ABANDONED House - Everything Left Behind (WITH POWER) - Old Clockmakers Family Home

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located in northern ontario we discovered this house tucked away along the back roads of a quiet rural community isolated from any major cities this property sits untouched with its power still running and everything still inside out of all the abandoned houses i've explored over the years this location is easily my favorite and i don't know if we'll ever be able to find anything quite like it again no way [Music] so today we're going on a bit of a longer journey and when we go on these long trips i like to try and optimize my time during the long car ride i was fortunate enough to have today's video sponsored by an app that i already use called babel the language learning app i use babble to brush up on my italian skills so that my father doesn't disown me babel is the number one language learning app in the world with over 10 million subscriptions worldwide babel prepares you for real-life situations teaching you scenarios that you'd actually use if you were in that country such as ciao bella gomez which means hello beautiful how are you and i feel like that's something i'd want my back pocket if i were to ever travel to italy babel's language courses are carefully constructed by people with real experience teaching languages unlike competitors that use machine learning or ai to teach their courses i mean if i was learning a language i wouldn't want skynet as my instructor am i right the app has a very clean interface with no annoying ads making it simple and easy to understand so there really is no other alternative i'd choose get 50 off a six month babble subscription now by clicking the link in the description below what are you waiting for stepping through the front door felt like a walk back in time to the 70s with the house having no major furnishing or remodeling changes it looked identical to the way it was when it was constructed back in 1972. here and we're ready no way this place has power man that's crazy oh my god it's out in the middle of nowhere here we turn that off we don't want to see i'll turn on my oh my the power oh my god that's insane already one of the uh coolest places we found is based on having power yeah that is a rare find for an explorer but look at this wallpaper and bathroom the gilding on the mirror there it looks this looks like straight out of the 70s oh wow this is quite literally an untouched time capsule rose literally looks like guy just left yesterday [Music] this jacket still here on the rocking chair yeah oh my look at this [Music] look that's the um front entrance oh yeah the house an action shot of uh some granule salt i'm assuming the front steps interesting honestly let's see those are so overgrown i mean you'll see in the um exterior shots but yeah i didn't recognize those that's probably when they just laid their new uh walkway there right so the guy in this house was a clock maker so you're going to see lots of um unique clocks this was probably like a custom handmade piece that he made you can see the the wooden gears and stuff that would turn it looks like there's another piece that would go here here's a clock we definitely know he made cause it's a puzzle we have power okay turn it off that's annoying doilies that lined the top of the table here and this oh it's like a cd and cassette holder oh for oh there's vhs is in here jurassic park it was at this moment that we had the idea to try and see if we could get any of the tapes working on the vhs player to get a deeper look into this house's past okay so that that screen comes up tv video select maybe we're getting somewhere video two no way did we just get it let's go john is doing the right thing by taking care of all this now check out what's on there beautiful this is one of the rare times where we can actually see like what's on somebody's vhs or what's on somebody's recordings here yeah it's usually just speculation right but now you can see right into their lives oh this is like home video this is that's literally right over there oh my god that's why there's um that's so now we have a uh an owner of those dog toys that saw on the ground walking in wow this is surreal eh just to be in the exact same spot it's actually so sad like seeing seeing like the life and that was went on in this house versus like what it is now you're up the volume just in case um it's a little quieter wow that's literally over here so they did have their dining room set up like that before the dining room table this is unreal [Music] let me fast forward a little bit you can kind of recognize some of these faces from the uh wedding photos yeah [Music] it really puts into perspective wow makes it real seeing it like this sincerely [Music] oh right yeah they're opening christmas presents you're playing what did you get [Music] [Music] is [Music] there's the man himself [Music] i found out [Music] yeah i just put my uh the one you give me last year i just hung it off the closet i ended on this morning so there isn't enough days in the year where am i thank you very much today is one of those super surreal locations that you find maybe once or twice a year where everything is quite literally left behind and the only thing that to come into this house is like the odd raccoon or cobwebs and it looks like the owners just like wandered out one day and never came back sadly that isn't the case for this location the gentleman who lived here and as you can see this video was actually taken in this very room like where i'm sitting right now that's the chandelier above me this gentleman was a clock maker for a living and after his wife passed he lived alone for several years until he eventually passed away in 2011. this house has sat pretty much abandoned ever since for almost 10 years just quietly sitting here with all the possessions all this man's life all these all these people's life just sitting here waiting to be discovered by someone and today we're going to take you through this house and see some of this man's treasures and just enjoy his life again by the looks of it he was a very cheerful old man we found several brochures for retirement homes laying on a few of the tables but from the amount of clothing and possessions left inside the house it would appear that he passed before he could move into one it's a little bit sad here but um you can see this side of the couch has worn out a lot so in the later years when he was living by himself i assume you know lots of uh lots of old guys have their spot right that's probably where he sat worked on uh refurbishing clocks watching tv just uh spending this last few days [Music] we're making our way into what was their kitchen which is straight out of the 70s in a complete time capsule i mean look at this place they got a fridge and a freezer and all these old appliances look at this old dishwasher oh my god it turns on see if there's dishes no dishes inside but that's so cool wow the fact that that just turned on right away that's insane yeah yeah i mean i suppose the same thing with the stove seeing as the um yeah please don't turn any of the burners on yeah of course look they had these fruit covers that would cover the ranges so you couldn't uh get anything in there or they wouldn't get dust in there or build up luck the cupboards so stocked up looks like some seasonings in here dried things looks like they could have just we could we could probably make a meal right now if we wanted to yeah sensations i bet you that can is still good of campbells what are you thinking yeah some adobo nope june 16 2012. oh little toshiba microwave still plugged in yeah still plugged in still working as with the theme of much of this house and it looks like we got some more kitchen appliances like an old blender it's a dehydrator maybe there's a fryer and a super fryer and then like pasta presses and various other cookbooks and appliances in the bottom here [Music] might as well utilize the power i keep forgetting this place that's probably yeah i mean it's not uh it's not typical right wow look at that all of their whole plate set and everything all their tupperware plates everything's still here every single drawer like is that every single drawer in this kitchen is still fully stocked just the way they left it just as is full with cooking utensils appliances this is like a full kitchen right here the top of the fridge still has chips in the bag here so i'll only imagine what's inside of these fridges and freezers here i'm gonna be at a healthy distance you can uh oh i could be on the front lines opening them up i hate this so much all right we got a nice royal inkless royal 7000 refrigerator and inkless freezer and these are very nice models i've heard and i've heard that they hold their own and it's probably still refrigerating everything as we speak i think we're gonna open it up there's nothing's gonna be rotted please don't be smelly oh not too bad empty okay clean that's a good sign good start please don't be smelly oh thank god two for two still still worried about that um delayed smell the freezer oh yeah oh god okay this last one here i think it's probably because of those two it's probably gonna be empty so please don't be smelly oh oh my god what was in there second floor here and it looks like that leads down into the basement area so we'll save that for last but oh my just everything left behind thing and the standard encyclopedias yeah it's a pretty common place in a lot of these abandoned places right yeah well back then like they didn't have the internet so they just had the encyclopedia here's a washroom that's actually a pretty big washroom yeah a nice walk-in considering look at the wallpaper with like the peacock feathering and the old blue oh that's awesome i just love the yeah exactly like you're saying the old pastel blue you can see the old um glass sliding door here the towels left to dry still fuzzy toilet cover that's old school yeah that's crazy that literally like everything's just left behind there's this old razor so sad to see everything here he has old oh chanel cool chanel number five jeez the bathroom leads into this like fully kept master bedroom i think it's a it would have been his bedroom right yeah the bed's still made and everything interesting so that's this little box it's like a pill box oh and there's a rosaries inside of it right because they were religious drawers are still stocked with linens and like clothes probably as he was getting older he needed to have a bell he could ring to call someone if he needed something r.o schmidt fine arts october 19 or 18th and 19th 2003 price guide some photos here looks like an anniversary an old like cut out of different clocks [Music] moving on to the next room here and it looks like it's just as kept as the previous room nearly this old suitcase here i even had like a little um mirror so like a girl could have like a little vanity a little pop-up vanity looks like they have a toothbrush what are the dates january 96 where are you 24 years ago it's probably the last time they used this look at this vanity this old vanity with a like that lamp of like oh right yeah a child that's been bronzed they have all these herbs in like yeah maybe it was like um before like incense they would burn those herbs and it would smell nice i don't know they're all like categorized in these little bags here look at this old photograph oh wow dang that's i mean is there any chance there's a date of some sort your grand your something mother so maybe it's like their family it's listing who it was right the family that lived in this house consisted of a mother father and their daughter seeing as we couldn't find much information on the daughter's current state it's likely that she's still alive and moved away long ago paige is printed off in the car it looks like he was going to buy lincoln continental all right so now we're heading downstairs you know is that the property i think it's a photo of the house actually looks like they had some like farmland here maybe some vineyard a vineyards or something yeah right now i mean the only thing that's really recognizable is the road in the back porch [Music] is that his car i remember the uh we saw upstairs there was the uh that lincoln continental he was looking at i guess he bought it oh my god yeah it's right here the story comes full circle i mean i don't want to look for them but i guarantee you the keys are probably somewhere in here this is crazy and look at his old workbench here he had so many just tools that you could clearly see this man like to work with his hands [Music] he was chopping up some of the wood carving it because he probably used this for his clocks you can see there's like grooves and stuff where he cut out and probably worked it there's some clock pieces he was working on accents like this probably would have been the top of the clock look at that molson export sign that he probably made oh my god ty wow look at this it's like his old workshop and like everything left behind l r very matic hold too high pulled into her manufacturing company oh it is oh that i love that font though yeah if anybody knows what that is let us know in the comments here's some more of his tools here various things paint thinner so maybe maybe this machine was for like a varnish applicator or something maybe uh maybe he did it to apply to his clocks looking like this was the main uh clock workshop what we had over there seemed to be working on cars and other bits would work but this seems to be the um we do the actual tinkering yeah oh this is so neat look it is like a little light there where he'd look and he probably was a light with like a magnifying glass and he would look and do like the fine inner workings of the right careful you can see just how intricate it was can you flip over the back i think you can see all the gears all right you can see everything moving around this looks like it's an old like spring from a clock here and then you have like the uh short hands or whatever on this like magnetic strip that he has here and he wrote different things it's like hermley grandfather different 14 centimeter pendulum 42 and a half inch to something cathy and cathy or bob of tor suspension looks like this that was maybe like the plans for a clock that he's been building or something yeah you'd have to have such like steady hands and fine precision accuracy to be able to tune and create clocks like this i love this look at this little um piece of artwork i made mine collecting clocks [Music] i'll put the uh [Music] bells on and see if we can get it to clang once or twice here that's another one going behind me we'll wait till it stops and then carry on with this one i now have the movement turned around this is the view from the back with the two bells removed i'll put the bells back on and then we'll turn it around and see how they operate we now have it turned around and the bells back on so we'll move it around slowly to get each one we should come up with one strike on the small valve what you told me to stop that should have been the quarter hour now we'll go along and see if we can get the the other two wonders will never cease it worked let's try three this is quarter to the hour we got interrupted there with the westminster going so we still have the hour to go being four bells four on the large bell and whatever the hour happens to be final room in the basement here i think the actual basement oh yeah oh this is awesome look at this they have an old like country style bar right as you walk in here that's so cool not without its clocks this one looks more um modernly finished though right like if you look at this everything up top is more rounded sharp sadly it's broken but this is an accordion here that they have so cool look at that they're clocks little bird house he made in the back there and it looks like um a shots girl yeah look at all the decorative bottles and shot glasses they had on the top of the bar there oh nice ipa labatt's ipa that's an old bottle from london canada looks like an raspberry schnapps here and oh this is here's the collection right here all their old wine and liquor bottles it looks like the shelves have rotted but you can see this would have been at one point like a fully stocked seller here like big jugs for fermenting wine and such a lot of it's broken because it's fallen down over the years but some of them still have some liquid inside and they have some some pickles it looks like some other types of vegetables that have been preserved some sauerkraut maybe casing for like a grandfather clock perhaps the one that he was uh writing about in his actual workshop yeah you can see it like opened up here this is like the casing very neat that's so cool oh i'm like running into cobwebs here this would have housed like cigars this uh house of lords imperial tobacco sales company that's so cool oh man that is creepy why would you keep that in your house the little butler dowels are the weights for uh grandfather clock feel heavy that is that is actually exceptionally heavy i did not think it would be that happy new and improved school for the parlor organ oh i wonder if there would have been an old organ down here and he would have uh yeah he would have played it to entertain gas said bloom for the that earliest blush of dawn oh it even has like the lyrics and stuff [Music] snooker table they had here as you could have guessed it's littered in clocks that this guy was working on look at that though like if this was something that he made by hand just imagine the hours spent on a design like this and it looks like this door opens and a little guy might have come out [Music] so with no signs of anyone having visited the property in years why this house still has power remains a mystery it's possible the city just forgot to cut the wires or perhaps the family pre-paid their utilities a few years in advance and have unused electricity credit or maybe the daughter still pays the bill in an attempt to preserve the memories and warmth this house once had for now this house remains cold and abandoned a trove of treasures lost to time [Music]
Channel: Uncharted Travel
Views: 310,688
Rating: 4.8580108 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned house, abandoned home, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned untouched, abandoned untouched house, abandoned, everything left behind, everything still inside, with power, with electricity, abandoned house with power, abandoned canada, urban exploration, abandoned places, abandoned ontario, abandoned buildings, uncharted travel, decaying house, abandoned house everything still inside, creepy abandoned house, urbex, inside abandoned house, exploring, haunted
Id: NNKrjW76oDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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