How Yuji Itadori Will Become a MONSTER?!

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just how strong is awakened Yuji well I got to be honest with you I think a large portion of the community is totally delusional when it comes to determining Yugi's strength some people massively downplay him but at the same time some people massively overhype him and I find it kind of annoying so I decided to take matters into my own hands and settle this silly little debate once and for all and of course what I mean by that is I'm going to expertly explain what I think and then you guys are going to naturally completely ignore it or tell me that I can't read anyway we're going to start by breaking down a yuji's entire kit all the way down to the details of his output then we're going to see what he's lacking and also settle some common misconceptions that you blind ass readers have and to finish everything off I'm going to determine where he goes in the top 10 by making him run the top 10 Gauntlet so let's get started now Yuji itadori has most definitely achieved a level of control over cursed energy on par with that of a special grade Sorcerer And this is because a he is Yuji itadori B he has suk's innate skill engraved into him and C he Soul swapped with none other than to aotu and there's no denying his cursed energy Basics like enhancement and reinforcement are on that level where you can throw hands with top-of-the line mea grade Sorcerers and then there is the fact that he is probably the most skilled hand to-hand combatant in the entire verse now make sure you listen very carefully when I say stuff like that okay I said most skilled not strongest he also has an undetermined amount of cursed energy that he stole from sua meaning it's probably a lot although when fighting both itadori and aotu suca says that his cursed energy has fallen to uta's level and that leads me to believe that yuji's cursed energy is still a decent bit behind utas still though with his insanely efficient method of healing he shouldn't really ever be running out of cursed energy so who cares Yuji was also born with some insane natural strength speed and durability kind of like a Heavenly restriction user and because it's gaygay we still have absolutely no [ __ ] clue why he is so naturally strong but at this point we are better off shutting up and accepting it raw strength paired with his insane enhancement with cursed energy obviously makes him one of the absolute hardest hitters in the entirety of jjk at least he hits harder than hakari sandpaper do love Taps though so that's definitely something however when you add his strange talent for landing black flashes and his soul strikes into the mix then things get a little bit more interesting but more on that later during the time skip Yuji consumed the six remaining death brother freak paintings meaning that he gained even more cursed energy and access to blood manipulation granted yuji's blood manipulation is currently limited to Healing Supernova and making freaky blood arms now choso obviously got turned into a microwave ready meal by suca so piercing blood probably isn't on the cards for Yugi right now but I'm sure he will figure it out for himself at some point the most important part of his bloodbending kit though is definitely the healing unlike normal reverse curse technique which uses twice the normal amount of cursed energy to create blood and heal blood manipulation actually allows Yuji to heal himself without expending that much cursed energy it's basically just two times more efficient but it also makes healing severed limbs much easier for example did you notice that Yuji actually used a trail of his own blood to fully reattach his severed leg instead of growing a new one I have no doubt in my mind that he will continue to master blood manipulation to its absolute full potential but for now it doesn't even come close to Choo's level moving on we have his newly awakened Shrine brought about through the Sparks of black now this is where [ __ ] gets interesting because Yugi now has the same technique as the literal strongest sorcerer in the entire verse or at least he was although it's yet to be explained properly we do know that sua's Shrine consists of cleave and the Divine flame now ever since Yugi awakened Shrine in that one chapter and then used one contact cleave people have been freaking out and shoving Yuji into their top three and I'm basically here to tell those people to chill the [ __ ] out I agree that Yuji will be top three by the end of the series however as of right now I still do not think he is even top five he still has a lot to learn hey hey chill don't go anywhere okay don't go anywhere just hear me out please we have seen him use one contact cleave that did not even manage to sever suk's leg and this is a seriously weakened suer I mean the king of curses himself says that yuji's output with Shrine is complete ass and that it wasn't something to worry about at all his potential has most definitely skyrocketed to suca level since Awakening Shrine a sentiment shared with the number one suca Glazer Aram Todoroki and if Aram is agreeing that someone could surpass suca then that is just crazy as of right now though it's incredibly limited and his soul striking black flashes are much more dangerous than anything he can do with Shrine however I will give you this yuji's cleave does look like it did a fair bit more damage than UT's cleave sure sua was definitely weaker after eating a load of black flashes and sua's leg should be less protected than his head but still it does make sense for yuji's Shrine to just be outright better than UT's that's fine I mean after all suk's skill has literally engraved itself into yuji's body along with his cursed energy now the main reason I don't think this newly awakened Shrine is anywhere near suk's level is because of the output and the modifications via binding vows suca simply has more cursed energy more output and more experience with the technique overall and remember Shrine as we know it is not the strongest technique it is strong because it's suca using it in my opinion the main reason that Yugi Shrine is not able to compete with sucas yet though is because sua has spent his life modifying how it works with binding vows first off there is his four arms and two mouths which allow for a constant 20% boost in output and then there is his dismantle and I do admit this is going into Theory crafting territory but I do not believe dismantle actually comes with the technique based on the fact that UTA use cleave and that Yuji use cleave I'm going to say that cleave is actually the raw form of the technique and as we know cleave works by making contact with your Target and then being able to adjust the output according ly it's my belief that sua's dismantles are the result of a binding vow sacrificing the adjustable output in exchange for the ability to throw them neither Utah nor Yuji would have made that modification yet hence the lack of dismantle use from either of those characters but let's be real guys if Yugi's cleave can't even sever a limia there is no way a low output dismantle is going to help him at all the next example of a binding vow use is with suk's Divine Flames they require modifications in order to fix the issue with [ __ ] speed and [ __ ] range and yui also doesn't yet have a domain to get the most out of the Flames like sua does a cool idea I had though is that Yuji being a naturally up close and personal fighter may actually leave the flames in their natural state and simply use them to cover his fists you know a little bit like Endeavor does in my hero imagine Yuji whipping out a Flashfire fist black flash that [ __ ] would go so hard BL fire fist black blast and that would also fill in the gap of the technique being different due to yuji's mindset and personality it's a very Yuji thing to do finally we have the matter of yuji's soul Brees and it's with a very heavy heart that I have to tell you I think you are all thick as pig [ __ ] that some of you slightly misunderstand how these work and that's okay many people think that Yuji can beat characters like UTA by striking their soul and decreasing their output but that is not how that works shipping away output is something Soul strikes can do specifically against suca sua incarnated with Megami as a vessel and the two souls are divided by a barrier by striking the barrier dividing their souls suca loses control over his host hence the output dropping now please think back to when sua first took megami's body his output was limited to 10% due to having such little control over his host and he fix that issue via the bath and killing sumaki but now Yuji is slowly loosening suk's control again resulting in his output becoming more and more restricted against a normal sorcerer like UTA there is no host to lose control of hence no reducing the output in theory he can strike anyone's soul to deal damage but it won't impair their ability to fight back and let's be honest offensively UTA has so much more than Yuji okay I I really didn't want to make this a Utah agenda video okay I'm sorry that's not my point I really I don't care about pinning these characters against each other so against sua it's perfect but it's not quite as strong as you think in general for other opponents he would be much better off just perfecting blood manipulation and Shrine since they are literally top five techniques so as we have discussed Yuji has insane top three potential he is an absolute monster who has most definitely gained sua level potential and yes that does mean he may even go to top one by the end of jiutu Kaizen however as of his Awakening right now he still has a lot more things to learn and improve on for example he needs to increase his output he needs to master blood manipulation and piercing blood he needs to learn and use binding vowels the same way sua does and most importantly he needs a domain expansion in order to break into the top five I will say it one more time yes he will be top three but he isn't right now please do not take this video as me just hating on Yuji I love Yuji and I think he is easily in top 10 at the moment but I'm not delusional okay I mean I can be delusional a lot of the time you know maybe with like actually no cuz I was right about my you know what [ __ ] you guys also please do not start complaining about Gay's writing saying Yuji deserved more and sua shouldn't have just thrown him aside for the U to reveal UTA will not be the one to end suca the story is not over that was not yuji's final PowerUp UTA is here to Simply cook and then help set Yuji up for his final moment where I'm sure he will fix a lot of the issues that we've talked about I mean some of you are acting as if the manga ends each week and that's all you're going to get please just let gaygay cook and enjoy the ride Yuji will undoubtedly get even stronger and fry that forearmed [ __ ] very soon don't worry okay now that that's all out the way let's determine where current Yuji goes in the top 10 now let's be real he probably does hit like twice as hard as aari now realistically this fight comes down to if jackpot can heal Soul damage and since we haven't seen anything suggesting it can I'm going to give the win to Yuji Mari is very likely to be stronger and faster than Yuji but probably not by much her presence is crazy hard to read though and she does have the soul split Katana I'm going to be completely real with you guys I do think Mari wins that fight highi but if you disagree that's completely fine I can see it going either way as much as I hate to admit it NBA Kimo would probably reduce Yuji to Absolute dust yosu has a crazy curse technique crazy stats and a broken domain that is a low to mid diff fight I am not going to lie and the exact same applies to Yuki she's got that one shot potential and a domain again Kaku has a domain expansion that Yuji is not beating and again UTA simply has way more at his disposal and a top three domain and then obviously he gets straight up no died by Gojo and a full power sua I mean that was literally St by UTA and Yuji in their fight that means that Yuji currently places eighth or 9th depending on how you think the Mari fight goes Honestly though all he needs is a bit higher output and a killer domain expansion to Breeze all the way to top five and eventually top three and best believe that domain expansion is coming very soon right realistically I know the people who already agree with this will be the ones to continue to agree with this and those who think I'm chatting [ __ ] will continue to think that I'm chatting [ __ ] I've changed no one's opinion with this video but honestly I don't care at the end of the day I just talk about about what I want to talk about so who gives a [ __ ] obviously though if you do have an actual argument against anything I've said then please do share it in the comments below actually I'll be honest even if you have a completely mindless complaint just saying L reading comprehension or some [ __ ] then go ahead and throw that below too because engagements anyway don't forget to like And subscribe feel free to join the Discord and follow me on Twitter links below thank you guys for watching and I'll see you soon for that juicy 262 content
Channel: Allons-Y
Views: 30,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8myNQtDh3lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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