I've Never Done This Before... It Better Work!

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I have never seen a 9mm wrench put to such good use yeah so we got a call for a Chevy truck with a broken tie rod up on the toille Falls Road so we're going to head up here and see if we can get it put back together back on the road we got Caitlyn back there we got TomTom over here you're in the weather seat it is raining on us today just a little bit kind of windy but not too cold it's a beautiful rainy day actually we got Dylan here to swing a camera are we swinging away I think we'll get it out [Music] I recently had a comment where somebody said that I've all but abandoned the mor all I care about is the Bombi the Golden Nugget and the banana and the recer they didn't say the wrecker but I assume they mean the recer too so in honor of that comment we took the more today and we're abandoning the bomi we so I'd also like to address something else and remember when I'm doing this I'm not addressing haters I'm actually addressing people who view the channel and have questions hold on you got to pause that right there cuz that's the vehicle it's right in the middle of the road that looks just like it okay so here here's the deal you'll see us out there playing playing and we will just be beating the heck out of these [Applause] vehicles and it looks really irresponsible because this is how we make our money right well if they won't handle having the heck beat out of them I don't want them working for me so the bomi is in really early beta testing like really really early it's a brand new build completely new design we're trying to build something tough enough to handle what the jobs are going to dish out and the jobs do dish out can I get a witness oh yeah amen all right so it's good for us to do a little bit of the you know the beating on our equipment so that when we get in the job and we have to beat on it we already know how it's going to perform so this is actually us being responsible right we're doing all these irresponsible things seemingly so that we're responsible and these vehicles will handle it yep that is exactly exactly how I feel about it now we know and we are here [Music] that was totally irresponsible man an unnecessary right into that hill so I saw the pictures and it's a broken tie rod and I want to try something today we did bring the recer even though we should have I want to try doing a filled repair and I've got a new tool I want to try Trail repair that's a orinal let's go check it out so I'm guessing it's this side yeah all right we have one broken tie rod right there and that needs to be fixed so we recently had a little event we like to call the off-road games and we had lots of awesome vendors there and one of those vendors was Carnage welder and they said hey I notice sometimes you have some small jobs where you just need to weld something up really quick and it might not be worth bringing the wrecker out there for cuz the wrecker we've got a premier power welder on that and that one you could burn all day with this is like a 20 minute burner right here 20 minutes of Ark time huh MH cuz it's got a battery built into the box yeah you got a yellow one too yeah look at that that's very cool all right so it comes in a little suitcase oh wow this looks like something that I'm going to have difficulty putting away okay so Tom you want to give it a try yeah yeah I do Caitlyn you want to start that up really quick I'm going to be asking you to do something and and you're going to do it with the most gentle care make sure you're in park and your parking Brake's on turn slightly passenger okay stop right there okay um leave it running so that it doesn't settle down but don't move the steering wheel at all okay Tom ready I think we're ready and I'm going to try you're going all the way huh I'm going to try to get this lined up I'm behind you first switch on well I'm going to go six out of 10 okay see what it does oh that's nice yeah just get that just keep going yeah um I'm going going to stay there I'm going to have to go out this way oh he found another exit there's not really any way to turn this is there there will be in a second okay so weld it as good as you can I'm might Dusty now I have this turned all the way up for viewing the eclipse I got to dial it back down how's that welding it's welding really nice something super fun about this truck is it tells you the angle like in degrees of what you're at and Matt guess what angle we're at right now I'm going to say you're at 9° you should know better than this we at 11 11° 11% 11 mm 11° I should have known that I should have know know you were setting me up should have known this is the thing I have a 9mm wrench here so these 9mm wrenches are absolutely worthless they come in every wrench kit and there's no such thing as a 9mm there's nothing these fit now I know one of you guys is like hey there's this obscure thing that there is listen there's just none there's not one if you find something that's 9 mm you should throw it away so we're going to use this wrench to strengthen this tie rod because CU that way it will AB actually be worth something here Tom I got something for you what do you got you use this at your leisure what it's a 9mm all right they serve no purpose they're like a 20 mm we'll we'll just weld that right in there so I just made an observation I don't want to start any fights I'm not I'm a lover not a fighter but one thing that's really terrible about metric wrenches is they always give you wrenches that don't fit anything so there's a 20 mm wrench that doesn't fit anything and then there's a 9mm wrench that doesn't fit anything and then for some unknown reason a 6 mm wouldn't do the job and a 7 mm wouldn't do the job so they made a 6.5 millimeter there's millimeters they're not even using and they're making up millimeters that's a fraction by the way that's 6 and2 mm rant over [Music] this is burning hot do you want me to turn your wire speed down or um no I kind of like it okay I like it does it seems strong enough I think that'll stay I can't imagine it not I think it'll stay should we try and turn it right here and just see what happens nope you just want to drive huh if it breaks I want to be closer to home Okay so no testing no testing all right straight to Beta oh my goodness that's awesome I have never seen a 9mm wrench put to such good use yeah yeah you'll never complain about those again will you no no that's why I keep them in my tool kits when I get them I'm like I might need to weld this to something someday where am I going to turn around so I'll just guide you I want that in two wheel drive cuz I don't want that front wheel pulling weird [Music] okay now turn slightly passenger and back up these low profile outset wheels are really hard on ball joints and tie rod ends and all kinds of stuff the most important thing is you never steer if you're unless you're moving and that's something you can do to save your ball joints and tire rods too A lot of people will steer when they're on the brakes man that is hard on things yeah all the way okay back it up and while you're backing it up the last 6 in slowly turn that way turn turn okay beautiful all right I'm going to just drive this out of here just cuz I want to get home tonight not that I not that I don't trust you but but I only want to be mad at myself if it breaks and Tom because he didn't weld it good it's off my shoulders all right we're going to follow behind Matt he's driving out here and we will know if that breaks cuz he will either stop quickly or fly off the side of the [Music] road hey it didn't break I'm feeling pretty good about this Tom you did a pretty good job that's what I was aiming for pretty [Music] good it looks like it held together on the rocks didn't take any sharp turns off a cliff we're back onto the street we got a couple miles to go to get it to where it's going to end up and I think it's going to survive just fine at this point all right we made it and it didn't break so I would say pretty much a victory at this point right yeah you're alive all right that wasn't too bad I feel like it went okay yeah between the welder and the 9mm worked out perfect hey I held the steering wheel too and Caitlyn between the welder the 9mm and Caitlin it worked out perfect so we got a call for a jeep that has a couple of broken axles and drive shafts I guess they broke it on a trail tried to get it out when they got to the sand dunes they didn't have anything big enough to pull it out so they called us we got Colin today he's driving but he's also going to give us the weather it's a beautiful day it's about 65° we'll get them out we got peanut here she's kind of in the way but we're willing to make sacrifices for a good dog so we just talked to the customer and the Jeep is down by Freedom Rock so we're just going to head out there see if we can get [Music] it the customer said they broke down on the trail down here and then they pulled it up to the sand dunes and and they weren't able to make it any further that doesn't surprise me one bit if we were going to pull this out it would take the more and the banana and quite a bit of effort but I think the wrecker is just going to do it you run so you're saying it's broke at both ends but it will roll the yeah the rear drive shaft's gone it's in the back and it's the passenger sheared right behind the yeah it sure did we'll probably just flat tow it okay jump in the Wrecker drive it up that hill and then off right here and back it [Music] up I just want to say I am very proud of myself for coming off of it I think it looked cool did it look cool it looked super cool okay style points are 10 out of 10 right now all right okay you ready for this oh I'm ready what way would you like me to go I'm driving this oh you're driving this I'm driving this all right so since the front axle is broken and the rear drive shaft is missing the wheels aren't going to put any input into the drivetrain like into the transfer case or transmission and then with the engine running you'll have power steering you want transfer case no it doesn't matter none of that is spinning none of that is spinning you could the transmission could be in park I'd put it in neutral just because peanut load up I was going to let Peanut run a little bit more but she's obviously wore herself out did you find a rabbit is that what you found was a rabbit here we go [Music] oh man that is a big hill holy smokes woo that was a huge hill good grief this thing is a beast I can't believe it's doing that toally SMS some girl straight up that [Music] dud how you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] we just made it past top of the world we are now going to cruise down to the bottom it's all [Music] downhill that thing just pulled this thing out of here we're not done yet but I bet you we're going to be it is true how's it going back here it's going great it's actually really smooth there's a few times I'm like we're not going up that hill Oh we went stra I'm like oh we're going up it I was like uh it saved us a lot of time it saved us a lot of zigzagging it is all right we've just got I don't know couple more miles to [Music] [Music] go right turn it off well that went prettyy good all right there you go thank you very much thank you thank you thank you it's funny uh mybody over here got pulled out by Rory like two weeks ago oh yeah that wasn't too bad once we got hooked up to him we just pulled him right out of the dunes went pretty smooth good Pace we got them out thanks for watching bath yes I had a dust bath for sure I'm still licking clean it keeps the lice down between Pine gam and dust baths you'll be completely varment free I've had no issues with lies for a long time now
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 627,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4o-VXRjkp7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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