Prepping for a Field Trip | That Teacher Life Ep 59

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welcome back to my channel so tomorrow my students and I are going on a field trip and we did have a smaller field trip in the fall but this spring is like our big field trip so we are going to going to port discovery which is in Baltimore for us it's about a two-hour and ten minute drive roughly so it's a pretty extensive field trip especially for second graders so they are 7 8 years old and they have to be on a school bus because we could not get charter buses for about 2 hours and 10 minutes which is a very long time for a second grader so since this is a more expensive field trip for us I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show you guys how I prepare for a field trip and then what I tack in my bag in this video you are going to see a lot of forms and papers and I've created to help me stay organized for a field trip so if you are interested in these I put them in my TPT store under my field trip necessities pack the link for that will be down in the description for you now I wanted that have to be as versatile as possible so what I've done is included the pages that I personally use that you can just print out write your information in and use but I also have included an editable version as well if you would prefer to type it on the computer and then print it out now all the pages I'm going to show you in this video are included in that field trip necessities pack both it's the printable and editable version plus there are tons of other pages I'm not even showing you all in the video so if you are interested make sure you check that link in the description so you can get more information if you watched my what's in my travel bagg video you will recognize this book bag I do use the same book bag for traveling as well as field trips because it has a lot of pockets and it's super easy to keep everything organized so I'm just going to go through the bag and show you everything that I am bringing and I'll talk a little bit about why I picked each item I personally really like to take a book bag rather than a shoulder bag or a drawstring bag because I do like to take a lot of things especially for a field trip like this where you're traveling pretty far from the school I like to be prepared I like to have things just in case so I need a lot of room plus I will put my lunch in there some of my students lunches in there so I need as much room as possible and again this under of our book bag is fantastic because there are tons of pockets so I'm going to start with this back pocket because this is where I keep my clipboard and for a field trip this is my savior so the first big you will see on my clipboard is my field trip checklist page now this checklist includes things to do before the trip things to do during the trip and things to bring on the trip so some of the things that I like to do before the trip obviously I sent own permission slips I select and confirm my chaperones I sent home reminder slips I divided my class into their chaperone groups I found a place for any students who are not going to attend a field trip to go like another team teachers classroom I also will prepare work for those students if they're not going to stay home that day if they are coming to school I want to make sure I have meaningful work for them to do and I also prepare the information sheets maps and any other materials that I need for my chaperones now during the actual trip its kind of more simple but I basically am going to give the chaperones their necessary information and materials I make sure my students use the bathroom before they get onto the bus I take attendance on the way there I make sure they use the bathroom before getting on the bus to come back and I'm going to take attendance on the way back as well and then I have my checklist of things to bring down at the bottom now I'm going to go through and show you the things that I am personally going to bring on this field trip but I tried to make the checklist pretty broad so it would work for any field trip but there also are a couple of blank lines so you could just hand write in anything special that you need for a specific trip plus there's editable version as well so you could type up your own checklist so the next page that I have on my clipboard is my attendance checklist it is pretty simple I just have the students names down the side and then I have a spot for the way there and on the way back just so I can quickly check out their names again this is editable so you can either print it off and handwrite the student names in or you can type them on the computer and then print them out and I do have spaces available all the way up to 30 students so the next page that I have on my clipboard is my emergency contact information for my students obviously that's what it's like because I'm not going to show you my real students emergency contact information but I cannot stress enough how important this is do not ever go into a field trip without having emergency contact information for your students guys you have no idea what could happen on a field trip and you need to be a get in contact with their parents or a family relative someone to be able to let them know what has happened so my sheet is pretty basic I have the student names down the one side and then I have a spot for one emergency contact and their phone number and then a second emergency contact and their phone number and just like the attendance checklist this one does have spots for up to 30 students plus you can either print it out and handwrite the information in or you can use an editable version to type it and then print the next page that I have on my clipboard is my chaperone group list now this is basically like my master list of which students are with which chaperone and I like to have it all on one page just so it's really easy for me to look at if I need to find a specific student and again this is editable so you can type it or you can handwrite it in and I do have different numbers of groups available the next page on my clipboard is my chaperone information sheet so this is the page that I would print out for each chaperone and give it to them to Keith that way they have all the information in one place so on this sheet I have the list of all the students that are in their group I have contact information and for this field trip I'm just giving them my cell phone number and then our school's number just in case they should already have that but just in case they don't I don't usually give out my cell phone number to parents however if they are chaperoning for a field trip like this I do think it's important for them to have it just in case something happens and they need to get ahold of me then I also have a spot for this schedule so if you had a detailed schedule for a field trip you could type it in there now this field trip is actually pretty flexible it's basically like go do whatever you want and just meet back at the bus by 1:15 so I just put on there that they can eat lunch at any time but I recommend doing it sooner rather than later and then I put on there the time they need to meet us at the bus then I have another box just for general important information that they need to know so I put on there to make sure they do with the students at all times even though that should be common sense but common sense is not very common I also put a note on there for them to keep a close eye on them in the jungle gym because the jungle gym is like three floors high and I've had students get lost in there before and their Shepherds had no idea where they were so I thought that was important to include now the next page is not part of my pack because this is just a map someplace that we are going for our field trip but I definitely recommend if you Penn getting that printed out and give it to each of the parents just in case it's better for them to have it and not need it than need it and not have it so that is everything that I personally am taking on my clipboard tomorrow like I said that is not everything included in the pack there's permission slips there's reminder notes there's just general letters that you can use to send home to parents there's tons of other things included so if you are interested in this and you liked what you saw in this video make sure you click the link in the description so you can get more information so now I'm just going to go through the rest of the pockets in the book bag and show you all what I'm bringing first thing you'll notice is I haven't Gatorade because the first field trip I went on my first year of teaching I did not bring anything for me to drink and I remember getting on the bus to come home and I was so thirsty and so dehydrated it wasn't funny so I had a Gatorade and then on the other side I also have just a plain bottle of water now it probably would not be smart for me to drink both of them because we are taking school buses not charter buses so we do not have a bathroom and yeah I just I'm not to insert those of them uh-huh next pocket so inside this bigger pocket there is this little small zipper black pocket and this is where I keep pens and pencils and a curved scissors I don't know why but I always feel like I end up needing a pair of scissors so I've learned to bring those with me for a field trip just in case I have one mechanical pencil rather than a regular pencil because if it breaks then you're kind of screwed but by bringing a lead pencil you are better off I also have just a pen and I have a sharpie I used to bring like an entire pencil bag and I realized it's just really not necessary so I bring a pen a pencil and a sharpie a pair of scissors and that's it then inside of this bigger pocket I have Ziploc baggies that are filled with thing to give to each shopper and so I have four chaperones sometimes four baggies I know you guys are probably thinking that this is like way over the top however it is my belief that if you fail to prepare you can prepare to bail so I like to have extra things and I like to have everything squared away just in case so I'm going to show you what I have in each bag for the chaperones now I'd like treatise bag I'm just going to make a statement this is not a necessity please do not feel like a bad teacher if you do not do this for your field trips you definitely do not have to from my perspective you guys know I love to go above and beyond on things I'm an overachiever it's part of who I am sorry not sorry also especially for new teachers I feel like when the parents see that you are this prepared it just helps them to trust you better so for me this is something that I feel works well for me it's just what I do you don't have to see the same thing it's totally okay now the first thing I do included here is a small treat for the shepherds because we all know field trips are very exhausting not only for teachers but for the shepherds too and I just want them to feel appreciated for helping out so I went with a kit kat bar and then I just take this cute little note on the front this is part of my field trip necessities pack and I kept it pretty general that way you could use it with anything if you don't want to give them candy if you want to give them something else you totally can plus some black and white so if you want it in color you can just print it on colored cardstock and that way it can be any color that you want but the note says field trips are hectic but field trips are fun without volunteers like you they could have beat done thank you so much for shepherding and then since I did a KitKat bar I wrote at the bottom just in case you need a break miss for the next thing that I have in here is a small pack of tissues my kids are very germy so these are a must I also included this because my students are very accident-prone so I just put three band-aids in here and if for whatever reason they need more than that I do have extras as well I also included hand sanitizer because I teach second grade if you don't understand why I need hand sanitizer content in my classroom watch my kids pick their nose and eat it and you will understand and the last thing that I have instead are gummy so I like to include a snack for my student and I'm about to go on a little story rant here but I like to include just a small snack for my students just in case so I have a pack of gummies for each event here is why I do Hut last year we went on this exact same field trip to port discovery so it's a long bus drive however it was an even longer bus ride last year than anticipated all the way home the bus driver got lost drove us towards Washington DC instead of the opposite way home then we got stuck in traffic then one of the buses broke down and we had to move all the kids onto our bus and it was a hot mess we were supposed to get home at 4 p.m. we left port discovery at like 1:15 we got home that night close to like 8:00 p.m. because of all of that and it was miserable the students were starving thankfully we just stopped on the way home and get pizza our principal arranged for it he paid for it and we just went picked it up but still it was a hothead so I'm super super thankful that last year I brought gummies and I was able to occupy my students until we got to the pizza also in this big pocket I have a small bag that has some of my stuff that I like to have on a field trip so this bag came from Target it was in the dollar spot section I believe it was three dollars so on the inside here I have a very large thing of hand sanitizer seriously you guys my students pick their nose like every five seconds it's disgusting I also have a bigger thing of band-aids so I think there's like ten in here eight there's eight in here goodness knows if I go through three times for 12 plus eight I'm going through 20 band-aids like there's something wrong with us I also have in here a thing as well because being on a bus with like 40 second graders is not fun and this is necessary I also have a thing of wet wipes just because again my kids are Germany and I like to be able to sanitize anything and everything so I have wet wipes as they are more than enough in there for one for each of my students now that is all this in that big main pocket there is still room left however in the morning once I pack my lunch my lunch is going in there my purse is going in there and I also like to try to pack the lunches of the students in my chaperone group in my book bag that way they don't have to worry about it and I know that they're not going to lose it and it just keeps it all in one place in the next pocket I have extra companies because I'm probably gonna 80s on the bus ride home and then I also have this little charter holder you guys are probably sick of seeing this I showed it in my what's in your teacher that video and also showed it in my what's in your travel bag video this thing goes with me pretty much to where this specific one came from home goods and I got it a couple months ago so I don't know if you can still find it there but I'm sure you can probably find something similar it's not there on Amazon I'm sure you can find it but this holds an extra iPhone charger and then this black port here goes with this little power bank that I have so this is just like one of those charging sticks or charging little square things that you could buy for your phone I highly recommend having one of these because I already told you about my story last year where the bus was super late getting home because of that my phone actually ends up dying which is not good and had there been an emergency thankfully my one of my team teachers was on the bus so it would have been fine but I don't want my son to die so I always make sure now that I carry one of these with me and it stays in there at all times and on headphones just because I'm staying there I'm not going to use them because obviously I need to be alert on the bus but they are in there then there is a another pocket it sounded that pocket and that houses plastic baggage you guys saw this in mind what's in your travel bag video I just think it's useful to carry Class B bats with you so I have a couple of sandwich bags and these are is a two difference money for the gift shop and they don't want to hold on to it because they will probably lose it which is most of my students they can give me their money I will put it in the plastic bag and label it with their name that way I don't get confused if multiple students are bringing me money now I did put that in the letter I sent home about the field trip earlier this week as a reminder I did tell parents that if they want me to hold on to their child's money please put it in a labelled envelope or labeled bag however I know there also be students who walk up and hand me like a five dollar bill so I like that plastic bag just in case and then this is like a grocery bag this is in case the student feels sick on the bus it happens guys and then the very front pocket again I keep this empty that's usually where I put my phone that way I have easy access to it now that is all that I personally am bringing however on my field trip checklist form you guys will find that I have more extensive lists of things to bring things like money for admission if you need to bring that personally I'm not in charge of that so I don't have to bring it medication for students that is super important now some of you may have a nurse that actually goes on field trip we have a book bag that we bring that has all the medication for our students in it but my team teacher already has that so I don't have to worry about it things like rain gear so a rain jacket or rain boots or an umbrella anything like that that you may need if it rains or if it's super sunny things like a hat and sunscreen you would want to bring those as well now we are going to be indoors so diner hose is really a factor but it's definitely something to think about I really hope that this video helped you guys to understand how I plan for the field trip and then also how I pack for it if you guys check out my blog yesterday you guys already know how the field trip plan I have no idea because I have a gold on it yet so hopefully it went smoothly if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up as always that helps us to be able to reach more teachers share it out if you have any other teacher friends who you think would be interested make sure you subscribe to me before heading out so you don't miss any of my future videos thank you so much for watching I seriously love you all so so much and I will catch you guys in my next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to me so you don't miss any future videos you can easily read up here in the description box you will find links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store in my Amazon store and I will catch you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 561,814
Rating: 4.8899388 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 2nd grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, vlogger, a day in the life of a teacher, field trip, prepping for a field trip, teacher vlogger, teacher vlog, tips for field trips, field trip tips
Id: Ilf30g5BgDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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