LET'S TRY SOMETHING NEW 🤑 | Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 #1

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i didn't know there was two guy who's this guy who who's this guy is that the dealer that's the dealer that didn't happen last time that has to be the dealer oh god is he gonna see any of the bodies i hope not oh [ __ ] okay we gotta okay we gotta pick these guys off quickly because we gotta kill ah [ __ ] okay we got this we got this [Music] [Music] oh god i have no bullets okay i don't have my gadgets okay so load game was not the right okay um wait no i think that is right actually because i would need to restart completely if i wanted new gadgets i think well i don't know okay let's just whatever let's just go get this last target really quick and see what happens let's go let's go just let's go speed run this target i guess i think i go this way that's all oh i'm fast as [ __ ] okay it definitely whoa okay so it definitely works loading okay so loading game definitely works it brings you back to where you were but if you want to completely restart the region with everything that you bought and all the new equipment you cannot like you have to go to the beginning to do that you can't go to the middle and come back with all of the stuff so you start a region with whatever you start with and you can't i see it's raven do you read me i see i understand loud and clear raven i'm nearly at the op for the communication facility so inside one of the buildings all that comms equipment will draw a lot of power plenty of possible targets i might do it or at least get him to look out of a window roger good luck raven you need to disable both antennas we're still picking up data streams from the facility novakov can't work without power roger i'll see what i can do raven you can further sabotage rashidus supply chain if you disable this heavy enemies so i've never dealt with a heavy before slow well armored um serious threat impossible to kill without heavy or armor-piercing bullets poison gas based weapons or high explosives the ballistic face shield is his weakness it can shatter under fire left okay so you're telling me i can't i can't kill him with my current bullets facility acknowledged there are multiple power transformers left side mark 1 1 and 1 2 and right side mark two one and two two do you have visual roger control looks like they're hooked into the satellites no power no signal oh my god are they gonna fly that thing at me because that would be terrifying so that's the power i assume i'm assuming i need to take out a couple of these it's usually best to pick off the targets that are by themselves first in the towers i think i this guy probably wouldn't be bad to take him out um that's a tough one well not really it's not as far okay i don't have any extra special bullets right no i only came in here with my heavies so um let's go for where's the guy in the tower wait are you the tower guy oh you rotate okay i want to get him when he's standing still whipping my first shot is probably not ideal yes this is a sponsor stream okay so that guy's hopefully not gonna be found well you're next i guess is down see in that situation that gadget that i bought would have been really interesting because that gadget that i bought that that the sensor i could have placed it you know deeper in this cave i could have let it i could have placed it in the cave and then instead of them like alerting i would know they're coming and then i could set up like over at that rock or something and then just have my suppressed pistol and just pop them i kind of want to replay this mission with gadgets sounds kind of fun all right what was i doing you right where's my target um my target doesn't come out until the power is done i believe i need to take out these fuse boxes and then i think oh i need to take this guy out back here oh that's the spot i think he's the only one that patrols back there so i need to catch him back there i'll catch him later let's take out um you 8 30. oh goodness um that was actually pretty close i went through his like like i don't know like his throat it almost missed where's the guy at the car this guy 900 should be pretty easy right i'm out of stamina should i wait for him to get under the car or just hit him is anyone gonna see him you're gonna see him oh you oh no oh no oh no oh no panic sets in oh no okay he's running he's running we have a sniper on us wait where where where's the sniper hq this is delta 2 clearance needed where got it okay that's good where's the target oh [ __ ] he's inside them for sure oh [ __ ] which is why you need to get him outside the question is how what if i hit him on the move that was convenient eliminated one of my better shots i'll add that to my dope book days are on previous engagements yeah useful if i'm shooting under similar conditions again all right let's see what happens um i actually wouldn't mind doing that mission again but with better gadgets to see how how the approach goes with actually having some gadgets so let's just uh extract here oh sabotage the antennas ah god dang it all right you're right you're right you're right you're right might as well it's it's it's free points really i'm really push i'm really pushing this alpha to the test here this is an alpha so i'm really i'm really really testing it you know salute you all right antennas how do i take these antennas out here i'm assuming i just hit both of those but what if i just hit the generator instead there's no way no that doesn't make sense 900 um oh that's not gonna hit looks like i disabled the first antenna second antenna is down you guys are so smart this is the perfect game for you guys really i just forget about these things i'm really dude i'm really curious to try the uh i'm really i'm really curious to try the uh like the the the simulation version of this game i know it's not in this alpha build but you guys think i would suck i think i'd be pretty good maybe not at first i'm assuming this is the only region in this alpha so let's see give it a shot so yeah so that's it in this alpha it's just this one uh contract but now i got some more points wraith i might want to get more sniper bullets honestly i've only have two points though it's not gonna be enough [Music] um whatever wait i have one of these things what is a what is one one of these i have one oh that's got to be something for the for the future of the game because if you're looking at the costs of all these gadgets are not gadgets but uh perks i guess it it has a cost there but none of them actually it's got it it means it's gonna something that's later i guess um what did i want to do did i want to do anything with my money in particular not really right a new sniper maybe but i don't have enough money i want to buy like an insane one you know but it seems like this first mission this region right here the one that we already did and the only one in the alpha it seems like this is a i mean it clearly says long shot contract so i don't think you want to go into this you want a plan you don't want to go into this without having a a long sniper like if you go in with this mssr like you're probably gonna have a bad time oh it's for these oh look at that two two uh two little thingies two um whatevs [Music] dude let's go back i'm going back dude replay contract see these are the difficulties deadeye is the um dead eye's like the the realistic sniping mechanic it'll probably turn off a lot of like hud elements and you probably probably have to figure it out yourself uh but in this alpha it's only on sniper that's all you can play i'm doing it again i'm running it back i'm sure i'm already past my sponsored time by the way we're going back forces operator during the iraq war here to target over two miles away today's mission won't need you to hit anything that far but it's still gonna be a challenge this operation is designated cold bore zero we're dropping you onto a plateau located within range of all three targets your window of opportunity is small so hit and move the first target here is antoine zaza russia's favorite warlord and quartermaster hannah messaged me how's the game i like dude this is dope i've never played sniper a ghost warrior i've always wanted to but i never played that malicious your second target did you get more ammo um i should spawn me with ammo i think i hope yeah i want to try something somebody said i wonder if vsync being off is part of the i think it's just just alpha stuff how it kind of like all right whoa it spawned me here oh interesting so i'm replaying the mission but these guys are already done so does that mean i could do it again i i'm i'm i don't understand this how this works exactly let me see like do do these guys respawn or like what's gonna be over here do you only get one shot at doing the mission in a certain way oh no this guy's here this guy's here again that guy's here too i'm gonna have to deal with him what's that man [Music] [Laughter] i [ __ ] love it these perks are opie why are you so fast it's it's a perk it's a bird control it's raven i'm approaching the overwatch for paine's training camp roger raven do this quietly if you alert them you're going to be knee-deep in hostiles paying us sniper training too so expect the worst yep it's always tricky without a flanker guarding my back do it smoothly and you won't need one i just throw it i don't even need to do the animation for it got it so so let's see do these guys respawn is my target here did the whole mission restart or is it just the little plebs it might just be the regular guys so you you don't fully restart the whole mission you could just kind of revisit it oh my god this guy's just prone right here and he wasn't prone last time oh i didn't buy the bipod oh well wait no the target is there oh never mind okay so you do restart the whole mission do you have a shot negative he's moving too much i keep losing visual hard to hit a moving target at that distance yeah i need to get him in a good open position what were the challenges here this is uh ronald's pain let me see if i can do anything else i think i have explosive bullets now so it says kill ronald payne with an explosion look for red barrels or use explosive sniper ammo so instead of killing ronald payne with a the car lift because i already did that i'm gonna kill him oh what if i do this oh we're gonna go for two for we're gonna go two here we're gonna alert him okay and once we alert him he's gonna go to his sniping position when he goes to a sniping position is when i'm gonna hit him with the explosion uh what else is there caught destroy the convoy before it reaches the overlook combat engineer's skill will allow oh i don't have that skill so i can't do that kill everyone in the training camp without raising the alarm does that mean everybody in the region antennas without raising the alarm well we know what to do let's take out the snipers first not yet i'm working on it wait copy that raven what you're gonna hit me with that little thing come on i forgot about this guy i didn't get yeah i don't have a bipod i forgot to buy the bipod right yeah i think i think i forgot to buy the bipod you did buy it i did um well i don't know how to deploy it unless it just auto deploys it might just auto deploy i mean i could i could check really quick let's see settings controls no um controls yeah the bipod might just be auto like when you're prone control i'm thinking that car lift might be useful how dropping it will get their attention maybe even pain himself or it might alert them you're cool it's in your pocket you guys are trolling me no i think it's just an auto bipod when i'm prone we have an audio feed sir we certainly hope you won't toggle attachment and controls it's right mouse button you know what that means that means scoping so this guy's a freebie now nobody patrols on these this guy i could just take him out i think right here i don't think anyone's gonna see him oh oh dude right in the neck that that's so cool i'm curious oh okay i thought they spotted me um how do i take these guys out without alerting the alarm actually i want to i want to alert him right i want to alert him because if i alert him he gets into a sniping spot and then i could kill him with the explosive bullet someone's behind me i think oh that was weird look at my mini map it's blinking it's blinking orange in this direction if i look here it's going to be behind me see that that means something i honestly don't know if that means anything whatever all right so i'll start taking people out aggressively oh my god wait we gotta follow him raven knows you're on the plateau [ __ ] how do i swap bullets i'm tracking russian made a pc bullets um i'll make this quick raven out we gotta get him in the ground i have no visual no tracking he's a sniper reaper just like you what would you do you were here i'll find a hide and get a better angle so where would you set up they're not gonna hit me come on hitting me i'm looking for the sniper yeah yeah yeah you're not gonna hit me guys come on oh sh i can't lock it hostile technicals are on route disable them before they reach your location i'll take care of them i can't take how am i supposed to take care of this oh we made a mistake team we made a big one i might die here yep all right [Music] i all right uh okay are they alerted okay they are okay let's take out as many of these guys as i can until the sniper gets in his position we'll do that how hostile technicals are on route god these guys are freaking marksmans man holy jesus that's crazy hello how far are you i can't see you [Music] oh two for one value five zero to hq we had an explosion at our twenty do you copy holy jeez disable them before they reach your location i'll take care of that i won't take care of them this is a lot harder than it looks uh hq this is delta 2 1 we have a sniper on us search clearance needed over is this sniper on me is that why i'm getting [ __ ] up right now raven our satellite shows you have hostiles approaching yeah yeah yeah don't worry it won't be a problem for them okay that's just bugged got it curious if i'm getting sniped he's at sniper just like you you might dug in somewhere scan the outpost perimeter look for elevated positions hq enemy's position known ready to engage goodness oh my goodness [Music] i'm looking for him man i don't there's no way he's up there doesn't make any sense he's got to be no way they hit me here right god this is hard actually let me try to go for these little guys hard copy recon for location defensive stance i gotta i'm out of breath uh uh all right okay so i think i dealt with all the little guys now we gotta load the explosive bullets and now we gotta look for the sniper where is he i know the arrow's telling me up but there's no way that's like actually where he is he's got to be just ow man i can't [ __ ] i'll look up why not maybe he is up here in the hills ah no way no way what am i doing he wouldn't be there it doesn't make any sense ow he's hitting me where are you okay i need to chill for a second i don't think thermal helps me here where are you [ __ ] this is hard no not again hostile technicals are on route disable them before they reach your location i'll take care of them god man those are hard to hit charlie's fatal base we have a sniper somewhere between zones five and six out copy that mobilizing search standby satellite shows you hostiles approaching on your six don't worry copy take up defensive positions locate the shooter out that's all good that was a really bad spot for my little guy to be in he was just i should have placed him like i should have placed him right here because if i placed him right here i could have tagged tag tag and then my turret would have one click click click that won't be easy it's cool all the setup that you can do though this is a lot honestly a lot more challenging than i thought also i got to get this at the the ad out of my title really quick i've been i've been way over my hours here i don't want to mislead you guys sponsored segment has been over so come on man you serious i'm just gonna shoot you dude or try to man he moves just a teeny tiny bit that guy's so hard to hit like actually i'm running out of bullets that was a cool shot actually while he was shooting that was cool all right so these guys i'm going to deal with with explosive barrels i think are shots these two well i got to take this guy off first ah is he not i guess i'll wait for him to go in the open this is gonna be really hard not that shot but just what i have to do here i don't know where the sniper is still okay this guy is 13.50 this is gonna be a tough shot too 1357. nice oh no i'm running out of bullets oh no no where is the sniper [ __ ] hq this is victor v explosion heard location unclear awaiting orders that investigate the area report back in five out i can't locate payne now he's a sniper just like you he might have dug in somewhere scan the outposts perimeter look for elevated positions my well that's rashida's training program oh my god that was so hard wait who's hitting me i mean i don't really need to be here anymore but i kinda wanna okay i don't wanna die i'm leaving i don't wanna die it wasn't explosive i mean i hit him with an explosive bullet yeah ronald payne with an explosion and then kill him when he's in a sniping position and i did the vehicle lifts i kind of wish this was a little bit more i know it's like alpha so i can't really like rag on it too hard but i wish this was a little bit more clear so i knew which challenge was in which segment because it's like you know what i mean like i wish i went like i looked at the world map and i clicked here and it told me these are the challenges that can be done in this area and i clicked here and then you know what i mean actually wait i was looking for something i was looking to see if i need to kill these last guys like do i need kill everyone in the port so this is the port yeah kill everyone on the port without raising the alarm that's what that is this is the convoy because the convoy comes from here i assume um it might even be the training camp i don't know maybe that is the training camp actually and then this is the uh antennas yeah dude if you wanted to do every challenge it's actually pretty challenging it's cool i like it i like that it's challenging um so this game is not released yet no no no this is alpha this is this is like early early early um but it does have a release date it's uh june june 4th i think is that right yeah this stream was an ad now i'm just kind of kicking it all right i just wanna i wanted to finish that i wanted to finish that one segment now i'm gonna pick up my sensors how do i pick them up pick that up pick that up whoa the movement's kind of slidy that's all right let's get some sniper bullets killing them out with it with the yeah killing them with the without the alarm or whatever is very challenging i pick this up so i'm gonna try to go so what i'm gonna try to do is i'm gonna try to go here and i'm gonna go to the port so the port is over on the first one and i gotta kill the dealer that meets with him um i can only get that information if i interrogate people though so i might need to go through and interrogate an officer somewhere in this compound to figure out what the dealer is that meets with him um and then i need to kill him with an explosive bullet during his escape oh but i can't do this one it's impossible to do this i can't i can't kill everybody in the port without raising the alarm because i need to get him raised in order to kill him during his escape um let's try to get a couple of these challenges done why not early alpha with release three months away i mean you got to realize we probably i probably have an early builds i don't know if you realize but like you when you when you're in like game dev you kind of you kind of have builds that are playable and you're already so far past that build so while i'm playing the alpha they're probably already in beta stages you know what i mean i'm just this is the only functional build that they could give me you know what i mean so they're probably ahead already okay i got a certain tip are these officers are you an officer i don't know what officers look like i think officers have the can i look at like tutorials maybe legend no i don't know what officers look like i think they have the little hat wait how do i backtrack this can i climb up or am i am i stuck there's no way i'm stuck oh god please don't hear me i don't think these are officers what's up man you don't see me i don't think that's an officer either but i might interrogate him maybe oh this is awkward in it he's right here and then that guy's right there i need that guy to turn around or this guy to turn around and then i go that way i mean technically i could just kill these guys they're not really important honestly i don't think oh oh i might i want to try the double melee takedown i need to ask someone let me see if i can do it oh it's not gonna work they're not close enough they're not close enough oh i should have interrogated him uh that might have been an officer i don't think it was though how do i deal with oh build red code red [Music] once he turns around i'm gonna stab him and hopefully this guy doesn't turn around first oh it's not gonna work [ __ ] you could use a drink right about now my system there's a lot of dps right there jesus [Music] where am i oh i'm back here that's not a bad save ask someone about this dogs guys might not have respect actually this kind of makes sense in this situation this makes sense what's this oh camo hq enemies position known coffee report when tango is down that was cool last time that happened i was in a different spot when those planes flew by i'm low on bullets i should have been looting them oh wait no i'm not oops are these guys looking at me i'm doing it i'm doing it double melee please let me do it let me do it okay we gotta find the officer and interrogate him because i gotta know which you know okay if i had to guess how this map design works is in order to find the officer for the port it's probably right here because you go here first and then you go this way right so i'd imagine you have to interrogate an officer here first and then this probably links down to here and then this links to here you know that's prop so i'm probably wasting my time looking for an officer in this camp but i might as well i don't even know what they look like like what is an officer what do you look like are you are you guys officers i'm gonna ignore you guys i don't think you guys are who sees me you never really know what you're capable of until your back is against the any camo in here i'd put camel in here collectibles i kind of get far cry vibes when i play this you know like when you're running around not sniping all right let me get to my sniping spot so i do need to interrogate an officer like i said so i can figure out the dealer who i could figure out who the dealer is in the port um so let's see if i'm let's see if i'm correct in what i assume here i'm going to go backtrack for a sec and go see if there's an officer in this compound before you get into the board raven i'm in position above the port copy that plan your shots carefully hey are you an officer so no alarms uh wait i could grab bodies hmm yeah my sponsored stream for this was about an hour long i don't know how long oh i don't know how long i've been on for but i wonder if the devs would be mad at me because i'm playing for too long is that possible it's an alpha you know what i'm saying are you an officer that's got to be an officer his hat his hat it's the hat bro that's him that's him that's my target um how can i get how can i distract them maybe those move these sleepless nights if only there was a library i could at least do something to entertain my wife oh the diamond is the officer yeah yeah yeah the the diamonds the officer the little triangle is assault marksman's probably like a circle with a cross how do i deal with these two um i don't know i actually don't like i was hoping they would just move but they're not moving so uh enemy's position located ready to engage okay for those saying shoot one interrogate the other let's see if this actually works trust me it's something i thought about but with how the game like the game works it might not be able you know you might not be able to do that i'll try it though to think i came here to escape the academia the arms deal what do you know you guys are smart lethal force authorized out can i place two no i can't these guys not alerted i thought i alerted these guys no oops that's the wrong button i have visual on something alerting nearby sectors out control this is raven with a sid rep go ahead i'm heading for the op overlooking the port good we just for control this is raving with a sit round she runs so fast what do you have that perk i'm heading for the op overlooking the port good this thing is really really cool actually and how you can utilize your gadgets negative one of the locals may have more info look for a hostile station near one of the comms relays i'm sure they've heard the chatter and probably won't be asking him nicely how you do it is up to you all right so we know where the dealer is um i actually don't remember a word that he said but we know we know we know of the dealer so the game should probably just put it together let's mark all these guys we're an expert at this right like we should be we've done this mission but once before like we should be able to just do it you know so what am i trying to do i think what i'm trying to do is what am i trying to do kill the dealer that meets with okay so i'm gonna kill as okay yeah so i'm gonna kill as many of these targets as possible and then when he meets with the dealer i'm gonna kill the dealer it's gonna alert zarza i'm gonna swap bullets as he runs and as he runs i'm gonna hit him with the explosive bullet that's the plan all right stick to the plan i think we targeted every um there might be a guy in a tower somewhere though this one yeah that should be everybody all right can i shoot through this window oh there's two of them what i don't remember that at all all right let's deal with the easy one this guy and then these guys i double this guy's alone [Music] oh and then i click that guy if you kill two people in that animation doesn't show both their deaths sometimes but no i don't think it's really planned for that didn't know there was two guy who's this guy who who's this guy is that the dealer that's the dealer that didn't happen last time that has to be the dealer oh god is he gonna see any of the bodies i hope not oh [ __ ] okay we gotta okay we gotta pick these guys off quickly because we gotta kill ah [ __ ] okay we got this we got this thank you where's the dealer where's the dealer uh [ __ ] where's my target where's where's my target oh does this block the office oh my god i think it does i think this thing blocks the office okay he's not in the office dude where's the dealer where's where's my target oh wait okay there's no way that's the dealer well he's just running back and forth doing laps where's my target hello understand there is control i have eyes on the primary target confirmed oh double double that's a double right there double potential damage even with all this fancy new gear oh that's a double okay this is gonna be a hard shot i think stationary to improve your yeah hi yup okay good luck send when ready if i can get zarza into his office i'll have a clean shot we're tracking a vehicle on a pro oh right side right side thanks this is new let's see what happens i love that there's like four different approaches well i guess technically there's more depending on kind of your style but the deal is how many are there focus on zaza there's four on this port four five three oh i think i'm gonna need to hit this i think they're gonna make the deal in this right here i think i need to open this where's the wait is that the dealer nah no way who's this guy what the f where you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my god things are changing i'm gonna [ __ ] this up laughs no he crouched what the [ __ ] that was crazy dude you have meant everything to me when i have been in the hospital i have watched you every year i wish i had the money to sub to you every month but dad thanks for the content jax thank you for the the dono man where's the dealer i'm gonna hit this box okay i'm assuming he's going to make the deal at this point right probably should i take this guy out he's just look he's sitting there he's got to be meeting with the dealer right i've never seen this guy before new to me just running laps that's a hard shot i don't think he ever stops i think that's intended so you can hit a running shot that's a freebie uh oh he moved okay so he's going to make the deal so i gotta take out his boys oh he's moving [ __ ] go for you so he's going to make the deal on this right i might get a twofer i don't want to get a twofer i don't i'm wrong and they'll both rabbit i don't i don't want to get a two-for-one i want to kill the dealer and let him run correct i think that's what i'm going for kill the dealer and then let him run and then use explosives same map as four hours ago it hasn't been four hours come on and also i'm trying to do new things we have successfully tapped his phone you should be able to hear them talking now i don't want to get two for one here i gotta make this has to be a precise shot i can't get two first i'm just saying your uh i contribute to your growth good and you contribute to the quality of my forces okay swap bullets i got the dealer but zarza is escaping alex the base is on alert it's not good don't let the bastard get away this is hard is so hard i might need to wait i only have two shots god the other guy's gonna hit me though is he getting in the car oh [ __ ] oh oh not the record though not this time besides this office off the books oh did he blow up what's that noise did i finish so i killed the dealer kill him during his escape but i'd never killed him with the explosion oh [ __ ] oh that's the wrong way what noise that was hilarious oh my god i'm getting ordered i'm glad i moved [Laughter] that was [ __ ] awesome is there anything interesting on this challenge the one down here should i try it just for fun might be kind of hard i need to kill navikov while he's investigating the distraction um without raising the alarm without sabotaging the oh i already did that okay so it sounds like i need to kill everybody without raising an alarm that is hard wow that is hard i've got your data good work raven oh loot box on the left scaffold you're probably right it's probably a camo or something whatever i'll grab it okay it's a lot harder than it looks all right you know i'm just gonna swim oh that's cool you have to kill the dealer too without raising the alarm so it seems like so the the way this game seems structured is you absolutely cannot though at least how it currently seems structured you can't do everything in one in one go like you can't it's impossible because there's like kills explosive kill while he's running kill normally when he's not running uh alarm no alarm gas or whatever or have it have a deal or [ __ ] this investigation so it seems like you this game actually is gonna have some replayability so you come back and you go alright while i did this mission quietly let's do the mission aggressively so that's kind of cool i guess and that's how you upgrade your character and guns and stuff like hitman i have actually i've never played hitman either so i don't i honestly probably like hitman too not hitman 2 the game but like 2 as in like i'd probably like hitman as well i don't know what how many hitman games there are 3 4 6 15. so no the dev said i don't what's wrong but i won't let me give you 20 gifted subs have tried everything but dude you deserve the best in the world thanks for being you dad thank you shaxie i appreciate that dope you will like it i'm about to go play hitman right now dude is hitman good i've never i i skadoodle loved it okay i used to watch him play and it looked pretty fun it looked like it was similar to this game where there was challenges and you were constantly replaying the challenges that have a higher score or whatever so what did that say oh they said that the they loved how quickly i picked it up like the game even though i'm not very stealthy but you know it's very similar yes what what is um what is hitman on i'm excited for the release of this i'm excited for the the newer gadgets newer maps i'll be there june 4th i'll be playing [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 99,490
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts
Id: HX7xYZECjyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 19sec (5119 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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