Satoru Gojo’s Special-Grade Insanity

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quick shout out to our sponsor this video is sponsored by surf sharp you might just think of him as a narcissist but without his arrogance he wouldn't be saw through Gojo it takes a certain mentality to reach that level you have to be a little bit crazy if you want to be the strongest being the best is something that's bigger than just yourself when he was alive Gojo wasn't an exception most notably against toi zening he might have nearly lost his life but he definitely lost his mind he begins rambling manically even toi's questioning if Gojo's High out of his mind despite brutally unal living Rico it's not even close to what drives Gojo to end togi's life smiling above the clouds it's not about revenge he's got no empathy towards Rico's death and he actually doesn't really seem to care all that much Gojo's not angry for anything that's already happened he's just doing what feels right it's one of the most iconic moments in jiujitsu Kaizen but at its core it's almost disturbing when you start to break it down it's just one example of the many times that people have come to question sat Gojo sanity he's clearly gone off the edge and definitely not just once there's clearly something wrong with him he's definitely more than one type of crazy we'll need to evaluate Gojo psychologically understanding his behavior within the world of jiujitsu Kaizen today we're going to be finding out if Satur Gojo is truly a psychopath when you're reading Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen online these days the internet just really isn't the safest place to be surfing but this video sponsor surf shark has you covered my favorite part about surf shark VPN is accessing content from almost anywhere on the planet with just a couple clicks change your virtual location to thousands of servers across a 100 different countries nowadays there's just so many places to watch your favorites just think about about how many websites you're clicking on every day serve shark VPN also has one of the best ways to secure 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pclr is almost like any other checklist you're going to find in total there's 14 questions each of them relating to the traits of your typical Psychopaths some questions on the pclr were removed just for the sake of this video not being an hour long and considering some of these missing questions don't at all pertain to Gojo and are pretty obvious I personally didn't find any reason to include them we'll answer each question with either zero one or two zero means that Gojo doesn't indicate any signs of these traits not one bit one means that this trait kind of applied and Gojo only has it to some extent and two just means that you can clearly identify this trait within Gojo it's very present within his character question number one glibness and superficial charm the Satur Gojo uses charm to escape a difficult or uncomfortable situation individuals with this trait are typically smooth talkers who can seem insincere they can be very deceiving some criminal Psychopaths became notorious for using the charm and Charisma to lure victims and manipulate others there's many who appear confident articulated and friendly to gain the trust of others around them obviously being confident and articulated doesn't inherently mean that you have Psychopathic traits this charm being superficial is the key word it's forced and maybe even synthetic it's usually a mask behind true intentions or lacking genuine empathy and emotional connection Jordan Belford from The Wolf of Wall Street is a very good example he used his charm and persuasive skills to engage in fraudulent stock market activities Jordan used his wealth in super superficial success to gain the trust of others around him while never having genuine empathy or an emotional connection to his victims it's hard to say that sat Gojo falls into this category but it's definitely not very clear-cut one of his most iconic quotes is surrounding the idea of him being the quote unquote strongest depending on the context this could be Gojo's way of charming who he's speaking to with superficial qualities this completely depends on why Gojo feels the need to express himself being the strongest however for satu Gojo I don't think he falls under this category he really doesn't Express himself being strong that often it's really dragged out throughout the fandom especially if you're trying to compare Gojo to being a psychopath others claim Gojo superiority but never really himself it's mostly others who compare Gojo's strength the two times that Gojo does call himself the strongest are either when he's talking to himself or when he's talking to Megami but when he's talking to Megami he flat out says to not worry because he's the strongest he's not trying to be deceitful or insincere or manipulative Gojo just wanted to reassure Megami intentionality is very important for every question going forward on the pclr it can definitely make her break a score Gojo never projects his charm in the way that other Psychopaths would he gets a zero next question grandio sense of self-worth does Satur Gojo display an exaggerated sense of self-importance or superiority individuals with this trait often see themselves as inherently better or more important than others giving them a sense of entitlement leading to that feeling of superiority Kanye West is a great real world example he often claims himself as a genius and goes as far to say that he's the greatest of all time I am the number one most impactful artist of Our Generation I am Shakespeare in the flesh Walt Disney it doesn't need much explaining to find Gojo within this category having a high sense of self basically defined sat Gojo when he decided himself that he stands alone as the honored one gig akutami the mangaa and author of jiujitsu Kaizen he says himself that this statement was projected through arrogance it's clearly demonstrating that inflated ego of the self-proclaimed strongest Megami said before that weak Sorcerers don't have their own sense of self Gojo is definitely not an exception his massive sense of self doesn't need much explaining both his actions and dialogue all throughout the story exemplify this clearly I'm giving Gojo an obvious to this is a very strongly present trait within his character the third question on the pclr need for stimulation or proness to boredom do SAT Gojo exhibit a need for stimulation or a tendency to become bored easily many who score high on this trait often engage in risk or thrill seeking Behavior specifically to relieve boredom being bored easily doesn't mean that you have psychopathic this question on the pclr is mostly referring to people who relieve boredom by doing those dangerous or even thrill-seeking activities to these individuals this method of relieving boredom feels more like a necessity it's hard to say that Gojo falls into this category but it's also not very clear-cut he definitely enjoys fighting he's one of the clearest examples in the series when Gojo's mind floods with the idea that he might actually lose he thinks back to toi zeni that's the last time anybody put him on the edge weirdly enough when thinking back to a time that he literally almost died he just begin smiling just just as signs of defeat show there's also a rush that's more intense for Gojo than even the idea of losing our narrator says that it's satisfaction but finding satisfaction and dangerous activities isn't the question on the pclr just enjoying fighting doesn't mean that you're a psychopath kosimo Hajime would be a better example he's actively searching for a combatant to satisfy his boredom it's different from sat Gojo he's definitely bored without fighting strong opponents however he never acted of pure boredom when deciding to engage in dangerous activities Gojo usually has another motivation aside from winning or chasing his own adrenaline engaging in dangerous behavior isn't a necessity for Gojo like most other Psychopaths he's going to be scored to zero the fourth question on the pclr pathological lying does Satur or Gojo engage in pathological lying or deception individuals who score high on this question are obviously dishonest often deceiving others through fabricating stories or manipulating information to achieve their own goals or maintain their own image it's pretty clear-cut but Gojo is not one of these individuals there's a difference between lying and being genuinely wrong claiming that he can win against sakuna than going on to lose isn't an example of lying intention Behind these statements are very important proving that an individual lied also requires providing information that they knew that their statement was false in the first place being wrong doesn't necessarily make you a liar sat Gojo gets another zero question number five conning and manipulativeness the SAT Gojo engage in conning and manipulative Behavior individuals who score highly on this trait may be skilled at exploiting others often deceiving others for their own personal gain to achieve their own objectives this question particularly can Encompass traits that we've already evaluated like using superficial charm or pathological lying to achieve the same end goal it can sound like we're asking the same question twice but there's a difference in each of these questions you'll find each of them on the pclr for a different reason Psychopathic superficial charm emphasizes the insincerity on the surface level it's not really layered or deep rooted and more outright visible pathological lying focuses more on the frequency of the dishonesty and how often someone can be untruthful this question is more about manipulativeness specifically the tendency to manipulate and exploit others for personal gain it's more about being calculated rather than charmful or just outright lying it's another category that Gojo just doesn't really fall under at least not like other psycho pass however there is one instance that does make me question sat Gojo's manipulativeness and it's way back in jiujitsu Kaizen volume zero during the night parade of 100 demons Gojo sends both Panda and inumaki back to Kyoto neither inumaki or Panda were fit to deal with a special grade like ghetto but Gojo knew that and sent them anyways later on after the night parade ghetto says that Gojo sent Panda and inumaki knowing that ghetto would defeat them in the end and he wanted them to get beaten down so that way they can trigger uta's growth and Gojo knew that ghetto wouldn't just exercise a young sorcerer without reason regardless that last fact doesn't really make this any less manipulative this scenario would likely Grant Gojo one point on the pclr while his behavior may not be as Extreme as other Psychopaths this is deliberate manipulation of others for personal gain question number six on the pclr shallow effect is sat Gojo emotionally empty Psychopaths with this trait may appear emotionally detached superficial or indifferent to the field feelings of others they may have a difficulty experiencing or even expressing genuine emotion specifically these emotions are more like empathy and remorse these individuals don't really have any emotional depth or range in expression or reactions Patrick baitman from American Psycho is a very good example he clearly has the traits of being someone who's emotionally shallow Patrick baitman has a great outward appearance he seems very happy successful and fulfilled to just about anybody who we meets in the city however baitman uses this facade to hide his own lack of genuine emotions and overall empathy for his victims even during extremely violent situations he maintains no emotional reaction bait's reactions are often detached and don't really have any authentic emotion reflecting how emotionally shallow he's become during moments where others might be filled with emotion these Psychopaths don't really feel just about anything it's not just about missing the feeling of empathy but other emotions like happiness and even sadness that aren't present Within These emotionally empty individuals I'm focused on really explaining this question clearly since it's one of the most important and crucial aspects to why many call Gojo a psychopath in short I don't think Satur Gojo is emotionally empty but there's more than a few reasons why this might be the most complicated question for Gojo on the pclr many are quick to point out Gojo's visit to the star plasma religious group during hidden inventory it's the original example for him having Psychopathic Tendencies after his second round against toji zenin while carrying Rico through the time vessel Association Hideout suguru ghetto finds him unlike his normal self he asked if that's even Gojo before realizing that something clearly shifted about his personality CU something definitely just changed against toi during that second round round Gojo mentions a few things that we shouldn't just ignore when trying to evaluate him psychologically more than one comment revealed more about Gojo's mindset than ever before just during that one fight alone he obviously claims himself as the honored one who throughout both heaven and earth stood alone while Gojo's arguably dissociating while hyping up his own God complex that's not really what's important when answering number six on the pclr just before this statement he describes how exactly emotionally shallow Gojo might seem he apologized to Rico but not exactly for what you would expect Gojo is sorry that he's not upset about her death at all no feeling of revenge against toi Zen motivated him to come back for another fight he doesn't feel angry or vengeful about it whatsoever in that moment he says that everything felt right that's when he became the honored one most people would feel anger or even crave Vengeance because of their deep emotional engagement with that person even arguing that Gojo didn't care much about Rico doesn't explain why he didn't feel empathetic about what happened he claims that he's sorry for not being moved by her death emotionally almost like Gojo himself is aware of the present lack of emotion apologizing isn't always an admission of guilt text and the speaker's intent is very important between drawing the line for what could be displayed as a personal regret or empathy apologizing isn't always an admission of guilt saying sorry for the loss of somebody close to somebody else isn't a murder confession and that's just another example of conveying empathy however mentioning that you're sorry when getting pulled over for speeding that can be a sign of responsibility or acceptance of the blame considering the context this is Gojo reflecting and realizing that his reaction is different than what others might be considered normal he's expressing regret that he doesn't feel these emotions this entire scene is is Gojo's self-reflection he's recognizing himself and analyzing exactly what he's become he's checking the stock of his own character almost like Gojo is doing his own personal inventory check chapter 75 takes place during an arc where Goa realizes himself as the honored one it's an arc that's called hidden inventory its name represents the new person that he became during the overhaul and evaluation of the stock of his character finding himself and his values was definitely one of the themes behind the arc this scene is Gojo reflecting on himself and his own emotions not the feelings relating to others around him this shouldn't be taken as an apology out of empathy it's his own self-realization of a regrettable lack of emotional connection Satur Gojo is just sorry that he doesn't really care it's very emotionally shallow he then goes on asking ghetto about one of the most truly monstrous ideas that's still sitting in the back of his mind in complete nonchalant he asked ghetto for his opinion on exercising an entire Hall of non Sorcerers just for simply being part of the religious group none of these guys are in charge these people are just followers of the faith obviously they had nothing to do in what happened to Rico but that's not why Gojo's asking he doesn't really care about what happened to Rico Gojo didn't feel vengeful towards toi whatsoever and definitely doesn't have anger for these random followers regardless Gojo still continues to contemplate the idea of exercising an entire group of civilians going through with this idea he said he wouldn't even feel a thing about it nothing about this sounds normal however it's important to realize the purpose of each question on the pclr we're assessing traits within each question consistent behavior is very important what we're witnessing from Gojo isn't exactly accurate to his overall character and it's more of a state of mind than an actual trait the difference between a trait and state is that traits are much more stable and enduring characteristics that describe a consistent pattern of behavior States they're much more influenced by the environment and context and they're also open to frequent change if we want to classify Gojo in a state of mind that may have Psychopathic traits that's far more accurate it's far more reasonable to claim that this version of Gojo can seem emotionally shallow as opposed to it being a trait that's generally applied to his character overall it's also important to consider that at this point in Gojo's life he's not even an adult yet we shouldn't just assume that Gojo hadn't changed certain traits of his character when it's entirely reasonable given how much time has already passed down in shabuya B5 there's a perfect example Gojo is clearly a lot different since that time Gojo is visibly distraught and concerned with the death of non Sorcerers even if he's not the one that's ending their lives himself while he's willing to let some innocent civilians perish there's clearly a limit when reaching that limit Gojo clearly grows more and more uncomfortable with the situation not nearly as nonchalant and emotionally detached as before either Gojo had gone through some change at this point or we can just attribute this to his current state of mind at the time when he fought toi regardless it shouldn't speak to characterizing the traits of Gojo from the modern era when Gojo is actually an adult his emotional emptiness is different from your typical Psychopaths being emotionally shallow doesn't just refer to lacking in one emotion specifically it's a broad range of various emotions Gojo not feeling empathetic remorseful or sad doesn't inherently mean that he's emotionally empty he also clearly feels other emotions too he's capable of being happy satisfied concerned and even regretful maybe not empath athetic to everyone and anyone who he finds in a tragic situation but he's definitely not emotionally empty I'm scoring sat Gojo a zero on this question moving on to question number seven callousness or lack of remorse or guilt does satu Gojo lack remorse or even guilt for his actions individuals with this trait you know obviously lack remorse or guilt for their actions but especially actions that have caused harm to others Heath Ledger's Joker from The Dark Knight is a pretty good example he doesn't think twice about orchestrating chaos and violence throughout Gotham City Joker doesn't have any regard for the suffering of innocent people even during pure Anarchy he's driven to cause Mayhem in order to challenge Batman and not by any emotional connection or concern with others when it comes to satu Gojo this is one of the most interesting questions on the pclr obviously Gojo isn't immune to feeling remorse and he definitely does feel guilty on more than one occasion when meeting back up with ghetto after coming back from the verge of death Gojo flat out says that he's the one that messed up he didn't feel vengeful when fighting an assassin like toi but Gojo realized that it was his responsibility to deal with the Assassin like he promised when becoming an adult these examples of Gojo feeling remorseful happen way more frequently he begins to feel guilty again down in shabuya B5 and he's very remorseful but only after a certain level of casualties Gojo even claims that he's sorry for not being able to save the innocent lives of those trapped underground every life lost is something that he's truly sorry that he couldn't prevent those lost lives are considered nothing more than a sacrifice to reach the overall goal to save shabuya City with more and more casualties Gojo begins to look more and more visibly distraught at the scene that's currently taking place he'll avoid ending the lives of civilians with his own hands at all cost but that doesn't make Gojo any less cold-hearted for his willingness to sacrifice others to achieve his own goal before entering Shinjuku and fighting sakuna Gojo Flatout says that he trained his mind to feel less remorseful sakuna current vessel is Mega M fushiguro he's Gojo's longest kept student and was raised by him for the last 12 years remembering megami's resemblance to his father toi meant that Gojo couldn't go all out he trained his mind to feel a complete lack of remorse about the damage that he's going to be causing to Megami obviously it's an understandable circumstance and it's only way to save meami at the end of the day but Gojo's Behavior still reflects some presence of callousness and lack of empathy but then again not really anything extreme just to be safe I'm going to Grant Gojo one point for question seven question number eight parasitic lifestyle does satu Gojo find themsel exploiting and manipulating others to sustain his own lifestyle individuals who score high in this category they often rely or completely live off of the resources and generosity of others they'll manipulate others to achieve their own goals instead of actually making genuine efforts independently Plankton from sponge Bob being based on an actual CA parasite is a pretty good example of living under a parasitic lifestyle Plankton's dream is living off of the recipe and success of the Crusty Crab secret formula Plankton is an actual sea parasite that's living a parasitic lifestyle but it's obvious that Gojo doesn't really fall under this category either he's probably one of if not the most independent character in the series standing alone without the help of others is a central part to why he finds himself trapped in loneliness being the leader of his own Clan obviously financially independent and completely reliant on his own power for the entire ire series Gojo definitely doesn't live under a parasitic lifestyle Gojo gets another zero question number nine on the pclr lack of realistic long-term goals the SAT Gojo lack realistic long-term goals or demonstrate a failure to plan ahead individuals who lack realistic long-term goals are often impulsive short-sighted or have a tendency to prioritize immediate gratification over long-term success they stay more fixated on the now instead of the later it's not all that important within this current moment and it's mostly about the present Satur Gojo definitely does have his own long-term plans and to be fair they're probably more thought out than most other characters in the series ongoing corruption within the world isn't really a secret but especially at the highest level those at the top of the political food chain are the problem according to Gojo those in charge they're just some selfish proud idiots within even the highest ranking of political power you're going to find the higher-ups they'll often make biased decisions in the name of keeping their tradition with some serious change the higher-ups know that they can easily lose their status at the top but that's exactly what Gojo plans to achieve he knows that just walking in and exercising the higher-ups would be a massacre that the people would never approve over Gojo alone could wipe them out but the jiujitsu society would see him as a monster if the higher-ups were to disappear the system in place would just have new people with the same agendas to end up taking their place no real change can be made with a massacre and that's why Gojo turn to education he needs strong but intelligent allies too Gojo will Foster them within his students following through with this plan Gojo fights to achieve his dream of resetting the jiujitsu world now for this plan being realistic it's definitely debatable even by go standards I don't think resetting the world politically is impossible however the probability of reaching this goal would completely depend on the steps taken to come closer and closer to reaching this achievement it wouldn't be considered an unrealistic long-term plan if Gojo had taken the necessary Steps step one was clearly assembling those that he can foster into those strong and intelligent allies to lead the Modern Age UT and Yuji are primary examples that Goa went out of his way to save to play major roles in achieving his dream megamy was considered to be the leader among his students that Gojo raised to lead the age creating his own team of those with potential even greater than the current standard for special grade was definitely the right first step to reaching his vision however as their teacher it's unrealistic to believe that Gojo was fit to raise the Modern Age of sorcerers Gojo is and has been the strongest it's harder for somebody who's always been able to achieve everything from the start to teach others the steps to reaching that same achievement since Gojo never really required learning the steps to reach greatness he doesn't even know where to start doing something as simple as a simple domain should have been one of the first techniques that Gojo his students or at bare minimum at least eventually he should have taught this to one of his students considering Maki couldn't use cursed energy egami later found out that he could cast his own domain expansion I'm more so focusing on Yuji and others who really didn't have their own domain expansion or in yuji's case more specifically he didn't even have a curse technique Yuki tsukumo went out of her way to teach Toto simple domain so what's really the excuse Yuji basically asked this same question to kusakabe after seeing Gojo pop one of his own simple domains inside malev and Shrine kusakabe explains that Gojo being a prodigy it holds back from being a great teacher it's harder for someone who's never been weak obviously he's not completely useless as their teacher and Gojo is capable of helping his students where he can when it came to quickly learning the basics of cursed energy manipulation UT and Yuji seemed to grow quickly however both UT and Yuji they never really properly mastered their cursed energy with Gojo's help it definitely took their own personal experience UTA had to learn to control his emotions during his fight with suguru ghetto yuji's cursed energy lag due to never being taught how to flow cursed energy properly creating Divergent fist they both also never fully mastered in Bu weapons with cursed energy just from Gojo's training alone UTA cracked his sword when fighting ghetto and Yuji Flatout says that he never got an opportunity to learn this with Gojo it's probably harder to explain and teach from what you understand about cursed energy when your efficiency and skill with manipulating cursed energy has been greatly boosted with the six eyes but that's just one example where the advanced stages of Gojo's training ended up falling short with his students being able to connect with your students is a crucial aspect to being a teacher and it's another area that Gojo falls short he felt isolated there's something between himself and everybody else around Gojo goes out of his way to mention that this applies to everyone even those who love and adored him that last line was obviously referring to his students which explains the blooming flower on screen it represents his dream of fostering them into strong allies understanding that there's a gap between himself and others around him is problematic for becoming a teacher connecting with them and having the ability to relate overall with your students is crucial for manifesting that Bond that's going to be needed to create that long-term influence that's going to be imprinted onto your students the last thing that any teacher would want is for the their student to be leaving the classroom thinking that their teacher is an idiot because of their inability to share their understanding however at the end of the day the hups were still wiped out by Satur Gojo and it went against his previous decision to avoid creating a massacre the only real difference now is that after the massacre Gojo can have gaku ganji take control instead of having other people who also share the same agenda as the higher-ups going on to take their place like Goa was worried about in the beginning of the series now going forward from this point on if Gojo goes on to lose against sakuna chaos like what happened after shabuya would never happen again because gaku ganji would be the one in charge but even with gaku gangji's takeover solving for some aspects that were problematic before the problem from within the jiujitsu society after a massacre would still remain the people in the community overall would never remain complicit in approve of having their leading political officials getting massacred Gojo goes on to request that UTA inumaki Panda and Maki go on to leave before he gets started aside from his future actions being very gruesome Gojo doesn't really know if this decision is quote the right thing to do taking part in something this gruesome could potentially paint Gojo's group as evil individuals instead of leaders which would go on to endanger his entire goal now when considering everything mentioned so far Gojo does definitely lack realistic long-term goals and demonstrates a failure to plan ahead sat Gojo is going to receive two points for this question question number 10 on the PCR the satu Gojo exhibit having poor Behavior controls individuals who score highly within this category they often struggle to control their behavior and emotions and often react impulsively or aggressively without considering the consequences surprisingly when taking taking Gojo into consideration he probably doesn't score any points within the section in fact he's probably better than most people when it comes to controlling their emotions cursed energy itself is just negative energy that's powered by negative emotion and controlling those emotions is crucial in becoming a strong sorcerer controlling some of the strongest emotions like pain regret and anger are the first steps to manipulating cursed energy you could try making the argument that because his six eyes help him control his cursed energy it's not really Gojo controlling his own emotions but we know for a fact that Gojo has to control his own emotions himself and not with his six eyes this statement comes from Gojo explaining to Yuji how exactly to become strong after Yuji asked how to become the strongest himself while thinking back to Gojo's own words he clearly demonstrates an understanding for the importance in controlling your emotions and it's why he trains his mind before his fight with sakuno during his younger years it might have been a little bit more debatable but as an adult Satur Gojo can more than confidently control his emotions and behavior I'm going to grade Gojo with a zero for this category moving on to question number 12 on the pclr did satu Gojo exhibit behavior problems during his childhood or adolescence high scores on this trade often correlate with the history of persistent and serious childhood or adolescent behavior problems we didn't spend much time seeing his childhood but I feel like we definitely saw enough of younger Gojo to answer this question for example when utahime and mayay were trapped inside a barrier by a curse spirit that they've been tracking down they've been traveling in circles for quite a bit of time however before trying to escape on their own the ceiling begins to crack open Gojo had used his Limitless curse technique to activate blue to completely rip apart the building with utahime and mayay still inside a aside from this being incredibly irresponsible and potentially endangering utahime and mayay Gojo had forgotten to place down his curtain before using a large scale attack with Jutsu considering Gojo then immediately goes on to explain why he doesn't feel responsible for not doing things like placing down curtains to protect non Sorcerers I highly doubt that Gojo is a firsttime offender being generous since we don't see Gojo that much during his younger years he's going to receive just one point question number 13 the SAT Gojo often engage in spontaneous and Hasty Behavior without having an adequate forethought or consideration for the potential risks and consequences individuals who are placed under this section on the pclr they often find that their actions are poorly planned Reckless or taken on a whim these individuals often find themselves in trouble because they seek immediate gratification but without taking into account the potential risks and acting frequently on impulse I really find it hard to say that this is the place that we should categorize Gojo sometimes it can seem like some of these decisions are made impulsively without Gojo spending much time thinking about the future outcome by making each of these decisions however that's partially because in reality Gojo doesn't spend much time planning for each of these actions but then again that's not for any reason that would make him seem Psychopathic using the six eyes it grants him high-speed processing Gojo's mind just moves much faster than any other sorcerer thoughts that can normally take minutes to fully process can happen instantly for satu Gojo decisions like casting his point 2 infinite void down in shabuya B5 was a very well thought out decision and probably the most well calculated that we've ever seen sat Gojo some parts of this plan come down to intuition but most of this plan was strategically formulated by Gojo's own estimations other decision decisions like keeping around Yuji and UT were also actions that were created with much forethought in mind and even during battle while some of his reactions might have been made out of impulse we saw Gojo thoroughly change up his strategy right in the middle of the fight striking sakuna in the back with a red that was designed to travel around the building or even Gojo setting up an unlimited Hollow purple is a very well planned strategy that was definitely not designed out of impulse Satur Gojo clearly does not act impulsively I'm giving him zero points for this section question number 14 on the pclr does SAT Gojo fail to acknowledge responsibility for his own actions individuals who find themselves placed within this category they often avoid accepting responsibility but for actions that were typically LED with a bad outcome Gojo doesn't really find himself placed in this category whatsoever he definitely made his own fair share of apologies and understands clearly when he's the one that messed up when speaking with suguru ghetto in the afterlife he fully accepts losing to sakuno Gojo even goes as far to mention that even without the 10 Shadows nothing would have changed the outcome of this fight whether that's actually true or not isn't really the topic of discussion it clearly shows on many levels that go is willing to accept responsibility even for actions that have led to bad outcomes sat Gojo is going to be scored with another zero in total he's received about 7 points throughout this examination the original pclr is compacted with a total of 20 Questions however our version is only 14 the removed questions aren't here because they obviously weren't going to impact the overall score or they just don't at all pertain to Gojo or aren't applicable to the world of jjk here on screen you can see just some of the ridiculous ones but this also means that with some missing questions we're going to need to adjust the overall score to be considered a psychopath it depends really on what institution you're looking at but their scores for diagnosing psychopathy are really mostly between 25 and about 30 points considering that score reflects the rating of a 20-point question exam we're going to need to adjust our grading system for a 14 question version of the pclr in order to consider sat Gojo a potential psychopath on our version of the psychopathy checklist we need him to score at least 12 and 1 12 points with just a total of 7even points according to the pclr examination that's used both clinically and across the criminal justice system sat Gojo would not be considered a psychopath so here's my final opinion with his younger years it's definitely more debatable if he temporarily enters a state of mind that could come with its own Psychopathic traits however temporarily entering a state of mind with Psychopathic Tendencies doesn't really make you a psychopath he very well might have entered a state of mind where he would have had Psychopathic traits but there's a pretty big difference between a state of mind and the trait of a person's character it's pretty unfair to diagnose Gojo's character overall as one of jiujitsu kaisen psychopaths I mean not being diagnosed as a psychopath doesn't mean he completely checks out psychologically antisocial personality disorder is definitely debatable but that's a topic for another video big thank you again to Surf shark for sponsoring this video and make sure you guys check out the link in the description so that way you don't miss out on this great deal
Channel: Jaded
Views: 41,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Is Gojo a Psychopath?, is satoru gojo a psychopath, is satoru gojo, gojo psychopath, is Minato a psychopath, Gojo Psychology, jujutsu kaisen analysis, gojo mentality, gojo mental breakdown, gojo psycho, jujutsu kaisen psychology, jujutsu kaisen psycho gojo, Jaded Satoru, JadedJJK, Jaded, Satoru Gojo
Id: ZPIP_a72eb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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