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you have to understand that your arms are only so long with your arms only being so long you have to understand that it's like these arms attached to the trunk of a tree I'm the trunk these arms are swinging okay wherever that ball is it influences the strike on this ball whether it's solid or not chances are if the ball is too far forward the the limbs on the trunk cuz the trunk's not moving the trunk is turning so the limbs are actually coming up you understand they're coming up before they come in contact with their scoff ball and when they come up they're hitting the ball low on the club you're either hitting the ball left some good players are hitting the ball uh uh also to the left but you tend to hit the ball lower also cuz you're catching it thin because you're catching it thin so if you're on the driving ring and practicing the thing that you want to do is you want to go ahead don't change the swing the biggest mistake that people make when they practice is they know exactly what they did wrong baloney they don't have a clue of what the hell they did wrong you understand and and what happens is if you look at all these players none of them swing alike okay but they've mastered their swing and they have confidence in that swing if you tried to change that player today come back next week he would revert back to the old way he played you talk a certain way you walk a certain way and you swing a club a certain way now there are things that you can change by taking the club back more outside down the line or inside that you can change you can also change the stance you can be open or you can be closed but these are things that you have to work on but the secret to hitting the ball solid is if you're not hitting it solid keep moving the ball back and don't aim at anything the big thing about it is when people practi is they they get mesmerized with a Target don't do that that's why this thing is wide open it's just hit it once you get a pattern and you can hit this ball the same way every time then we can go to aiming but you've got to get a pattern so if you get the ball too far forward see and the limbs come up this is what happens to you see now the farther you move this ball back now I'll move it back just a tiny bit and and and with the same swing see came up a little bit but you can you can move this ball around also as you get older you want to move this foot back and the reason for it's cuz you're trying to get inside okay most people go over the ball they go over the ball because they're open and the right hips in the way and when they come down now it's in the way even more so the hands have do you don't have a chance to get inside my thought when I hit a golf ball I'm always trying to hit it as 7:00 this golf ball is a clock and there's noon there's 6:00 7:00 5:00 slightly inside exactly so this is the clock so you got 6:00 you got 5:00 you got 7:00 now I'm trying to hit the ball on the inside you understand because your hands are going to be that far past the ball when you hit it okay though you have to manipulate whether if you're going to cut it you hold it you don't rotate it if you want to draw the ball then you you in other words you rotate but you're still hitting it at 7 each but you're hitting it at 7:00 see I'm coming from the inside here see uhhuh that's little Dro yeah see how that never changed now if I wanted if I wanted to hit this ball and and and kind of and kind of cut it is I will do the same thing but now I won't rotate it oh that will never work and then you don't see and then you don't rotate it so this is exactly how you do this but to hit it solid you have to remember that your body your body is a trunk of a tree this is the limbs these limbs are only going to go so far before they either release rotate or open okay and and the ball will tell you what it's doing the ball will tell you if the ball's going too low and you're not hitting a solid chance aners are 99% of the time it's too far forward you need to move the ball back in your stance a little bit and people don't move the ball back in their stance is simply because it it it it it makes them think that they're aiming way right at Target and that's what happens see you can aim at this target with the ball forward it looks it looks pretty good right but now if I get you here now this club looks like it's a in there abolutely but you know what happens it'll square up when you turn you see say when you turn it closes up because because the limbs have to come around the trunk absolutely do you understand yeah that's great advice thank you appreciate that's exactly what happened
Channel: MentalityGolf
Views: 12,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3vKpYe9Hou0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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