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[Music] me [Music] welcome back guys you might be wondering why we're taking a wheelbarrow full of tools and stuff down the property while we are heading back to our natural spring on our property and we are going to try to use a water pump and get the gallons up to where we're living at I don't know how easy this is going to be I don't know if the filter is going to work properly and it's going to be decently clean water we really don't know what we're doing this is our first time doing something like this but if it works can you imagine this unlimited water source just coming out from our property I think it would be great I think it'll be a definitely a life improver for sure um I could have asked somebody how to do this I'm sure a lot of you out there are well in pump Geniuses and Engineers but I have to learn it on my own this way I own my mistakes and I learn that way she hates that I have to learn that way because it's the most expensive but my coach always told me one of the smartest things he ever said was myad boy you got to pay to go to college so you know you shouldn't get knowledge for free and I'm going to earn mine today I think it's going to work my only trepidation is getting it up the hill because it is relatively straight up it's a long run and I only got a one H horse pump do I know what a one horse pump even means no it sounded like I did but I don't know the difference between horses and pumps all I know is I got a mediumsized one and it should be good to go this is going to be fun guys as you guys can see it's mud apocalypse 2023 down here we've been getting a lot of rain so ankle deep in mud pretty much everywhere I go so my oneberry is going to Service as a t here I'm going to get this floor framed out so I have a place to set my pump um and set my generator and be able to Plum on a nice flat clean surface so let's get into [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] so I decided to not go down in the hole and have to carry the stuff back and forth in the muck to Plum what I could up here and then just Plum the intake down there once I'm in the water um the reason I did that is obviously because it's going to be a lot simpler on this flat surface to keep things clean and make sure my glue joints are good um this is the pump that I have it has an automatic onoff relay switch here so that's helps the pump not just to keep pushing and pushing pushing I'm going to have my check valve here so that the water can't coming from all the way far away flow back in to the pump and do any damage that way not sure if it would do damage I just don't want it siphoning back somehow something crazy happening so that's going to be that and I'm going to be hopefully knock this thing out pretty quick today cuz I want to take some hot showers tonight [Music] [Music] a [Music] so I don't want to suck Tad poles up into my shower water and my other water to go to the sistern I'm going to use this pre- filter which should keep all the Tad poles out and should keep a lot of the dirt and leaves out as well so it doesn't get into my pump and mess it up and it doesn't get into my water supply okay so for my filter Plumbing we enter the Jerry rigging section obviously you can see I got my metal fittings going to my plastic fittings no big deal probably wouldn't be the way I did it if I was in Florida but this is Puerto Rico you got to be mu tente to survive out here and you got to make do with what you can [Music] oh no we almost kicked in the water well can it be recovered oh no it's not too well made is it it's just [Music] [Music] old [Music] [Music] [Music] so before we get this thing started up you got to take this little nut off and prime it up as you do with a lot of pumps you want to make sure she's full of water so she don't struggle too much and then we should be able to fire her up after that getting ready to start up the generator trying to hustle to get away from this bad weather and we're going to see if this bad boy works [Music] so now that I got the you did it by the way are you proud of yourself well that's pretty straightforward plug and play but I'm I yes I'm satisfied it's I'm very proud uh but now I'm going to run the hoses I'm a little concerned didn't seem like a super hard flow so taking it up probably 880 ft 60 feet and then 200 feet run I'm not sure I might need a bigger pump but we'll see so I'm using long run of Hose here because it was cheaper than pipe and it's something that I'm going to be able to use somewhere else if I need it and this is probably temporary so this is just to help us out let us get cleaned up for the time being and then eventually I may Plumb this straight to the house or straight to a pump house somewhere so I didn't want to run 200 ft of rigid pipe when I can just get by with hose [Music] [Applause] on to hose number two I made about 75 ft 75% up this Mountain Hill here so I'm on to my second hose I'm certain that I'm not going to be able to make it home from here I'm going to at least need one more hose which may even the price on how much it would have cost to Plum this so didn't really save no money [Music] [Music] [Music] we're back the next day we got interrupted by the rain it rains almost every day who would have thought that when wanting to move to a rainforest she blames me for for moving us to a rain forest and says it rains every day here and I say listen be thankful you're supposed to be happy when it rains I said we're we're want to be Farmers now so you know we're going to need that rain to come but I think we need to get into it today because it looks like more rain is coming as I can see so we're going to go see if the pump works Matt's on the negative side he thinks that he probably should have got a bigger pump to get it up the mountain I told him stop being so negative think positively it's going to work so let's turn this pump on we're going to have to turn the generator on and then it's going to power the pump and just blast that water up the mountain well I was concerned because I turned the hose like this and water was only arching out about seven or 8 in so I said how's it going to go 100 ft up the up the wall but I think as long as it's staying inside of a tube it'll probably push it further I don't know yeah where's the water going to go it's got to go up let's go see you can see this is how far my 200 ft of water hose made it I would say I'm probably a good 50 ft still from the house and the cheap boy of me wants me to go buy a 50ft hose and see if I can limp it there but I probably should just get another 100 so I have room to walk my hose around wash it about and you know maybe spray off the sidewalk here so yeah that's how far I made it I was off by about 50 ft [Music] so obviously I have to go down the mountain because it's a really long walk to go the other way to the Manan and the other day I went down to my boots which are slick and I ate it it's been raining so much that it's very very slippery so I did beef it about halfway down and I almost cried but I didn't cry but now I have my rope so that I can go down and get myself some control [Music] all right so we got the generator down here it's been getting a lot of rain so the water's not in incredibly lovely plus I stomped a brick in there so going to have to get back and fix that later but we're ready to rip it we're ready to get the generator cranked and get the water going up the hill hopefully so let's do [Music] it I heard the generator start so I'm hoping the water's coming it's coming I hear it I think I hear it it's coming kind of okay it's having some technical difficulties oh I just got to keep it lower maybe oh no it's working fine now H we got water now we have our spring water it looks very clear I'm not going to drink it like Matt does puts it in his mouth you never know what could be in here next step is to test the water it's working [Music] are you surprised it worked I told you it would work yeah I'm hyped I'm loving that oh shoot you almost got your eye totally poked out it's fine I'm loving that it worked I'm hyped I still haven't seen it from up here yet but I'm sure one day I will a lot easier to get up and down this mountain side with the Rope so I'm hyped on that too good workout also so that's good I'm hyped on that [Music] deal so in my front yard here you can see the old owners had a lot of gravel and I was always like oh man all this gravel I'm going to have to get this out of here what I decided was that I can refurbish it and I can make a walkway and in front of the trailer because when it rained it was getting really muddy there and we were starting to track a lot of mud and leaves inside of the house so we've been saving it washing it cleaning it we can take little by little handfuls like this and save them but I threw a bunch up on the old concrete pad so when it rains hard it washes it off so it's nice and clean and I think it it did add a nice little inviting walkway to our house and we used rocks from the waterfall well yeah we used Ro rocks from around the property to build built the the trimmers basically she was the [Music] architect now that we have our water coming up we're super excited about that we decided it's a perfect time to start into our gardening once again previously we got a little ahead of ourselves we tried to really plow that dirt and we weren't thinking about Predators we think our seeds got eaten by birds or iguanas we didn't get to germination but we did in another spot in our yard get a couple pumpkin plants so we're not useless well I am my garden ate it I had the black thumb but Kristen had the green thumb and got the pumpkins going could have been a mix of we didn't turn the soil as much there to generate like the weeds and stuff like that we just kind of picked weeds there and then planted and then also we kept it safe from animals trying to eat it and sorry the chickens are going crazy over there we kept the safe from animals and I did water it a couple times there as well so overall better production at the top one but we're going at it again and this time we're going at it beginner style we were thinking about making a greenhouse so we got a miniature Greenhouse here to see how the greenhouse works for starting vegetables and starting plants and then we're going to go from there maybe we have to build a huge one one day right so this is our mini Greenhouse it has a lid a mini like hexagon planners in here and it's got a little tray for carrying and maybe Moisture Control not exactly sure how Greenhouse works but this has the three parts that are going to help us give us some success in growing our plants this time and the first step before we can plant our seeds is to moisten our seed [Music] [Music] soil you got dirt on your face oh man for real how'd that happen Okay so we got the seeds ready and now we're going to plant them [Music] [Music] so now that I have this done we've done a good job of planting these seeds as a loving couple we put love into this so it should work this time um but now it says that I put it out of direct sunlight in a warm place so I think in the garage with the kittens is going to be the best place for it that was a joke right no I'm going to tape I'm going to put some tape around it okay you still got to water it and we do have to water it yeah so I don't know maybe I'll find a different place for it all right so after that I don't think having the plants in here around the kittens is going to be a good idea but with a little bit of rope I think we can tie the lid on and put it closer to the chickens and the chickens won't figure out how to get the lid off to Peck Our Little Sprouts but here's a quick update fat boy is doing good he's they've been getting their shots and they're going to get ready to be neutered someday and they even got their rabies shot so no rabies for these sweet babies and this little one still doing good she's a bobcat she ain't quite as sweet as her brother but she's still awfully cute of course we got crazy boy he's hateful terrible mean he ain't no fun he's more like scar being H but in the car to go to the doctor he wants to get [Music] held all right speaking of updates I know a lot of you guys want to know where when are we going to start building our house where's the house building coming in well we're going to get to that the step before that is we really wanted to get our driveway situated so when we get things delivered and we can drive the truck down we have somewhere for big trucks to drive on right well yeah I mean maybe not even the biggest trucks but when we go to build the house we're going to build a little bit further into the property so we will need a road because this Clay is super slick I don't think I can get up and down it with my truck if it's raining we could just drop some gravel and probably that would help but we're going to need a good driveway in order to access our work site and our job site the build site so once we get that situated obviously we're working on it with a company I think we're right we're working on it well I'm asking a friend of mine here who's a GC he's uh he builds pretty good stuff here so I'm basically asking him to be my mentor here and he said he can help me so um and then you know they can organize the trucks to come out and stuff like that but we might just try to do it all on our own you guys let me know in the comments if you think I can pour a 300t driveway with concrete you know there's a mixer at Home Depot that has they have a 5 cubic foot mixer so I'm thinking maybe I could just add a bunch of bags in steal it out do it all myself but let me know if you guys would be interested in watching what would end up probably being 10 to 20 driveway episodes let me know uh it's something that I think would be easier the more people I bring in but then also I lose the experience of doing it myself and building it myself and one day I might want to be a concrete contractor and I could use this time to learn anyways we're working on that things take time here in Puerto Rico you got to work you basically have to be like months ahead of yourself and we're never months ahead of oursel so we're working on that but we decided that we're probably going to do an upcoming project we want to do a nice wall and fenced area for the front of our property get some more privacy and that way we can work on working with cement footings cement block we can stco hopefully we're going to do part cement block and then part other fence we think cuz that would take a long time to do a big yeah we probably have like 7 or 800 ft of Road front uh perimeter of the property so I don't want to do a 700t block wall probably a six figure wall so we're not going to do that much but we're doing a little bit of that and hopefully that will help us start some skills because we don't have any skills skills yeah we don't have any we don't got any but we're going to do it anyway so wish us luck on that if you guys want to see any real time updates or if you want to see some stuff that is just about me and Matt you can go check out our patreon we might have things like our engagement photos hint hint on there if you care about those some of you don't so Matt surely didn't but he did and anything else you have to say um no that's it stay for the adventure get excited hopefully we got some seed Sprouts our chicks are getting bigger everything you know everything's not moving as fast as I would have loved it to have moved but we're you know we're thriving out here on the farm fighting with Hawks chasing people around another guy dropped off kittens the other day but we haven't been able to catch it the roosters are fighting everyone's happy out here so everything's going great just more kittens we're doing well kittens are actually therapy kittens therapy is what we call crawl on you and you feel good if you're having a hard day out in the bush you go just lay down on the floor and the kittens run all over you and you just automatically feel better there's no way around it and when you see the roosters trying to fight at each other it makes you go oh these roosters are having a great time and the chicks eating birthday cake so you know all in all life is great thank you guys for coming to check it out and you know hopefully come back next week and check that one out too bye
Channel: Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
Views: 176,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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