The biggest pain in my ACEhole.

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel if you're new here welcome today I am grooming the biggest pain in my ace hole this is Ace my Maltese and Yorkie mix and he's a peculiar specimen even though I am growing my own dog today I groom all of my clients for free thanks to all of you who watch my content if you'd like to support my work please hit that subscribe button okay Mysteries it is time for your bath I know you hate it but you're gross okay [Music] boy so Ace is getting a grooming today because he is going for surgery tomorrow on his teeth I'm a little bit worried about putting him under because he is 11 years old and was exhibiting some health concerns although apparently there's nothing wrong with him but he has to get them done because his teeth are very gross and it's causing him pain he has an infection in his sinuses because of the bacteria in his mouth and if you leave that bacteria in his mouth what happens is every day it goes into his bloodstream it gets pumped through his heart and eventually it will lead to heart failure so I've come to the point where I have no choice but to put him under to get them cleaned he's probably going to have to have a lot of teeth removed right literally so hopefully he'll be okay but you can't just let him live in pain and he won't let me brush them he also refuses to chew on anything he won't chew on any kind of bones so there's nothing that I can do to clean his teeth naturally although Ace you look like you've put on some weight that's good thing right so I gave him his first bath in nasty Critter shampoo which is a nice deep cleaning shampoo and that is my new line of shampoo that will be coming out soon and now I am giving him just a face wash after this he's going to get a medicated shampoo because he has been having issues with bacteria and yeast on his skin so I'm going to give him one of those notice how he really hates having his face touched that's because his teeth hurt okay okay okay I know I know I know I know after this you're going to play with your ball and you're going to have a grand old time okay okay oh poor Ace now I am going to use the medicated shampoo this is prescribed by the veterinarian it goes just on his body and on his ears and I'm gonna let it sit for a few minutes the health problems that Ace was exhibiting were he is always hungry he needs to have his food with him 24 7. if he doesn't have his food with him he freaks out he is always thirsty he drinks a lot he did lose a lot of weight but looking at him now wet he's put on weight so I'm really happy about that and that was basically it and then what happens is if Ace does not eat because sometimes he refuses his food so if he doesn't eat he gets really sick he starts to vomit he starts to have diarrhea and he's just very unwell so I brought this all started happening in 2020 so I brought him to the vet and spent over three thousand dollars on tests and there's nothing wrong with him every test has come back normal he's apparently fine so I have no idea why he's doing that why like this happened I don't get it I do think that Ace has OCD I know that sounds really funny because he's a dog but if you see him with his ball and blanket which you will see him at the end of his groom today he just has like obsessive Tendencies so I think he just obsesses over his food and water it must be because there's nothing wrong with him he's completely fine all of his tests have come back normal and I've done every single test under the sun no he doesn't have diabetes he doesn't have Cushings he doesn't have Addison's there's nothing wrong with him so we don't know you big weirdo you're a mystery another thing that another symptom that he's been exhibiting is hair loss so I thought it was all connected but the vet just thinks that he has alopecia like Melvin poor little Ace see that wheezing that he does that is because he has infection going on in his sinuses from his teeth right we're going to get that taken care of tomorrow and you better be okay you better be Mr poor little East I'm gonna feel so much better once those teeth are taken care of this is the problem with having super tiny little dogs he's only three pounds when you have dogs this small they have issues with their teeth and it's just a real pain to take care of I probably won't have dogs this small ever again because having to put them under and constantly get their teeth worked on really stresses me out right I hate it oh and the fact that if I put them in my backyard he can get eaten by a freaking Hawk so that's also stressful right ace you just give me a ball of stress because I'm constantly worried about you now Ace hates the blow dryer so this should be fun that's great thank you for that okay I sprayed them down in the stuff for dogs and now we are going to dry him and he really hates this part right little Ace this is an extra small happy hoodie which I'm really glad they started making extra Smalls because the smalls were way too big for Ace's little head don't don't do it don't start don't be crazy don't be a crazy man you're okay [Applause] [Music] all right good boys we're okay Mr Man okay foreign I just did Ace's Nails about a week ago so I don't know how much I'm going to be able to get off but I will try they're too short good boy I know you're very upset you're gonna play with your ball after this though Ace is not allowed to have a ball inside my house because he's a complete lunatic and will drive me nuts all day long to play ball with him like when I say driving nuts I mean bark at me all day long so he's not allowed to have a ball in the house he only gets a ball if he's outside or in the shop and that's it good boy mister good boy okay it's okay I am going to shave out his little paw pads now Ace is the most brilliant out of all of my dogs I swear this dog has figured out well first of all figured out how to manipulate me that's number one but also figured out just how to open doors how to open his crate like my other dogs have not figured that out he's just very very smart he is 11 years old he's extremely picky he will only eat basically one kind of food the only thing I know that he really really likes is goat's milk which he gets frequently but you have to be careful with that because if you give him goat's milk he decides that that's the only thing that he wants and he doesn't want his food and he'll just bark at me constantly to give him more goat's milk you're so very strange so very strange that little brain is always going a mile a minute so I am just giving Ace a tidy up today because his hair is so thin I don't like to take it too short because it doesn't provide him with protection against the sun if I take it too short so I'm Gonna Leave It long but I'm just going to tidy his paws and I'm gonna make his face nice and short because he's probably going to have quite a bloody mess of a face after his Dental tomorrow I know that I always say that my dogs have no brain cells and they're not smart and basically I'm just referring to Melvin not the rest of them the rest of them I just say that just for fun give me your little feets even though Ace does look cute after his Grooms I'll be honest I don't really care what he looks like he does not enjoy being groomed and I just want him to be comfortable so I do a decent job but I'm not overly particular about what he looks like when he's done oh my God I just freaking love you good man no stay give me those hairs that go in your mouth Ace has lots of nicknames most recently it's poo poo I don't know why that's a new one boo-boo little pooper aceroos you know Menace because that's normally what he is the big Menace get rid of this crazy visor of yours see your privates come here a little bit of poop on there that never happens to you okay I'm spraying him down in Spring rain today okay and Ace is all finished and now it's time to play with his ball if you want to play with your ball I'm gonna go play with your bodies we'll go play with your ballies yeah you can go play with your ball okay good boy okay you ready to turn on the psycho lunatic he will do this for hours and hours and hours and hours he won't eat he won't drink he will just go nuts you must give him his blanket with the ball or he'll be a complete mental case he will just scream bloody murder for absolutely no apparent reason no one really understands no Ace is one of a kind and the tail just goes insane the whole time you're a free case foreign [Music] this is why he's not allowed to have it in the house you're strange oh my God [Music] what bring it here come on no no no you're gonna goodbye goodbye
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 743,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GoBq-h86r1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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