terraria, but i start with REWORKED Murasama

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murasama from Terraria Lam mod has received a brand new complete rework along with a lot of other weapons so in this video I'll be playing tharia clamity mode but I start with the level one rework murasama along the way I will also be showing you guys other weapons that got rework by the Calamity of our Hall mode just to make things a bit more interesting First Let Me Explain on what change with the murasama before we start this journey to putting short it basically scales with our progression now it starts of week but as we progress and the fit BOS the damage increases and will be able to unlock special combos that only the murasama can unleash for every subscriber this video gets I will take 50 dir blocks in Terraria what could possibly go wrong enjoy the video unlike other playthroughs we start inside a box near the dreadon lap in the underw biome our mission here is to dig down to infiltrate the redon base there are two tets down here that will destroy us immediately if you are not careful to avoid that from happening I rush to the right side after dropping we still took one to Red shot but it's better than and dying now we mine down the touret from below and open one of the two chest here inside of it it is the one and only below murasama and yep I am not reading all that currently it only deals 10 damage but it still gets a job done I'd rather use this than Copper shortsword any day of the week not long afterwards we commit toaster in a btub so that we could go back to spawn also notice how the rework murasama gained a new proctal attack it might look weak now but it will get better as we progress now we must do the usual like iting deforestation build some prison boxes for our NPCs to move in and make a small Arena the obligatory early game Shenanigans after that I explored the cave near our base it is much easier to explore the caves now due to the lighting provided from our murasama I obtain a herit boots from one of the chest while we are near the source of lava and water I also gathered some obsidians just in case we need them for later inside the cave I found a glowing mushroom biome in which I got some decent loots and a bone pickaxe then I went back to base at an obsidian skull an iron unfill and an ameus hook afterwards I drank a gravitation portion in hope of getting some distant Sky Island loot well I didn't get much stuff other than getting by a group of harpies let's just explore the underground caves again for now we mind down a lot of gold ores defeated some enemies for materials and finally we get the thing we were looking for a clo in a bottle we go back to base and craft a full set of gold armor for some protection then I drank a gravitation potion again things were going well only for us to get destroyed by the harpies once again eventually after going through like five Sky Islands we finally found a shiny red balloon now we must go to the corruption biome The Recoil from murasama helps us to move faster we fall into the pit of corruption and craft a slime crown on the demon altar while we are here might as well destroy two orbs getting a musket and a Shadow Ball pth let's wait for daytime before summoning King Slime in the meantime let's explore a bit of the desert biome in here we found a pyramid which had a topas hook inside of the loot chest what's the point of crafting an amst hook earlier then while waiting for the morning to set in I explored the underground desert we might know a ton of desert fossils thanks to our excavator mod we also need to defeat the anlan enemies here for some mbls we got a magic hch from a desert chest which can be quite handy for teleporting to the ocean biome we also got a Buren sword from a rare enemy drop they rework this word to be able to shoot sand projectiles then we return back to our base and sifted through all of our desert fossils using extractinator getting some good ORS and gems by doing so to pass time I also crafted a desert Medallion on a demon altar the sun has finally risen and using the Slime Crown we can summon King Slime the first boss in this journey I prefer fighting King Slime during the daytime more it just feels more fitting and allows us to see his attacks more clearly our murasama is able to deal quite a hefty blow against King Slime despite only having 10 damage to its name the wrench mode of murasama helps to keep a safe distance but let's just Ming slime because we ain't no cowards I wanted to test out the burn aort we got earlier but I just made a mess from all the sand it shot out so let's not use that back to using our reliable murasama the white range of murasama Slash was able to destroy the Slime minions in little to no time needless to say this King Slime boss fight was a breeze I personally myself wouldn't call this a boss fight as this felt like an absolute Massacre King Slime is now dead and our murasama just got slightly more powerful upon defeating King Slime we must travel to the desert biome we expand our Arena here and proceed to summon the desert Scorch we were able to deal a lot of damage to Scorch as they there was a lot of surface area that our murasama could hit but this guy keeps digging under the ground so it was a tiny bit annoying to deal with but aside from that one small slight issue the fight was not a problem at all and phase two wasn't hard in the slightest due to our Mobility accessories I'm not sure which mood deals more damage the melee one or the range one but it doesn't really matter too much because in the end we easily defeated desert Scorch next our objective is to defeat the eye of Tulu we have to be quick as it is already night time I farm some lens from the floating eye enemies and turn them into suspicious looking eye the night is almost over but screw it we'll be fine let's summon the eye of Tulu we must beat the eye before it turns daytime so we have to be quick as there is not much time left fortunately the eye was absolutely easy to deal with as our damage has been increased from the two bosses we previously defeated the white range of our murasama easily took care of the smaller eyes so they were not an issue in the slightest though his final face was a bit Troublesome as he just won't stop moving and keeps dashing around making it hard for me to hit him but I just brute forc myself to not waste any more time as it was almost morning and I don't want the eye to despa so by using Brute Force we brutally violated the eye of Tulu by defeating the eye of Tulu we unlock the next upgrade for our murasama this upgrade allows us to perform a Rising Dragon slash by pressing a special button and aiming it with right click it deals a very solid damage and is a great way to perform Mobility Maneuvers for our next mission the murasama gave us a command to fight the eer of world but before that I crafted a full set of fite armor first I can't believe I'm getting ordered around by my own sword how low I have become I threw a bomb down to destroy the third Shadow orb I thought I was able to outrun the eer and reach our arena in time but let's just say things did not go according to plan so let's just use the manual method instead to not embarrass myself further surprisingly murasama is doing a terrible job at dealing damage against ether of world I cannot say the word world I think it has something to do with the fact that ether is a warm boss with multiple segments so maybe the deaths nerve the murasama to not deal insane damage against multiple segments perhaps I don't know exactly but it is quite literally dealing one damage that is horrible luckily murasama could bu interest projectiles so it's not too hard to dodge them Brena isn't a solution either this word despite being reworked is still quite frankly Dark Water ether of Worlds was our first seual challenge in this journey as all the bosses we fought so far were easy to deal with it took me a lot of time to chip down it health well I'd be honest I don't think this is hard but it's just plain annoying however I did find a solution once we split the warm into two or more they became much more fragile and easy to destroy so the later parts of the fight were ironically much easier than the early stages to put it into words it is like a RSE phase two a quite interesting phenomenon the fitting eer of Worlds give us the materials we need to craft nightmare Pickaxe and a full set of Shadow Armor our next objective is to defeat Skeletron located in the dungeon entrance but since it was already morning I decided to explore a bit of the Jungle first to spend some time and maybe get some useful stuff along the way only to be rewarded with a death Man's Chest that almost killed me luckily I got a ferak CL accessory from one of the I chest I also found a beehive biome and you know what while we are here might as well fight Queen B I was expecting to lose heart against Queen B but I was in fact hardly losing against her our murasama deals such good damage and the white slash insta kills all of her small B minions so this fight wasn't hard in the slightest needless to say I did not regret breaking the Queen B ala as this was probably the easiest boss fight yet so far in this journey after defeating Queen B I went home and made some more Boxes by using the Conch we could instantly teleport to the site of ocean biome near the dungeon I am not dealing with any of the mops here in the suur sea biome luckily muras sama's Rising Dragon slash helps us Escape all the shenan guns in the sui biome I found a metor crator that landed much earlier I couldn't refuse to not mine it down who knows we might need it for later while I was picking the meteorite ores up two random Australian crocodiles decided to brutally Slaughter me anyways we arrive at the dungeon entrance and let's say some swear words so that we could awaken the skeleton inside of CHP gaming murasama white slash was able to hit all of Skeletron segments at once so this fight was a breeze Skeletron is the perfectest subject for us to practice our Rising Dragon slash the funny thing is every time we perform it the Skullhead gets knock away from us I also noticed that us the player get some eye frames every time we perform a Rising Dragon slash we just have to perform a Rising Dragon slash to knock him away so yeah this entire fight was extremely easy as we were about to enter the dungeon we got an announcement that the infection is about to happen but it's fine that can come later we beat up some dungeon enemies to get a golden key we got some decent dungeon loots but most importantly we got the accessory that we were looking for a Cobalt shield now that we got the Cobalt Shield we return back to our base and take care of the ongoing Goblin infe we swiftly took care of it but as to be expected I don't know why the goblin infe occurred so late for us we head back to the corruption biome to engage a fight against the hi mine we just need to defeat this disgusting blob so that we can get access to mining aite ores H mine wasn't a problem in the slightest we couldn't even get to experience the full power in each of his faces our combo was very powerful it basically almost skipped an entire phase and we took down the Hy mine in no time we got the sickest flamethrower from Hy mine too bad I'm going Mele this play through now that the Hy mine is down we can M down IR light ores located in the sky islands i m down plenty of them I turn them into bars and crafted all the reor IR light team weapons indicated by the Red symbol wind blade functions like normal but now has a right click that shoots wind blast like a magic weapon gold Plum spear shoots feathers from the tip but the spear can be held using right click to rain down feathers from the sky and the air spinner yoyo becomes stronger with the ability to shoot more damaging feathers in six directions around it not to forget we also crafted the iros speec armor I built a helor on top of zoologist I am just doing her a favor by returning her back to her habitat we M down all the Life Crystals we encounter while dropping down from the helor and we also encountered a bone Goblin t NPC now we have access to tinkerer workshop and rocket boots I use the tinkerer workshop to upgrade my accessories our next objective is to defeat the slime God boss I think we should give our aite weapons a shot instead of just using our murasama give this play through some VAR and spice so it's not too monotone I died once to slime God because I was having a dilemma in my inner thoughts on whether I should do this play through with only moras Sama or not I decided not to because I already did a mono murasama play through not long ago but you guys can check my friend out called Maura which will do a mono rework murasama play through soon he's a great guy and he's been helping me a lot in guiding me throughout this entire play through gold Plum spear fer R lets us engage from a safe distance and air spinner yo-yo is amazing at crowd controlling the smaller slimes that got split down after a slime God enters their later faces using the iros speec gears we easily took down slime God unlocking the next special ability of our murasama now we can perform a plunging attack by using it it might not be too useful for certain bosses but it for sure is useful for Mobility let's continue our helor journey to arrive in the Underworld biome I grab a hell Forge from down here our objective here is to mine down plenty of Hell stones in order to craft molten gears it took a while but once I think I got more than enough I returned back to base and crafted a full set of molten armor I built a long platform in the Underworld biome and now I think we should be ready to face the wall of flashh murasama could hit all of wall of flash shment at once his mouth and two of his eyes but that doesn't mean it's a good thing because it looks like our damage is reduced if we hit all the the parts at once so let's just focus on the eyes I don't understand why we unlock the plunging attack combo right before wall of flashh because how would I perform a plunging attack against wall of flesh when I have no ground to stand on and no way to hit them let's just say it was a bit too late when I realized that my Arena was a tiny bit too small my stubborn ass keeps refusing to make the arena bigger but finally after expanding the arena Wall of Flesh became a breeze and we perform a super sexy Rising Dragon SL combo as a finisher ending prehart mode with style from the wall of flesh I got a loot magnet which is a quite efficient tool for me to gather stuff I consumed the demon heart to get an extra accessory slot our murasama gave us a task to defeat either the mechanical bosses or aquatic scorge but before that let's break some Demon altars first for some soulos of night I also explored the underground Hollow for gelatin Crystal while exploring there I found a bone wizard NPC I bought the Crystal Ball from him once we got back home we crafted all the summoning items for the mechanical bosses but before fighting the mechanical bosses like let's fight Queen slime first she's not obligatory but the crystal assassin armor set might be worth it in the face of murasama Queen slime is just basically glorified King Slime as our damage was super solid I died once to Queen slime because I was unprepared and my armor was molten but somehow something snapped inside of me suddenly I was able to perform elusive combos that I never even thought of Performing before I don't know what just happened but holy moly that was very cool I defeated one more Queen slime and obtained the full Crystal assassin armor set this set grants us the ability to dash so we don't have to use the Shi of Tulu anymore then we went to the sky islands to farm down some werns in order to get Souls of light we used the souls to craft angel wings our first Wings in this play through on that night I decided to summon the twins first out of all the three mechanical bossas I was curious about whether I will be performing optimal or not since murasama is technically trele and it's basically near impossible to defeat The Twins viat Trum in Fila Terraria however murasama Rising Dron slash solves the problem as it performs as a gap closer in reaching the Twins and the eye frames it provides help the player negate the contact damage the twins was the first boss fight I properly use a plunging attack on though I do wish the plunging attack would provide a bit more ey frames in the future update thanks to the ey frames murasama provided we did not take too much damage from Spas matism flamethrower I took spasm down first because the flamethrower can be quite distracting taking down Reaser was a walk in the park two more mechanical bosses left to go the night is not yet over as after that we immediately summon elron Prime turns out you don't gain eye frames during The Rising Dragon SL teleportation huh that's something to keep in mind I got to say Skeletron Prime is probably the easiest make boss out of the three our murasama was able to hit all the arms and head at once but it isn't affected by the damage reduction in fact our murasama basically one shot at one of the arms for some reason the craziest part is I did not even have to destroy skeleton Prime arms as just by aiming his Skullhead is more than enough to take him down well that was way too easy easy how about Destroyer this worm should be more of a challenge right considering he is a worm boss and so far the murasama is proving to be quite ineffective against warm bossas well surprisingly Destroyer wasn't too hard either but definitely the tank is out of the tree well there goes all of our NPCs ah this always happens a familiar side to behold unlike the experience we had with ether the worb damage reduction issue became less noticeable since we unlocked the Rising Dragon slash it deals super solid damage even on top of the damage reduction not to mention the ey frame it provide is the cherry on top of the cake allowing us to be basically in vulnerable as long as we don't get hit by the lasers Destroyer is the perfectest subject for us to practice our plunging attack combo because this worm prefers staying under the ground at all times reminds me of a game called Doodle Jump I used to play a lot on Stranger phones when I was a kid you know the saying you can run but you cannot hide yourself under the ground I don't think that's how it goes but we defeated the Destroyer we defeated a few more Destroyers or some extra Hollow bars it's a bit weird how we M down the heart Motors after defeating all the mechanical bossas because you know usually we do it before not after using the holot bars we crafted an Excalibur and a full set of hollow armor then we made a few more present boxes because somehow all our housings are already occupied I also upgraded the counter scarf we bought from the cloter NPC into an efficient scarf and lastly we upgraded our boots into an angel thread I went to the brimson CRA biome to farm down some essence of hok and and while in there I also M down a few minority hell Stones we for sure need it for later using the essence I crafted an eye of desolation but before fighting clamas clone and since it was already morning I farm down some ocean materials first and turned them into a seafood because I'll be going to the sulfur receivers to test our damage against aquatic scorge just for fun and maybe it will increase our damage by a bit against this worm I notice our damage isn't as insane as we dealt to the mechanical bosses we are still powerful but we can definit start to notice the damage reduction being able to perform consecutive plunging attacks on aquatic Scorch body was a fun experience though and by doing that I think we dealt a respectable amount of damage aquatic Scorch is the first boss fight that teaches us a lesson to not mess around with Rising Dragon slash too much as the cool down between each Dragon slash could easily be the end of us especially due to all the floating hazards being spread out on the second phase nonetheless even though we died a few times with a well-ordered Immaculate combos we smoothly took down aquatic Scourge the acid event immediately started once we defeated aquatic scorge probably the most useless and boring event in Calamity it was easy to deal with now that it is night time we can proceed to summon the calamitas Clone calamitas clone teaches us the significance of Mobility from our Rising Dragon slash and the importance of utilizing the eye frames between each Dragon slash to its maximum potential we have to be really careful When approaching K clone especially when she summons her clone Brothers during her later phases as one of the brothers has the flamethrower ability that can deal high damage to us in close proximity I am very used to the bullet hell face as I play too much Calamity I don't think that is something I should be proud of though yep I did not die even once when using trele C clone has the same issue as the twins as she will always try to distance herself away from us so in order to damage her the best option for us would be to use our Rising Dragon slash in other words she is basically a stronger and glorified version of the twins I got to say h arm set bonus does work really well with murasama the reason is the ey frames given by both are stack on top of each other so the Synergy makes the game play very smooth and at last with a precise Dragon SL combo we successfully defeated the camitas Clone the operator NPC now sells an item that basically allows us to control the time and weather well that is very useful I also crafted the brimstone weapons that receive a reor brim lash shoots bolts that explode into three smaller ones at maximum distance of travel and now has a right click function that performs similarly like relic of Ruin magic weapon while for the brimstone sword hitting enemies will sometimes spawn damaging Brimstone gazers from the ground next our objective will to go to the underground jungle to find a planta bulb along the way we found a few life Roots after a while we found the infernum generated planta bulb n structor it is strategically located near the jungle temple too this is one of the reasons why I love moded World Generation we destroy one of the many bulbs here to summon planta I was too lazy to build a proper Arena as I believe this next structor alone contains more than enough space for us to maneuver around besides come on it's just planta we just have to circle around her to avoid most of her attacks while dealing a super solid damage against her her second phe wasn't a problem either because the circling method still works perfectly fine she did not even get a chance to scratch me damn she is freaky with those STS I am not into biting though sorry ma'am I much prefer planta when she closes her mouth I'm a respectable man after defeating pla we must enter the jungle temple exploring the temple wasn't too hard because our murasama White Range easily took down all the temple enemies we made a quick platform Arena and proceed to summon Golem himself the fight against Golem was pretty much boring his laser project stes move way too slow that performing a chain of Rising Dragon slash could Dodge them very easily for most parts of the fight we just have to stay on top of him on our Arena platform allowing us to deal damage comfortably while he could not even reach us and there we go Golem is now dead from the treasure back we got a pixa and we also got the IG blade this word got reworked by the Calamity of H mode now it has the ability to charge and summon a giant sword to impel enemies from above after that our murasama give us a command to fight either PL bringer golad or astrum Deus I decided to go to the astral infection biome first and farm the enemies there so that we could get a Titan heart in which we can use to summon astrum Deus I tried using the aigis blade against astrom Deus because I believe our murasama would not be too effective against him considering he is a worm boss and so far murasama has proven to be ineffective against worm bosses one thing I got to say is Holy sholy this boss is tanky as hell I might be doing something wrong here so maybe let's upgrade our stuff first first I bought the Steampunk Wings from the steampunker NPC then I went to the underground jungle again to mine down plenty of chloride ores and to De fit the pl bringer enemies here to obtain some ple cell canisters we turned the chloride into an armor set and upgraded it into the ble armor we crafted a defensive version I thought having the ble armor and Steampunk Wings was more than enough preparation for us to face the Asom de once again but to my surprise our damage was still as pathetic as ever IIs blade is taking an absolutely long time in chipping down asro they HP and our murasama is quite literally Dark Water against him we are practically swinging around a wet noodle the fight isn't too easy either us taking two hits from the Worm pretty much obliterates us instantly after dying like five more times I just knew we were definitely not ready yet for asor Deus so we should fight other bosses first I boot and consume the maximum amount of Life fruits from the Jer NPC then using the plexal canisters we crafted the Abomination which we use in the underground jungle to summon black Brer golad I am still using the Arena because who needs an arena when you have moded World Generation another excuse to be lazy fighting goat feels like an allar around charge and dash Festa because we have to commit to using Rising Dragon slash the same time golet uses his dashing attack with the eye frames helping us to negate the contact damage if we don't commit to dashing at the right time we pretty much get obliterated by golad so we have to be confident and quick at using our dashes it is pretty much a test of our reflexes then I realized hey this boss AI kind of reminds me of planta why don't we just try to to Circle him maybe it could work and to my surprise it worked near perfectly especially combined with the dash from Rising Dragon slash well I guess another day another Thia boss that falls victim to the circling method to be fair our murasama already got the upgrade it needed by beating down PL bringer golad but don't worry we'll still have our revenge on astrom D later but for now I'm very sure we are not ready to face him yet however I have a plan a diffus little plan to conquer them all first we must go to the sanken sea to find a giant clam this is truly the clam before the storm as we beat the clam to pulp so that the seeking NPC can spawn in because from him we can buy a truffle worm now we head to the ocean and use a truffle worm to summon Duke fishron we need to beat this haric Abomination to get fishron wings du fishron wasn't hard in the slightest because we maneuver slightly faster than him Rising Dragon slash could easily destroy all the bubbles this P SPS out so our only problem is avoiding his Dash us which wasn't too much of a problem either because we can just use the same dashing method we used on golad earlier in in fact du fish Ron is so weak I think we destroyed him in under 1 minute we got the fish Ron wings from the first Duke fish Ron but we need to defeat more for a special sword that he can drop it is none other than the Briny Baron it got reworked by the Calamity of hallm mod to be more powerful I think they also buff its right click to be a bit more powerful while testing this word a martian prob spawn out of nowhere lucky for us we can initiate a martian infe due to that using the brny baron we easily took care of the Martian infe except until the saucer spawned in yeah now that we have the fishron wings and Bry Baron I think we are ready to fight the asum Deus again don't get me wrong asum Deus is still tanky as hell even with our Briny Baron but it is definitely more manageable and our fish run Wings do help a lot in improving our Mobility on his face to astrum Deus can split into two separate worms I thought they'd be less tanky but hell no they literally have the same defense as the previous phase imagine this a bullet H spamming Worm but you multiply it by two let's just say it was not an enjoyable experience but the constant Tornado from Bry Baron and the consistent DPS by the razor blade Typhoon from its right click mode does help a lot during this fight as we can slowly but consistently deal a solid amount of damage to asum de's body our efforts were proven to be quite successful in taking down calamities other other other space worm asum Deus drop its hide a very powerful through Mele accessory so turns out all our efforts were not a waste after all after that we went to the dungeon to fight a lunatic W test they genuinely feel like a normal mop due to how powerful the state of our murasama is we don't even have to bother finding the real cultis clone because it took a total of like five proper Dragon slash to take them down they seriously need to buff these guys next we would have to take down the pillars I decided to take down the solar one first which was very easy to take care of a bit weird considering solar is usually the hardest one in vanilla based game it is quite funny that our murasama can knock up the pillars turns out they are not immune to knockback the enemies drop melt blob which we can use to craft anthropic laymore a rework melee weapon it has a cool swing animation but it's kind of trashy before fighting the other pillars let's head to the dungeon first to farm down some ectoplasms just in case we need them for later we turn a few of the ectoplasms into Comet questioner they rework this word by removing the TR status of it allowing it to rain down meteors without the requirements of having it to hit enemies on contact and we also upgraded our shield into the ascard follower then we took down the three other pillars which wasn't too hard either Stardust pillar was the last one and from my experience Calamity summons Moon Lord almost instantaneously the moment you beat the last pillar aha they cannot catch me off guard anymore I have learned from my mistakes little to my knowledge I was still underprepared as Moon Lord's damage was much higher than I expected and my mental was not ready to receive moonl Lord spanking our first try was an embarrassing failure we proceed to craft the celestial seil so we can summon the moon Lord again Rising Dragon / ey frames were the most important aspect in this fight as Moon Lord spawns a constant stream of projectiles whether it be his deathray beam his laser blast or the cancer Tulu eyes Moon Lord never fails to fill me up with his beams so we have to be quick and confident at using our dashas it'd be a that wish if we decided to just go kamikaza and throw Mele Moon Lord without utilizing the eye frames from our Rising Dragon slash on some tries I admit I was not careful and I received a few horrendous beatings from Mr moonl Lord though moonl Lord's attacks do deal quite a heavy blow to our health bar he was not tanky at all unlike our previous annoying space War ball imagine this tentacle Elder Abomination as a glass Cannon they hit hard but we the player also hit them hard in fact his defense was solo a few Rising Dragon slash could easily take down his three eye segments in a single phase opening his Center heart without much problem once his Center heart was open the fight was practically already over as we can easily Dodge the death ray lasers with our Dragon SL Dash ending the fight against Moon Lord in a stylish manner ah Moon Lord's that animation is always super satisfying to watch don't worry our journey is not yet over this is Calamity we are just two3 into the game as now we have just entered the post Moon Lord stage using the celestial onion we gain one more extra accessory slot and we also obtain the best wings in vanilla terara the celestial starboard it is not the best wings in camito we crafted a luminite pickaxe so we can M down the planetoid up in the sky for more luminites using the luminites we crafted a full set of solar armor we also crafted the Stellar Striker looks like L overhaul remove its through status as its new default shoots of projectiles while I was testing out this SW we got transported into this weird Dimension at first I had no idea what to do I thought this was a special effect from our Stellar Striker turns out we had to climb the stairs once at the top we'll be greeted with the cut scene damn am I trippin or what anyways the new great sword of judgment rework is not bad the new spiraling attack it unleashes is quite beautiful to upgrade our murasama and unlock its last combo pattern we need to defeat either the Bumble burp or the profane meatballs I farm the enemies in the Underworld biome for some Unholy Essence then I use them to of the profane Shard now we must go to the right side of the underworld to visit the profane Garden biome on the crystal altar we summon the profane meatballs and going to lie I got pretty overwhelmed by all the visual effects from the profan Guardians the fight wasn't as easy as I anticipated so let's just fight the Bumble bur first I figured out h'd be easier this way we can unlock the final combo upgrade to our murasama as soon as possible Dron fif fight was extremely easy I think I almost know hit at this boss we are able to out maneuver this bird with our current gears but one thing I did not expect is we take damage if we Dash through his red electric pillar I'll make sure to keep that in mind but yeah aside from that we styled on the bird and the fight was pretty much over in under a minute we have just unlocked the final combo to our murasama it is none other than fail signature screen shattering judgment cut while it may be extremely powerful we need to do 10 Rising Dragon slashes in order to activate it so it is actually perfectly balanced okay A bit of for while break here but but I know this is neither Sam's nor murasama signature ability it belongs to fil and his Yamato but you got to admit it does look cool and a bit of Easter egg here if you name your player fil your murasama turns blue thanks Maura for letting me know this on our fight against the profan mid balls I honestly do not know what's happening on most parts of the fight but I just Spam Rising Dragon slashers giving us just enough eye frames to be invulnerable to most of the bullet spams and charges well I guess you could say I pretty much did the same strategy on most process but it is definitely more prevalent on this flaming hot meatballs and in the end our judgment cut was able to deal the finishing blow they drop the war Banner of the sun which is a very useful through melee accessory upon defeating them the gate to enter Providence Arena will be unlocked and on the center of the Arena we can use the profane core to summon Providence the profane goddess the main problem we are facing during the Providence fight is our wing flight time due to the sheer size of the Arena we can easily Dodge Providence attacks but at the same time we can also easily run out of our flight time as maneuvering and dashing around with Rising Dragon slash could easily depl our flight meter while it does make doing Providence bullet easier we have to be more careful this way I died quite some time fighting Providence I think I was a bit tired from the gym when I fought her because usually my performance is not as bad as this she is literally my favorite Calamity boss I tried fighting nighttime Providence too at some point but she was a big no no though she looks cooler the night and fres easily kills us with just two attacks I am not doing that but yeah a set from the wing fly time issue the fight wasn't that hard judgment cut was very effective at dealing damage to Providence looks like the new murasama upgrade is not just for show though we are required to do 10 Dragon slashes every time we want to do it it did help a lot in taking down Providence she dropped some nice loots especially the elisan IAS while we are here let's use the Rune of cost drop by Providence to summon SOS the inoy of the this guy is one of the four Sentinel and he is basically an edge Lord that watches too much Naruto his main attacks primarily consists of Dashing and charging around like a shadow sadly he was not challenging in the slightest a few Rising Dragon slashes and he was down oh well back to our base now by defeating Providence we are now able to mine the U bloom or spawn in the underground biome we crafted it into a blossom pickaxe and also a new sword added by Calamity offer Hall it is called the dragon scale gr sword the good thing about this sword is it's very cheap to craft considering this the and a great substitute for terat not to forget a full set of taragon armor I was feeling a little bit silly so I crafted the Terra Blade and I turn it into the terat to it took me quite some time but I just wanted to see what good reor with the sword did they make it look cooler I don't think much change no I might be tripping it is time to fight the rest of the Sentinels let's first start with the storm Weaver I'm going to be using my terat here and there just to make sure my time crafting it didn't go to waste since we did not build an arena this fight feels like the ultimate test of the circling method one wrong circular move and we are dead I think the reason is because of the space gravitational pool I should have bought a graffity normalizer potion not I think about it so yeah I can't play around too much with this worm sadly in storm weers Phase 2 the worm starts raining down projectiles like blizzard tornadoes and lightning but honestly the moment he turned to phase two his HP was already very low so it did not take very long for us to defeat storm Weaver the worm dropped this gun called The Storm Dron Calamity overhaul reworked this gun by adding recoil to it and making it significantly more powerful if you shoot the gun on the ground you can basically have infinite flight just like in Jetpack Joy Ride Now we must go inside the dungeon to fight cyas void the last of the three Sentinels cyas was the perfect fight I was waiting and looking for to test the true potential of our murasama because he has tons of stuff lying around so that our Rising Dragon slash could easily be activated therefore we could do tons of judgment cut so we are basically Invincible as long as we Spam The Rising Dragon slash I did so much judgment cut during the fight against SAS you can't blame me though it looks very cool you do the same I definitely did not die at all during this fight yep yeah our only issue was his Final Phase where he starts becoming a black hole and pull us the player into him weirdly enough at some point our murasama was powerful enough that we bypass through his black hole face completely the feting isless the way it is not intended to be I am 100% sure this is a bug now that all the Sentinels are down let's craft the cosmic worm as it is time to summon none other than the fer of gods I know this verion of murasama is kind of bad against War boss us but just to pay respect to it and so the video title makes sense we're going to be using it against theor immediately we can notice I am struggling really bad in fighting the yeah we are definitely not ready yet to fight theor I think we should upgrade our Mobility accessory a bit first we buy a prismatic lace Wing from the point shop M then I went to the hot biome to summon and beat down the Empress of light we need to beat her for the sari and accessory she can drop oh no she is doing that weird lighting back again does anyone know the fix to this it's been according to me for a while now but eh it only took us a few seconds to beat her anyway I triy testing my ability versus daytime Empress of light but nah she is definitely too easy mhm yeah no then I went to the dungeon again to beat on Plenty of phantom Spirits so we can summon polter gust this is also a great way to f poter plasms after defeating 30 Phantom Spirits poter Gus will spawn in when you see poter Gus what does he remind you of that's right blue planta because the spider is basically planta so the same strategy we applied on planta can also be applied to him truly pick boss design once poter gas reaches phase two he will start separating himself into two a shadow clone fion and himself but if anything that just helps us to hit them easier therefore getting more eye frames and becoming near Invincible I am grateful this is not Inferno mode because infernum bter gas inflicts me with severe PTSD like legit that boss is not made to be fought by humans which is ironic because default bter gas is probably one of the easiest bosses to fight in Calamity Walter gust drop some good weapons that got reworked by calam of H like the terror blade or the bansi hook they're cool but I don't think I will be using them too often we upgraded our s Insignia to ascendant Insignia I think we are now ready again to fight theor yeah I can definitely notice the effects of ascendant Insignia coming into place clamity Nerf sing Insignia Infinite Flight but they added it as an ability with a cool down on ascendant Insignia now it is much easier to maneuver around in the air I think we are a bit faster than the4 two so that's a very good thing in this fight Mobility is more important than the defense as one hit from the's head pops us easily like a balloon even with high defense so the return on investment is not that good oh hell yeah some fancy words right there I've been learning English after all those years all those comments finally got onto me I'm going to start my Redemption Arc I'm not a Mexican or a Russian what the hell anyways I got a bit of topic there yeah divor mhm as long as we don't get too cocky or overconfident like doing too much style or stuff like that we should be fine phase two wasn't a problem either nice transition anim by the way I love that because just look at how smooth and Battery my Dodges are this is p calam player performance right here H now that I think about it I don't think that's a compliment nor an achievement I take that back I don't want to be a virgin for life well I did make a few stupid decisions here and there but honestly could you blame me the murasama is just too fun to play with okay I got a lock in now that I watch my Clips back we had a near death experience near the end my ARS almost got eaten by the space worm and at last we use the Judgment cut as a final blow to finish the off that was super satisfying to [Music] do we defeat another de two after that for more materials and the excelus SW that got rework the solar eclipse immediately started the day after we defeated the four of gods which was the perfect opportunity for us to farm some dark sunand fragments and then out of nowhere when I was Sting my inventory a huge meatball fell from the sky turns out it was just our friendly neighborhood French person noxus the next day I bought pumpkin seeds from the dried NPC then I planted them so we can craft the summoning item for the infection events I farmed the frost moon for endothermic energy while also testing our excelsus and the Pumpkin Moon for nightmare fuel they seriously need to rework this events these are way too easy right now once we get the materials we crafted plenty of ascendant Spirit Essence a core material to craft important items such as just Cosmic unfill we upgrade our Shi into the Asgardian iess and crafted a full set of the Gods Slayer armor this armor gives us the ability to perform a god Slayer Dash though it has a cool down it can be a devastating combo if use correctly then we beat Providence at a hot biome for her elishan wings which we can combine with our current boots to craft an elishan tracers we also crafted the devorer of God stamed weapons but none of them really caught my eye they were cool but our murasama way cooler after that we craft the Blast Dragon egg so we can use it to summon yon the jungle dragon fighting yon is like playing height and sick except we are doing both at the same time we hide from yon to avoid his deadly dashes but we also seek yon to hit him because this bird just keeps disappearing out of our sight does this bird have a DHD or something damn bro stop moving not to mention the insane amount of damage this bird can deal luckily Rising Dragon slash gives us the ability to quickly maneuver around in the air so we can slip through the Blazing bullet H Festa and charges and the god Slayer Dash combo we can perform once in a while can be a life safer while also making us appear very cool as long as we don't hit the flame natos because those are guaranted instant death I was wondering which Calamity boss would be edible and is the most delicious yon would definitely be Triple S those massive Wings would make a Godly chicken wings covered with hot sauce the bones could be used for broth and the rest of the meat can be used for chicken roast or grinded into chicken nuggets I'm a chef so tell me in the comment section if I should do a video on how I would cook terar bossas and them into dishes because du fishron is looking plenty delicious anyways we got a bit off track there but yeah yon yon is hard and I hate this bird with a fury passion I hope they rework this boss soon this bird truly tests my passs with how we can all properly damage him in certain attack patterns but in the end eventually we were disciplined enough to be able to beat yon on his death he dropped so many chicken nuggets that's awesome the bird Dro this SP arm called the dragon rage they rework it a bit by adding a secondary Attack Mode I am not quite sure what it does but it spins after that we combine tatom with Excel s to craft Define source blade a newly added end game sword by Calamity of how basically the reation of Zenit it is very solid simple and cool there is nothing to overwhelming or insane about it now that we have access to a bar we also crafted a zenet it had a red symbol on it so I thought it got rework but I don't think much change no the swords in the attack animation are still the same do tell me if I'm wrto then I upgrade my boots into the set of tracers and last but not least we craft a set of AIC Tesla armor ooh and also the tyrannis and sniper rifle just for fun tyrannis and sniper rifle probably got one of the most insane rewards in this mode they added a Reload mechanic which sounds and feels satisfying to use and the massive recoil is funny too I very much like this gun Let's test our arsenal of weaponries against a few bosses before our final encounter brimson Elemental those huge pair of personalities won't get you a real job cry again I see come I see go nice rager scream away your pain but you just a copy of Golem latan it's not about the size that matters it's about how you use it ah one shoting bosses once in a while always feels nice anyway snap back to reality I crafted the altar of the accursed as now it is time to summon the final boss of Calamity it is none other than the one and only Supreme calamitas fortunately I'm quite accustomed to dodging the bullet HS that spawn before each face most likely due to all my experience playing infernum before hand murasama does an excellent job at clearing the brimstone Hearts one thing I got to say muras sama's Mobility movements help a lot during this entire fight especially in sleeping through the cracks and cices of the bullet hell I can't imagine fighting Supreme calamitas with just a default Nerf through M murasama that would be a nightmare I am quite Reckless when it comes to dodging her primary brimson blast before I started the fight against escal I already knew I was going to die a lot in this battle the moment clam summons her two brothers I was scared for a second but out of nowhere my ultra Instinct would activated my eyes suddenly became awaken I dodged them projectiles like hot knives through butter but the moment one of the two brothers died I underestimated them so the remaining brother bombarded me with his projectiles I shouldn't have done that I just kept spamming ring Dragon slash during most parts of this fight look I was panicking and it kind of works if it works it works we finally made it this far we must stay focused my brothers for we must not disappoint our ancestors our ancestors died in war not for us to be defeated by an emo woman with chronic depression we're able to outspeed the giant mid balls on escalator faces and we slip through the cices of the bullet hell like a Romanian when there's a wallet drop on the floor again I very grateful this is not Inferno mode because Inferno escal has a desperation face that is extremely hard and also the reason why my infernum Gunner full movie hasn't been uploaded yet I swear it will be really soon okay but yeah theault as called desperation phase is basically just a combination of all her previous attacks which were not too much of a problem to handle as long as we pay proper attention we should be fine and there we go Supreme calamitas has now been defeated you might be thinking damn this video is over nope we still have two more Final Bosses we open the Supreme calamitus treasure back but we're unable to craft the end game stuff yet as we need to defeat the Dron xox first for that to happen so here we are now summoning the mechanical bosses I noticed starting the battle with arest was the easiest as we basically one shot it for some reason probably some spaghetti C right there tanatos was the most Troublesome as his attacks can Wombo Combo obly treat us easily so we should keep him away from being the last one to be beaten yeah you can basically adjust the order in which you the bossas depending on which one you chose at the beginning and which one you beat first it is a quite useful info to know from time to time Dron xox is in my top priority so I'm just going to be using my trusty tyrannis and instead of purely just murasama against them there is nothing too interesting or insane that happened during the dreadon fight we were pretty consistent at dealing damage most of the time ouris in Apollo was very easy especially if you use our Define source blade or tyrannis and instead of our murasama AR desperation face before he truly dies look the coolest and is the easiest for me to handle as I'm very used to it honestly I love AR design the most out of the three my friend B had to teach me how to properly Dodge tan Shenanigans turns out we have to be very close to the giant worm all the time W would have guessed that his lasers do look amazing to andin going to lie but yeah thanks VI using our tyrannis and sniper rifle we sniped the living hell out of Artemis and Apollo successfully defeating the Dron XOM Max they dro the dagon's heart a very powerful accessory that is a reference to our Armstrong all right we have properly defeated all the required bossas now we're able to craft the Dron Forge and the summoning item for noxus as now it is time to summon the giant space mball noxus himself the living embodiment of black hole maybe we shouldn't have summon noxus during daytime this is very bright I'm still going to be using my murasama versus noxus just to see how far this high frequency blade can carry me throughout the whole game besides what could possibly go wrong during the early stages of the fight noxus was still kind of manageable even though our murasama is dealing below average undesirable damage to the point that our triple wh slam combo barely put a dent onto noxu health bar that is a terrible indicator for what we're about to face however if we keep this consistency a chipping away his health bar we should be fine even if the battle last for an extended period of time but the moment he turn to phase two things started to take a turn noxus transforms into a completely different being covering our entire screen with a dark cosmic background and granting him access to more than dangerous arsenal of attacks let's just say he is the predator and we are his prey I got extremely overwhelmed by the fast rapid flurry of attacks even murasama Rising Dragon slash couldn't escape the mid balls forat luckily every time he use the summoning item it starts the fight on his second phase safing us a bit of time ID learning his attack patterns but to know a fail because we are not dealing enough damage to be fair he's an endgame super boss and we are technically still using posar on Gears makes me wonder how strong the future CL the super bosses are like yarim it looks like we are not ready to fight noos yet I died countless times our murasama is doing really pathetic damage and I'm very sure we are in desperate need to upgrade our gears so I crafted some Shadow spec bars which I turn into the demon shade armor demon shade armor has an ability that greatly increases our damage but at the cost of greatly reducing our defense Calamity of Hall added this new crafting system mechanic like the one in Minecraft let's try to craft one of the endgame bows this feels a bit so real this bow is called the Heaven Fall long bow apart from its cool sounding name its DPS is mind-bogglingly insane to be fair it is expensive to craft this isn't even the overpowered part yet once you shoot it for a while it will generate a secondary charge which we can use to annihilate enemies from existence I am not even exaggerating even the testing dummies are gone you know what time it is it is time for Sweet Sweet Revenge noxus come over here get a taste of your own medicine with a single shot we erase him from existence well that's perfectly balanced noxus drops a few loots but one of the most notable one is the noxus sprayer introducing the go away spray it's a spray that is able to erase any creatures or entity from existence say bye-bye to your problems in an instant is your ex-wife troubling you boom bye-bye theer of gods well the four this not say bye-bye to your oh my God Providence the Goddess that holds the power of the sun is about to spawn oh no what should we do now boom going into Oblivion so what are you waiting for call 1 1999 noxus and get your own go away spray now before we Face our final challenge we must dive down to the deepest depth of the abys in search for Terminus before we're able to acquire it we'll be stopped by the edolon worm little to the worm's knowledge we have the strongest bow known to mankind obliterating it without leaving a single trace behind if anything it's the worm's own fault for getting in our way of us acquiring Terminus upon the fitting noxus we are granted access to enter the Garden of Eden and once we step onto the grounds near the tree of Revelation we'll be forced to fight none other than nless d himself a God and the true final boss of both Calamity and tharia Oh and before we start don't even try to use the noxus prayer against nless de just don't he deflects the spray back at us Moon Lord or Supreme calamitas are nothing compared to this guy this might just be The Pick of mod Terraria boss fight well at least for now like I said before during the fight against theor about paying respect to murasama yes I'm going to only be using murasama against the true final boss I'm going to stay through with my mission I ain't going to break my promise I'm a man of my word and I'm going to prove it even though there are plenty of other better end game weapon options including our Heaven Fall Longbow but what's the fun in that let's truly have a respectable and fair battle against the god of Terraria himself here is where the demon shed armor special ability comes to into place because the moment we activate the set bonus every enemies surr us turns red and our murasama deals significantly more damage to them but at the cause of us being even more extremely fragile a slight Grace or scratch absolutely destroys our health bar the very concept of nameless dity bends the rule of the physics itself these are no longer pixelated Sprites these are 3D this isn't just Bing the rule anymore honestly it is breaking the very concept of reality itself the Toran has never seen a circle or 3D stuff before so all this biblical stuff are very new to him that is actually terrifying not I think about it imagine this you're a human then out of nowhere you are forced to see a reality breaking phenomenons occurring upon your own fairy eyes against your own will for example like a six-dimensional floating banana I don't know how to make a proper scary example but you get the idea huge props the mod and deaths that made this mod by the way you all are insane on DT second phase he grabs a living hell out of our adrenaline and R meter and he proceeds to crush it into Oblivion that was bad death and going to lie as you guess it the real fight has just begun we better say our prayers but not the word on God my adrenaline was pumping like crazy during this entire fight might as well write a roller coaster at this point did you know the reason behind a huge sensor bar on his face it is because Humanity are unable to comprehend the sight of God so our brain just blocks it out he is larger than anything in Teraria to signify that DT is greater than anything and everything and his looks are Ever Changing because God Appears in almost every religion but each religion portraits them differently oh and also we are unable to kill him we are just proving our worth here tharia moding truly has changed a lot from a simple pixel lighted Lovecraft and I into a literal sensored guard the difficulty of this fight is nowhere near easy luckily getting killed by him is in Perma death by using the Terminus we can access the Garden of Eden any time it will permanent death will def been devastating the moment we take his health low enough he will enter his enraged face aka the hardest part of this entire fight DT gains a whole new move set of attacks that deals much more damage is that the throw are a main menu screen that is both very cool and terrifying at the same time this will easily convince vanilla players that this game is no longer Terraria at this point I don't know what is happening anymore I can't put it into words so just Fix Your Eyes Upon This abomination of a creature this is hard I died so much during this part we were so close yet so far damn we are really breaking the fourth wall over here I found out by using our murasama Rising Dragon slash we could easily Circle the around this is probably the easiest way for us to dodge and survive the extremely dangerous Dark Death Ray beam it might look like an easy task but my body was sweating like crazy I was so scared of sleeping up but in the end with pure luck and Brute Force we eventually pulled through and reach the's final attack which wasn't too hard unlike the previous ones and boom we did it we prove our worth is it over were we successful in defeating good [Music]
Channel: GitGudWO
Views: 266,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calamity murasama, murasama, calamity mod, terraria, murasama calamity, murasama calamity mod, terraria murasama, murasama perfectly balanced, murasama rework, calamity rework, calamity overhaul, terraria calamity mod, calamity update, murasama update, murasama op, calamity, calamity murasama rework, terraria calamity overpowered, calamity mod meme, calamity but i start with murasama, how to get murasama in terraria, terraria calamity, murasama balanced, calamity new murasama
Id: QB1s69p0ISs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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