Elden Ring All (165) Bosses CONSUMABLE Only Challenge Run

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what is up everybody in this video we're going to be completing Elden ring and it's 165 bosses using nothing but consumables this includes items such as pots aromatics or other non-craftable consumables but this doesn't include items such as arrows because although they're consumed in a sense the game doesn't actually consider them to be consumables the reason I wanted to do this run is because I looked on the list of consumables in Elden ring and realized there were so many items that I've never even fooled around with at all after completing this run I can safely say that consumables are a little bit more than viable in fact they're borderline overpowered in certain situations oh dude 1600 damage I've noticed a lot of you who watch my videos regularly aren't subscribed so if you enjoy the sort of content I'd greatly appreciate if you would consider doing so your support has been amazing so far and we have a lot more videos like this coming and subscribing is one of the best ways to make sure that you don't miss any videos such as this one so I really hope you enjoyed this run we've been teasing it for a while so here it is the consumable only all bosses run what do you guys think for the starting class oh I guess Warrior hey let's go Warrior dude I also have some decent intelligence here alright Warrior here we go I think this will be pretty cool man the first step is probably to go get ourselves some volcano pots because those things will carry this run for sure um we also can uh go kill patches right away that's that's pretty big because he gives you the the fan daggers which are honestly insane dude we can start maybe using some holy pots to kill some death Birds too because obviously the holy pots annihilate those things I guess I'm gonna cheese this on PC I think that's right is that fine or like should I use gravity or not yeah well I'm using I I won't use gravity to kill bosses then how about that but I'll kill this [ __ ] with I'll kill this [ __ ] with gravity because she deserves it let's get the poison stuff from here that's true I am consuming gravity all right let's go back out of here I'm a wild one dude all right so let's get these pots and crafting kit and this one I don't think that's useful these I mean the daggers we could easily go kill the boss with these let's go to weeping really quick because I would like to go get the kakri guy wait I didn't realize she just dropped this stuff yeah Alexander will survive as well on this thing or on this run because there's no there's no Ash of award that that we're going to be using so man I'm so excited to see the volcano pots and all these uh these avatars oh right the jar head and stuff man okay oh oh my God I did not think about this man that absolute garbage quest line we're gonna have to do it we actually do need to figure out like how the [ __ ] it works though because everyone's gonna be upset if I don't use that Talisman all right patches with the cutris boss number one how dare you roll that oh would I waste these already oh that's not bad and before I bleed procam and I kill him or something all right cast your [ __ ] bro let me headshot you he's cooking me right now I'm trying to cook him but he's cucking me dude oh nice uh nice aim right there that's great as long as that debuff last form there we go boss number one forgive and forget some things can't be forgiven this simply isn't like you this is indeed a boss actually yeah boss HP bar and you get the uh like boss killed thing enemy failed after I don't think he sells infinite yet he's got to go to volcano but I can just buy a stock right now we could probably easily kill Margaret with this imagine doing no hit all bosses consumable only dude that'd be pretty insane oh boy okay that's actually like significantly worse than I thought oh boy gotta bleed him please bleed man you have to thank you for some reason I thought like it's gonna be dealing better damage than this right now well let's just you know let's just forget that ever happened Dr diallos okay okay let's go do that I guess I'll talk to you this [ __ ] I hate this guy there's four to sacks and then a doula and it would help if I actually uh add the medallions fairly won't anger this bear um when I was doing consumable no hit I was using my fist for this but I mean we're not dealing damage so 100 more there we go I don't actually think I need to talk to him but virtual part two I'm not sure I guess I'll um I can maybe use this talisman really weird not being able to roll recover in this game especially after playing a Souls game again and we were just playing Demon Souls our jarberg here we go you should talk to the little guy now actually hey do you want me to come back now I'm just gonna reload this a bunch of times and really mess it up oh you you can mess this up there's some cuckoo glenstones I think here and I love the Kaku Glen stones I'm pretty sure we could go kill market now but let's just use volcano pods volcano pods melt him dude what is this item Soul oh boy oh boy they survive dude it's [ __ ] on whoever that was there's also the I think this is the Giants flame pot one do we do the insane uh the Scion kill I think we should now we wait easy I can zoom only except you just use gravity you [ __ ] cheater I dare you all right here we go volcano pot yeah 96 exactly like that's how I know about that is because because he almost killed me one time but now I'm like oh yeah I can just do that every time now apparently when does patches show up oh I think I have to join okay am I gonna brick anything by joining volcano Manor oh yeah let's go to liernia let's find him yeah yeah good point the whereabouts they laid the tail idea okay I guess uh I guess that's it I'm not sure if I have to talk to him here so now this is where I believe I either have to kill Reichard or do the the assassinations right lightning pot oh man this guy sells gravel Stones too so strength index is what we want first but probably mostly decks and I better not die because I've got 18K right now I kind of have to save it oh my God my damage is really bad I'm already dead huge mistake oh my god dude bro there's I mean how do I get [ __ ] one-shotted by that dude oh this is I'm probably gonna get one shot to buy this guy this is going to be a little bit more challenging than I thought you must be joking this guy wants this guy [ __ ] one shots me dude yeah that's what I thought I should not be in here okay well that's it dude all right well um let's come back I cannot forget that I have 20 000 runes in here all right let's kill this guy at least okay I think the throw angle is around there oh it's kind of [ __ ] weak to be honest maybe not considering we have zero stats and anything I'm gonna have to go down there though oh my God I thought that was gonna reach me for sure okay boss two finally okay so now I was thinking we got the fire uh tier so I can probably do some more damage here I should probably also level up my HP surely now we are fine oh come on man oh right in the right in the [ __ ] head dude we just needed the fire tier now ideally I instantly die oh boy nice pivot dude this is first playthrough material right here and [ __ ] you idiot again this is actually so hard but it's it's only because I I came here with like the most idiotic setup of all time basically I think when he did that Spin Attack I must have gotten hit by it like twice instantly or something wasn't there something here too yeah okay so what have I gotten so far I think we got everything we got the rituals and we got the crackpots I think right yeah actual one boss per hour that's okay we're gonna start fighting stuff now I didn't level up surely he won't like Dodge this or something there's the damage foreign much better oh my God we're all out of volcano volcanic Stones dude and we're farming rocks man I didn't even have the fire Scorpion on let's go kill let's go kill gilica I'm sure it's gonna be fine right shortly it'll be fine yeah we're gonna get the bot helmet blasted foreign I might use perfumes I'm just not sure if they're really that great though you guys think godric will freeze in one pot whoa what the hell was that cycle what's the most insane cycle I've ever seen right there all right here we go uh you can Luca yeah very nice oh those are kind of hitting oh no man I wonder how hard it would be to get headshotted by your own kukri and [ __ ] bled you bastard how hard you guys think it would be to get a shot of iron cookery bleed him in a second here again beautiful one of the best attacks in the game right here foreign foot but I'm I'm gonna forget everywhere else so yeah I did I did see the Garbo strap looks really nice I wish I'd known about that on all bosses run Gargoyle on these nuts dude yeah okay I'm guessing should I kill this guy it might be a little bit weak for him foreign it's so hard to tell what he's doing when he's just like flailing around because of the fire beautiful no problem all right time for the yet another NBC ledge cheese I don't love those volcano pots dude to dodge the transition attack if you're really close like the big AOE I have actually no idea like if you can iframe it it's okay so we got that let's go get flame ground strength I think Loretta time oh but oh no no so we got to go get the fulgar blooms or whatever they're called probably an Altus up here is really good huh seems like a decent spot I did because doodle yeah dude yeah man like the demon cells route is looking so good for for the god run three I think it's actually insane yeah so now our build's looking pretty good you guys I think I think we're we should be set melted bro it literally melted that big HP bar man I haven't seen an HP bar like this in this game in how long like probably my first playthrough I can't think of any run I've done where I've had this big of an HP bar all right we should be looking pretty nice here I think on our damage oh no I forgot to swap it dude oh I have to go back oh no I want to show the consumable Run justice of making it as good as possible I mean to make it even better I should go get the Dex tier right that would probably be the like the perfect game in my books actually you know something closer to The Witcher or something but a Souls game we shall see in a second and that's [ __ ] good in my books dude it's pretty good hardly even a boss fight that's actually pretty wild dude that was pretty good damage right there I think probably easily do you guys think I can headshot this guy oh easy how dare you can't believe nobody aggro there how dare you headbutt me with your [ __ ] Burger King helmet here we go I dare you dodge that that's really too slow surprising oh foreign you can throw these on a horse jeez dude this guy's gonna have no idea what hit him I'm gonna attempt I had shot him who are you shooting at all right are you guys ready to see this Redan damage all right so yeah the reason we want to do this now we want to go talk to Alexander and then we can get the the pot head I can't believe we've we've only killed 10 bosses so far I don't know how that's even possible why did that not deal any Madness build up for me what happened it might have been a little riskier oh cause I don't have the statue right okay yeah I kind of forgot about that crew I'm in here I'm gonna lie it's quite it's not really as much damage as I remember you idiot not bad but yeah when we rented no hit we were definitely dealing like way more damage than that I one hit after that everyone from my YouTube is probably so used to seeing me kill Alexander that it's like it must be a of relief like I got so many comments people saying it's like man how dare you kill Alexander this is maybe a case where the magic would be good against the draconic Sentinel where do I get the crafting for the magic uh pots oh actually I I think I might remember there's a chest here I'm gonna kill the fork enemies dude what is that throw even probably the worst throw of all time but I guess a company that might baited over with it it totally destroyed easy calculated even please be the thing beautiful dude this actually yeah this this could easily be the strongest consumable build with uh paramagica or we could go get gravity Stones I don't really know where to get them from though Hill caled Bell Hunter oh really okay well um let's think about that then for a second oh true the jellyfish Shield I totally forgot about that oh that's no wonder that's obviously why our damage was way lower oh thank you for that yeah this is very convoluted so we're going to get we're going to get the lightning scorpion charm in order to kill the Bell bearing Hunter okay he's gonna he's gonna One-Shot me dude uh maybe look how good the fandangers are we killed the Bell bearing hunter in order to go get the gravity Stones 50k man or the the crystalians oh whoa that did way more damage than I thought it would actually does way better damage than I thought I wasn't even using the jellyfish Shield because I keep forgetting nice oh yeah okay so now we get to her Magica we want Terra Magica for the magic pots I don't have a staff yet that's probably decent enough right 20 intelligence um I guess I have to go get this here we go the pothead for the uh your chronic Sentinel a buff I'll use Terra Magica and then I'll at least get maybe like two or three pots off when he's buffing or maybe like more this one that's what I'm talking about you guys right there and I just realized I didn't even [ __ ] put the magic tier in bro you would have been dead for sure if I remembered that but obviously I gotta finish him off somehow gonna wait oh it's so easy whoa there's simply no way oh and I had a rune arc on too didn't I that's that's also career ending right there and actually I won't be able to cast Howell now because of it oh dude I actually didn't even realize that oh nice shot though nice okay another boss down so so this allows us to buy the scraps and the scraps are amazing yeah so the reason normally when I'm doing an old boss run I actually wouldn't progress the main game this far but we want to get to farm Azula so that we can do the uh yeah I want to get the jar Talisman and so we need to do the main stuff I just want to see if he's saying anything different wait he just said something different though for the poachers dude it's actually just keep reloading I somehow managed to do the quest on my first playthrough but I don't know how we're trying to I guess we're just gonna go balanced in all the stats kind of a weird way to level up but there we go all 20. please don't chase me allow me to buff wait why are they chasing me though is this new some new AI that they don't run in the boss fight anymore now this is some damage how did that miss him though beautiful yeah this should be very trivial all right here we go let's see if he instantly dies from this he probably will lots of buffing here drop that this one right back into the fire how can you talk when you're dead bro man that is a about as good as I remember it when we were writing the no hit yeah pots are pretty good huh it's not bad yeah let's go get the magic sword man how many um I need three of the Starlight shards for that right well did you not real perhaps find an effect I expect so now I give this to Gideon is that correct let me give you the potion bro I think I have to quit out now oh just kidding so now chamber I've only done this questline once I think so now wait what am I supposed to do now I kind of missed oh that's it classic questline in Elden ring there we go no problem I don't know it's a big mystery with this quest line and nobody seems to know what's going on and then some people are saying if you just kill reichardt is fine but then some people are saying you got to kill two assassinations and then some people are saying gotta kill two assassinations plus Reichard it's just a total like basically nobody knows what's going on but we will figure it out but let's kill fire giant because I'm pretty excited to see how good this is on him all right here we go let's see what happens let me see if I can just blast them from here with these scraps insane range look at this dude I saw it like scum not doing this earlier not like unreal damage or anything but it's kind of funny so I'm pretty sure my lightning I think might be better here I don't know Starbucks right now simply get good and win I guess definitely get good and get [ __ ] blasted by that attack yeah hopefully I don't run out of stuff here we go see right there seriously oh boy this is gonna kill me certainly no deflection meme [Music] the bleach should be coming any second here we go oh easy I think I had to finish it off dude you only have one left but we had I mean we still have like a bunch of other consumables so it wouldn't have been an issue okay I think we should go and test this really fast you guys yeah so he's still here we're still saying the same stuff right okay you know what let's just play it safe how about this we're gonna play it safe and do the assassinations but next time we will test stuff I go make a new character just to finally figure out what the hell's going on with this guy how dude why are you so insane magma shot magma is I'm gonna rest let's see if he says anything different now oh he's [ __ ] not here okay Something's Happened surely he's moved magically oh there's nothing messed up oh God no they're not really dead I mean they're just chilling right but paslow's not here or whatever his name is let's go take the second assassination I guess oh oh wait a second he's he's all upset about something ah I'm terribly sorry I have a fun yes you are a fool you idiot just go to the jarberg man yeah he yeah you went to the bathroom dude okay okay so let's go do this one oh oh this one's miserable this guy sucks so much it's strafed oh get totally strafed foreign what is this about I need some of those roped volcano pots man that's what I'm missing oh my God he's got some damage on him I have an idea [Music] yeah what are you gonna do about this one oh [Music] this is so bad what is he doing oh my God he was literally faking me out right there so one second this guy's like the biggest genius ever and now he's doing this simply [ __ ] oh got destroyed you bastard look at this build I'm not doing the third one oh yeah I guess I should turn this in yeah the ultimate quality build except for the fact that I don't have any arcane he's gone again oh he's here there we go I have to say you cool but as you see okay so we're good to go now the final part you guys and then we're getting it finally having Rod would be look should we go get rot now let's go do it hey what am I I probably don't need that much damage for this I would assume all right unbelievable boss fight one of from soft's best what the hell what just happened this is when the the other Tower opens up now right I think man-eaters was the scariest boss just because I could cheese a lot so you know that wasn't that dangerous or else my answer would be a lawn for sure I'm not sure if this will be any good on him because he's kind of he's kind of Jumpy oh get cheesed or something oh oh my God I totally forgot about that attack you know what follow me right this way sir oh nice Dodge you are kidding me no way I actually don't know if he can fall down I think I've tried it before surely I'm not gonna be the one falling down here right well if you're just gonna sit there all day long I guess this works beautifully um what should we use on this dragonkin is the rod like decrease you know does it count as like water or something I mean volcano pots have to be good here I would assume unless he's resistant to fire foreign oh yeah oh my God I thought he was like glitching into the attack or something oh boy we actually are gonna die wait the rot might run out uh oh can we reach the boluses here in time oh my God please reach it no okay we're good barely yeah that's correct [ __ ] yeah dude all right here we go and I of course use the wrong thing also why did I waste two there didn't make any sense might be too far apart foreign was doing better here somehow somehow wow and hit him oh she's taking one for the team right there pick it for the team dude oh how do you not you hate you hate to see it dude that's so funny I hate to see that gotcha I did not mean to do that not so good yeah we don't have blue dancer and people can get a bleep bro hit our head here we go why is the pasta then wake up that whole time oh my God you are such a [ __ ] enemy I promise the fan daggers are better than they look dude I also totally forgot I had Rod pots that I could have made there yeah surely we're gonna get the pot Talisman here it won't be messed up yeah time to completely disrespect him with this cheese all right my man City that aside I doubt there's an of course unfortunately I have to cheese you use this thing the great jar Warrior who cannot walk across the oh oh poor guy dude that [ __ ] damage man Victory Jesus I knew you were the stuff of Champions it was a marvelous battle Marvel's marvelous battle lived as a warrior too whoops I didn't mean it sir [Laughter] he was talking for too long dude what do you want me to do about it if there's some like secret guy back here that he's gonna jump me here we go all right let's the moment of truth let's see oh are you sleeping bro see you Pity Me is that guy supposed to die oh surely I didn't mess this up now a kid comes back right ah the Jaws yeah it's what he gets oh wait is this a little kid here it was added in a patch oh really so maybe that's why I'm so confused oh man that that explains it dude okay the dark kid didn't are you sure yeah maybe not maybe it wasn't my first playthrough I did this then we are strong enough and I gotta reload again or something wow all right finally insane questline okay um what do you what do we do now should I kill Malachi out there what do you guys want me to do uh malachath I'm I mean okay here's what we should go do blue dancer probably should have casted Gambit I guess but all right surely you gotta buff up for this guy right obviously I guess I'll try to ream them nice throw oh no hit run over wait why do you have damage taken oh from the howl really I didn't notice that I'd hit him there oh yeah he did get hit by a non-consumable dude you hate to see it man actual rip run yeah kukri malakath dude won't be great but you know if we can get some bleeds in there I'm wondering if the bleed the bleed pods might be like maybe those are better to go for right those in mugwin right go kill Niall really quick I I want to get something first let's go get these because I I you know I didn't really test them for the any percent because it's just it you would basically just never do that come on bro no hey oh you idiot that's insane hey you [ __ ] idiot even though I already majorly messed up come on you idiot laughs [Music] it's actually some decent damage there thank you oh I believe that's fast enough of that attack a lot I guess I killed that guy fist only pretty recently didn't I kind of forgot about that I did like one stream of the Fist run again and I killed like two bosses whatever I I don't even remember what we were trying to do oh the bleed pots that's right yeah yeah that's what you get for taking so long to give me what I want dude that'll talk faster next time man Charlotte oh [ __ ] please cancel that oh actually I want to see if the mimic can try to cast this on me that'd be hilarious foreign why do you keep buffing nice one the long journey to the bleed pots that I don't even think are gonna be that good I think I can snipe the bird wait I can lock onto him what the hell did you always lock onto this guy oh of course a scrap dude insane Rune Farm yeah there you go hey what's going on like back here oh I guess that takes her that I also do have 200k that I should probably go get like down down on this um this part here you can drop down oh I'm I'm TR wait am I invaded oh I'm gonna get I'm gonna get blasted by a wool near probably oh get [ __ ] on by that dude that's so funny so we got the bleed pods I don't know I probably need that like Blood Rose or whatever right there we go almost all even except I still have the radagon so imagine not buffing for some reason let's see if I should not open this not horrible I wanna oh I guess I'm using a rock pot oh we got him try the bleed on him I guess or should I wait for phase two maybe I think overall the uh the best consumables on this boss is actually the fan daggers just because they're so fast and they're really good at like just hitting them nice I'm gonna try the bleed here I guess or I I want to make sure I actually hit him so I'm gonna oh why'd you do that oh oh interesting it just I guess it hits multiple times so much for that you can get him with a bleep Rock here yeah I didn't know that's how those worked at least bleed I spent so much effort getting those bleed pots oh seriously oh my God I can't frog them devastating oh there we go okay at least I got one all right what is up you guys welcome back I've I've really just been going with the balanced level UPS here dude okay so Gideon obviously I could fight him straight up but who wants to fight Gideon straight up not me I don't everybody knows this strap What a Sad state of a fan your spirit but alas none she'll take the throne Queen Marcus High Hopes for us Perfect music it's a fox really this will kill him I have no hurry up 32. this is what Gideon deserves to be honest maybe at this point we should start cleaning up some of the earlier bosses yeah we are gonna one shot almost every single death bird in the game dude it's gonna be awesome all right what do you guys think should we use a sacred order pot or should we use a holy pot I'm pretty sure he's not surviving a holy paw oh man I used the wrong buff I totally used it the wrong buff dude oh you hate to see this it's okay oh dude 1600 damage yeah we killed them like six times in one hit right there is what that was that is a weak pot dude that's not even the sacred order pot right there I wonder if this guy will stand still like the uh other run well 14 000. all right time to time to see if you know we continue the theme of one-shotting all the Death Birds they're getting stronger that was only 11 000 this time hey yeah we're definitely not gonna be one shot in those like super late game ones but so far so good all right observe this you guys observe our damage on this guy I don't think he's gonna get one-shotted but it should be close well I was wrong I can't believe we went we won shot of them dude that's actually insane now the main event this guy destroyed me on my first playthrough man it was the first death bird I ever fought forget the headshot dude I don't even need it all right you guys ready for this one dude I I think all bosses know hey room with consumables is something that could easily be done and I think it'd be really cool to do it too I think it'd be very cool be very devastating if I didn't one shot one of them boom is it in here there's one guy who actually cheated like on on a I'll show you guys after oh my God it it would stack with last rights dude it must stack oh my it's okay okay we gotta go test something really fast you guys if that actually Stacks this might be the biggest number you guys have ever seen in your lives okay okay everyone hold this might just be like the biggest number of all time right now my game might crash because the game can't handle this number okay wait a second so we'll use last rights use howl we will use this one and this one is that right okay I mean is still one shot but I don't know if it was actually any more like I'm not sure if they stacked like that was definitely the highest number we've seen but yeah it's 10 seems right because we were doing like we're doing like six 16 000 16 000 to the other ones interesting yeah so maybe maybe that 100 bonus doesn't stack together but I'm complaining after we just we literally just one shot every single death and death right bird in the entire game go kill lanciaks what is what should I use against the Lancia it's probably the cuckries huh I wonder how well this cheese would work here probably not very well the reason I think that is because they have the right formula to make a Duo boss good when they have that like Miranda and Omen killer fight I think it's the right formula oh I think just hitting him will be the problem that is not bad God damn [ __ ] you for that that's what you got you [ __ ] [ __ ] enemy devastating that is what I would call devastating but that damage though huh funny I don't even have that much decks either that is really good that's surprisingly really decent go kill a doula or not a doula [ __ ] whoever Borealis let me see ah okay let's go with the scraps maybe but it probably won't it won't do much damage though alright so the boss will spawn and then I'm gonna run really far away maybe this is a bad idea and these my large ones oh yeah dude look at this oh we stunned him oh my God that [ __ ] clapped by this see ya okay that was that was way better than I thought that is insane but yeah I think that the large Glenstone scraps are the highest pose damage consumable as far as I'm aware um I I think the rot Dragon let's see excite wait fire is good on him look at this minus 100 to five maybe I'll give you the best I didn't know that one oil pot I don't have any oil pots like how do I joffra Merchant yeah we're the oil where do we get the oil from dude yeah America's gonna come after me dude you're going to come to my house yeah we got the pot we got the oil we got like I don't know what else is there the cuck you know how they love the cucks over there oh that's what I get for saying that I'm the one getting cucked oh yeah the shrooms yeah this one's so much fun dude oil pop don't come down to this Merchant very often oh yeah for sure I mean yeah with the lightning resin would they get stunned do they um like in a reasonable number of hits do they get stunned all right let's see can I get the head shot wow a lot of damage to be fair was that was that over it was not literally over nine thousand oh bus War I need to see that some of these volcanoes yeah that's cool I didn't know this boss was so weak to fire bro the van dykers are so insane all right we're gonna go ahead and just use physical I think here and daggers are they're good on dragons sort of but spleed oh get sniped dude easy do I like crack I don't think so I have not tried it so um fire duck re for some reason oh yeah look at that damage can't even take it bye yeah I've got totally [ __ ] blasted by that dude melted oh maybe do you guys I'm gonna try Giant's flame pot on him just just to see the big damage all at once oh yeah I mean that's decent amount all right here we go Avatar and they're very fun to fight with in Super Bowls or at least with the volcano pots oh my God and he's gonna summon his friend and we're gonna get double hits oh he he almost wasn't even alive long enough to see the templates dude I would take a Five Guys fry any day though over over McDonald's fry [ __ ] you dude I concrete this guy I've never tried oh look at that I didn't even know I could do that we're learning still but if I am getting a burger I don't mind spending some extra money to get some Five Guys dude I'll give you the best the best nut ever really don't mind that this is going too far oh Lord oh [Laughter] my God what a cheater boss dude what a [ __ ] cheat boss okay so I guess what's the first step on perfumes to get them set up I'm so lazy I really don't want to but oh good Lord those guys are relentless there's probably one oh it's cookbook there's one and then there's supposed to be probably up here man this area looks so nice okay there's a few more let's see here oh there's a oh the Talisman is here oh wow I didn't even know this was here but this is a lot easier to get than the jar talisman agenda God congrats to wow that is much easier to get in the companion jar that's interesting I can't Dodge that you can't jump up that nice one dude here we go so that blood boil uh crafting is somewhere in here on a on a guy with a chair oh you know what I know exactly where it is all right there we go how many more perfumer cookbooks are there so we got we got poison spray mist which is I think very good spark which is I guess the damage and then like maybe we should do a um a perfume only run would that be hard not gonna lie I'm really not expecting this to do very much damage so we'll we'll do a comparison between Giant's flame and Spark should be a pretty fair comparison like we've got over 40 in all those stats okay so we gotta be decently fast here I suppose all right oh that startled the [ __ ] out of me dude I was not expecting that and I didn't even get to test how much a giant flame pot did we need to go test it on a on an enemy that can tank both of those like and actually survive let's hit him with this 65 6578 you guys all right remember that six five seven eight the number was blocked I can't tell there's no way but they're similar they looked almost identical but I can't believe it got [ __ ] blocked oh they look basically the same but I guess they have different application right like but yeah like this is the range and this is the close range I guess but that's cool I mean they are very good I wonder what like you guys think it's good for the knights Cavalry is on consumable just just normal pots or because countries are probably too slow to be good so what do we have right now let's try to fight them well I'll use lightning it's raining and a bit more damage from it the question is whether or not it'll actually hit the guy okay not bad please give me that side attack the only one that I can hit you on okay here we go here we go again just kidding you guys don't I I don't I don't know if you guys feel the frustration that I do when I miss him but it is this is career ending this is a career ending fight right here man oh you summon I'm I've done a one shot on that where like what are you doing man why did I decide to kill him right now that's probably the worst boss fight I've ever experienced right there dude at least this one's not nearly as tanky we're gonna test out the magic oh yeah that's some decent damage okay geez oh my goodness oh destroyed easy oh wait a second you guys obviously I know what to do here cheese them okay now what have you gotten yourself into this time I have to say you guys like I just played Demon Souls which has AI from 2009 and it's better than this game at least these bosses oh I guess that works if I can get a snipe on him or something oh you hate to see that Oh Come Oh that's just devastating dude there's actually not a worse boss to fight in the entire game here we go but maybe I'm I'm being a little dramatic maybe because we're on a consumable run and they are just so bad to fight with consumables that it makes me question everything basically actually you know what could be really good and I somehow haven't really considered I don't think is the scraps on these guys yeah maybe this will suck actually we can try it no matter what we'll see what happens but yeah this might actually really suck because the horse might just tank a bunch of the hits Chelsea [Music] oh my goodness it's a good one he was at range wow it's not bad these guys are tough to deal with dude on on the pot runs or consumables there's not really a great consumable for them no fan the fan daggers are not good on these guys yeah that's that's the one thing on this run that we haven't really figured out is is what the best thing is for the nice cavalries a perfume yeah there may be there is a perfume for them I don't know I this has been one of the bosses where just there's no consumable that works I guess actually the uh spark on this guy is the way to go now that I think about it yeah spark is probably the best thing for these guys actually that's cool I can't remember oh yeah the rock Dragon excites wow too bad I didn't get these aromatics for uh the other night's cavalries dude yeah let's go with magic you guys here oh oh my god oh come on you can't miss that good Lord that is some damage right there holy smokes dude let's use so what are does anybody know what trolls are weak to I'm sure magic is good I'm pretty sure this guy's gonna get one shot of it's so funny how insanely strong you can get in this game though nice one very good uh Crucible probably just mad like our Crucible is weak to anything oh they're weak to fire seriously oh really okay well I want to get the right setups for this stuff oh how dare you not trans oh I guess you're dead Jesus dude actually melted okay so wait a second before we go any further let's go let's go here I want to try the Strat that I saw I hope I found a nice Strat to De aggro this oh I forgot the entire reason we were here please don't disappear for me oh dude which oh surely it's this item man where's this item you guys I guess it's behind this guy huh oh there it is probably ow here we go maybe I'll just wing it because I I don't remember I think you just have to hide behind that but I don't know [ __ ] did I already mess it up oh I totally messed it up already my game legs I would like a buff at some point I actually didn't mean to come in here still have to do and that's some good damage considering I don't even have all the Buffs let me get that headshot there it is boom got damaged dude lasted oh really oh just disgusting damage dude what's up Dev I can get Terra Magica oh seriously like in there man I was in damage let's see that's why the magic pots are so good is because you just get like tear Magica boost one more headshot for the win oh I hate to see that I am this build is actually really good dude surprisingly I think I don't know if Lightning's good on this guy but that's what I used on that other run so it's gonna do it maybe I could even just launch at the boss from here right in the head the scam oh hello oh my God okay then not bad yeah that's some damage right there half of his HP and one in one hit wow you tanky bastard and now I can't craft anymore I think it's just the uh like the deathrite birds are insanely weak to Holy I was gonna go say like we go from Sixteen thousand to 1600. oh my goodness what is going on here hi bro thanks for the uh brand new Prime stuff dude hey that I I thought that was gonna be better not gonna lie to you bully water pots do more damage than the sacred ones how would that make any sense unless they're bugged out plus 400 Undead modifier sacred on only 90 percent that's so weird if that's actually true yeah but this is definitely not no hit although I I would be open to doing this no hit eventually let's see if I can get a hit on this guy why would I do that here we go I'm gonna try throwing one oh oh my god dude okay that clearly worked pretty well and this is crazy how easy this is Man actually actually insane all right so Lim grave is totally done I think oh you're right oops and actually I missed two bosses here somehow four ah dude I missed four bosses in here I didn't kill godric I didn't kill the [ __ ] Spirit guy or whatever his name is what if I can snipe him with a cockery let's go on dissed yeah star yeah starfist makes sense for sure I don't know if we're in the head I don't know if starfist is worth it on like an any percent run but if you're just doing if you're just doing like a any sort of casual casual run it's definitely worth going into starfest should we try this uh can someone send a link to uh that Elden ring Geo guesser thing I do want to try it out 3 000 yields later okay this is the last one you guys and then and then we're playing uh I was gonna say Skyrim for a second okay so this one this is pretty easy at least I was I was like decently close that's not terrible all right we're back that was fun dude we might do that more often because it's actually really fun to do that insane stunlock all right here we go you can only actually do this once as far as I'm aware like if you if you die to this fight you can't do this Strat again I'm pretty sure wow look at that [ __ ] damage bro that is not bad oh and yeah I guess theoretically you could cheese this guy with poison and rot nice throw dude wow well I guess that's not happening let's maybe rebuff though yep exactly minus two parts dude that's great really happy about that one I was like a five head play but it just didn't work wow that makes a crucible Duo pretty easy huh God damn friendly I've switched at the magic didn't oh my God damage serious damage right there let's blast this guy too oh come on AIM wow Jesus get destroyed dude what do I use on the falling star Beast I'll be fire when in doubt use fire it's not bad oh my God that [ __ ] Blaster dude oh my God that did a surprising amount of damage right there I blast my fire at you mister I killed your friend already you know what here's here's a hot take you guys this is the best duo fight in Elden ring blasted how do you guys feel about that statement what about the um assassins what are what are the Assassins not good against maybe we should try the Glenstone scraps on them because I actually think that could be really good man here we go rip all my Buffs [Music] what a cheese oh my God man there's so there's just so many ways to just cheese this game volcano pots to the rescue I can't believe you've done this I mean what you do this like insane fake out for no reason and then come running happy that [ __ ] on well I kind of want to be fighting the later game stuff I don't want to fight early game [ __ ] go here I'd like to use Terra Magica all right you have to fight this guy a bit differently because his scream has a hitbox I don't remember taking Health damage there nice one I was gonna go somewhere and I just I can't remember where oh the Moose you're right thank you you're right oh is he we is he weaker to fire than holy or is it the same just use fire okay we'll go fire those giant uh flame pods man those things are pretty damn good foreign no I I would rather uh I'd rather Blue Point make something else than a bloodborne remake it doesn't need one I don't think oh oh Baby that damage is insane although to be fair this one has less HP yeah DS2 remake I would much prefer I just want to go kill Moog let's see oh man so should I use okay this is the the fan daggers time I think I don't have the Dex one I suppose Frost is a very good idea actually where do I get some more Crystal buds snow field East or West like this tree you mean or I guess it's not really a tree you're probably gonna get blasted here oh oh it's these things oh no problem dude wait did I already when did I I grow oh right we uh because we had some Invader Fiasco here you can't do that foreign oh boy yikes I think other stuff might be better than this fan daggers are okay but kakaris are not so okay I forgot to frost them that was really weird and I also wasn't really paying attention because I was trying to frost him thank you maybe maybe I'll give you the best nut ever this is going too far nice increase in damage I guess I'm in Ed thanks for the brand new Prime stuff dude as well here we go why did I used to here we go actually really well not well equipped for this please bleed [ __ ] you foreign Oh I thought I died that'd have been devastating could you imagine the butt scratch death unlike the final hit all right GG uh but yeah so last stream we killed Moog I think that's where we ended off so we're at 75. we like I think I can finish this today I I didn't kill the uh this other Dragon kid did I we're gonna go kill him but yeah there have been a lot of comments about stuff like that it's like oh well you say it's like a Envoy Longhorn run and then you use like [ __ ] something else like the runs aren't really that strict like it's actually just less fun if you make it so that you can literally just only use it so like in speedrunning and no hit running if you make a route let's say we make a route with iron balls right and we say it's an iron ball route it doesn't mean I'm only like literally only using the iron balls like I think that's what they don't understand like it's a route using that weapon as the primary weapon but it's not only the weapon I don't know why I'm killing this guy I don't know like especially if people are used to watching other YouTubers who just do like normal casual runs like usually those runs are more strict because that's like the entire point of the challenge but since we're also doing no hit it's a little bit different I didn't realize I could buy some of these from this guy that's kind of interesting but yeah like on this run I I haven't used anything other than the pots and the consumables and stuff because like that's literally the entire point of the Run I I'm actually I was gonna do some uh Elder ring guesser did I dude I'm not addicted I can stop anytime I'm 14th man I people were grinding it dude I can't the the [ __ ] no lifers grinding dude unreal a dare they grind everyone saw me doing it now they're grinding poor boss that's a joke by the way okay let's go kill let's go kill biggest L huh I guess we haven't done that yet holy [ __ ] okay this is great so why this has like every enemy okay so the boss here has 11 khp and physical good okay so we don't want to be using Elemental basically I'm sure still wouldn't be terrible but let's go with the physical build again I still the [ __ ] I actually don't think this is gonna be great but we should be able to get some bleed at least with this and might only have 19. of that lock on it's insane here we go by 30 I would definitely have enough here you kind of hate to see this here oh Jesus dude the fan daggers are just totally insane I don't know I think fandangers would have been to play there on the magma worm magma agree build it is it's it's very like the only annoying thing about this run is that I gotta I'm constantly having to restock on those materials that I can't buy I guess this guy's in water isn't he so I could be wrong about that yeah so lightning isn't horrible I guess out of the elemental types is probably the best one here all right let's see how we do here I really like these well that's not bad I really like these enemies except for this attack this attack is very dumb oh this is good oh baby oh oh he's he's done for dude he's not even getting the face too wow crazy Jesus whoa what the hell was that cancel wow wow dude I didn't think that was gonna do that to them damn why wasn't he egg rolling like that [ __ ] on Garrus you [ __ ] bastard oh aha I [ __ ] hate this guy uh the Apostle what should I do on him we can cheese him let me search let me just check what they're weak to slash is good what if I sleep him and then spam him with fan daggers what does that sound bro where's his health bar yeah very uh very challenging boss fight we haven't I guess we haven't been through volcano Manor yet I actually don't even remember okay that was actually good I I couldn't remember where I wrote from normally oh baby thank you the power of the fan daggers dude just insane okay how are we looking here I I wouldn't be surprised if we get a hit on the snakes they will probably die in like one hit seriously oh damn here we go 3 200. not bad not too bad you know what's funny you guys is that these strats that we're using would be actually totally viable for all bosses no hits so far almost every single boss kill Ed you know you just imagine you just come into this fight you throw two lightning pots the guy's dead and then you just fight the next one and just like that right I dare you poke me I did open yeah oh baby almost didn't make that and now I'm apparently wow how was I oh I was say this is a really um this is a really fun build to use somehow I did not expect them to be this good there are a few um there's definitely a few weak points though obviously oh my God bye we're gonna run out of markers in five bosses and I'm not sure what we're gonna do after because I don't know it's so annoying The Limited markers we need that unlimited map markers are not unlimited but 165 map marker mod someone's gotta just like hard code that or something dude I will pay I will pay somebody 100 bucks to do it how about that actually wait a second before I commit to that saying I'll pay somebody to make it I remember seeing a mod that has the interactive map oh I no okay I saved it look at this hilarious boss yeah but I've been meaning to test it out Blossom with one of those Maybe maybe not hello idiot blasted let's go kill sewer Moog there's also a ritual pot down here that I still haven't grabbed low pot man you're not undetectable but you're you're way harder to detect hey this fight might be a little rough and no statuses work here actually not bad damage right there not bad at all look at that oh wow I can't believe I got out of that in time all right easily oh have we not killed double guards yet I thought I did but I haven't been to deep root at all ah I'll show you guys some parkour [Music] yeah we're gonna play some geoguesser now I'm Soul's geodeser 3 000 yields later oh we're out of mushrooms man well let's make it work here we go I'm such an idiot I'm just gonna film I I uh obviously sleep is the play here yeah I think the only thing that you can do to these guys is is uh it's like them I'm not mistaken have a nice nap sir oh chunk Em Down oh putrid damage that's putrid get the egg right boss mid-air kill awesome oh you [ __ ] wow what a Kill what an unbelievable kill that's probably the nicest kill of this run I think that's all the mound tops done right there's not too many bosses here let's do some Drake let's go let's go to Dragon Barrow I want to fight some hard bosses now hopefully it doesn't smack me thank you easy I think that's the tankiest Apostle in the game like the one in the gods can do if I does not have that much HP it's not even close I'm pretty sure all right the trio crystalian is next and this should be pretty easy I think we try to pick them off one at a time is what we're gonna try to do so let's shoot a kukri over there should beat that guy and then we're gonna in a second shoot one over there just to bait those two back maybe still have a bit more room and then also it's unlikely that you would more you're good I want to try to use the fans on both of them as a mistake could not have tried that thank you foreign [Music] very nice I don't even need to see what's going on oh you know what I guess O'Neil is in here blasted all right I guess we're gonna keep working our way up this way so let's go what's what's huge weak against here Bully's the best elemental type on him apparently but then just physical by huge all right the clean rot nights fire Maybe let me check this out clean one um lean Rod buyer yeah I guess like the rot enemies are weak against fire you know what the more I think about it the more I realize that Rod breath might not even be the answer wow this does some insane damage on them dude you stop this nonsense wow that made that fight [ __ ] easy as hell Jesus dude usually this fight is really annoying yep I think we're good I'm just gonna remove all the markers from here and then we should be good to go yeah of course if I didn't kill Watchdog Duo you're right we finally have a use for these Crystal darts then the one I I think the one major concern though is that you have like God's gonna do a would-be slower I would assume but maybe somehow not right the fact that Gods can do I was resistant to the strike so stun you two why not now I'm thinking I just throw I didn't buff but it's bury them all right now I think we got every boss so will blood boil is only physical damage I'll give you the best only Boost Physical so using blood boil wouldn't really do anything this is going too far okay how am I supposed to use that against an NPC I don't nice nice suggestion right there blood boil not good or the spark not great on NBCS okay here here we go before I end let me Let's either do one more game or just see man who the [ __ ] is this guy yeah Desmond is definitely in the chat they're just they're just trying to kick me out of top 10 dude all right how's it going everyone welcome back I don't remember no we've actually got a we've got some remembrances left that's kind of cool all right so we're gonna use physical and um should I try a blood boil or let's try it dude so blood boil is is basically a replacement for Golden vow but it's like way better it's actually 30 versus um versus 15. and also like it also lasts a minute so how did you geographer go yesterday actually um it went really well and I did some more off stream because it's so much fun to do and I got second place on the five round 10 second can't Dodge that man why does everything have to dodge my [ __ ] oh baby oh God foreign it blasted I am dude eldenbeast is actually gonna get shredded you guys yeah I love huge and balls huge balls I love huge and I love thee and I love balls huge D in balls my favorite all right here we go so um man there's a lot of Buffs to do I guess wait a second I would need to have the jellyfish yield on my main main hand is that correct in order to use this please die instantly so I don't have to worry about you thank you I'm not gonna lie you guys these straths um would be totally viable for all boss and no hit oh like so many of these kills are so good the bosses don't even get a single chance to do anything trillion Buffs before the boss fight beautiful nice one yeah spark spark is very useful for things man so my my plan is to kill the skellies oh and I guess the boss okay that might be nice to know oh man we haven't killed Ronaldo yet I'm pretty sure okay ronalda um is weak against Pierce so I guess I guess that just means fan daggers huh all right let's see how we do here I'm gonna buff before we knock her down oh and as I don't even Buff when I knock her down [Music] thank you this doesn't stagger her this would be so good oh bro oh my God that's that's literally scripted dude that's the funny part about that like that would that would be the exact same every single time because she always does that attack now and it it occurred to me I'm like oh yeah I'm running in here like maybe this just won't stagger her out of this and then I just got like [ __ ] a whole five seconds to Blaster dude oh my God that is wild I think that's every boss that's not in the Moonlight altar but I guess we could go to the Moonlight altar now and I think on a like when we fight radagon I'm pretty sure it's just gonna decimate him I can't leave I missed that somehow I actually it's been such a long time since I've been down here I don't remember where I walk off I guess it's on this side of the thing though all right yeah this enemy I think this is one of the higher enemy or higher HP enemies in the game all right please be good started with some volcanoes yeah look at that HP foreign what do I swap to now I guess we can try the volcanoes so it was a really bad idea God damn there's only a few punishes I can take though don't dodge it almost there nice thank you boss dude most of the bosses have not been surviving that long um should we go try Reichard now or I don't know I'm just I'm kind of touches leaves though right I need to think about the setup a little bit though okay so let's check this out so right card non-strike is decent and then in terms of Elementals lightning is the best yeah poison rot and bleed all the same here we go foreign ly not even bad [ __ ] you for that and those are so fast okay oh guatemalo that is very bad what's up this yeah this fight I I hate this fight so much dude I'll go with some armor because it just [ __ ] fills any oh that's what I got just kill so many builds the spray mist is kind of hard to get off I don't I don't know how to do it [ __ ] you for this man I [ __ ] hate you absolute garbage boss fight yeah these don't do very much damage holy [ __ ] dude you were kidding me of course yes let's make an attack just goes through all the [ __ ] terrain and then this pops up right behind you okay so I need to do this we need probably like that it's better I don't even think I'm ever gonna use lightning here so maybe we'll go strength and Dex I guess that spray mist lasts for a long ass time huh man that just does horrible damage when you proc that poison man that poison is so bad actual bullet hell boss dude oh okay that's what I remember then it just hasn't zero [ __ ] range you oh this [ __ ] boss bro and he jumps over my rod pot and then doesn't get procked yeah I can't believe this kind of running out of stuff man oh [ __ ] is this about no you can do this well I guess I can just never do anything because now he's got two this is like man this is the [ __ ] worst boss in the game looks cool at least that's about it badly need a bleed proc out of these three okay good I don't think I can get another bleed please oh boy oh boy I don't know if I've got enough stuff gonna be close I actually didn't expect this to be so bad except as soon as I Golden Valley I'm probably gonna get blasted by these [ __ ] skulls yep oh great oh yeah it has more of these dude obviously just get them all out of your system I'm just getting [ __ ] chased by these things and he's attacking and I can't do anything oh my God if I die to this can't wait to deal with this on the fist run you guys when you just like can't attack the boss for two minutes at a time we should be able to finish him off here I think actually man I think out of you know I've done a lot of um meme runs like this and there's one boss that is consistently the worst and it's [ __ ] Reichard dude anyways just not a not a good boss design in my opinion like the main problem I have with him is that you know this is a game where it's all about using different builds and stuff and they throw in a boss where you basically have one option oh yeah oh that's the problem I have it should have done it in my opinion they should have done exactly what they did with yorm where you're encouraged to use the main thing but it's totally realistic to not use the weapon that they give you in terms of the visual part of the game then yes I think he looks he does look cooler yeah and and to be fair that that definitely does seem to be one of the things they were focusing on when making this game is is making things look really good [Music] you know it's pretty apparent and a lot of the boss fights that they look cool but then they don't like the mechanics of the fight isn't great I should have went in and used the van dykers there I gotta bleed though there it is only kind of weird that this boss can bleed oh no mega grab because we're against the wall nice man because symbols are so good just you know it's literally just that one fight against Reichard alien aspects yeah that would be cool Matt imagine going to outer space dude outer space DLC okay the magma worm we're going to use physical again really somehow somehow that got me but I guess probably some of his his standing up attacks could hit me from here right bro this is wild dude like I just it's almost like the boss just you know goes near me and I get hit from something oh boy that's a oh boy that is some HP you [ __ ] freak what are you doing dude oh great awesome of course this happens now I mean it's not a bad thing I guess but look at how long is lava lasts on the ground for it's just insane oh my goodness dude look how he walks I've never I've never seen that before here we go are you [ __ ] squid get over here oh like wait there's okay wait a second get back here hey turn around and go after the guy oh my goodness please stop all right well while they're fighting hit the guy oh boy oh boy holy [ __ ] dude this guy is a [ __ ] tank the consumables are dropping off a little bit dude like we almost ran out of it wasn't enough to kill him there had been devastating if I didn't survive oh my God I hate [ __ ] mid-rolling for this guy decent damage though he's gonna Dodge this I guess I probably want to try to bet out the stomp there holy [ __ ] that looked weird as hell be able to volcano in here nice this guy actually hits really hard so I gotta be careful this enemy is really cool okay no I guess I don't really need the spark on him do I holy [ __ ] that range Adam no you don't [Laughter] cheeky so there's actually there's not much left you guys there's only nine bosses apparently into ordina yeah I think I I think we've missed some bosses you guys but luckily I could just look at a cheat engine and then get a list all right I don't really don't nice I didn't know if that was gonna work but we should know about the Assassins game when you did this area who's left dude there's no way there's nine bosses that I can think of left so I obviously forgot some oh [ __ ] the grafted Scion and the Knights Cavalry and Lim grave I've been killed yet oh we haven't killed plastic obviously oh [ __ ] we haven't even gone to deep root depths yet you guys okay and that's it that that makes a lot more sense I don't think I'm gonna finish this run today okay here we go I think this should be a nice fight I don't really think there's anything super wrong with it come on oh you really made me waste that unreal very good damage though huh in fact I guess she's just gonna die to this how are you still attacking 6 million hit combo it's good because I forgot to give myself just normal lightning pots there so perfect number what I find very interesting about this run though is how many bosses are trivialized like that we just have insane damage but then there's a lot of bosses who it's just so bad against them it's kind of it's it's weird and so I'm too worried about phase one but I just don't want to waste all my stuff here big thing it's not horrible [Music] oh boy oh boy yeah that is some [ __ ] HP oh my God oh my God wasn't safe but I didn't think I would get one-shotted by it I'm actually concerned man volcanoes are good here though I guess right whoops yeah frostbots would be okay but actually wait a second do I even have oh yeah I guess I should probably use some sort of ritual pot what the [ __ ] is going on here this is this is not as hard as I'm making in this look here I'm just an idiot God I need I have so much stuff on my uh hot bar right now bro this D oh man I'm just it's okay maybe start building up some bleed or something I didn't really realize I wasn't full HP either when did that happen no I'm gonna die that's what I get yeah usually I never get the ghost attack but like this is a different uh it's a different fight you know what I wonder if using the cutris in Phase ones better because phase two like she's kind of stationary for longer right usually on on like the runs that I've done Millennia is very easy because it's just like a normal fight this one is definitely not a normal fight foreign okay actually rebuff now I guess would be the smart thing to do okay that's what I'm [ __ ] talking about okay there we go okay this okay all of a sudden we're not looking so bad here how gracious of you to give me another one of these foreign no problem damn the the uh insane volcano pots phase two okay that actually wasn't so bad it's just the phase one was kind of bad all right 156 in another day another don't have to dodge the summon attack the grafted Scion yeah Millennium was definitely the toughest fight so far I was that was tricky blasted all right there we go all right here we go you guys time for Lay boys okay I don't know what happened I wish the controller viewers on screen so that you guys could see that I didn't actually make a mistake there okay so here I I assumed that Glenstone scraps would be good and I think they would be good but is it worth going with that build over just fire yeah I guess volcanoes are gonna be really good because they spawn and they just sit there right so I can stack them up when they're when they're spawning in oh baby that's what I'd like to see right there allow me to get two please sir [ __ ] back in there wow it's a beauty oh yeah zika's in this instance I can just throw it at the ground and then they're just gonna run into it makes it nice and easy I'm kind of curious how much damage these magic do though I think they'd do really well if it's actually properly set up for them oh we dodged it you're dead [Music] you're dead a consumable master awesome no problem all right let's see what Fortis ax is uh I assume just thrust uh 10 Pierce and super high everything else yeah and that that's basically why I haven't played skiro since 2019 since it came out is because it's a really fun game for what it is um it just it doesn't have the the stuff that I like about the souls games which is all the replayability and different builds testing things out it's like Gambit didn't last too long did it I expect this to do some decent damage here how dare you oh oh baby that's some damage I'd like to see is that bleed Illustrated boss for remembrances I assume I would I would probably almost agree with that although genuinely I put reichardt lower I would I would put like right card lower than this guy because it's so important to me that bosses are not [ __ ] when you're using fun Builds on like when you're trying to beat the game with fun builds it's such a downside that or when a boss just can't be fought it's just just too big of a downside for me so yeah right card if I were to redo my tier list right card would be super low because of how important that is to me right now I I think when you're fighting him with the serpent Hunter and stuff it's it's awesome like it's really cool but yeah money just Cooks every build in the game it's just horrible all right who do we got left you guys so deep root has been cleared oh we haven't killed pasta Deus Ex yet and that's that's the final three guys I actually totally forgot about placity all right here we go let's see what's the setup we use on this guy I think fandangers are shred on Posse yeah probably let's see his um his resistance is here all right Plessy so 35 physical right or wait 35. I'll give you the best nut ever yep 35 everything Pierce is good and and that's literally yeah they're gonna Pierce them maybe maybe I'll give you the best nut ever this is going too far we should proc him here right please okay we actually did get him oh my God Brock please okay good get the [ __ ] out of here oh baby it's actually a good attack again for us you think I can probably eat on him shortly I'm very far away holy [ __ ] foreign hey look at that look at this damage though bleed right in time all right two more bosses dude oh what why is there damage so low I guess it's not that bad seriously oh man I used lightning on my it's not that bad but foreign [Music] oh too slow I think if I rolled that I was fine foreign boss okay so we got fire that's good and then giant flame pots are very good and then for Eldon Beast on eldenbeast on the on the route we use fan daggers mostly and Glenstone scraps I don't believe it hits twice it it looks like it only hits once even though the animation it kind of looks like it should hit twice but sure why I rent so close here they're pretty bold not going to phase two right there sir foreign getting this off I guess thank you foreign foreign nice dude there we go no problem dude all bosses consumables only the only the only tough thing was that Millennia fight but it's it's mainly because I didn't really know what to do but now that I know kind of what to do not bad but yeah that's maybe that damage on a radagon though dude with that spark aromatic was insane it was like almost a quarter of his HP bar yeah there we go all 165 bosses and I actually counted properly this time it's a miracle it is a miracle so the conclusion is that consumables are very good overall but there's some situations that they're not maybe basically I'll give you the best but yeah for the most part like they're insanely overpowered right it's just there's a few fights maybe maybe like I'll give you the best a few fights where they're not that good yeah there we go all done and okay I'll have time for one Elden ring Geo guesser game you guys one game I didn't actually think they would be this good I knew they were decent but I didn't think they would be or I knew they'd be a viable build but just not a good build and it is a good build so I wonder how many hours of this in-game time is Yoga so I think at least four I think literally at least four of these hours was yoga so it was like a 16 17 hour run I'll give you the best nut ever all right we're gonna do one game or maybe a few I don't know
Channel: GinoMachino
Views: 2,588,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7k7KmzAN76s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 38sec (8918 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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