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i'm extremely productive human being and i tell you nobody cares about your story until you produce something at levels to where they're like how did you do that my goal is to meet as many people on this planet as possible people that are positive people that have more time to create than to be critical more time to hustle than they have to hate and they want to actually add strategy and techniques that are proven to grow their business so that they can take care of their family and their church grant cardone everybody get on your feet wow thank you so much so nice thank you thank you thank you everybody for being here i'm on vacation i came here just to you know just to have a good time and drink go out on yachts watch the whales smooch with my wife so it's so nice to be here in a room of uh super excited people and you know there's not enough of this on this planet where people are gathering together for the to not to argue and fight and and debate but to uh to build something great and i heard about glenn by the way this guy is a genius okay i how did she say it how did she say that he's a genius i don't care if he's a genius i'm like i care that he's a genius so um you know i heard about exp about a year ago from maybe a year and a half ago from um lisa copeland she's like you got to meet this guy glenn sanford i'm like yeah yeah yeah i hear this every day you got to meet this guy and you got to meet that guy you got to meet this person and so about a year later glenn i saw glenn pop into a clubhouse any of you on clubhouse oh man clubhouses you know it's either the clubhouse or the trap house but but clubhouse is an app like facebook or instagram or twitter or linkedin or youtube these things that many of you are too old to understand you are you're like you're like i ain't got time for that i'm watching a game i don't have time for that man i'm i'm running my business into the ground because i'm not doing anything right now except complaining so the first time i saw social media was about 12 years ago and i was in los angeles california it was 2010 uh the economy had just collapsed how many of you got crushed from that little global slap spanking yeah well when i got when i get spanked i learn okay because i'm not taking the same spanking twice this will not happen and when 2008 happened lehman collapsed we were living in los angeles a beautiful home there that we had bought and we had we had the life made i had three companies two of them were doing pretty well the third one was we were dumping money into real estate and when 2008 happened i remember watching tv in my in my uh in our living room and elena saw my face go white white the the guy from lehman the the couple from lehman are walking out with their boxes and i'm like oh my god the world just came to an end and elena's like what's going on she she could see that something as as the person that was taking care of my family in my household and my mission in life is to take care of my family and my household that is my mission like everybody's wondering what's my why take care of your damn family how about how about before you save the world save your ass you know what i'm saying and your mama and your daddy and your wife and your kids why'd you just take care of everybody before you take care of the whales because you got your hands full with your own life i can't even manage 1400 square feet i'm gonna save the ocean so so uh you guys with me okay so so uh so my wife's like what's going on i said we're gonna die and she's like i ain't gonna die she's like you didn't get me into this telling me you were we want to die together she's like you need to figure this out this is exactly what she said give her a big hand right now that's what a good woman will do we're from louisiana basically okay so when your wife from louisiana when they say hey figure it out that means get your ass to work get back in there and figure out whatever the hell now i got to bring you back a few years because before this i was hunting her down what do y'all call that recruiting so i'm recruiting her i met her in los angeles i'm like oh my god i got to get a listing you know i want to be on the market i don't want this to be on the market too long okay there's a shortage of this kind of inventory am i talking real estate talk right now okay you guys understand this dog okay i'm like i'm willing to pay a broker fee and i'm willing to take out a loan for this right i don't 30 years i couldn't think with 30 years i was thinking about a weekend all right short-term loan but she was beautiful i'm like that's going to be her that's going to be my wife and i went and met her and i said my name's grant cardone and she's just like how many how many single people in the room say say 10x if you're single have you ever met somebody and you're like man that's the person and they just look at you like your casper the ghost she looked right through me like i wasn't even there okay and i got her phone number from the guy that she was working with i said i need her number mitch is like can't give you a number man it's against the rules i said mitch you're going to give me the number the question is not whether you're going to give me the number the question is when you're going to give me the number or where you're going to leave the number or you could leave the number and drop the number right there it could go right here right but you gonna do it mitch because i'm just gonna stay with you like a little kid how many of you got kids mitch i'm four years old give me the number okay i'm gonna tear the damn trailer apart he's like here's the number okay so so so she he gives me the number i call her 26 times over the next 13 week or 13 months 26 times without a return phone call and this is what the gentleman was talking about you got to commit first when you know something's right folks commit commit go all in on the deal nobody knows what you're what you're up to nobody knows what's going on inside me i called my mom that night and i said i met my wife today and she's like have y'all been out where did y'all go what did you do i said no she hates me and she's like she hates you grant it takes two and this is what i knew from being in business and if you're taking notes it might be worthwhile it does not take two to tango it does not take two to make a marriage and it does not take a buyer and a seller what it takes is you it needs to be you first you have to decide they're selling the house and you got to decide that they're buying the house before any house makes a transaction i had to decide that she was going to be the girl before she could see that i was going to be the guy you guys with me all right 26 phone calls all of them were light hey how you doing you know i didn't mention that she never calls me back i didn't mention that she was breaking my heart every time she didn't call me i didn't mention the fact that her best friend said i was too short okay you guys know what all your objections are don't you like her friend said you're too short i said just tell me what the real deal is i got to know what the objection is i cannot handle the unspoken objection what is the real deal grant you're too sharp i said okay what else what else you got uh you're not a hollywood guy she's she's an actress i wasn't in hollywood i'm not an actor okay good what else you're a businessman she thinks you're too conservative okay what else what else you got well you don't have a prison record you don't have a prison record no tattoos she like bad boys okay how many ladies here like the bad boys just be honest okay be honest the lady over here is like yes i love them okay so so i just continue to pursue her because like somebody said earlier sometimes people change how many of your room have changed how many of your room have changed exactly you're going to keep changing too some of you you're not going to like so so i pursued her until one day because i know this okay and you might want to keep this in your collection of how you handle discouragement along the way when you get a no would you agree that no is a version of yes how many would agree with that dude look i mean think about it what's the opposite of yes what's the opposite of no what's in between maybe so i always tell people when they tell me no i'm like don't say no say maybe okay just say maybe oh well maybe grant maybe but not right now excellent because i know no's can turn into yeses i said no to a lot of things in life and then done them you've walked into a casino before i am not gambling tonight i will not gamble you came down to cabo i am not drinking while i'm here okay you some of you came down no enriched bread while i'm here no chips no guacamole nothing okay and as soon as you got down here you're just like freaking hitting shots eating guacamole slamming it in your face right so how do you get from no to yes just show up in cabo it's a maybe right how do you get somebody to say go go from not selling their house to yes i will get to a maybe and then follow them up okay look i've never i'm not a real estate agent my wife is a real estate agent she is now a licensed state of florida real estate agent [Applause] 30 days okay i get involved with glenn glenn's on a clubhouse back to my clubhouse story okay and so glenn i see glenn pop up on clubhouse and i'm like i bring him into this little room it's a little app for you you older people it's an app okay it's what your kids are using right now and i'm gonna tell you something there's nothing but gold and possibility on these apps if you know how to use them and one thing i don't have a lot of time here with you today i wish i had more time i wish i had days with you because huh come on man make the time i like that um and i appreciate i appreciate uh you guys thinking enough of me to have me here brent thank you so much for having me i appreciate what you've built here and just to be clear i am not being paid to be here today okay okay i just want everybody to know the irs if they're watching because this is on video okay and i hate these people how many of you hate the irs you should hate them okay we got that in common i hate these people okay i got something for you right there okay because i am a highly productive human being i'm an extremely productive human being and i tell you nobody cares about your story until you produce something at levels to where they're like how did you do that this should be on your bucket list for everybody here you're on your bucket list your production should be at levels where people are like tell me your story because if they don't care it's because you haven't produced enough to get bright enough okay most of you in a room are just producing what you think is sufficient for you and your family okay is it all right if i challenge you a little bit over the next 20 minutes can i challenge you say say 10x if i can challenge you so i don't want anybody leaving here bitching moaning and groaning i came off too hard on you okay you guys with that no criticizing no complaining nothing you got it because sometimes people complain about me they're like the guy's too hard he's too focused on the money game y'all need to watch plant the planet on netflix okay when you leave here you need to get your team on a steady diet of the planet on netflix okay and you're gonna see how animals live every day okay in that environment if you don't go out and get something and bring it home your babies don't get fed many of you in the room are making targets based on what you need not what the whole community needs the the how many of you read the 10x rule anybody here oh man y'all got to read that book okay you got to read the 10x rule nobody here read it yeah yeah i saw it in the bookstore and kept walking you got one right there ma'am that's excellent can you bring it up right here let me sign it for you real quick all right you got you got it that's why i brought in yeah yeah i'm gonna sign i'm gonna sign it right now okay jessica yeah you guys should get this book this book thank you thank you very much this book that'll be 500 bucks uh this book this book uh this book is about how i got out of 2008 because how i got out of 2008 was was was not as important as how i got into it if you got spanked before it's because you're in the wrong place at the wrong time with too little okay if you've ever approached bankruptcy the broker that the gentleman was talking about that went bankrupt it's because he didn't get big enough okay you cannot fail when you get bigger and bigger you have to keep scaling out your business you don't have a choice your dreams have to be way bigger than what you're thinking about folks because right now what you're thinking about is what you need when i quit thinking about what i need i started getting exactly what i needed and what i deserved so the 10x concept is is like okay how much how much would i need how many people would i need to call on who would i need to be in front of what would i need to do so that i never have to worry about money or when i'm worrying about money i'm worried about big money problems rather than little money problems how many of you like to have some big money problems see i grew up in lake charles louisiana okay single mother my dad died when i was 10 years old my mom was clipping coupons she had a drawer in the house how many grew up with a parent that was clipping coupons how many of you grew up in a household where where you heard this help me help me here if you know the answer to this a penny saved is yeah money doesn't grow on um save for uh yeah that's all done how about this one how about this one money won't make you and the person that told you that never had any money okay because money won't make you happy the two things happiness and money should not be in the same conversation they have nothing to do with one another when i'm going to get money when i'm trying to get money i am not trying to get happy i'm not looking for happy when i'm going for money i'm looking for money so when people tell you why you work so hard because i'm trying to get some money punk man why you keep calling these people because i'm trying to get what i deserve man why do you take off weekends because weekends do not make you stronger they make you weaker i have i have a couple businesses this year we'll do 150 million dollars my real estate we have 2.5 billion dollars worth of real estate that we own that produces cash flow almost 10 000 units that that 2200 bucks a month do the math on that things are very good at our place and i'm like why don't you become a real estate agent okay average real estate agent makes what 25 000 bucks a year or something 25 000 a year okay right something like that it's sad it's sad and i want to talk to you about the finances right now okay somebody said about not chasing squirrels i think she was talking about chasing other opportunities is that right okay but also you guys need to think about not chasing squirrels that don't get your opportunity here because they're squirrels they're gathering nuts like oh i can't i can't i don't want to put signs up i'm like dude move on you need people i need people in my life that are heavily financially motivated i hear everybody talking about their wives and their kids and and oh my god life is to be lived you cannot live on this planet without money folks okay nowhere can you go and buy something the yacht the experience the weekend to come down here did they charge you guys for your hotel room or did they take a happy check you you can i like the sweet i'd like the presidential suite for the family okay sir that will be twelve thousand dollars a night baby do we have any happy left they don't even take that in mexico they take what do they take down here they take american dollars on a probably won't even take cash today if you brought them a bag of cash they'd be like we'd rather have the american express right or wrong so you i would look for people today are financially motivated that want to make more money and that understand that financial illiteracy is what's hanging people up from their dreams you got people hey what do you want to do well i want my time off what are you going to do with time off you ain't got any money the hell man you wanna you wanna know the cause of depression too much time and too little money get me a job get me a mission get me something to do give me possibility give me a payoff because i'm gonna tell you something you guys say you're not motivated by money but i'll promise you this when there's a big enough stack a big enough reward something significant enough to change your life significantly like to go from here to another place the gentleman that came here from another country what's that guy's name where's he at oh my god man that guy touched my heart right where's he at where you at dude [Applause] but those stories are in america too where people in america are living in lower lower class or middle class families and they make a launch out i made a launch out i was in a middle-class family raised by a single mother we had a roof over our head three meals a day i had all the love i could do but we had no money and when you don't have money you have fear when you don't have the right vehicle when you're in a vehicle you're working real estate and the most you can make is three percent they're gonna chop you you know they're gonna chop you you know the seller's gonna cut you up three percent you got me two million over asking and you want three six percent and i gotta split it with my wife right how many of you get chopped up you're getting chopped up because you're not professional enough yet when they're still asking for your fees they are saying hey you are still not the player that i that deserves a full fee so you've got to change your game now man particularly with inventory problems that you have right now you're going to continue to have this inventory problem folks this is not going away housing prices over the next decade will not go down they will go up they will continue to go up you're looking in a rear view mirror thinking about what oh i should have bought everything because you should have by the way but you didn't because you didn't sell enough to have enough to buy enough right and you were sitting in the market you were sitting in the market how many times have you said this is a good deal how many in the room has said that before this is a good deal why don't you buy it oh because you can't because you didn't so you didn't do enough to put yourself in your family in a situation where you could and that's what happened to me in 2010 i had not done enough i had three successful businesses all three of them got cut off because of this mortgage thing that some of you in the room were involved in okay i don't blame you squeeze the whole world whole world had this big contraction and everybody got hurt from it okay and at that moment you found out how strong your business was you s you had the same experience last year doing covet how strong were you okay exp will probably be the big beneficiary of covent because people will be like i don't need an office that's stupid why do i need an office okay one of my first notes today was about the office i'm gonna tell you the three billion dollars worth of real estate that i bought i have never ever closed the real estate deal in somebody's office hey can you come sign can you come sign at our office no i cannot come sign at your office okay this was before docusign okay do you have a fax machine okay why would i come visit you and the title company and the escrow people sit around with a bunch of people that can't buy what i just bought it's stupid why am i gonna do that okay you want to come to my house no i don't think so you know you stay there i'll stay here let's do a deal you know what i got to pay for this so the best thing for me to do is get back on the phone and start paying for stuff i need to be on the phone folks you need massive massive levels of activity going into 2021 because the other brokers remember there's great brokers and there's everybody else there's great agents and everybody else you got to decide to be in this top five percent and do not even look at anything the other 95 of the people do i know this is a cruel hard message but they're not paying me if they were paying me i could give you a soft loving message okay i don't care if you guys like me or not what i care about is whether you like whether you like you or not more at the end of this year than you did at the beginning of the year because that's the target man i gotta love myself i gotta like me okay i'm not trying to produce for the rest of the world i'm trying to produce for me i'm not even trying to produce for my kids and my wife yeah they're beneficiaries but look if i can please me if i can hit my if i could shock myself okay would i be able to take care of my wife and kids my kids man they're lucky to be alone for the ride little freeloaders okay we don't check with them when we're deciding to do something we're going to cabo i don't i don't want to go to cabo all right we still going i'm with you how do we get from no to yes maybe you're going okay and we're going to go there and they're going to get on the plane and we're going to go like somebody at your company you're at your company your household needs to make a decision hey what's the best thing for the household elena and i have it chopped up okay there's certain things she makes decisions on certain things i make decisions on we don't second-guess people's decisions until that person's repeatedly making mistakes in that area hey go ahead and do it if you get a 95 you get to keep that job okay as long as i got a 95 remember i talked her into going out with me you understand i closed the deal three things you should be investing in 2021 number one these things will never let you down folks number one you should be investing in yourself some of you got more money in wells fargo bank of america citibank than you do in yourself your self-improvement is a no-brainer okay there's no money no nothing nothing that no book i've ever read that somebody can take away from me it's impossible give me one piece of data that's good for me give me one experience this positive for me no one can steal it you can't tax it and it cannot be depreciated see like i got no money on me right now how many of you saw undercover billionaire yeah you should you should take a look if those of you didn't see it you don't need money to make money okay you need people as long as you as long as you're willing to extrovert yourself into the community and meet people hey how you do what's up who are you oh my god like you don't even know how to do it right you just need to be like hey what's up everybody try this what's up no no what's up see people gonna be like what's wrong with him you should practice that this weekend every time you go to the restroom or go to the bar hey how you doing hey hey hey how you doing hey what's up you know just say hi to people just get used to extraverting yourself onto people because people that you don't know have everything that you want and it's going to make you feel better about you i invest number one in me number two i invest i will never give the bank money until i invest in my business i'm never going to save money at wells fargo cash is trash folks how many were taught you were brought up cash is king it's garbage it's pieces of paper if you saw the stock if you saw the dollar as a stock in the last 55 years it's going down like this the graph is straight down almost a 90 depreciation value you would never invest in that stock but what do you guys do work your ass off trade time for money take the money and save it so it gets depreciated what does the bank do as soon as you give it to them they call me up hey mr cardone can we lend you some of these people's money their work hard-working people they were working their asses off on the weekends trading time for money and they came and gave us the money it's amazing these people do this over and over again i'm like please send it over okay the third thing i would invest in once you and your business are doing well by the way you'll know it's not even a question if you're calling me up like when should i start investing grant if you're still asking that question you don't have enough money it will be so obvious to you your business is on banging it's banging 12 cylinders just banging man listings coming in sales being made people talking about you your freaking numbers are going like this everything's like straight up and vertical then you should invest in something where you cannot lose your money [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 105,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, 10x, money, finance, business, sales, motivation, yt:cc=on, WeAre10X, 10XNation, 10XStrong, 10XLife, 10XEverything, grant cardone speech, grant cardone keynote 2021, grant cardone keynote, cabo mexico, cabo san lucas
Id: KqkpLR_ulY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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