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thank you and I know this is going to sound crazy we haven't even seen about 80 to I would say 80 percent of our land I don't know if I'm ready what do I do what I'm talking about y'all you see coming here with a bobcat where's the moon and everything look at this we're kind of worried about her not eating or drinking what's up guys welcome back we have a lot of new viewers so let's quickly recap what's been going on we bought a property we bought eight cuertas so I know a lot of people want to know how much we bought we bought eight cortas which is I think it's Square does with a d but uh queer does it was like eight eight in a partial um we had the old survey so it's like eight and a partial on there once we get the land cleared we're gonna have a new survey and see exactly kind of what we're paying for but the taxes that we're paying now is for like 8.8 clear dose or some nine quarters we're not exactly sure yet but that's about what we got and I don't know seems like a lot of land for too old New farmers but it is surrounded by a little bit of water it's like a creek but it looks kind of like waterfalls so it's really Majestic we have a old abandoned house that is partly on the property on the very edge we have now cleaned it out got rid of a lot of the grass and Vines around it we slightly put on a roof we have transformed it in the last episode into a warehouse and now we are going to use that little bit of shade and roof for working in it to get matte out of the Sun and right now it's basically storage for us we are currently living in a camper that we have now somewhat got sorted out so we can live on the property and continue to work on it today we're getting into getting that water situated and some laundry and we have a lot more ahead but that is what's going on so today we just need to get into work and I know this is going to sound crazy we haven't even seen about 80 to I would say 80 of our land that we purchased five it's way overgrown so we're gonna work into start cutting some of that out and seeing what we really got foreign so I got myself here a 200 gallon cistern we could have gone bigger but the tank on the boat was only 45 gallons and that lasted us about five days each so I figured 200 gallons will do us real good it rains here almost every day that we've been out here so catching rain is going to be pretty easy plus the municipality will bring water out to you if you need that to do so I gotta hook it up with a pump and since everything that we're building recently is kind of like sub temporary I guess temporary half permanent I don't even know what it is but we need survival stuff we need water I need a way to wash my clothes take showers access my water more easily so I got a nice little water pump and what I'm gonna do to keep this thing safe is I'm going to put it inside so that my pump can be on a level surface everything can go real smooth but the bad thing about this cistern is it does not fit through the door so I'm gonna have to throw it over the wall and down from where the roof used to be so I can get it inside so that it'll be protected [Music] foreign [Music] what do I do okay I got it okay let the bottom down a little bit okay okay let it go you got it uh yeah I got it oh Beast Mode Charlie 's out so now I'm getting into my Plumbing I'm really not too worried about this sort of stuff because I was a world famous plumber back when I used to build pools even my dad can't say nothing bad about that because I used to be like legit with the plumbing so I never only had one leak my whole career so I have to get this done put a little nipple in here put this out I'm gonna put a ball valve on it just to make sure if I ever have to work on anything down the line I can turn the water off and don't lose all the water from my cistern and we're gonna move it down we're going to move it out from here move it into the pump move it from the pump up and out into a hose bib and then this should be pretty straightforward and painless foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I got the aqua blue psqb060-a because I would like to tell you is because I know anything about pumps but this is basically like the not the cheapest one at the store but pretty low down there and it was a lower power one because I don't need a ton of pressure I don't want my water running crazy I want a low power draw for this system so this was the pump I got to try out because this is my first Fourier into sister and stuff so I didn't want to start too big I want to start small and work my way up if I have to [Music] all right so now I have it plummeted to the front of the pump and now I have to just make my little spigot [Music] foreign [Music] so basically to Prime these pumps you normally would fill this part up with water before you Plumb it in I forgot about that because I'm a YouTuber and I wasn't fully focusing on my tasks I was focusing on telling you guys that I got all the excuses and uh so now we'll have to hook the hose up to it and blow water in hopefully that will work and I'll be able to get it primed that way [Music] so I've been catching rain already off of our awning here it rained pretty hard and what I do is I let it rain and rain and rain until I can catch it in this bottle and then once it's clear and I can take a drink and not taste anything crazy and there's no sediment or minimal sediment then I let it go into the rain catch and now I'm going to start taking it over to the big cistern and hopefully have enough water to get enough water going [Music] thank you [Music] all right y'all so I got this nice Hill here I use gravity the good lord gave us but I made a problem on that last one I sucked it a little too hard for a little too long and I breathed in too much water so I'm not gonna say it don't say it all right so now I got the water in there I got enough 30 gallons something like that so now I'm going to plug this pump in and see if it goes I got a little confused with the wires because they weren't red and black like normally they were somewhere brown and blue and some were white and black so I was like but then it says the black isn't positive so I'm like I don't really know what to do so I'm just going to plug it in hope some water squirts out you're aiming at our faces they're gonna go that fast nothing's happening [Music] unplug it before you play with the electrics you're gonna electrocute yourself [Music] it's working what is all the nozzles turned on [Music] did you stick it on oh shoot it's coming wow why aren't you more excited we got holes water don't waste it all you did it I drank a little bit of it just because I'm crazy like that okay so overall I'm pretty happy with how that went looks like some rain might be coming I'd like to get half a cistern before I start doing things like filling up the water tanks and doing laundry so we're gonna try to figure that out y'all let me know how this works I feel like this is the lid that goes on it to keep Kaka and all that stuff out but it seems like when it starts raining you could flip it over and use it to catch more rain is that how cisterns work let me know in the comments below [Music] all right it's been a couple days we were super excited that our water was working but it didn't actually work for our situation for the washing machine obviously we are new and unexperienced and what did we learn Matt we learned that the wash cycle that is really long on that particular machine it takes like an hour to do a load of laundry so between the fill cycle and while it's agitating it's too long for just the pump to be running straight not being able to flow so the pump kind of heats up and shuts off and then when the water kicks back on the pump doesn't kick back on because it has shorted itself or stopped for some reason so what was happening was we would be trying to do a load it would fill up a water start washing with it okay cool I'd go off start cutting down some weeds and then I'd come back and the whole machine would just be stopped so we had to sort that out by getting an on-demand pump attachment which just screws into the top of the pump and then now it's on demand so it goes once the water is not going for just a second or so it kicks off the pump and then when the water starts flowing again it kicks back on it's good for if you're doing laundry of course or if you're you know spraying something or cleaning something off you can just Kink the hose and it'll stop the pump and then when you run can will go again so it's pretty much good for everything something I had to be done but it was like an 80 part and of course I was trying to just not pay for it up front and I tripped over it when I tried to do my laundry so gotta be careful you you can trip over 80 bucks here and there foreign so one thing that's kind of slowed me down on taking my Mr do work here and going down and ripping through these mountains is the more that I've gotten into it the more that I've started to find like fruit trees and coffee trees and stuff like that the closer I get through and that's one of the good things about going slow is that I've found guava trees I found some coffee plants I found coffee plants that are actually producing seeds so the problem is though is that it has these Vines all over it so it's really slowed down my process in order to save these which I really want to do because coffee plants take a long time to produce is I really want to like hand pull the vines off so I don't hurt them so if they stay alive I was talking to a friend of mine here who said that this was his grandfather's Farm you know down the street a little bit it used to be his grandfather's farm so he was telling me all about it and he was saying that he used to have coffee here it's got all sorts of trees everywhere so he said there's a lot of stuff on there you could probably save so be careful while you're cleaning now that I have found some wild growing fruits on the farm have you know found guava coffee parches bananas I've realized that I haven't planted anything too cool yet Kristen made her pumpkin patch but I'm getting into projects that are taking me four five six days at a time to get into so what I'd like to do is take a little bit of time today make myself like a little I don't know 10 by 10 Garden little furrowed patch so that I can plant some things have them growing while I'm doing all the other stuff while I'm clearing out while I'm fixing chickens coops while I'm doing chasing baby kittens around trying to fend off the Hawks and the owls so today I'm going to try to get that done I'd like to get it done today and tomorrow because we found ourselves with a little extra time and I need to get some food going oh foreign everything over but look at this coffee plant I got beans I got red beans these are about to get harvested today cherries cherries boy thank you all right so I got this land pretty cleared out of all the vines and some small brush I did some work with Mr do work there and it worked really well I got a download to basically like stump some bigger pieces and things that I have to cut out so now I have to bring in some more chopping tools that get straight down into the soil so that I can get all this cleared out brought down to bare dirt trench it out for drainage and for planting and for that I'm gonna have to bring in some heavier tools the pickaxe the shovels is going to help the rake and all pretty much hand tools and a lot of people are like oh you know you can bring in a chainsaw you can bring in a weed eater this than the other which is great and I have gotten those because they do work well in certain situations but I feel like some of the hand tools for this more I don't know if you call it artisanal artisanal land clearing but like where you want to find bushes and you don't just want to go in and knock everything over it works really well and I'll show you some of the reasons why I use that in lieu of a weed eater or a chainsaw because those two are great for pushing big chunks but they have in this particular clearing environment they have some shortcomings so the problem I've been running into with the power tools the hand power tools is that if you look at an area like this looks pretty flat looks kind of bushy everything's pretty soft and you would think oh I can just go through there with my weed eater and knock all that down pretty quick two problems with that is these Vines get caught when you get that heavy duty cutter they get caught on it they wrap up and they bog it down that's one thing that happens because these are long well established Vines these aren't like grasses or shorter Twigs or something like that another problem is that very big trees you know three to four inch diameter trees can get caught can be buried in there so you don't see them and if you hit that with your with the heavy duty prongs or with the whippers it breaks them it's bad for the equipment and it breaks it whereas those thicker trees the chainsaw can cut which is great for that but it's so buried in vines that the Chainsaw The Vines are so loose that when the chainsaw goes against them they don't cut they just move then when you move the chainsaw they just move back so the hooked machete we're works great it can get through some of those softer three inch two to three inch trees and it can also slice through the vines and it can also bundle them up and be used like as a you know a rake or something or a pitchfork or something like that too so really been loving that for now but once this is done then and little weeds are starting to grow back and little grass wispies are starting to come back that's where the string trimmer is going to shine going through and everything is cleared and clearing Limbs and stuff like that is where the chainsaw is really going to shine but for now I'm buried in these weeds the Mr do work is the best one for me if I'm wrong tell me in the comments [Music] I'm cutting up these dirt and the dirt seem nice and fertile not only with the jungle that I had to cut through to see the dirt but also every time I chop it up there's these big worms in there so everybody in gardening and sweat not all the reading I say here well the reason I read says that's a good sign for lots of animals to be living in your dirt so I'm taking these and I'm saving them up for juicy juicy likes a nice warm snack here and there and Roxanne Roxanne's having a special moment we might can share that with you later and get some input from you guys but yeah we're saving all the Tender Vittles for our babies [Music] foreign [Music] all right so I got this flattened out unweeded got as many roots out as I think I'm going to get pretty flat I got it down I turned it one time I hold it you notice a couple of hoes out here working you know what I think maybe back in my day but uh any noodles I got it ready now and now I'm gonna plow out my I don't know if they're called furrows what what they're called but basically it's gonna be little ditches for two purposes one for it to drain and two for it to have a mound for the seed to sit on and come out this is kind of like loose soil and I think it's gonna work and I gotta work fast because I got a pretty gnarly storm coming it looks like it's riding all around me so I gotta go all right so it's going to be a good day for juicy I got these just in a couple of hard Strokes I think that uh I think it could be the weather I think worms and stuff like that knows when it's going to rain and they come up more to the surface so right now we're getting some really good things I do feel bad taking these and feeding them to Juicy I'm trying to find Grace and like not hurt things and not destroy things if I don't have to but you got you know the things you'll do for the the things you love you know the people and the chickens that you love you'll do just about anything [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so Matt pretty much gotten these nice little garden all situated he's still covered in dirt it just rained for about an hour I don't know if you can hear on this microphone but our little creek is now turned into the Rapids of Hell basically when it rains all the water comes down to our Creek and that's why it's orange it takes all the dirt because the soil here is orange so it takes it all down there when it doesn't rain for a few days it's like clear beautiful swimmable water but yeah you could see shrimps and fishes in there but when it rains as a farmer would say when when it rains Over Yonder all the water comes down here and it basically turns into Yoo-hoo color this fills from the rain so that's why it clears up so fast I've been enjoying it I've been looking at the Raging Rapids I'm gonna say they're class three three to five and I wanted to pump up the paddle board and take you guys for a ride down the river with the go Pro Kirsten said absolutely not you get sucked down baby one day but it looks dangerous but we're up here because we want to show you what's happening in our chicken coop okay so I'm gonna open this very quietly because Roxanne has gone for the last like two or three days she's gone broody and she won't get off her eggs so I don't want to disturb her too much but I just want to give you a slight peek into what her life has been like for the last two or three days [Music] so she's sitting in her box and she hasn't gotten off of it we tried to put food in water like next to her because we're kind of worried about her not eating or drinking but we've tried to Google it online and they act like that happens but it kind of is in like a trance but I did catch some worms so she will eat worms from here and there and then every now and again she does come out for like an hour but she's been leaving juicy primarily on his own I took some of y'all's advice and I got him some new hens and with the success that I was having free ranging I thought I could free range them too he chased them off they ran away with this one baby rooster that came with the deal stayed with the package so he's been keeping juicy company and let me clear the story up a little better we went to a friend's house in the Farmland in the city not the city what would you call this the Barrio the Barrio we went to the neighborhood guy and he had really big chickens we have the silkies which are the small chickens Big Boy anyways these pens that we got were like Velociraptors and Matt just let them like in the cage and then free and juicy did not like them at all and he fluffed up and ran them off we couldn't catch them and unfortunately instead of getting two hens now we're stuck with a baby other rooster for juicy the chickens were 12 each so I owed them 24 and I only had 20s and he didn't have change so he said he didn't really want that he said if you take this rooster I'll give you the four dollars off and I said fine he said the roosters Brothers got eaten by a owl so I said all right fine we'll rescue this sweet baby he's kind of cool but I don't want really want a bunch of rooms now we have two roosters and one hand that's staying in her box so he and a dog got was on our property this is hopefully not getting too angry and I hope nothing horribly bad's happening so my chicken friends leave some comments down below please don't give me worst case like he's about to die and you're being the more chicken mom ever please that hurts my feelings well he's getting along with with the other rooster and you know I saw him wrestling the other day so I'm getting his needs met I don't think so I think so anyways we'll see you guys the next episode on this wild wild land that we don't know what we're doing hopefully we might have some Sprouts by next episode we'll see bye
Channel: Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
Views: 332,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cZCDUDoM5i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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