This is Peak Engineering in Satisfactory Update 6

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hello everyone i'm kibbits and welcome back to satisfactory where today we're in the experimental build playing in update six baby which adds in a ton of new weapons refurbished biomes and a ton of quality of life updates so back up your saves remember to leave a like and let's see what's new alright all things seem good so far my mods are working permaday is on what apparently have a beacon godspeed hero of the future what okay lots of stuff is happening mods are working though so that's great oh best thing of all blade runners on the legs we can have the body slot now too imagine wearing a full set of clothes this is amazing we're fast we can fly we can go to the nuclear power plant and we will not die it's gonna be a great day fantastic day and there's all the new weapons to unlock so big thing update six says completing the fixmas holiday event oh did i not do that six months ago whoops no people told me in the comments anyway no tons of new stuff in the deck tree new weapons nuclear weapons turbo rifle ammo cluster nobelisks and more also there's new music over on spotify yes i'm a spotify artist now we're releasing music over there and the music is being used in today's video so if you like it check out the spotify link in the description and game wise there is something new i really really really want today where is it there's one thing i want this the pulse nobleists we need to get this automated today because i have some pretty crazy ideas but far more importantly right now we have to scoot we have to scoot right now we need extra filters immediately because we have to go out and save the world there were some mistakes made with the experimental build and we have to fix them now or else our nuclear power plant is going to melt down so off we go on a great adventure first i think we're gonna go up to that hill over there that hill he says it's the tallest mountain in the game oh goodness okay no no oh no oh no we need to get up there so big problem happened where a bunch of the nodes in the game were deleted and replaced so it's certain that they are not producing any resources right now until you replace the resource extractor on them okay into the spice though what's happening nothing of course so let's see what it even says in here invalid that's different zero parts per minute you'll love to see it okay hopefully replacing this actually does fix it if this doesn't fix it omega panic mode we're looking at another nuclear episode all right power up uranium looks like that's fine the spice flows once more right right ready to rock and roll kind of i thought so this drone was here for so long that it has ran out of batteries and cannot move poor little guy just been sleeping on the job get back to work do i have batteries you better believe i do there you go wake up there are emergencies happening probably right now you know what since we have a drone and a free ride let's go over to the nuclear power plant let's see if there are any problems afoot also checking out the map here is everything looking fine yeah this is a new map by the way it shows all the resources which is pretty cool but i can't actually move the map right now which is weird i don't know why all right drone let's go or how about no just okay what's going on here oh our favorite thing nuclear waste is building up very slowly okay so it's slowly building up because the uranium wasn't coming in here so that's fine also whoa these got a new look they look amazing they're so blue all right um nuclear problems here first i think we're gonna be okay so long as uranium and the spice keeps flowing everything's good very quickly though we also have to fix another similar problem this time with some bauxite nodes and it's the relatively new ones they added in the forest here like this one and like the two on the ground same problem where it's just like hey they were deleted now they're invalid so we just have to rebuild them and everything is fine that should be all the chores we need to do it today oh no i was wrong something else has happened in experimental here for some reason the train has stopped was this a path signal get rid of that if is it fine yeah okay that's ominous something to keep an eye on trains were changed in some way i don't know how maybe it's just the past signals i don't know we'll pay attention to it for now let's go back home or actually it looks like maybe we're going to space why why did i fly so high what i've used that hyper tube like a thousand times that i've never had that happen before i guess uh update six is just a little uh quirky but there are benefits our health now actually full heals and there's holstering you press h and the item is out of your face oh dude i had an entire mod downloaded just to do that one thing and now we can just press the h key so convenient but enough of that time for unlocks let's get some new weapons let's see what's happening all right hatcher research we need some alien protein sure that gets the bio organic properties in the data capsule awesome some random thing here and then the rebar gun okay cool i guess we should make some rebar right now there's new ammo types for rebar that's like explosive stun and like a shotgun type and we are going to want a lot of that let me tell ya let's build a couple temporary machines actually quite a few because we need one for rebar and we're going to need a couple for proteins yeah so hog ramens can become protein and the other spider boy things can become protein as well and i'm sure the spider stuff can become protein so we'll just leave these all here and let them run and then in a couple minutes once we have a little bit more of all the stuff here we can finish up all of the unlocks let's see what we can do right now uh nothing here we have to kill a new hatchery place and a spider that should be easy stun rebar yes sounds downright delightful thank you mycelia gas noblesk interesting a new inhaler should be simple synthetic fabric sure in a hand slot doesn't really matter we can do that later shatter rebar that's a shotgun type ammo and we have to wait on rebar for that pulse nobelisk yeah we want that i don't know if we're going to be able to unlock literally everything right now though because we don't have a lot of stuff these are all the nobilisks that i have in the entire world we've never had a weapons factory in this playthrough i just built the temporary system got what we have now we're just gonna get what we can get okay let's go to this tree i need some sulfur turbo rifle ammo turbo fuel yeah we'll get that later oh and this needs smoke this powder it's a new resource to make weapons and we need that for nobilisks and then the nuke nobleisk you know what we gotta get that first and all we have to do is grab some spice that should just be over in here yes yes there we go 10. everybody's happy fantastic ignore the nuclear waste shouldn't be a problem probably okay maybe it's a little bit of a problem is something else happening why is there so much we already fixed this did we not everything seems to be fine you know what effort everything will be fine if we just turn on the emergency systems for just a minute just a minute there you go you go that way and okay we actually have some problems here i'm sorry why is this all stopped how okay there's actually no reason it's just backed up so just in case there is what's our power looking like 3 14. we'll keep an eye on that this episode and if it goes down any lower we'll treat that as cause for concern on our way back though i can't believe it i've completely forgot to check out the new biomes look at the nukes in a second guys first new biomes how much clipping has happened here uh a lot okay so i'm gonna have to fix this train track but it doesn't look like it'll be a big fist it's not like we're actually turning off anywhere here and then this biome wow spectacular you know we might make the weapons factory here or we'll make it another giant like oil sludge area either or i'm not 100 sure if you guys have any suggestions let me know in the comments but for now it will remain a pristine glorious environment oh wait while we're here we need to kill some creatures we need a spider and we need a hatchery maybe there's spider in spooky cave oh this isn't spooky at all this is gorgeous it's like starry night type stuff oh look at this little plant that's nice i like this area this is cool all right hatchery witness me hello you're supposed to be bugs no you are you a shy one okay ah ha that's uh odd thing i've never seen before it looks like the creatures are still scared to come out you know what makes sense i'm about to get nuclear weapons fire creature in this world i'd be running too you know what i've been flying around a little bit here and there is literally nothing spawning there's no spiny boys there's no spiders there's nothing everything is ran away that kind of sucks so that means we can't get one of the researches for the new spider unlock or wait maybe we can there's got to be spiders in the new swamp i need your new stinger organs please give me your flesh hello it's so peaceful in the swamp this is weird this is almost more unnerving than normal like where is everything nothing is spawning in the whole world then back to unlocking i suppose let's grab all the rebar we can thank you have some more let's see what we can get well first off nuclear weapons please give me that [Laughter] nuclear deterrent development well even having the option available was enough of deterrent so you take that how do you make the nukes five nobleisks some more of the encased uranium cells that smokeless powder and some eye limiters just for one that's expensive bud anyway sad news that was like pretty much all of our noblests we can't really get much of these things fine quartz what else can we get we can get you the pulse no blisk yes please oh and we could get the gas noblisks let's also pick up the shatter rebar oh and we can re-unlock the compacted coal and turbo fuel in the mam here that's nice and convenient and that is that for now so now let's get to building a weapons factory but where in the world shall we build it like i was saying i'd love for this place to be in a radiated nuclear weapons processing facility but there's just nothing here all of its oil there's no other resource notes so it's like what am i gonna do bring everything in well i can't do that because i already brought everything over to here to make stuff for the nuclear power plant same scenario on top of the plateau like it's beautiful and new and cool and has lots of taps but like there's nothing here either and then there's the swamp which would make everything literally perfect except why would i do that when my base is literally right there so yeah we're gonna be building stuff at home and we're gonna build a new weapons factory right there all we're gonna need is for this weather to finally clear up and also some sulfur and coal well i'd love just to use that sulfur node but it's being used for the aluminum build in fact there is some coal nodes as well being used for aluminum too so that kind of sucks now with the coal we could redirect some coal from somewhere over here to aluminum and that could work out but for the sulfur we're gonna need a lot of sulfur there so that's gonna have to come from somewhere else how far out would sulphur be let's see with our beep booper is there any over that way yes oh where where where look at you i completely forgot this was here oh and it's a pure note as well well we're not going to need this much sulfur for the weapons factory so i guess we will redirect some of this over to aluminum we'll call it good there then for the coal cool to cool the coal i want to yoink one of those two coal nodes that are right there and bring it back to base and instead we're gonna belt over a ton of coal from this little lake over this way where there's like three pure coal nodes and a normal one that's gonna be like 4000 coal per minute especially if we have the mark iii miners and a little bit of spice yeah yeah okay that'll work just gonna be a heck of a lot of infrastructure well that's no problem at all because we have editing hooray power of movie magic yeah it did a lot of infrastructure building this belt goes all the way over to the aluminum build and unfortunately i discovered something lay nerfed christmas spirit it's too weak to blow up rocks why pokemon has told me that water beats rock and snow is essentially just like frozen water like come on it doesn't blow up the rocks anymore sad but at least we can start automating now oh but i gotta check i gotta know how's power looking it's been a bit getting the colon sulfur here so um oh we're down 100 000 megawatts okay but it's okay it's okay it's okay the waste flows i actually know why the power is low i've turned off a bunch of the reactors so we can actually burn through the nuclear waste and to be honest there's kind of been great drama unfolding behind the scenes you see all the trains or at least my main train just didn't blew up effectively it would not work and i've done a ton of stuff to try and fix the train thing and it's fixed now but it caused a lot of problems anyway it's dealt with didn't really want to talk about it much because it's probably just a glitch that's going to be fixed later so whatever waste is moving power plants are turned off and we're going to build the weapons weapons now weapons i just want a couple nuclear weapons like look at how well i've run this power plant here you know that i'm gonna be safe with nuclear weapons right totally 100 okay let's go oh my out of morbid curiosity how much nuclear waste did build up oh my god oh my god oh okay that's not the worst less than 30 000 nuclear waste that's fine we'll be through that in a day and wait before you post that stupid comment bullying me i did nothing wrong that problem happened because of a glitch or whatever with the update the id factory the last fix it was the final fix there were no actual problems it was just the glitch type thing okay 100 not me i'm innocent everything's fine don't worry about it stop it stop it don't well actually me in the comments either i know what you're gonna do i know okay let's build the weapons right now what do we need first well to build anything we're gonna need assemblers to put together some black powder black powder is simply the coal and the sulfur easily done and then also we're gonna need some compacted coal which is just the same deal so nothing all that complicated we're gonna use an overflow system uh we could yeah we'll just do this we'll have the coal on the bottom we'll have the sulfur up top and then everything will enter through here and kind of distribute evenly like so and then we just kind of expand the system as we usually do and this will get everything started by the way just for factory design here we're gonna keep it pretty simple like the rest of our base where it's just gonna be everything overflows until it's max capacity because we're not gonna be using nuclear weapons like all the time or any weapons for that matter especially with the enemies not even spawning in so it's like hey whenever we need something we grab a stack of nukes then this factory just blasts to life at full speed and we rock and roll so everything's overclocked and at this stage it's balanced out like uses 600 exactly coal and sulfur but then future stages it's like it doesn't matter uh now it's time for the big shopping list so all these new weapons use a variety of things so the nuke nobelisk we already checked out needs like ai limiters some nuclear stuff yadda yadda gas nobelisk it's gonna need some biomass so we're gonna have to grab some of that shatter evar needs the rebar and the quartz crystal whole snoblisk needs a crystal oscillator and homing rifle ammo needs a high speed connector look the point i'm getting at is we need like 15 different items belted over here from our main base and it's gonna be an absolute nightmare because i don't know how we're gonna manage this we have so many belts running throughout the base right now like i don't know if there's room and the only logical place really to go and get stuff from is from around our storage room and around our storage room it's like it's like already like this like there's some hope but oh man not a lot of it huh we gotta do it though we gotta do it we have one saving grace though past kids was very nice and used these big foundations here so now we can just use s'more foundations and sneak things through the floor so you can do this in like your factories to hide power like you could have like power nubs down here and then have the cable clip through the floor and that honestly looks really good and you know what i should do that more often but maybe next time but since we have this option this should be possible just barely possible this should be everything we need this belt is for crystal oscillators and this one's going to be for biomass i don't really have like a biomass processing thing set up in base yet but it'll be around from there though did the usual or we just have these cool looking bridges scooting on across bringing what we need to where we need it also got the heavy oil residue because fortunately the last time we built this whole oil setup and the extra stuff that's backing up well now it can be used in the weapons processing let's get phase one started and now we can rock and roll so the big thing what do we want first we are going to want to get yeah the nobelisks and the rifle ammo automated that's what you need to make everything else oh and the smokeless powder so same deal as last floor let's set up some assemblers we already know how to make the noblesks that's easy it's just pipe and the black powder so i don't know we'll set up like eight machines or how many ever that was and then we need a smokeless powder and that's done in a refinery finally so they have that smoke stack i always want to have the smoke stack outside so we'll build it like this and we'll have to figure out everything else from here let's build like italy's as well three four five six seven i can't count whatever just have to try things out right now to see what we want to actually do yeah black powder heavy oil residue black powder is coming from downstairs that's fine heavy oil residue is sitting somewhere how how does this work again i brought it down here comes through there and then comes to here oh you know what i left an empty floor here for logistics and this is actually gonna work out perfectly what we can do is we can bring the heavy oil residue down here then when we want to bring stuff up to the refineries since the inputs are on the outside we can have the heavy oil residue be outside the building and be like a decoration like something like that obviously we're gonna make it look a little bit better but like that's kind of like the concept the belts are gonna be a little bit more tricky though so if we had splitters out front here we could have like scaffolding and like maybe we can make it look okay but i don't think it would be great so then oh you know what we can do instead of having material go up we can have material go down and we can just have a floor up here it's perfect all right can we clip through here relatively easily yeah that that can work fix the height on that and then we could have all the black powder kind of overflow this way okay and then we just stack the design then the output is already inside the building so we don't have to worry about that and then that can go into old machines this is the start of a good plan oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait the plan is getting even better if we have the noblest stuff here we could make kind of like a multi-storied floor that's a terrible explanation you know like if you go into a mall and there's like this big empty space inside the building yeah we can have something like that where we can see have a walkway going across here we'll be able to see all the smoke this powder see all of the nobilisks and then we can have the rightful ammo being made here just imagine walking through here you see it all moving and grooving good yes this is gonna come together very nicely yeah and it pretty much did it's gonna be so busy out in the front here added in a couple more buffers too just to kind of fill out the look and that's niche have this like weird kind of like sandwichy part just to hide the beltwork a little bit so at least from afar you can't really notice it and then still got to do a lot with like the shape of the build but we can focus on that later only big problem was i had to move around like all the belt work that i did over here so that was uh really annoying that's fine put it all into a box and now it's great i'll just have to re-hook up the heavy oil residue in a moment in fact i gotta hook up like a whole lot of stuff here oh this room is gonna get busy very very busy look how good this clipped uh refinery looks here though oh it's like perfect it's perfect i like it so much oh wait huge quality of life thing you may have missed with update 6 here so if you set a recipe right there's the copy and paste function well you don't have to enter the machine anymore if you get in range so you can see like the press e to configure you can control v without looking in the machine it's like a little thing sure but it saves so much time oh stuff like this you love to see it and you also gotta love turning on a factory for the first time let's let it all rock and roll power on smokeless powder let's get it actually we need to get some of that for the rest of the unlocks is everything working up here did i turn it on yep we're just waiting on the smokeless powder here it comes rifle ammo automated now we're gonna yoink a lot of this actually give me that give me that that that that that one that one too all those yeah mine thank you very much and the noblest as well they're running right nope nope they're not i tried to put the smokeless powder in here classic kim's uh how bad of a problem was that oh past gibbs you're so smart by being so not smart i didn't complete the beltwork so it didn't actually spread through the whole system let's go easy fix then all we got to do is go through the ground this that and we have the black powder over here and we gotta bring it onto the ceiling do something like that except make it look a lot better cool now we're getting nobilisks yes ah thank goodness these are automated again well we'll let those build up we'll let the ammo build up and then we automate everything else now so from here it's just gonna be more belt nightmares far less organized though because everything needs its own unique little part so on this floor let's just mess with assemblers because i don't want to get into like manufacturing things just yet what do we want to do here we could make homing rifle ammo sure overclock that huazu what else do we got uh we're not gonna deal with the rebar right now but we can deal with pulse nobleisk then the gas nobelisk and i guess we could do the rebar stuff here but what if we can unlock something can we unlock something that goes into assembler we still have the turbo rifle ammo nukes which we know won't work and then other stuff tldr let's automate some turbo fuel so that we can actually see what's up all we got to do is grab a little bit of heavy oil residue again temporary setup don't worry don't worry it'll be gone soon then we have to grab some compacted coal we're running just hand delivered some stuff over here and we're good all we need is i think 50 turbo fuel right let's just build the mam see what's up sulfur this thing noble is yep we have those 50 of that and then smoke this powder and rebar okay now we have everything unlock time okay what first definitely the turbo rifle ammo i wanna know what it's made out of hopefully it can be done in an assembler that would be awesome the unlock needed aluminum yeah let's ignore that cluster nobelisk yes yes please thank you and finally the rebar yeah that's probably going to need a manufacturer eh let's find out rebar explosive oh that's not bad three relatively simple items cluster nobelisk oh that's even easier just some more smokeless powder in noblesks okay and turbo rifle ammo oh that does need aluminum so kind of annoying release back here makes things a little bit easier so we have the gas pulse and homing ammo then we'll just do the cluster nobelisks in this machine because it's only the two items and we'll just get rid of this one now we can just belt it all together just a couple more bins and a few more belts and everything's automated now hooray and the finished products are coming over these belt bridges to the second logistic tower and into these bins at least for now because i'm not sure if i'm going to bring them to my storage room or not and hey hey hey cluster nobelisks thank you oh paul snow bliss wouldn't mind if i do and we'll take some homing ammo to wait we can't literally doesn't matter because there are no enemies right now fine we'll use that stuff later let's use a cluster nobelisk now i want to try this what if we use that in new jelly i don't know why i think this will be weird but i just need to know would it kill us if we stood here no way right no in fact that does hardly any damage at all what there's like a multiple there are three explosives in one you think that'll be a little bit more risky but i guess the developers more so want it for clearing makes sense still very cool i wonder how it look if we put like 50 of them in one spot i'd say it looks a lot like my stock portfolio right now that looks horrific let's take a little step back anybody here oh please don't crash the game [Laughter] i went way better than expected what if we did the same thing with the pulse noblesks big thing with them is they knock it back so you can use them for like rocket jumping in places but what if we just stacked up a hundred well i guess we would die unless i activated god mode this is a terrible idea terrible ready for lunch oh game or you know what i think we just might end up transcending reality with this instead there's no way we're gonna stay in bounds i have no idea absolutely no clue what will happen all right this game don't crash and let's fly oh that wasn't too crazy oh man it just keeps launching i guess because they don't all go off at once it's kind of like a bouncy castle so maybe we just do things a little bit differently what if we just trapped ourselves in a tiny little room and then filled it with a hundred of these explosives i wonder how that go oh wait critically important can we be in a factory cart and then be affected by this as well all right so we're gonna have to put like a few these down in order to make this work just do like three and then activate them and get in the cart at the same time dang it the timing has to be impeccable what come on you heard the button you heard it dude last try i got what my cart no oh oh no way it landed on the bridge let's go i was so lucky okay mean concept though it works you can absolutely launch yourself in a cart if you can get into it all right so small room but with friend so we're gonna stand in front we're gonna let things rip and hopefully i click on this fast enough to actually enter the cart all right yeah practice let's do it what the timing dude this is too stressful man okay round two three two one no yeah we got it let me out of the corner let me out of the corner it's not working as intended nothing's working we're everything we're everywhere factory car don't hit me in the head it's flying is it over dude the cart's wheels are on fire man [Laughter] that was fun oh but i think we're gonna call it here but again if you guys enjoyed remember to leave a like and subscribe because next time we're gonna finish up this factory and get the nuclear weapons online but anyway have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 287,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory update 5, satisfactory, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 6, satisfactory experimental, satisfactory nuke nobelisk, satsifactory new update, satisfactory nuke, satisfactory new biome, satisfactory new, imkibitz, kibitz, new update satisfactory, satisfactory update 6 gameplay, satisfactory game
Id: Nsq6bmvkGIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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