SURPRISE! BIG NEWS! Life Update 2021

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hello there and welcome back to my channel if you are new here first of all you're probably confused but my name is michelle emerson and i have been a fourth grade teacher in maryland what but i have some very exciting news to share with you all i have been holding this in for a while now and i had to wait until the perfect time to tell you all that's gonna be this video i'm just gonna let it all out share the news with you and i hope that you all are as excited as i am [Music] first of all can i just apologize because i know that i have been so absent on social media obviously i've still been putting out youtube videos but on instagram i've been doing nothing on there and i felt really bad but the problem is there have been so many things going on that i've wanted to share but i had to wait and because so much of that was surrounding my entire life i felt like i had nothing else to share plus i've just been exhausted if we're being completely honest things have been insane so if you read the thumbnail yes i have resigned from my teaching job i officially put in paperwork at the end of april i think it was hold on hold on i had the date april 21st is when i officially submitted my paperwork to my district saying that i was resigning but obviously that's effective at the end of the school year so i'm actually recording this like at the end of may and i'm still currently teaching we go until june 18th keep me in your thoughts but i am finishing out this school year and then i will no longer be teaching in my county and that brings me to my next thing that i have to share so the reason i resigned from teaching is because we bought a house that was so exciting and we're moving we are moving i know a lot of you have been you know you've been kind of picking up like i think you some of you knew but yes billy and i have bought a house and we are moving this is obviously our first house and we are just so excited we have been renting together for seven years it's been a long time so this has been something we have really wanted for a while but we just knew that like we weren't quite there yet like financially we needed some time and i just feel like now it's all coming together and i'm so excited so we officially went under contract on april 29th and we are closing on june 1st which this video is actually going up after the fact i'm gonna try to put some little vlog clips throughout this video so you all can see the process but it's going to be a crazy month june that is because we close june 1st and then i'm teaching through the 18th the 21st is the last day for teachers that's a monday that is the day that we have a pod being delivered and we are going to pack everything up and then we are officially going to start like making the move on the 23rd of june which brings me to my next point where are we moving drum roll please we're moving to austin texas [Music] so we could not be more excited for this we had traveled to austin a few times and we just fell in love with the city it's kind of funny because the first time that we went we both were there and when we got back we were like yeah like i would totally live there would you live there yeah and we both thought the other person was joking but then as time went on we're like wait were you serious because i was kind of serious like i would totally live there can we move there and that just kind of opened up this whole conversation of yeah you know what let's do it now we are going to be driving it is a 24-hour drive from where we are in maryland to austin texas and we decided we're gonna split it up between like three eight-hour days obviously we're gonna have the kitties with us and we don't want to be in the car too long on any given day it works out really well billy's dad lives in chattanooga and it's about eight hours from where we are so we're gonna drive to him stay the night we're gonna drive another eight hours i think we'll be somewhere in like mississippi we'll stay the night there and then we'll make the last trek to austin so we think we're gonna be in our house on like the night of the 26th of june but then the pod will not get there until july 2nd so we'll have some time where we only have the stuff that we're bringing in our cars with us but that's okay there's a lot of little things we're wanting to do around the house and it'll give us time to kind of get some of those things going but i do have a funny story to kind of go along with that there is a lady that follows me her name is christy shout out to christy she's the best she emails me all the time and she lives in hawaii she apparently was going back and re-watching all of my old vlogs the last vlog when we were moving into this townhouse there is a moment where i literally say if i still have a youtube channel come like two or three years from now and i talk about wanting to move again just remind me that it's a horrible idea and i don't want to do it and here we are i am moving again however when we moved the first time from the apartment to this townhouse it was a lot of like last minute packing billy had an interview so he had to come up here so he wasn't even there like the night before so i was like frantically just throwing stuff in boxes it was super stressful but this go around we have really been proactive and we have been packing stuff up for the past month i want to say like the beginning of may we started packing so we have a solid like two months of packing time prior to the actual move and it's coming along really well if you all want to see a packing vlog please let me know i don't know if that's something you're interested in but if it is you know leave a comment let me know hello vlogging michelle and billy hopping in with a little update we are currently in austin however we are not closing on june 1st we don't really know when we're closing at this point we are clear to close our seller is not so we're kind of just you know in a holding badge holding pattern right now but we might possibly close on the fourth i'm not really optimistic right now if that's the case we're gonna stay in austin if not we're gonna fly home and have to fly back here but by the time you all see this video you already know that i'm moving to austin i was hoping to be able to post the house but because we have not closed yet that will probably not happen so you're gonna have to just wait and see but i will be sure to keep you updated now i decided my next video is going to be just a q a about moving because i know i'm going to get a lot of questions and i thought it would be easier just to answer them all in one video so go ahead and leave a comment down below any questions that you have related to like the moving process why we chose austin like all of that kind of stuff and i will answer it in the next video but i did just want to say please do not send anything to my po box because that po box is no longer active i am going to get a new one once we are settled in austin but right now i do not have a po box and i felt really bad because i couldn't tell you all like oh my p.o box is shut down because then people would start to wonder like well why are you moving and i just didn't want to put it out there yet like i wanted to wait and be able to tell you all when i felt ready that brings me to a lot of other things that have been going on that i just haven't been able to tell you which has been so hard some of you may remember that billy and i were in austin back in february when that horrible ice storm happened and it's you know funny because i had a lot of people who are like why are you going on a vacation in the middle of a pandemic and all of that at the time like i couldn't tell you all well it's because we're moving here because we're looking at areas and all of that we actually have flown to austin a few times in the past few months we flew down that first time just to really scope out the areas and know where we wanted to be we blow it again to meet with a real estate agent and scope out some more like precise locations and we've allowed another time to like look at places like it's just been crazy but i haven't been able to tell you all because obviously if i had started saying we are going to austin every few weeks you would have you would have known something was up and then since then my life has just been surrounded by moving and packing up my home packing up my classroom like all of those things that go into buying a house like mortgage loans all of that was like i knew nothing so things have just been crazy which explains why i haven't been on social media but i definitely want to share a lot of this process with you all i love to just document it to have it to look back on i love being able to look back on when we moved from our first apartment to here and now to be able to look at moving into our first house so i do plan on doing like a moving vlog and kind of documenting that process i would like to also do an empty house tour i know y'all never got any kind of tour of the townhouse but i am going to give you one for the new house i actually promise this time here's the thing this town house has like horrible lighting our main level is so dark and so i could never find a good way to be able to do a tour but our new house has lots of great natural light so i promise i will do a house tour now y'all probably thought that that was it wait there's more but i do have one other kind of announcement to make or a thing to share billy and i have decided not to have an actual like wedding celebration as we were originally going to this october there's a lot that went into that decision we got married on our original date 10 10 20 20. it was literally us our parents billy's sister that was it like bridgette my matron of honor and then trent billy's what's that called no best man his best man was there and that was it it was very small like we did it during covid so we kept it super small and we had said that around the one-year mark like our one-year anniversary we would do like the full reception and get to have all of our family and friends and do the full like shindig however we have decided not to do that with moving obviously things are crazy we would have to fly back we don't know what the situation is even going to be like in october obviously a lot of things are better now but there may be some people that still don't feel comfortable traveling and we also feel like this sounds awful but it's kind of like well we're already married and we just feel like we've moved on to this next step of our lives and honestly having an actual like wedding celebration no longer feels that important because i'm just excited to have a house and i'm excited for the future together and i don't feel like i have to have this big party in order to celebrate that like i get to celebrate it every day when you all know what i mean like i don't know it just doesn't feel like a necessity anymore plus honestly weddings are so expensive and thinking about putting out thousands and thousands of more dollars toward it just doesn't make sense to us i will say the one thing that i am so happy that i did for our little intimate ceremony of like us getting married i did have a photographer and i had a videographer and i am so thankful that i did because originally i wasn't gonna have a videographer we were just gonna have like yeah we'll get pictures and it's fine because we'll have it next year and so now that we're not having it i'm so happy that i have those pictures and i have the video and honestly i love how they turned out so it's all good the only thing that i have like minor regrets about is that i did not wear my dress because i wanted to wait until the full ceremony so billy could see me for the first time then in the actual dress and now he's never going to get to see that dress and it's okay it's not the end of the world honestly the dress that i wore when we got married it was less than a hundred dollars from lulu's i loved it it was very very simple and honestly i'm like that fits me i'm a simple person i really like that dress so it's fine and as billy has said he's like i don't know any different because i don't know what your other dress was like that will always be the dress that i think of as your wedding dress so i'm fine with that i'm going to sell the dress that i had purchased and was going to wear but didn't and that's okay it's just part of the craziness of all of this like none of us saw this past year coming and we've had to learn to be flexible and adapt and you know what focusing on what really matters and it's all okay we are back and this time we have news it is currently june 1st the original closed date which is not happening but we did just get off the phone with our real estate agent and the seller will be ready to close next wednesday june 9th however it's too difficult for us to fly here in the middle of the week so we're pushing it to friday june 11th so next weekend we're gonna fly back down and we will officially be closing so stay tuned more information coming but we have a closed date let's go celebrate with some barbecue but that's it basically for now at least i just needed to like get this out there the reason i waited until now to tell you all is because i wanted to wait for us to like formally close on the house i've been so paranoid that something was gonna like fall through and i just i didn't want to say oh we're moving and then have to come back and be like well actually no this happened so it is official by the time you all are watching this we will have gone to the house and it will be ours we won't actually be formally moved in yet but it will be ours so we are very excited like i mentioned i just feel like this is the culmination of all the hard work that i've put in over the past several years all of the late nights and the you know working several jobs between teaching and youtube and product creation and podcasts and planners and all of that i feel like i'm finally getting to like i don't know i i feel like i'm getting kind of paid back for it like i get to have a house and i get to make it my own and i'm just we're just excited i'm excited to move to austin and just like a fresh start you know what i mean so any questions you have leave them down in the comments and i will answer them in my next video but if you're excited for us which i really hope you are please give the video a thumbs up subscribe so you don't miss any of the updates you know the moving the packing the house tour which is coming i promise and as always thank you for watching i love you all so much don't forget to put your positive pants on and i will catch you in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 288,552
Rating: 4.9289031 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, online teaching, virtual teaching, online learning, virtual learning, michelle ferre, michelle emerson, hybrid teaching, hybrid learning, life update, resigned, teacher resign, teaching job
Id: kFrecF5OFkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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