Lawyers, What’s The Worst Way You’ve Seen A Person Screw Over Someone Else In Court?

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lawyers of reddit what's the worst way you've seen a person screw over someone else in court whether it be criminal civil or divorce proceedings represented a guy that stole three trucks from his work only two were recovered before trial he showed up to a motion hearing in the third one oops i took my ex to court because she had used my social security number to sign up for cable i found out about it when she stopped paying for the service she screwed herself over by just being herself we show up to court i turn in the contract from the cable company showing my social security number and her own name signed on the contract she didn't even try to forge my signature she signed her own name in and tried to deny that she had any part of it the judge tore her apart and it was nice not someone else but my client screwed themself i'm doing landlord tenant stuff and my client was facing eviction over non-payment but the client was withholding rent payments because of habitability issues in the apartment no heat high led levels vermin this is gonna be an easy win for me told my client continually to make sure they don't spend the money keep it but don't spend it because if you show the judge you still have the money it looks real good for you in terms of making the judge believe that you're withholding for good reasons we get up in front of the judge landlord doesn't have an attorney so i'm dancing inside there's no way i can lose i make my arguments and the landlord makes his judge asks my client if they still have the money client goes now i blew that crap at the casino last week what a dumb c my wife is the lawyer info when children reach the age of majority if they do not continue studying and start working it is not necessary to pay alimony info my wife's client found a new lover which unleashed the wrath of the ex-wife who started asking for more alimony for her children well to win the case it was necessary to prove that the children were working but they could not get any proof of it there was not much chance of winning but they still went to court hoping that with the interrogations they could find information that would put them in evidence on the day of the trial the children did not go only the mother and her lawyer were present judge madam tell me why your children could not come mom they could not get permission at work judge lawyer mom another few seconds of silence judge well that was fast the fact that you can't force your parents to pay for college unless they're divorced has always made me think that someone should make a movie about it basically the reverse parent trap trying to get mom and dad to divorce so you can have the court's force dad to contribute to your college tuition i had a client who was trying to get away from an abusive ex and filed for a restraining order he shows up to the final hearing and is making a big fuss about a truck that they bought during their marriage he said it was justice and she had no rights to it because their marriage was void i asked him on cross-examination what he meant by that and he said that he had already been married in another state when he married my client he said that my client had no idea but that it means their marriage is invalid and the truck was all his not only is that legally inaccurate the transcript of the hearing was promptly turned over to the police who were actively investigating him for bigamy oh and the judge gave my client the truck along with a two-year no contact order now but a friend kept meticulous records of how much time his estranged wife spent with their daughter he used pink highlighter for mom and blue highlighter for himself mum sailed into arbitration demanding full custody and handsome child support in the house dad pulled out three years worth of year-long calendars mom had spent less than a full month with the child in three years mom was not happy with the outcome a witness for the plaintiff in a civil suit who was a co-worker of the plaintiff testified very strongly against the company and in favor of the plaintiff i questioned her about bias toward the plaintiff if they knew each other well were friends etc she said no just friendly co-workers work friends at best i pinned her to it when i got a chance to cross-examine the plaintiff she had no choice but to burn her witness's credibility because not only were they very close friends but they had become sisters-in-law just a few years before no they did not have the same last name or anything but i had done my homework i still don't get why people want to fight small bias by destroying their credibility but it happens more than you think i am being sparse on details here due to confidentiality but i had a client who was accused of a very nasty physical offence he had an alibi he was at work where he was the boss he had an employee who could absolutely vouch for his being there i talked to the employee employee confirmed this it gets closer to the trial and around the time when i need to send in an alibi notice which is advance notice to the crown so that they can investigate the alibi and determine whether or not it's true but i am being careful so i call the employee up again turns out my client fired him in the interim and so the employee quite candidly tells me oh yeah he was definitely at work but that's not what i'll say in court frick that guy he is going down i did not call him as a witness or file the alibi notice still won the trial but if i hadn't thought to call the guy or if he'd been less candid my client would have been fricked hard did the registry jail time the works completely innocent too many criminal client situations to counter them screwing themselves over one of the very few family law cases i handled as a young auntie sticks out to me though a young woman and young man have child young woman seeks divorce from young man because he enjoys the thug life he had recently been arrested and charged for possession w and to distribute him felony and in possession of a firearm and lawful carry a young man doesn't like her leaving him he hires a local big name top divorce atti granted very rural area gets temp divorce order ended saying she cannot have overnight guests of the opposite gender common and rural conservative areas think it's mostly a thing of the past in more urban places young woman starts seeing someone new young man is very upset about this has his fancy lawyer asked for a hearing accusing her of violating court order and seeking full custody on top of atti fees young woman on advice from a mutual friend hires me for this hearing i sit down with opposing counsel and she basically tries to strong-arm me w her experience and lays out egregious terms mother must not only give up primary custody but must have visitation with a supervisor and pay child support and atti fees she knows i'm a new baby atti in town fairly certain i had been licensed for less than a year they book and she says she'll see us in court i go into hearing with a copy of his probation arrangement on his posse w intent to sell an unlawful carry he hasn't told his atti about this and she is unaware she calls him up establishes how my client had her new bf over on x y z knights judge is very conservative not pleased then opposing counsel passes the witness i ask him if he has a job number what do you do for money things here and there oh ms opposing council is awfully expensive do you sell m what have you ever sold drugs to make ends meet i number introduced a copy of his guilty plea and straight probation sentencing judge is now staring daggers at him i lean over to my client sitting next to me and whisper if you took a drug test today be honest would you be completely clean yes i asked the young man when was the last time you did em at the objects the judge overalls i know this judge will drug test people on the spot as he is also the misdemeanor drug court judge it's been yours i'm clean so if you were tested you'd be clean yes opposing counsel asks the same of my client we agree judge has them both tested he tests positive 4m my client is clean judge denies his motion and asks me to send in new temp orders where young man is required to maintain employment and start paying child support and places him on supervised visits i sing on the cake opposing counsel actually calls me and leaves me a voicemail congratulating me on and i quote handing her boop to her for the first time in a long time that last part is nice your opponent didn't take it personally and even showed respect nice more of a case of screwing himself over but here goes this was a case another prosecutor in my office had a few years back thirty-year-old defendant was charged with physical shaming a child after he got his girlfriend's fourteen-year-old sister pregnant she actually kept the baby so the police just waited and got a paternity test no surprise defendant was the father defendant wanted probation prosector refused to offer it he decided to plead guilty and have a jury trial on punishment here in texas you can choose to have the jury set punishment evidence mostly proceeded as expected the victim testified to having consensually aside from not being old enough to consent frick the defendant getting pregnant etc paternity test introduced defendant took the stand his version of events was that he snuck into victim's room at night cover to her mouth and held her down while he forcibly had fricked her against her will it seemed like his own lawyer had no idea that's the story he settled on the jury deliberated about 15 minutes before returning a verdict of 17 years the maximum possible as charge was 20 when interviewed by the attorneys afterwards one of them said they decided on 17 years so the defendant would never forget the age of consent in texas again not a lawyer but happened to me and some buddies in college so a group of friends and i rented a five-bedroom house in college and being the group of guys we were partied pretty hard and were really rough on the house we knew going in we were not getting our deposit back well partway though living there the septic started to have some problems whenever someone used the downstairs shower it would rain slowly i.e slowly fill as you used it also one of the rooms carpet would get wet so we emailed the property service company to fix it two weeks later they send out a plumber to sneak the line and leave well that didn't fix it so we emailed again two three weeks plumber snake leave still not fixed email and two three weeks and they scope the line turns out roots had grown into the line so they had to do a big old process to completely remove all the roots now it's fixed well we all move out go or separate ways one of my buddies goes to australia for nine months when he gets back he comes home to a bunch of voicemails turns out the property company is coming after us for like five thousand on top of the deposit they tried to pressure him into either paying the money or he would be taken to court he told them he would see them in court for the couple months leading up to the court date he would get calls telling him to pay and it would all go away all day before the first day of court they call him and tell him to pay 2k and give them info for one of the other people on the original lease he says go to heck and see you in court first day of court is just to make sure everyone chosen to schedule the actual case lawyer for the property company shows up is scrambling to figure out what is going on had no records beyond the original lease which changed a couple times as people moved in and out my buddy helps him out by giving him copies of the multiple emails that we sent to get them to fix the septic and the damage it did to the house told my buddy he would let us know how they wanted to proceed never heard from the company again someone i knew had a pro dio case where she had to defend a person who had been charged with a criminal offense don't know what confidential and whatnot even though the police and the could pretty much pinpoint the crime to her client there was no evidence to tie him to the crime circumstantial at best she had instructed him to shut up and let her do the talking during the trial as from experience the client sometimes does not know how to answer a question probably she pleads and can show that the court has nothing on her client she feels that for once a proteo case is going her way after her plea the judge thanks her for her plea and turns to her client he asks if the client had something to add to the plea client looks at her back at the judge tears well up in his eyes and he blurts out i'm so sorry i'll never do it again she threw her notes and everything else she had in her hands at the client now convict apparently she basically got screwed by her own client who screwed himself even worse pro dio is the old term in our jurisdiction same connotation as pro bono this ain't my first prodio well not my story but a prior boss's story they had a drunk driver kills a car worth of people case at the time when they were a general practitioner my boss was representing the family that got hit one where the two kids and the wife had died but the father had not and wanted the college guys drunk driving skin to be mounted on a wall this was back before facebook was commonly used in court proceedings and before tons of people realized that crap is too great for any attorney worth their weight and soul to pass up so the kid drunk driving college kid had managed to get the judge's sympathy during the first part of the hearing by saying he was sorry haunted never going to drink again this was going to ruin his life etc the judge seemed to really be eating it up then comes my boss and immediately burns this kid's remorse to the ground by showing numerous facebook statuses and photos of them binge drinking partying and even joking about driving drunk from the date of the accident up until a night ago the kid looked like he was being forced to swallow hot coals and the judge was absolutely livid needless to say the kid had to do way more than just apologize and be remorseful after that here's kind of an anti-story for balance my marriage with my ex-wife fell apart a while back and she probably cheated on me and i probably drank too much to be a good husband and we argued and separated it could have gotten messy at this point if either of us decided to be vindictive but at this point we knew it was over and our main priority was the kids custody was never an issue because the older kids could choose where they wanted to stay at any given time they chose to stay with me most of the time and although we arranged a timetable for the younger kids they could come and go as they pleased if they were staying with friends in the neighborhood etc child support was also not an issue as i'm not a dong and i'm happy to pay my share towards giving them a decent life i don't count what it costs when they're with me and i pay half towards school costs clothes outings etc on the morning of the divorce proceedings we met for coffee before going before the judge the judge proceeded to ask us what contracts we had signed for the mortgage custody child support etc and we just said none we had it worked out the judge was incredulous and asked several times are you sure this is highly irregular we still have occasional arguments on the details that we have to work out as adults but yeah tomorrow i might get in from work to find one of the younger kids in front of the tv in an unscheduled visit or i might get a text for half the cost of a school outing next week and that's all fine by me honestly this is incredible really refreshing after this really sad thread i had this one moment that is my favorite to share so excuse me if it is floating around with it already i was litigating a custody dispute on behalf of the mother in an incredibly conservative jurisdiction one of the most common ways to get custody was to allege sex or pee addiction because the threshold for it was basically non-existent for this hearing however we lucked out with the judge who i knew from other cases opposing counsel tried to gotcha me into settling before the hearing by showing me surprise sexts between mom and her new boyfriend this is of course not law and order and you can't introduce surprise evidence so we go through with the hearing i object to the obscene texts but say i would allow them to be ready into the record in their entirety so the uptight very conservative local attorney gets to spend the next 25 minutes or so reading obscene texts in open court occasionally asking if she could gloss over parts but no i didn't feel it would be appropriate i'll never forget hearing her struggle with the word nipple it's not even a dirty word but this was like the third hearing we had to amend custody because this guy felt his ex-wife having a boyfriend meant she was an info they alleged the obscene texts happened while the kid was in mom's custody but they based that on the timestamp of the screenshots the timestamp on the texts was clearly at a time when the kid was not even around and mom was safe to get freaky over the phone the judge had heard enough of his balls and awarded attorneys fees and put in the order consistent with the vexatious litigant statute that if dad would continue to be liable for her attorney's fees if he kept pushing this crap it was the only joy i got from practicing family law not a lawyer but i sat on the jury of a man who was accused of molesting his ten-year-old niece he elected to testify in his own defense and his defense was i did it but it was her idea it was his third felony strike so he will be spending with luck the rest of his life in prison not a lawyer but this story always gets me my biological grandmother died 20 years ago of ovarian cancer she left all her money trusts bonds to my grandfather to use while alive and disperse after death my grandfather remarried something like 15 years ago to my step-grandma my grandfather ended up dying first a few years back my step-aunt is a greedy bee who lives on the opposite side of the country she's lived off of her mother and my grandfather for all of her life she'd come over and take them on vacation where she'd use their money to buy herself things and get a free skiing trip about 8x a year after my grandfather passed my step-grandma had to move where her children live to get care for dementia my step aunt has access to not only her own mother's estate but my grandfather's as well to take care of her needs that wasn't enough she decided to try and sue my dad and uncle for their dead biological mother's estate my dad is bilaterally paralyzed and in a wheelchair my uncle is a triple bypass survivor with a pacemaker and multiple stints both are on fixed disability income the court date came and i literally wheeled my dad and while my uncle walked with a cane my step aunt is entirely able-bodied and rolling in the millions my step-grandma and grandfather worked their whole lives to learn the judge took one look at the whole picture and she was absolutely denied access to my biological grandmother's estate we were there for less than an hour dog absolutely frick your aunt [Music] not caught the live pd traffic stop i was watching and the guy told the officer i have caffeine pills in my back pocket gets them out puts them on the hood everyone's chill dude then comes clean and says it's molly and the officers look at each other and go do we even have a test kit for that other officer says no dude's face just shows he should have kept his mouth shut i was a very new lawyer with no bankruptcy experience a partner sent me to bankruptcy court to try to make a claim as a creditor related to a 50 million building that was being sold time and lack of knowledge will prevent me from accurately describing everything that went down but i will do my best the court handled my client's claim very quickly and easily at first the court ruled we were not a creditor because our claim was against a tenant which was correct note we had purchased the claim from someone merely to try to somehow wedge our way into buying the property which was very transparent to the court so i could just set back for the remainder of the hearing and watch the two premier bankruptcy attorneys go at it one represented the debtor and the owner of the building the other represented a secured creditor with a lien against the building they absolutely hated each other on a personal level and were arguing with great venom about the plan to sell the real estate there was a small break in the action while the judge took care of another matter when we came back the secured creditor attorney told the court the following one his client the creditor had purchased controlling interest in the debtor the owner of the building the two he had been directed to fire the other attorney three he had been directed to withdraw the motion to sell the real estate for he then did both there in the courtroom i have practiced for almost three decades it was the most bad bust thing i had ever seen and was particularly noteworthy because the courtroom was packed with other attorneys watching and those two attorneys absolutely hated each other not a lawyer but this happened to my family my husband's kids asked us to fight for full custody after years of systematic abuse from their mom my step-daughter was physically shamed and mom decided to marry a guy who was best friends with the guy who assaulted her mom never told us what happened never got her counseling never reported it to the police in mediation she brought up a conversation i had with her which she denied ever happening until then she started saying lie after lie and all my husband had to say was my wife had that conversation with you to explain how uncomfortable my daughter is living with this man because he is connected to her sexual assault the mediator was not amused she said you have someone living in your house who is connected to your daughter's assault your relationship with your children is broken she spent the rest of the session sobbing and signed away custody because this was just the tip of the iceberg that we had on her and she knew it hearing her sobbing made me so happy after all she put these kids through i had to walk my step-daughter into the police station to report her sexual assault i usually don't want people to suffer but after warning her this guy was coming between her and her kids and then her lying about the context of that conversation ill make an exception i tried to stop her from the chain of events that led us to court and she tried to use it against me it's so sad that adults will put other people before their own children it disgusts me good on you guys for getting the kids and that poor girl out of that environment sitting waiting for my client and the judge is giving a mass colloquy for an alternative program on a dui basically probation question has anyone consumed alcohol or taken drugs in the last 24 hours obvious answer aside one dude proudly raises his hand i smoked some dope last night he did not get probation this guy sounds like jason on the good place kind of a self screw but the mpaa entered dvd john's code for breaking dvd copy protection as part of their lawsuit into their evidence which then became public record the code that breaks dvd copy protection was now available to the entire world defeating the entire purpose of their lawsuit that really was a moment of genius eonal but there was a case going on in my town between a father and son that was hilarious the dad is a big time personal injury attorney around here who started his own firm under his name george sink and his son ended up joining the family business well they had a falling out so the son goes off to start his own firm he has his dad's name so the dad is suing the son for using the name he gave him to start his own law firm if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: lawyers, court stories, in court, court of justice, lawyer, lawyer day in the life, lawyer reacts, lost case, criminal case, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: fEgGzxpN8xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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