Scott Valley SDA Church: Amazing Facts Health Summith 02252023 - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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Rich board we just want to give a big thank you to you the church members and the visitors here at Granite Bay for your faithful giving it's because of your giving that we're able to do the many programs and the Evangelistic Outreach and the mission projects that we do here at the Granite Bay church now that the numbers have all come in for last year the good news is not only did we meet our budget for last year but we exceeded it by at least the budget for one additional month so basically 13 months last year we had enough of the budget so again thank you for your faithful giving it's always exciting to see how the Lord is using you and I individuals in helping to further the work so following our program this morning this is just before the lunch we will be collecting offerings as you leave we'll have our Deacon standing at the door and again we want to thank you for your faithful giving if you'd like to give specifically to the Granite Bay church budget you can just Mark that down on your tired envelope let's have a word of Prayer dear father we are so grateful for the many blessings that you have bestowed upon us we thank you for life and strength and health and thank you Lord for this opportunity for us to learn how we can live even better how we can really live stronger have healthy bodies healthy minds and be able to give glory to you so bless those who give and we pray your blessing that you continue to provide the funds needed to further the work in Jesus name amen foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] well good morning to everyone my name is Sean brummond and I have the privilege of being the Family Life Pastor here at the Granite Bay Hilltop church and I also have the privilege of reading our scripture reading here this morning which is taken from Exodus chapter 15. and we're going to read verse 26. in verse 26 we have the Lord himself speaking and he says if you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight and give ear to his Commandments and keep all his statutes I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians for I am the Lord who heals you I want to invite everybody to please stand as we prepare to pray before the Lord this morning hi friends I'm Pastor Lucas I'm the children's Pastor here at Granite Bay and this is our prayer moment so if you want to pray if you want to tell God something open your heart we invite you to kneel with us after the song but if you have a special prayer if you have a request or perhaps a praise report that you'd like to present before God In The Fellowship of the church then we invite you to come to the front here where we can kneel and pray together [Music] how dear Lord as we pray [Music] May Our Lives May your souls be refreshed from above at this moment let people everywhere [Applause] join us if possible kneel down with us to pray dear heavenly father we praise your name this morning and we bless your name for everything that you are and everything that you've done for us Lord you are the Sun that rises every morning Lord you are the the force of life that keeps our hearts beating in our chests Lord and our blood flowing through our veins thank you for being life and not only that but thank you for being life in abundance we praise you for that we praise you for friends and family we praise you for church where we can all come together and learn about you Lord and praise and worship you together father Fellowship is such a beautiful thing thank you for this house of worship in this house of praise Lord please forgive our sins our our Falls our shortcomings as we try to become more like Jesus allow us to contemplate his beautiful person every day and cast our eyes off ourselves in this world around us and place our eyes constantly on Jesus Christ Lord thank you for your constant Provisions for the from the biggest things of life to the smallest things Lord from Health to our toothbrush our hairbrush things that we sometimes forget but we know that all good things come from you so thank you Lord father I'm sure that there are those here this morning that have prayer requests and there are so many things that we could pray about Lord there's requests that have to do with employment requests that have to do with family with emotional matters and since Lord we're having a weekend of health of of considering the things that you have given us to um to give us a good health to give us a good a quality of life Lord I'd like to ask for help in all of its levels from emotional health to relational Health to Financial Health to physical health Lord so many aspects but most of all I'd like to ask for our spiritual health that this house more than anything this church may be known for being a church that knows Jesus Christ a church that communes with Christ that has a relationship with him and from there from that point all other forms of Health be that Financial relational emotional all the forms of Health Lord derive if there are those that are worried for health problems for themselves or their family or allow this prayer to go up to you in supplication for them if there are lessons to be learned here this week and Lord please teach it to us allow the arrows of your truth to reach our heart and to change Lord From Within to without I ask you these things and I pray not in my name but in the name of Jesus Christ your son our friend amen and amen thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome friends we are so thankful that you are here with us today for this special Series where we're presenting the secrets of amazing health and how you can be have an abundant life and be healthier both Body Mind and Spirit and I want to welcome those who are here at the Granite Bay Hilltop church we know there are a lot of people who are also watching either online or on AF TV we welcome you as well we encourage you to go ahead and text your friends and say if they'd like to know how they can postpone their funeral they want to tune in right now because that is the going to be the title of our message now I'm going to be sharing a letter a lot of uh information and details on some studies will not have time to review all of the sources for the studies that are in the presentation but those of you who are here you'll receive one of these magazines as you leave if you don't already have one and those of you who are watching we're going to make this available also it's talking about amazing health facts eight Bible secrets to a longer stronger life now my sermon title you notice is a little different it's talking about Severance secrets to postpone your funeral and I'd like to begin with a verse in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 34 this is at the end of the writings of Moses it says that God told Moses you've completed your work you cannot cross over into the promised land because he had sinned he would be saved but he was able to see the promised land from the top of Mount Nebo and it says Moses was 120 years old when he died his eyes were not dim nor his natural Vigor diminished now this is what we want we want to be a 120 years old when we die huh we want to have a a positive maximum life maximum life expectancy now think about this for a minute the main reasons that people die I've got seven of the leading causes of death here heart disease cancer accidents stroke chronic lower respiratory diseases Alzheimer's disease and diabetes these are some of the leading causes that people die but how can you avoid those things you know right now there is a health crisis in North America and virtually all of the health problems that they're having in North America are connected with these things cardiovascular disease related deaths jumped from 874 000 and 219 to 928 000 and 741 in 2020 it was the largest single year increase since 2015 and that's according to the American heart association's disease and stroke statistics obesity the prevalence of obesity in the U.S in adults in 2020 was estimated to be 42.4 and that's obesity and being overweight according to the CDC in 2021 more than 7 in 10 U.S adults aged 20 and older are either overweight or obese that's staggering when you think about it being overweight or obese is linked with higher risk of getting 13 types of cancer these cancers make up 40 percent of all cancers diagnosed in the United States each year and then diabetes World Health Organization the number of people with diabetes in the U.S from a hot went from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. in 2020 10.5 percent of the U.S population had diabetes that's 34.2 million people this costs the United States an estimated 400 billion dollars annually there's a lot of Sparks in the news recently because the U.S voted two billion dollars for Ukraine and says that we spend 400 billion dollars on Diabetes it's an epidemic now I'm here to tell you that the Health crisis could be ended in one year that's right the reason there's a Health crisis is not because of the insurance companies it's not because of the equipment not because of inadequate access to the medical problems the reason there's a Health crisis is there's a lot of unhealthy people that's why if you could cut down the number of unhealthy people by 25 percent the Health crisis would be over the lines at the pharmacy and the emergency room and the shortage of treatment and the shortage of medicine and all these things that have turned the medical industry into a crisis is because there's so many sick people and so much of the major cause of death and illness is related to lifestyle we do it to ourselves now you know eventually if you live long enough you're going to get old and die you all know that but the idea is we want to die like Moses Moses was 120 years old and he climbed a mountain and his natural force was not abated and his eye had not dimmed that's what we want you want to have a life where you're productive and healthy as long as possible it used to be people worked real hard they got old and they died and you know there'd be a few weeks of illness but now people spend 25 30 years dying and incapacitated and the number of handicapped parking spots in the parking lot keeps going up isn't that right I know I don't mean to be unkind or insensitive but it's it's true that a lot of people are killing themselves and so I'd like to share with you some secrets on how you can postpone your funeral so what would these tips be first of all this is in a church and I want you to know the principles that we're sharing with you are medically sound but they are Bible principles does the bible teach that God cares about our physical health he does the Bible tells us Matthew 4 23 one of my favorite verses sort of encompasses the ministry of Jesus and Jesus went about all of Galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all kinds how much all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people Jesus yes he taught he preached but he heals all kinds of disease and all kinds of sickness does Jesus care about people being well he wants us to experience health the Reason God gave us life is because he wants us to live and when God created Adam and Eve he put him in a garden he intended for them to live forever but because of the rebellion of Lucifer and Adam and Eve bought into that Rebellion sickness and death and disease have come into our world this is not God's plan God wants us to live the devil is the one who brings death and sickness and disease and if we follow the rules that God gives in his word we can have a longer life 3 John chapter 1 verse 2. beloved I pray that you might prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers God cares about Soul Prosperity but he cares about physical Prosperity Jesus proved that he wants us to be healthy some people think that well you know you go to the doctor when you want to find out about health and you go to church when you want to find out about spiritual things that's not accurate the church is also a place where we should be learning about health because the principles are in the Bible God cares about both God promised the children of Israel that if they would serve and Obey him he would remove all sickness from them did he keep his promise when he led them out of Egypt he said if you obey me I'll put none of these diseases upon you that I put upon the Egyptians and in going through the Wilderness and eating the diet that God gave and getting the the sunshine and the exercise and the clean water from The Rock the Bible tells us this is a really amazing thing because there's about two million Israelites when they cross over into the Promised Land says he brought them out and there was none feeble among his tribes there's not can you imagine two million people and the the clinic there the tent that's got the first aid clinic it's always empty they're they're bored with nothing to do nobody's sick that many people it's because they were all following the plan that God had given them so you might want to get your camera out and just take a picture of this screen and then you can leave here are I'm not going to keep you in suspense now I'm going to unpack it a little better here are the seven ways to postpone your funeral seven secret tips to postpone your funeral best food routine exercise healthy relationships total abstinence I'll explain that water yourself regular rest and a faithful attitude now let's go through these one by one and I think you'll understand all right first of all the best food what was the original diet that God had outlined for people the Bible tells us that in the very beginning God had an ideal diet you know I bought a new Mazda a few years ago and in the glove box of the Mazda is an owner's manual and in order to find out how to take care of that car I went and got the owner's manual from my Makita drill and I used my Makita drill to figure out how to take care of my Mazda is that how it works no Mazda mated I figure they know how to take care of it they engineered it they know every detail of that vehicle well God Made You and in his word he gives the idea and the plans about how you can have Optimum life and health what was the original diet that God designed for All Humans you read in Genesis 1 verse 29 and God said see I have given you every herb that yields seed and every tree whose fruit yield seed and to you it shall be for food after Adam and Eve sinned what supplemental food did God add to their diet says when they could no longer eat from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil I'm sorry no longer eat from the Tree of Life the other trees were gotten them in trouble by the way you notice that eating had something to do with the trouble we're in right now eating the wrong thing what supplemental food did he add to their diet he said you will eat the herb of the field so the original diet was fruits grains and nuts this was the ideal diet and by the way you could do pretty well on that diet now but something must have been missing that was in the tree of life and so God when he drove them from the garden he said You shall also eat the herb of the field that would be vegetables now do you know how to tell the difference between a fruit and a vegetable let me give you a little quiz I haven't started yet let me give you a quiz so squash fruit or vegetable it's a fruit I know they look like vegetables eggplant it's an egg no it is [Applause] no it's it's a fruit and you think about tomatoes fruits bananas fruit okay potato a vegetable brussels sprouts inedible I just so the the key is very simple that if it comes from if it is the product of the flower it's the fruit and you know peanuts technically are not a nut they're a bean a lot of people don't know that so from now on tell your kids would you like a bean and jelly sandwich and see how they respond to that so but God you know there's things any part of the plant other than the product of the blossom is a vegetable if it's the stalk like celery or if it's the leaves like spinach or if it's part of the root like a carrot or a potato that's all vegetables and the combination of fruits grains and nuts and vegetables is the ideal diet now I know we're going to talk a little bit about meat in just a moment give you a personal testimony I'm a vegan vegetarian I try not to be radical but I do promote that because when I finally I was a vegetarian for years but when I finally went the extra step over into being a vegan vegetarian for the first time in my life I was able to breathe freely without being congested and I was over 50. I never knew that I didn't know what it was like to breathe I would never go back now once I gave up the the dairy products I just felt so much better I'm not again this this is not a Salvation issue I'm just telling you the jury is in and you will do better on a vegan diet went to the doctor not too long ago he did my blood work and my blood pressure and doctor didn't know me new doctor he said are you a vegan I said yes why do you ask and he said well your your blood pressure is like a teenager he said your stats are very good and I said yeah you know I've been a vegetarian for years and I adopted veganism about eight or ten years ago I didn't grow up that way I grew up eating everything that moved I mean I we used to go out and eat escargot snails frogs legs Turtle steak I've eaten rattlesnake of course all the meats I had a company for a little while it's called Doug batchelor's wholesale Prime Beef Steaks I buy sections of beef I butcher them and I'd sell them wrap them up and um I learned things in that business for the short time I did it that really helped me become a vegetarian and I I have been now for 45 years more than that and I play racquetball with some guys I see some of them out here and they said Doug you run around like Wiley be coyote no the roadrunner I tell you you're jumping and Diving for the ball how do you do that I said well I shouldn't do it anymore but uh and then one of the other guys answered he said he lives clean and so it does make a difference in how you feel a vegetarian diet is the ideal the Bible says I've come that they might have life and have it more abundantly I don't know if you know that Venus Williams she came down with an autoimmune disease several years ago she was told that a vegan diet would help her she felt so much better her sister Serena adopted the diet they're both vegans we were just in Melbourne or Australia about a month ago and Djokovic won the Australian Open he is a vegan Mike Tyson not that he's our role model he just adopted veganism and I could just go down the list that people are discovering how much better either being a vegetarian or being a vegan is going to the diet God designed for humans are the laws about clean and unclean Animals part of Moses ceremonial law that's only for Jews now if you're going to eat meat the Bible is pretty clear you should eat the meats that are classified as the clean Meats and I'll tell you very quickly that there's three rules that you use to know if it's a meat how do you know what's clean and what's unclean for the am animals if it had a cloven hoof and it chewed the cut it needed both criteria it was considered clean like a cow or sheep or deer I got the cloven hoof and they chew the cut you know what I mean you see them sitting down when they're resting they're under the tree with their eyes closing their they got several stomachs to process this grain and when they get bored they bring something up from earlier and they chew it a little more and swallow it again and I don't recommend you try that but uh so that's they chew to cut and they got a cloven hoof that's if they have both those things they're clean now there are animals that you either cut like a camel but it doesn't have a clove enough and they're unclean that's why Jesus mocked the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees he said you strain your water to get the gnats out but then you eat camel and that's become a famous proverb straining an app and swallowing a camel the other animal that has a cloven hoof but it doesn't chew the cut is a pig you know I'll get to him later for the fish it needed two criteria it needed to have fins and scales in the ocean and in the sea it needed both those things fins and scales not just fins not just scales needed both criteria for it to be clean that would mean that sharks are unclean catfish that they live around the sewer they do not have scales they are unclean and there are some fish that have scales and no fins they're unclean and the shellfish crabs lobsters I heard somebody say backstage yesterday that they said lobsters they're like underwater cockroaches it is sort of like a combination between us scorpion and a cockroach they eat carrying underwater they're scavengers and so the shellfish they are on the bottom they are basically the garbage cans you don't eat them and then when it came to birds it's a little more ambiguous but the birds that are clean are what you would call the foraging Birds these are the birds that go around they pick like the Dove and the quail and the turkey and the chicken and those were clean the other birds were considered unclean you're not supposed to eat Buzzard you're not supposed to eat Hawks and uh the Raptors in these birds so but if you're going to eat the meat you need to eat the clean ones some are going to say Pastor Doug that's just a law for juice that's a ceremonial law let's find out if the Bible supports that what did God say to Noah Genesis 7 1-2 come into the ark you and all of your household you will take with you seven each of every clean animal a male and his female and so you notice he says the clean animals didn't go two by two they went how by sevens and right after the flood Noah offers sacrifice what did he offer only offer clean animal to God if you wanted to offend the god of the Bible you would offer a pig or an unclean animal that's what the Greek King Antiochus epiphanies did to outrage the Jews read on in Genesis 7 verse 2. two of each of the animals that are unclean now what does he mean clean and unclean does that mean some of these animals bathe more than the others it's about unclean for food and so if you're going to eat meat you want to stick to the clean meats and I think everyone knows the jury is in don't eat a lot of meat um because animal products do carry disease you can't catch a cold from a plant do you know that an animal at the zoo can catch a cold from you and you can get sick from animals the recent virus that just went around the world almost everyone agrees it originated with an animal and transferred from animal to Human now look what happened after the flood all the vegetation is destroyed and eating animals became more common and you could look at the lifespan of like Seth 912 years Methuselah we all know he lived 969 Noah lived 950 years and look at how the ages of man just drops precipitously after the flood when meat eating became more common furthermore in the Bible says if you're going to eat meat there was a certain way it should be eaten it should be butchered in a Kosher Way so there's no fat and no blood Leviticus 3 17 by the way this is not just Old Testament you read it in Acts chapter 15 as well it says you shall not eat things that are strangled or with blood this shall be a Perpetual statue throughout your Generations Perpetual you shall eat neither fat nor blood diseases and stuff can be stored in the fat and disease can be transferred by Blood an interesting study someone did regarding the Maasai people that live in Africa they take care of cattle and they get a lot of exercise a lot of fresh air a lot of sunshine but they do eat fat a lot of meat and they actually drink blood and they have extensive heart disease even though they're extremely active the average Maasai man life expectancy of 42 years the women 45 years sort of tragic so these things do make a difference God knows what he's talking about all right Point number two we're moving right along what's another key to postponing your funeral routine exercise be in a good regular exercise program Kaiser Permanente did a study that shows that exercises associated with lower rates of hospitalization and death after infection regardless of your race or chronic conditions as December 15 2020 a recent study exercise will help postpone heart disease it strengthens your bones it helps prevent a number of different kinds of cancers of course it prevents the breaking of Bones and uh it's a good idea to exercise where you get your heart going it basically you know at the end of summer in the city a lot of dust builds up on the road and you get debris and you say that every now and then you need what they call a gully washer a storm comes through it rains a little hard it cleans the streets it cleans the airs and cleans out the gutters oh your body needs a daily Gully washer and what happens is you run around you get your heart pumping and it flushes any of the debris and the toxins and stuff that might be stored there it helps flush all that out and then God's design where you get kidneys and liver and pancreas and these filters in your body that then clean things out but what gets the process going is you got to get your heart going you've got to get your blood pumping you got to get your lungs breathing increase your lung capacity I think we all know having just come through the the pandemic they said people who regularly exercise that had good lung capacity much much higher rate of survival routine exercise was Activity part of God's original plan for Humanity what does the Bible say in the beginning God made man even before sin God didn't make you to be a couch potato the Lord took man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and to keep it we are made for activity if we're not active we suffer for years Karen and I had a little airplane and we had a cabin up in the hills we'd fly the airplane up to the hangar in Round Valley where we kept the pickup truck and the pickup truck would normally run fine but sometimes we would we'd only get up there you know four or five times a year and had all kinds of problems with that truck that were related to it's sitting we'd get there and there'd be a mouse in the truck and then you get the ventilation system and then the bearings because they sit they start rusting to one side the tires actually get flat on one side when they don't roll you get water through D what do you call it uh condensation water develops in the gas tank and then you have problems and all these things happen and you know what those machines were made to run and if you just park it and try to start it a year later the data battery's dead you have all kinds of problems God made your body for activity and if you're just sitting all the time you're going to end up having problems with your radiator and your oil system and all kinds of things so you got to stay active God wants us to exercise even after sin did God want man to exercise yeah Genesis 3 19 God said in the sweat of your face you will eat bread till you return to the ground you notice he said you're going to keep working until you die how many of you would like to keep working till you die you know this message really impressed me because when I became a Christian and in case you don't know I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian I was living in a small town up in the hills and I was probably one of the youngest people in the church there's all these old people that moved up there to retire and I was amazed that they were active till the end of their lives they literally would fall over in the garden at you know like 100 years of age and they were active and their minds were clear and they were busy and they were working I thought well yeah there's really something to this that they've been teaching me and preaching to me about staying active and getting your exercise that little amazing fact I'll share with you a couple in Australia Jeanette and Alan Murray she had helped to overcome breast cancer by adopting a vegan diet I'm not saying that you shouldn't use other methods as well but this really helped her and to promote that she and her husband got an idea they decided to run a marathon every day this started in 2013 for 365 days Marathon you know like 26 27 miles and they ran completely around the continent of Australia they entered the Guinness Book of World Records for the most consecutive marathons and just for good measure when they finished on January when they went to Tasmania they ran one more Marathon around Tasmania she was 62 and he's 65. and all along the way they ate a lot of bananas a lot of all the whole time vegan diet and to have that kind of Health not only do you need to exercise I'm just throwing in for free if you're going to exercise try and get some of it outdoors I go to a gym and I work out but it's really nice if you can get outside for those of you who fear my name shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings God wants us to get fresh air and sunshine there's something about being outdoors God made Adam and Eve and he put them in a garden he did not put them in a condominium he put them Outdoors where they could get the fresh air and the Sunshine and the Bible says if you walk in the light as he is in the light the blood of his son Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin in the beginning God said let there be light there's something healing about light and so I try to get some vitamin D and some exercise outside another important point to health is healthy relationships people were made originally to be social creatures and they've done a lot of studies that show that people that have good relationships tend to live longer more so with men than women but they've shown that married men live as much as five years longer there's a lot of theories about that why is that something it's because their wives nag them to get exercise some think it's because when they're married they don't take as many risks but it is a fact that some of you are here you're you're saying well what about me relationships it doesn't just have to be marriage you need a good social support group when people have good relationships and you've got a support group around you it helps prevent bad habits it gives you accountability it helps you feel like you're part of something that makes your mind more active you know the Bible says as iron sharpens iron so a man does the countenance of his friend when we debate things and we talk together we sharpen each other keeps your minds active they find people that are in even retirement facilities that have a good support group they're able to help forestall dementia and Alzheimer's longer because they're interacting in that way the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone so in the King James version it says God made a help meet for him and that doesn't mean help meet expenses God made a wife because we need relationships like that and it also says that um people who are married are less likely to drink and smoke and part of going to a church people that attend church live longer did you know that yeah talking about secrets of how you can live longer because we get community there's relationships people watch out for someone they say I haven't seen this person they check on them maybe and they say oh they need help they visit in the hospital they pray for each other all right so we need healthy relationships Ecclesiastes 4 verse 19 two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor for if they fall one will lift up His companion but woe to him who is alone when he falls for he has no one to help him up again if two lie down together they'll keep warm but how can one be warm alone the one might be overpowered by another two can withstand him and a threefold cord is not quickly broken just finished reading a book and it's called watchmakers it's about some brothers that survived the concentration camps in Germany in horrific conditions and one reason they survived is they had each other at one point when they were being marched from one Camp to another in the middle of a German winter and everyone around them was freezing the brother said let's hug each other and they stood up and they embraced and hugged each other to gather warmth and they stayed alive through the night when the others around them froze and died and that's sort of a crude illustration but it helps its true story helps illustrate that we need to hug each other no we need to have relationships hiking's good too all right number four total abstinence one of the keys to having a long life is you've got to know how to say no total abstinence some things you need a moratorium on some things I know that if you talk to um some of the doctors and the studies will say well don't drink irresponsibly well they've done some research and there is no responsible way to drink the the downside of drinking far outweighs any benefit you might get from a little red wine and I understand that the benefit of red wine has nothing to do with the alcohol it's the grape skin in the red grapes I had red grapes for breakfast this morning and I'm still sober so yeah so you can get those benefits have total abstinence in a couple of areas one is alcohol I grew up with a mother and a father that drank quite a bit uh it just causes all kinds of problems in the family the Bible says wine is a mocker strong drink is a brawler Whoever has led astray by it is not wise again alcohol is addictive it destroys brain cells it dramatically affects our ability to reason alcohol is bad news you know over 50 percent of the people that went to the emergency room last night in Sacramento alcohol was connected either from fights or injuries or accidents or disease related alcohol over 50 percent of the calls that the police got yesterday were from domestic abuse and alcohol is involved more than 50 percent of the people who are homeless alcohol is involved you think about and I think more than half the people that suffer birth defects can be traced to alcohol it's my little fifty percent tirade why would you want to support something that causes over half of the misery go to a prison over half the people that are in prison are there because of crimes committed while under the influence of alcohol and then I meet Christians and they say well then in Jesus turn the water into wine and isn't a little wine good for your stomach well the word wine that's being used here is the word grape juice it's the same exact word they didn't use the word grape juice in the Bible Jesus did not turn water into booze Jesus turned water into beautiful grape juice you could get from it and alcohol all year long in Israel he's somehow at this wedding Feast probably even out of season provided Harvest grapes in the spring with this fresh wine Save The Best For Last Jesus even at the Last Supper he said I will not drink of the fruit of the vine again until I drink it with you new in my father's Kingdom what he had there at the Last Supper was new wine that is unfermented the Bible says as the new wine is in the cluster if it's in the cluster is it tremended no Jesus called his gospel new wine he said you don't put the new wine in the old wine skins because fermentation will take place it is fresh Christians should not drink any alcohol the Bible says that Noah drank he got drunk and his some of his family were cursed in the process a lot was made drunk by his daughters and he committed incest the record of drinking in the Bible is not a good one so that's total abstinence moratorium as Nancy Reagan said just say no people who say well I think I can just drink a little bit moderately one out of seven to one out of ten people the drinks becomes a problem drinker and brings all kinds of addiction and misery into their lives not to mention the waste would you have a dog that bit one out of seven people that came to your house so you want to stay away from it the second thing okay we should just say no is tobacco in all of its forms whether you're smoking it whether you're chewing it whether you're vaping it now friends I am speaking to you as somebody that used to drink I'm speaking to you as someone that used to smoke I know the pros and the cons and it was hard for me to quit smoking actually quitting smoking's not hard I did it a hundred times the hard part was staying quit right that's by the way I borrowed that from Mark Twain the hard part is staying quit praise God I did stay quit but mother smoke grandfather smoke father smoke they all quit and it was a struggle and it's a very expensive addiction smoking is probably the leading cause of preventable disease worldwide it's amazing how many people are in the hospital I told you what we could do to turn around the Health crisis if people would just do some of these basic things a lot of it is self-induced smoking is not good now this last one in my total abstinence category is the reason the unclean foods are called unclean Foods is because they are unclean do you know why they call pigs pigs because they're pigs they are unclean I had a neighbor that used to ask me to feed his pigs and all I can tell your friends is I can't find a better word than to tell you that they're pigs they will eat anything the pigs are smart you know they say it's as smart as dogs I want to eat my dog either I see what my dog eats and they're scavengers in the Bible it often Compares pigs and dogs together says you do not give that which is holy to the dogs and do not cast your Pearls Before Swine as a pig that is washed and Returns the wallowing in the filth or the dog that returns to its vomit is a person that returns to his sin and so you'll often find the dogs and pigs are in the same category because they're scavengers they are not meant to be food I finished a book this week yesterday it's about a man that was captured lived nine years among Comanche Indians an incredible story I think it's called nine years among the Indians true story Herman Lehmann he was living with the Comanches a Comanche he would eat almost anything they would eat almost any part of any animal they eat rattlesnakes hungry enough they'd kill them they knew how to kill a skunk and eat it they would not eat pigs and they were disgusted that pale faces would eat pigs isn't that interesting you do without what you want I just learned it yesterday it says in the guardian March 2018 yes bacon is killing us processed meat is now in a group of 120 proven carcinogens alongside alcohol Asbestos and tobacco leading to a great many headlines that are blaring that bacon is as deadly as smoking you know they say you've got to cook pork really well to kill all the turkina larvae when microwaves microwaves first came out you know how microwaves sometimes they'll heat part of something that's why they started rotating them and it doesn't get it all hot that they were finding there was a big outbreak of trichina because it was not being cooked properly why would you want to have trichina worms and all the problems that come with that so stay away from the foods the Bible identifies as unclean the principle one in our culture would be the pigs and then the the shellfish that are scavengers we actually had a president who died from eating contaminated shellfish I can't remember his name offhand all right the Bible tells us in Daniel chapter 1 verse 8 Daniel and his three friends they were brought to the Babylonian court and they said we're going to let you eat from the Royal cafeteria but uh and then you'll train in as counselors and wise men in the king's court and it was a great privilege for them to be fed from the Babylonian cafeteria but they realize that on the menu there was food and drink that God had said they should not eat or drink the Bible says Daniel and his friends purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with a portion of the king's Delicacies or the wine which he drank very first chapter in this prophetic Book of Daniel says that Daniel had a determination not to eat certain things and drink certain things then you get to the end of chapter one it says the king examined Daniel and his friends who said we want a vegetarian diet and water to drink the king examined them and found out that they were ten times wiser than any of the other wise men in his kingdom the end of the book says the end of that chapter says and Daniel continued until the reign of King Cyrus meaning if Daniel was about 17 when he was taken captive Daniel lived to 100 years of age at least it's still working you read in Daniel chapter six he's an old man under during the time of King Darius and he is still the prime minister of the Kingdom managing the biggest kingdom in the world and he's got to be like 88 or 90 years of age at that point a longer stronger life you want to die like Moses right be active and busy till the end all right Point number five water yourself in several ways you are mostly water in the very beginning you find water in the beginning of the Bible God separated the waters from the waters you go to the end of the Bible it says whoever is a thirst let him come and take the Waters of Life freely talks about God in the beginning these four rivers came out from the Garden of Eden crystal clear water like that which will flow from the Throne of God I hope I'm making you all thirsty thinking about this clear water a lot of people are dehydrated I heard a story years ago in Saudi Arabia they discovered this pile of bones an individual evidently died they were hiking across the desert they got lost finally when they realized they couldn't go on any longer they tried to pitch some little tent for themselves a little shelter and by the bones in the tattered clothes they found a note and the man said I've gone as far as I can go I am dying from thirst I cannot go any farther they found his remains about 150 yards from a beautiful Oasis flowing with water that's kind of tragic but you know there's a lot of people that are dying of dehydration when they're surrounded by water in our culture most of us don't drink until we're thirsty and that's because you're already dehydrated you need to water yourself even when you're not thirsty pretend that every day you're going to cross a desert and you want to store up like a camel before you go drink lots of water and I know there's side effects to that you don't want to be too far from the facilities when that happens I know if I'm going on a long plane ride I gotta got a ration how much you drink could get to turbulence and they don't let you get up but um otherwise you need to be drinking an abundance of water because every cell in your body is cleansed by water and we need to be hydrating ourselves Mayo Clinic says that uh we're between 60 and 70 percent of water in our bodies you lose water of course through perspiration through evaporation through elimination urination and you need to replace that you get some liquid through the food that you eat but and and by the way drinking soda pop does not qualify as hydrating yourself and when you drink caffeinated drinks do you know that actually makes you many caffeinated drinks or diuretics that make you lose water it can actually be a net neutral effect so you have to be drinking water itself drinking soda pop is like liquid candy Clear Water how much do you need they say approximately two liters or half a gallon a day a little more for men you've probably heard the rule eight by eight you need about eight ounces of water eight times a day and if the climate is dry and hot you need a little more and so you just compensate for that when we're talking about water you also want to be dealing with um water in cleansing by the way some scriptures on this Proverbs 5 verse 15 drink water from your own cistern and running water from your own well Bible says drink water water in the inside we need water on the outside water is the very best solvent for cleansing your body washing the body and clothing prevents disease you know they found out the people that practice good hygiene live longer it's a fact then I'll sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean Ezekiel 36 verse 25. I'm getting ahead of myself on Water I have one more yeah swimming swimming is actually a good exercise if you're able to swim now it'll shorten your life if you're not able but if you're able to swim it's just one of the best exercises out there for removing all of your muscles without a lot of impact problems and so being in the water drinking water washing with water brushing your teeth those they found out that people that brush their teeth live longer I told you I was going to give you some secrets about how to live longer the bacteria that is plaque forming that is in your gums is similar to some of the same bacteria that clogs arteries they're seeing a big connection with people that have good dental health and good heart health I don't know if that's because people that have bad Dental Health just don't eat right and people that have better Dental Health also eat better but there is a connection there and if you brush your teeth you'll have better relationships as well uh side benefits better chance of finding that spouse that will help you live longer regular rest is the section we're talking about here this is part of God's plan as well especially in the culture we're living in today was a scheduled rest part of God's original plan for Humanity yes it was it says and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done and God blessed the seventh day God maintains that we ought to have regular rest God plant now the Bible says God rested then he made Man In His Image and then one of the Ten Commandments the fourth Commandment says remember to keep the Sabbath God says we need to take a break and cease from our regular work and come together and be recharged on a regular basis and the best time to schedule for that day of rest is one out of seven I understand in France they tried to make a 10-day week in the U.S military tried to get the soldiers to go on a five-day week so they could get um uh different schedules going and everything fell apart they found the best schedule for the human body was the rest one day in seven that's why God says the seventh day all of the leading killers in society cancer heart disease diabetes all these things are connected with stress the the number of medicines that fly off the self-connected with stress everything from antacids to sedatives it's I think like 40 percent of the medicines that are sold are dealing with stress related illness God has a formula in his word and it's called we've got to know how to rest and it's not only resting once a week you need to get a good night's sleep and they say that the ideal is people that don't sleep between six and eight hours a night have shorter lives also there's a there's a sweet spot those who sleep too much and those that are sleeping like nine ten hours you know in the babies that's a different story they're supposed to sleep more but those who are sleeping like nine and ten hours their lifespans are shorter too and they're more connected with obesity so the prime time you want to shoot for is getting six to eight hours of good sleep every night and uh if there are things that are interfering with that there's some good websites you can go to and find out how you can have a better night's sleep 65 percent higher death rate for people who sleep less than five hours a night eating large meals before you go to sleep doesn't help any and inadequate sleep has a profound effect on our risks and obesity of American women in particular reveal that women who slept less than five hours had up to 58 percent greater with risk of weight gain and obesity it again concluded the study between seven and eight hours had the lowest risk for major weight gain so we also need nightly rest we need the weekly rest I've got a picture on the screen and this is a cover from National Geographic 2005. it was an article that was called the Blue zones it took off became so popular that several books have been written on it a Man simply went around the world and he did some research on what groups of people around the world live the longest and over in Italy or in the Mediterranean they had the people of Sardinia very common for them to live to 100 years of age and then they went to Okinawa and they found the people there very common that was another group had long lives and there was only one group in North America and it was in Loma Linda and it was a group of Seventh-Day Adventists of course Seventh-Day Adventists are all over the country but there's a large concentration because of the hospital down there and the schools down there and so they found was an awful lot of people down here that live over a hundred years of age part of that they say is connected with their habit of weekly rest following many of the principles we're sharing with you there is one long living group State site it's the Seventh-day Adventist who live an average of 10 years longer than the average life expectancy of about 79 years how many of you would like to add 10 years to your life not only do they live longer they're active longer and and I'll say something just as a a little encouragement to those who maybe administs that are listening the statistics would be a whole lot better if we would practice what we know these statistics go across the board with people that say they're Seventh-Day Adventists but there's a lot of seventh day Adventists that aren't practicing what the Bible teaches about Good Health if they did the numbers would be through the roof as they say if we practice those things now this is hot off the press someone emailed this to me last night what's the date on this slide this is a article called The Economist from magazine very fairly popular well-established magazine and they are not a religious group it's just what does that say February 19 what's the date today 25th would you say this is fresh information Christian Californians may have a solution to America's obesity lessons in longevity from Seventh-Day Adventists and then it goes on it starts talking about someone in the article uh named Paul Dimas who's 96 years old I know Paulie we had him speak at our church he's a friend of mine 96 years old but we can do better than that we got a friend here I'd like to bring out Dr John you had a moment come on now Dr John scharfenberg and he is a doctor and when did you get your medical degree 1948. you'll need to use this across the 48. see when he started they didn't use microphones class of 1948. and now you've heard some of what I've been sharing about health and are you vegetarian yes you don't drink alcohol no don't smoke no you don't chew no you don't go out with girls that do no [Laughter] you still have your driver's license yes you all stay off the sidewalk you mind my asking how old are you well America American way is 99. but Chinese way it's 100 . can you say Amen so I thought you know it's one thing for me to be telling you all these things it's another thing if you can say wow we got a living testimony who's a member of our church here and he could be teaching everything that you've been hearing all weekend a matter of fact we're going to do an interview in a few days and talk about these things if you had just a word of encouragement for health for these people what would you say well take good care of yourself when you're young you know if I knew I was going to live this long I probably would have taken better care of myself but I believe it's possible by three different calculations to live to be 120. amen most of us could do a lot better than we are my sons is predicting I will live to be 110. that's pretty good amen can you give him a hand say thank you very much thank you Dr John I just appreciate so much you're coming out [Applause] but I'd say Moses lived 120. and then God told them to climb the mountain go to sleep having number seven a faithful attitude faith is crucial in health and you will lengthen your life even in the AAA program one of the ingredients of AAA is called trust in a higher power they were having chronic alcoholism in Russia they heard that the AAA program was successful they brought the leaders to Russia they said we'd like you to do your program but they were communism they said you got to leave this part about trusting a higher power out of your program they said we're getting back on the plane they said the program will not work without this part so as we found and we don't even completely understand it we don't tell them who God is I mean most of the founders he was the god of the Bible but they said we need to give God freedom because it's a public program but they said without trust in God making these lifestyle changes and getting off alcohol is really tough getting off cigarettes they say cigarettes can be as tough as heroin it's really tough and you need help outside of yourself to do these things a faithful attitude is talking about it's not just what you eat it's what's eating you sometimes people are bitter and they don't forgive what does the Bible say about forgiving others is we want to be forgiven we've got to learn to love and forgive people even as God for Christ's sake forgives us be positive have a sense of humor the Bible says a merry heart does good like what like a medicine meaning a medicine that's good for you something that would be healing they found out that a review of 35 studies show that happy people may live 18 percent longer than their less happy counterparts and this is from Med uh it's a government website they did a study and that's where your tax dollars are going they found out that happier people can live 18 longer than pessimistic people God wants us to have a good outlook on life so we're talking about some of the ways that you can postpone your funeral so that you could live a little longer in this life right but what good would it be to say I want to live a little longer and I I make it to 120. if you could live forever with a body that does not age wouldn't that be better and the Bible is talking about having a healthy productive life now so you can know God's love and share God's love you can have a productive life but this life is not it you know death was never part of God's plan scientists cannot figure out if you're young and you heal why do you stop when do you lose that ability to heal why do we age it's a mystery you know how much they're spending millions of dollars doing research to figure out how to reverse aging and they keep hitting the wall and saying you might live to 120 but that seems to be all the human body can stand even if you follow all the health rules you'll eventually get old and you'll die but that's not God's plan God intended for man to live forever and the greatest proof of this is that God so loved the world he gave his son brought his son into this world that whoever believes in him might not perish but have what everlasting life and not in these bodies the Bible says that we get glorified Immortal bodies bodies like Adam and Eve had before the light went out and we'll be eating again Revelation talks about how to get back to the garden and eat from the Tree of Life that we might live forever this is God's plan for us friends he wants you to have that now I know we've discussed a lot of things it would be wonderful if this message would go around the world and people could make even half of the changes you'd see the health care crisis just evaporate it's a struggle sometimes and I I know I used to drink used to smoke ate a lot of meat I enjoyed it used drugs and when Jesus got a hold of me he said he would give me a new heart and you know what he changes your desires and he helped me didn't happen all at once he helped me make changes in my diet he helped me give up the alcohol and give up the cigarettes that was one of the biggest struggles for me and start practicing these things start getting exercise and health and taking care of myself and you know praise God I got to be careful because I don't you don't want to uh tempt the Lord but my mother died at 57 from cancer my father had cancer by the time he was 45. he he lived longer but um praise God I'm 66 next month I don't have cancer you know what genetically I probably I'm a candidate that's what the doctors tell me so one of the things you do in taking care of yourself is choose your ancestors very carefully that is it that is a part of it that you need to do but even if you are genetically disposed to certain illnesses by following the health practices you will push back the clock on those things and the trigger will not be pulled for years you can postpone so many of those things that you may be genetically deposed to or have a proclivity for if you just follow these Health principles the Bible says in Ezekiel 11 19 and 20 God says I will give them one heart and I'll put a new spirit within them and I will that they may walk in my statutes and keep my judgments and do them you know what Jesus said if you know these things blessed are you if you do them people will come to a program like this and say oh Pastor Doug you shared a pretty tall order of some stuff and changes the person's gonna make how do we do that I hope you won't walk away and forget I hope you'll decide and say you know I'm going to try to incorporate some of these changes in my life I want to have a longer stronger life I want to be more productive I want to avoid disease and so much of the the medicines and the drugs that people live on the last few years of their lives so that I can have an Optimum Health I hope you'll plan on coming for the rest of these presentations because we got some great information that's going to be shared in our presentations this afternoon and by some great presenters and then we hope those of you who are watching spread these messages around we would like people to be healthier amen share with our friends one more thing I left out on purpose under trust and faith do you realize that people that sing live longer than people that don't it's a fact and we thought we'd sing as we close our service today so I'd like to invite you to stand we're going to sing a song I think most Christians know it's called leaning on the Everlasting Arms it's God leaning on God and he will help us to make these practical changes in our lives and we have singers here to help us and then I'll have closing prayer foreign [Applause] [Applause] family safe and secure from all the Lord we believe [Applause] in Jesus foreign foreign amen you just added three hours to your life singing that song Smiling and breathing like that now practicing good health is something we deal with day by day and let's face it we're all bombarded by media to do and eat and drink things that maybe aren't good for us it takes self-control how many of you would like to say Lord please give me self-control that I can do what I know is right and be a better witness for you and have that Abundant Life Father in Heaven thank you so much for the principles in your word that tell us not only about how to have everlasting life but how to feel better and live longer in the Life you've given us here to serve you better to share your love I pray you'll be with each person wherever we are in our walk with you knowing that wherever we are if we make changes now we'll experience positive results please bless the Lord with your spirit you said you will cause us to walk in your ways we need your help and I pray that we can make changes and glorify you and be with us now through this day in Jesus name we ask amen God bless you friends that
Channel: Scott Valley SDA Church
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Length: 75min 47sec (4547 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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