Satisfactory "PRO" Reacts to Let's Game It Out NUCLEAR BUILD!!

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what's going on guys and welcome back to another reaction video today we're going to be checking out Josh's video again because you keep asking so I produce so much nuclear waste the world is ruined forever so go over to his channel go sure let's give him out some love subscribe to him like do whatever he can because the guy's insane and he's a fantastic content creator and you cannot question it he's a Madman he's nuts and you guys know I've said that multiple times and you want me to react tomorrow so we're doing it and I'm worried because it's nuclear waste the nuclear waste is pretty bad in your factory so you've got to send it far away that's what I would do it's what some of you would do Josh huh I don't know we'll find out so without further ado let's go into this and see where the chaos goes hey there it's Josh welcome back how are you doing are you doing more satisfactory oh hello I missed you factory with more rules limits or logic satisfactory is a game about making efficient machines efficient machines efficient does it matter if it's going to look clean or anything no matter your play style you can make it efficient you could build without foundations and still make it efficient the game allows you to do that it's beautiful but I like to build it nice and clean on foundations and make the factory look pretty or in my case just find new and inventive ways to torture the game first we built a factory that was actually kind of normal until I realized the early beginnings and then I made it look like this and I realized the frame rate this is where I discovered the chaos we tested those limits by building a tornado out of conveyor belts and it's actually kind of pretty just don't look directly at it unless you like slideshows then I saw this empty Valley and I thought you know what this kid used a conveyor belt weave not to be out beaten we went back over to Belt NATO here and turned it into a full-fledged cocoon after that we moved on it's crazy just to think how belt NATO here perfect that is as a corn you know I know it's not kind of intentional but kind of just knowing where you place in the the the the walkways around like it would have placed on the outer edge for it to go out that way and doing doing so would have like created this cone but it's just it's crazy the shape of it turned it into a full-fledged cocoon after that we moved on to other interests like messing with these trucks here only to realize that if you throw them all in a pit like this they become sentient and try to escape and I thought we might be done and then those crazy developers just kept updating the game so I kept trying little monorail stuff like this beautiful train station that you can even custom name with the sour pot is it the Sour Patch Kids does the candy American candy thing someone usually commenting it yeah so like it rip some of your teeth out before you know and boy did I custom name it that's when I realized we could send them through the Earth and straight to hell and then at the tail end of the last episode we realized one last thing left to do I was worried when I saw this oh and also today's video is sponsored by nordvpn a little bit later in the video Oh and before we head to our first destination check this out the game actually runs better now and this blows my mind my God the performance increases amazing this thing doesn't destroy my computer anymore like I can run up to it I can bask in its Majesty it is a Brave New World so what are we gonna do today play around with nuclear power of course and our first step to nuclear Victory is we need to go mine some uranium and shove it into this thing last episode oh just realized as well because this was way back then and water extractors were not a thing these don't require water yet so this is still before the water punch before um 3.0 it's a nuclear Victory is we need to go mine some uranium and I said 3.0 patch three I don't mean three prono patch three update three dub it into this thing last episode we used our little locator guide here to find uranium which was a little ways away but the bigger hurdle is this stuff will kill you if you get too close to it and that's why we brought this I'm heading to them caves strap it on makes you look super cool now we're ready to go face the elements you know what let's do it with style in our beautiful go find them bloody waterfalls I feel like I took a wrong turn somewhere but I'm gonna have faith if this is the right way well everything's green I feel like that's sort of a good sign I think we're going to the right place yep we definitely are I see little bits of ore here oh hello Cat friends spiders in the game he's got the Arachnophobia mod on and these because I do it just for especially the monkey me to eat because some of them you know hate spiders so I put the cat thing on and the the spiders don't bother me but the cats do because when you turn around and you see two big eyes staring at you it's kind of terrifying especially now that they leap at you you know and it just they just drop yeah it's nuts but for everybody's benefit I turned on the Arachnophobia mode which turns them into these creepy cat heads which I think we can all agree is a little worse than just spiders anyway we'll just take care of them in short order no big deal oh you want some too do you let's get this nightmare over with okay where what see that's the thing with today's update that spider that was on there would have left in the air and landed on him because they've got horrible sounds as well horrible sounds putting down our beautiful mining drill that's what never has anything in a cave looked so Majestic so right now this thing doesn't have any power which honestly is for the better because if this thing is pulling out uranium while we have it set up we're just gonna be taking on lots of radiation oh did I mention to find this I had to go through a waterfall it's true I wandered around for like an hour before I figured out it's back here okay finally ran the conveyor belt all the way home we're gonna stage our uranium over here you may recognize this little place over here in a previous the car this is where I had all of my trucks you know the ones that turned into Ascension species and then I had to put them down otherwise the game would never run again so we're gonna stage everything here because we can't just send the uranium over raw we gotta make two things first there's notes is these built-in foundations is this the change is he becoming a better man just uranium cells an electromagnetic control rods uranium cells are the uranium itself as well as concrete and the electromagnetic rods are Staters oh my God look at the AI limited side of them and AI limiters they've got a totally different skin no see enough let's make a couple assemblers we'll just Place one here and I also just kind of over there we're also going to send our uranium into this guy over here you build it on Foundation now okay here we go so now that we've connected the power all we have to do is wait then power poles was so bad for performance hence the reason they've changed them they were so bad like if the if you put so many down in a certain area it would just it will just explode your PC for the drill to do its thing and bring the uranium to us while we wait let me tell you about the sponsor for this video and that would be nordvp would VP a chance to talk about this very much in my videos but I actually take online privacy extremely seriously and as part of my arsenal of things I do to stay safe online always used a VPN VPN stands for virtual private Network think of it as like a hazmat suit for your data and in this case that hazmat suit allows you to stay anonymous online encrypts your data and keeps your location Prime also has at the time of this video over 5 000 servers located across 59 countries and they're adding more servers all the time they also have Android and iOS apps so you can use it on your mobile devices as well so if you want to join me in protecting yourselves online head on over to game it out or use the link in the description does that still work does the link still work does the link still work it does so if you want to go and support him go over here and get four months free you can get 70 off a three-year plan and if you use game it out at checkout not only does it help them know I sent you there you'll also get an additional month free so again that's four months free it's more game it out and don't forget to use Game it out at checkout to get that extra free month more VPN thanks again for sponsoring me and there it is for the record it took about four minutes and it still hurts to get near right oh boy does it ever it's kind of Shame it's so pretty to look at it's like a bunch of slimers just on a conveyor it is like uranium where's nuclear waste all that kind of stuff looks really nice when everything's moving because it you can do it just like illuminescence and you can just see all the yellow lines moving and when everything's nice and neat it looks well so this guy over here is going to be for our uranium cells the uranium we obviously have and right in front of us at the center of our base is some concrete okay and there's the concrete as I slowly dyed radiation poisoning now this thing's doing the magic of making uranium cells and for our control rods gotta grab them Staters and AI limiters all right AI limiters for days the AI limiters look like power shards I wonder if they use the same skin I've never thought about that before you know because the power shards are kind of like new enough the same just orange and they have the little crystal inside of them these are the Staters very similarly I have pretty much all of these materials being built somewhere in my base and I just need to find them and Route them over here now that those two things are underway we have to turn to our old friend the manufacturer which we're going to build down here the pizza oven to no reason and in this thing we're gonna build nuclear fuel rods which is what can finally go inside the nuclear reactors my favorite part about this very radioactive that's what I like to hear first we'll send these uranium cells down there okay that's one down and two down so that connects our two nuclear things to finish off the trifecta we just need to get ourselves some of these increased industrial beams which I just happen to know where there's a lot of them it's like all the stuff I built previously was all building up to this also known as thank God my production is so imbalanced I just have extra random crap everywhere see if we can't work quickly here I seem to be taking on a not insignificant amount of radiation poisoning and there we go and since I've already got my medical inhaler out this calls for a celebration Puff ah now that I'm taking on 10 Generations worth of radiation sickness I'm just gonna stare off into space for a bit and let my Empire just grow okay I think we're in pretty good shape now so many beautiful fuel rods now comes the fun part where I route fuel rods all over the map and wonder if I'm gonna melt my face off almost there ah finally after all that the fuel rods are in the thingamajig machine looks to be working and boy is it a thing of beauty now the only thing left to do is hook it up to power that world might be more exciting ooh but that smoke is my God look at that jower I thought and boy is it a thing of beauty now the only thing we'll have to do is hook it up okay I thought I saw something I thought it was way more exciting ooh but that smoke is my God look at that jump our capacity for power was 4 400 and then we brought the power plant online and now it's 6 900. that is quite the leap so here's the other thing that happens with one thing I'm worried about here is with how many nuclear plants he's gonna put down because if he puts down like let's say a 100 you know that that one update three comes out it's gonna be a big job because it needs to he's gonna have to put pipes with him and water extractors and it's that's just going to be a big job itself he'll have no power when he'll already save up so he'll have to fix it he'll have to fix it nuclear power we get delicious beautiful waste extremely radioactive and what are we gonna do with that nuclear waste well build a bunch of conveyor belts that zigzags it through this waterfall of course and I'm using the slow conveyor belts because I want all that radiation goodness to get all in the water supply and then once its slow journey is complete all that tasty waste goes into this bin that's Gonna Fill Up Creations to worry about okay first nuclear power plant done and while I'm satisfied we could get that first one off the ground I feel like there's so much more we could be doing this gives me an idea I can't help but think being able to look at the Cocoon again is a blessing in disguise so for the first time in a long time we're going back in oh no please don't put the nuclear waste in there that's been so long since I was able to climb in this thing here we are in the belly of the Beast he's of course being our three oil refineries I'm tempted to go back and change all of these Mark 1 conveyor belts to Mark V but even I heard imagining how long that would take we're now here at the halfway point you can tell because the iron Rod stop and the oil begins so I don't actually think there's an opening I think I have to make one to get out no wait found my opening I'll just fly my way up there hopefully I don't run out of fuel for the butthole long way down ah and here we are at the very top I know I've said it a couple of times but I cannot stress how bizarre it is to be able to look at this thing and the frame rate maintains look at the dumpster that is my factory setup foreign I honestly don't know what to say to that you know when it's down there you can kind of see a little bits by little bits but when you're up here you get you yeah like yeah [Laughter] so I keep forgetting that there's like ways and it would be really useful because we do need to find a way to get up there fast but no one likes taking stairs so I found a better way to get up there it's called a bunch of Bounce pads all over the place let me show you what I mean starts with this bounce pad right over here so we just jump on this conveyor belt which will launch Us in at the right angle it'll take us over to this bad boy you want to know the crazy thing jump pads back then was very hard to try and kind of maintain you had to trial an error so you had to put one down jump through it find out where you land and then build another pad there now you don't have to do that because they kind of have like a targeting system when you put one down it shows an arrow so doing this back then would have took some time this would have took a lot of time because he would have had to go into one jump pad see where that takes him then put another pad there take see there where that takes that one and then so on and so forth okay and it'll just start bouncing us all the way up to the top and the nice thing is it's all set up so I don't have to do anything and I can just bask and look at our factories really just enjoy the ride oh I'm not even moving anything it's just bouncing me for me so I can just look around at the nice surroundings really take in all the beautiful scenery are you serious rip or I can just hold on for dear life and hope the whole thing works honestly it works about 10 of the time it's the best but it gets you close to the top of the Cocoon so Beggars can't be choosers oh here we are coming in for a landing bounce off this backboard here comes the final bounce I can't think of a better way to get to the top of this spider Oh I thought it was going straight into the hole I mean if you look out there you can already see our nuclear power plant dumping nuclear waste down below so here's what we're gonna do like sacrilege but we're gonna cut the head off of the Beast and I know it seems scary but I promise you there's a reason for everything because of the red tint looked kind of like a warhead well now we're really putting that nuclear touch on the top of it yeah okay that's looking better got that kind of gaudy Vegas quality to it also why is my nuclear reactor already showing signs of wear and tear I haven't even hooked it up yet and of course we want it to look classy right like look at all the crap already floating around this thing that Majestic Crown up there deserves the finest curb appeals to Loop this stuff through everything is nicely irradiated okay yeah this will do B plus at best so we're gonna take these fuel rods and we're gonna feed them in through the bottom of the Cocoon that way the entire thing can maintain its visual Splendor okay there we go everything is properly irradiated I remember when we could just look down this and to see the outer shell and now inside it's just a massive crazy like have you ever played kaplunk airplane that's what this is trying to look like I'm just like I'm just gonna pull out the pins and everything's gonna fall down that's what it's starting to look like but now he's introduced the the rods in here and it's gonna be highly dangerous so I hope he's got his hazmat suit on now all we need to do is connect it to the power grid thankfully because of the bounce pads floating in the air over here there's already a bunch of power lines just ready for me to connect to God look at that burst in power right there now we gotta deal with my favorite thing nuclear waste the waste is all gonna come out of right here and as is my custom we're only going to use the finest slowest belts we can now all we need to do is just run this belt full of byproduct goodness all the way down to the edge of these barrels and just to make it a tad oh no I'm gonna send the nuclear waste down in one of these Splitters using the power of conveyor lifts technology thank God these things can just keep going lower and lower and lower look at that you can just have it hand delivered right to the ground you know what I think I'm gonna do with all this nuclear stuff he's gonna have so many problems with this later on I don't think you realize the amount of problems he's going gonna have I don't even know if he thinks he knows how many problems he's gonna have I'm just gonna add a merger to where these iron rods are coming out and I'm just gonna mix these in with the iron rods oh yeah I'm sure this won't be a problem at all well there it goes join your friends you know though with two power plants I still feel like we're not producing enough nuclear waste oh ah much better there's like 50 power plants back there but this actually poses a new problem while our power capacity is amazing our consumption is uh conservative at best and in order for these things to start chewing through those fuel rods we actually have to get our power consumption up otherwise they're just gonna sit here idly which is great if you're trying to build an efficient okay the amount is not what's bothering me the amount of power he's producing not bothering me that would only just power part of one of my bases what I'm worried about now is this nuclear waste because for those that don't know nuclear waste cannot be deleted it can't be recycled and it can't be uh it can't be sunk in the resourcing and the resourcing was not introduced yet anyway so it's just going to sit there and it wouldn't surprise me if he's open to save one day and gone oh like he has to avoid all of this and the amount of like filters he has to use to stop bloody dying and how many how many times he has to heal fishing factory it's not so great if you want your main export to be nuclear waste and God do we want more of these barrels and to do that we're gonna turn to our old friend train technology and the reason for that is because trains generate electricity and I can set them to go forever so test one one station here and another station here let's put a train down and do a quick test as you can see firing this thing up it goes around and around and around generating not nearly as much as I would wait a minute is he Gonna Fill A train with nuclear worse and just let it go around the map is that what he's about to do right now so then the nuclear waste will move into different zones of the map I would like but hey it's generating something something else interesting we can do is we can connect trains together and while each train rain in and of itself doesn't take up more power to function like this they all have to fire up their engines to move that's a nice little power push for not doing a whole lot and they'll know this power output matters if I see barrels piling up here I know it's working now I'm interested to see if we can generate some power faster test number two in which case we see if adding some rails that go up increases how much power it takes and then also I gave it a little more distance mostly because I don't know how to use training conductor and see how it goes so as always when you first start it out it does take a lot of power downhill does a little bit less for the power once the train gets moving it takes up less because it's already got that speed going so here's my current yeah fun facts with the uh the locomotives for every one local maltes you need Freight four Freight cars to keep optimal speeds and because he's running well maybe did he put 15 on there oh boy it means he could put 63 cars on there without losing without losing power but doing that I think the limit of freight cars to um train cars there's actually a limit the game will actually crash at least back then there was now it's all right like you I think you can only put that on like a maybe a train of 68 to maybe 69. uh locomotives down with Freight cars and it will cross the game running Theory maximum trains combined with maximum train stations means tons of stopping and starting meaning tons of power generated you know I have an idea how we can test this but I gotta build something real fast so hang on it'll just take a second now what okay here's test number whatever this is I sure hope it goes okay it's essentially one gigantic Loop that goes through all of these tracks it's not particularly pretty or elegant hey the whole point is just to generate electricity okay now we've added the trains in case you're curious this is 188 trains um Maybe my number was was was was was slightly off [Laughter] oh my God maybe it's because he doesn't have the locker the uh the freight on there maybe that's what it is 188 locomotives he's like a he's like he's playing snake we've all played it right on the Nokia 3310 sitting there for hours the undestructible phone um way back in the day connected together taking up the entire track start to finish and it's all automated so the trains will just Loop Through This Disaster forever there are 23 total stations they go through aptly named pulp before looping back around you know what pains me most about this it's not that it's actually semi-orderly although that also pains me it's how freaking slow everything's going I didn't realize that would be the thing that drives me nuts but enough talk how's it doing for our power the game finally got to him something that he can't control well he can't even just remove some locomotives is what's breaking the man flipping locomotives at an idol State about 6 000 not too bad when the trains start up again it hits a nice healthy 12 000. that's still a far cry from maxing out our potential with a hundred thousand but before I go nuts and start laying out more track let's at least see if we're exporting any of the good stuff now and by that of course I mean nuclear waste yeah yeah this will do this will do nicely that's a lot of barrels quite well so normally the goal would be to try to figure out where to put this stuff so it doesn't do any harm but why would you want to hide something so Majestic now me I look at my base and because it's death do you mean it's death Josh good dummy man can someone let me know in the comments um if Josh ever had the regrets of that maybe in one of his live streams or something where he actually questioned the amount of nuclear waste he did because I don't think you realize for those that don't play satisfactory is insane it's lethal I see something that's missing and I think this has a chance to be a real showpiece once again I'll be back in a hot minute well that's looking just swell oh my flipping spoons okay now tell me if he had regrets doing this he had to have questioned himself at some point going oh I wish I didn't do this because now I can't do this oh my God good to see how illuminescent they are you can see every line like if someone was to say where's the aluminum in this where's the ingots in this where's the rods you'll have to stay for a good five seconds before you see it no where's the nuclear worst oh it's right there oh and over there I'm down here oh yeah it feels good this is looking great so one might look at this and get the impression that I covered the entirety of my base in nuclear waste and you'd be right up to and definitely including Jesus now the waffle has got syrup on it The Weave which if I do say so myself has never looked better it's kind of like this is a waste disposal site except above ground and advertising its presence oh my God the radiation is so bad if I die and I have to respawn in I just die instantly I've made the base so hostile I can't even be here anymore do you remember what I was saying how lethal it is if you're not careful with it more and also the spaghetti of my base is just completely out of control now but damn that nuclear waste looks so vibrant in the moonlight so I feel like this is how this base was gonna end up nuclear waste everywhere power plants as far as the eyes can see our conveyor NATO that turned into a conveyor cocoon now has a warhead aiming up to the heavens and thank God I can use these bounce pads to just bask in it all while I fly off oh and thank my lucky stars the frame rate's gotten kind of bad again I'd like to thank nordvpn again for sponsoring this video and don't forget if you head on over to game it out you can get 70 off their three-year plans and don't forget to put in game it out at checkout as well to get another month free and if you haven't already and you've done this watched this video now and you've knocked the nordvp and go over and support Josh with no vipin I'm gonna do it straight after this so go over the show him some support and give him that bag so I think that's gonna do it for this episode hope you had fun I know I did I'm gonna go check and see if I'm growing a third arm from all this radiation and I'll see you next time you're definitely gonna grow a third arm ah yeah I had to pull a lot in the oh my God borrow his thought was absolutely crazy he's gonna have so many problems with that he's gonna have so many problems with that and only you guys that play Satisfaction have got to nuclear stage know how much of a pain it's gonna be and all that kind of stuff so guys hopefully you enjoyed this video I know for a fight You're Gonna Let Me Know You're Gonna Wanna you're gonna wanna see more yeah guys have a fantastic day keep smiling Go and show Josh some loves go and check his out his links in the description and uh just keep smiling man and I'll see you in another video
Channel: Bitz
Views: 407,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory Update 6, Satisfactory, Satisfactory New Update, Satisfactory Game, Satisfactory gameplay, Satisfactory how to, Satisfactory guides, Satisfactory Update 5, Satisfactory update 4, Satisfactory update 3, satisfactory pipes, satisfactory train, satisfactory update, satisfactory tips, sat3, satisfactory update 3.5, Bitz, Satisfactory New Game, Satisfactory Guide, Satisfactory Lets Play, Satisfactory Update 4, Reaction, Satisfactory Reaction, Tips and Tricks, ItsBitz
Id: f_Uy3Zc3rnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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