Transforming a Dark Illegal Squat To A Bright Luxury Town House

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welcome back to another Vlog everyone today is a huge step forward on the build wait Dad two seconds what's going on with your eye uh nothing quite as elaborate as uh as Louie um a pole fell on my head is that what you told me to say annaav please don't hit me again Anna now you have to yeah no typical fashion yeah a pole fell on my head and uh it was painful and then a few days later I noticed I had a black eye okay yeah we are going to go through and open up this build for the very first time we've never seen the downstairs with light have we Anna never let's go have a look Anna I think the Mary found out we're doing the big reveal the big opening up look they put barriers here for the fans oh there's going to be a long queue of people waiting well yeah May maybe just the one neighbor it's the quality not the quantity look Lou made some lovely kind of places for me to put my uh tools tools I don't think so it's smelling pretty damp I can smell the the paint we're on um Louis Siesta time at the moment just best not make too much noise because I think it's he must be sleeping he needs to rest [Music] yeah I can see the window behind it I'm just going to quickly tilt it I know I'm I'm revealing it's naughty yeah they're looking good aren't they they're looking really good and before we go any further I've got a job for you what is that I know you love doing jobs like this is that oh yeah peeling off yeah I do love things like that peeling off the tape so that when we do the reveal it's a topnotch reveal not just some mediocre reveal the best part like the chair like it's the chair on top of the cake can I just say yes am I going slow I know it's just like no don't bother Folding It Up just throw it on the floor I can't do that I'll clear it up after no I can't be me and look they're sticking together the I know I know but I just don't like making a mess this is the best part it might take a while guys but I this is going to be looking perfect look at this well maybe just do one one full pain and then okay and then we'll both get on with it and then sounds good otherwise it's going to take a while with me oh no this is beautiful the exterior shutters are looking beautiful aren't they uh not yet not yet I was like you made me think there oh there's a bit here that has stuck but we can get it out let's have a look yeah just that little bit here there that I need to get it with my fingers yeah well you carry on getting the big bits off and I'll get the bits off after the ones that are stuck stuck okay very satisfying but it's not as easy as it looks one more to do and then I'm going to stop filming and give you a hand there we go only another eight 10 to go true but I think if I if I put this in the bin I can get more done I finished my window ad I'm just finishing off this one I'm a bit in trouble really why well first of all it's been a bit of leeching hasn't the through the pain well not through underneath the paper so we're going to have to clean that off and second of all not all the paint was dry was it well not completely now and I'm in trouble for ruining your nail varnish oh my nail varnish I don't think I mean now I might have some but I didn't have any before who who doesn't wear white nail varnish okay so we're almost done here I think at this rate we're going to get these windows all opened up and uh all the lighting before Lou actually wakes up from his siest Ed I think you spoke too soon cuz it's nearly 1 and I think Lou is waking up cuz I can hear him it's like waiting for a baby to wake up isn't it a he needs his rest can you hear the baby yeah oh it must be 1:00 Ed what you doing what about the big reveal I was upstairs well yeah you were messing around with Lou upstairs well Lou was resting I'm just trying to get Advanced on this one this is going to be the hardest to get out I have to cut through these batter that somebody's put somebody you mean you and Louie no it's the guys before Oh P the Bish Lou P the Bish the Bish what's going on Ed I Got My Pi the beish which is crowbar uh crowbar crowbar there we go yeah gu that's why I'm going slow uh have you got a hammer Louie Hammer yes cuz I know whil you've been doing Bob the Builder over here whilst I've been at the uh shatter you must have used the hammer at some point for what why on Earth would he have used the hammer he was doing painting yeah there's no other one is this the only one we've got no we have another one you find the other one please Lou I put okay I need that one really this one here that's better so You' have thought somebody wouldn't want you to get in at this right I'm going to finish my stuff upstairs see you in a minute see you a b Lou again you'd have thought you wouldn't want to work with me he does want to work with it it's just that's a one month's job plus he doesn't want to take your glory oh well they could have left a gap so I could cut it easier like the bottom ones do we have like a electric cutter or something see that's what the problem is with that it's just going to explode as I try and do it like that yeah I have a little electric cutter don't I that Louis was using I think I might try and find that we got that there we go okay see you come on huh I couldn't see you you were saying you got that I couldn't see it but you found your tool a tool yeah it made it the job God knows where the proper glasses are that I found recently but as long as you found some it's okay well it's better than nothing there we go just needed a little rest we all do blade SN come out we SN snapped oh what the m okay so that's that one done got the top one to get off now it's painful I reckon with the old uh Pi de beish again yes what you going to do now it's the piece of uh wood broke came towards my face I thought well you know what it's a nice piece of metal to push against that these these shutters definitely did the need replacing they're all just falling apart I think I saw a ray of sunshine there well Sunshine is a big word that's more like what I was doing I was waiting for the sun to come out before I revealed it to wow look at the difference it makes uh it's nearly there I think that's there okay we are going to get everything revealed at once and we're going to turn the light off that we using to film with as well because we'll get the full effect then we will okay that's ready to go don't break it all L don't break it all so I can show everyone what it it's like now I know come on we're going to get these screws out it's really dark in here get get the screws out and then we're starting with the reveal in the other room okay okay okay let's get these screws out and then we'll get on with the big reveal [Music] no more battery no it's not that uh I need to make sure I got everything on the right setting oh maybe there is no more battery it's kind of showing me lights so yeah unfortunately the festools run out of battery so the reveal will be next week see you next time no you chicky think I heard you changing the battery okay it's not liking this one for some reason there we go we're etching closer no talking when you're drilling otherwise I get a distorted sound okay well we're getting closer oh it don't I should have got my glasses out the car I can't see the heads there we go okay how's it doing you're going to kick it or something wait I can go on the other side no um tell you what you go on the other side we'll open this one yeah but we won't reveal it until we reveal the other one yeah sounds good Ed we took that long that it started the rain again it's all right time when it when it's time for the reveal it'll be nice and sunny again [Music] wasn't that long ago we had to screw this up for I know stopping them getting back in I know and we need to stop cuz otherwise we'll ruin the camera all that rain we need to do the rain dance but so it stops the rain instead of so it rains yeah I think I might just continue for a second longer out there in the rain yeah and uh you Dy the camera off sounds good okay okay how are we doing now right we're at the perfect point for a big reveal with the rain oh yeah it's actually stopping now you're speaking too soon can hear it so first of all we're going to turn this light off yeah yeah turn it off and it's going to go very dark for a couple of seconds on the Vlog and then I'm going to start taking that that one off there okay that piece of wood yeah the rain's not stopping Anna well I know it cuz I can because of the mics I can hear it Ed I Ed I started to film you from up here but Lou's been painting the windows here and oh you got it all over you yeah yeah I managed to get it all over my all over my favorite hoodie white Spirit what do you think Lou okay it's not CH no it's not it's of a cromie it's not about spot to film you from here actually huh it's not about spot I can survey you I can film you I was going to say you'd do good on a neighborhood watch scheme you would oh right get downstairs Anor it's time for the reveal okay I think Lou's going to kick it so he get gets all the glory no he's not go on oh I can see a bit of light there I can see the light are you ready yes I am ready wow it's really bright I have to adjust the light now wow okay just wait oh big difference you think yeah well that's only one window wow two windows wow my God makes a big difference doesn't it Louie it does do you want me to help you on the outside oh I think just so doesn't fall nice wow that's very bright it's a it's day and night now no no no it's night and day well CU we were night before and day now all the squatters can come back yes come on guys you guys see the video you can now come back what don't forget subscribe and ring the bell with the windows closed what are you saying Ed let's have a proper look oh you closed the windows you like that didn't you yeah it's it's starting to look like a home now I think it's looking really really bright it's feeling cozy can't cozy actually the light is making the ceiling seem a little bit higher I know some people were saying oh it looks really low you know you I'm 160 I'm 160 I'm I'm 1 M 80 1 M 85 oh yeah yeah yeah me 190 and again 6'4 me so it's quite a high ceiling really no I'm I'm I'm about 510 so you can see I could just touch the ceiling okay we're going to lose that much off the floor so it's not too bad but I let's skip past that you saying neighbor watching I think there's a neighbor passing soon or did she cross no that's it she passed she pass was it my friend no it wasn't your friend she came to see Lou this morning didn't she no no she she's going to come after now that she's going to see the the change yeah it's it's going to look start looking looking Pro like really good now let's clean up outside Lou cuz we can't leave all that rubbish out there we need to recuperate all the metal work off those shutters for these shutters oh okay know you're going to be that quick I'm I'm I'm walking backwards wait the craw bar there uh really I want not today thank you to Lou or to me what Ed said not today thank you so I'm asking him did he mean that to for you or for me or both of us both of you oh yeah fair enough that makes sense oh Lou showing you off there how we say that a bodybuilder something bring this enough of that Reg you have a big arms because you have two T-shirts well funnily enough you're laughing but you put the other Shutters on the van we need to get them out come on slowly slowly do some on Luigi do some on this been around twice in his Porsche he's after you yeah I didn't film the guy with the Porche but it was after you wasn't it could have been a lady with a Porche no it was it's a guy I know him he's been past twice now oh he's checking you out you don't get past me with a car like that and not Lo looked at that smell of the petrol beautiful we were on the shutters but yeah we can admire the car okay I think it's time for your big uh big reveal it is it's Beau man I'm going to close the door first even though it's a temporary door please don't have her go at us in fact you know what Lou oh the two of you the two guys two guys are better than one what are the guys doing they're trying to move the door oh that is so thoughtful that is really sweet well if we're going to do a bit of a reveal we do a proper reveal I know that is really really nice That's Heavy isn't it sweet Lou sweet he wouldn't believe how heavy this door is I believe it cuz I saw you're struggling put [Music] no no say B [Music] [Music] we're doing everything we can well the guys are doing everything they can for the reveal yeah one more Mar on [Music] we're ready three two one and we've got it wow I'm going to go even further back now it is looking beautiful say blue find yourself a b red yes I just found myself a b red but I still think it's nice but I think we have the winner I think blue is the nicest no yeah I I still can't get over how cheap this door was cuz we got the door knocker any quarters we got the little door handle down here the little letter box of course the lock but the lock need is changing but and then all this RW iron metal work here beautiful it's a beautiful door it's heavy it's Lou was just saying yes it's heavy well yeah you can tell the quality of it cuz it's heavy there's nothing wrong with that is the Lou oh yeah my back like the door okay Amigo let's get it down and let's get get it back in in the van cuz it's got to go back to the shatter to be sand blasted oh so it's coming off that is be beautiful I mean the progress is huge I think it's looking spectacular and the blue is looking good yeah uh there is one thing missing what is that that's the shutters well we got to clean up the stone pop the shutters on and that'll be the proper reveal so if you want a proper reveal you just have to keep watching yeah sounds good on that note if you enjoyed today's Vlog give us a thumbs up Subs subscribe if you're not subscribed already and what's the other one ring that Bell guys ring that Bell see you all next time see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bordeaux Life
Views: 90,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bought unseen, First look, Tiny house, Unsafe chimneys, Abandoned house, Renovations begin, House renovation
Id: A4_Lr6XLdzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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