The most handsome dog on the planet | Giant BEAR dog

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this is winter and he's a four-year-old Great Pyrenees and Saint Bernard mix when he first came into my shop he was very nervous and would not stop barking at me so it took me a good 20 minutes to calm winter down when he first came in he was barking at me like crazy he wouldn't let me anywhere near him he was very scared and I don't want to just start working on a dog that is that scared right away because that could be dangerous for me a nervous dog or a scared dog may react aggressively doesn't mean that they're an aggressive dog and it's just me and winter in here today I don't even have my cameraman in here so if something were to happen that would be scary so I took 20 minutes with him I just sat on the floor gave him treats you can tell he's still very resistant he's still very nervous however this dog has been groomed many times so I'm pretty confident that he's all talk and no action however I have to make sure I pay attention so I'm gonna bathe him first in just a deep cleaning shampoo and then I'll go over him in Des shedding shampoo and whitening shampoo okay winter okay you're such a baby okay boy good boy you have a lot of hair good boy yes it's okay you're a good boy it seems that somebody has cut some of your hair at home did somebody call her hair at home good boy can I come out a lot of people have asked me about my outfit it is not waterproof it is just hair resistant so I don't get hair stuck all over me I forgot to put on my apron and I'm going to be completely soaked after this grooming right buddy you're a big boy you shouldn't be so scared you could take me out very easily [Music] I tried giving you Treats but you wouldn't take any with shedding season in full effect all pet parents should have a fast acting and reliable de-shedding product line fluff off made by girl with the dogs is a soap free eco-friendly de-shedding shampoo conditioner and cologne proudly made in the USA by top leaders in the grooming industry this product is infused with Omega fatty acids which helps to loosen dead unwanted hair and it also includes vitamin E making it a safe shampoo to use regularly as it helps to repair the skin this product line is safe to use on puppies and kittens eight weeks or older use the link below to order now KD shedding shampoo foreign [Applause] so you're squishing me into the corner and I cannot move I'm going to need you to move your big booty can you turn this way turn that way go on turn this way good boy good boy it's okay good boy oh you're gonna shake aren't you you're gonna get me soaked uh that's great thank you thank you for that I have to wash your face now come here good boy okay I have to rinse your face and you're gonna shake like crazy the whole time aren't you also if you could put your head in the shower that would be greatly appreciated thank you we're not let's just water the floor it needed to be watered anyway and one more shampoo in the Chris Christensen whitening [Music] I really need it in there your chest is very yellow from your Jewel rub in the whitening okay buddy okay buddy can I have your face thank you I think I could probably ride you you are so freaking big I don't think you'd allow it but probably could boy [Music] [Music] foreign foreign okay after one hour he is finally dry so now it's time to brush him oh you big hairy beast now we have become friends he's no longer scared of me I'm gonna have one bushy tailbud so on my own 25 minutes to bathe one hour to blow dry it'll probably take me about another half hour to get him fully brushed and groomed so I'm assuming about a two hour groom good boy good boy I know you don't love it reason why I have the table so low and I'm bending down like this is because when I went to put the table up he almost slipped off of it he got nervous so I'm just gonna leave it low because he's a really big dog and if he were to slip off the table when the table was high I would not be able to catch him and he could seriously injure himself so it's just not worth it I shall just work like this you are one handsome dog man okay can we turn you on the other side turn this way turn turn don't jump off good boy so when it comes to a dog like this all you really need to brush them is this Chris Christensen brush foreign do you know you're cute give me those nails and be a nice boy your nails are very short you must go for lots of walks hey hey but you got these big giant dew claws here man these nails are really short so they either clip them themselves or he goes for lots of walks but even those dew claws although they look considerably long they were really short as well [Music] Steve today boy good boy sitting doesn't help me but I'm sure it does help you try to get away wait please oh stay stay I just do their back feet on the ground like this because I find it's easier than forcing them to lift their paw when they're this heavy no no okay today I think I will spray him down in Spring Meadows winter is finally all finished on my own he took me two and a half hours to fully groom the average cost for a dog like this would be between 190 to 220 dollars thank you all so much for watching and I will see you again next week oh that's nice thank you for that
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 4,658,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yrgOPCrt6PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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