This is an Entire Playthrough of Terraria Calamity Mod

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all right let's do this zombie in the slime what are you doing all right we're still white but we can survive this come on come on come on i'm really sweating my ticks off chat [Music] so i decided one day i wanted to play all of calamity mod and cram it all into one video so of course we started up our twitch stream and and a little bit more spice we decided to go with expert mode as well if you want more of these kinds of videos where i'm playing through everything over its entirety make sure to leave a comment down below and go follow the twitch because that's where we'll be recording them also make sure to stick around to the end of the video because there is a very special announcement started off our playthrough by creating the character with our tradition of hitting the random button continuously until we came across our little green boy and named him accordingly also there's these little bonus mods that we have added into our play through as well as thorium i'm not gonna focus on thorium but it is just there in the background for those who are asking so it was finally time to create our world upon spawning in we scrapped the revengeance and iron heart straight away those of you who don't know these items will make the game even harder than expert mode so i'm gonna leave that for now we opened up our starting bag loaded with many items including a squirrel he does not have a name what a dumb squirrel we started our journey by heading off to the right side and fighting calamity's first enemy type orb which almost actually killed us thankfully we were actually slightly better than a goddamn orb the death of the orb we continued our journey towards the right side of the map with hope in our eyes as we discovered a chest what brand new modded items were we about to we then continued our trend of finding the worst loot ever are our you chess findings were also interrupted by a worm who was not having it at all it traveled towards the left side of the map to find a snow biome which contained another underground chest with a totally modern item inside we continued down into the icy dams where we discovered another underground house except this time the chest was in an unusual position and was guarded by many a mob and after many epic battles we were handsomely rewarded with left in pure misery we headed to spawn to start very early work on a elevator until old mate expert mode introduced a brand new mechanic called dying to a god damn slime afterwards we spent about 20 or so minutes mining in the caves and trying maya boy scouts best not to die we then returned to the surface to make a makeshift crafting station and trying to use the materials we gained to make some armor we created two pieces of silver armor and then went back down into the mines to gain just that little bit more that would help us out this took about 30 minutes but luckily we obtained a little bug boy to help us out with our journey after gaining enough resources we were finally ready to build a house to contain all our npcs now i'm going to give you three options to guess what kind of house that i [Music] knew would be predictable and so was i once the house was finished we headed down into the mines one last time to get the necessary resources we needed to create the rest of our armor and materials that were needed for our first boss fight after about a solid 20 minutes of mining and exploring the depths we obtained the platinum aegis which is our first proper item from calamity this item just gives us defense and a lot of it we also crafted the silver chest plate to give us even more defense when we were finally prepared to verse all mate eyeball a blood moon occurred so we had to deal with that little pain in the [ __ ] afterwards during the day we traveled to the complete right-hand side of the map going to the crimson to obtain another weapon by smashing the blunt orbs that is right we found the one the only we then headed home and waited for the arms dealer to arrive which he then did whilst waiting for night time to occur we prepared for the big fight and also expanded the pp by just a tad by that time knight had hit and we had finished the expansion and we're finishing off our little setup diverse old mate eyeball which actually went as easy as you would expect even expert mode is way too easy for the eyeball i was even using a god damn snowball cannon but of course that old mate eye had to screw me over another way because when we killed it all the loot was underground it's not bad it's just on that line of annoying and inconvenience when day arrived we got extremely lucky as the goblin army arrived when i see lucky i mean obviously because we have a chance now to find the goblin tinkerer very early on in the game whilst the goblin army is going on in the background i want to mention a new mechanic that was added in calamity that being when you use a certain class of weapon that being melee range etc from enough kills you can actually level up that attack power of the class of weapon i just thought it was a little of addition and let you guys know after beating the goblin army we finally got to face our first calamity boss the king slime which went as easy as you would expect but finally after three and a half hours of gameplay we headed towards the left side of the map and began the acid rain encounter honestly this was just some good casual fun shooting some nuclear corrupted enemies i mean hey just listen to this music the only radio show that is thank you so since our game was an expert mode i couldn't just willy-nilly rush into a boss fight so i had to create an all-time favorite of the channel that being i started at the dungeon and ended up on the edge of the ice biome right next to spawn so to say that the wooden platform was long would be an understatement i then headed back towards the mines yet again to get some more heart crystals and see what other wood was down there because yeah we kept going till we maxed out our basic hunt we also found this new lava themed chest but none of them really had anything interesting inside i dare say the most amazing item in this entire game it just turned me into this lava worm thingamajig and i am loving every second of it but enough falling around it's now finally time for our first calamity boss that being the desert squad the design scourge the desert big worm this gigantic worm turd can only be summoned in the desert but of course yet again my monkey brain kicked in as somehow we decided that we were fighting the boss with no potions and to make matches worse as soon as the fight started we fell off our long platform so after struggling on the ground we finally made our way back up to the platform our health was going down were we gonna make it a worm turn was getting faster and faster legit 14 hp how are we still alive one more bullet to penetrate this [ __ ] skull get out of here didn't even break a sweat after feeding our first calamity boss we headed straight to another one this time it was more of a mini boss the name of said boss was called giant clam as its name entails this thing is just a big ass clam this boss naturally spawns as an enemy in a new bomb that's below the underground desert called the sunken scene also side note the desert scourge drops an item in expert mode that basically just allows you to breathe underwater which made exploring this new domain very easy after a few new minutes of looking around we found the crustacean and just began spraying our enemy with bullets which like don't get me wrong i also wouldn't be so happy if some jackass started spraying me with over 30 trillion boards nothing really interesting about this fight especially since the clam just teleport and then tries to smash you harder than a slab of concrete that's into bdsm when you kill the clam it drops a new mpc which will be extremely useful later on continuing on the calamity boss rush we decided to go up against giant crack this boss can only be summoned in the underground mushroom biome at the start of the fight i was still very confident that i could beat him oh this platform would be enough it was not enough i also forgot to apply my potions until halfway throughout the fight we came back to the scene of the crime and decided to flesh it out a tad more and now it was time for a rematch sure the space was tiny and we took a bit of damage here and there but in comparison to what we were versing last time it became infinitely easier to actually face and shoot the boss without worrying about getting a fungal infection and so the giant crack was defeated and we headed home to indulge in its spoils afterwards we headed over to the jungle for the most part it remains unchanged but nothing interesting will happen here after about 30 odd minutes of looking around the jungle we arrived home and crafted the blade of grass which also happened to be a godly variant no complaints here because we looted the jungle so much we obtained a significant amount of grav potions so then we decided to make our way into the sky and explore the new orbs that inhibited the land these would have heart crystals and chests and just ores surrounding them so if i knew about them earlier on i would have definitely utilized them way more speaking of useful the calamity mod introduces a brand new mechanic which basically allows the player to craft accessories so with that in mind we crafted the lightning boots as we desperately needed an upgrade to our movement maybe that's because we're about to battle a few more bosses after i kid you not six hours we finally decided to verse the brain of cthulhu even in my master mode play-through it only took me like four hours we of course beat the brain because of our long platform considering it's taken us a lot of time and i realize we've actually done a lot in comparison of exploring this modded world it was time that we expanded the pp and gathered even more st i mean npcs with that out of the way it was time again for another calamity boss because we were in a crimson world we were up against the peripheral river the umbrella is actually unique to the crimson world and it's even more unique because it's annoying beyond all comprehension as you fight the boss it summons big fleshy ass worms which get bigger and bigger as the time goes on until you finally encounter this big and i mean big ass worm and to make matters worse you cannot kill the umbrella until the worm is defeated so i began running along the big platform so that we can kill the big worm so then we can beat this goddamn big ass flesh umbrella since it was daytime our next boss was all mate skellybelly we headed straight to hell with our legit ocean of water behind us to make up for time when we reached the depths of our world we headed straight back to the surface grabbed a few items to head off to fight old mate skelly belly the defeat was that of ease and we headed into the dungeon to discover the new enemies and potential loot down below but nothing was really of interest besides my boy making a big grand return that is right ladies and gentlemen boys and girls [Music] we headed home and for some reason a goblin army was there again after that little inconvenience we headed straight down into the depths of hell to start our long platform no edition but what was really interesting and i'm not sure if this was a mechanic or not we got like eight voodoo demons just spawn in the span of like six minutes i literally had to go to the surface because my inventory was full of goddamn guide food it does like that we headed back down into helen to continue mine you serious another goddamn after that reoccurring nightmare we made the night's edge and continue our journey into hell and just really lengthening our long hell platform oh yeah and um uh this happened oh so satisfying [ __ ] which um went as well as you expected and just in case that little situation wouldn't happen again to pick up the grand count as the war flesh the water book when we headed home we then realized oh we haven't killed queen bee quite yet and oh yes i thought it would be easy and we would not struggle and we would not die to the boss we tried versing queen b yet again and this time we just built a fetus version of long platform when you actually do like some form of preparation it actually works out pretty well afterwards before our next set of boss rush we took some down time and worked on increasing our pp's length and creating a magical storage system those of you who don't know what this mod is you store things in this little pixel it's basically like the emmy system from minecraft if you don't know what that is well it's basically a big ass storage system but with those things out of the way it was time to battle the slime god the last pre hard mode calamity boss and this boss has without a doubt the coolest theme song so far editing me play the track this boss has three components the crimson slime the corruption slime and orb the orb will possess either one of them and make them a literal demon as they would summon arms and vibes to fight for them the entire fight i was just using the mini shark and chat said i could not do it chad said you dying to a queen bee what is the chance that you defeat this thing and i said no chat like the slime god i am a deity among men and i will destroy this colorized yin and yang and guess what [Music] we did it you suckers after defeating the boss we were then able to craft the new strongest pre-hard moan armor the st station armor but we crafted the range armor because of the new calamity weapon that we were going to try and cramped first item that we will need to obtain is obtained from our bestie the queen bee that item being the bee's knees then we needed to craft the molten bow then finally combine them all together at a demon altar to craft the lunarian bow which is just a bow that shoots lasers so now we were finally ready to battle the wall of flames we got the weapon we got the armor we got a bleeding [ __ ] and we were ready and crikey did we over prepare because look at that 12 000 damage more like 12 reasons you died you dumb sacrifice and with that our game entered hard mode what i like to call almost not quite really hard mode for clemony just yet buddy have no idea what is in store so we headed to the surface and we were met with some brand new enemies who just look like a chinese bootleg pac-man once the night ends we opened our loot and got a bunch of new items first significant item was a demon heart which just gave us an extra accessory slot we also gained a new minion which is literally just a fighter jet but now it's time for terraria's favorite game show called i gotta smash all the altars and then mine the dumbass alls because this is a dumbass progression bit that you have to do we interrupt this program for a brand new show called i'm actually going to get enough materials needed for the onyx blaster but i also made a palladium pickaxe during the process because so if you didn't get all that we finally created the gun called the onyx blaster and do you know what warsaw was created and i mean created i mean randomly spawned in the world we teleported home to get away from the destroyer finally a safe place from the world's dangers the worst encounter finally out of our way be headed back into the minds together titanium but we could actually stand a chance when old mate mecha worm decides to spawn in again so let me just um get all the titanium needed to craft a full set of honor so to enact our revenge we also needed to get the dead or stombo and to quote myself i am going to ram this bow so far up that worm's ass its head will look like a rhombus luckily after killing the hallowed mimic for the first time we actually got the deadlift storm boat but it would be nothing without holy arrows so we had to go to the howard biome to farm pixies and unicorns we could actually craft the arrows needed finally it was time to enact our revenge clocking in at a whopping 120 000 health points it was no match with sparkly bone and went down in about like two or so minutes with our temporary rival defeated we decided to celebrate by building more size to the pb house also since the destroyer was defeated we needed to gain some shark fin so we could craft the mega shark and take on a little more bosses whilst we were farming we also made a pit stop to the jungle and bought the leaf wings from the witch doctor i finally actually had some proper aerial movement that weren't the spectre boots when we finally gained five fins we headed home and actually forgot to purchase some illegal gun parts from the arm sealer so i just had to wait to night time to make up for lost time we headed into the underground hallowed biome to farm some souls and prepare to summon for the upcoming bosses when night time fell we crafted the mega shark and also the kryoke to go up against our first calamity hard mode boss which went as well as you expect because monkey brain was back yet again i was like duh quite again it was like one thousand heads up to fill the empty hole that now layers my heart i had to go up a boss i knew was guaranteed to defeat and that boss my dear friend goes by the name of skeletron prime and guess what we actually defeated old man with the rise of happiness i had obtained i decided to go up against cryogen yet again and to see if i could actually now defeat him you see cryogen is actually an ice cube and i do not know how we died to an ice cube the first time because we absolutely shattered the ice cube the second time with those three bosses defeated we were able to make a quick upgrade to our armour set and craft the hour armor along the way we also crafted an item from calamity called the cosmoline basically when used can turn dane tonight and vice versa so with that we took a quick break from killing bosses to kill the twins i kid you not i was actually way faster than the twins so they despawned which is now my new favorite mechanic in all of terraria using the spare time in between getting another summoner for the twins we went back to making a new calamity accessory which is called the daifik amulet damage makes you move very fast for a short amount of time causing stars to fall and increase immune time when damage increased armor penetration by and reduces truly show you the power of clermony i'm just gonna say this thing ain't even close to its final form we rematched the twins and obviously zero sweats were broken with the twins defeated we were finally able to make a new accessory that drastically improves our boots titled the angel threat though these do not replace our wings yet but they will play a significant part in crafting roles in the future as we may have missed out on a few bosses from calamity mode we decided to fight one which being the aquatic skirm but whilst getting items to summon the boss a solar eclipse occurred giving us the opportunity to try and get a few broken hero swords amongst other items and unfortunately we only got one to drop even though we killed like 30 mothrons this game sucks moving on we've got the materials we needed to craft and summon the next boss and we headed off to the aquatic seas which is now the place where we can only summon the boss yet again calamity will present us with another worm for us to defeat the aquatic scourge will fly around fart shoot death needles and just wander after you passively he's like that one serial killer that will always wander after the main character but somehow managed to catch up even though the main character is sprinting like an olympian why are you running luckily since i'm an absolute god among men we defeated the water worm without giving a single care in the world after that another terror of acid rain occurred this time with some mini bosses but more importantly we got to jam out this is the grooviest of tunes [Music] after defeating the event we made an effort to try and upgrade our armor this process did take a while as whilst mining we went after live fruits turtle shells and trying to survive this hellish biome i hate it with a burning passion becomes poison is the actual worst debuff i decided with chance that we should craft the anc shield so for about 10 or so minutes that we crafted the extra accessories we needed to craft the eng shield then we head back to the jungle to mine yet again which it was finally worth it as we had tamed a full set of turtle armor also we got enough live fruits to get max life with our huge leap and advancements i decided it was time yet again for another calamity boss this boss who would take the cake or several bullets is known as the brimstone elemental in a new hell sub biome on the left side of the map which uh in this biome little demons like to spawn that lum looks somewhat similar to the logo of calamity i wonder if that means anything the brimstone elemental is a slightly annoying fight as this little swine will teleport around from time to time and shoot period blonde at you and if you actually get hit you get so disgusted that your health will disappear faster than me getting off the internet after making that shitty comparison he also has this cute little mechanic where she goes somewhat immune and shoots relatively fast projectiles that um well they hurt but if you can manage to get past all of that like myself and the fight was won hey remember those enemies from the brimstone bio were blah foreshadowing blah blah blah this is what i was foreshadowing because ladies and gentlemen it was finally time for me to go up against kilameters wait like the boss that this mod is named after oh yes but um this is uh not its final form this is like baby mode for what we have left to battle but anyways let me welcome you to the fight between calamitous and dumbass see at the start of the fight it all goes vanilla boss music it seems all right until you get her down to eighty percent hp and that's when she's like ice it's real gamer hours and slaps on her theme and goes back to 100 throughout the find she will shoot lasers and red orbs which both applied that annoying debuff that the brimstone elemental applied to you earlier as the fight continues she will summon her grabby hands one by one which is doable you know you can live through it what's next a bunch of minions that surround you i'm sure that's annoying but it's defeatable okay down to 10 hp the fight has been pretty oh there are now two gravians i take back every word in the english dictionary it may seem easy that's because i got my sexy ass unicorn to carry my ass but if we want to look at the previous attempt yeah jin go well for a mr old mate me luckily since we had the unicorn second times round we shot our bullets and defeated the almost not really main boss of calamity round two of this boss is when she is an actual god and we will be fighting her at the end of the video and oh boy i do look forward to pounding her ass wait with calamitous defeated we headed back to the jungle to take on old meat plants now considering this was expert mode you'd think that a simple minded aussie dumbass make an arena to deal with oh you answered wrong because i broke that bulb like a psychopath you know i actually beated it he's beaten it beats it the english language sucks point being we beat the plants and if you don't believe me [Music] well now you should with plantera defeated we crafted the terra edge which is like the terrorblade but also isn't i'm not really sure what the difference is between the two but it was new and my monkey brain wanted the new shiny thing but before we went and fought gom and the all the three or so other calamity bosses in between realizes that we need a bit more of our upgrade to our item so i created a teleporter to the left side of the map of the ocean that being the acidic scene because the cool thing about terraria calamity is below the acidic sea is a completely brand new biome that we'll get back to later so after about 20 minutes or so back and forth of us buying expensive wires and finally creating a teleporter towards the left side of the map and you're probably wondering what the reason behind me actually doing a teleportation system towards there well i shall explain that later on because apparently my brain was extremely indecisive and decided to go gain a new calamity accessory which is basically an upgraded version of the end shield called the asgard's vowel basically gave me some more health gave me some more nerds that and was really good we made our way into the jungle temple which yes it did take a while to find please laugh at my suffering thank you when finding the temple we immediately went inside and killed the world's government [Music] assad all the traps on our way to the boss room we then made i dare say the tiniest arena and kill the gone because it's the golem and he's just a massive [ __ ] luckily when we kill the gohan we got the pick sauce so we did not have to battle the aztec lego character yet again if you did notice this says there hasn't been a plague that has been before in the jungle which we'll get back to later on when we headed home we also crafted the vanilla beetle armor to become even stronger and make our way towards the vanilla end game now getting back to the reason why we created the teleporter to the acidic sea if you recall your feeble brains to the start of the video where i killed the big clam and an npc dropped this npc when talk to will give you a selection titled help when selected a bubble will encase you basically when you have this bubble buff around you you are alive and when you don't you have the opposite of what is alive and the reason for me making this teleporter is just an easier way to get to the abyss because if you get at least one damage counter if something at least sneezes on you the bubble will disappear so when the bubble disappears you gotta go all the way back to aquaman and talk to him again and get the bubble again to go back to the abyss go and explore the abyss when you're down actually in the abyss not getting touched by any enemy there's a few items that you want to keep your eye out for first being scoria which has this cute little mechanic where it drops little thingies that does damage you the other is a plant-like or called tenebris it blends in so well with the walls that you have to look like a grandma using an ipad when you're trying to look for it and i hear you asking why not use the splunky potion to try and find where it is don't work on it so uh yeah the abyss sucks so when we got home it's now for what we call crafting time the first thing we crafted was the fire gauntlet which now requires scoria why would you change it next we crafted the calamity upgraded version of the master ninja gear which is called the ninja belt basically it just adds some extra jump height as well as the ninja gear's previous ability next it's time to work towards the prayed moonlord armour set known as the hydrothermic armor which you guessed it is made of astoria also a chaos core which is crafted with endoplasmic and an essence of chaos which is a very common crafting item for mid to late game calamity i know this is a lot but bear with me we crafted the full set of hydrothermic armor and also their wings which is called the haydale mantle which is kind of funny because we just made the beetle armor and now all just like nah we also made a brand new sword called the ark of the ancients but just like any infomercial i'm not done yet because we had to craft a sword known as the true arc of ancients which is made from very fun to obtain items and then finally this is what we obtained they seem a little underwhelming but after all that little crafting spiel it's time to go for a few more bosses and what a great way to celebrate is to fight this sexy mermaid waifu damn girl you're so sexy wait why do i hear boss music oh hello welcome ladies and gentlemen to the leviathan leviathan is quite literally the fat bastard in this hentai as he is a giant [ __ ] who just sits around doing nothing whilst the sexy lady does all the work because of course we defeated him with ease though speaking of sexy ladies i believe it is time for the greatest grind to ever occur for those of you who don't know this mod there is an item that you can only obtain in calamity expert mode and that item is known as the elemental heart now i won't spoil what it does but let's just say it is definitely worth the grind first stage of this is trying to get two items from the enemy the sand elemental he's only spawned during sandstorms so we need a spawn in a sandstorm luckily there's an item for that in calamity called the arid artefact combined with a zerg potion which is basically a battle potion on crack you are ready to farm and farm we did because the expert mode drop for the sand elemental i kid you not when i say this took us one and a half goddamn actual living we live this hour i think we'll get back to the grinding for the heart of elementals a little later because this physically hurt me we took a short break from that absolute grind to go and fight the lunar cultists and they were as easy as you would expect we also destroyed the solar pillar just for the sheer reason that i wanted to obtain the solar eruption but i thought hey why not actually fight something that is somewhat of a challenge or even something i have not fought before that ladies and gentlemen is where my good friend astrum [Music] the cool thing about this boss is that he's in a new biome called the astral infection this biome comes with hard mode and is a really nice design but back to the boss basically he's just a giant space and when i say he was gonna be hard that is a brutal life besides a few hits that he did on me he basically was just bobbing and waving around his attacks and destroyed the space right now for the next boss basically the only real boss that required some form of skill astrum dues a giant space worm that just splits into two space worms when at half health this boss has given me every goddamn sdi under god's yellow sun because it keeps ramming me in the [ __ ] imagine for a second the destroyer but it was also 10 times faster than destroyer but also dealt 10 times more damage than the destroyer and when you get hit with this debuff your health goes down rampantly and top it all off there's two of them but for all the veteran players of calamity i hear you say well you just gotta kill one you you are right you kill yourself because this boss has a fun little mechanic where they will constantly switch and there is a way to tell the difference between the two basically you gotta memorize every single goddamn hexadecimal code distinguished between the two bosses what i'm trying to say is we dying toward this boss online the first attempt of the boss did not go well at all the second attempt actually went worse somehow so attempt number three went a little better as we got one of the two worms down to half hp but again so attempt number four are realizing the absolute speed it has on me i remembered an item called the chaos rod the only problem is my luck is the worst thing ever i saw about after an hour of grinding we did not even get the item so i said screw it we will fight the boss again and we would attempt number five attempt six and seven sucks dick attempt eight we realized that we might need to beef up our character a tad more so we went out and got the item called the miracle fruit basically this item increases your max health beyond the max health of 500. we got another item that increases our permanent max life this item is called the blood orange now makes our total life 590. with this surely we could defeat we are literally going backwards in progress attempt nine and ten i i i just wanna cry okay attempt eleven i realized that we are in the double digits and i had to do something to change it the main thing that is killing me is their speed over me so we need some form of item to counteract the speed luckily there is a block put asphalt which basically just turns you into an olympic runner hence long platform 2.0 was created and we were ready to beat the boss for the 11th jesus solomon for the 11th time and let's just say the boss could not touch us we literally had to slow down we were going that fast so to say that we defeated the boss we defeated the boss thank god we defeated the boss the space worm defeated it was now time to craft a new upgraded sword of the terrorblade the terror to me i suck at pronunciating words the tomato is what happens if you inject the terror blade with literal black tar heroine but the speed and the pure quantity of projectiles does not stop there because these all track your enemy to prove how strong this abomination is we went up against a boss called the ravanger speaking of black star heroine this boss is like gollum on crack we did struggle towards the end of the find which the fight lasted almost five whole minutes but we were victorious within the end and with that i believe that this was all the pre-moon lord bosses defeated i'm 90 sure that we do not have to kill any more bosses i swear with that we went to the final pillar that we had left alive and it was time for the moonlord the final boss in vanilla terraria and since it was expert mode i said screw it and then we went up against the beast with absolutely no potions now this is where real calamity kicks in since we killed the moonlord we get another inventory slot next we have some luminite from old mate moon daddy we now get to craft some new materials our true arc of the ancients now gets an upgrade into something called the arc of the elements and she does a fair bit more damage let me tell you you're also probably wondering what this rainbow ore is this stuff is called life alloy it's basically made up of three new ores there's two you shouldn't really care about and the third one that is goddamn scoria we also made a brand new item called the serif tracers which combine both your boots and your wings together since we also had a new accessory spot it was finally time to grind yet again but the heart of the elements that i had mentioned earlier the first item was dropped from old mate cryogen the item that we were trying to obtain has a 10 drop chance so after a few kills we ended up getting the cryostone the next item we had to obtain was a drop from the cloud elemental which only spawns in the sky during a rainstorm since rainstorms are relatively rare unless you don't want them to occur calamity has got you covered with an item called a torrent tear when activated it will cause the game to rain i kid you not the first crowd elemental we encountered dropped the item we needed why couldn't that be like with the sand element next we had to kill the leviathan yet again for it to drop an item called the pearl of enthrallment quite like the ice cube only a few kills were actually needed for it to drop its item our next item yes i know it's a lot but just bear with me is known as the rose stone which is from the brimstone elemental yes again only a few kills were needed for the item to drop next was a bit of a blast from the very big past as we had to get an item from the desert skirt des i still i still cannot pronounce the god damn that let's say quick and easy were the main words i'd use to describe what went down now the final boss we needed an item from is called the plague bringer goliath also known as the one boss i completely forgot about if you remember the message that was displayed after we defeated gom this is the boss responsible for it let me just play that theme for you playing winger goliath also known as big ass metal beat is one fast boss i dare say faster than who shall not be named there is a lot more movement needed alongside quick and fast thinking during this boss fight luckily since i had post moonlord items and weapons this was made relatively easy though we did have potions just in case luckily for us killing that boss we got our item first try and now we have finally obtained the heart of elements boys gamers allow me to introduce you to the greatest gift that has ever been bestowed upon us okay jokes aside this is actually a very helpful item so let's keep going now with calamity when you defeat the moonlord you'll run into these i'm not really sure what they are but they're a new enemy type that have a lot of health and do a decent amount of damage when you kill enough of them you gain enough of their material you'll be able to summon the profaned guardians or as the calamity community likes to call them the chicken nuggets what kind of chicken nuggets have you been putting in your body what the real challenge is is the item you get from them after defeating them but you'll find out what that is in just a second next boss on the list that we just had to fight because it was there is a jungle dragon called dragon folly this ain't even the best jungle dragon that we all battle nothing really interesting to say about this boss except that it traps you in this certain area with these penis looking beams on each side basically it's just a lightning bird that just goes when we defeated the bird it actually didn't drop us anything interesting now going back to the boss drop that we obtained from the pro hold on we need a new song we crafted an item called the profaned core which when used in the hallowed biome you summoned one of the hardest bosses in terraria calamity providence she is an absolute unit that will ruin every aspect of your game now a few cute little mechanics that providence has one being that when summoned you instantly get a debuff that reduces your flight time if you get too far away from the boss you instantly die it's the act of actually touching her little [ __ ] bullet is what will damage you when you get hit by one of them it is a guaranteed 100 damage so she can be a little bit strong after a few attempts of going up against her and mastering her mechanics we then found the strength to defeat this flying beehive and claimed victory they're also assisted by a new item called the normality relocator basically just the calamity version of the rod of discord but even better with the death of providence we were also able to craft a whole new array of items the first being yarum's insignia which basically just buffs our melee damage tenfold we also made a new melee weapon which is an upgraded version of the solar eruption called the morning star this weapon is the result of the solar eruption going through their glow up phase to create a new set of armor though we needed to obtain a new orc to combine with providence material drop and that new or was in the jungle called yui bloom when arriving home we also realized that we could increase our hp yet again by crafting an item known as the elder bearing after we crafted all those new items we would not actually have any of the providence or there to craft the brand new armor so we used another cheeky little calamity mechanic where if you are in expert mode you can go up to an npc that sells boss loot banks from each boss that you've killed before and quite frankly i don't want to go up against providence again like with all loot boxes we did not have enough money to purchase it one little thing we used to counter this is we bought a lot of aquatic scourge summoners to farm that thing over and over again so finally after all that we were able to craft a set of the tarragon armor basically this gave us a massive boost in damage defense and health the next three sets of bosses that we face are kind of like disciples for a stronger boss they include the ceaseless void a boss that can only be fought in the dungeon another space worm but unlike the um other one this fight was made extremely easy thanks to one platform 2.0 and finally you have cygnus which can be fought only in hell out of the three this one was definitely the hardest but still we beat him with ease since we defeated all these three mini bosses you would think it was time to verse the grand daddy boss there was still one other boss we had to go up against secluded from the other four firstly though i found out a weapon that we could craft which was a tracking upgraded version of the possessed hatchet that explodes i think that is all the information that you will need about this weapon we headed to the dungeon yet again to build on a radar for our next boss battle uh now i would show you the fight but the uh the footage just went missing which is a real shame because the boss is actually a really interesting boss called the poltergeist it's basically like a buffed up planned terror that is also a ghost that is also just the coolest thing ever after we defeated the boss we were able to craft a new armor set called the blood flare armor which is basically a literal novel to be read when discussing its steps basically it's good armor that protect better following the poltergeist we actually found out there was one more boss before we verse big grand pappy we didn't have to defeat him but i wanted to participate either way and that is where we go over to the acid rain yet again so after the acid rain you are met with a brand new boss called the old duke who is basically duke fishtron on literal steroids luckily without totally not breaking any sweats at all we defeated the boss speaking of the boss remember those disciple bosses that we battled earlier well time to battle their grandpappies cue the music yet again it is time to battle one of the most iconic bosses in calamity mod ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce you to the devourer of gods the fight starts off with the beast only having weak points on the head and the tail of its strike that's where you're going to have to shoot or in my case wave around my sword thingamajiggy when you defeat the boss you probably go oh that was pretty easy never mind that was only the first stage because old mate decides to summon the three disciples to battle you yet again but only once you kill all three of these disciples again you go up against the true version of the devourer god and what a chunky boy is johnny sins [ __ ] is literally jealous of this long worm as the fight goes on you gotta bomb and weave and weave and bomb but in the end we defeated the worm first trying by the way did you know that this fight took over 10 actual whole minutes that's right 10 goddamn minutes to battle a giant space worm but ladies and gentlemen we still have two more bosses to defeat to quote dr strange we're in the end game now the first thing we're going to need is an item called dragon's ford to get this we need two more new items these being nightmare fuel and endothermic energy both of these are dropped from the pumpkin and frost moon because after defeating the devourer of gonz these two events now just make everything way stronger than normal no new mobs or anything everything just gets buffed to the god damn moon so the first event i did was the frost moon as i had to wait for the pumpkin seeds to grow to craft the pumpkin medallion after finishing the event we used a potion to try and gather all the items that have been dropped this potion is a new potion called the ceaseless void potion or as i like to call it the big sun after all that we were finally able to craft the dragon's form and now the grand time of upgrades shall begin the first thing we created was the elemental gauntlet which is the final upgraded version of the fire gauntlet next was the new set of armor known as the godslayer armor this set does a lot of things but yet again i won't be reading them all you need to know is that we are very strong boy we now have something called the elysian traces same thing as last time except you fly more and you [ __ ] more the next item that was crafted was a new weapon which basically we had to get something called the biome blade which you can actually obtain pre-hard mode and then this blade can be upgraded into something called the true biome blade which then can be upgraded into something called the omega biome blade which then can be upgraded to something called the galaxia the funniest thing is this ain't even the final form now the final item that we did craft was something called the sponge which the crafting recipe for this thing can only be explained in a university lecture just look at the goddamn bonuses it gets making this thing took so long with this item we were now able to stand a chance and go up against the second last boss of calamity yaron the dragon of the jungle if you remember at the beginning of post moonlord we battled its infant version but instead of penises blocking our pathways this boy has goddamn fire tornadoes blocking us in not only that but yaron has the exact same attacks as other bosses including the diving and raw speed also shooting the fire tornadoes at you this time at a low-key spawn similar to the drukish front water nato but 20 times worse just shooting a constant valley of fire basically what every other boss does also he stole from providence yaron stole that but also upped it by like 30 trillion you survived the pure and raw power of this dragon's attacks you realize that this was only phase one there is a second heart now what you're supposed to do after phase one is go and loot and do a buff version of the solar eclipse like the pumpkin and the frost moon and obtained a new crafting recipe blah blah blah upgrade your items and materials you know the story but monkey brain me had another plan instead of doing all the upgrading armor and weapons i said screw it let me summon your on phase two but the thing is we beat it i beat yaron phase two expert mode now to summon phase two gotta beat phase one yet again but instead of going away at 10 hp yaron would regenerate becoming the ultimate big bird [Music] oh mercy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] yes this is this is [Music] [Music] defeated we had only one more boss left to defeat now to prepare for it i'm gonna go over what we have instead of how we got it because we'd literally be here for another half an hour if i did so the first thing is our armor which is now called the auric tesla armor the next two items are accessories the first being the upgraded version of the boot wings called the celestial tracers and the second be the reaper tooth necklace finally the weapons we have the calamity upgraded version of the vampire knives and our sword got its final upgrade called the galaxia and then finally another sword could the murasama which can only be used after you kill phase 2 yaron and i mean can you blame the game look at those stats but finally after all that grinding after almost 40 hours of playing calamity expert mode it was finally time to battle the final boss ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce to you supreme calamitous start off the fight you are trapped inside a box that you cannot escape percent a random volley of little balls that when touched will do unfathomable amount of damage after dodging all of these there will be around about 10 or so orbs that will spawn five or so each side of the box which you need to destroy so you can actually damage flammabus when the damage phase starts then you will need to dodge all of the attacks whilst attacking her constantly all the debuffs that she's applied to you in the previous fight are still with her and apply here when you get her down to about 75 of her health you will need to go into the ultimate dodge form as projectiles from every direction will start spawning then it's time for damage phase yet again until about 50 where you'll need to dodge yet again except with this time more projectiles and just when you think the dodging phase is over and the damage phase has begun you think oh this is going well it's just don's damage boy her grabby hands all spawned in buffed out of their goddamn mind then even after you beat these grabby hands it's damage phase yes again by the way did i mention that she has 8 million health points because she has 8 million health points when you get her down to 30 hp you've killed all the grabby hands you've lower health again you will enter a dodge phase yet again but when you accident you think this will be a damage phase yes but this time it has death moons that i when you get her down to 20 hp she goes immune yet again but surround herself with many hers that all aren't chunky monkeys that all needs to be destroyed so you can damage her again after defeating those you then get another little damage phase yet again until you get down to 10 hp when you are dodging everything under the goddamn sun to stay alive trying not to die me almost being 100 hp i was literally sweating another dodging face spawned in yet again she has one more trick of her sleeve when she gets to eight percent of her health she will spawn in the death worm which you cannot kill because you have to destroy the same goddamn orbs again from the start of the fight [ __ ] you have everything under the god damn sun trying to hit you losing all of my health yes again but i was in the final damage page nothing else was going to be in my way the only thing i needed to damage was her and our health kept going down as as just her but we got down to one hp because i was not going to die to this giant vagina defeat us and yes ladies and gentlemen boys and girls we had defeated the terraria calamity expert mode and to celebrate well we just crafted this pickaxe and i mean just just look at this thing thank you so much for watching and actually making it to the end of this video it took a while to make so i really do appreciate that you made it to the end of this video so let me know what you thought and also what game i should completely cover next which leads me to the special announcement i'm currently streaming over on twitch pokemon brilliant diamond and i thought maybe i could have these big videos on my channel where i just cover an entire game or like this mod which basically is an entire game let's be honest here so yeah go for the twitch to go watch me play it and help me out with funnies i'm gonna go have a staring contest with my amogus again [Music]
Channel: Elppa
Views: 1,497,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria calamity mod, terraria, terraria calamity, calamity mod, calamity mod terraria, calamity, terraria 1.4, calamity mod terraria guide, terraria playthrough, terraria calamity playthrough, calamity mod terraria draedon, 100 days of terraria master mode, terraria mods, calamity terraria, modded terraria, 100 days of terraria, terraria mod, terraria mod playthrough, terraria master mode, terraria gameplay, calamity terraria mod, terraria co-op playthrough, elppa
Id: 49JTEmKqdK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 14sec (3134 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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