This Last Day Movement is a Satanic Diversion | 3ABN Worship Hour

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Hello friends and welcome to 3abn Worship Hour my name is John lomakang I will be your speaker for this hour and the Lord has placed on my heart a very thought provoking end times message entitled apostate protestantism I want you to be in an attitude of prayer because this is a heavy message one necessary as we look to the Book of Revelation and we look to the Lord for our guidance in helping us understand where the world and the church are heading in these last days before we open God's word let's go through the Lord in prayer Father in Heaven speak to my mind speak to my heart speak to those watching and listening to this message and open their eyes to the understanding of who each one of us needs to be as we approach the closing scenes of this world's history we pray in Jesus name amen I want to begin with a passage in the book of First John chapter 4 a very thought-provoking Passage because many in the last days are willing to accept anything labeled Prophet or the spirit of God notice the words of the Apostle John as he warns us about what is developing Before Our Eyes First John chapter 4 and verse 1 and he says to us beloved do not believe every spirit protest the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world he says if somebody says that the spirit is in charge test it if somebody says they are a prophet examine to see whether or not they are in harmony with God's word the reason is clear the Book of Revelation gives us a picture of a developing end time scenario that cautions us as God has revealed centuries ago Millennia ago what will happen in the last days there is a developing three-way Global attack that's based on apostasy in Revelation chapter 16 reveals how Satan will create a diversion with a Christian veneer in the last days a movement that will cause the hearts of many Christians to turn away from God's word and turn to the words of man and false prophets notice and I want as I read Revelation chapter 16 I want you to notice the chronology not only is verse 13 and 14 not only of verse 13 and 14 significant but the order in which the powers are revealed is also very significant notice Revelation chapter 16 beginning with verse 13. and the Bible says and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out on the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet for they are the spirits of demons performing signs which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the Battle of that great day of God almighty I want you to notice the way that it's unfold it unfolds first the dragon then the Beast then the false prophet and it's in the order that scripturally it's revealed let's begin with the dragon from the Garden of Eden the dragon was revealed that Serpent of old called the devil and Satan in the garden he he successfully LED Eve into deception then we go way down into history when Daniel reveals the four beasts of Daniel chapter 7. and the Very fourth Beast he describes as the Antiquated middle-aged middle uh ages power of Rome so you have the dragon in the very beginning then he establishes a world religion through a christian-like movement and Rome was instrumental in bringing that move into fruition and that's in the Dark Ages but now we go to the last part the false prophet so from the very beginning to the very end Revelation in those two verses gives us this is what the devil did this is the second thing he did and this is the final thing he will do to lead people into apostasy not only that it says that he goes to the kings of the earth and the whole world to gather them to what to the Battle of that great day of God Almighty so there's a battle in development and the devil has three powers working with political leaders of the world to gather the world to this final stage and that final power I refer to as apostate protestantism because it says false prophet let's think about that what is a false prophet a false prophet has to have been a prophet first in most instances you find this is talking about the the direction that the children of Israel took the children of Israel God sent prophets to them generation after generation after generation but some of their prophets turned their backs on God and led the Israelites into a false sense of worship when they turned their back on God and His word they became false prophets but many of the Israelites still follow them in the very same way in the last days there will be Many religious leaders turning their backs on the word of God but they will have many followers and when you turn your back on the word of God you become apostate now why the word protestantism because in the 15th century that's in the time of Martin Luther the biggest push the biggest push for protestantism took place when the Protestant Reformation began and the Protestant Reformation was a move back to the word of God But as time went on many who began in the movement themselves began to fall away and then America came into the picture America became the country where God created a safe haven for the church because of persecution taking place in Europe and the church came to America this land of the free this land of religious freedom but in the course of time the dragon followed that church to America Rome followed the Christian church to America and slowly but surely the Dragon and the powers of Rome reached out to appeal to those claiming Allegiance only to God's word and now we're living in a day and age where allegiance to God's word Genesis to Revelation is difficult to find that is the development of apostate protestantism but the Bible predicted that would take place notice II Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 3. look what the Bible says let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the Son of Perdition notice the falling away has to come first for the man of sin to be revealed and when the falling away comes falling away from what away from the word of God falling away from truth but you have had to have been a person that embraced truth first in order to fall away from it falling away from a plane thus saith the Lord so in the definition of apostasy we find this terminology apostasy is the rejection of Christianity by someone who was formally a Christian the term apostasy comes from the Greek word apostasia meaning defection departure Revolt or Rebellion it has been described as a quote a willful falling away from or Rebellion against Christianity but in this Final Phase of Satan's attack it will be through apostate protestantism not through Christianity alone but through something that has a Christian veneer but when you follow the breadcrumbs you discover it leads you back to any place but the word of God now that may be a surprise to some of you but that's exactly what began in the Garden of Eden Satan began by attacking the word of God he said to Eve has God's word says has God's word said and so he challenged her what did God's word say and in the last days many churches thousands of churches all claiming to be connected to God's word but the devil once again is saying use just portions of it because he knew what God had said and Eve quoted a portion of what God had said but not everything in the very same way you find that the woman is a symbol of the church Satan reaches out and deceives the woman the churches that he wants to use and she then communicates the message to the quote unquote Kings of the world the kings of the Earth the atoms of the last days and then they lead a large multitude in rebellion and apostasy in preparation to war against Jesus at a soon return the Bible talks about this very carefully and by the way friends we serve a God who is specific when you study the Bible you find that the specificity of divinity starts in the very beginning of the Bible you may remember Cain and Abel notice Genesis chapter 4 and verse 4 how it reveals that God is a specific God we don't just worship God the way we desire God is to be worshiped the way that he prescribes look at Genesis chapter 4 and verse 4. the Bible says Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat and the Lord respected Abel and his offering notice the Bible says the Lord respected Abel what about Cain the Lord rejected it and from that day to this there have been two classes of people on the Earth those giving God what he determines and desires and and establishes as an acceptable offering of worship and those who give God what they want Abel brought a fruit basket but God asked for a sacrifice of a lamb Cain brought a fruit basket Abel brought God what God had required and so you see those two classes Cain giving God what he wanted to give but Abel giving God what God required so the first attack in the last days is going to be an attack against the authenticity of the word of God and when we look at Revelation 16 it clearly states the dragon began it the Beast the power of the Church of Rome continued it and in the last days it shall be continued by a movement claiming allegiance to God's word but doing anything other than what God's word has established and when you study scripture you find that in the Old Testament this is not new to God he's seen this happen before and now he warns us of something that is redeveloping Satan not creating anything new he's just repeating the old things that worked and we see the scenario in Israel and Judah through a man that God chose but he rebelled against God his name was Ahab and he married a woman named Jezebel now let's go to the book of First Kings chapter 16 and let's watch this story unfold when we establish the way it happened then we will understand how it's going to happen again First Kings chapter 16 beginning with verse 30. the Bible says now Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord more than all who were before him and it came to pass as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of jeroboam the son of nebad and he took as wife Jezebel the daughter of eth bayal King of the sidonians and he went and served Baal and worshiped him notice the three things that come out here there is a formula for apostasy revealed in those two verses in First Kings chapter 16 verses 30 to 31. let's look at the three-stage development I want you to see this look at the first one agents of light form an alliance with agents of Darkness the second thing is they coalesced through a binding merger like marriage and thirdly they abandoned god-based theology for human-based ideology let me break that down a little bit more for you an agent of light who was the agent of light Ahab who was the agent of Darkness Jezebel Ahab formed an alliance with the Jezebel the daughter of one who was a false god an Ahab being the leader of the people of God LED them into a rebellion against the word of God what else happened they coalesce together Ahab married Jezebel in the last is you'll find that the Bible talks about this there's going to be somewhat of a marriage that's why the Bible uses the the image or the or the representation or the symbol of a woman in Revelation a woman in Revelation is Allegiant to the powers of darkness and another woman is alleged to the power of light Revelation 12 the woman is allegian to the power of God Revelation 17 the woman is Allegiant to the powers of Satan a merger between Darkness and Light and thirdly they abandoned god-based theology for human-based ideology that explains today why it's hard to hear sermons about Sin and salvation you hear messages like well your ship is coming in or sermons in in worship based on feeling and emotion a lot of those things are now taking the church by storm pulling them away from the worship that God established and how did that happen they began to study the way that false prophets worshiped their God and then they began to pattern their lives after them and God warned the Israelites he says I'm going to destroy those Nations but when I destroy them don't follow the way they used to worship but notice what they did and Deuteronomy chapter 12 and verse 30. here's the warning and look what God says to us today take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them after they are destroyed from before you and that you do not inquire after their gods saying how did these nations serve their gods I also will do likewise notice notice what happened notice what happened right here God was destroying the Nations that did not Embrace him but the children of Israel studied the way that they worshiped and then they said how did these nations serve their gods I will also do likewise and today friends Satan's aim is to get those who honor the Commandments of God to lead those who keep the Sabbath of God to emulate the worship of those who do not and lead them away apostate protestantism principle number one emulate worship that does not Embrace truth emulate worship that does not Embrace truth you see the patterns of apostate protestantism mirror the patterns of apostate Israel here's the point it is not possible to serve a bible-based god with doctrines that are not Bible based I'm going to say that one more time God does not accept doctrines that are not bible-based when we are worshiping a bible-based God today you hear the phrases we serve the same God but that was not the case in the days of Israel they did not serve the same God that's why the Lord said choose you this day whom you will serve Joshua he said choose you this day whom you will serve friends when you worship those who do not Embrace The Commandments of God you don't serve the same God when you worship those who reject the truth of God's words you don't serve the same God but apostate protestantism wants you to believe we serve the same God apostate protestantism principle number two they minimize the Commandments of God and maximize The Works look at First Kings chapter 18 and verse 17. this is very important because when Elijah came to Ahab to present himself Ahab labeled Elijah in the very same way that those who are Allegiant to God's truth will be labeled in the last days look at First Kings chapter 18 and verse 17. here's what Ahab said to Elijah then it happened when Ahab saw Elijah that Ahab said to him is that you o troubler of Israel what was he saying you know what he was saying you see Elijah kept and upheld the Commandments of God Ahab didn't he turned an apostasize away from it and so when Elijah came to present himself unto God's direction to rescue God's people Ahab said you're the one causing trouble but notice the response of Elijah look at First Kings chapter 18 and verse 18. here's what he said and he Elijah answered I have not troubled Israel but you and your father's house have in that you have forsaken the Commandments of the Lord and have followed the Bales notice what he said I'm not the one causing trouble your father's house you have forsaken the Commandments of God and you are following Baal worship you are following the Bales is that amazing or what you see the the devil is not upset with those who claim to worship God Revelation 12 17 says he's upset with those who keep the Commandments of God Ahab was upset with Elijah why he kept the Commandments of God in the very last days those who claim an allegiance to God will also be upset with those who keep the Commandments of God and then God called Elijah to The Showdown on Mount Carmel look at first king chapter 18 and verse 19. here's what's going to happen in the last days the formulation of the final battle now therefore Ascend and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Ashura who eat at Jezebel's table now notice this bails Prophets and ashua's Prophets and where were they getting their food Jezebel's table the apostate woman Revelation 17 calls her the mother of harlots and Abominations of the earth well how would you know what that is when you find out what the mother Church teaches all you've got to find out is what the daughters teach and then you'll know exactly where their allegiance is directed when the Sabbath is violated by the mother her daughters will violate the Sabbath when the truth about death is not taught that people are resting until the resurrection and the daughters teach the same thing they are Allegiant to their mother when the mother teaches that hell is eternally burning never to end and the daughters teach it they are Allegiant to the mother you see how the puzzle fits all you got to do is know what the mother teaches and you'll find out exactly who the daughters are that's exactly what happened on Mount Carmel 400 prophets of Ashura and 450 prophets of Baal coalesced under ahab's leadership and Jezebel who was the daughter of the bayal worshiper they got together and they led the people of God into apostasy well friend there's another gathering coming Revelation 16 verse 16 talks about this Gathering there's another Coalition being developed notice that the Bible says and they gather them together they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew Armageddon or our Megadon what is this saying here's the connection the issue of the past will be the issue of the future the things that Satan LED people to ignore in the past he will lead them to ignore in the future that's why the Mount Carmel Showdown was so significantly necessary and the very same thing that Ahab had to make a decision about on Mount Carmel the very same thing that Elijah called the people back to on Mount Carmel when all those false prophets were gathered there is the very same thing that God through his Faithful Servants will do in the last days notice First Kings chapter 18 and verse 21. here's what the Bible says and Elijah came to all the people and said how long will you falter between two opinions if the Lord is God follow him but if Baal follow him and the people answered him not a word notice that you have two opinions if this is God follow it if this is God follow it if Baal is God follow him but if God is God follow him and notice what happened the people was done the Bible says the people answered him not a single they didn't say anything they couldn't speak because they were caught in the setting of apostasy with all these false prophets surrounding them and that's exactly what happens today when you call people to allegiance to God all of a sudden they can't say a single word because they don't want to declare verbally their allegiance to truth when they are being stared down by those who have led them into apostasy but let me encourage you friends if you are part of a church where your pastor says a Sabbath doesn't have to be kept don't fear Him honor God if you are in a movement that says hell is eternally burning and the Bible doesn't teach that don't fear the leaders of that movement give your allegiance to the god of the Bible do not be afraid of man but give Your Allegiance and your faithfulness and your heart to the only one that can guarantee you eternal life that is the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but look what happened in verse 30 and this is significant the altar that was there is exactly what's going to happen in the last days there's another altar to be repaired look at First Kings chapter 18 verse 30. then Elijah said to all the people come near to me so all the people came near to him and notice and he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down this is powerful the altar was broken down the altar was broken down and Elijah repaired it you see those who serve the true God will be involved in repairing what has been broken down let's go to Isaiah 58 verses 12 to 14 and find out what God wants his faithful leaders to repair that has been broken down in Christianity a lot that God has established in his word is not included in modern day Christianity it's been broken down but the Lord said if you're my follower this is what I want you to repair notice Isaiah 58 beginning with verse 12 Isaiah 58 beginning with verse 12. those from among you shall build the old waste places you shall raise up the foundations of many generations and you shall be called the repairer of the breach the restorer of streets to dwell in look at verse 13 and the Bible reveals what needs to be repaired and restored if you turn away your foot from the Sabbath from doing your pleasure on my holy day notice the Lord calls the Sabbath his holy day and call the Sabbath a delight not a burden the holy day of the Lord honorable and shall honor him not doing your own ways nor finding your own pleasure nor speaking your own words then verse 14 you shall delight yourself in the Lord and I will cause you to ride on the high heels of the earth and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father for the mouth of the Lord has spoken apostate protestantism teaches us that we can decide when God is to be worshiped but that's not the case in God's word see God called Elijah to repair the altar God is calling his Faithful Servants today to repair the altar what altar allegiance to the Sabbath of creation has been almost entirely deleted in Christianity people have chosen their day and you hear phrases like this well that's your day of worship and this is my day of worship well that day fits for you this day fits for me God hasn't done that it's like saying well I'll pick a day in creation and make it my Sabbath I'll pick a day in creation and bless it but God only blessed one day but that has been almost entirely deleted from Christianity but the Lord is in essence saying I don't accept worship from a divided heart if your heart is the heart of God if God is in your heart he says you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and then he says in Hebrews chapter 10 he put his law in our mind and wrote them in our hearts so friends if God's law is in your heart then your heart is not out of harmony with God but Satan wants to keep God's law out of your heart and say to you you pick the day whatever day you pick is good enough for me well friends that's not how God's word works we want to be Allegiant to the true God the god of Heaven and Earth notice the second attack of apostasy through the Dark Ages Satan distorted the character of god notice how he did this Daniel 7 and verse 25 the Bible says he shall speak pompous words against the most high shall persecute the Saints of the most high and shall intend to change times and laws then the Saints shall be given into his hand for time and times and half a time during the Dark Ages some of the most intense persecution opened upon the Christian Church through the power of Rome Rome thought to change times and laws in their minds they did it but you can't change what's established in God's word what God establishes is established eternally they persecuted the saints of God for 1 260 years time times and half a time they intend to change times and laws they deleted the second commandment forbidding image worship and they decided to take the 10th 10th commandment split it into and move the fourth Commandment to the third spot and just simply said remember the Sabbath to keep it holy not designating a day but they made the first day of the week the day that they chose to worship and today Millions upon millions of Christians honor the first day of the week which is not an institution of God but an institution of the powers of Rome during the Dark Ages they bowed to statues therefore God was seen as cold and rigorous they saw men burned at the stake therefore they came away with the idea that God was vengeful and angry they saw Christians torn apart in the Dungeons and persecuted therefore they saw God as a butcher why because it was taught by the church of the of the Dark Ages that God would ruthlessly and vigorously and without pleasing persecute and root out Heretics in the church and so the character of God was distorted but that's not who God is and notice how they succeeded look at Daniel 8 and verse 12. the Bible says these words to us because of transgression an army was given over to the horn that is the power of Rome to oppose the daily sacrifices and he cast truth down to the ground he did all this and prospered yes friends during the Dark Ages Rome was very prosperous but God eventually delivered the Christian Church from the dominance of Rome over in Western Europe and brought the church to America and then the church began to prosper the church began to grow the back to the movement Bible began back to the Bible movement began in America and people began to study God's word and say what does God's word say let's follow that what is written in any plain thus saith the Lord let's do that but Satan was not going to relent he took his time but eventually he came to America the powers of Rome found their way back into weaving themselves into protestantism and today you don't hear the phrase Protestant Church any longer you hear Evangelical Evangelical it's a terminology that does not indicate protesting anything what was protestantism all about protesting anything that was not based on the Bible anything that was established by man the Protestant movement protested against you see there were those who claimed to know God but they didn't really know him and the Bible gives us an indication as to how today we can know who in fact is a person that is a Protestant or one that's an apostasy claiming to be a Protestant look at first John chapter 2 and verse 4. the Bible says this he who says I know him and does not keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him why is that so significant because the Ten Commandments is a transcript of the character of God the Ten Commandments and God's word are permanently and indelibly connected together to rightly represent the person of Jesus why is it so important how can you say you serve the Eternal Christ when you don't keep the Commandments that describe his character this is where salvation comes in notice John 17 verse 3 this is true salvation Salvation does not omit obedience here's what the Bible says John 17 verse 3 and this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent protestantism friends is apostate when it rejects a Sola scriptura the Bible and the Bible only you see those who claim a connection with God but omit the saving gospel for the Social Gospel are are omitting the very Foundation of our allegiance to Christ the very safety that Jesus gave to us when you preach a social gospel rather than the saving gospel the very reason for Jesus coming to the Earth is missed notice Matthew 1 and verse 21 Matthew 1 and verse 21. here's the mission here's why Jesus came and she will bring forth a son and you shall call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins look at that friends he's going to save us from our sins praise God for that Jesus alone is able to save us from our sins Jesus alone is the means by which we will be rescued from the darkness and the degradation of sin if the Social Gospel is preached other than the saving gospel the movement you are following is in apostasy because salvation can only come through the person of Jesus what am I saying you can have all the great Community programs you can feed thousands upon thousands every week you can have the most dynamic worship services but of Salvation from sin is not being proclaimed then you are living and worshiping in an apostate setting we've got to understand that we are all sinners no matter how you cut it and the only way that will be saved as if we preach the person of Jesus Christ look at Romans chapter 5 and verse 19. here's what the Bible says for as by one man's Disobedience many were made sinners so also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous notice that by Adam's disobedience we were all made sinners by Christ's obedience and acceptance of that obedience acceptance of his character we will all be made righteous but apostate protestantism leaves out obedience it emphasizes things and atmospheres and experiences worship experience rather than what Jesus asked for so I'm going to give you a very quick 10 takeaways on how you can identify apostate protestantism first one apostate protestantism separates Jesus from the truth look at John 4 verse 23 Jesus himself said but the hour is coming and now is when the true worshiper will worship the father in spirit and Truth for the father is seeking such to worship Him notice this this is significant notice this people say truth doesn't matter what's your truth may not be my truth there's no such thing as your truth and my truth if it's not truth based on God's word this era but today you don't emphasize truth it's emphasized worship experience and music and Lights and Camera in action and the atmosphere and you feel Jesus but you don't want to accept him and worship him in spirit and in truth why spirit and Truth love joy peace long-suffering gentleness meekness patience that's in spirit and in truth is a plain thus saith the Lord what am I saying if it's not based on God's word it's not truth if a person claiming to be connected to Christ does not display the character of love joy peace long-suffering gentleness meekness and patience they are not worshiping God and spirit but today people are being taught that if you don't speak in tongues you're not worshiping in spirit the Bible doesn't teach that the Bible does not espouse that the gift of tongues on the day of Pentecost was to proclaim the gospel in different languages not gobbley and gibberish not to confuse people and have them frothing out the mouth and rolling and running all over churches that's not what Jesus does God is not the author of confusion but Satan has so LED Christian down a path of apostasy that he does all this and claims that Jesus is in it protestantism is apostate when it separates Jesus from the truth second thing protestantism is apostate when it teaches that doctrines don't matter have you heard about have you heard of those churches oh we don't teach doctrines but they use the Bible do you know the word Doctrine simply meaning teachings from God's word so you have these churches nowadays claiming to be non-denominational we don't teach Doctrine there is no such thing go to a bank give the teller a hundred dollar bill and she says what denominations would you like that money to be broken down into and you say it doesn't really matter what denomination I don't need any denominations you know what ha you know what happened friends you will not get any money back because it has to be some denomination here's the point what you believe will connect you to some Earthly movement but Satan says if I can whitewash it all and say let's don't say the word Doctrine let's don't say the word denomination let's just sell an experience and that's what apostate protestantism is doing today they're selling an experience in their leaving out God's requirements protestantism is apostate when it teaches doctrines don't matter look at First Timothy 4 and verse 16. the Apostle Paul told this young man Timothy he said take heed to yourself and to the doctrine continue in them for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you that's amazing friends Paul said to Timothy when you find the true doctrines continue in them when you follow that which is true Doctrine not only will you be saved but those who listen to you will also be saved why do you think the devil makes people think that doctrines is a bad thing because your salvation will be snatched from you by your own actions and others looking for Christ in your life will not be saved because you have determined that doctrines is a bad thing not according to God's word now the third principle of apostate protestantism is this when keeping God's law is seen as legalism and not obedience notice Psalms 19 and verse 7 Psalms 19 and verse 7 it denies the idea that keeping God's law is legalism notice what the Bible says Psalms 19 verse 7 the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple notice what the Bible says the law of the Lord is perfect but today pastors teach that the law was nailed to the cross who do you believe the Bible or the clergy because they look the part don't mean they're the part that's how Satan is so artfully able to deceive he makes you look the part but denying the very God you claim to be a person that you work for notice the law and the testimony Revelation 12 and 17. the dragon is angry with those who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus it's the same thing the law is perfect the testimony is sure today the devil is angry with those who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus it hasn't changed the fourth way that you can spot apostate protestantism oh you ready for this one it chooses politics over Christ it chooses politics over Christ what did Jesus say in his day when politics became the focal point look at John Chapter 19 Verse 15. here's what Jesus said but they cried out away with him away with him they cried out away with him away with him crucify him pilate said to them shall I crucify your king the chief priest answered we have no King but Caesar did you hear what they said today they're those who say my king is the political leader on the left my king is the political leader on the right today Christianity has become obsessed by politics not obsessed about Jesus but obsessed almost almost indoctrinated almost addicted to politics where the Christian platform has become nothing more than the Sunday morning campaign stage pushing one man or the other when the church should be pushing only one man and his name is Jesus the church is an apostasy when it chooses politics over the Christ that's the fourth way you can find out whether or not you are an apostasy let's look at reason number five protestantism is apostate when Unity is issue based and not bible-based when Unity is issue based and not bible-based look at Revelation 17 verse 13. watch out when you stand behind issues and not the Bible notice what the Bible says in Revelation 17 verse 13 it says these are of one mind and they will give their power and authority to the Beast notice this one mind Satan is seeking to unify the church on issues not on a plane thus saith the Lord what issue is important to you what issue is important to you people are talking about issues in the Christian church which politician do you stand more firmly behind what are his issues friends what are God's issues the issue is salvation the issue is serving Jesus Christ and spirit and in truth the issue is eternity the issue is not about a man not about a political party but the church has become indoctrinated and almost inebriated by politics you know that you are in an apostate movement when politics and not Jesus is its main focus the sixth reason that you'll know that protestantism is that protestantism is apostate is when following Christ's example is optional now let me take my time in this one you see there are things that Jesus did in his Earthly Ministry and many years ago there was an acronym what would Jesus do wwjd ww what would Jesus do so when you study the life of Jesus you might say okay if Jesus did that then it's safe for me to do I I can't be lost following what Jesus did but today that's not the case because here I come Jesus kept the Bible Sabbath and people will see that and the Commandment is remember the Sabbath to keep it holy Jesus said in Mark 2 verse 27 and 20 the Sabbath was made for man at the end of creation week the the our heavenly father made the Sabbath for us to observe Jesus observed it watch this remember the Sabbath to keep it holy but your clergy say don't keep it it's not for you Jesus kept it so if we follow Jesus watch us so if we follow Jesus are we against the Bible can you possibly do something that Jesus did and be walking in darkness that's how deep apostasy gets it tells you don't follow the example of Christ because if you do what he did by keeping the Bible Sabbath somehow you've done something wrong that's how deep and how inebriating apostate protestantism is look at the example of Jesus first John 2 and verse 6. this is how you know you're following the truth he who says he abides in him ought himself also to walk just as he walked if we say we're following Jesus we should do what Jesus did what would Jesus do I want to change that what did Jesus do you will never be lost you can never be lost by doing what Jesus did he kept the Commandments he kept the Sabbath why would he do that because he established the Sabbath he gave the Commandments why would he live a life out of harmony with the very thing he gave and then say if you love me keep my Commandments but you can't do it no friends you can't do it in your human strength but through Christ we can do all things apostate Protestant protestantism it's a big word apostate protestantism says do Christian things but for whatever you do don't do everything Jesus did and they give reasons well Jesus kept the Sabbath because he was Jew no no Jesus kept the Sabbath because he established it at the end of creation week and on the seventh day he rested and blessed it it's the only reason for the existence of the seventh day so you can't be lost by doing what Jesus did here's another example of apostate protestantism you know you're an apostasy when its worship reflects worldly standards when your worship reflects worldly standards and not the standards of Christ look at Luke chapter 6 verse 45. this is powerful Luke chapter 6 and verse 45 the Bible says a good man out of the good Treasure of his heart brings forth good and an evil man out of the evil Treasure of his heart brings forth evil for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks now wait a minute this one is when Pros when protestantism is apostate its worship reflects worldly standards what are you hearing preached in your church are the sermons based on worldly standards or standards of God's word and here's how you would know when you read the word of God and it says something other than what your pastor or your clergy or your leader is saying I had a man come to me once and say I went to my pastor and asked him why didn't we keep the Sabbath and he said to me I'm the pastor you're the member I speak you listen that man and his wife walked away from that movement and was baptized in our church they said pastor how can you not keep the Bible Sabbath and the Pastor said you got a problem you solve it and he said I am and he came and got baptized we're the Commandments of God and the Sabbath are being kept whose standards is your church based on Whose whose standards are you receiving each week as you listen to sermons whose standards are they good words flowerly developed sounding good making you feel good your ship is coming in this is your year for great success you don't have because you don't ask Prosperity sermons but not sermons based on obedience to God's word when the church uses the standards of a world rather than the standards of God's word you know that you are in a place where apostasy exists tremendously and I'll tell you it's everywhere you just turned the television on praise God it's not on three you'll you won't find sermons like that on 3abn praise the Lord for that we don't boast but it's a great responsibility it is a great humble responsibility to preach a plain thus saith the Lord why is it so significant why do Pastors like me preach with such passion it's about salvation it's not about an experience it's not about how you feel it's about where you're going to stand when this battle between light and darkness good and evil is over where will you stand you'll stand only where you have given your Allegiance from day to day from moment to moment based on God's word principle number eight how you will know that you are in a movement that's in apostasy when the focus on wealth supersedes the focus on Jesus this is powerful the focused on wealth to focus on wealth supersedes the focus on Jesus look at Matthew 6 and verse 24. let's look at that together Matthew 6 24 we are told no one can serve two masters for he either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon now you know what Mammon is Mammon is money too many churches today are money focused and not salvation focused not Jesus focused too many preachers nowadays are saying sow a seed of Faith send me a thousand dollars send me this and death now there's a there's nothing wrong with sending and supporting a Ministry but ask yourself the question does that Ministry reflect the responsibilities of of uplifting Jesus and pointing you to Salvation or the ministry to whom that money is going is it reflecting a lavish style is it reflecting a life that does not harmonize with the hump humility of Christ where is that money being used how is it being used is it events in the gospel or is it going to buy all the mansions and the accoutrements of the world be careful when the focus of the Gospel becomes money rather than Jesus when it becomes possessions rather than obedience you can't serve both somewhere along the way your allegiance to Christ will be truncated in your allegiance to things and to finances and by the way friends you could have a whole lot of money but you can't buy a way to heaven salvation is a free gift paid for by the blood of Jesus don't be in a movement that teaches that wealth supersedes loyalty to Jesus principle number nine protestantism is apostate when it does not Embrace equality for all yes listen to this Galatians 3 verse 26 to 28 America has been changing and somehow this has come to the Forefront in the hearts and lives of those claiming to be connected to Christ Galatians 3 verse 26-28 for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus for as many of you as were baptized into Christ Jesus have put on Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free there is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ did you hear what I said protestantism is apostate when it does not Embrace equality for all protestantism is apostate when it does not Embrace equality for all something happened not too long ago in our nation's capital they will they will move and springing up in America and it's been happening over the last four or five six years more publicly than not of divisive movements racial dividing movements movements pitting one class of people against the other one race against the other and America has been a powder keg of division and what's amazing about it so much of it has included people claiming to be connected to Christ God is not a god of division God is he divides light from Darkness truth from error but he does not divide brother from sister or sister from brother or brother from brother we are all one in Christ Jesus if you are a part of a movement that's not inclusive ethnically and racially then you are in a movement that's pushing the principles of apostate protestantism in Christ We Are All One praise God in Jesus there is no Division and reason number 10 protestantism is apostate when it exalts the temple above the Eternal when people are saying this Earth is where I plan on living eternally oh friends Jesus is not coming back to put his kingdom on Earth he's coming back to take us to his kingdom he's building for us in heaven notice the words of the Apostle Paul Philippians 3 and verse 20. principle number 10 you are in apostasy when you exalt the temple above the eternal he says to us for our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ listen to that where's your citizenship in heaven now I've traveled my wife and I've traveled all over the world all over the world we go to different parts of the world and when we go through customs let's say in Australia they say uh what passport do you have and we see United States passport that shows our citizenship well friends here's my citizenship passport to heaven the word of God if you're living by God's word Genesis to Revelation don't fall for the lie that you just need to be a new testament Christian you miss nine tenths of the story claiming New Testament only there's nothing wrong with the Old Testament the entire Bible is inspired by God's word Jesus used it in his day and you can use it in your day you see friends the last thing that the world needs to see is a revelation of who Jesus is one of my most favorite quotes come from a book called Christ object lessons Christ object lessons page 415 and 416 look at this quotation it's beautiful it brings us all back to the person of Prayer Christ the last message of Mercy to be given to the world is a revelation of his character of love the children of God are to manifest his glory how in their own life and character they are to reveal what the grace of God has done for them did you hear that it's not just what you believe but who are you what kind of character are you displaying are you a person that claims to have all the right truths but you're mean as a junkyard dog are you as cantankerous as a person that is locked in prison what kind of character do you have you see you also an apostasy when you claim to believe the truth what your character does not reflect the person of Jesus so all those 10 categories they're all true but here's one caution you might believe and embrace the truth and keep the Sabbath and live right according to all the dictates and doctrines of God's word but your character is rancid you got to get your character right you got to be a person through whom Jesus is seen that's why Jesus said in Matthew 5 and verse 16 these final words listen to this friends he said let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven yes is your light on years ago I saw a Motel 6 commercial and I always said this should have been a Christian slogan we'll leave the light on for you well friends here at 3abn we want to leave the light on for you you can turn to this network and find light the truth of God's word the Commandments of God's word the true Sabbath of God's word Christians whose lives are being transformed friends of prostate protestantism is alive and well but by following God's word you can be delivered from it the only deliverance from apostate protestantism is following God's word Embraces truth and reflect the character of Christ and I pray that you heard this message today in humility of heart and I pray that when we see you again you be that much farther along and serving the lord may God bless you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 456,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Lomacang, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, worship hour, Protestantism, sermon, SDA, Adventist, Seventh-day Adventist, 3abn, bible, yt:quality=high, end time
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 32sec (3452 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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