The Big Lie Preachers Keep Telling You (And Where it Came From)

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hello and welcome to 3abn worship hour i'm john loma kang some people say pastor john loma king pastor loma king pastor john it really doesn't matter we all exist in the same body don't think too long about that one you know so good to have you tune in from week to week to listen to what god has to say to you and today i have a message i believe that will maybe jar your heart to some degree or calibrate your thoughts or sharpen your eyes the title of the message is the big lie the big lie you may have heard that phrase it is not necessarily a political term i'm going to be using today but in fact it has a longer history a longer life span than that and the content of the message is if i could say a third or fourth part to a series that i did uh in the year 2020 and i'll tell you about that in just a moment but let's begin by asking the lord to guide our minds and hearts as we open his word father in heaven the opportunities are humbling opportunities and i do pray for clarity of mind and of thought that those who are watching those who are listening will listen carefully enough to avoid being confronted and being victimized by the term that i've used to describe this message the big lie and so may the truth of your word reign supreme that our hearts and minds may be guided by your holy spirit and by your truth in jesus name i pray amen in may 2020 i presented three messages on a scriptural topic about what happens when you die the three sermon titles one was the mouth of the dragon the other one was the dragon's what abouts which dealt with scriptures like absent from the body present with the lord what about the thief on the cross what what's the difference between the body soul and spirit that topic dealt with that in specifics and the mouth of the dragon was in fact the introduction of the big lie and then the one was the appearing which focused on how satan is going to use the big lie to lay the foundation for his appearing to personate the person of christ but today's message in some degree is going to recap some of those points but focus more on the reason why the big lie is still alive today before we go into the big lie as far as its expansive spiritual impact let's walk down the historical lane to find out how this phrase even was born i did some research and i found out that the word or the phrase the big lie surfaced in world war one the big lie according to the oxford dictionary came from the word or the phrase a german word grobe lug which meant a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth used especially as a propaganda technique during world war one the germans while being involved in propaganda themselves accused the opposition accused the jews of propaganda misaligning them and saying that they were in fact being misappropriated or they were being wrongly accused according to merriam-webster the german expression was coined by adolf hitler when he dictated his book in 1925 called mean kampf k-a-m-p-h and he wrote this book to describe as he said the use of a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone and i quote could have the impudence or boldness to distort the truth so infamously adolf hitler claimed that the big lie was used by the jews to blame germany's loss in world war one on a german general einrich ludendorff and so the word or the phrase the big lie was also the title of a book written to describe a world war one survivor a young jewish hungarian girl named isabelle leightoner that's the earliest recollection of the phrase the big lie but in 1951 once again the big lie was used in an anti-communist film produced by the american military and its aim was to portray the soviet union as an aggressive totalitarian empire much like the recently defeated nazi germany it also begins with the quote by adolf hitler which is as follows and this is amazing you got to grab this and record this and he said the great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one in the last couple of years of american politics the phrase the big lie rose to prominence once again the phrase the big lie was applied to the accusations of the former president that the election was stolen the big lie created an expanding chasm of partisan division that still to this very day exist between democrats and republicans but when we begin to examine the historical impact of lies one thing that is true about all lies is this someone believes it someone believes it that's why the first statement made by jesus concerning the final signs in matthew 24 and verse 4 he warned us about being pulled in by the big lie he said take heed that no one deceives you when jesus was alone with his disciples after he unfolded to them the signs of the end times you know wars and rumors of wars the first thing he said before he got to the wars and rumors of wars and nations rising against nation he said take heed that no one deceives you what was jesus saying he was saying that the atmosphere of the last days will be polluted by lies lies permeated in every arena and most prominently today in america politics and religion but you have to ask yourself the question how could a lie become so prominent that people believe it what makes a lie so believable how can a lie permeate the minds of people that we claim or think are generally intellectual how can it find anything to hold on to how can people believe something that when you examine the scriptures based on what they believe seems completely out of harmony with what they believe compared to what scripture teaches well the apostle paul tells us how a lie small or big or any size can find a place to roost can find a place to plant its insidious seed and produce another victim he says in 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 to 12 these words the coming of the lawless one he says is according to the working of satan with all power signs and lying wonders things so amazing that when you see it you believe it your eyes believe it when your heart says it cannot possibly happen he continues in second thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 10. he says and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish and here's the reason why a lie can work because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved in other words they chose not to believe what god's word says they chose to believe what they were told or they chose to believe their senses or they chose to believe tradition or they chose to believe what my mama told me and her mother told her or my father or his father told him they chose to believe the framework of the religion or church they were raised in rather than examining it by the word of god and when they saw the conflict they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved now here is the negative impact of ignoring the truth 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 11. and for this reason god will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie verse 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness what happens when you don't believe the truth the bible says your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path if you turn off the light there's no telling what you'll run into can you imagine what would happen at night if all cars turn their headlights off and try to drive on a highway that's completely dark at night it just wouldn't work there'll be one accident after the other one collision after the other because they chose to ignore the necessity of light which illuminates the path that they're traveling the word of god is an illumination to the path we're traveling when christians prefer tradition over the bible they turn the lights off when they prefer what they believe over what the bible says or what the bible teaches they turn the light off when what their pastor says supercedes what the bible communicates they turn the light off and they believe a lie and the unfortunate part is you can't believe a lie and expect to be saved the bible says that they all may be condemned who do not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness you see in the christian life and in the world there are only two doors that every one of us must confront when the door to the truth is closed the door to lies are opened if a liar comes into your life if you live with a person that's a notorious liar i know some people that lie so well that they wouldn't even flick an eye when they lie and you're thinking to yourself i i can't believe they're actually saying that but they have convinced themselves so effectively that what they believe is true that they could say it without even skipping a beat notorious but for those that believe rejecting the truth is harmless for those that believe that turning their minds away from the truth doesn't have any negative impact negative impact notice what jesus said in john 14 verse 6 jesus said i am the way the truth and the life so when we close the door to the truth we're actually closing the door to christ somebody might say well i believe the lord i trust the lord i just don't believe what that says i just don't believe that particular scripture i was confronted by pastors and christians alike that have said to me i know what you believe that that scripture believes and i thought well what else can that possibly believe what else can that possibly mean when we read if you love me keep my commandments what else can that possibly mean if you love me keep my commandments what other interpretations can there be but when adam and eve closed the door to truth they opened the door so that lies today can have a longer life span than the truth of god's word you notice in the garden of eden when they close the door to truth the seed to the original big lie was planted genesis chapter 3 and verse 4 in the conversation between the serpent and eve eve knowing that god had forbade her from going to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil she knew that the consequences of disobedience was death and the big lie was told by the adversary genesis 3 and verse 4 then the serpent said to the woman you will not surely die i mean you're going to die but not surely i mean you're not going to die the way you think you're going to die and for some reason she believed that lie and took of the fruit but it was not just a lie that eve would not die it was the promise that she would possess a depth of knowledge of good and evil only known to god alone a lot of times we read that passage and we think well the devil convinced us she wouldn't die but he also told her another lie look at genesis chapter 3 and verse 5. he said to her by disobeying god you'll have access to what god doesn't want to give to you genesis 3 and verse 5 for god knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like god knowing good and evil in other words god has something he doesn't want you to know the fact of the matter is god did not ever intend for adam and eve to experience evil to experience death but satan promised them access to an intellect that god alone possesses my brother my sister don't ever allow yourself to be fooled by some professor or some doctor or some theologian or some guru that god doesn't want you to know all the roads to darkness offer something that they say religion or the bible or christ or god cannot offer you some of the deepest thinkers in our world today are some of the most evil individuals because they're convincing you that somehow as your guru as your teacher as your instructor as your leader as your professor i can give you something that christianity and christ himself cannot give you but that is not true isaiah 55 verse 9 puts the picture in perfect clarity for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than yours and my thoughts than your thoughts there's no way that in our limited intellect that we could supersede the intellect of god and think somehow we have risen to a higher state of understanding can you put universes together do you know a professor or a guru or teacher that can that can design and hold the universe together or can put earth in the midst of all the other planets and not collide can your teacher cause the sun to rise and set and create life and create seasons and suns and moons and stars if the answer is no then don't fool yourself thinking that somehow there is a man on the planet smarter than the living word of god it just doesn't work and one of my favorite books counsels to writers and editors one of my favorite authors a servant young girl that we now know as ellen g white she wrote something that was significant and i shared with you today councils to writers and editors page 156 in paragraph two here's what she said she said a wide door to destruction is open to all those who believe in the immortality of the soul and do not believe that christ alone brings life and immortality to light in other words she's saying for those who believe that this body is nothing but a a garage for something that's hiding on the inside some immortal soul just waiting for us to open the garage doors at death and set a free is nothing more than a lie the bible clearly states that god only has immortality so anyone that advances the ideology or the theory of the teaching that we are naturally immortal while preaching the gospel is not and cannot be identified as one speaking on god's behalf because there's nothing about you or i that's immortal god alone possesses immortality one day at the coming of christ we will put on immortality but god alone possesses immortality well how does this work how do we know that one saying that we are immortal is not speaking on behalf of god john 8 verse 44. the the lord said speaking to the religious leaders that lied in his day you are of your father the devil and the desires of your father you want to do why he speaking of satan was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaks a lie he speaks from his own resources for he is a liar and the father of it the big lie born in eden is that humanity possesses natural immortality that something about us survives death the big lie planted in eden will accomplish its most deceptive purpose in the last days well how could that happen well if you believe that your relatives died they could still communicate you see the immortality of the soul is the big lie that refuses to die the big lie that is preached from pulpits around the world the big lie that's shared at funerals i could i could tell you my hair crawls on the back of my neck when i'm at funerals and people say well they're looking down on you right now and ask myself the question where do you find that in the bible i was at a funeral not too long ago where the pastor read the scripture the dead in christ will rise first and he said that's what's going to happen when jesus comes but right now our dear loved one is looking down on us and so thankful that you have attended this funeral today and i'm thinking you just read the bible how do you follow that up with a blatant lie that's not found in scripture the big lie is posted on facebook depicted on heaven in movies and songs i did a search one day to find out how many christian songs teach the big lie and i was flabbergasted that more than 60 well-known christian songwriters have interwoven the ideology that you die and go to heaven and then your soul continues living and you're you're you're in the hands of one who's wounded the only wounds are the one who holds you now i'm thinking that's not in scripture but all who have died are equal we are all in the grave but the problem today friends is the world has massaged a 6 000 year old lie that you will not surely die as a result people believe that their dead relatives can contact them so they wait for all these signs in the house the clock at 6 30 number 23 on the wall in the kitchen on the fridge and they say ah somebody's trying to send us a message and people lie to you these people that dress in suits and look credible they call them uh long island lolita who she talks about she's a soothsayer she can contact your dad and bring a message from the other side to you lies lies not based on scripture others believe that their dead relatives are now their guardian angels nothing in scripture ever called a human your guardian angel in life or at death some believe that their dead loved ones can visit them i had a call from a young boy in florida once he said my mother keeps visiting me and i said and he said i'm afraid pastor and i said why are you afraid and he said my mother died and i said to him the reason why you are afraid is because you know that that is not your mom and i told him what to do and those demonic visitations ended and people often say well how can that not be my parent how could that not be some relative but they fail to realize that the bible talks about evil spirits the bible calls it familiar spirits and they fail to realize that evil spirits and evil angels have been around for millennia they know what your mother looked like they know what your relatives look like they know what they sound like they can impersonate them they can make you think that they are them they bring back these soothing lies oh everybody's in heaven and when you die nowadays you don't doesn't matter how you live you end up in heaven michael jackson's in heaven prince is in heaven liberace is in heaven i'm not saying they're not going to be there but my brethren they don't die and go to heaven there's no baseball games in heaven nobody's playing basketball in heaven all these ridiculous lies that are pumped from the media from funerals people quote the scriptures and then immediately contradict it and they say they are with the lord in the arms of jesus one day your dead loved ones at the coming of christ may be in the arms of a loving savior if they've lived to the glory of god but we die and we go to the grave the bible makes it clear and these lies are conveyed with such conviction and such sympathetic voices that sorrowful family members believe these lies are based on scripture well let's let the bible speak for itself because the big lie will die where the scriptures take place the big lie cannot over shadow the word of god when you choose to experience the word of god in place of the big lie listen to ecclesiastes 9 verse 5 and 6 this is how the big lie is defeated a wise man solomon said for the living know that they will die but the dead know nothing and they have no more reward for the memory of them is forgotten verse 6 of ecclesiastes 9. also their love their hatred and their envy have now perished nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun what is he saying as long as the sun rises and sets every day the dead will remain dead until the resurrection i was at a funeral once in new york city oh last year sometime or maybe earlier this year i don't remember exactly the date but i stood in the funeral parlor and i made this statement whatever happened to the resurrection how has the resurrection been deleted from the bible because people die and go straight but that's not what the bible says ecclesiastes 9 and verse 10 if you allow the bible to speak you'll know exactly what happens when a person dies the wise man solomon says once again whatever your hand finds to do do it with your might and here's why for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going now wait a minute where did he say you're going in the grave what's not there there's no device you ain't taking your cell phone there's no knowledge there's no wisdom nobody's going to be talking to you there there's no device there's no knowledge there's no wisdom in the grave watch the direction where you are going if you go to a nearby cemetery all those stones that you see with names that body is right there and their spirit is no place else there's no soul in heaven saying well i can't wait to come down and get back in that body we'll deal with that ideology in just a moment you see the lie of death is believed because the truth of life is ignored when you understand how humanity was created then you understand what we are made of what we are comprised of then you will more clearly understand what happens when we die in genesis chapter 2 and verse 7. here's what the bible says and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being the king james version says living soul but the translation simply means living being let's put this together the lord formed dust he formed the dust put all the organs together and as one of my friends who's a pathologist and describing the process of the human body the this amazing machine that the lord created he says it's amazing all the muscles and bones and veins and heart and lungs and kidney all put there and then god leaned over and the breath of life breathed into man's nostrils these things here the breath of life and then man came alive that's what happens when you plug your shaver in and you flip the switch the shaver comes alive does the shaver have electricity in it no if you turn that off you ask yourself where did the electricity go it went back to the source the power plant that's maybe located a mile or so from your house that's where it's stored in the very same way jesus is the source of all life in him was life and that life is the light of men he is the source of all living beings he created all things in him in all things exist in him we live and move and have our being man became a living being he's the source of our life there's no electricity hanging around in your razor waiting for you to flip the switch nothing in it is alive it needs that outside source to bring it to life where there is no life in adam then there's death until god breathed into adam's nostrils adam was nothing but a beautifully designed pile of dust and then god breathed into him now here's one of the scriptures that people often try to use to give support to the big lie but when we read the bible we allow scripture to unite with scripture to make the picture abundantly clear ecclesiastes 12 and verse 7 and i'm going to read it in the king james version because this is the translation that has been around longer and people often use this because it sound ethereal and they think that ha i've got my proof to prove that something went to heaven here's the verse ecclesiastes 12 and verse 7. speaking about death then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto god who gave it put a pin in that the spirit returns to god who gave it first question when did god give it and what is it that god gave notice it didn't say a soul that god gave let's go back and examine the record of creation adam was not existing in heaven before he was created on earth so if something is returning to god and you thought it was a living soul then it's going back to where it came from because the word return simply means go back to where it came from if i visit australia and i come to america i'm returning to america if i if i visit america and i live in australia and i go back home i'm returning to australia i'm returning to where i came from so when the bible says the spirit returned to god who gave it notice what it says the spirit returns to god it doesn't say the spirit returns to heaven it says it returns to god we say it doesn't return to god it returns to heaven so we teach that somehow there are people all over heaven it said it returns to god because god is the source of all life the very breath of life that came from him goes back to him it's not a person it is the breath of life well how do i know that let the bible speak for itself job chapter 27 and verse 3 what is that spirit that goes back to god not to heaven here it is job 27 verse 3 and i'm going to use the very same translation as i did for the last passage the king james version job says all the while my breath is in me and the spirit of god is in my nostrils i'll repeat that last part and the spirit of god is in my nostrils what is that job all the while my breath is in me and the spirit of god is in my nostrils well job how did it get there because god breathed into adam's nostrils the breath of life and as long as i'm living all the while my breath is in me and the spirit of god is in my nostrils that seems to be clear but the big wall the big lie that people have to get by is all these things that have been sown in their brains from childhood from denominations from churches from pulpits from movies from music this constant massaging of a lie almost makes it appear to be truth but it's still a lie the first question that the lord made very clear to adam when adam died after sin he said adam after you have lived your days because of sin this is what's going to happen to you because of transgression now watch this if we had no other passage in the bible we can believe the very first thing that god said to adam what happened to him because of transgression look at genesis chapter 3 and verse 19 in the sweat of your face in the sweat of your face new king james version in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground where is adam going return to the ground why would you go there the lord made it clear himself for out of it you were taken for dust you are and to dust you shall return now that passage revealed two powerful undeniable facts about humanity let me break it down first of all it brought up it brought out the destiny of all humanity when they die at death humanity's destiny and humanity's origin are the same let me repeat that again when we die our destiny equals our origin said another way we go back to where we came from the lord made it clear till you return to the ground for out of it you were taken adam simply goes back to what he was before he became a living being we are returning to where we came from that's location now let's look at nature because i mentioned that genesis 3 19 brings out two undeniable facts one is the destiny of death second the nature at death we are composed of dust we return to dust the words of god for dust you are and to dust you shall return the second undeniable fact we are returning to what we were made of the first undeniable fact we are returning to where we came from second one we are returning to what we were made of where and what are clearly answered in genesis chapter 3 19 so we're not returning to heaven we're not returning to to to glory because we didn't come from glory we came from god the breath of life the life giver gave us life but what did he make us from dust what do we go back to dust what happens to the breath of life it goes back to god no soul goes to heaven wow god never said that at the time of death man goes to heaven he used the word return which means that when we are born we have a round-trip ticket because of sin look at ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 20. ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 20 when we are born in this sinful world we are all born with a round trip ticket we go back to where we came from when we die ecclesiastes 3 and verse 20 the bible says all go to one place all are from the dust and all do what returned to the dust we all go back to the same place we don't go anyplace else you see the powerful truth neutralizes the lie that humanity's destiny is different from humanity's origin when you know what the bible says you can unequivocally say the reason why we go back to dust is because that's where we came from now we don't stay there indefinitely because there's a resurrection we return to where and what we came from where the dust what the dust is what we came from is dust where we came from is the earth and the bible makes it clear that death there is no change in our destiny not only did god teach this not only did the wise man solomon teach this but the patriarch david added his commentary to this very fact psalm 115 verse 17. listen to this the dead do not praise the lord nor any who go down into silence did you grab that not up into praise but down into silence people hear that and say are you saying that my mother is not in heaven that's exactly what i'm saying but i'm not saying is that i'm not saying that your mother will not be in heaven but on the authority of god's word when she died she was buried or was cremated and her rest or her remains are still on this earth until the lord comes that is what the resurrection is all about would somebody please insert the resurrection back into your preaching and stop making death some kind of alternate route to heaven death is an enemy it is not the the hallway that we are transported into a better life that's why it's always amazing when i hear people say well they're in a better place now well if the local cemetery is better than your house that's maybe what they mean but the local cemetery is the destiny of all those that have died the dead do not praise the lord nor any that go down into silence and some people also make it appear as though the old testament is in conflict with the new testament they say well that's how it used to be in the old testament but things change in the new testament that's not even scriptural let's look at the bible when you study the bible you find that 36 times 36 times you find the phrase in the old testament rested with his fathers and this is what is said over and over when a great king dies or great leader dies the bible says they rested with their fathers example first kings chapter 11 verse 43 then solomon speaking about his death rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of david his father and rehoboam his son reigned in his place so when solomon died he was buried in the city of david his father he was buried solomon is not in heaven look at second kings chapter 15 verse 38 the bible continues on the very same frame rested with his fathers so jotham rested with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of david his father then ahaz his son reigned in his place but when you teach that the old testament is out of harmony with the new testament you say one of those can be believed and the other one cannot be believed huh how does that match with god who never changes how does that match or align with jesus who's the same yesterday today and forever it doesn't match it doesn't match if the old testament was different from the new testament if they were both in conflict then god cannot be trusted it depends on what you which one you read to find out which god you serve the god of the old testament or the god of the new testament well let me make it very clear friends when job said what he said and jesus said what he said about mary's brother lazarus being in the resurrection there was no new testament when paul wrote all scripture is given by inspiration of god there was no new testament he was referring to the same old testament and what does the bible say about the words of god psalm 89 34 my covenant i will not break nor alter the words that have gone out of my lips the lord does not alter his word therefore his word is always true but now let's do something let's put to test this idea that i've heard pastors use i've had a pastor tell me that well that's how it used to be but this is how it is now god changed the way he deals with humanity excuse me no noah found grace and we are still saved by grace god promised that we'll never be destroyed by a flood and the world has not been destroyed by any flood ever since god hasn't changed but let's go ahead and put to test the theory that god dealt with men differently when they died let's use david as the perfect example first kings chapter 2 and verse 10 speaking about david's death so david rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of david david when he died was buried in the city of david he rested with his fathers and was buried that was first kings chapter 2 verse 10 does the new testament harmonize with that very teaching let us see what the bible says acts chapter 2 verse 29 and verse 34. i'll read it in your hearing men and brethren this is the day of pentecost sermon peter is preaching men and brethren let me speak freely to you of the patriarch david that he is both dead and buried and his tomb is with us to this day and verse 34 for david did not ascend into the heavens just like the old testament buried with his fathers his tomb is with us unto this day my wife and i had a chance to go and visit the tomb of david when we went to the middle east they call it the holy land i call it the bible lands the holy land is the new jerusalem word where jesus is going to prepare a home for me that's the bible lands but i saw people bowing before the tomb of david david is both dead and buried and as peter said his tomb is with us unto this very day david did not ascend into the heavens so here we have the proof the condition of david in the old testament and the new testament are the same he hasn't changed god's word hasn't changed but i say it again whatever happened to the resurrection the resurrection has been deleted from christianity well friends the reason for the return of jesus is not just to save the living but to resurrect those who have been laid to rest waiting for the coming of the lord i've got some friends and i have two moms that i'm looking forward to meeting in the resurrection a number of years ago at 3ab and i was preaching a sermon about the resurrection about death and the dying and in the middle of the sermon it just dawned on me that my mother the lady that raised me mama haynes passed away when i was just before i was 13 years old i was living in new york city and she died in the lord and i said wow i can't wait for the day that jesus resurrects her from the grave to see her in this perfect resurrected glory unblemished perfect in beauty in the character and the righteousness of jesus but then i met my mom my natural mother my birth mother when i was almost 26 years old and my mother died when i knew her for only seven years and we buried her in saint thomas in the virgin islands and i said the same thing wow i cannot wait till resurrection morning when my mother is raised i want to be there and so here i was in the middle of this sermon caught up i want to be in new york but i want to be in the virgin islands i want to be in the virgin islands but i want to be in new york i want to see them both raised and then to my my ear came the very text the dead in christ shall rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall ever be with the lord first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 and 17 and i heard the lord say john why don't you just meet them in the air and i thought praise god my mothers are gonna be resurrected two different places but we will meet in the air that's why david said what he did about the assurance of the resurrection psalm 116 and verse 15 he said precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints why is it precious because when you die in the lord you have hope when you study history you find in the dark ages they unearth many tombs of where people died and were buried christians and non-christians alike and on the tombstones of those who are not christians you have the phrase goodbye some goodbye forever but on the tombs of those that were christians you had this inscription see you in the morning see you in the morning my brothers and sisters here's a resurrection morning for those who are have been laid to rest in the lord precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints and i know some of you may have lost a loved one some people have lost loved ones to covet what a sad accountability whatever the reason however they lost their lives i pray that they have gone to sleep in jesus you see when you read the bible it makes it abundantly clear the resurrection was what christians look forward to that famous passage and in hebrews chapter 11 that entire chapter of all those who stood faithfully there is an insertion in that chapter that often we overlook and when you read that passage you find this that christians did not die hoping to go directly to heaven they died expecting something else look at hebrews chapter 11 verse 35. the bible says women receive their dead raised to life again that's what jesus did for some of them but others were tortured not accepting deliverance and watch this that they might obtain a better resurrection did you get that a better resurrection what do they look forward to a better resurrection not a better funeral you could bury somebody in a 14 karat gold coffin it does not guarantee their resurrection for the goodness of the lord if they die in christ you could be cremated but have the hope of coming forth when jesus comes again that's why when jesus rose to heaven in john chapter 14 he said to his disciples in my father's house on many mansions if it were not so i would have told you and get this i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you get this i will come again and receive you to myself why that where i am in heaven there you may be also he didn't say i'll meet you when you get there he says i'll come again and receive you to myself wow and when you read the bible story you find in john chapter 13 the disciples were asking the lord where are you going he said to them you know the way but you cannot come you cannot come you can't follow me you cannot come i'm going to go and get it ready for you but i'm going to come again that's what we find in matthew chapter 25 the lord says then i will send my angels and they will gather the elect from the four corners of the earth he's coming back to receive his people he's getting our mansions ready but he's coming back to receive us this is very clear that's why we cannot allow ourselves to speak like those that don't know the truth we cannot use phrases my brothers and sisters who know the truth we can't use phrases like home going services they're not going home they're going to the cemetery they're going to a mortuary they're going to be cremated but they're not going home until jesus comes we cannot use phrases like they're in the arms of jesus now they're not in the arms of jesus they are in the cemetery waiting for the day when they are caught up to meet the lord in the air we don't meet the lord until he descends with a great trumpet and the shout and the voice of the archangel they are not caught up to meet anybody until he descends calls us to life and we are caught up to meet him and please do not keep using the phrase they are in a better place i've never considered the cemetery a better place for my mother than being in the house where she can be with me the cemetery is not a better place people have died millions billions have died in world wars buildings have died in fires you think that they would prefer to be in a better place than your house a better place than with you sitting by the table having dinner with you it's not a better place death is an enemy death has never been described by the bible as a friend the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death first corinthians chapter 15 the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death death is not a friend it is not an alternate route to heaven it is a part of the big lie you see the lord made it very clear that there's a day coming that the graves are going to open and all those that come out will be in one of two categories not a third category there's no third category where people are omitted from one of the first two categories jesus's own words made it clear what kind of resurrection it's going to be john 5 verse 28 and 29 hear the words of jesus he says do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good unto the resurrection of life they're coming back to life again perfect receiving immortality but look at the second category and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation what does that mean there's a second death revelation 20 talks about that it's the lake of fire the first death is simply the cemetery some people die in car crashes and plane crashes some people's bodies are never recovered but that's still the first death the second death is when we stand before the judgment seat of christ and then everyone is rewarded according to his or her works they receive eternal life or they receive eternal death not eternal burning that's another topic for another day not eternal burning not eternal torment the results of their punishment will be eternal there's no lake some hole in the ground someplace where their smoke is continuing to go up forever and ever and ever and ever it'll go up as long as there's something burning but one day there will be only a new heaven and a new earth wherein only righteousness is existing lord has made it very clear that we're living in a day and age where people believe lies and these lies are going to set people up people are going to be looking one day for this for this being of dazzling brightness to appear on the scene and in one of my favorite books uh the servant of the lord in the book the spirit of prophecy volume 4 page 370 talks about how the lie planted in the garden of eden has laid the foundation for the personation of christ one day let me share matthew chapter 24 with you to lay the foundation and see how matthew chapter 24 verse 23 to verse 27 jesus already warned us that one day somebody is going to claim to be christ here are the words of jesus matthew 24 starting with verse 23 then if anyone says to you then if anyone says to you look here is the christ or there what did he say do not believe it verse 24 of matthew 24 for false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive get this if possible even the elect let me put a pin right there the elect will not be deceived why because they are following the unearing the the truthful undeniable sustainable unalterable uncompromising word of god the elect will not be deceived that's why jesus himself said it's going to be so amazing so dazzling that if possible even the elect could be deceived but they will not be because they are the elect that's why he said if possible but matthew 24 25 jesus continues see i have told you beforehand therefore if they say to you look he is in the desert do not go out look he is in the inner room do not believe it for as lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west so also will the coming of the son of man be i tell you friends lightning i'm not crazy about lightning storms i've grown up to appreciate them they're magnificent they're beautiful but they're deadly but what the bible is in essence saying in the words of christ if you've ever seen a lightning storm you have some idea of how visible the coming of christ is going to be as lightning flashes from the east to the west so also will the coming of the son of man be that means everybody's going to see jesus when he comes revelation 1 verse 7 behold he comes with clouds and every eye will see him and those also who pierced him even his crucifiers are going to see him every eye will see him there's coming a day that everyone alive on the earth will see him no secret rapture no snatching away no people running into darkness without knowing what actually happened every eye will see him and the big lie that was told the big lie that had been told in the garden of eden the purpose for the big lie is so that satan can take that and now he has seen that that's a perfect foundation on which he can build the grandest deception of all time coming in the person of christ that's why jesus said if they say i'm on the ground don't believe it if they say i'm in the desert don't go out there if they say i'm in the secret in a room do not believe it why because i'm not coming to touch the earth the second time in the book the great controversy speaking about this deception page 593 paragraph one the last great delusion is soon to open before us antichrist is to perform his marvelous works in our sight jesus warned about it so closely will the count of it resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them get this except by the holy scriptures how do you know whether or not you're taking the right turn use the map pick out your rand mcnally whatever you use look at your gps test what you do by god's word not by opinions not by ideologies not by what the pastor said or what your parents believe what the media said what's on the news or what you heard at the last funeral or what you hear in christian songs that are not written by bible standards don't ever examine what you believe or line it up by all these things that are outside of the bible align it by the word of god because the deception is going to be so great that the only way we're going to know the difference is we will be able to measure what we see by god's word that's why she ends by saying by their testimony every statement and every miracle must be tested to the law and to the testimony god's word if they do not speak according to this word it is because there is no light in them so we don't have dead loved ones visiting us this is the generation this is the generation that has been pulled into the lies that come from two categories believe the lie of the enemy because it's all on deception and the best category is believe the word of god because it's based on the words of god today we live in a generation that forms its convictions by videos on youtube they say it's on the internet and some conclude well a pastor said this on the internet therefore maybe it has some credibility no whatever is said by any preacher examine it by god's word not a single scripture that you can pull out of the context like absent from the body present with the lord i address that issue in my sermon call the dragons what abouts it's clearly explained the dragons what about covers that topic or pulling scriptures out soul and body and spirit may the lord keep your body and soul in spirit saying ah there's my evidence they're all separate no no let the bible put the entire picture together line upon line line upon line precept on precept precept on precept hear a little and there a little put all the scriptures together that talks about a single topic and come to the educated conclusion about what the word of god teaches not the opinions of learned men not people that have positions that seem to be the authority on everything that is said don't allow the highest or the lowest to cause you to be turned away from a plane thus saith the lord this generation gravitates to those that fit their opinions and views people said i want to go to that church because it teaches what i believe oh friends what if you both are wrong the bible says if the blind leads the blind they both fall into the pit i want to make sure that i'm not following the blind but i'm following the light of god's word this generation also exalts man's opinions above god's word a lot of people say well i know what your church teaches but this is what i've been taught and that's your view this is my view well friends you know what if your view doesn't come from the almighty word of god then it's just your view but if it comes from the word of god we can say it is based on the unerring power of the word of god and i tell you the lord never lies this is a generation where satan has even successfully found a way to infiltrate some of those in our own church that have come in become members and have refused to get rid of their traditions i had an elder once that told me when i visited him he said when you visit me knock on my door three times and i said what do you mean knock three times and i was profoundly amazed by what he said following that he said you know pastor knock three times because when spirits come they knock twice i said excuse me i thought he was joking until i looked at his face i said are you serious and he was my head elder in one of my churches i said would you get that idea for me well that's what i was raised to believe in my country i said my brother put that traditional belief down and trust god's word the dead don't know anything the dead don't know anything don't be one of those that refuse to believe the truth and love the truth because the apostle paul says if we close our eyes and ears to the door of truth we open our eyes and ears to the door of falsehood to the doors of lies to the doors of the big lies my brothers and sisters it is at this critical hour that we need to take our stand on the side of god's word and i'm praying that that's your opinion i'm praying that's your decision i'm praying that's your heart's string i'm praying that you'll say my opinion is this only god's word will form it my beliefs are these only god's word will guide it my convictions are these only god's word is the foundation on which i stand why is that important the only way to be pulled away from the big lie is to abandon the big lie in favor of standing on jesus and his word and why is that the only safe thing to do john 8 verse 32 the words of jesus which i end this topic with he says and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free my desire my prayer for you is that you abandon the big lie and accept the word of jesus in its place may god bless you until we see you again [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 698,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what happens when you die, the truth about death, do you go to heaven when you die, 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, sermon, worship hour, John Lomacang
Id: eq_V2tHBfuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 34sec (3454 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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