The Adventist Movement and End Time Events by Mark Finley | Adventist Heritage Convocation

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in the Book of Revelation there are three distinct chapters that speak of God's people at end time Revelation chapter 10 speaks of the historic rise of the true church Revelation chapter 12 speaks of the identifying marks of the true church in Revelation chapter 14 speaks of the message of the true church we're going to look at Revelation 10 Revelation 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 14 and Revelation 18 to 22 we'll do those in a sequence now as you look at Revelation chapter 10 the great theme is God cares for his people you look at Revelation 11 and the great theme is God cares for his word you look at chapter 12 and it's God cares for his church you look at chapter 14 it's God's cares for his message and you look at chapters 18 and onward and that God cares for the purpose that he has created this world and he's going to bring an end to this world with glorious victory the theme of the book of Revelation is Jesus wins and Satan loses that's the great theme of the book of Revelation what's the theme of Revelation Jesus wins and Satan loses we are going to look at scripture scripture is pregnant with meaning every phrase has and every word has a distinct meaning Revelation we're looking there at Revelation the 10th chapter we begin with verse one we're going to go over this verse by verse and let every verse speak to our hearts let every first minister to our souls Revelation chapter 10 verse 1 I saw still another Mighty angel coming down from heaven where does the angel come down from everybody where does he come from from Heaven if God sins in Angelic messenger from heaven is it worth it for us to study the message that comes from Heaven is it worth it is this a human message is this a message that was constructed by some human genius some Theologian where does this message come from where does it have its origin in heaven and I saw another Mighty angel coming down from heaven clothed with a cloud and the rainbow was on his head and his face was like the sun like pillars of fire now there are four essential symbols in that passage when you understand those symbols you can understand more clearly the rest of the chapter it says he's clothed with a cloud can you think of any other time in the Bible where it speaks about a cloud keep your finger in Revelation chapter 10. we're going to go back to the Old Testament here's why there are 404 verses in the Book of Revelation that refer us back to the Old Testament every symbol of the Bible that is given to us in scripture is explained in other places so we're exploring This Cloud idea what it means we're going to go back to Exodus chapter 40. Exodus chapter 40. what is the symbolism of a cloud the Tabernacle has just been established and if you look at Exodus 40 and verse 34 to 37 then the cloud covered the Tabernacle of meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle so when it talks about the establishment of the Earthly sanctuary and a cloud fills the Earthly Sanctuary Moses equates that in Exodus 40 verse 34 with the glory of what the glory of the Lord you find that same thing in the book of numbers for example you take your Bible and turn to the Book of Numbers you're looking at Numbers chapter 9 and we're going to look at verse 15 on the day that the Tabernacle was raised up the cloud covered the Tabernacle the tent of the testimony from evening to morning it was above the Tabernacle like the appearance of fire or like the appearance of Glory can you remember also that in ancient Israel when the Tabernacle was established what covered them by day the cloud covered them didn't it and they didn't move until the cloud moved so what does this Cloud represent it always represents the presence of God it always represents the glory of the Lord so when an angel comes from heaven and comes to Earth clothed with the cloud he comes from the glory of God's presence bringing the glory of heavenly wisdom to earth now we go back to Revelation chapter 10 because there are four symbols in verse one that if you understand them fully the rest of the chapter makes much more sense Revelation the 10th chapter and we're looking there again at verse 1. and the scripture puts it this way in in Revelation 10 verse 1. it says and I saw another angel coming down from heaven clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was on his head now in Revelation 10 1 it says the rainbow is on his head but if you go back to Revelation 4 verse 3 it says the rainbow surrounds God's throat when is the first time that a rainbow is mentioned in the bible when's that mention first yes Noah sure so the rainbow is first mentioned in the bible after the judgments of God come Came Upon the earth and the time of Noah the Earth was destroyed by flood the rainbow represents God's covenant and if you break down God's covenant it's God's justice and mercy revealed so when you see the rainbow symbol in the Bible it's the symbol of the Covenant of God it's the symbol of God's grace the symbol of his love the symbol of his Justice and so love and law are mingled we see that in the covenants in the in the rainbow symbol and it says his feet his face was like the sun now go back to Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 to get a little picture of the son that will summarize all of this together in verse 1. Malachi 4 you're looking there last book of the Old Testament Malachi 4 verse 2. this is the way the early Advent Pioneers studied they compared scripture with scripture they took a symbol and found other places in the Bible where that symbol was mentioned Malachi chapter 4 verse 2. but to you who fear my name the son of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings and you shall go out and grow fat like uh still stall-fed calves you'll trample the wicked Etc so when you read the idea of the Sun what are you reading about you're reading about Jesus Christ the son of righteousness so this angel coming from the presence of God descends from the very Throne of God he comes with the glory of God he comes revealing God's covenant to humanity of justice and mercy and just like there was judgment in Noah's day there'd be judgment once again he comes to reveal to all Humanity the righteousness of Jesus Christ that Christ died on the cross for us that he took our condemnation that he died the death that we should have died so we could live the life he should have lived now notice the next phrase and his feet were like pillars of Fire when you read about the pillar of fire what do you read about what what do you think about when you think about the pillar of Fire you think about the ancient Sanctuary don't you and you think about the pillar of fire that guided the children of Israel so the idea of the pillar of fire is divine guidance so if you summarize verse 1 this is what it says an angel comes from the Glorious presence of God to reveal the glory of God to all Humanity and as he comes he comes to reveal God's justice and mercy he comes to reveal the beauty the Beauty and the matchless charms of Jesus Christ this Angel comes to give guidance to his people in Days of Darkness this Angel comes to guide his people with the pillars of fire we continue verse two he had a little book opened in his hand and he set his right foot on the sea in his left foot on the land and he cried with a loud voice as when he cried the light when the lion roars now this this Angel has a little book that was open the scroll can you think of any book in the Bible that scripture says was shut any book the scripture says was shut what book was that the Book of Daniel what time was Daniel shut until the time at the end let's go back keep your finger in Revelation 10. if there's a book open at end time that the angel comes to reveal is open then we must go back and see what the book was shut was all about Daniel chapter 12 we come to the Book of Daniel and we ask ourselves when we read this Daniel chapter 12 what portions of Daniel were shut up Daniel chapter 12 verse 4. but you Daniel shut up the words seal the book until the time of the end many shall run to and fro knowledge shall be increased you know I've heard some say that that increase of knowledge indicated scientific knowledge that scientific knowledge would increase at the time of the end that may be true and I'm sure it is but there's something else far more relevant you see where it says many shall run to and fro in the Hebrew language of the Old Testament that is they shall Leaf back and forth what this is speaking about is that the Book of Daniel would be shut up until the time of the end and at the time of the end many would Leaf to and throw throw through the Book of Daniel and knowledge about the Book of Daniel would be increased now let your eyes drop down to verse 9. and he said go your way Daniel we're in Daniel 12 go your way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till what time the time of the end and then many will be purified made white and look at verse 13 last verse from The Book of Daniel but go your way till the end for you shall rest and rise to your inheritance at the end of the days so at the end of time the Prophecies of the Book of Daniel would be revealed to God's people and at that point they would have a fresh understanding of the Book of Daniel now what portions of Daniel were sealed though what portions of Daniel was the portion about in Daniel chapter 3 about the three Hebrew worthies thrown into the fiery furnace was that sealed that's pretty obvious isn't it was the portion about Daniel in the Lion's Den sealed that that's pretty obvious people down through the centuries understood that was there any portion of the Book of Daniel that Daniel himself did not fully understand that would be revealed at the time of the end well let's let's look over and see what that we'll see what Daniel says let's go to Daniel chapter 8. Daniel chapter 8. now in Daniel chapter 8 you have the vision of the RAM and the he goat the Bible clearly explains that the ram would represent me to Persia that he the he goat Greece and then it goes down it talks about the trampling down of the truth of God it talks about God's word being defiled it talks about this long period of of persecution that we know as the Middle Ages and you look down at Daniel chapter 8 verse 14 and it says he said to me for 2 300 days then the sanctuary would be cleansed now did Daniel understand that look at verse 17. so the angel comes to Daniel and he says in verse 17 so he came near Where I Stood and when he came I was afraid and fell on my face but he said to me understand o son of man for the vision appears the time of the end so when did this vision of the 2300 days or years apply to applies to what time the time at the end right so you come to the end of verse 27 verse chapter 8 verse 27 and it says I Daniel fainted was sick for days after what I arose and went about the king's business I was astonished by the vision but no one understood it so the portion of the Book of Daniel that was not understood was the portion about these 2300 days or 2300 years that was not understood by Daniel he faints the angel Gabriel comes back he explains to him the keys to unlock this mystery so when we go to Daniel chapter 10. the little book that is opened is the only book in the Bible that is said to be sealed which is what book everybody the book of of Daniel that was a sealed book what portion was sealed the time prophecies the prophecies that spoke about end time so we go now to verse 3. and he cries with a loud voice Revelation 10 verse 3. when he cried out seven Thunders uttered their voices now seven Thunders uttered their voices in the Bible 4 is a symbol of universality 12 is a symbol of completeness three is a symbol of the Trinity you have the father Son and the Holy Ghost Holy Spirit and then you also have the dragon the Beast and the false prophet so you have the true and false Trinity in the Book of Revelation 7 is a sign of perfection or completeness you have the seven churches seven seal seven trumpets so seven is a sign of completeness or Perfection the Thunders can you think of a time that Thunder that there was Thunder Mount Sinai God's voice Thunders from Sinai when the law of God is given in the Bible Thunders let's go back and see what how the Bible defines Thunders Psalm 18 verse 13. Psalm 18 verse 13. how does the bible define Thunders what kind of uh uh what does it mean when it says seven Thunders uttered Psalm 18 verse 13. and you look there the Lord also Psalm 1813 thundered in the heavens and the most high uttered his voice hailstones and quote and coals of fire so the Thunder represents a Divine declaration when the voice of God speaks so when you have seven Thunders you have the Perfection of God's voice speaking to humanity about God's Last Day message now now there's a lot we wish we could know about those seven Thunders it says when the seven Thunders out of their voices I was about to write but I Heard a Voice from Heaven saying to me seal up the things which the seven Thunders uttered and don't write them are there some things that God has not revealed to us are there some things he hasn't revealed sure there are some things that God has not revealed I would rather know all that I know and not know all I don't know the know oh I don't know and not know what I know and that's the truth I'd rather know what God has revealed and not speculate about what God has not revealed some people love to speculate don't they they have everything all figured out about end time events the problem is that most of the time their speculations are not based on the word of God if God did not reveal everything to John in Revelation about those Thunders do you think he's going to reveal every little minute detail about end time certainly not but he's going to reveal everything that's important for us to understand so I give God credit that he reveals the things that are the most important don't you because that's the way God is verse 5. and the angel I saw standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his hand to heaven now I want to go back and pick up something in verse 2 that we missed that is quite important back to verse two he has this little book open which is the Book of Daniel he set his right foot on the sea in his left foot on the land two things about that passage one right foot on the sea left foot on the land it's universality it speaks about a message for all mankind Every Nation Kindred tongue and people every religious group every ethnic background but there's something else in the Old Testament when you put your foot on something it was a symbol of ownership or possession so what this text is really saying is the creator of the universe has a universal message that comes from heaven for all Humanity because he is the possessor of the earth and soon will come to take the kingdom and his domain that he possesses because there's this Earth is because he created it now back to verse 5 and 6. the angel who I saw standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his hand to heaven now Jesus is lifting up his hand to Heaven through this Angel there are many Bible interpreters who believe this is the description of the Angel here in Revelation 10 is so similar to what is in Revelation chapter 1 that this is actually um Jesus who's speaking here and so it says the angel the word for Angel it's not that Christ is a created being at all Jesus was eternal but uh the word angel means Angelos it's it's messenger so this Divine messenger lifts up his hand to heaven and swears by him who lives forever and ever who created heaven and things that are therein in the earth and the things that are therein and the Sea and the things that they're in now notice when I have an angel that lifts his hand to heaven and he swears by him who lives forever if indeed that is true and it is this is a solemn oath I would rather listen to what the angel says than listen to any human being wouldn't you this is the message of God what I'm going to share with you in the next few minutes if you grasp it it's going to save you from understanding a thousand heresies there are the winds of Doctrine are blowing today even within the Adventist communion and people are becoming so confused when truth is so plain and so simple now look what it says it says the angel lifts his hand and he swears to him who by him who creates Heaven and Earth so he swears but by the Creator in the days that there should be time no longer if you have the new King James it says there should be delayed no Lord you see where it says time no longer in the Greek language this is at the end of verse 7. in the Greek language there are two words for time two words for time the first word is carios for time and that word means a a point of time on a calendar like if I say July 4th if I say the time is July 4th and I'm in the Greek language of the Old Testament Bible I'm going to use the word carios if I say it's December 20th I'm going to use that word karios it's a point of time that's not the word that's used here there's another word in its Chronos can you ever what what word do we get out of Chronos English word what is it chronology that has to do with length of time length of time so here the text actually is saying that the little Book of Daniel would be opened the Prophecies of Daniel would come to a climax the 2300 year prophecy would run out in 1844. and after that there would be time no longer that prophetic time the time prophecy would run out in 1844 that's what this text is saying and it is saying that after that time the issue would no longer be looking at a time clock trying to find out dates but the issue rather would be the preparation of a people to reflect the lovely image of Jesus so his Spirit could be poured out to finish his work on Earth now let me read you some very significant statements from the writings of Ellen White this is first second selected message is Page 73. there were those people that were claiming that probation would close in October 1884 1884 you know the 1844 had gone by the Prophecies of Daniel had run out and so they're pushing re they're trying to say probation is going to close at this state probation is going to close it that day so she says I stated in public that the Lord had been pleased to show me who showed her the Lord that there would be no definite time in the message given of God since 1844. next statement manuscript releases 10 manuscript releases page 270. our position has been one of waiting and watching with no time proclamation to intervene between the close of the prophetic periods in 1844 in the time of the Lord's coming this next one the people this is found in the seventh Bible commentary page 971 the people will not have another message upon a definite time after this period of time reaching from 1842 to 1844 there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time the longest Reckoning reaches to the Autumn of 1844. so when you see somebody that's that tells you on the internet and you watch a YouTube video that says oh probation is going to close at this particular date and then Jesus is going to come what do you know immediately the longest time Prophecy of the Bible ran out in 1844 and after that time God is no longer waiting for more famines more earthquakes more calamities more Wars that's not what God is waiting for what is God waiting for God is longing for a people whose hearts are so broken by the cross who are Charmed by his love so Redeemed by his grace that they no longer long to live in this world of sin sickness suffering they're Longing For Eternity they're longing for heaven they're on their knees praying that God will reveal to them anything in their life that's not in harmony with his will he's longing for a people who are totally absolutely completely committed to him so that he can pour out his spirit in the power of the latter rain so the gospel can go to the ends of the Earth so Jesus can soon come early Adventists misunderstood these prophecies they thought that the 2300 day years prophetic days or literal years that ran out in 1844 they thought that the cleansing of this Sanctuary was the cleansing of the Earth by fire that's what they thought and so they studied the Book of Daniel they were excited can you imagine how excited Mrs Charles Fitch must have been her husband dies on October 14. eight days before October 22. can you imagine her excitement she actually believed that Christ was going to come October 22 1844. I mean can you imagine the thrill in her life that must have taken place amen some farmers who left their crops in the field they didn't Harvest them good example of that was Leonard Hastings lived up there in New Ipswich New Hampshire and his friends mocked him they mocked him they said Hastings you're a crazy man you could get so much money from those potatoes you left them in the field they harvested their potatoes there was a potato blight that came upon the harvested potatoes many of them rotted they got very little for their sales after that disappointment in 18 October 22 1844 next spring Hastings gets this idea snow has covered those fields what if I got any potatoes over there he went out in the field snow had melted now began looking I got potatoes here got potatoes here got potatoes here he harvests his potatoes sells them for a very high price finances the Adventist cause preach the gospel and sells those Tomatoes as seed not Tomatoes potatoes there's a difference isn't there yeah he sells those potatoes he sells those potatoes to hit the farmers around him and they use them as seed potatoes now they're coming to him to buy his potatoes the word can take care of us can he did the disciples make some mistakes did they make some mistakes in their understanding of Prophecy they did didn't they did the disciples uh think that Jesus was going to establish his eternal Kingdom they did were they pretty disappointed at the cross they were but was there a resurrection morning and on that Resurrection morning did um did the disciples get new life so likewise let's go to our prophecy verse 8 then the voice which I heard then Revelation 10 verse 8 then the voice which I heard from Heaven spoke to me again and said go take the little book what's the little book everybody what is that Daniel which is open in the hand of the Angel who stands on the scene on the earth and I went to the angel and said give me the little book and he said to me Take and Eat It it'll make your stomach bitter but it'll be sweet as honey in your mouth and I took the little book out of the Angel's hand The Book of Daniel the Prophecies of Daniel which were now opened in these early Adventists studied it and it was sweet as honey in their mouth why because they believed that Jesus was going to come it was like honey in their mouth when the Bible talks about eating a little book and it's sweet as honey what's that all about let's let the Bible explain itself let's go to Jeremiah well let's go to First Psalms Psalm 119 verse 103 Psalm 119 verse 103 what does it mean and the sweetness of Honey Psalm 119 verse 103. we let the Bible explain itself don't we Psalm 119 verse 103 how sweet are your words to my taste sweeter than honey to my mouth so the sweetness of the word of God is likened to honey is the word of God sweet to you do you love to study it does it thrill your soul every time you open the book let's go back to Jeremiah 15 16 Psalm proverb Isaiah Jeremiah Jeremiah 15 verse 16. this is a Bible study time if you came to listen to stories you will hear some but the early Adventists will have to study their Bibles Jeremiah 15 verse 16. Jeremiah says your words were found and I ate them and your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart for I'm called by your name O Lord of hosts so they studied the Book of Revelation they studied the Book of Daniel they studied the Prophecies of Daniel it was so sweet in their mouth that they were rejoicing but when Christ did not come it was bitter in their belly verse 10 and I took the little book out of the Angel's hand Revelation 10 verse 10. and I ate it and it was sweet as honey but when I ate it when I had eaten it it was bitter bitter in my mouth they went through that bitter disappointment they were totally crushed when Christ didn't come they were mocked they were ridiculed some of them had sold their homes they had no place to live now they had sold many of them had sold their businesses other Adventists took them in they shared in common meals they were a fraternity they were a community and God blessed them just abundantly was this to be the end was this to be the end of a movement you see some people say you Seventh-Day Adventists you look back at 1844 that was a great disappointment you Adventists you were wrong on Prophecy so how could a movement that starts out wrong be right today there are two aspects of that first aspect is this these were not Seventh-Day Adventists these were methodists these were Baptists these were Catholics these were episcopalians these were Pentecostals the the Advent movement in the 1840s embraced people of a variety of denominations so was the Advent movement that's the first thing to notice second thing to notice is this if you say that any movement that starts out as a misunderstanding of Prophecy must be false by its very definition then you have to rule out Christianity altogether you because those disciples believed that Christ was going to come to establish his kingdom but yet out of that disappointment out of that disappointment God himself raised up the New Testament Christian Church but there's another aspect Seventh-Day Adventists point to Revelation chapter 10. and say this is one of the greatest identifying marks of the true church was there another movement that would rise after 1844 out of disappointment out of me out of a misunderstanding of the Prophecies of the Book of Daniel we see this as part of one of the Hallmarks part of one of the identity marks of the Adventist Church and what does the next verse say it says out of the context of that disappointment what does it say it says go and preach verse 11 read me verse 11 do you have it there in Scripture read it for me let's read it together what does it say s [Music] thou must do what prophesy again to whom to prophesy again to who Every Nation Kindred tongue and people now go over to Revelation Chapter 14 verse 6. so here out of disappointment out of Sorrow God would raise up a new testament movement that would go to the ends of the Earth to proclaim the gospel to Every Nation Kindred tongue and people Revelation 14 looking there at verse six and I saw another angel fly in the middle of Heaven having the Everlasting gospel to preach to them that were on the earth to what every nation Kindred tongue and people so out of the disappointment of 1844 just like God raised up a movement after Christ's death he would raise up an end time people Seventh-day Adventist today are proclaiming the gospel 23 million strong in over 214 countries in the world God says You must prophesy again one of the great Joys I have had is to travel the world to around 100 countries and I have stood at the graves of many Adventists Pioneers who pioneered this work I remember being in Hong Kong and they said to me what do you want to see we'll take you any place you want to go for a tourist I said I want you to find me the grave of Abraham LaRue Abraham LaRue was a layperson wrote to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist years and years ago we had no Believers in China at the time very few Christians almost no Christians in China Abraham LaRue became an Adventist is the result of a literature evangelist giving him literature in a book he was a farmer up in Northern California and he was moved when you read that book ultimately became a Seventh-Day Adventist he said I can't keep this to myself he said I have to tell the world I have to tell the world so he writes to the general conference he's in his 60s at this time and he said to them I want to go to China they write back two things number one you're too old number two we don't have any money there's nothing new Under the Sun we have any money but they said I'll tell you what if you can get your boat passage and go out to one of the islands in the Pacific you can do some literature evangelists work there as long as you stay in the Pacific he pays his passage gets on a steamer goes out to Hawaii begin selling books literature and he thinks wait a minute across the Pacific there's Hong Kong I won't be disobeying if I go there so he goes to Hong Kong no Christians finds a clerk of court who can who can translate steps to Christ into Chinese the guy doesn't he begins witnessing among to British Sailors who come to Hong Kong on the British boats some of those Sailors accept Christ except the evidence message go back to Liverpool England and start our work there he continues to witness travels all over sharing his faith and today as the result of that Ministry it took him five years before he had his first converts as a result of that Ministry today we have 350 to 400 000 almost 400 000 Believers in China you know one of my dear friends is Pastor Robert Wong I saw him recently little man about this tall throws his arms around me pastor Pastor so good to see you spent 15 years in prison for his faith he was 28 years old he left a youth meeting one day arrested by the communist government thrown into prison he was in a prison that was four by eight four feet wide eight feet long with three other prisoners just crammed there you know just crammed and as he sat there they all had their head shaved bold and they said to him if they don't shave your head bald you may not have to stay here very long first day goes by don't shave his head second day Third Day fourth day three months go by it's Christmas Day and he's called now by the authorities and his friends say they're going to let you go it's Christmas Day he goes in there's a barber's chair and they shave his head and he remembers it's Christmas Day and with tears coming down his face he looks at his hair on the floor and he says Jesus Jesus I don't have anything to give you today it's Christmas day but I want to give you the gift of my hair he spends 15 years three of those in solitary confinement and a whole deep through a Providence of God his mother sent him a little bible and the way he got that Bible was just amazing he remembered the hymn number give me the Bible and he was allowed to write 30 Chinese characters to his mother every month once a month he could write 30 Chinese characters and one of those characters he said Mama just remember I think it was 117 or something whatever it was in the Chinese hymnal and she because he had heard in the prison yard a prisoner called out because every prisoner you know had a number and somebody called out prisoner 117 get over here and you remember that's in the Chinese Hymnal give me the Bible see and so he wrote his mother oh for just remember 117. she said he's asking for a Bible they could get soap about this long and a bar of soap because they'd have soap and they'd cut it and she hollowed out the bar of soap and put a little bible in and she said yes I remembered 117. he found the Bible and he said to me Mark that's what nourished me all through that solitary confinement he said the word of God just nourished me when I travel I want to hear the stories of those Pioneers I remember in Africa I was at salusi college and they said where do you want to go I said I want to go to the cemetery but I want to be alone and I went to the cemetery and sat there looked at the grave of Pastor Anderson who had given his life there wife dies children die and I thought to myself these early Adventists who went through this disappointment and of course LaRue and Anderson were years later than that but still in that vein they believed Christ was coming it made a difference in their lives it drove them to their knees and it drove them to a time of Bible study it drove them to a time of prayer that drove them to a time of deeper spirituality and if God is calling the church to anything today he's calling us to recapture that Spirit of the pioneers he's you see the work of God is not going to be finished simply by some light Fair it's not going to be finished by people who love video games and love the internet and can't concentrate on the word of God and their minds are so saturated with this world that they have forgotten eternity the culture around us at times shapes us the culture around us at times squeezes us into its mold but God is calling for a people who are absolutely totally committed to him a people who will draw nearer to God each moment and that's what the song is all about nearer still nearer it's a song that talks about faith and courage in our relationship with God I don't know where you are in your spiritual walk tonight but God is calling each one of us to something deeper he's not calling us to what to Wade in Kitty's wading pools up to our ankles and pick up pennies he's calling us to go deep he's calling us to ReDiscover the pearl of great price to have a fresh and new and vibrant spiritual experience [Music] he's calling us back to a deeper prayer life a richer Bible study life and a passionate commitment to witness let's stand and pray together Father in heaven we hear the voice of Jesus speaking to our heart we've sensed the moving of the spirit tonight and Lord we long to recapture the spirit of those early Adventist pioneers those who've gone before us upon whose shoulders we stand we want to recapture that passion for Bible study where the word of God as Jeremiah says becomes sweet in our mouth where it becomes honey to us where we just love to study it we want to recapture the commitment to prayer where our hearts are one with your heart our mind is one with your heart we long to sense your burdens for the Lost World so father tonight May the words of this song be the words of our heart nearer still nearer draw Us near our Lord and we thank you that you love us with an everlasting love we thank you that you have done and are doing and will do anything to save us that there is no length that you will not go to no depth that you will not reach down to lift us from that there is no height that you cannot bring us to Lord we're reminded of the vision of Jacob's Ladder that reached Jacob right where he was and we know Jesus you're that ladder that reaches us right where we are in Christ's name amen
Channel: HopeLives365
Views: 113,283
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Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh day Adventist, SDA, Adventist, Adventists, Mark Finley, HopeLives365, Hope Lives 365, Ellen White, Adventist Heritage Convocation
Id: Pukk979AhaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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