The LAST Door. Transforming Our Stone House.

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[Music] today we're approaching things a lot safer as we have passed through the poles through the wall and Brace them uh lifting up the stones and then we're going to take it one Beam at a time make sure we place that first beam uh secure in the remaining stones that are unsecured on top of that beam before we continue opening up the rest of the doorway for the two other beams [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] 224 got to cut it down just a little bit because there's a few stones in the way that will not pass let's cut from that side okay okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so I think today's video and last week's video gives you a glimpse at uh how stressful this project can be at times but I mean my goodness look at that that is beautiful well worth the effort that we went through to create these uh door openings but I admit this stress does get to me every once in a while usually what I do is I'll uh sit kind of enjoy the view in the morning time take a minute for myself or I'll honestly binge watch YouTube a little bit that's my guilty pleasure um but the last couple of days I've been playing a new game called merge dragons who is sponsoring today's video merge dragons is a free-to-play game available on all devices where you're on a quest to discover and recapture The Mysterious World of dragonia as you merge objects you solve puzzles and heal the land merging eggs will hatch dragons and throughout the game you collect Bounty that you can bring back to your dragon Camp there are hundreds of levels with fun but challenging puzzles for you to solve in order to collect Bounty hatch your dragons and grow your dragon Camp what I love about the game is how relaxing it is it's just challenging enough to keep you entertained with a fun storyline but it's really a great way to kind of take minute for yourself and relax so download the free game by clicking on the link the description below or by scanning the QR code and thanks to merch dragons for sponsoring today's video while we're opening up that door we're also putting down the tar paper on the new Terrace uh getting ready to pour that final pour we of course have to uh also add the insulation but first goes the tar paper then the insulation and then the final pour of concrete but first before the tar paper goes down we need to brush it all off clean all of the debris off which he has an interesting method of doing [Music] so so that right there is the Italian W of doing things he's using a unlit propane torch as a leaf blower to blow off the dust uh while having a lit cigarette in his mouth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spe ouch take it on that it speee spee spee [Music] Chey no no no okay good fore speech foree man no you to for foree Fore speee brother I call that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay spee fore spee oh my goodness what's the saying measure twice and cut once well in this situation it's measured twice cut twice I cut them down to what I think it would be based on where I thought the stones would be but always cutting it a little bit long and then now cutting it to the proper measurement based on what we found with the stones just need to take a little bit off to make our life a little easier a [Music] [Music] got no you [Music] [Music] spee okay why why BL why why why whye speech by by by by fore speech spee uhhuh for okay by b b okay right I completely missed Heather's initial reaction should we reenact it go ahead let's wow wow no it is amazing I love it it's so beautiful sometimes I forget to pull the camera out at the right moment um no that changes the approach to the house which as you walk up to the house has always been my favorite perspective although the other side with the new terce is quickly becoming my new favorite side of the house but that new wood beam really makes it yeah and the best part is that we can have a door that actually actually function seals yeah that would be nice was beautiful before with the old beams uh but um they were all at various angles dramatically um so it wasn't exactly possible to uh seal a door so not only does this look U excellent and will last for several hundred more years um now we can actually seal a door this is the side that I'm most pleased with how it turned out and the biggest transformation because this door was um far too short for us to walk in without hitting our head but now really ties everything together pulls this Terrace together is there something different about this uh concrete slab I'm standing on yes I may or may not have forgotten to uh film an entire an entire day of work I'm tired it's okay it's okay it's just you know pouring more concrete I think everyone's seen a lot of that yeah so yeah I did forget to pick up the camera for half a day of work but it was just more concrete yes we did have to pour another layer of concrete over top of the Terrace you guys saw us putting down the tar paper after that came um another layer of plastic and then about two or 3 in of uh extra durable concrete which we buried in these uh um posts to hold the metal railing when it's time for that but you can see the plastic coming up and uh the concrete as well and then I'm not sure if I'm going to I feel like I'm going to roll on another w waterproof barrier on top of this concrete before we actually tile um we've got a beautiful tile picked out an outdoor tile for this uh Terrace yeah I can't wait um but I think I'd feel better with just one more layer of roll on waterproofing before we tile So speaking of things I forgot to film we actually opened up another doorway and I didn't film it at all so right in the front entrance which I should turn on some lights first but this beam right here is all brand new and I did not film any of it sorry so I don't know if you guys remember but this door was pretty short going into the living area the fireplace room so now it is actually a full door now right now it's really tall because the ground is too low we're we have to raise the ground up I'll be more like up here actually that's exactly where where you'll be can you see the door but what I wanted was for these beams to match the pre-existing hand to Chestnut beams this door took actually Four beams to come up with the thickness of the existing stones and all four of those beams came from the mountain those are the beams that I was hand hewing um by hand well when I piece them all together because all of the boards were so warped and whatnot it ended up being a very long uh nearly full day project of continuing to Hue them um until they sat together flush and I was simply too frustrated to also film while doing that that's also something that I know everyone's seen a lot of it's Brady with that axe yeah it's not a bad seat yeah it's not bad we'll get it raised up with stone and then we'll have a large Stone ledge to sit on on the Terrace that'll be super nice uh I just briefly wanted to um I guess express some gratitude for the team we have um I've learned so much and we've plowed through work at a a brutal Pace it's been amazing though it has been amazing um I actually took um a 4-day weekend the last four days um because they were kind of finished with all of the um large difficult task and we're kind of at a crossroad um where we have to finish up some smaller items before we move on um and I was burned out yeah I think everybody needs a little bit of more of a slower pace for maybe the next week or so they didn't want to admit it they were burn out too we were all pushing a little bit too hard and too uh too fast um but my goodness is it not beautiful especially these doors as I'm sitting here and looking at it like I was nervous that it would be I wanted it to be put back as it looked before not with um uh too new looking yeah I didn't want it to be sorry I lost my train of thought I didn't want it I didn't want the stones to be too perfect I want it to looked like it always was there and I looking up there I can't tell any new work it's it's perfectly put back together just the way that it was except now we have beams that will last another couple hundred years and we can finally close the door yay which is so exciting I think it's amazing how much this is all coming together I know that from the beginning it's been kind of a mystery how we are going to turn this into a home but hopefully it's all kind of coming together and you can see how it's going to turn out not to us we we knew how it's we knew we knew we knew and I know there are lots of people that could see it too but um we definitely had some questions about what what we were doing mean everyone questioned our sanity but we we certainly had a vision continue to have a vision there's so much left to come together but it's going to come together beautifully yeah I think even better than what I envisioned it would be it's going to be even better just as a reminder don't forget about merge dragons the game is completely free to play it's available on all devices and you can download it through the link in the description below or by scanning this QR code thanks so much for watching and we will see you on Sunday with a brand new video
Channel: Raising Voyagers
Views: 60,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aBbts91_7dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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