How STRONG is Gojo?

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so recently I went back to Japan for the second time this year and so for the second time in two months I had two 12-hour flights to and from Japan and while the first time I went to Japan I dedicated myself to reading one punch man I've already caught up with one punch man so I figured might as well catch up with another manga so I decided to read the entirety of jjk and wow is it complicated it was like rereading Hunter Hunter for the first time the powers are so complicated there's barriers certain powers play into other powers if you take a risk the powers get stronger domain expansion to domain expansion battles simple domains I found myself having to reread chapters two to three times just to figure out what was going on which is good for me because now I understand everything but if I found it complicated and is quite literally my job to decipher anime for everybody on the internet there's probably a couple people out there who could use a little lesson So today we're going to start with something relatively simple we're gonna dip our toe into the jjk world and see if this here Paige wants me to talk about it more today we're going to talk about arguably the best boy in all of jjk Gojo satro and more specifically both how his abilities work and how strong those abilities make it because if we're being entirely real nobody's a better representation of how complicated power can be in the jjk universe then Gojo Gojo is also the perfect example of how certain powers can stack on top of each other in the jjk universe to make an incredibly strong fighter so he serves as the perfect way for us to begin chipping away at the very large iceberg that is jjk but before we get to chipping at anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti button if you feel like chipping away at any self-doubt I have go ahead and follow my brand new podcast to talk who's Anonymous where me and Danny Mata break down everything that happened in anime this week before we get into all that guys today I want to talk about our favorite reoccurring sponsor to the page Tokyo treat in soccer Tokyo tree and sakurako our monthly subscription boxes that send you Japanese snacks up first let's talk about Tokyo tree every single month has a theme and this month's theme is Japan's Best Bites but outside of that theme Tokyo treat focuses on how a modern Japanese household would snack sending you a myriad of Japanese exclusive flavors like melon kitkats but this might look intimidating to you because you don't read or speak Japanese so if you want to eat something like this you may not know if you'll like it or if you'll be allergic to it which is where our 24-page pamphlet comes in that tells us all about every single item in this box everything from common allergens to when and where these snacks are eaten and from that we can learn that these are Curry kame-san senbai so let's give them a try immediately on the nose smells exactly like Curry but let's try them tastes like Curry too the flavor profile is incredible but enough about Tokyo treat let's talk about soccer account soccerco also has a theme every month and this month's theme is a taste of Japan while Tokyo treat focuses on how a modern Japanese household snacks soccer Co focus on how Japan has snacks for hundreds of years supplying you with artisanal and handmade snacks from all over Japan so while you won't see things you're familiar with like kitkats you'll see more things like this which may seem intimidating but once again we have our pamphlet and from that we can learn that these are actually mayonnaise sounds interesting let's give them a try Down the Hatch if the Last Ship nailed the curry flavor this more than nailed the mayonnaise flavor I gotta go in for another one it's like every different ship is a different kind of mayonnaise on top of snacks soccerco also sends you one piece of tableware a month and this month was a little box that you can use for pickled ginger or Wasabi so what are you guys waiting for use code TWC at checkout for five dollars off your first order from soccerco or Tokyo tree just navigate to either of their websites through the links in my description and you'll be snacking like a pro in no time no one can nail a flavor like the Japanese so Gojo the current head of the Gojo family regarded as the strongest Jiu Jitsu sorcerer in the universe the second that Gojo was born bounties were placed on his head as he was the first person to inherit both Limitless and the six eyes in 400 years his very birth his very being shifted the Power Balance from cursed spirits to jiu jitsu Sorcerers and more than that Rose the notoriety of the Gojo family to as high as it possibly could be but where does Gojo's strength come from what is the Limitless what is the six eyes and how do they both work well in order to break all that down and we're going to have to start where we usually start these videos at the beginning see Gojo wasn't always the strongest Jiu-Jitsu sorcerer on Earth he had to work his way there he was obviously born with an incredible amount of Promise having both the six eyes and the Limitless but when Gojo himself was in jjk hi both him and ghetto were referred to as the strongest being revered as equally strong Sorcerers capable of wiping any problem they come across off the map it genuinely wasn't until ghetto and Gojo needed to acquire a star plasma vessel for master tangin who is the genderless entity that lives under jjk high and maintains the barrier around jjk High then kojo began to evolve into the strongest being in the universe by the way I feel as though I shouldn't blast past that whole star plasma vessel thing Esther Tangen is kind of like a thumb thumb looking dude from Spy Kids and every 500 years masterton needs to switch vessels the vessels that he switches into are referred to as star plasma vessels this is because Master tankin as an entity is technically Immortal however he still ages so so his vessels can only age for 500 years and unfortunately for ghetto and Gojo those 500 years ended while they were in jjk high so Gojo and ghetto needed to acquire the next star plasma vessel and that star plasma vessel is Rico Amina however there's people that don't want masterton to take a new star plasma vessel for so these people hire a man by the name of toji fushigora now toji is incredibly strong but not strong because he's a strong Jiu Jitsu sorcerer toji is incredibly strong because he doesn't have cursed energy which is something that is exceedingly rare in the jjk universe it makes him all but impossible to track or follow by Jujutsu Sorcerers as Jiu Jitsu Sorcerers usually fight based off reading their opponent's cursed energy and it's toji's idea to basically drag Rico omini all across Japan in order to wear down ghetto and Gojo because at this point Gojo hasn't perfected his six eyes or his Limitless and while Gojo does have an insane amount of cursed energy probably the second or third most in the entirety of the jjk universe during these couple of days he's forced to keep his six eyes in his Limitless activated the entire time and for those of you really paying attention to the anime of the you'll say well that's not an issue for Gojo he literally always has them activated however in his early high school days that was a problem because at this current time Point Gojo had not yet perfected the six eyes and thus when he came into combat against toji a couple of days into protecting and escorting Rico Gojo was significantly weakened in that he didn't have access to the entirety of his cursed energy Gojo in this battle against tochi who has no cursed energy and therefore Gojo isn't able to track his movements decide that if he can't track the move in Satoshi who is incredibly fast and strong that he'll simply Blast away everything around him that way toji won't be able to sneak up on however after doing that toji absolutely sneaks up on him and stabs him through the neck which you're saying should be impossible because of Gojo's Limitless however tochi has a cursed weapon known as the inverted Spear of Heaven in this inverted sphere of Heaven disrupts cursed techniques and therefore was able to scramble Gojo's Limitless and Pierce through his neck however this isn't Gojo's end obviously and even though toji believes Gojo is dead Gojo In This Moment has his Awakening see the reason that we're talking about this is for this one specific moment because it was his battle against toji that awoken Gojo to his true potential to Gojo the minute he was stabbed through the neck converted all of his cursed energy into positive energy because you need positive energy to pull off reversed cursed technique also known as healing techniques see Gojo up to this moment had not been good at reverse curse technique however the Catalyst of being stabbed through the neck instantly taught him but this breakthrough applies to just more than reverse curse technique it also applies to his Limitless as his breakthrough in finding out how to convert his cursed energy into positive energy has taught Gojo how to combine his red and blue to create purple giving him the strongest weapon in his Arsenal purple we then checked back in with Gojo a year later ghetto and shoko were helping him with his techniques to this point that is revealed to us that Gojo has mastered his six eyes so that he can use his six eyes in his Limitless endlessly a technique he mastered so he would never be put in a situation like he was put in against Toge so now that the stage is said for how Gojo got as strong as he is let's talk about these abilities that he mastered let's start with the six eyes because they're what we know less about but they're also somehow easier to explain Gojo six eyes is what he worked on the year after his battle against toji much like the Limitless this is a technique specific to members of the Gojo family however as far as we know the six eyes are only used to boost the power of limitless meaning that if hypothetically you were to inherit just the six eyes they would be kind of useless Steve we learned from Yuda and kind of Gojo that the six eyes allow Gojo to use his techniques limitlessly see all we really hear from Gojo when he's practicing his techniques with ghetto and shoko a year after toji's fight is that he can now use Limitless in the six eyes forever but we're never really given a reason for that until Utah explains what the six eyes are Toyota explained to us that the six eyes increase the efficiency of Gojo's cursed techniques to such a degree that they basically cost him no cursed energy the exact words that UDA uses is that Gojo's curse techniques use an infinitesimally close to zero amount of cursed energy meaning that hypothetically Gojo could run out of cursed energy if he were to battle for a millennium but that would never be the case because not only does Gojo have a top three amount of cursed energy in the entire jjk verse but all of his techniques take a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of that cursed energy to use meaning for all intents and purposes Gojo could fight at His Highest Potential Forever on top of that the six eyes give the user an insane amount of perception as the six eyes give the user the ability to turn one moment into a minute in their brain that is to say that in a blink of an eye a six eyes user can see not only kilometers but also deduce everything that's happening in those kilometers that they can see giving them the ability to analyze and calculate exactly what they need to do significantly faster than anybody else on top of that six eyes allow the user to see cursed energy with Incredible preciseness being able to read and predict what cursed energy is going to do significantly better than anybody else more than anything the 6is allowed the user to deduce the mass speed and shape of every single thing they see which is why the six eyes are said to maximize the potential of Limitless because while the user of Limitless can control limitless meaning they're taking an active role and making sure nothing ever touches them six eyes can also be set to run Limitless on autopilot that is to say that the six eyes will deduce any projectile coming towards the user or Limitless check its speed shape and size and then calculate the reverse cursed energy needed to make sure that that object doesn't hit the user of limitless meaning much like gara's perfect sand defense Gojo if he's using the six eyes to run his Limitless doesn't have to put any input into his Limitless to stop everybody from hitting him meaning Gojo can focus on other things like hand-to-hand combat or red or blue or purple but six eyes are even more incredible than that because the six eyes are like the highest death camera you could imagine even when covered you see Gojo can still see when his eyes are covered better than you or I can see and users of the six eyes need to cover their eyes because if they don't have their eyes covered they pull in so much information with their six eyes constantly that it tires their eyes out the only time Gojo really needs his eyes uncovered if he wants to use things like Limitless void or Hollow purple because these are Advanced applications of the six eyes in Limitless everything else Gojo can have his eyes covered for and that's basically everything you need to know about the six eyes so let's get into Gojo's other significantly more confusing but much better understood ability Limitless Limitless at its base isn't that confusing his inability specific to the Gojo family just like with the six eyes and in essence it gives the user of Limitless almost complete control over space at an atomic level using cursed energy so that's pretty simple the ability to manipulate space using cursed energy down to an atomic level I mean broken but simple Limitless has three standard and one non-standard form the first of the standard forms is infinity now this is the most known of Gojo's abilities finity is the neutral form of Limitless this is Gojo's absolute defense ability his ability to stop anything that approaches him the reason that I put stop in quotation marks is because Gojo doesn't actually stop anything that comes towards him much in the same way as nothing actually ever really stops see Gojo instead of stopping something slows it down but slows it down to a point that is infinitesimally close to zero meaning that as you get closer to Gojo your speed is continually have and while a number that is halved can never become zero because if you were to times one by 0.5 you would get 0.5 times it again you get 0.25 so on and so forth that number would infinitesimally approach zero meaning that while it would never become zero it would get as physically close to zero as possible which means that if Gojo stood there and he tried to punch him for an eternity you would eventually get very very close to his face but you would never actually touch him because Gojo in this circumstance is zero and this is why it's called Infinity because there is an infinite amount of space between you and Gojo but this doesn't mean that nothing can touch Gojo Gojo can decide what does and doesn't touch him and he does this using the power of His six eyes that allows him to read the speed mass and danger rating of anything approaching him relatively simple we get it the second standard form of Limitless is blue specifically cursed technique lapse blue now this is unfortunately where we start to get a little bit more complicated see blue is a reinforced form of neutral Limitless also known as Infinity in order to talk about this we're gonna have to hearken back to the idea that Gojo is zero anything that tries to approach Gojo will never reach zero however when Gojo pours more cursed energy into his neutral Limitless he introduces negative numbers that is to say that Gojo goes from zero to a negative number now physically this is an impossibility by Gojo becoming a negative number he's creating negative distance and negative distance can't exist you can't be minus one centimeters from something no matter in what direction you are from something you are one centimeter from it so the universe doesn't like the impossibility of this negative number or this negative distance existing because physically it shouldn't happen and thus the universe tries to rebalance the equilibrium and thus the universe tries to stuff all of the matter around this negative distance into the negative distance space which creates a strong magnetic force kind of like a black hole well it can be like a black hole it can also be like a strong magnet the attractive force of the blue is decided by how much cursed energy is put into the blue and we we've seen the blue at a point of strength where it crumbles all of the buildings around it in a second any human body hit with this technique implodes immediately as every single atom in your body is pulled towards that negative space however since this technique is controlled by the six eyes and therefore can be manipulated incredibly precisely Gojo is also able to use this technique to pull two Blues towards each other at insanely fast speeds and therefore we can use the attractive forces of these essentially black holes to teleport himself instantaneously all you need to do is create a negative space where he is in somewhere else and he essentially makes a warp hole to another place meaning Gojo with the use of blue effectively can teleport Gojo's third and final standard form of Limitless is red also known as cursed technique reversal red now Gojo didn't figure out how to use this technique until after his battle against toji because this technique requires Gojo to reverse his cursed energy into positive energy now this technique is a bit less complicated because instead of creating an attraction Force Red creates a repelling force and this doesn't require you making a negative distance or negative numbers because once again if we think of Gojo as zero in order to repel things away from him he would have to use positive numbers like one two or three because everything outwards from Gojo is a positive number from zero however even though this technique sounds easier to use it's actually significantly harder to use amongst users of Limitless because it requires Mastery over reverse curse technique and turning the negative cursed energy into positive cursed energy is a very difficult task especially when doing it at such a high level as red fortunately Gojo After figuring out reverse curse technique in order to save his life after being stabbed through the throat was able to find out how to create positive cursed energy now he has a complete and total control over red he also has complete control over is the only non-standard form of Limitless purple now Hollow technique purple is a combination of both blue and red also known as a combination of attractive and repulse of forces meaning essentially it's a black hole that Gojo can shoot by creating an attractive force with blue and propelling it with red purple is create now this attack is Gojo's most devastating because it gives him the destructive force of blue with the range of red and since Gojo can control space to an atomic level anything caught in purple is erased molecularly Gojo with the application to purple is able to erase anything in this path on an atomic level but even purple isn't Gojo's strongest ability because Gojo's domain expansion is probably the strongest domain expansion in the entire show where there's domain expansions like hikaris that put him in a Pachinko game that makes him unkillable for four minutes or domain expansions like sakuna's malevolent Shrine that allows him to destroy anything within 200 meters of him but both of those Tremor at the idea of Gojo's domain expansion unlimited void The Limited void domain expansion brings Gojo in whoever he's cast into his domain expansion into the Limitless an extra dimensional space where everything that has ever existed or will exist or has existed is currently existing basically brings Gojo and who's ever in his domain into an infinite well of information and as all of the information of the universe floods into his opponent's head they are understandably too stunned to move as all of the actions a person has or will take in their life are flooded back into their heads and all they're allowed to do is stand there until they die if that sounds scary wait it gets worse Mojo also has such precise control over this domain expansion that is able to open it for 0.2 seconds see Gojo during the Shibuya incident which I'm not going to get into right now because spoilers was able to open his domain expansion for 0.2 seconds he opened his domain expansion for 0.2 seconds because he was surrounded by innocent people and he figured that by opening his domain expansion for 0.2 seconds that the humans around him wouldn't have permanent after effects after being put into the Limitless void as in 0.2 seconds the amount of information that they were given was only a half a Year's work which tells us that every second in the Limitless void exposes you to two and a half years of knowledge and in these point two seconds of unlimited void Gojo killed 1 000 cursed spirits well that's not entirely accurate Gojo activated his domain expansion in 0.2 seconds to stun all of the cursed spirits around him and then in the preceding 299 seconds at all of the cursed spirits around him were stunned he killed a thousand cursed spirits still very impressive that is 3.3 curse Spirits a second and it probably would have been substantially faster if Gojo wasn't weaving through a crowd of Innocence so now that we have all this information how strong is sataro Gojo well obviously we know that he is the strongest sorcerer in the jjk universe that doesn't mean that Gojo doesn't have weaknesses he absolutely does ironically Gojo is at his weakest in the jjk universe if you were to pop Gojo into any the other Universe he would be unkillable his ability to not be hit by anything and fight limitlessly basically makes him an invincible perpetual motion machine the irony is within the confines of the jjk universe there are things that can kill Goji like the inverted Spear of Heaven cursed objects that can mess with his cursed technique slaves that can penetrate through the Limitless objects like the prison realm which I'm not going to talk about right now because once again spoilers so ironically even though Gojo is absolutely the strongest Sorcerer And probably the strongest being in the jjk universe there are ways to take him down ironically Maki as she currently stands with the inverted Spear of Heaven would probably be Gojo's best battle in the jjk universe currently but if we're ignoring things like cursed objects and cursed tools scaling Gojo is a bit easy the easiest things to talk about when scaling Dojo are his stamina and his durability because both are basically irrelevant it's been stated that Gojo's cursed techniques using infinitesimally close to zero amount of his cursed energy which is already almost at the level of Utah as Yuda is the only person in the jjk universe has been stated to have more cursed energy than go however since Yoda doesn't have the ability to use infinitesimally close to zero amount of his cursed energy every time he uses a cursed technique Ojo can fight substantially longer than Yuda to an almost irrelevant degree so in the same way that if denji had a constant supply of blood he would be a perpetual motion machine kojo just by existing is kind of a perpetual motion machine and then obviously there's his durability durability doesn't really matter if you physically cannot be hit it quite literally does not matter how big or how fast a certain object is that's approaching goja its speed will be halved perpetually as it tries to approach him and considering the fact that his Infinity is infinitely powered unless you have a cursed object that can break through his Infinity like the inverted Spear of Heaven you will never land a hit on him so you could say the same thing about his defensive power it doesn't matter the level of attack you launch at Gojo it's not gonna hit him now if he blew up the Earth that Gojo was standing on could he breathe in space we don't really know and the answer is probably he could probably extend the infinity around him to give himself a pocket of air also taken to the fact that he has perfected reverse curse technique meaning that even if you you were to land a fatal blow on him he could simply heal himself from it and once again with the power of the six eyes he could heal himself perpetually as even his reverse curse technique using infinitesimally close to zero amount of his total energy the only real place we see Gojo lacking is when it comes to attack power as pretty much the biggest thing we've seen out of Gojo is his purple which might be like mountain or Island level but at the same time considering the purple is an extension of his blue which creates an actual black hole and implodes human bodies you could hypothetically scale purple all the way up to Black Hole levels it's just a matter of how much cursed energy Gojo puts into it once again considering the fact that Gojo has almost Limitless cursed energy meaning that Gojo could pour hypothetically as much curse energy as he wanted into a blue we could probably make a full on black hole he just doesn't want to because it would destroy the Earth so the question Still Remains how strong is Gojo and the only real answer is as strong as he wants to be I mean we're not even considering his domain expansion but there's a possibility that his domain expansion would only work against those with cursed energy as we've seen people like Maki in domain expansions being treated like buildings because she doesn't have cursed energy we don't know of people without cursed energy within the confines of the unlimited void would be treated like buildings or would come under the effects of the unlimited void because we've never seen anybody without cursed energy be affected by the unlimited void so how strong is Gojo well he's so strong that the mangaka quite literally had to write the Shibuya incident so you tell me and while you guys are telling me all about it tell me in the comments if you think I missed anything and while you're at it please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell I genuinely love just getting deep into a confusing manga this is how I stay relevant foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 216,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, jjk, jujutsu kaisen, gojo, cursed energy, jjk explained, gojo explained, six eyes, limitless, infinite void, cursed spirits
Id: 36AZbuln01I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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