Elden Ring But I'm Only Using A Torch...

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what is up everybody in this video we're going to be beating Elden ring along with all of its remembrance bosses while using only torches most people probably wouldn't think about using torches as a primary weapon but they're actually not as bad as you might think and there it is there are only six different torches in Elden ring but they come with a decent amount of variety you've got a couple status effects a few different Elemental damage types and some unique passive effects that can be useful on every playthrough as a lot of you may know I often do these types of runs region locked but you know what's a lot more fun being able to go anywhere you want with full Freedom while accessing any content you want and we can do that on this run thanks to the partner of today's video nordvpn Nord is a VPN service that allows you to connect to any of their over 5,800 servers worldwide some of you may have come across my channel and wondered what kind of videos I uploaded years ago well unfortunately some of them are blocked in certain regions due to music restrictions you simply boot up north VPN connect to a region where my Dark Souls 2 SL1 all bosses no hit run isn't blocked and just like that you get to watch one of the hardest runs in the best Souls game this is just one of the many examples where you can use nordvpn to get more online freedom and access geob blocked content other examples which are especially relevant to me living in Canada include accessing different versions of Netflix news articles that are blocked on certain social media platforms and much more make sure you go to nordvpn.com jamino or click the link in the description below to get my exclusive deal of 2 years plus 4 extra months completely for free it's also totally risk free with nord's 30-day money back guarantee thanks again to nordvpn for partnering with us for today's video but now back to the Run torch only we're just looking for strength decks and tankiness PAB Bond it is all right torch only oh int for ghost flame yeah actually yeah there is the the Sentry torch as well which is holy damage which I didn't even know yeah right surely rikard's going to be fun on this run you guys the Sentry torch is probably we're going to have to try it out on on some of the undead enemies see if it's actually decent all right our weapon acquired maybe now it's AR actually isn't bad to start out the game yeah we're going to go get the one and weeping it's probably the first thing we do you you can't backstab with these right yeah no criticals not really the end of the world we can put an ash of War on this thing too apparently right yeah maybe they're not maybe they're not as bad as I'm expecting I don't know every every single weapon class so far has been not as bad as I thought it would be think we get the knife go get the faith tier as well not sure if we're going to need this for anything you guys see uh did you guys see the hob spider Fiasco that was so funny dude and then it started crawling out and then he like starts screaming and then his his stream just ended immediately it's pretty funny this is some like optimized Bingo pathing that I I I guess we'll go get this Merchant that I remember practicing for some reason it's the quickest way to get from that Grace to the castle you go to the right side of this wall and like jump around it and stuff oh I totally forgot he would be here easy I think we want to go around this way maybe that's it oh how much po damage is is this dealing here there we go okay so this torch is just straight up stronger this one has fire breather seems pretty underwhelming oh at least some fire on the ground I guess my flail run definitely was not region locked cuz now I remember we went and killed all the dragon Barrel guys at the start I guess I'll try to do the same thing on this let's go do that right now B only maybe maybe I'll give you the best nut ever that congratulations on the Go Run 3D I'm very curious which Ash of Wars can go on a torch man cuz oh the only Ash where you can put on torches no skill really that's a shame yeah we're going to head into kid and then we're going to kill Knight's Cavalry kill Grail I'm going to get this cuz you never know if we're going to use fire brether or not sorry pal I see it now oh my God humans all lose theirs eventually nothing this in before the Torches are actually like decent dude okay we're going to try the Grail cheese I might mess it up cuz I've only done it once but we're going to we're going to try to do the two in one with the foul foot should it should be pretty easy to do assume we've been trying to reach you concerning your car no thanks I don't I don't remember exactly how this is supposed to work I think we're supposed to trigger him and then just go behind the tree right okay then I think he's supposed to keep walking until he gets in the circle probably good so we're going to reag behind the tree did I mess up fly please it's actually wild how consistent it is Dude down he go I think somebody told me if if you were like Optimal with all this stuff you could kill flying Grail Knight's Cavalry and then you know the mama Grail all in one foot man the start of every Elden Ring character just free like 170k 160k runes at the start of the game okay well we're super rich I think the next thing to do is to go get the Bell bearings okay she unlocked so let's just yeah let's just get one of them upgraded and let's go kill uh challan let get a plus five might as well collect some of these Stones here save some of the money that my hard-earned money that I collected CL whoa classic guy falling on the elevator and dying but I don't know how that other guy survived look at this guy's blue eyes in the in front of the camera well this is not a good test of how good a weapon is but fire Brea I wonder if the fire on the ground's going to stun lock him oh my God actually dying to crystallion oh it doesn't even stun at all what the hell is that this like the Fool's idle cheese except it's just R1 spam yeah unsurprisingly fire is not so good against a crystal any spooky games in the lineup uh I I forgot to get the Beast torch like what am I even doing you guys the torch run where I absolutely had to get the Beast torch and I don't don't even get it for where it's like extremely useful use torch we're going to the charge attack build I think with this will actually be decent I'm going to kill this [ __ ] bear that's what I got oops these guys on a on a first playr these guys are just an absolute Menace man it's so funny I'll give you the best nut ever me those bones or not maile okay but yeah like I was just saying uh D blade I I think you know Master run in this game is definitely on the table dude so does the Tor the torch actually deals good Poise damage then right like decent oh 33 so it is pretty good okay uh we got to go to Round Table we're going to take a tiny break from this run okay back to Elden ring you guys okay so Beast torch is smithing let's also go get the Sentry torch while we're here Sentry torch how I dude I never realized that this was holy damage that's pretty interesting we need 15 faith and 15 strength it's pretty simple with the insane number of runes I have your own we'll just upgrade all of them dude okay let's just go 15 all not ever go here we're definitely going to want flame gy strength we're definitely going to want golden vow oh boy what the hell yeah they they showed me up dude I came with my I came with my like [ __ ] tiny torch and then they just blast me with their [ __ ] Mega torch vehicle I'm going to take out my insecurities on this guy my small torch insecurities and it it kind of poise breaks like a [ __ ] dude whatever that means god Run 3 one of my best gaming accomplishments yeah I guess so we'll get strength and and uh we'll get charge strength we got the fire tier so this should be respectable please stop being angry okay so steel wire torch best fire damage we've got let us see what this does it's not bad not bad see how much this does oh come on game you can't do that to me not terrible but not not anything crazy considering the weakness to fire here like a plus Z catch flame would probably be better DPS than that that's obviously without golden valow and all that stuff speaking of which I I would like to use the actual incantation golden vow especially since some of these fights are going to last a bit longer and having faith for rard will be nice with the Regeneration so we go Ria probably let's try out one of the other torches maybe or let's try this one idiot actually we have we haven't like taken a good look at what these torches look like looks pretty nice so that's the Sentry one this is the steel one looks hot dude Beast just a torch on a wooden stick I think I think this one looks the coolest so far this one I like I do kind of wish that the the flame on this one was more gold golden it it looks like fire it should look like a holy fire golden bow also should we go kill Redan first I kind of feel like we should oh I just hit 25 I kind of feel like 25 is overkill let's go like that and then yeah I guess I I can replace that if I need the stars of align let's see how this goes oh whoops well not say that's bad well that was way worse cuz for him might get a stun here dude maybe there it is obviously can't repost not bad but not not crazy or anything guess we're not buffing for this next phase it's fine weapon art is actually I I can't decide whether it's decent or not bye sir yeah so that that damage is definitely subpar oh yeah we're going to go get the fro uh the frost torch now ghost flame torch and this is an intelligence one so yeah we really got to go all quality on this build it's an interesting lighting effect when both of them are like wielded at the same time like the color on the wall you guys see that you know we've got holy damage we got fire damage and we got magic that's not a bad array of damage types dude we're just missing lightning a blood flame torch with would look pretty sick I think and it also it would make a lot of sense okay so let's get uh 15 intelligence maybe I'll give you the best nut ever very interesting that this isn't a somra weapon 12 yeah let's go kill that Avatar then that's a good idea get the magic I just I I obviously it's not optimal to use frost on this enemy but I I just want to try it now I haven't gotten fire scorpion charm yet we only have one tman s right now so yeah Howell would be pretty good that's definitely true I should have I should go get it I guess just want to see how long it takes to Pro Frost for this thing oh it's not a good hit box bet it doesn't have some like cool as War there it is and then you immediately reset it with with the steel wire torch that was a big hit though somehow I've managed to aggro one of these guys oh boy how did this happen oh get [ __ ] get baseball dude bre what a great attack that is yeah we should probably go get Howes I don't like taking more damage though well if I can think of of a point where we're going to use it then we can go get it I guess let's go kill marget now let's try the frost here I just I don't know how good it is on some of these fights man oh my God how was I in that no way there's the frost it's kind of the Frost isn't really worth it at this point in the game Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins I do think of eventually what is going on here I think eventually it'll be worth it or it'll come through on the later game fights where our damage starts to suck but since we're plus 12 right now we just outdamaged the frostbite you better drip that's a good point what should we get also what armor set should we wield or should we wear on this run guess we should go get this Alman anyways while we're here oh here we go so far the Tores are holding up fine yeah for for rard this time we're going to be going in there we're going to have all the stuff that we need to kill him guess we can kill the fire prelate guy while we're here see if the magic does work on him wait until his fiery head stops spewing fire this guy this whole guy is a torch dude look at him not sure how well I remember his move set honestly can you be Frost oh oh right at the end actually we got his his uh legs dude very resistant to frostbite apparently okay fire scorpion charm probably just go kill godri I think not sure what else to do I tight always take the main gate Fire's like clearly the best option I have right now so I get you know what let's go get howl dude we might as well classic okay we got how Okay 33 faith for that God damn it dude we'll see how much more of this room we can get done in that amount of time but okay so now we can actually use howl have to do a Talisman swap see how this goes surely won't proc myself we'll switch this to the charge run invalidated dude oh that's not what I meant to do kind of worked out though wow you can roll out of that really quick maybe that's what's good I'm really not trying to use that frost bite maybe goodness you know I guess one thing we could do is go with the Sentry torch to not reset the frost oh come on you can walk in the fire I am yeah there it is dude of all beautiful kill but what I should probably do is go fight morgot and then get the Sleep torch that's probably that should be our first priority before we do anything cuz I was going to go kill ranala but I kind of want the Sleep torch by then so we've killed our two uh great Rune bosses so there's nothing stopping us from just going straight to morgot here let's go like that let's get some health and we'll get a bit more intelligence I think let's go you know what let's go get the Royal remain set and the great Rune please don't Agro do we spare or kill alus dear me we are alic we have how did why does this ash of War not stun though I'm sorry Albus just kidding not actually I want like a right card lava kind of stun with this thing oh boy wait is this going to did that actually hit me or not I guess the benefit is that you can just roll out of this whenever you want to ah too bad hm it's interesting there we go now we're looking pretty edgy dude go kill that draconic Sentinel what I'm actually going to go do is I would like to get the golden epit here okay well I don't think this is going to go too badly just how's going to make us take a lot of damage here though guess I'll go with that try to get what is this angle to get some Frost cross bite cross bite there it is he's getting melted kind of no pun there because we're not using fire damage right now oh I didn't mean to roll 323 see look at the damage with I guess that's also probably the buff gone 323 versus 411 we go no problem so yeah what we're doing right now is we're just rushing to get the Sleep torch basically hidden stream well I'd probably rather just local locally record than do that oh thanks Vel done maybe it's done I breather I couldn't roll out of that that time May it's maybe it's like certain points in the animation I don't know let's buff in here so that they don't kill me I'm not even going to bother trying to get howl off it's noten oh beautiful damage is certainly dropping off obviously I didn't get all the Buffs off here but even with the Buffs this wouldn't be super impressive damage look at this guy are you serious bro like oh it cannot cancel out of that with a jump cently here we go into oh oops JP away jump away jump away certified no hit strategy let's just we're just going even dude should be fine it's not like we have the best damage reduction ever but at least we have golden vow time for Mor go try to get a frostbite proc off cuz now at this point our damage is definitely dropping a tiny bit yeah we can definitely get a stun oh actually this that was such a weird angle that was such a weird angle on that uh hail spin he did [ __ ] look at this HP dude the Reen's coming in clutch though actual insane HP actually I kind of I'm going to go beast torch cuz I I kind of like having the offhand R2 I think oh yeah that's what happens when you do that stunned alternating charge r2s Dage is definitely not super impressive here right in the anus uh the fire attacks don't affect the frost buildup but they do reset it once it's Pro though yeah certainly isn't the best build I've ever uh I've ever used it's okay sometimes you got to use the bad build so you can appreciate the good ones dude I'm making up for the god three by taking every single hit in this run okay so now all we got to do is go kill Commander Nall and we can go get the Sleep torch dude we can get the Sombra seven here beautiful an issue is that you kind of need to to not get scored on to wind sure if I should try this skip or not just like waste time I got it second try yesterday somehow oh insane dude so surely you can't have can't be two for three and be pure luck 19 plus 19 and plus n all right so now the Arsenal is looking decent quite a few more upgrades like it's it's almost 6:00 we might have time if I if I did the Skip and got it first try we'd have time to kill O'Neal but I'm going to try this SK I'm probably going to die though yeah I think the last two times I actually got a first try but I don't really have a good setup for this skip here we go and you know what I'm confident I'm not getting this Grace dude I don't need it surely not famous last words Frost bite's probably not going to be so good here I think we can probably get away with using holy though so let's go like maybe maybe like that I'll rebuff with how once we actually start fighting the boss oh good thing I didn't get caught in that come on game how does that whiff him that's like Matrix Dodges until I got unlucky now he's got the defense buff and he's got the attack buff why does it not stun him though oh what a strafe dude how maybe is this Frost resistance really low actually almost 1K damage oh baby that's [ __ ] ton of damage dude but I get freezing how my the Sleep torch does nothing does no damage at all if there's going to be any time to use fire bre either it's here I guess cuz the Buffs were out now so all my damage is like significantly worse be done somewhere you have to what I thought why did I try that dude why did I try that and see of course the one time I don't get the grace I actually die well maybe I'll hit the skip again nope bar breather weapon Arts good against clones are you sure didn't seem so good I probably die here oh really it Perma staggers maybe maybe okay ever surely not bait to get me killed again oh well it stunned them for a second that's about what I expected to happen why do they not get stunned by my other attacks though like can I just run away and then okay let me try this here you [ __ ] dude oh my God I'm getting [ __ ] ganked here what the [ __ ] is this oh my God stop it actually is good on them that's so weird somehow my basic attacks don't stop come on man now we win I'm just going to put that torch away so that I don't get tempted to use it on the boss because we know it's going to happen if I try it think we can get a frost bite though maybe why would you do this I what a garbage attack wait did I just proc him did okay now we're clapping him dude getting destroyed oh come on we need to try to reapply Frost here come on Frost there it is that was so that was not worth it but it's stunned [ __ ] okay it's not you know the Torches aren't bad if I just don't be an idiot a simple solution okay probably a good place to leave off for today ver are a lot better than you first thought they'd be you know they're actually I think exactly as I thought it's the first time ever where my prediction on a weapon quality is actually correct so far all right welcome back you guys we just killed Commander O'Neal I believe and we're going down to get the Sleep torch is what we're doing surely this won't be that annoying to pick this up right dude he's like he's more upset than angry is this the right one this is the Sleep torch right [ __ ] okay I think this Caravan is somewhere over here I think I think the issue is that it's moving like get moved give me your chest oh there it is I think I was just too slow it should be good there we go s Tor or same Trina's torch is it pain in the ass but I got it let's go upgrade it I guess first I can't remember I would assume it's a somber weapon but is somber all right plus n dude I think that we should go do ranala what is this oh I was going to say I guess the scholars do not sleep cuz they're up all night studying dude if we can sleep well like we can sleep the dog here but I wonder how quickly it would happen going to try it let's see if we can get a sleep off here I didn't buff for anything whoops forgot what game I was playing I think the B is going to die before sleep happens come on boss oh I got it there it is oh yeah we've just been going full even stats here so far I you know maybe I should get a little bit more Health cuz I'm I'm thinking about right card I'm like okay we're going to need health for right card can use holy on rala yeah sry torch are probably actually like the best play some of them were just kind of okay most of them were just okay I would say going to try to sleep them does this like really not do a lot of sleep buildup or what oh I was not expecting that oh come on why does he do so much damage dude literal like actual set up Parry dude how is he so good doesn't even make sense okay I wonder what happens when you sleep rala when she's just like on the ground or if that's even possible yeah we we'll go we'll go Frost and then Sentry torch I think although yeah probably the best way would actually be to just go entry torch the whole time cuz holy is is actually probably the best thing I have here how did you still get that off oh I guess we have a lot of Buffs or something cuz that's a lot of damage Jesus can you sleep her in this face or or just Blaster this surprising amount of damage oh my God it's like a legitimately decent weapon oh you're bastard little Ry my dear that's I mean I guess we're plus n and we had Howell and we had golden vow that's still not bad at all I guess it's fire giant time go from here our character looks so cool on this man like the different torches plus this armor set so Frost isn't great against fire giant but it works so better than nothing plus it's our magic damage I do want to try the sleep at first though just to see how fast he sleeps come on bro I don't think the sleep is worth it here probably all right back to reality with our damage outut does this deal like no [ __ ] sleep buildup or what oops I got him I slept you bro oh but yeah I just I hit him again I guess hey that's actually not bad Frost maybe somewhere well it's pretty bad actually we do have a charge or two build right now so that's why Frost maybe oh how do we not get a frost in there [Music] Frost oh boy bro I I really do not like going in on that attack I don't think it's a good idea no I didn't Pro on transition that was just his normal damage he takes there the torch's um voice damage actually is not bad oaz ey maybe where's my frost bite I should be coming please you have to proc no he's going to die before the prog happens oh and there it is on the last hit of course dude as as always as always the proc comes on the hit where it doesn't even matter literally just happens 100% of the time and anyways pretty weak unsurprisingly for this fight that's expected okay so now I'm not so hopeful for God skin Duo because that Ash of War does not build up a lot of sleep apparently 35 I'm fine with 35 Health bigger what I what I actually did yesterday though you guys I made um I made a spreadsheet of like all the categories I could think of for rating a Souls game so many people have asked me about that sort of thing like oh what's your favorite Souls game what's your least favorite Souls game now I've got it in a spreadsheet okay time to fight godkin but yeah I'll show you guys the spread sheet like eventually I might maybe I shouldn't use howl here you guys I don't think I will yeah there's a ton of preparation as you can imagine just oh boy oops it's meant to be jump attack we go from the great bosses of Lia P to this see we can get some sleep going uh what do I do now exactly oh yeah I can't repost what a frost bite this is pretty good like cuz we can sleep them it's got the built-in sleep voice damage on these torches aren't bad holy [ __ ] dude look at this man torches are insane oh what do you think you're doing dude I guess I should have rebuffed actually is what I should have done cross maybe no okay back to sleep that's such bad timing I don't know why I shouldn't have done that also why do you do that and now go into okay but wait a second aha what do you think you're doing dude what a great attack oh my God it's crazy good Frost wow that's good man this is definitely uh the best God skin Duo we've seen so far but like obviously I guess right cuz we got the sleep but dang beautiful the Sleep actually worked better than I thought there cuz I thought I was just like I said earlier I thought I was just going to keep waking him up but yeah it worked perfectly all right which torch I guess we use probably okay so in terms of fire damage how does this compare so we're at 488 AR versus this one I mean dude the Sleep torch I guess we're plus 19 versus plus 9 I guess that's probably why so I guess we're going to go with this one oh I guess I should have this is really concerning wow you [ __ ] good thing we got out of there very solid damage I mean 1,500 damage on a Tor obviously we're dealing fire damage here but just like that I guess the thing with these torches is that so you know they seem to be really good on some things and then really bad on others but so far I think just fire GI and maybe morgot is where I think they've been the worst 24 which one I I guess plus 25 probably this one I think this is just the or wait maybe the magic one I'm going to go with the magic one for now we're going to get more of those ancient Stones anyways and continue through far maula I guess this is a fun run so far man like the the look of these torches is it's looks really nice oh time to run through the bird section guess I could [Music] K could used fire though have classic Souls lock on I'm going to die I'm fine no Beast T doesn't work on [Music] birds forgot how early those attacks hit I forgot how late that goes oh my god dude I'm just I blame Liza for all my hits I just took oh [ __ ] oh and he left so stupid all that work and I don't even get the ancient stone where's the other ancient smithing here it's not oh that's right yeah I forgot about that one so let's go back here yeah let's get this one please don't blast me man oh he doesn't even do a lot of damage what the hell thought that guy did like a [ __ ] ton of damage dude wait can you jump oh I didn't know you could jump back onto this thing easy save easy that's probably good enough for now let's go upgrade okay so let's definitely get the yeah definitely get the Sleep torch I mean probably there's not really much of a point in upgrading the Beast torch at this point so maybe we're just good cuz we got plus 25 plus 10 plus 9 I would like to get this to plus 10 can you can you sleep malth don't believe I've tried mind using how but this [ __ ] gu is hunting me down I will not have it stolen from Frost you have to there it is I mean that's not the worst I've seen not great but not the worst please don't do this of course you do itard you be able to stun him very easily with this thing good p like this actually has a pretty decent R2 surprisingly enough right through the legs wor fres fight on the kill as usual to kill what yeah the the their Poise damage I I I believe they do 33 Poise damage on a charge R2 uh which is you know it's basically the same as straight swords but R2 is relatively fast so it ends up Poise breaking stuff man yeah I do think that this is probably the first weapon that I've ever accurately assessed how good they would be before I did the Run um in terms of damage Types on on plx though is is Holy bad on him I I think so right I'm going to go with 40 we can proc frost on him though too so we'll go go Sentry torch plus ghost FL that sounds about right yeah this is this is going to be weak here there's there's no question problem with using Buffs like this on this boss is by the time you run to the boss your Buff's already halfway gone yeah we should be able to Poise break him very quickly here so he's got I think he's got 150 Poise five charger twos try to get a second one off there so that's three that's four five ah we're making these things to look good dude making them look good still pretty weak though like head shots like that but we should get another stun eventually oh we can't repost him though wow no Frost yet actually insane Lightning Spear nuke attack when I got hit by it in the uh randomizer all bosses run cuz I was in like a tiny arena with him I thought it was going to one shot me dude and it it basically did no damage at all will I proc him with with frost there it is good timing on the stun too right before he's about to do the big nuke or the big lightning thing you know what I I kind of feel like this build has been better than some of the others I've used on this fight just we've been getting a lot of stun so it makes it look better we're likely going to get another one there it is easily no problem dude we could go do Millennia and Moog now W we're like we're kind of nearly done I guess right we got aelle though if we're going to do all remembrances we still got moose and aelle and all that so you know what maybe we'll go down there first go to nron what do I give my mimic is the question do I give him I'm going to give him these two get the status fight going he here we go the fight of the torch maniacs pyromaniacs and this guy's intimidating as hell ah you can't repost me oh my God I almost got slept already slept you oh [ __ ] going with the frost build now hey you can't bring a cucky to a torch fight not allowed yeah that's what you got cheater this is probably like in PvP if somebody somebody knew what they were doing with the torch it' probably be so annoying to fight against that so we are going to fight the Moose um fire should be good on him at least right also holy would be good there too so is fire as good as holy on moose or no we're we'll use holy because I feel like we need to use holy more Sentry torch it is also I mean it's just our highest damage torch so I really wish they changed how the Sentry torch looks man cuz I I honestly did not know it was holy until this run they should have made it more golden dude right cuz it look it just looks like fire 1, 1600 not bad we also don't have the faith tier in so I mean or the holy tier God damn it I wanted to space it well so I can get the chot in we have a problem and it's that we cannot hit the [ __ ] boss here we go 1,00 head shot that's without howl thank it yep that's what I thought goodbye maybe I'll keep that maybe we might do some debuffing at some point winged Great Horn right back underground we'll go kill Gars um in terms of gargo I guess magic is probably play yeah I'm not I'm not sure how like I I don't know if it's a mistake or if or what the hell happened but so this damage shouldn't be bad but it probably won't be great oh that's not bad slightly higher than I thought maybe we can get a stun here he's stun should stun yep oh baby oh easily wow take short work of the Gars dude oh why is your heading the ground dude ah I would have been able to kill him easily there ostrich defense that's really funny actually true dang man not bad at all I guess that that's what happens when you when you got strike damage on this boss very nice kill right there dude perfect kill I'm liking this torch build it's pretty fun dude guess it's not I don't know it's fun to use torches and them actually be viable I kind of forgot about fia's Champions dude I we got to sleep but like maybe it won't be too bad yeah fia's only fan subscribers dude they're probably going to die before they get slept honestly the our damage is is high enough just go in and blast them we could try using fire breather yeah see our damage is like just way too high for them to actually okay yeah fire breather might be good oh there wait to lightning that's right yeah the only only damage Elemental type we don't have come on bro ouch ouch ouch ouch that hurt it's too bad it doesn't like stun them or something though can't really roll it at least oh boy I probably would have done a lot of damage oh that fire on the ground as well the tick actually a pretty cool setup for this fight man it's not good but oh boy fine oh I guess the the fire I don't really understand how the fire on the ground works I have to like aim at the ground or something oh I didn't actually realize that look a few ticks on the ground there it poked what's good on a Stell got a fire holy and Magic what's the best other all the same we'll probably just use Sentry torch then time for a steal too terrible I should get a stun not terrible at all another one uh R thanks so much for the uh two Monon resup dude oops I I rolled that from way too [ __ ] early also not fast rolling doesn't help that no you don't I meant to do fire breather but see you st down I guess we'll go do for toxs now I'm going to do the quest line uh we're going to go ahead and use I guess holy here right we should be dealing good amount of damage here it's so nice that we have this holy option I mean look at this damage dude you're going to get stunned and you're dead PES are no joke not much worse than kind of an average weapon all right back underground we go in my build all right here we go we're going to fight this tibia Mariner I think right now going make videos on Li I'm not sure I might do a no hit run at some point and if I do then yes but the pares are way more precise so if you're trying to do it especially on those unblockable un rollable attacks it's like man I just can't get it but that's that's like all part of the game right like it's a challenge you got to figure out the timing and you got to do it it takes a good amount of time to learn this learn the timing on an attack on a combo and then and then yeah that's it once you figure it out then you're good to go oh what the hell why was I taking damage from that is that cuz I have golden epot going how much damage do we deal oh that's what I'm talking about dude that's what I'm talking about that should be our first death route so we're going to collect a few I believe you need three I might be mistaken but I thought it was three for uh beasal Vitality which I would like to use on Ray card yeah I think the the biggest issue I have with the game is what I've been saying is that the areas the actual contents of the areas I think the level design is decent I think the levels are pretty decent but when it comes to the contents of the levels I think it's it's quite a few steps down from Souls games you know like I I don't know what there's something missing whereas you know when I go through when I go through a level like this like even just this area right there's you know there's a lot of stuff in here I I don't know it like some of this clutter actually does add a lot I think but if this was Liza P it would kind of just be nothing in here you know that's that's by far the biggest issue I have with the game it's sort of a meme in DS3 how many like breakable boxes and [ __ ] there are but from bloodborne onwards they started doing a really good job of that I would say okay we got it finally doesn't do a good job teaching you how to choose between Perry and Don I I guess that's true yeah like I guess the thing is there's not really a right way to do it except for on those like un ible attacks what's the best tier magic all that to whiff the boss and take a hit how do I fight this boss why did this boss have to have a remembrance dude still it it still makes no sense that you can jump over that attack literally makes zero sense at least the weapon so short it makes it kind of easy to get head shot but oh my god dude easy to get head shots hard to actually hit though oh my God how does this keep happening frostbite on the final hit again how okay for A's down now I guess the only bosses that remain are rikard and then the Final Bosses right he oh sorry snowfield that's what I'm forgetting about yeah I don't care for Souls Lore because I mean even the little that I do know about the lore it doesn't seem interesting to me in in a game like dark souls or you know Dark Souls 3 or something and then also I think part of it also too is that the actual like worlds of these games do not feel alive in any way like so even though the bosses are like they're doing all this stuff and there's a lot of L for the bosses they're still kind of just sitting in an arena waiting for you to go kill them like everybody's just sitting still and then you're just going through it you're just killing stuff honestly probably out of any boss in any Souls game I feel like Gideon has the most interesting like development and lore with him dude I'm not going to lie out of everything in the souls gam cuz it's like at least there's something there where you know he's like kind of helping you along the way and then he turns on you and then like that's cool isan is yeah isan is kind of like that too yeah that's true I think Sakira does a better job at that in my opinion uh what am I I guess we're just using Magic on Mo here right Gman has that that's true but yeah I guess that's the main thing right I just I don't like going through the game and then just it's a random boss like right here like Mo's super cool and and his actual like lore I guess it's it's interesting if you look into it if you like go way out of your way to start looking into it but I mean most people realistically are just watching some vti video um I guess like there's a bit of dialogue But ultimately if you're if you're the player and you're just playing through the game you get to this boss and it's like oh here's another boss wow the damage is kind of good the Poise damage is is doing so much work here I think roll attack's probably fast enough is that frost bite oh boy I didn't mean to do that other hit there oh the Poise breaking machine dude and it's really good for getting those head shot again wonder if a roll attack is fast enough here I got to he did the slower attack oh yeah but anyways yeah when it when it comes to the ratings I gave them I thought he was doing the other one there I waited stuff like very low my damage has dropped off so much here done maybe fine I thought he was going to die there that's why I didn't roll as clear as day more qu MO is a really fun fight man and his arena is insane all right Moog down let's go do Millennia I've played New Vegas yeah I I'm not I'm definitely not as much of a fan of the follow games but out of all them egas is definitely my favorite one I just like the themes in Elder shows more what should we use on Loretta here holy is actually good here holy it is oh you got to be joking dude how you not stun don't jump the Poise like the Poise damage is good on these things it'd be interesting to actually see a a Poise damage per second like values on some of this stuff just destroy dude is this the helmet that gives you yeah it gives you two Faith 50 Vigor so on Millennia I guess Frost is is good and like just Frost and fire I think I don't think this torch is going to be any good we could try sleep as well save 1,800 runs on the lantern actually true that's a good point you know I probably should have get my myself one flask here I could golden vow phase two I don't remember that were mid rolling here don't like mid rolling on this boss so much oh yeah I should maybe not mid roll cuz that's what happens and yeah it's kind of an issue cuz the the torch doesn't have that much range so I got to get like really in close to actually connect just keeps blocking it Jesus I might have to take off my armor here cuz have we not gotten a stun also kind of a scam she keeps eating it probably is why oh that doesn't oh my God the torch doesn't even interrupt her somehow clearly we'll sleep one day like maybe I proed the sleep and it just oh why did I do this that's an R2 as well oh I slept idiot he Frost poock would be wasted here so I guess a full charge does yeah she's not getting Poise broken because she just eats the Poise breaks when she does her hyper armor she's a cheater oh frosted yeah I'm just going to I'm just going to keep the frost well well I guess I can switch to a fire kind of some of the problem I guess and just switch to a fire for cuz then I I reset the frost bite that's that's why like having the holy is actually interesting because we can proc Frost and then go into holy damage and not like get the uh the bonus of the frost spite damage we got another cross before this fight ends here I'm just taking every hit imaginable here we go water follow for the road your strength yeah not great definitely extraordinary insane how much sleep sleep pots do man it's actually it's so kind of so imbalanced ah I guess it's time for rard all right we got some preparation to do first for an hour or so without having to stream kill this guy I guess hey there's no way you didn't fall off man like what are you standing on dude I guess I should just go back okay so we got that let's go ahead and get the icon Shield oh yeah we could go with the great Rune yeah that's I forgot about that I guess I used it last time didn't I do these still fire oh yeah I'm running the opposite direction so maybe I'll be safe I I actually don't know how these track you okay so they still track you pretty well I guess man that is from so far away oh my God wood folk ruins anyways I think I think our healing situation is fine I've I've focused on collecting oops a lot more heals this time around yeah we could get the HP regeneration is that that's from this guy right unsurprisingly we're doing a lot of damage this is the Regeneration tier right Bubble Plus Crimson okay let's go here really fast we're going to go get uh sacred order yeah I'm not sure what I should do for Poise yet wait is that my character's eyes and that looks really weird Okay so this should deal a lot of damage oh just wasted that we can't actually stack golden bow with this other thing we're about to use so we use this PO to this oh wait does it not work anymore oh is it patched or did I do it wrong oh maybe it was patched I didn't I didn't think it was but still a lot of damage yeah maybe was patched huh it was patched I I somehow completely missed when that happened anyway still a lot of damage um I guess we'll use sleep here doesn't really matter yeah where where's the iron jar crafting which location is that in oh I wonder if the breath is good here cuz we can't backstab or anything well when the boss dies that fast doesn't matter oh the side tomb oh okay I think that's enough for Beast Vitality right go but this is the the most efficient regen it's not the fastest per tick but very efficient okay let me test this though really quick I guess um I guess I'll just take damage from this guy but yeah I'm pretty sure it's STS we just take some damage hopefully don't die 374 so we are getting I guess seven per tick right now if I do this let's see oh yeah maybe you're right actually oh dude yeah maybe you're right okay you're right okay good call oh yeah this is still useful anyways cuz the fight's going to last pretty long we can go with millenia's great Rune let's go with that now now the issue is Poise so we we need enough Poise that we don't get staggered every single tick by Red card's lava in the past I've tried to use you know endure but it just it doesn't last long enough do I go with the the bull goat like would I have enough with that going to get iron jar how long does iron jar last for though right there we go or or wait where do you get the commander like the commander set is that after can I just buy this right now that' be definitely the fastest here oh yeah there we go yeah this is this has got really good Poise for weight yeah even just a few pieces of that probably is enough D7 okay so we are heavy load here though like we need a lot of endurance to not mid roll here we could do the great jar just it's so far away actually you know what it's not that far I already have underground hey we're almost ready to go man anybody who's seen the flail run or the flail video I don't know how bad it looked in the video but it was pretty bad I spent like 2 hours fighting rikard and dying yeah we're we're just going to need to manage our equip load unfortunate you can do it buddy it's having such a hard time here we go come on let roll or jump or something there we go this is what I think is pretty fun about Elder ring though like as much as I don't like the r card fight having to prepare and do all this extra stuff to fight a boss it's very um like it's something that exists in the other Souls games a little bit but not in the same way what's Happening Here like if I jump just going to get like poked off the edge or something are you serious finally oh my God maybe there's a better way to do this though like a better setup here we go that time great jars Arsenal so we're still heavy load but we're much closer to being good but yeah we also have to keep in mind I'm going to be wielding icon Shield which is heavy you know maybe I don't need the icon Shield though also going to get a couple extra runes from godkin Noble please be enough we're still in heavy load but I wish they showed you the percentage in this game Well for now let's go kill Noble we could also Respec right no reason why I can't resp also we can go kill Gideon we can go do all that stuff'll maybe that's what I should do get even more endurance that way I did see that B Money dude yeah I didn't actually like watch it but I saw that it happened always break how much does that running R2 do I wonder God TI your torch build easy all right so that's is that an extra level it's not quite um let's go kill Gideon in those Final Bosses this I I don't know how this is going to go I knew you'd come I commend you possibility but alas None Shall take the drol queen M has high hopes for us that was kind of interesting continue to onto eternity my health back you bastard I forgot how long that lasted that's really stupid okay I got regen it's not the end of the world kind of forgot about that the Blasted idiot in my bones uh Gideon during fist only was probably as you'd expect the worst fight of all time he all endurance again so it's going to be like what three levels here two a lot of people just don't really care about Gideon because you know when they when they do runs they he's just not even a a thought you know you just don't think about him with that one I guess wait why do I have Sentry torch main hand yeah I don't think anybody likes Gideon but a lot of people just don't really care about him the fr must mid roll classic mid roll dude we're going to proc him again here there it is goodbye that might be enough we'll see I think it's enough so let's see so we're going to be going with this this this we're still good bu goat Plus Great jar icon Shield we're easily good here we go so now we're not going to be fat rolling which is pretty important or having the reduced stamina regen is really annoying on rard so man this looks like a really just like toxic PVP build is what this looks like man yeah so phase one we'll just play it we'll play it nice and slow phase one not waste any of our resources other ring OST is amazing are you saying that based on what you're hearing right now or just based on your experience with the game cuz this is not Elder ring OST that is that is another thing this game was missing a good soundtrack and yeah the the the boss yeah the boss thems are decent for sure but I I guess I more mean ambient but even then the boss themes they're they're decent but they get old because you're just you know if you're fighting boss over and over and over and over again I only hear the same song so many times yeah that's why I don't play these games with that is so bad I guess I could go with ritual sword in this face and and maybe we just go Frost too I didn't think it was going to be that bad I guess I didn't buff or anything going try to save my FP though we should get some decent stuns the first Frost fight another frostbite if only you could fight face two in a similar way to this man oh does the frost reset in phase two really the status resets phase two yeah I don't know yeah we should be able to beat this pretty easily here man we got such a good build for this loads a new model yeah but I I thought I don't know I'm not sure if there's some cases where there's a new actual enemy that keeps the resistances I I don't know all right a smooth phase one so now we can start doing our Buffs really got to go to the leg or something here dude okay it's done yeah this Poise is huge here so much better that leg oh yeah range is an issue but that's why we go for the leg more damage off I I canceled the projectiles not bad dude not bad so far back in so that that attacks a bit more of a problem did we just get another frost bite he just casted another one I think yeah there it is it's too bad yeah see this is what H this is what happens when I'm prepared this is what I should have done on all the previous runs but I I always underestimate him how bad this fight really is Skull coming in probably a good time to use a heal or two reason I'm doing more r2s is just cuz the the stuns are actually really nice and we could go to the head here get that better buildup I guess I probably should be resetting the frostbite huh it's one of those cases where resetting makes sense don't want to get too greedy here no problem we came prepared this time interesting how he was so delayed there because we stunned him it only takes four charge or twos to stun him as well right cuz the torch 33 po damage a hit and they the Torches actually have a really good R2 this is sort of what I imagine the fist right card kill would look like you know this sort of build where you just have so much regen that you just do this to him yeah we're just bullying him dude for 4 hours that's funny that you think it would take 4 hours for that it would take literally tens of hours at least like I think it would probably take like [ __ ] 20 hours okay I'm against the wall I guess is actually good because I I can just hit him I guard countered them yeah literally just no problem that's how you do it man that's how we do it right there the preparation was worth it most of the other builds I've done for rard have been way stronger than this it's just I've always underestimated him and how bad he's going to be and uh yeah I want to go the fire tier here or we can go back to our damaging setup could go the fire scorpion might as well see how much damage we can pump out on ragon yeah the millenia is great Rune too I didn't notice it too much there but I think it was actually doing a lot yeah we probably stacked up we probably stacked too much regeneration there for what we actually needed 130000 isn't so great should just Poise break him like crazy though oh un fortunately that stun didn't happen for his jump oh my God he's already doing this hell oh my God just absolutely destroyed um we'll probably go I don't know if it really matters which one I go with here just not holy probably magic yeah that's not so great so I don't have howw though oh why you swim away like that you're scared the torch R2 is also take very little stamina it's quite nice oh just Poise break all day long man oh boy how did that [ __ ] hit me dude how the [ __ ] did all that happen Jesus I almost died to [ __ ] oven Beast just a whole combination of just horrible [ __ ] attacks it's insane definely think just looping the initial R2 is the best it's faster than the followup R2 oh just it's crazy the PO damage here man there it is easy the torch God yeah that's a that's a r man I don't think so but yeah torches not good obviously but it's it's more satisfying that we didn't get stuck on rard for 2 hours cuz I actually thought about the build I was going in with wonder how many times I died on this run like it wasn't a lot for sure let's go kill a death bird just end it off and then we'll look at that spreadsheet I was talking about respect time no I mean let's just go like 99 Faith dude I we might as well well I just I I just want to go see the damage on this death uh death right Bird wait so you can cuz what it used to be is you could buff with the tree Spear and then swap to the golden epot but I guess I can make like a sa file here yeah the the the one that I the one that used to work definitely got patched like that was what I tried earlier but I didn't try like actually offhand buff and then do it this way but oh the boss did spawn in but it didn't trigger uh I guess this one weird staggers and there it is Sentry torch op wow that was uh that was pretty nice dude I actually did not think that was going to happen not even with a good build either dude like this is just axman ritual sword obviously we had the double buff but oh there we go no problem that was like that was probably like a perfect one shot as well cuz that boss has around that amount of HP okay um let me get the spreadsheet up you guys that I've been hinting at this whole time it'd be fun to like go through the ratings with you guys and and like kind of start from scratch again but I I don't really there's like look how many categories there are here
Channel: GinoMachino
Views: 501,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6E9DIjww60s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 40sec (6100 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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