Jujutsu Kaisen's Worst Theory Is Real

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what top five you smoking on sakuna because my top five is Gojo Gojo [Music] Gojo so Gojo did return but not really in the way that anybody expected it's not a dream ghost or hallucination like some people were saying and it's definitely a real person it's just not Gojo it's his body but not the person that we knew before it's definitely not like super complicated but it takes a second to completely wrap your head around it if you know what I'm saying last chapter left us off with a ton of hype this chapter definitely did not fall off with any of that hype either if you like it or not if you love it or you hate it that's not really what this video is about I'll be talking about everything you can expect from one of JJ K's craziest theories becoming reality because 99% of you guys just aren't subscribed please make sure to leave a like on the video and subscribe if you want more jiujitsu kaisen content like this last chapter left us off with a cliffhanger nobody really knew what to expect it could have gone in a ton of different directions but this is the outcome that we got sakuna looks over and it looks like Gojo just randomly arrived on the battlefield some translations like tcbs they went ahead and called this a vision and it gave people the idea that the figure standing in the Smoke wasn't really there in reality or at least physically the editor comment for chapter 260 it referenced how those eyes are completely unmistakable and it gave me the idea that at least the person who was standing there was definitely not an illusion but no one really predicted this but yeah this is actually Gojo's body standing in the Smoke it's not an illusion it's not a ghost and it's definitely not kosimo in hindsight it was pretty obvious that this was wasn't like an illusion or a ghost Gojo showing up when Yuji and Toto have the upper hand that's a clear call back to Goodwill the crow that we see in the chapter could be a call back to the incantation that Gojo makes when launching Hollow purple which is also the same attack that he used against Hanami when he pulled up back in Goodwill which is the same callback that they're making now when he pulls up against sakuno but obviously the clear difference is that this isn't actually satu Gojo it's UT aotu in Gojo's body this was always going to be the backup plan from the start or really more like the backup plan for the backup plan for the backup plan from the very beginning the plan was always to have UT go after Kaku but UT came up with an idea to use kaku's curse technique once the fight was over when I say this plan was for when the fight was over I don't mean his fight with kinjaku I mean his fight with sakuno UT had a plan that if he couldn't take down sakuna inside of his domain he would become somebody who could they all agreed that UT would only follow this plan if they didn't really have any options left and most of them were wiped out what UTA is talking about is the backup plan of backup plans if all else goes wrong this is exactly what they're going to do it's a pretty important detail considering that we've been watching backup plan after backup plan unfold all throughout Shinjuku there was a plan that if Gojo became weaker than UTA or hakari then they would both intervene and that was the original backup plan then after that they had Yuji and higuma as the first people to step onto the battlefield besides kosimo higar ruma's job was to take away sakuna curse technique to make the rest of the fight easier but that obviously didn't work UTA showed up late but they still went on with the plan to trap sakuna inside of the domain to then basically just fry him in Angel's curse technique but when that that plan obviously didn't work they had Maki zenin sneak inside the domain and stab sakuna with the soul Liberation Blade the craziest part is that this isn't even every backup plan after backup plan they had Miguel who wasn't even going to join the fight until satu Goa went down and sakuna didn't have his domain expansion malevolent Shrine then there was Toto who was being saved in case sakuna managed to pull off another malevolent Shrine and now we have UTA Satur rotu or just UTA and Gojo's body when talking about the future of the story it's really important to remember that this is the final backup plan from what it sounds like there really isn't much of a plan after this I really don't think anybody's going to go farther than this to beat sakuno that's also kind of what UT's talking about they all understand that if you want to be the person to take down sakuna you have to sacrifice part of yourself that makes you human being the strongest is something bigger than yourself and doing things to overtake the strongest is going to be something that's bigger than your own Humanity UT doesn't think it's fair that they're all going to be pointing at Gojo to be the one to forsake his Humanity for them to beat sakuno UT has been trying to relieve Gojo as some of the hardest burdens to carry on his shoulders he wanted to be the one to kill Kaku because he didn't want to have Gojo be the person to kill his best friend for a second time UTA probably understands Gojo on a level that we really didn't know about before he understands that Gojo had to become a monster in order to be the strongest he doesn't like that Gojo's taking on another burden he doesn't like that everybody's pointing to Gojo to be the one to take down sakuna and become a bigger monster than he already is to UT that's not even the biggest problem he wants to know who's the next person who's going to forsake part of their Humanity if Gojo goes down and go Gojo loses then who's going to be the next Monster to be the one to take down Roman sakuna if Gojo can't do it by the time the fight in suai Colony comes to a close there's only three people standing UT obviously beat both Ryu and Oro but decides not to exercise them off when Ryu actually wakes up he tells UT that sparing Sorcerers who fight seriously is completely useless UT tells him that Oro said the same thing and oro's conversation with UT is a bit more lengthy than just that she basically explains to UT that if he doesn't change the way he thinks he'll be the one to reach his limits Oro Flatout says that she's seen it before between any type of sorcerer cursed Spirit or strong fighter what transcends merely being strong is an overwhelming sense of self in a complete disregard for others the person that oro's describing is romen sakuna to compete with a Calamity like sakuna you're going to have to also become a monster UT might not be able to save Gojo from having to become the monster that faces Roman sukuna but he's not going to let another person who he cares for take on that burden UTA says that if Gojo's gone then the monster has to be somebody else he says if no one else will then he will become the next person to forsake his Humanity when they're nearly completely out of options and almost everybody's wiped out Utah aotu is willing to become the next monster and the next saw through Gojo both literally and figuratively he's willing to use his own sensei's body as if it's another tool in the name of winning by doing something completely inhumane and forsaking some of his Humanity Utah kotu became the next Monster so now UT but in Gojo's body forsaking some of his Humanity finally made his way to the battlefield before UTA fully made the switch into Gojo's body there's a couple of variables that they can't really account for nobody knows exactly how this is going to work the problem is that it depends on kaku's technique and no one really knows a ton about it mayay goes on to explain the pros and cons about UTA copying kaku's technique and there's definitely more than one thing that they're not really sure about kaku's curse technique could be the type that's always working around the clock or could be the type that only works for a short period of time depending on which one could be a major problem for Utah because either the physical body or the soul can't be maintained and he's eventually going to die if kaku's curse technique only operates for a short period of time he won't die immediately but he'll die eventually but if kaku's curse technique is a single time used technique then UT is going to be able to use the limit lless for past the 5-minute timer that he has with r it's also possible that after the switch uta's original curse technique copy is going to be completely discarded and he'll be forced to live in Gojo's body from now on I'm not going to lie every single one of these variables are pretty gamechanging but the last part is probably the craziest if uta's actually able to use his copy curse technique while being inside of Gojo's body that's going to change everything completely beyond what any but he really predicted that means that UTA potentially might be able to use the techniques that he copied and stored inside of RA but in Gojo's body a body with the six size uta's biggest problem before was that he kept bottoming out and running out of cursed energy and it was mainly when he was overusing things like reverse curse technique but now that UT is in a body with the six eyes efficiency with cursed energy really isn't going to be a problem Gojo six eyes allow him to use as little cursed energy as possible and now UTA has access to that he should still be connected to ra so he's going to have a bigger pool of cursed energy than Gojo did with having Gojo level efficiency even if UTA does have access to his curse technique copy while inside of Gojo's body none of the techniques that he has stored inside of RA could even compareed to the Limitless when pushed against the corner N9 out of 10 times UTA should probably use the Limitless curse technique before trying anything else but even if the Limitless is better than anything in his Arsenal he might still be able to put both abilities to use sakuna swwa between the 10 shadows and a shrine curse technique throughout his fight with satr Gojo UT is not a stranger to mixing techniques in combination with each other and it's the entire idea around his domain expansion it's filled with blades that are enhanced with random curse techniques that have been copied and stored inside of RA but not even UT knows the exact technique before grabbing the katana but that's not really a problem for UTA we've seen him easily grab one of these swords and within seconds begin putting them to use obviously these examples are only really during a domain expansion but try to see the bigger picture for a second again UT is now operating within Gojo's body potentially also having goo's level of efficiency when activating curse techniques thanks to the six eyes sakuna sharpness with his techniques activation is unreal according to kosimo he can easily switch between activating and completely deactivating his curse technique Shrine like it's nothing but kosimo also mentions that even with sakuna quick technique activation in mind Gojo 6 eyes they still give him better efficiency when efficiency is directly compared with switching between on and off your curse technique Gojo is better than sakuna thanks to his six SI eyes just like how sakuna was quickly mixing up his fighting style between the 10 shadows and Shrine UTA might be able to do the same thing but with his own copy techniques with better efficiency we might even see some C crazy combinations like a blue Amplified punch followed up with a thin Icebreaker sakuna cleave and possibly even dismantles to while he's fighting in one of the strongest vessels in history it's just so crazy to have the six eyes that's going to do more for a kotu than just give him crazy efficiency one honestly underrated ability that comes with the six eyes is being able to read your opponent's curse technique with just a glance Gojo and now UTA can break down and explain any technique in detail if UTA can still use his copy curse technique along with all of his previously stored techniques like Shrine that might honestly change everything UT to using the six eyes he'll be able to break down techniques while they're being used by sakuno he'll be actively dissecting and analyzing every detail UTA might actively be learning how to improve that's also for any other curse technique that UT manages to copy while also having the six eyes one problem with copy with storing is techniques there's a limit on how many techniques can be kept at once it's just too much on the brain if you don't have an external storage mechanism like ra you're going to end up overloading your brain another insane ability with the six eyes is being able to quickly process and information Gojo's ability to process information insanely quickly is also thanks to his six eyes when the possibilities of ghetto not actually being ghetto begin flowing into Gojo's mind an entire minute passes because what would normally be a minute to anybody else was processed in just an instant for Satur Gojo every logical possibility that Gojo had was shut down all by his six eyes UT still has the same brain but in a new body with the six eyes his brain probably won't get overloaded as fast with the six eyes at least compared to his old body aside from his original cursed technique copy what we really expect to see is how UT is going to use Gojo's curse technique it's debatable how far UTA could really take this technique without any real experience Gojo took years to master his Limitless even with the six eyes but UT's already seemed to come pretty far with his new curse technique he ends the chapter by clashing domains with sakuna malevolent Shrine versus unlimited void domain expansion wasn't something that Gojo achieved from the start like aakar or higuma it's something that Gojo had to take years to master and manifested itself during training uta's already pulling off more than Gojo achieved in his earlier years of jiujitsu high but in all honesty that's not really surprising firstly it's important to remember that despite never using the Limitless before UT was still a special grid he's definitely not your rookie sorcerer by any means especially when it comes to mastering techniques his entire curse technique copy revolves around the idea of quickly copying abilities from others and implementing them in combat when he has barely any time to practice and really get it right Sky manipulation for example was one of those techniques that you to mastered pretty quickly for a prodigy it's really not a problem he's probably used to having to quickly wrap his head around new abilities all the time especially during combat using the six size combined with that special grade experience and it's no wonder why he's able to quickly cast unlimited void it's also not like uta's operating the Limitless curse technique like any other technique that he'd copy in the past he's also fighting in the body of saug Gojo that's gamechanging in and of itself kusakabe explains that yuji's rapid development sparked by sakuna experience being rubbed off during his Incarnation it's a similar concept to muscle memory itad dori's body remembers what it's like to use special G jiujitsu his body already had the experience that it normally takes those much stronger to achieve yuji's been reaching new levels of power and strength never before thought possible and it's partially or maybe even mostly because of sakuna keep in mind sakuna hadn't taken over yuji's body for really that long sakuna is incarnations in complete manifestations they never lasted longer than a few hours hakabe compared this concept to muscle memory so I'll elaborate on that a little bit more he mentions about how after repeating those motions your body will eventually remember how to respond automatically the rapid growth that we see for me toori is partially explained by those few moments that sakuna had complete control and overlaid special grade experience if it was really that crazy with Yuji imagine what's overlaid and coded all over Gojo's body Decades of technique development and experience and it's all coded within that body that's being used by Utah kotu besides UTA also potentially watching Gojo use his curse technique for years he also has the memories of when Gojo used techniques like red blue and even purple kinjaku told mahito that when entering ghetto body his memories began entering his own mind because the body is the soul and the soul is the body but it's not like this for everyone kinjaku says that it depends on your Technique different curse techniques dictate your world obviously uten kinjaku are using the same technique so in that sense it should be comparable Gojo's years of not only muscle memory but actual memories using his body and his techniques at probably one of the highest levels in history are now in UT's control UT now remembers both his own experience becoming a sorcerer fighting alongside ra and standing completely alone like saug Gojo ironically enough he should also remember what it's like fighting alongside sugetto from Gojo's time in Hidden inventory and fighting against ghetto during the night parade of a thousand demons but that's really just one example UT now also has the memories and experience from taking on toi zenin but more importantly Rian sakuna both from his own body and Gojo's UTA has two sets of experience going against the same enemy UT seen three different perspectives going against sakuno he's seen Gojo fight sakuno from a third person perspective by watching the fight through May's crows UT also has Gojo's firsters experience of that same fight with his own memories and lastly he seen own perspective fighting sakuna alongside Yuji itadori so that's three perspectives of fighting the same enemy rushing into Shinjuku again wasn't some stupid or uncalculated decision because UTA definitely is more than prepared this time when finally reaching Shinjuku he expands infin void UTA knows the risk of going against malevolent Shrine since zuna's domain is an open barrier expansion with a binding valve for increased range he knows the risk of infinite voids outer shell being cracked open by attacks from the outside shoko also explains that Gojo 6 eyes they're capable of gauging his opponent's ability to Clash domain expansions this can happen even before The Clash begins she mentions that Gojo could read sakuna using his six eyes and he'd know if sakuna felt that he couldn't win a domain expansion Clash before it's even casted if Gojo thought that he could win he'd begin expanding his domain which is exactly what he does next it wasn't inacurate Gojo's domain expansion infinite void clashed evenly with sakuna domain expansion malevolent shron our narrator even mentions that these domains they stood evenly UT with Gojo's body and his six eyes probably also knew the same outcome like Gojo did before the barriers even claped clashed when the chapter ends with both sakuna and UT expanding their domains just like before they'll Clash evenly and UT knows that sakuna open barrier expansion is the only real problem but just like everything else UT's already prepared our narrator says that sat Gojo already revealed the solution to an open barrier expansion UTA watched the solution in two different perspectives already he'll shrink down the size of his barrier like Gojo did and break malevolent Shrine from the inside sakuna had been caught inside infinite void before when he was completely unprotected it was really game over getting caught inside infinite void could be fatal mahara was taken out by Gojo's unlimited purple and if sakuna ends up getting trapped inside unlimited void the only thing he can really do is summon mahara who was obviously already exercised even if there's a new shikigami that's created by the destroyed 10 Shadows assuming it even has mahar's adaptation it would have to take the time to adapt to infinite void just like mahara had to do before when sakuna was adapting mahara Gojo didn't really catch on immediately he didn't know that mahara had been adapting all throughout the entire first round that they've been fighting but that's not a mistake that UT with Gojo's memories would end up making twice even if mahara was still around some people are considering the idea that Gojo's body might not be fully recovered even with UTA in control in my opinion there's not really much evidence for that at all in fact it's probably the opposite shoko tells him to quickly activate reverse curse technique at maximum output to complete the transfer into his new vessel Gojo's body was completely restored by running positive energy all throughout every single one of his limbs Gojo's body was restored by running positive energy physically he should be fine there's only really one red flag going into round two against sakuna his brain was nearly completely fried Gojo kept restoring his burnt out curse technique with reverse curse technique far beyond what he can normally handle Gojo went too far not even reverse curse technique could fix the damage that he'd already done but this isn't really uta's problem it's not like he's using Gojo's brain kaku's curse technique revolves around the concept of body hopping by physically transferring his mind into different vessels it's still you to same brain but inside of Gojo's body when expanding infinite void we see the same hand sign sakuna also recently used that same hand steal to cast his domain expansion malevolent Shrine you see just like Gojo sakuna also fried his brain by over restoring his burnt out curse technique and getting hit with infinite void but by switching between hand seals it allows sakuna to alter the part of his brain that is used when casting the level and Tron he's not still using that damaged part of his brain anymore and that's partially why he can use his domain expansion it's an obvious implication but it's implying that by switching between hand seals kind of like sakuna is doing right now you can also change the part of your brain that's used during expansion if UT was still using Gojo's brain then he wouldn't be able to cast infinite void with that same hand sign because he'd still be using the damag part of his brain but sakuna biggest problem right now is his malevolent Shrine Gojo was taking down malevolent Shrine within 3 minutes anything shorter than that in sakuna would have lost the Clash now that he can't keep up malevolent Shrine for longer than 99 seconds without some serious adjustments he's going to end up losing if UT is just as capable as Gojo once was sakuna is damaged pretty badly and UTA seems to be fully recovered and stronger than ever there's a pretty good chance that this won't be as close as last time but after knowing s for these last few chapters we'll probably see some adjustments made making this Clash a lot closer than it seems right now but for now utas satu aotu is the best thing to happen for jiujitsu high in a very long time going this route definitely raised a couple eyebrows but in reality I'm just happy that they didn't bring back kosimo because that bum does not deserve to come back I don't know why people in his loud tiny fan base were really advocating for that guy but come on I would much prefer any version of Gojo in anybody in Gojo's body than having kosimo back people online are already talking about Gojo character assassination after this chapter but I just don't understand it's all about narrative but you want kosimo back what importance does that guy have that guy's character is so wrapped up it's not even funny he is actually never going to return to the story
Channel: Jaded
Views: 197,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jaded, JadedJJK, JadedSatoru, SatoruJaded, Jaded JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen 261, Jujutsu Kaisen, JJK, JJK261, Yuta, Yuta Okkotsu, Yuta becomes Gojo, Yuta Gojo, Yuta Gojo Body, Gojo Return, Gojo return vs Sukuna, Yuta Vs Sukuna, Gojo Yuta
Id: mzFUMZ8wSrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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