Life in a forest village. We break down the barn in the cold. We lit the wood stove

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It's freezing outside, minus 10 C. First thing I'm going to do is light the wood stove so I can warm up. We are having problems with further land registration Because the former owners illegally built this barn here. In order to continue the registration, we were required to demolish this barn. Despite the frost, I have to break this barn We continue to feed abandoned cats; if the owners are not found, then perhaps they will stay and live here. To dispose of the slate, we will need to order a waste container in the spring. In winter, the garbage truck will not be able to enter here. We will use these old boards from the barn to heat the wood stove all winter. We need to take the old concrete pillars to the barn. A large nest of hornets was found in the barn. It must be destroyed.
Channel: Village Forest House
Views: 134,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forest house, building a cabin in the forest, happy life in a forest village, secluded house in the forest, country life, happy village life, life in a log cabin, 100 year old abandoned house, demolishing a log barn, broke down a log house, log cabin, family life in a log cabin, grandfather's hut in the forest, hiding from the snow in a log cabin, lit a wood stove, first fire in a wood stove, heating with a wood stove, village forest house
Id: ctxDFKs9u6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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