that yuji's now finally using an actual curse technique since the very start of the series we've been told that Yuji just can't use jiujitsu aside from the possibility of him using sakuna curse technique in the future we never knew if Yuji was going to be more than our favorite punch and kick Merchant Yuji itadori just like C and his three brothers ESO ketu and choso is now a blood manipulator we haven't seen him use anything like piercing blood or slicing exorcism but he's pulled off a supernova on sakuna himself Gojo had told us before the curse techniques make up for about 80% of a sorcerer's potential innate Talent can definitely Define somebody's future with now having a curse technique yuji's now unlocked an entirely new channel of power to manifest and finally the newest attribute to yuji's Arsenal are his punches he's no longer just throwing around ordinary strikes but punch is capable of damaging the area around the soul since his body already passively the Soul's composition as a byproduct of being a vessel he's already been halfway there using the book that Yuki tsukumo left behind on her research about the soul yuji's manifested a new level of damage on another level against sakuna he's been attacking the space between meami and sakuna soul to then raise meami Soul higher from the place that it's been sunken Down By Yuji Landing these punches in return sakuna is now losing more and more control that he had on megami's body his cursed energy output is quickly dropping lower and lower and his overall control on the body is now weakening this isn't something that's only applicable to sakuno Yuji can take this strategy up against any vessel in the culling games kinjaku had described his vessels in the culling games as hundreds of mevolent Yuji itadori kinjaku makes this comparison to point out the idea that Yuji is the same as everyone else at least back when he was sakuna vessel Megami and sakuna shouldn't be the only exception to this idea the way that sakuna has manifested himself in Megami is the same way that every other vessel in the culling games came to be by splitting the soul of the past sorcerer into a cursed object then having a vessel in just that same cursed object is how the vessels were created by Kaku in the first place that part's not even a theory Angel herself describes this very thing it's possible that hypothetically if Yuji landed the same punch as he lands on sakuna but instead on any other culling games vessel we'd begin to see some similar effects all of this really does make you think what the hell has Yugi been up to in the last month better cursed energy reinforcement reverse curse technique blood manipulation and new demon-like claws we have no idea what type of training he's been under at all all UT says is that they've been cheating but that's an entirely different topic to dissect yuji's also had an amazing ability to grow and learn with a very good teacher against Toto Yuji had gone from not knowing how to consciously flow his cursed energy around his body to Landing black flashes in just one day now that he's likely training with actual special grades like Utah kotu it makes sense that he's come this far but has he come far enough to be considered a special grade it kind of depends on how you look at it we don't know the official requirements for hitting special grade although we do have a few Clues kinjaku explains to choso that one aspect that can signify special grade power is the ability to take down a nation but Kaku doesn't say or even hint at the difficulty that would come with taking on This Nation we don't know the size or capabilities of the nation whatsoever for all we know kinjaku could be talking about taking down the United States or Costa Rica at bare minimum we can rationalize that since this feat is supposed to signify special grade power it would have to be a country that no grade one sorcerer could ever take down it's a nation powerful enough to beat mayay nmi and kusakabe but weak enough to be easily toppled by suguru ghetto considering the massive gap between grade one sword in special grade I highly doubt that it's a country that grade ones barely lose against either regardless there's really just no way to know it wouldn't be ideal to just guess the power of the nation that Kaku is referring to on top of which this is only likely one of many requirements to hit special grade Kaku had figured that by judging by jiujitsu high criteria for special grade Yuki must be holding back an extension technique with high cursed energy output as our trump card extension techniques are moves that are created by the sorcerers themselves with their innate techniques implanted as the basis anomy for example he uses his ratio curse technique to create collapse normally nm's ratio technique is used to deliver a critical hit on a 73 point out of 10 point line division the difference between ratio an nomies extension technique is that collapse is a secondary barrage of rocks that are destroyed by the ratio technique then filled with nmes cursed energy Yuki doesn't have one of these or if she does we just haven't seen it it's debatable if Yuki's black hole was her extension technique but it doesn't really fit the criteria very well the black hole that we see Yuki create against kinjaku is just her curse technique star rage but kicked up a few notches okay definitely more than a few star rage allows Yuki to add virtual Mass onto herself but since it's virtual of course it doesn't affect her natural level of density meaning she can increase the weight behind her punches without slowing herself down but like most curse techniques in the series there's a limit when she increases the weight behind her punches past a certain threshold it begins to take an effect on her body while there isn't a limit to the amount of mass Yuki can add to herself there is a limit to the amount of mass that Yuki can add to her body before it begins to start affecting her density unlike the characteristic I mentioned before that separate nm's curse technique ratio with his extension technique collapse Yuki's black hole doesn't really share those qualities those characteristics I named were not from my own interpretation it's word by word how gay akutami the mangaka foru Jutsu Kaizen described collapse when he was going over extension techniques in general during an interview that you can find in the fan book when it comes down to extension techniques they're more like its own move but there's something that the sorcerer came up with using the expanded interpretation on their technique Yuki's black hole is literally just star from how Yuki describes it and how kinjaku analyzes it it's not like Yuki's applying star Rage with some greater interpretation on her technique the same way nanami uses ratio to create his extension technique collapse Yuki is still powering up herself with star rage it's just to a much higher degree than we've ever seen while Yuki could have an extension technique that we just haven't seen she's not even the only outlier in the case that she doesn't even if Yuki doesn't have an extension technique there's a ton of other sorcerers who are all ranked special grade and we've never heard of them having an extension technique aside from go Ojo creating red blue and purple the only other special grid with a debatable extension technique is Utah kotu Sky manipulations than Icebreaker may very well be an extension technique Oro explains that the move is not aimed at a person but rather the surface of the sky but grabbing that surface and cracking it like the ice is how thin Icebreaker even exists considering what we Define extension techniques are based on the information from the fan book thin Icebreaker and therefore UTA kotu can qualify for the criteria that kinjaku mentions the reason why it's important to see what other special grades have extension techniques is because it can help us build consistency with the criteria that kinjaku mentions and what's actually true for every special grade if Kaku says that one of the official requirements for special grade is having an extension technique and every other special grade besides Yuki from what we see has an extension technique it's more than likely that Yuki has one and we just haven't seen it Gojo's red blue and purple are all extension techniques and Kaku is literally in ghetto body when he's making the statement so in a way he's speaking from personal experience the idea that special grades all have an extension technique seems to be consistent across the board if ghetto UTA and Gojo likely have one then Yuki probably has one too and we just haven't seen it because she hasn't had the right time to display it if the criteria that Kaku mentions for special grade is consistent that would mean Yuji itadori can't be ranked an official special grade because he's currently missing an extension technique now even though everything I've said points to this idea being consistent and pretty plausible there is actually a contradiction there's a time that a special grade was appointed without having an extension technique and really without any curse technique in general while I have said that UTA fulfills this requirement with the Icebreaker UT has been a special grade way before he's ever entered Sendai colony and way before he ever copied oros Sky manipulation we see this firsthand way back in Jutsu kais in volume zero UT is given the rank special grade solely because of RA the fan book elaborates on this decision explaining that it was due to her boundless cursed energy considering UT didn't even know the basics behind manipulating cursed energy whatsoever I highly doubt that he had some Secret Extension technique so far there's already been three different reasons for different people achieving special grid one of them is having boundless cursed energy like UT being capable of taking down a nation like ghetto or having a powerful extension technique with high cursed energy output like Gojo none of the other officially ranked special grades have cursed energy even comparable to UT so we can't go off that we don't know the size or battle power of the nation that kjak is referring to so we can't really go off that either sat Gojo is the only one out of the four special grades who even fits the extension technique requirement with sug ghetto it's likely but there's nothing that proves it for a fact with Yuki we've just never seen it or have never been implied that she ever has one and UT just flat out didn't have one when he was officially ranked as special grade there really isn't a requirement for special grade that seems to be all too consistent beyond all that gaku ganji has said before that special grade is a bit of a misrepresentation even within jiujitsu Sorcerers not even he agrees that special grade Sorcerers have been represented properly and there's likely multiple aspects to being special grade overall the official requirements for special grade are just complicated they don't entirely make sense or really seem to be all too consistent even if I were to be extremely generous and say that Yuji fit two of the three known characteristics that can signify special grade we don't know what requirements would be absolutely necessary and which might just be optional so as for now it's impossible to officially declare Yuji as a special grade just yet however a better question in my opinion is if Yuji is currently fighting on a special grade level hakari and Maki for example aren't classified as special grade whatsoever hakari was expelled and isn't given a rank in the fan book and Maki on paper should still be a grade four sorcerer despite not being ranked or even ranked unfairly both are clearly fighting on a special grade level they're both considered along with UTA aotu as one of jiujitsu High's heavy-hitting Fighters without a doubt not being ranked or being ranked grade four is clearly a complete inaccuracy to their insane level of power Gojo had told both UTA and takari to only join the battle against sakuna if he himself became weaker than they were currently in the event that Gojo's power does reach a certain threshold when were he'd be weaker than both UTA and takari together then they should both join the fight and help sat Gojo Gojo is implying that UT the other officially ranked special grade and akari the known and ungraded sorcerer should be around the same level now before a debate starts in the comment section UTA and takari don't need to be perfect equals for Gojo's statement to make sense statements comparing both UTA and aari's matchup can be found all throughout jiujitsu Kaizen they're definitely somewhat close in power whether you think one is stronger than the other it doesn't really matter to the argument maki's performances against sakuna also clearly show her to be fighting on a special grade level throughout both of her encounters with the king of curses they both signify speed and power comparable to those on the special grade level both aari and Maki are portrayed to be this strong while aari is ungraded and Maki on paper should still be considered a grade four sorcerer being considered an officially ranked special grade doesn't really matter all that much in my opinion considering the controversy around the official definition for special grade this is a much better question is he fighting on the special grade level can Yuji itadori keep up in comparison to those to be considered fighting on the special grade level the short answer is yes Yuji can 100% compete with those who are also fighting on the special grade level even while uta's inside of his own domain expansion yuji's got no problem keeping up with him there's even a moment where Yuji begins to outspeed UTA although this does only speak to travel speed of course it's still wildly impressive yuji's proof that he's got no problems Landing blows on sakuna while also trying to keep up with UTA and ra we know all throughout jiujitsu Kaizen that normally Sorcerers can't fight alongside each other when there's a large disparity and power presence it's the reason behind why when other sorcerers fight alongside saug Gojo they only make him weaker I'm not saying yuji's equal or even relative to power overall to UTA but Yuji should not be able to keep up this much if he didn't have special Gade level power keep in mind that UTA even outside of his domain is still ranked the special grid yuji's able to compete with a UT who's stronger than he was when he was ranked the special grid Gojo has explained before that domain expansions give the caster and upgrade in stats we've seen the difference in power between people like Megami and dogon inside their domains versus outside their domains it's clearly a massive difference also keeping in mind that generally we know the gap between special grades and grade ones are massive not aing single one of the officially ranked grade ones have anything on the special grades while it is important to keep in mind that the sakuna that yuji's fighting is actively being weakened along with having a lot of other after effects from his fight with Gojo he's not the one who I'm comparing yuji's ability to fight alongside UTA against sakuna is what's impressive yuji's keeping up in a special grid battle against and alongside a special grid the weekly pages from Shonen Jump recently have also said the same thing there's a comment about how the special grade battle is currently being expanded with the target between both Yuji and UTA becoming suc kuna while Eno sure that kusakabe can also keep up in a special grade battle despite himself being grade one there's definitely a difference between how Eno and kusakabe perform against sakuna and how Yuji performs alongside UT none of them have anything to prove that they're even slightly capable of fighting alongside a kotu like Yuji is already done without a doubt Yuji is finally showing us that he's more than capable of standing alongside other special grade students in jiujitsu high keeping up alongside Utah using reverse curse technique blood manipulation and soul striking punches aside from when it comes to to an answer to domain expansions Yuji itadori is more than capable of competing on the special grade level
Channel: Jaded
Views: 346,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JadedSatoru, Jaded jjk, Jaded, Yuji Itadori, Yuji, Yuji Special Grade, yuji vs sukuna, yuji cursed technique, yuji cleave, yuji cleave and dismantle, is yuij itadori special, special grade yuji, yuji new power explained, yuji blood manipulation, yuji black flash, itadori, itadori reverse cursed technique, yuji reverse cursed technique, gojo vs sukuna, jujutsu kaisen manga, jujutsu kaisen, sukuna, maki zenin, yuji punches sukuna, yuji domain expansion, megumi sukuna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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