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all right we're going to have the word on the screen and we're going to take it back 60 years I've got to mention just over the hilltop in that bright land where we'll never grow old and someday Yonder we will never more wander but walk on the streets that are purest gold let's try the chorus like this I've got a mansion [Music] [Applause] [Music] wherever [Music] just the congregation in that right land where we'll never grow we will never move but walk on the street foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that's over the hill [Music] [Music] second verse don't pick people [Music] love me foreign [Music] [Music] Wonder What About Us [Music] in search [Music] yeah we are never more wonderful streams our government songs [Applause] [Music] I wonder [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where everybody [Music] amen amen praise the Lord thank you Lord listen to the message in this song I I'm gonna be I'm gonna get my blessing right up here today by myself is that all right praise God what an awesome God He has watched over us he has taken care of us oh Hallelujah I got a mansion come on let's one more time I've Got a Mansion yes [Music] over the hilltop oh yes but never grows [Music] oh yes thank you Lord [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord thank you Lord thank you thank you Father [Music] memories Light Up the Sky of days when life for me meant holding on we're hoping that I would be strong always [Music] surely find my way by faith I see a brighter day I believe I believe miracles [Music] I believe the sun will shine again please [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] I believe in miracles and Lord will always be the same thing I believe the sun will shine again [Music] oh I believe I believe I believe that I believe foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] let us pray father as we open your holy word I ask that you would cleanse me of all unrighteousness fill my life with your holy spirit's presence and Power speak to me through me and for me I Promise You Lord I'll always give you the honor the glory and the praise in Jesus name I pray amen and amen and amen again thank you it was early one April morning in Galilee Dawn had not yet broken the sun had not yet peaked over the horizon lying on his bed was the young boy Jesus his eyes wide open his heart bursting with excitement it seemed as though Jesus had not slept a wink all night long like a little boy waiting to go on a trip in the morning you see this was the day Jesus was about to take his first trip to the city of Jerusalem Jesus had just turned 12 years old and the age of 12. was an important Milestone and a significant spiritual event in the life of a young Jewish child it was the dividing line between childhood and manhood that day Mary Joseph and Jesus joined the joyous Caravan I wish you could see it in your mind's eye the women and the old men riding upon the oxen The Young and the strong journeying on foot the land all about was bright and fair Ablaze with the dazzling colors of spring the air sparkled with the laughter of little children and The raptuous Melodies of little birds all along the way the fathers and mothers shared the accounts of the many miracles God had done for his people in ages past as they neared the city the glory of Jerusalem came into view and suddenly instinctively without having to be told everyone broke out in singing a familiar song they sang our feet shall stand within thy Gates o Jerusalem and peace be within thy walls as they entered into the city Jesus headed straight to the temple and there found himself standing at the altar of sacrifice stood there quiet pensive even puzzled his heart was gripped in awe and wonder as he saw the lamb being slain he saw the bleeding victim upon the altar of sacrifice and somehow it began to Dawn on his consciousness that everything about this service was pointing to him somehow this ceremony was a foreshadowing of his own life his identity and Destiny it was wrapped up in this silent suffering lamb offered up for the sins of men and even though he was only 12 years old his whole being was captivated by the scenes that unfolded before him as he wandered into a remote part of the temple there alone away from his parents away from his friends away from the multitudes who throng the temple courts he pondered what his young eyes had just seen he meditated on its import and he soon found himself standing in the doorway of a large room and inside that room intense religious education was taking place Jesus walked in and seated himself at the feet of these old Samba learned men 12 years old he listened quietly as one being taught by them but to this child I'm talking about the word made flesh their discussions and understanding of the scriptures to him seemed superficial intellectually shallow even inept soon Jesus began to ask blistering questions about the prophecies and the Messiah who was to come and it was soon clear to those Scholars that the questions of this 12 year old boy revealed a depth of spiritual thinking they had never encountered before they listened as Jesus spoke not of the glories of the coming Savior and King but of the suffering and death of the Messiah who was to become the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world that day those rabbis and doctors of theology were their deities and phds and ldds they began turning to this 12-year-old boy with their questions and with the humility of a child and the wisdom of a sage Jesus repeated the scriptures lying upon line precept upon precept they were amazed a 12 year old enlightening wise men with an understanding of the scriptures in a way they had never experienced before the rabbis marveled at this child whose arguments and expositions seemed more insightful than their own as the Caravan began the arduous Journey back to Galilee in this Middle East traffic jam amidst this total confusion it was not long before Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus was not with them they were so engrossed with all they had experienced in Jerusalem they had not noticed that Jesus was not with them and soon Mary and Joseph were in full panic mode any parents know what I'm talking about you know there's nothing more frightening than the loss even for a few moments of a child I remember the day when we didn't know where one of our sons was who will remain nameless it's nice when you have three sons and you you have the luxury of telling about the escapades while letting their identity remain anonymous it was only when one of his brothers standing by the car in the garage heard the muffled cries for help coming out of the rare of the vehicle that we understood and realized that that adventurous child had locked himself in the trunk of the car and that's why nobody knew where he was poor Mary and Joseph they searched for Jesus diligently in every Caravan and finally turning around they headed back to Jerusalem desperate to find Jesus in Jerusalem they looked for him in the place of their encampment no sign of Jesus they looked for him where the other children were playing no sign of Jesus they went to the temple to pray for God to help them in their search and while they were praying they heard a familiar voice teaching in the temple this little voice speaking was serious and Earnest erudite and intelligent a voice filled with the Echoes and harmonies of Heaven they knew it was Jesus and with feelings of concern and relief Mary said to Jesus Son why have you done this to us why have you treated us this way Jesus answered Mary saying you were searching for me everywhere but I thought you knew that I would be here In My Father's House and I would be about my father's business Church the father's business for Jesus was about much more however than teaching in the temple for Jesus his father's business would be spending the rest of his life on Earth healing the physical spiritual and emotional wounds of men and women and revealing in everything he said and did the true loving character of his father the servant of the Lord said that during his ministry Jesus devoted more time to Healing The Sick than the preacher as he passed through the towns and cities he was like a vital current defusing life and joy wherever he went bringing healing to those who were sick yes this too was his father's business his father's business was one of ministry and compassion to sinful man Jesus she said he gathered about him the weak and the weary come on put it up for me he gathered about him the weak and the weary the helpless and the desponding now as I read those words and that word desponding it jumped out at me and so I looked up the definition of the word desponding and it said to be desponding is to be depressed over the loss of Hope and the loss of confidence or the loss of courage and that's what it dawned on me you know it's time to preach to God's people about a sickness that is exploding like a pandemic in America it is called depression and mental illness I told you you came for the right sermon since the business of Jesus was about Healing The Sick I believe the ministry of Jesus today would be on the front line of this new pandemic that is emerging and accelerating all around us and truly if we today are going to be about our father's business we're going to have to face head on this fact that in our day we have a full-blown crisis in our society of depression and mental illness and it is hitting everyone young and old rich and poor don't you think if you had more money you would be less depressed it's hitting young and old rich and poor and like any other illness in our country mental illness ranges from the slight to moderate to severe Church in America today almost 150 people will commit suicide today and every day did you know that white men account for 70 percent of all suicides but lately there has been an alarming increase amongst black women and Youth in 2020 suicide was the leading cause of death amongst black people between the ages of 15 and 24. did you hear me today you have to ask yourself what is going on and then you have to tell yourself we have got to see Ministry in the area of mental health as our father's business and we have to understand that depression is the new spiritual pandemic Jesus did more healing then teaching but guess what we do more teaching than healing and if we're going to be about our father's business we have to change the way we look at Ministry you know we would much rather sponsor a crusade and hold a crusade than we would a mental health clinic at the church for screening and support and especially among black people this mental health stigma is real that's why a whole lot of you are just quiet in this church you don't want anybody to think you're not together amen you're not shouting amen nothing among black people especially mental health stigma is real we don't like to talk about it we run from it like we can catch it I got news for you bipolar is not a virus that is infectious schizophrenia is not transmissible and then if your depression becomes severe you are labeled and stigmatized there is in our society a discrimination against those who are mentally ill and if we are going to be about our father's business we are going to have to prepare to minister to those who are mentally ill whether it's mild or moderate or severe I think society's discrimination again against the mentally ill is fueled by fear and what is that fear I believe we're all fearful because we know each and every one of us is one episode away from losing our minds some of us are one paycheck away and we all know that but there go I but for the grace of God [Applause] it is estimated that close to three percent of the adult population in the United States that's almost six million people have experienced a severe and ongoing mental illness according to the Specialists Amy Simpson mental illness is now mainstream so much soap every one of us is surrounded by and will encounter someone with mental illness at some point in your life you will have to deal with depression yourself Winston Churchill called depression the black dog it felt like it was a black dog that was on him all the time some will have mild depression some moderate some severe depression David in the Bible had depression he yes he had everything a man could ask for but he dealt with depression how do I know look at it Psalm 42 who writes this my tears have been my food day and night who writes that while people say to me all day long where is your god look at verse 5 he said my why my soul are you down he talking to himself he's going crazy talking to himself are you with me today he said why my soul why are you so downcast why so Disturbed within me and then verse six why my soul is downcast within me Church there are people under the sound of my voice today in this church listening online who because of depression have considered ending their lives yes some of us here there are some praise God who tried and failed depression is real and it affects everything about your life depression affects your energy level it affects your attitude it affects your personality it affects your temperament your morale and depending how you deal with it depression can even alter your destiny in this world this silent pandemic is affecting so many people even in the church that more and more I meet Christians who are overwhelmed by the chilly waves of depression depression is perhaps one of the most crippling and debilitating of all human emotions from a purely Technical and theoretical sense depression is the undoing of one's faith there is nothing the devil uses more effectively to counteract your faith then depression it is the unraveling of your ability to do battle with the trials and cares of this life and to be depressed means the crippling of one's ability to be courageous it means the paralyzing of your sense of personal confidence you know as you face the challenges before you depression is the crushing of some of the finest qualities of character like determination depression will crush your determination depression will crush your conviction it will crush your fortitude depression can sabotage a positive outlook online it'll pour cold water on your dreams sometimes when you don't understand why certain people act the way they do it's because they're depressed you think they're angry you think they're ornery huh you think they just got a bad attitude they're depressed depression can precipitate everything from mood swings to utter Despair and even result in other chronic irrational Behavior through the years I've counseled so many people who have said to me pastor I'm just tired I'm ready to give up that's because depression has settled over them like a poisonous Miss and they can't see the brightest side of life first let me say brothers and sisters that since the entrance of sin depression has always been with us how you think Eve felt looking and holding her murdered child you remember Elijah when depressed he hid under a juniper tree his depression turned into a party of self-pity Jonah and depression fled from Nineveh but you know as I Was preparing this message God put on my heart our slave forefathers slaves had to deal with depression you think you are depressed working every day for your little small salary and then you try to talk to me about depression try working every day for 20 30 40 years with no pay then you can talk to me about depression David said in Psalm 42 11 when he said my soul are you downcast why so Disturbed and then he said for I will yet Praise Him My Savior and my God and then God had done on me that's what our slave forefathers did that's how they dealt with their depression they left us songs and spirituals that told them how they used their faith to conquer their depression in the darkest days they sang songs like nobody knows trouble I've seen nobody knows but Jesus and in the eloquent chorus of that same spiritual they sang sometimes I'm up I'm talking about depression today sometimes I'm down something and wait not only are sometimes I'm down sometimes I'm almost to the ground our forefathers conquered their depression with their faith and even then the spirit of Jesus was about his father's business and the slaves understood Hallelujah somebody say something Hallelujah somebody the slaves understood when they didn't have Blue Cross and Kaiser co-pays so they could see a mental health professional like you do come on somebody they understand what David meant when he said I will yet Praise Him My Savior and my God I will praise him they understood that praise and hope may be the best mental health therapy you will ever know they understood that without Jesus they would lose their minds in depression they understood there is no substitute for a relationship of peace and contentment with Jesus I believe one of the great challenges of life today is learning to cope with depression to do as Paul admonishes Young friend Timothy how to endure hardness as a good soldier and as we look out into the world there's so much out there to make us depressed anybody that has ever raised a teenager you know depression [Music] you know what it is to be depressed when a child you Birth come on somebody a child you birth ignores your direction resists your moral Authority is depressing or that young couple who just got married trying to figure out how they're you know it's like two porcupines trying to make love that's a vision that'll keep you up at night how you do that Lord have mercy that person nearing retirement who has no idea how they will survive it's depressing aches and pains after a while come on now yeah but ten years come on now this got to it's got to give when your family starts giving you for your birthday gift cards to CVS and Walgreens it's depressing foreign to a walker or even a wheelchair those things in themselves can make you depressed all across the societal landscape many young and old are living with depression some mild some moderate some severe and many who have lost their faith a living in depression I've learned in my life how depressing it can be when those you were close to turn on you come on anybody know what I'm talking about it can be depressing when those you loved in other contempt reject you and God gave me this often rejection is the foundation or cause of our depression the first real depression I remember growing up was when I was dumped by my first girlfriend I was 60. I'm I learned depression at 16. yeah I learned what it means to cry your eyes out you know I cried so much that No More Tears were coming so I but I still wanted to crash I went to the sink and turned on the water and let it drip in my eyes so they can water could come out my eye now that's depression and I and I learned the meaning of a Trinidadian term called tabanka it's a word that coin that means love sickness you know you're hurt so bad emotionally that you actually feel physically the pain anybody know what I'm talking about today oh but thank God I got over that depression and I want to say when I look at what God has done for me in the last 50 years all I have to say to the one who dumped me look at God [Applause] come on now [Applause] and then in my Quiet Moments I'm just glad Linda didn't dumped me amen [Applause] I told her the first thing when she opened her eyes this morning I told Linda I got something to tell you she said what I said I am so grateful that God has given me the privilege of being your husband for the last 47 years together we have weathered every problem and every trial the servant Lord tells us look what she says she says every day life brings its perplexities look at this look at this this encouragement you didn't hear this come on what which day every Thursday every Thursday every Monday every every single day life brings its perplexities and discouragement and that's enough to make you depressed but God has promised he will help and strengthen you now there are two things that will often bring you to the pit of this of depression the first is debt d-e-b-t death will depress you try your best to stay out of debt there's nothing like being scared to go to your own mailbox like it's gonna bite you it'll make you depressed and nothing like bill collectors who keep calling you it'll make come on now like you don't know what I'm talking about it'll make you depressed and and I I love it I love it when they call after the bill is paid and you can get a little something in your voice I can you talk like a bad brother you know come on it feels good coming out of that kind of depression you know when you say to the bill collector and don't you ever call this house no more [Applause] the second thing that'll make you depressed is the feeling that your hard work seems to not be appreciated don't let someone's Omission cause you depression you got to write that down now I say you got to write that down don't let someone's omission cause you depression some people if you overlook them forget to call their name they go into bouts of depression but I want you to know today there is no depression the worst depression you will ever know is when you've failed the Lord when spiritually your life you feel like you've been a failure you want to be holy but tries you might you can't find the strength to live holy it's depressing you fail the Lord you keep fighting those private battles of faith and you're always coming away a loser it's depressing you promised the Lord you'll never do it again and then you do do it again it's depressing and then because of your depression you feel like giving up you feel like giving up on God and giving up on yourself I believe God wants to use his people to help reserve and reverse to reverse the conditions to reverse the conditions which make people depressed into nothing Church nothing can take the place of Jesus when you are depressed listen to this there is no way to explain what knowing Jesus and Living Like Jesus Does for the mind and soul Jesus is a bomb troubled mind you will never be optimally genuinely spiritually happy without him you can have everything but if you don't have Jesus nothing you have will ever be enough you can have Yachts private jets Mega Money wealth and fame you want to get to know who this Jesus is because nothing can take his place and feel the emptiness of your soul in this world there is neither Comfort nor happiness without Jesus listen to this without Christ we cannot subdue a single sin or overcome the smallest temptation now before I leave you mental illness sometimes is a medical matter it's cause something in your body's off it's not a spiritual matter you understand but despite the importance of professional help even those in Psychiatry and Medicine are finding there's nothing quite like a community of friends like the church are you with me today you don't realize it but coming to church every Sabbath is good for your mental health you sitting up in your house all by yourself watching your screen by yourself but when you come he said Hey sister Smith how you doing brother Jones does something come on God help me the church as a community of friends can bring the healing of Christ to you when you're depressed remember we are depressed and we act depressed because we feel depressed and we feel depressed because our thoughts are not what they should be and that's why Paul said look at Romans 12 verse 2 do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what God's is real is his good pleasing and perfect will yes what you feel is determined by your thoughts so to change the way you feel you gotta change the way you think that's what it means to renew your mind have mercy help me God to renew your thoughts and how do you replace your thoughts you shift your focus to doing God's Will and thinking of God's will to come out of your depression you have to redirect your thoughts away from things that will depress you Church Jesus is the only one that can transform our nature our thoughts and give us the strength to govern our minds only God will be able to take you through this dark tunnel of depression you've been in now allow me to say before I leave you people who just say I know how to fix your depression Don't Worry Be Happy that's a wonderful slogan it's not realistic now now watch what I'm about to teach you now even Christians won't be happy all the time but I can tell you this you will never find somebody happier than someone who knows Jesus for himself those who love God says Ellen White and his truths should be the happiest people in the world so when you serve the Lord you won't always be happy but you will be the happiest person so many today are feeling depressed you know it's a terrible thing to be well dressed and depressed that's how that's what we look like a whole lot of us well-dressed and depressed but today I can see Jesus bending over your heart today in your mind Whispering my child give me your depression I don't know about you I've been a pastor a long time but I have no confidence in myself my past has been littered with too many broken promises too many shattered covenants too many bankrupt pledges but today I thank God it is his business to rescue me to redeem me to restore me this is what LMI says as I close of ourselves we are no more capable of living a holy life than an impotent crippled man is capable of walking but if we stop fighting the Lord and put our Wills on the side of Christ in acting upon his word thank you Jesus we will receive strength to do his will whatever may be the evil practice the master passion which through long Indulgence binds both soul and body Christ is able and longs to deliver he will impart life to the soul that is dead and trespasses in sin and lastly he will set free the captive that is held by weakness and Misfortune and the chains of sin oh can I read you this word he says I then will number you with the redeemed oh God I thank you and the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Zion and everlasting what Everlasting Joy shall be upon their head they shall obtain gladness and joy and sorrow and depression shall what weeping may endure for a night [Music] but joy cometh in the morning the Christian is not morose Sullen and desponding is the happiest man in the world he feels secure he trusts in Jesus enjoys the presence of Jesus it's time for all this clinically certified depression in the church to flee it's time for depression to flee in the name of Jesus I rebuke that Spirit of depression that has been hanging over your head your life your mind no matter what's going on no matter what the situation is in the name of Jesus I rebuke that Spirit of depression when you're depressed by the way when you're depressed I've got some inexpensive therapy for you ah come on now you open up the word of God look at Psalms 9 verse 9. look at it the Lord also will be a refuge for you for the oppressed and the depressed he will be a refuge in times of trouble Psalm 9 verse 10 and those who know your name God says will put their trust in you for you Lord have not forsaken those who seek you look at Psalm verse in chapter 9 verse 12 but I am poor and needy yet the Lord thinks upon me come on Jesus you are my help and my deliverer doomed up delay oh my God Psalm 121 5 the Lord is your keep up the Lord is your shade at your right hand verse 7 the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul God said read every scripture you got here Joshua 1 verse 5 no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so I will be with you I will not leave you nor forsake you Joshua 1 verse 9 have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go for I know the thoughts that I think towards you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope for either Lord Isaiah 41 13 now the Lord your God will hold come on now I will come on I will hold your right hand saying to you fear not I will help you John 16 33 these things I've spoken to you that in me you may have peace you may have what peace in the world you will have what depression tribulation but [Music] but what and then Philippians 4 30. I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me and if you got worries and troubles first Peter 5 7 cash I'm giving you some real cheap therapy here today come on somebody cast all your cares on him for he cares for you Psalm 34 4 I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears Psalm Isaiah 43 2 when you pass through your depression Waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall this flame Scorch you and second chronicles 2015 do not be a afraid not dismayed because of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but God come on you want some more therapy not in am 1 7 the Lord is good come on somebody say the Lord is good he's a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust him in Philippians 4 7 God said you can finish with this and the peace come on now Philippians 4 7 and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will God your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I rebuke the spirit of depression in your life will you pray [Music] be a good chair don't be depressed if God can save a Samson he can save you if God can save a like Rahab save you Hallelujah if God can save a murderer like Moses David he can save you [Music] don't you allow anything in your past to make you depressed every day tell yourself Jesus said I'm about my father's business and his father's business is to save me I'm going to ask everybody in this church today if you'll just stand with me for a moment just stand young old [Music] [Music] God is calling you and wants you to give him depression with hope and praise you not only can you will defeat your depression [Music] business to heal you you of your depression so be about your father's business [Music] say it's about an eyes are closed oh God I thank you for being with us today it's been an uncomfortable moment for some it's been a liberating moment for others some it has been enlightening they finally dealing with what has been going on in their hearts and Minds [Music] I just want you to know this the same Jesus who stopped funeral processions the same Jesus who stood above tombs and Graves and said I rebuke death and it sting thank you God that same Jesus will take from you your depression [Music] he will restore wholeness of mind and heart and now my brother my sister I'm not going to ask you to walk down to this altar today but if like me you want to ask God to rebuke the spirit of depression in your life I want you to raise not one hand but both hands to heaven lift both hands to heaven and ask God to rebuke the spirit of depression in your life raise it as high as you can like my sister said Lord this is as far as I can reach to Heaven you're going to have to reach down and touch me and take my hand I raise both hands to heaven today [Music] rebuke the spirit of depression in my life in the name of Jesus I pray amen as you're standing let's sing be not dismissed God Will Take Care of you [Music] beneath his wings thank you Lord God Will Take Care of you God [Music] take care of you [Music] every day [Music] here take care of you God will take [Music] you seated today turn to that person next to you and say God will take care of you [Music] foreign [Music] father you have been speaking to us [Music] from Sabbath School up to now father we ask that as we leave this place you will continue to speak to us and father help us all to surrender all will to you and when you come save us we pray in Jesus name [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise I'm gonna keep on praying friends [Music] [Music] I'll pray for you pray for me watch my Chase me foreign [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise him praise him ever and joyful songs [Music] Praise Him Praise Him Jesus our Blessed Redeemer for us in our sins suffered and bled and died [Music] Our Hope of Eternal salvation hail inhale him Jesus the crucified sound his Praises Jesus wonderful deep and strong [Music] Praise Him Praise Him Jesus she forever [Music] [Applause] praise him tell us [Applause] all right [Music]
Channel: Palm Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Views: 31,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Church Service, Prayer, Palm Bay
Id: qg41IKdJSMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 36sec (4416 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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