This Garage Sale find was PRICELESS

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Saturday morning we're going to start with a community yard sale so supposedly there's going to be 10 sales here but we'll see I don't see one so far hey how you doing sir how much are your shoes uh maybe the boots and the sandals that one 15. how about the little kid baby boots about 15. how about these sandals right here the pink ones uh 10. 10. all right cool let's see what else you got yeah this one's 10 10 yeah I'm just interested in these two right here well you'll do I could do 15 for both no okay no worries 24 ball this twin is fine okay shoes nah a little out of my price range what do you think of the carpet for the cabin it's nice I like the pattern right here this is brand new oh wow okay I would assume it's gonna be like 500. he's based off of his prices but [Music] you want me to ask him okay give me a 15. you want to do 15 for both those shoes yeah okay how much are you oh I was wrong I'll take it you take it I need it for my little cabin okay all right we're buying a find a rug how much are your clothes items you were looking for a cooler right two a piece okay so these are made in USA in Hawaii t-shirts in there looking like they have on like a vintage tag so we'll grab these this one's really cool okay I'll get those three so that's six there and then let's see what this is that's pretty cool thank you how about this one [Music] a dollar okay I'll grab that too so our seven there okay and then another 15 for these two it's okay 15. fine okay so I can put these in there thank you there you go thank you so much thank you have a nice day yeah you too good luck today yeah thanks for having us take care it's a nice big rug yeah we got a little tiny one there okay I'm a big one it's crazy the kids boots you wanted 15. put the ruggie wants five yeah oh well it doesn't stink that's weird but it looks fairly clean the color for the cabin too the color of dirt yeah yeah that's true all right first stop we bought something that's a good sign good start of the day okay oh that worked out pretty good with the things folded down it's kind of like a Indian print or yeah Aztec all right on the next one I think I see one right up there oh this is very scary yeah she is that's Melinda how much are your hats 50 cents each is a vintage starter it's pretty cool with tags but really dirty 49ers [Music] it's probably older too that's pretty bird a little kiss piggy bank 's name Felix got a Harley Davidson glove mini glove that's pretty cool so you had a Felix and now you still have a Felix okay okay Felix is cute that's a cool sign how much is that oh that's a light oh it's a light oh for over the pool table yeah how much do you want 125 125. looks like it was never used huh it's really cool on it wow do you know how much like how long ago you got it or how old it is and then it was older like it's it's vintage right special thing yeah nice okay I got a couple more things so I got a dollar and hat so far and then we got the kiss piggy bank and uh 1.50 for these two for everything okay here I'll hold it sounds good oh this is a uh Rolling Stones yeah what I call a kiss yeah whoops show us how much I know oh how much are your little Honda knobs or a little cover things okay oh let's see yeah we'll grab those two got it so we're at 250. these are little lug nuts huh yeah a little replacement nuts never know when you're going to lose a net I always tell the guys it only takes one shot to shoot down probably Mama yeah there you go you go and keep the change all right thank you sir thank you anyway you get award award-winning mannequin display yeah that's good yeah she's got to come out so what's this thing for that's a Transit that's if you're a construction or working at Old School yep how much is that that's a hundred hundred bucks on that okay this is your high end table yeah okay awesome well thanks for the other deals you too take care all right that dyches again thing whatever there's none of the exact model uh Steve's at this other stuff but the other ones are selling in between 70 to like 300 and something that Budweiser Light I might want to look into also because that might be something what's up Steve hey Matt how you doing you already got all the good stuff nothing okay price is too high yeah I don't know good to see you you too how you been great yeah not so bad today uh it's too hot too hot oh yeah yeah I'm okay good okay good hanging in there a lot of sales today yeah it's a big day yeah we got to hit him before it gets hot right that's for sure yeah take care guys all right Steve we'll see around how much are your uh jerseys and shirts and stuff uh so what are you asking about winning uh I forget which one I was actually looking at um like this one looks pretty cool the white socks that's a replica I'll let it go for five that's okay so it's like a knockoff yeah I'll go yeah let's see what else we got here everything else as far as I know is real okay and then that one was a gift I you name your price on it yeah I have a I have a number in mind that I wouldn't let it go for for less though okay what are those like coffee stains or I have no clue yeah what's your my ballpark is like 35 35. do you have like the certificate or no okay yeah that's how I got it okay cool thank you how much are your Funko poppies uh let them go for three pop okay three a pop I like that how's it going what's up are these good who knows how much for the monitor uh that one I'm doing before here right now yeah I'm 27 right oh that's a Cubs this thing's always get me man these little cups yeah yeah yeah yeah I just picked up a 1963 black and white TV oh really like a tube and it works I'm trying to find comps and some of them are like a thousand dollars oh no way yeah that's awesome yeah do you have worth point and they gave me a dollar I do I don't you pay you have to pay to get into that right yeah I used to have someone I used their login but oh okay I lost it so does it actually work I mean I'm sure it's kind of sauce yeah I I would use it all the time yeah I'll have to check it out yeah I probably should I think it's like 15 a month which seems high but but yeah yeah it could pay off absolutely it's your phone number six five zero you guys mind if I set some stuff right here for a second cool well yeah let her know I actually have like oh I've been in that place yeah they offered to board it for her for free as long as you pay for the food oh okay foreign what do you want on your Crux the Crocs I'll do uh seven seven okay and then I got some other things here we go two dollars you said okay all right I'll grab that and then our Boots the Red Wings yeah um I'll do 15 is that fair for you 15. are they vintage no it's not necessarily they're just old oh made in USA yeah okay then and then three bucks a pop on those I'll do two two each for those two courses two each so six plus fifty so twenty one okay and then another two here yeah we'll do it so you 21 all right yeah perfect exact change for you thank you that's always appreciated there's two for you sir oh thank you thank you appreciate it yeah a lot of garage sales today yeah yeah okay uh were you okay okay cool you guys selling the old like video games or anything um I have a GameCube in box okay yeah don't have a price in mind yet okay yeah you wanna think about it think about it if you're if you're have managed to come back around I'll ask my wife because it's hers oh okay yeah yeah we'll probably be shooting out but uh [Music] okay I'm not gonna I'm not gonna push it thanks man good luck today thank you very much that's not good definitely don't want to drop your pops all right so Funko Pops for two each I don't know about those I got to search them because some of those are good some are really bad these vintage red wings for I don't know well these two well this so it's 21 for the pops in these so I think these boots will sell for like 80ish and then this was the win of that so a vintage LL Bean like utility jacket or something denim for two bucks pretty cool all right let's keep on rolling what's happening hey how you doing not too bad awesome maybe make a little money today huh yeah hopefully right some stuff that people want that's the goal yeah selling the old video games today not that I know of yet I think it does get deep okay you're still digging huh yeah it's collectible stuff all right so what are you asking for your gloves looks like you got quite a collection there I yeah I got tons of gloves you like gloves well for my workers I'm a landscaper so oh cool cool I got packs of 12. I'll give you a hell of a deal what do you want to pay for them are they all extra large yeah I got a lot of extra large those um there's plenty of pairs of those they're like mediums actually they that's they were medium gloves usually but you don't have any that small right I might okay these are pretty small extra large as though so they might work right they're all stretchable I think it looks pretty old pick it up there I got the steel Buckle over there what here's another guy from that story Merkel hey Oracle yeah older too with tags that's really cool I wonder what else he's gonna be going on Urkel hey how's it going bringing out all the good stuff yeah a little Collectibles yeah let's see your good stuff we need your your finest stuff how much are your little toys I'll tell you he'll tell me okay it's good for me I'm not sure yet right yeah no worries thank you all this stuff that goes away it's a tool tool Alameda uh California Service Tool 19. plenty of different times about the pair that's good for me you know what I mean bandana what Street box yeah it's funny these ones are light these are like for like bandana yeah yeah yeah these are these are all actually from John ambus the impersonator was his impersonator oh he just passed away like that's my buddy's cousin okay John ambus huh John ambus the impersonator one of the best impersonators out there something like that okay there's a little video on them I Googled it oh that's cool I'll have to check into that yeah the Gorgon that's cool huh all these things are cool you got some good stuff yeah yeah what are you thinking 40 bucks 40. 30. yeah okay cool and then how much are your books honey yeah that's cool my kid she looks like they're not used dumb but yeah well they read them once and then that's my money yeah thinking like 30 30 for the set for all of them yeah yeah that's probably a good deal awesome yeah appreciate it I'm 25 actually 25. okay so they're in pretty good condition my son read them all at once yeah that's usually what they do with them huh I'll probably pass on but I appreciate it okay okay she getting all the gloves AG deal yeah let me go get some bags yeah I think there's a bag right here that's empty oh it's a white empty ones yeah all right here's 30 for these items are you bringing any more cool stuff out like that or yeah I got more cool stuff okay do you have like a box you want to bring out right now for me to look out or oh come back come back okay yeah okay thank you brother yeah thank you appreciate it yeah we'll be here I'm always here all right cool thank you what you doing good boy yeah it's a perfect greeter good boy he's gonna be my best friend oh he's fine he's everybody's best friend yeah good boy the other two vicious ones are in the house that's why they're in the house oh yeah yeah they don't get the full access yeah um all this here the expensive one the Seinfeld oh you know that's expensive I don't need that I just have an old cabin and we do too and Twain Hart how's yours we're in Pinecrest Pinecrest okay you're a little higher than us yeah I do all my deer hunting up there nice TV there so yeah I just played videos yeah um a dollar each so I don't know how many are in what I don't know I'm just trying to do it make an offer honey he said he wants them all so give them a price yeah yeah I guess 60 and that's giving you a really good deal because there's a ton in here it all goes on the bottom so yeah I don't need the music ones yeah C60 do you see a lot of video a lot of DVDs yeah what do you think fairly often yeah you want to think about it hey over how much you can charge the guy well I'm just I was saying a dollar a CD but they don't want to go through them all you know no no I was just let everyone else go through them all yeah but um there's definitely something for everybody in here yeah lots of good stuff in there yeah we can always think about and come back later yeah or if you want to go 50 and 50 that's fine what do you think um you're just looking for like a collection for the cabin something for the cabin I think that like you'd probably be able to find something similar for less but that's just my 80 bucks is that I think 80 would be a fair offer I don't know okay I don't know if you want to do 80 to get rid of them if you want to try to sell them one to one I I understand um no we'll go and get rid of them cool like I said I just want these and you can keep fancy Seinfeld one to sell later right made a deal is this stuff in here for sale not really it just depends whether you guys the uh the baseball gloves oh we love our gloves I don't think so okay I'm gonna tell you why my little brother played for the Yankees oh wow that was a catcher's mitt okay that was my father's mint he played for the Orioles oh wow yeah yeah and I just I don't want to sell no I wouldn't that's a good looking little one yeah it's about 700 miles on it not only use it at the races yeah that's clean is that right yeah that's a nice one I know I I had to buy it this this old man hat for sale very cool all right so is it through the house or just in a second okay backyard just all kind of stuff and in the house there's a bunch of antiques oh cool awesome sounds good thank you hey hi how are you it's got a nice little setup here oh gosh it took a lot of work I'm sure yeah yeah yeah three days oh wow I always like these popcorn Little Things shots here [Applause] I think they've been through a few times oh that's cool I gotta get that that's that classic I like that style all right we'll grab this hat that's a lot of stuff huh yeah yeah they put some work in an empty box there you go sir I think there's she's been grabbing those over there the boxes no thank you come on oh okay I'm gonna see what shields for this are you are you selling The Buzz you're not okay no I'm sorry nothing down here is for sale okay only the 20th okay so no no items down here okay just the furniture and the displayed stuff nice we couldn't bring it all outside anything in here too yeah all that glass up there glass okay that's cool I like the stars on it I don't know what it's for maybe sugar I like that 25 on that yeah all right how we looking 25 for the this thing yeah 55 he says 30 for all this uh 30. 40. you think you do like 45 for everything no I didn't even honestly I didn't even want to sell that oh you could keep it but just keep it okay I had that cabinet I put everything away I'm sorry hey I didn't want to shop so just curious on these four items what what is the price on those because it'll give me a better idea on okay uh where we're at 50. give me 25 bucks for all this stuff 25 for everything on the table yeah are these good yeah I mean I need them okay I hate the lady inside with them are you sure I don't know go ahead so these are a dollar piece in the back that's okay I guess your wife said okay so we've got one two three four five six seven eight and we said a dollar piece for these right 10 11. I don't know yeah yeah yours is how much uh it's 25 total so yeah if you got change sir and come worry about that I just didn't really want to sell that it's okay yeah you gotta I I close that guy I gotta tell my kid yeah no he's he's upselling everything 10 bucks for that okay doing great how are you oh so far so good I guess staying busy over here a lot of people coming so far no not really you know I've been pretty quiet okay so it's just the way it goes you never know yeah there's a lot of garage sales going on so yeah could just be people will get here eventually primarily just a cleaning house getting rid of a bunch of stuff okay that's awesome that I don't need not using anymore all right let's see and it's just an accumulation over the years you know yeah sometimes it's got to downsize all right how much are your little plush animals a couple bucks these are a couple bucks also oh the teddy I have three for that one is in a little better shape than the others yeah one thing over here real quick if you need a bag or anything uh I could just throw them in the car yeah I have the box for that okay Armani harmonia yeah I had it looked at a consignment shop in a minute yeah that's not real real expensive actually not like everybody else you think they are yeah because I went on I went online and they were like well I saw him for as much as a thousand dollars but you gotta make sure that it's uh the same and it's I mean it's original thick you know it's uh an original Armani but it's outcome it's got some pieces of plastic oh okay yeah so you know I'm just gonna sell it for 20 bucks or so if it's 20 bucks it's a pretty pretty statue that's nice yeah yeah a couple blocks and everything on it you know if you're interested yeah um look this was what I saw for this one you know on eBay that's what they were asking yeah okay and I didn't see it any cheaper than that but I I would just like to I don't need it yeah just kind of get around for twenty dollars I mean I'd be happy with that okay I'll look into it here in a second for these I know you won two piece we just five for everything here okay yeah that's okay fine yeah and then I'll take a peek into that okay I might just throw that in there can you switch your shirt around and turn it inside a hat yeah there's five on those three push there and then I'll Maybe see if I can see any info on this one it's uh the what do they call it uh what you have to check is the back that little symbol tells you it's a Capodimonte special Capodimonte yeah yeah there's another company in Italy that makes these floral baskets and things do you mind if I see this one right no you can look at that thank you so these Lids go with these is that what's going on or well that's a set here in other words 15 bucks for these it's um home set including the lids and the bowls sure sure organized yeah try to that's a cute little bird too how much is that guy a couple bucks yeah all right at least here's that back okay um are there any issues with it at all or pardon are there any chips on this one at all no no there's nothing that's never really been out much okay all right why I bought it and everything I mean here's the original tags and everything that came with it well even as well you know we kept everything yeah I'll take it for 20 bucks if you don't mind no no that's great okay awesome thank you okay and I'll give you another two on that little bird there okay okay and uh we'll try to please what are your thoughts on getting on that in there next thank you thank you thank you thank you sir like I say I'm trying to get rid of it I don't want to yeah just downsize it'll take it easy right these are uh this is a before and after this was the The Wedding oh just married and then this is the memories that they call the memories you know that's awesome I don't have the box for that one but I have the box for that one okay cool Precious Moments you know those are yeah pretty popular I could take these again or I'm thinking about getting just getting some stuff okay more cabin finds these are Pyrex too you think or it should be it could be if it says Pyrex yeah it says Pyrex yeah yeah that's good quality stuff still yeah it lasts forever I got so much my wife and I you know we ended up accumulating yeah that's what happens yeah five dollar bill on you oh well I think I do since I got five dollar change in here somewhere yeah yeah okay thank you you're not welcome you're not selling the old electronics or video games anything like that my son has stuff but he's not selling anything right he doesn't want us to mold the video games anymore oh that's rude yeah yeah those kind of things and yeah but right now he's into Xbox the more modern stuff yeah the Xbox right all right well thanks again you're welcome that's a cool Pyrex uh is that a coffee maker yeah this is just a coffee a brewer you know damn it what are you asking on that thing just a couple of bucks two dollars two bucks okay let me put this down I'll grab that one okay okay yeah thank you all right I'm gonna grab one more thing over there real quick okay I don't know if that coffee maker is gonna lose any good but I've been actually looking for one for myself and that one looks pretty cool how's that one go what is this one well thank you for the deal on the coffee maker here sure thing it's very cool yeah I use a Keurig now yeah a little simpler yeah I always hit my head on these things all set enjoy your day all right thank you again thank you very much take care five bucks what do they go for I'm sure more than five bucks eye of that damn Sun yeah it's gonna start getting hot here in a second there's two right there thank you Waterford Crystal so these three things here you can how about three dollars three bucks okay yep yep that works I'll come back to two three perfect thank you thank you have a great day you do the same thanks thank you Hartwell Sports it's pretty cool guys and gals full League kind of like that how much is that a jacket that one's four dollars four bucks on that I think do you have a dollar on you thank you did you want him back no I'm okay thank you awesome thank you so much is this your stuff here black shirt over there uh I don't even know what the damn thing is it's a laser detector or radar detector a dollar yeah trying to get rid of it huh hell yeah it's more than merrier for me yeah well thank you appreciate it bro it's gonna take take 11. all right yeah appreciate it yeah two a piece okay [Music] Dolly okay I'll grab that it's okay okay [Music] 50 cents each [Music] [Music] over there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of course [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] primarily [Applause] [Music] the winner [Music] Justin on that thing just a couple of bucks two dollars three bucks [Music] four bucks on that [Music] yeah it's uh [Music]
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 110,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flea market, garage sale, yard sale, yard sales, garage sales, yard sale finds, garage sale finds, yard sale ebay, garage sale ebay, yard sale flipping, garage sale flipping, yard sale ride along, garage sale ride along, yard sale haul, garage sale haul, yard sale pov, garage sale pov, yard sale gopro, garage sale gopro, american pickers, part time pickers, parttimepickers, ebay haul, yard sale video, garage sale video, modern day treasure hunter, reseller
Id: MO1DfwxAtGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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