This Is Why The Bombi Keeps Breaking!

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good morning it's another day working and shop and today we are working on the bomi because we broke it not once not twice not Thrice not quatro s but oo all of it yeah so we're we've done some pretty aggressive beta testing on this we are definitely headed in the right direction but there's a couple things we need to beef up these rear axles are one of them we're going to get those out and show you what the problem is walk with me down memory lane as we remember some of the problems the bombies had that we have fixed since we got it into this condition the build the Bombi buildup one of the problems it had is it would die repeatedly over and over again the code the computer was throwing was cam position sensor we diagnosed all that we took it out we looked at it nothing fixed it until we did this we moved the computer out of the rain and we haven't had the problem since it was sitting right here and it was just getting wet and that's what was throwing that off the fan would repeatedly fall off every time the engine died fans off so to fix that we just tightened it up we also had struggles steering it and one of the things we did to fix that was we cut off all of these lateral traction things now it steers a lot better we've got more to do on the steering but at least now it's functional but what brings the bombie to the shop this time is two two Gladiators one Arena one has batteries one has explosions even though the terms were left unspoken both Heavy D and Matt knew it was a battle to the death many people thought this battle would go on for hours but it went on for seconds the bombie quickly established dominance over the truck of cyber and just like that it was over one Victor one loser get back in your helicopter fly boy that's a little much no it's perfect it's perfect it's I was not ready for that that's not where it was going but okay one Victor one loser or so I thought oh oh the track is off the track's off the track is off the bombie dad's going to kill us he's not going to be happy when he hears this all kidding aside I clearly won the battle but Heavy D Sparks won the war because the bombie is broken both of these axle tubes are bent let me show you what's happening I'm no physics major but the power comes from this sprocket which means the top of this track is in tension and has to go all the way around that back wheel right there before the power meets the ground this whole track's actually in tension starting about right here and that puts an enormous amount of stress on that back axle and the back axle wasn't Tough Enough for the job now now we do get questions why do we beat our equipment and we beat our equipment because we have to be able to beat our equipment we have to be able to count on it on a job and while we're playing we messed it up and that's good because we can fix it so that when we're on a job we won't break it we might run out of gas we might leave the keys we might die of hunger but we won't bend the axle on the next job even peanut knows something's wrong all right let's do this let's take the fenders off all right so another way to look at it is all of the traction that this track is getting all of that traction the energy to move this thing it's wrapping around this back wheel pulling it straight that way so what we've got to do is figure out how to make it strong enough that do that I've got some ideas and I'm sure some more will come to me we're just going to keep reinforcing it now here's another thing this ended up a lot lighter than it used to be we wanted to focus on lightness but the bed the old bed on this was 600 lb this bed has got to be under 200 lb that's a huge weight savings I can add quite a bit of weight to these axles without causing us any problems and so I'm going to do that in the name of strength stop I I'm too sick to s never Peanut listen I love you but you're not helping you're not well okay I'll C with you for a minute all right now you can see the weight of the situation in half okay very bent now you that's bad it's like cambered in and towed in not good don't count them count missing so it looks like 100% of the the bending happened right here in this little area so that's the area we're going to need to beef up and one of the ways I'm going to Beef It Up Is by sliding another pipe inside feeling some holes and plug welding it it'll be really strong we'll get them out and look at them see how bent this wheel is I'm bent right here both sides I did a tug of war with a cyber truck I ruined [Music] it now we just got to pull these off right here a lot of sauces going on here we got antise we got grease yuck so I am getting sent on a parts turn and you know what that means I get to take the race car we got what we needed now let's go back to the shop all right in the last job that the bombie went on when the tracks came off we got quite a bit of comments about how there's some fluid leaking out of the differential what it really was is there's a hole in the bottom here it's a drain hole and it was just water and sand when you climb in and out of the bomie they have snow on their feet it's warm in the bomi so the snow melts and the water mixed with the sand and ran out this hole and it looked like there was some kind of orange fluid leaking out here but we are actually we do have a fluid leak over here we've got to address that I think I know what it is I'm going to expose myself to my ignorance when I take this apart I have not been able to find an answer for this on the internet and I'm going to try to reason it out in my mind and solve it oh this one's leaking a little bit too oh no both sides that actually confirms my suspicion that I did it wrong come back with the goods oh I might need a bath after this is what I'm going to need okay we're off that's it right there very nice look at that it's a very bent very bent it's a very bent it's nice not great success naughty naughty all right we got to fix this glad I have these glasses glasses aren even on you they're there that's all it counts well this is going to be a mess but we're going to see if we can make it our mess [Music] wow well that one's easy to save I need to cut towards my buddy instead of cutting towards my body I'm going to move then [Music] ni that wasn't too bad I don't need to save anything else um we're going to make new rings so Jake I want you to notice how wide that is MH and I want you to make two of them out of that pipe over there oh than you know what let's make them way wider strange cuz we're going to sleeve this puppy like 3 in of like wo serious this is a good idea 9 and 38 total length I need them both cut exactly six let's go six and 316 I need two of them exactly six and 316 316 so this is going to make it double thick we'll have an outside sleeve and then I'm going to find a pipe to shove on the inside will be triple thick and next time Dave Sparks wants to challenge with me to a tug of- War I'll do it with confidence you were confident the first time but right but that was confidence in ignorance this time it will be confidence in knowledge [Applause] knowledge they're perfect good job Jake yeah yeah okay cut those at 20 and8 we've got marks on them just leave the mark okay all right well this is garbage thanks Dave hey anything for you Matt so this right here in between here and here this is what locates the axle left to right those are my Stoppers so now instead of the stopper just being a ring it's actually going to be a structural part of the pipe that'll go I got to do some grinding there you go it'll be like that and I'm going to drill holes all over in this and put plug welds so this is just Tesla proof is what it is I didn't know a cybertruck was going to ruin my life like this oh that looks nice I actually haven't said what I'm doing these are the fenders off of the Bombi and I'm making them strong enough that we can use them as a step to get up in the bomie so we don't bend them so that's what I'm doing right now we're going to be throwing gussets on later so we we met these guys on the trail a fan some um maple syrup in into the shop the other week so I'm going to give it a little give a little try see what it's all [Music] about did you just drink syrup it tastes like Canada that is good all right I think we're done with this we've got another junk piece right here gone if you want to you can drill all the way through these two because they're the same on the other side okay these are going to be plug welded okay so these don't have to be super okay got it got it precise so and here's what I'm thinking this this is going to be a really tight fit we're going to have to really press this into here one of the problems is these pipes have a seam on them right there yeah so we're going to either have to grind that seam off which would be really hard or we need to a cut a flat spot in this and press it in there yeah internal the ladder is going to be the easiest yeah and this will be pressed in there so tight we don't need a whole bunch of plug welds on it we just need like one plug weld so that there's no way it walks out ever or gets bent by cyber trucks it won't be bent by cyber truck cyber fruit right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we got the inner tubes pressed in here Colin's got these holes drilled so he's just going to plug W those and then we are going to put these on but before we weld them into place we're going to check for alignment or we should just go for it right I could just check it against this one how long did you make those 6 and 316 what how good would did we do I'm just trying to figure out how I got off so far man we got off really far it should have been like s and 3/4 oh what did I do wrong I need two of them exactly six and 36 yeah you cut them what I said what was I measuring for okay all right don't touch that do you know how hot that is I want to touch it really bad don't touch it you just touched the the be that I just laid that was molten lay another one so I can touch it let me see your finger real quick I didn't touch it I don't think that's going to fit over him cool car Jamie a trck thanks I even matched it today but not on purpose I just realized when I walked out there okay we've got to get these the same [Music] that one weld nice mhm okay I don't like it but there's all right Caitlyn's got this all to our part I ain't got our culprit right there I think the bearing is able to go back and forth cuz we're not solidly pushing it in because this shim is too fat so I think this is too thick so what I was afraid of was this not working right the time has come to do some investigating I think if this was e in it would work pulled us out and everybody took a step back a lot unless I'm mistaken and I often am this is actually supposed to crush causing the seal so Caitlyn just clean the silicone around the outside us without cutting this Rubber and then we're going to crush it in there the way they say to do it it's fine it's a rental this is from the exact day this answers the question the rental let me tell you something holy smokes this is an amazing story this is Jamie's new Jeep and like on day two we took it through the Maze and I had her going up this pretty gnarly it's a it's a alternate uh obstacle you don't have to take anyway I'm standing there guiding her up and all of a sudden I hear a voice over my shoulders like she shouldn't you shouldn't make her do that she looks scared that vehicle looks brand new and I turned around and said it's okay it's a rental and so that's why we call it the rental Jeep then at the off-road games we were meeting all I mean it was just awesome meeting everybody at the games and one of the fans that came through the line was the the the very nice lady that was there when we named it the rental Jeep and so we told her like you're the reason this is called the rental Jeep so thanks Terry she sent me a shirt to remind me of that day it's fine it's a rental and that solves the mystery and she sent Matt a tumbler oh nice the other actually all right this is looking pretty cyber prooof that won't be getting Cyber Bullied now that's the truth oh yeah I just realized I've been Cyber Bullied your fans are on so when you went on your on your cruise I say that when you were on your recovery with Robbie and whiskers you met some fans at blackbear Diner yes they sent you some cor bear oh cool cool Hot Wheels and then a uh Racing Champions awesome I'm a collector of tiny cars well thank you if you if he breaks that there's bigger problem hope that seem right how I said hi okay so they say to put a tiny bit of RTV on there mhm and then crush them in you guys put RTV on before right but just gave it a nice snugness no we put a gap so there was no crushing whatsoever none I didn't realize that had to be crushed and so I built this spacer so it wouldn't Crush literally made it not Crush okay everything I deal with is full floaters so I don't know a lot about 49 in axes but I think we made the right decision here I don't know if this is going to work we're going to clamp them down now oh that's pressing it in there man yeah I can see it pressing in there all right learned something now what I did is the spacer I'm putting it on the outside to add some rigidity to this whole process don't know if it needs it but I need a place to put it oh it's closing in there man I learned something today I don't like to make a habit of that today is a good day all these racing guys that build their own ford9 in are like ah Matt you are an idiot and Matt says here here so see how this is bowed like this is that normal cuz I have never I've never messed with these except for you know now is that what you guys can call good ford9 in guys seems like there would be a lot of information out there right you think just like that okay we're in all the way just like that all right Colin got these welded up real good that is a lot stronger than what we had and we didn't have any trouble in this area but we beefed it up anyway three layers thick remember we're over 5/8 thick tubing and it's laminated for Extra Strength it's real strong I think that's it for today we'll be back tomorrow like good morning it is another day of working in the shop we are working on the bombie we've got expert TomTom here on the bomi we have expert Caitlyn here on the bomie and we're going to get some done Colin what are you tasked with so today we built these yesterday and now we're going to paint them we're going to paint them all right what do we got here we've had a problem with these caps our caps are just falling off so you can see that some some of them are already loaded with sand some of them are about to get loaded with sand so we're going to fix both of those problems we're going to glue them in we're going to glue in the ones that aren't loaded and we're going to clean these ones out and glue them into we're going to glue them and then Jake what do you got topping off the the fluids oh yeah we got to put the sauce back in there huh the sauce back in that diff all right that's easy to do so the Bobbie is being fortified from all attacks from Skynet and cyber trucks after this not a problem little gl5 for breakfast so this is really bad your bearing should never ever ever look like this this is what happens when you have no caps and you drive in the sand Nature's lock tight as Mike from Rory's channel would say that one's loose they're just hand tight that'll make them easy to disassemble it looks pretty good back in the backside so the sand didn't penetrate too far in we'll clean it up put it back together oh you're you're done man oh it's done should have wore a sweatpants to the buffet so I got in charge of painting and I didn't want to shake up a paint can so we brought back the old technique but instead of duct tape we're using an exhaust [Applause] clamp done dang it the machines always win so we're going to be using this one as the base color and this one as the top color hopefully when I'm done this turns out the same color as my dad's race car race car what well I think that's good enough for coat one I'm going to go get the other one set it up and paint it and then we'll do coat two with this and then coat three we'll do with that one so somebody just brought us some donuts so I think the crew will be happy right now look at Kaitlin she's so happy right now I'm so excited I love donuts that's what I want simple glaze that's the best doughnut by far they'd even be better if they didn't have the glaze on them he just just like spread okay we cleaned everything up we're going to repack these bearings full of grease then we can start sticking these things back together and gluing all the caps on the only way I know how to do this is to just make a huge mess you're doing a really good job thanks yeah you got tilt it up a little there it is right there okay one of those one of these one of these okay I'm going to tighten this up to kind of set that bearing in there and then rotate it right now it's nice and firm there's no endplay right now I'm going to back it off until we have a tiny bit oh right there work go get the other side we're going to pull all the Caps off now clean them up with brake cleaner and then glue them on with right stuffed silicone then they should stay on forever no more sand in the bearings yeah I'm painting some happy little trees [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there's some people that say we should throw the bombie away that it's not working but you and me both know that we are on the right track to get making one heck of a tiny little snow capat look what these guys did the tires are back in line they are super beefy so we got a good idea of what we're going to do with the brakes we don't have the parts yet but they are ordered so I think that when it's all done we're going to be happy and or disappointed along with you all right I need B need to go back now it needs to go forward now it needs to stay right there those are definitely too long I wonder if we could just cut these shorter look we came in from your buddy Allen at the factory of the freedom oh the factory Freedom yep I know what this is I'm excited about this somebody KN somebody else do it call in yes you guys know what this is we know what it is we know what this is let's show you what this is this is the final this is the final piece it's the it's the one off my car it is it's the one off my car oh my goodness yes that is no way literally the one off my car that is even that's so much cooler than I could have expected look at there's even paint drippings this is this has been 85 clean laps yep at the freedom Factory that's cool we'll get it on and do a couple more Yep halfway through lap 86 things got [Music] dirty oh yes that's where it [Music] goes I think I went through two pieces of metal good I can't even explain I can't there's no words for how I feel right now this is like they could have sent you a regular one the fact that it's yours yeah that this one has been in this one has been in a real race I am a semi-professional race car driver does the trunk still work I hope so go pop it let's see go push that button there's this oh yeah that's nice there's that one we almost almost screwed it shut yeah we have made it worse but so much better I love it oh I got to send a picture to Cletus I can't believe it's the original my goodness hey this is proof that this car is has a better paint job than the one we actually raced cuz there was some debate about that but you can clearly see that this car has a better paint job than this neither one of them are amazing but both of them are amazing all right back to reality these all need to be cut off Jake okay I need all of these cut off about this much Tom how's this going it's going good we should be able to start the Bombi from this instead of the wiring that we had I should have showed you the wiring before it was pretty bad oh we showed them the wiring they hated the wiring okay well you're going to love this we did get a lot of comments this is not from haters this is from actual fans of the channel they said how hard would it be just to wire up a switch and a button or to install a switch and a button and the funny thing was is we had a button and a switch installed forever we just never wired them up right until right now so if you hold that up there it should start let's see if we can hear fuel pump oh okay here we go it's working so why don't we just have a wire dangling out over there and then we can just do it over there and then we can use the switch then we'll have the best of both worlds yeah we'll have it all your fans will be so happy would you like that it works okay it's official now we can start it and stop it from right here so nice some say it's better who's to know let's check out what Colin's going on here what's going on here Colin you're drilling holes so we're going to drill the holes so we can put these on there weld them up and stand on this so Tom's going to get suited up and then we're going to tack one of these in well well we'll tack all of them [Applause] in we got both fenders done now we're going to bolt them up to make sure they fit if they fit then we'll unbolt them and take them off to get powder coated there we go we going to give them the stand on there oh yeah we're going to we're going to stand on them okay there's the bolts right there is it can you step on it oh yeah step on it all right oh yeah it feels solid I don't even feel mushy is it flexing no not not oh yeah tell so instead of a sticker that says not a step we need a sticker that says not a jump not a great step no diving no Landing an okay step okay we got to get these up to the power coater okay we're on our way to X powder coating let's go Jake let's roll oh I get a drive yes so we have the fenders in the back don't worry I'll get a start quick woo that was a long drive that was a long one wasn't it okay we made it we're going to drop off the supplies and head back to the yard so today is Tom's last day at work and right now everyone is out on a job so while they're gone me and everyone here are getting things ready for a little bit of a goodbye party we've already got drinks we got chips we even have stuff for peanut butters and jellies so I'll wait for them to get back and we'll get this party [Music] started look who just showed up hello well wa it's been a while since I've done that look at those so what do we owe this pleasure I'll bend down a little bit Jah I'm not that sure we're having a party that I didn't know what I was supposed to say so I just said that yep we just having a I don't know I don't like when people watch we have food available GLE are you starving barvin I'm starving thank you so Tom we did a whole barbecue thing for you but as a backup in case you didn't want that we also have peanut butter and jellies oh yes this is awesome guys thank you so much there's also a vanilla cake with butter gosh there's cake with white frosting dude that is my favorite I might start with the cake we're not going to feed to each other okay all right and then there's one right there all right all right and that's as far as we're going to take it that's gets over okay this party's starting to die down that means you know what time it is it's Hammer Time time is it it's 4 something 4:30 oh okay we're just sitting here enjoying good conversation with good people it's the end of an era the ship is sailing thanks for watching Dig Dug is driving away no one ever said this was Tom's going away fory oh yeah probably like I was trusting you guys okay she said it I I did okay okay okay all right don't forget to check out TomTom stuff at TomTom shop right here thanks for watching liquid medicine not yet okay
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 749,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7FxkCT99DVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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