I Punched Ranboo in Minecraft Championships 14..

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daniel uh thomas how are you dan how are you dan i'm very good how are you so good so great i'm well oh just killed vickster on top of the world tommy you're ready to lose i did no take that back i will not take it back it can't be undone it's been done toppo is here oh my god he was sacrificed to the gods oh it's a laser show here we go dave's obviously not a captain sparkle's fun mcc let's do this i'm the biggest captain yeah i named all of his phones though oh my god my sounds are way too loud i think i know i don't think i have ears anymore it's okay we go ahead gift shop straight up oh never mind no time all right so what do we want to play for i mean i personally bill mart you know is what i'm feeling get out the way but i never i have a feeling for you i think we're the best um team like uh pvp yeah i think we're the best team but like i feel like we kind of almost want the same games that blue bats want i feel like our skill set is pretty similar so okay i mean i think they're very pvp based i i mean i guess we're not super pvp bass but i am oh get ready to vote fancy good ready what are we saying where even is oh big oh yeah there it is bill maher people i'll throw my burgers in i had two one i don't want ace race i'm voting oh sky battle's got a few there we go all the build up ones are going to walk into sky ball yeah i i i think i can do good in sky battle i've only played it twice but wait wait wait wait what's happening chickens oh no stay oh this is still yeah this is close yeah i don't think chickens are still a very reliable form of voting i don't know yeah i don't know i think it's built it looks like oh it is let's go okay get this happy to get bill this thing out the way i mean the changes look good to be fair oh i was expecting it to go up yeah i mean he you didn't watch the update video i did i did but it means i know i wanted it it sounds exactly that's what i did [Music] um yeah so i i think bill maher shouldn't be too bad i think before people just had these strategies like down and now it's like it's turned on its head so hopefully we just yeah what should we do just like grab a build each and go for it yeah i think that's the best bet um i do know that like we could have maybe since there's only three builds or they do four builds now i don't know uh we could have three people focus on one and that because i remember they said every third on a certain area was a gold one special build yeah it was worth more so uh we're double the coins yeah so i don't know we'll just go with the flow i think we should just focus on getting just cranking out builds in total let's do it well i guess i have three people that each have a build each and then have one person that's helping someone else yeah and we just have one like that one that two people and that's when we folks just get us like the third ahead you know i'll get the rainbow one okay i'll take it i'm a girl and i like pretty rainbows i'll taste middle who is this um [Applause] around the bacon oh i think it's the people the people who made it oh nice i need lime okay i need we need to figure out how this works yeah and i'll grab open spruce can you grab me some extra spruce yeah yeah i have to get i'm getting one stone so i can get a button these new textures the heck yo wait where's quartz course isn't on the nether pad it might be an oars are you still good for lime will you want me to get it dave oh uh you can get oh you can hit the fan from really high up okay [Music] the jump pads as well okay basically if there's anything anyone needs me to get i can do that because i should be all right all right um in this oh here i got a stone button can you place this green one first so i can put the button on there how do i need two i do need to okay [Music] boom all right do you guys need help getting any resources right now uh should be good all right i'm just gonna wait for this build to be done wait is there um you may be some slops is there a white stained glass in the rainbow no okay i'll leave a little bit i can just throw them i gave you the slabs in the regular oh you need pressure plates too [Music] okay how many first place do i need uh uh four sorry i think that should be we can fly i forgot all right so this one needs a polished green jungle yeah jungle you gotta grant it okay all what color is this light blue i'm genius this is a much more visually appealing version of bill maher i gotta say i really like this change yeah so much more yeah i don't know exciting but i thought the carts were kind of fun i did not enjoy the cost well it was a cute idea it was cute it just i i do like these ace race mechanics thing yeah hello no what you messed up um tell me where it might just be the block it's on oh one two three please this is like no i gotta throw on the right one beautiful oh i have the stair by the way you want me just to give it to you i don't know yeah white concrete oh yeah i'm going to put it in this chest and i'm going to help sylvester great oh wait i'm going to help still be with her i'll just kind of be the helper here uh okay okay wait do we have any leftover acacia wood oak are we not uh i never got occasion okay i'll get the concrete for you sylvie okay and i get wood yeah i'm just kind of like floating around john outbox huh wait is there not a concrete one no it's in the white the colors [Music] i can do it for you oh i didn't see the color down there oh my gosh i'm here i'm here i don't know how much i need so i'm just gonna get a bunch i think it's nine what's next six i'm just gonna steal a bunch of concrete from this guy too all right all right uh i'm gonna put the concrete in this chest here for you make sure it's the right one white concrete yep all right and then i'll help sbl you need two signs there yeah i got the signs there we go so we need more running i i wait how much do i have i have 14 on me still i i mind way too much oh but we're gonna need more anyways for all the okay what is wrong with this one in this chat silly right here okay king uh worn off again how did i mess up twice can you get iron and granite dave and i'm gonna get to cloning right now and i'm going to get down here are you kidding me i'm a fool iron and granite flowers next to each other next is that some touch oh what color was the coral is it red i didn't check the view oh i think i'm pretty sure is anybody at base yeah i'm best [Music] [Music] just yeah they just them i made analyze one eight four yeah i got it are you good for the iron dave i don't want to pick it yeah yeah i got the iron and i'm getting the granite right now can you get more iron because i need an iron trap door yeah i got yeah i have eight you have redstone i don't okay again finally it was this lime emerald okay i'm gonna just bring all this stuff in the middle build here okay this dandelion's not just i got the wrong red coral somehow it's a fan and it's not fun it's i got a coral fan instead of the uh the other one okay i'm gonna finish doing the walls on this brain small okay over here oh also need yellow flowers espy dandelion yeah the yellow flowers are in the chest okay okay i'll place those because i'm just sitting here and i did the irons already do you have the iron door or uh i have enough for an iron door half door i mean yeah okay oh ah do the dandelions you have stone it's so broken um i just have two regular stone that's okay i go get where's the stone nice light blue and black concrete can you go and get quartz and we've got [Music] just in case you guys need some more i have five blocks all right i'm putting the iron trap door and the iron bars in this chest and then i'm gonna go get courts for you [Music] i'm feeling i'm feeling this chemistry chat guys not just chat you guys we're we're in the first place oh there's that oh i'm not even looking to the side i don't know i'm just focused building i need glasses anyone can pick up like glass that'd be good lime glass regular glass lime or lime what's a track made out of oh never mind i got it wait is is there oh no wait is light blue actually not a color is it just aqua but there's light blue i've got it okay all right i got where the line was a lot of chords i'm hoping this is enough 45 quartz should be enough for that build yeah we have to make a few slops maybe a step see i see lime if you want me to go get the glass right now for me dan where is it i'm so lost wait how do you make it the colors are down below it's down oh i'm so dumb that's okay i'm good i'll get it i'll get it i'm already i need to get um i need to get stone as well i need to grab that how much lime glass do you need uh it's a lot he's made like a like a 3x3 dome that should be okay are you talking about without quotes now dave no [Music] because we need a lot of light blue concrete if you put the glass down we can get a lot of percentage for that just that one build uh do we have we might have leftovers we should be putting our leftover stuff in the chest if you're like wait is it yeah oh we only have three leftovers first but um i think that's enough because wait we need a staircase you need to guarantee lab now yeah how much i'm getting the blue have you got the uh gloss dave yeah put it in the chest by yours sweet juice you need me to get wood or should uh you should get wood i mean there's 15 seconds left all right that's a way to start this off yellow yaks coming out the dark we're coming nine still remember guys nine thoughts rules are meant to be broken oh guys stressed out my mind this this particular game stresses me out i do like the change though i just messed up the position of the mushroom like twice idiots but we got it first place because sb everyone everyone else apart from me big pogs i like the change to be honest it's really good it's so much more fun now isn't it yeah all right let's go team feels good is it not sure dude is there no individual scores on that game it's just even language they still split yeah so i guess we're top four right oh we'll be tougher first probably then yeah we're all first yeah let's go oh nice look at they've done tdm's first for me that we're on the ball that should be illegal yeah i'll screenshot that because it may never happen again hey we're supposed to be a team just for this one i mean for me to be first not you i just like didn't look like i'm statement's still true wait where are the individual schools is it hall of fame [Music] okay damn what do we want we should have played bill mart last huh yeah oh my gosh that was insane well we've ever seen together again i don't know that's okay we're going to keep this momentum i like how all the games are like here already i know i i i think we should do hunger games because hungry games is definitely awful for us i am so bad at survival game games yeah well smiley games is definitely a gamble because like like i've done really i've also been killed off spawn you guys move out the way we stay in survival games yeah i think i'm confident in like pvp but survival games is such a toss up oh goodness there he goes wait what's it going to be now the only one i'm worried about so i'm kind of fine playing anything right now [Music] and like people protect if they want or if you want your thing but obviously the team bonuses yeah the team bonus is what we need to figure out is like so if we're the first full team to get it we get like a huge bonus um oh we're playing uh this first though yeah yeah this one apparently they've changed it up a bit now oh have they it's harder or something i think it's the second section of the map i don't know if you ever played the actual the original map of uh this might be the only time we win as pvp uh so now i know what to do i think i i did it flawlessly but it came 19th or something ridiculous so it's like you can go but if you don't die yeah if you die it's bad yeah you're guaranteed it's over so wait like what's the strategy in this one again just to just get to the end because if you die you're like there's no chance of you yeah yeah unless you die right don't know i mean you know how to control actually if you need to slow down just look up a little bit and then i always am like the literally the last person to spawn in i don't know why wait what did you guys say i wasn't listening i made it sweet don't die um don't die don't don't don't touch anything okay this is the one where we fly right yeah it looks like bees look at our suits the bees [Music] gdl will not be held responsible in the event of a likely death your descent will begin three [Music] oh i can't see a thing i know too many people i saw s being huge swimming for me for some reason not even flying yeah swimming into the mountain yeah it's activating the hacks quick oh it's so hard isn't it so difficult at the beginning recover from it oh oh yeah i see you swimming [Music] oh shoot why did i go this way oh yeah i crashed in the beginning i got the effect but didn't die it didn't slow me down i got away that's fine this one's kind of this is the toughest one because this yeah [Music] okay oh yeah half the people finished okay i think all the pink finished though yeah yeah this isn't so do you guys want me to paper like general come on rachel yes yes absolutely nothing more than for that to happen wait actually you can just bridge on the wall here i'm going to follow through actually i'm i'm i'm i'm going left guys i'm going left okay [Music] oh no just um place blocks on my bridge done so no one can come up i'll do something right here oh god shoot oh we're oh we're up here we can just yeah we are good bro hello leave me alone oh okay i got punched off very unfortunate okay my bridget this my bridge gets us all the way though yeah okay i have someone on here there's someone in here nice i made it i made it good bridge sb yeah let's go can we get the same bonus i will never forgive him for as long as i live i will never forgive them this is going down in history my my sole target for the rest of this mcc is wisp and i'm not lying what i don't even get above here i'm not finishing it's fine it's fine i'm too mad this is not fine i've never been so angry in my entire life no way okay hey you know what you know who to blame it's all good we'll get whis look at him in survival games pink has got two well do they get two bonuses you've gotten two yeah thanks thanks oh this one is this this is different i thought this was the like one i thought it was but it's different we got a spin off the doors one is awful yeah i know i guess where do we go [Music] oh oh hello all right we got it i'm with you down here so hopefully you're going the right way i have no idea let's throw this one stick to the left the left is pretty good oh my gosh oh it's so good smack rambu fourth place let's go i got um what i don't know what i got i got seven nice oh yeah wow no we got it first wait no like first of all yeah no green was fake at least you were an mcc huh at least you were here in andaman spirit hey we we killed that one bro i don't know what happened and i got to smack enderman okay got it um it's the bridge in one silver this time don't go alone come with us i know that was my mistake where you might have to stack them up way ahead [Music] i can't build here yeah i think we're good oh i fell dave you take over i'm going we take turns if a teammate falls we never leave anyone behind oh to the right fella okay uh keep going keep going keep going keep going good we're good we're good still safe keep going we hit the same person i only just realized 70 in place we're doing okay no cyan got first should have mined the bridge not bad we're still in fourth place they had snowballs i think someone snowballed you at the start i think i don't know what happened there i don't know i tried to snowball west ooh channeled my inner uh i'd say use 100 percent of my brain power there dude let's speed right right that was the inner bed was right there [Music] no one did that either that's interesting because the last team to do that was a luminous team last fcc and they crushed it so i i'm surprised no i thought everyone was going to do that strategy that's a big picture i thought i think i saw puns should i do anything what is this yeah what is this one i guess we'll find out [Music] i'm just doing a staircase mine through mine through oh it's minecraft oh here's mining man i should record it [Music] oh wait there's nothing oh this is a block this is the block yeah someone would i see you um best friend wisp oh my god dude again am i so yes the checklist wait where are we heading i'm lost just go up you see is this one in the middle here uh right middle i think right middle i think yeah it's right middle okay i'm up yo so much punching wrong way what it's like a super long dead end right middle was the correct one where do we go now along that end that's the knife i don't know where to go wait where do i know please help okay you got to go down this is the wrong way still big go back go back [Music] [Music] where do i go that was hard it was the right thing so one of these twos went all the way up and i'm like just tunnel vision trying to go straight up and not get knocked out all of a sudden i'm at the top and i'm like there's nothing here this one i hate so much oh my god okay i've i've never actually done this once oh wait no this is different usually it blocks on this one yeah you know you have to look out for other people though don't you like other people will block you looks like it looks like the end is right ahead [Music] oh i saved myself oh wait okay i get this now oh this is so weird it's like rocket screen rockets please i hate this i'm going to get there yes i got that i got it when i get seven let's go so what's like you know like a fireball jump in bedwars i do that oh yeah don't go that far though yeah you can either face backwards and do it you've got you've got you have to keep aiming for the closest that's what i've been here oh yes finish you got this black you're getting so much difference now oh no yeah i lost i didn't go off it wasn't okay so good we're still fourth overall so yeah that's that's really good guys i wanted to do good for fourth yeah fourth of all i wanted to do good you're playing with you're good yeah we're yeah yeah that's just true hey guys it's a team right here it's a good team whatever not number one anymore but uh who's behind us i think things popped off that didn't oh yeah they go besides first damn i was hoping i might have been top five i mean i guess i didn't get we need you need the team bonus though like together yeah that's big on that one that's true all right let's go all your coins oh it's still second thank you let's go nice decent margin too it's not that's not true yeah but like almost 300. i really think that if wisp didn't hit me off we would have been first that's what it came down to so it sounds like to me i mean like he said like he sat there waited punched you off like three people got it yeah it makes no sense for him to do though except it's wisp and that makes sense if you're whisked because he's he's a funny guy he's just memento let's have a look dedicated to the meme okay nice look at this seventh and eighths down now i'm 30th place i was first i need to get over there um it's the highest i've been i finished third left hey did you get the screenshot of the first i've got i've got it i've got the first play screenshot okay good i forgot i didn't get the first place screenshot it will never happen i got it i got it for you i've got the proof of this sp clutch yes chad let's go let's go i'm here i'm here with the big quicks right here is that how quick is ridiculous i don't know quick is mr consistency mr consistency i think survival games again what do you reckon yeah last place what ah surely they can bring it back though i don't think they're gonna stay in last place it's too early days isn't it yeah yeah i don't know especially once like it's like 3x multiplier these first games don't even mean anything as i learned you're right as dan and i learned oh that was steve that broke my heart literally they're still correct that robbed you last time yeah we had like second place and coins but then multiplied we had fourth what we like first and then dropped yeah to fourth yeah it was it was pretty bad is everybody um even know how to vote for i mean park quartet i don't know oh i have survival games a video saying that h i think it could be all in the wool [Music] bottom of my list with survival games okay this is like top of my list so good balance i guess we don't know so it's a good idea to usually put blocks in your off hand that's what i do so what else what do you want to do is someone who's not experiencing skype out what what's the strap follow i think um the win means almost nothing uh at least when i played kills i remember we didn't win any of the rounds but got first place overall because i i don't know if it tells you here maybe it'll give us the coin percentage yeah they should do oh yeah there's fishing rods too oh yeah oh yeah so fishing rods if you're above someone just trying to they're okay you can just like high ground you can just send them into the air and i because i doubt anyone has water or anything to catch themselves if they fall right can you like maybe 50 for an elimination yeah it depends who's next well i guess all these teams are good there's not going to be any like dimmers next to us that we can uh try to take if we get to the middle and then we can kind of gate keep a little bit oh you see look at look at 50 points for winning 50 coins for a kill two kills it's you know you need to win yeah okay green is too old here okay remember we've got chest place though don't make a chest point okay i'll i'll bridge to interesting does tnt insta detonate i'm assuming oh there's a chest above harvey okay i'm on this little bit by myself yeah i'm i'm the green team is on that island between us i'm heading into i'm with sb i'm with sb why don't you stick together uh don't worry steve we're with you one next one by the way there is a vertical border but if we're just going to mid yeah but we can always drop down if we got that or something from here i've got it i've got a rod can i use that uh do you want the official okay i'll take it around the diamonds is it two yeah oh yeah there's diamonds there yeah oh nice for the rod i i don't think i can reach them from here be careful i'd uh i guess there's not many people diamonds i got creepers as well hold on i can get maybe come on it's not quite far enough wait that board is catching up though is there a crafting table nearby because i have two diamonds um i already went though that's any sticks oh no there were sticks in the main chest i think dave might have them uh yeah i have six sticks can we take this awesome to me quick um uh yeah do you have a chest is there a chat or a crafting table show me from below i haven't seen yeah there's one there's only a crafting that made i don't know we gotta be careful here here dave do you want this the diamonds can't take sticks here akron all right [Music] i got my lava back very nice remember to eat yeah yeah where are you heading you up yellow [Music] yeah i got stuck between two teams oh i'm done okay i was rough yeah whoa that was sorrowful blocks like broke the blocks like break or something i i i just fell straight down i didn't even break the block bonobi it just broke itself i don't know like everywhere we tried to run there was a team no i think going to mid there oh my god oh my god they're going to get they're going to get oh creeper in the mid oh okay who did it oh now the fishing rods it's okay there's three rounds oh quick fell down on his own tnt oh quake just like it's suicide oh that was insane fine did we get we got oh i got a kill who the heck did i kill i killed green i got killed as well oh i love someone's feet they were digging on me and i put love on their feet and blocked them off all right okay okay we got some kills so okay we're not doing too bad oh they're gonna die to board it seems if if you if you go up the ladder and then you bridge across you you're okay for quite a lot from the roof border like there's still a team up like look at oh he's just gonna rot him he's in a high border yeah he won all right so i would stay like what do you think dave like what what um i think there was some there's like a thought that went through my brain earlier that like there was two teams that were fighting but like we had a really good bridge going to mid like pardon me thinks like if we went in there and just got like we're able to clean up some kills it would have bought us a whole lot of uh time here you get the iron behind him and stick yeah i'm gonna go here and get yeah what am i doing with this iron making armor for us oh quick's already i just make some light leggings and helmets uh orange team is here but i'm not even gonna mess with that let me take those yeah just got two leggings whoever wants them oh they got bows be careful you missed oh they're coming over games i have leggings please yeah thank you careful behind you i'm going up following um might be looking at you yeah it's okay yeah yeah orange you're coming across now coming across i'm still virgin orange underneath oh who's fighting here they're trying to blow me oh they're trying to blow me from underneath it's fine they're fighting down there oh hold on we could choke point these guys because he's coming up see you guys he's like right below you guys he's at 10 hp oh he is 12. who's hitting me he's right below you i'm gonna trick a creep bro oh that was scary that scared me as well oh guys coming orange come here green green is blue you guys too yeah there's green you can probably hit them and nothing oh blue bass is next to me now i like they get there what is coming in is the bridge is the bridge uh no it's not oh george george's three is blue shooting yeah are you guys are we good yeah go go go let's go up this line uh okay please do that oh let's go here sneak okay you got some space you're good good yeah close this yeah let's go left let's go left sp follow me yeah left is good space okay you go uh blues to your right just george here yeah i gotta there's two there's two let's do that yep i got that got him got it nice there's someone right below you they're coming up they're coming at the right below it's puns where are they what are they doing they're two blocks they're trying oh you got him you got him yeah like nice nice oh you missed it nice did you get that kill oh no okay oh sorry i blocked you off i thought you were someone else i wouldn't okay you are that's dangerous yeah yeah no that's good good job okay there's three teams bridging up to you sb top right top right in front of you and to your left purple they're trying to yeah yeah all right tapped out of my game all the time yeah nice nice oh nice okay two teams above you hopefully they'll fight yeah i don't like this tell me drop anything coming in behind you dave oh there you go oh god they go creeper the creep is coming down no it didn't land oh there's a red there's tommy's above you yes i mean did you get beat did we no bad i only got one kill out of that i got one kill too what the heck man my ender pearl should have landed dude it like just never landed that was rough the creepers fell from above i did the most damage to myself somehow i don't feel like we did better at the end there but i guess no yeah kills are worth a lot we just you swallow left greens to our left like dreaming spotless it's green and purple i think it's different every time i'm making pants thrown in all these pants orange is like to your right right below usb in that tower i've got quick on me i'm a little bit yeah i need i need backup 32v1 quick let's try it anyone with me i'm here i'm here oh creep are you kidding me uh how is he so good oh i had four no i oh full damage ah i got the kill for quick though nice quick hit the ground after and i got the last hit on him so that's secure as far as behind you guys she's low oh my goodness left no way how did you just follow me once i don't know but i got a pearl out of it nice pick up all the armor too you deserve it that somebody's bridging if you have about no way oh good shots dude okay hold on i'm going to get on you've got a bit of time before the boat okay you can probably yeah so orange is right in front of you over that bridge it's cara i'm lucky oh i think i'm just giving her these i know you got him one shot yeah she's got full health nice there's no one else really near you nice two shots two he's three okay nice oh i said i got him we'll find straight as well you can still hit him yeah the cub is only oh he's healing up i had so many you've got guys above you uh yeah right above you he's going for high ground one man team yeah one team yeah yeah you might be better coming up i'm observing my scenario here yeah i have two yeah that's good nice good shot great you're making a little basic mood if you can get you might need to borders yeah i'm just uh trying to eye my scenario here borders oh is that too okay the blues are like up up high oh the pole came down it missed they're in the void i see okay tommy's bridging above he's tnt in mid yeah he's getting really green they should be done nice there's still two left yeah i might i might i might take that island okay watch out uh on your right behind your whist behind you too [Music] unlucky right kills if they died in my lava at all no they were hiding i thought it was just fruit that's like totally my fault the whole thing though damn man wisp is alive makes you angry it shouldn't be allowed i'm furious oh i got the kill on vic for some reason you did nice that's sick hold on follow my love and more people follow me that's hilarious got nine coins that round okay 81 let's go i got three though i got one workout i had two we went ahead though i felt pretty good there was i think there was three of them on you at one point and carry them ran away i killed the whole team i don't know how damn rooting crazy yeah that one's uh we shouldn't release these frags from the start i think that was our mistake but it's okay because it's only yeah it's the third game yeah you know now at least we're getting games like that yeah so i am okay i noticed like because at the end it's like i got a bunch of uh i got those kills and that that helped it's like we should have just like taken the duel because i think we could beat a lot of the teams that's okay yeah i've done the 4v4 i think different like blocks because they're very specific blocks so that would make sense [Music] i think people aren't going to the elevator it doesn't where the elevators are just like looking at the scoreboard i'm out of the top 10 now the dream's over hey you can get back no no no one bad yeah oh i have no worry no worries at all what place are we going i didn't even check i didn't either it's so close it's just it's so close yeah literally 900 coins from sixth to first so okay i think we're gonna get survival games i agree [Music] yeah yeah i don't really care i'd like some of the games wait really no i have an arrow try throwing it let's see what happens wait wait you guys want survival games we'll be hitting i'll follow the group i threw the arrows there's a foxer hopefully the fox leaves oh yeah right yeah the fox is done survival games oh this didn't go well no i'm gonna end up throwing mine in like i do every time i'm gonna hit your chicken done get up oh we got a mega chicken oh yeah they wanted it okay we got it we got the mega chicken which is pretty opinionated what what what's up player like is it a points thing is survival games we're surviving like everyone says it's usually a point to think but there was the last time it was played you know fruit berries team won and they were all left alive and they got like an insane amount of coins yeah like it doesn't remember that one yeah because it was the last game it was the last game played hey i'm glad we're getting these ones out of the way i'd rather battle box over these any day this is rough yeah so oh yeah you can do leaderboard i think it's uh oh what is it i think staying alive is the mcc.live coins are kills are good but i think like if you make it to the end i think you get a decent amount of coins like if we off all four of us just stay alive yeah and i think just like if we get if we see another team like i don't think we should necessarily just run depend obviously depends who it is but ranged is quite it's quite range it's good because you know you hit somebody like three times they could be down to half health already yeah bow is really big um they're gonna do way more damage than a sword or something yeah i feel like if you're not confident in in sorting like just go heavy on the bow also 100 eliminations 150 first fly into the end so if you win all right so if you die then it's what's eight coins every time another player dies so 100 for a k is there a grace period or not a great experience yeah 100 is yeah depending on what teams do like last time i played survival games we were like just got just that mid really quick and then bailed but we actually have like a straightaway here so i actually think we should just run back because like we we should just uh that's oh there's a chest right here oh is there beautiful okay and there's there's a chest you're going to go i can't think of a building today grab the early chest you guys just run wait i want to grab okay you gotta no that's fine you grab it you grab it i don't want it i don't want it please do not come on decide guys okay i call this one a chest it's all mine needed it sp is there anyone with the axe you have lava i have where did my sword go gonna access me i'll take an axe yeah okay i have i got nothing and lava i'm inside i have armor uh there's a team kind of not heading towards the section of mine it's captain puffy's team i feel like we can take that team they're a spare weapon i need a spell weapon here who wants this and this uh we keep let's keep moving moving yeah yeah let's let's look this way aqua team's here oh he's heading right they are okay do you have any ranged yet oh i'm gonna have bows some of my bows yeah someone they're just gonna run from us hopefully i think there might be one here am i crazy never mind i thought i saw one sneaking and didn't move i don't really really want to fight right now i just no i don't think we're in a good shape uh let's not try to split up too much here oh they didn't get this chest damage spot nice can we keep we keep moving out this game let's go down here i want whatever is in this chest come all right i'm going to stay um levels we have unlimited levels so i'm just staying with the i don't want sb to get cut out alone i have a fishing rod if anyone wants that i'm not very good with that wait where's the enchanter i'll take it it's right next to the chest edge air drops can be good i think there's people in that building okay there are people in that building so let's go up here yeah okay wait wait wait oh that's fruit berries team you good one died beautiful i was moving for that chest those people like oh there's a little team there in there i don't know if we want to get caught right now that's a fight going on in there oh here's the bow i didn't mean to come right now i've got a bow i got it i just watched troopers get slaughtered i have two bows oh it's multiple teams fighting there's a third team getting involved sorry i'm watching this like right in front of guys you guys got it they just died we got to clean this up you guys got to come down this is getting crazy though oh bad boy halo hit him with for four which one yeah what's that side oh one i'm just kidding i did not do that i have a boat oh there's iron armor in here for sure dude oh no they already looted i already looted it oh they didn't get this one iron swords lava can i say the axe if that's okay yeah go for the needs a chain chest plate i dropped that yep um i have i have armor boots my boots have feather falling so i'm just gonna keep them but there's two two iron boots right there if any of you guys want that anybody got any bad loot for me uh what do you need yeah i'll take this here's some chicken i got a lava bucket i've got a cake as well um cobwebs i wouldn't be very good at using those we should we should get some kills do like what there's a potion here uh there's there's a person in this building and is anyone with a long people left does anyone have arrows i need yes uh i got 13 for you thanks oh i just got more there's someone in this building i'm pretty sure okay be careful i mean i thought it's not nametag i think it's the soul alright be careful let's stick together stick together yeah someone right head right here right there the window i saw you jump out the window yeah they're right to your left to your left hit them okay yeah we're nature it's puffy she's so low okay i'm going over the bridge is it you on are you close behind it yeah she's on nine okay i'll back out if i see another team oh there's someone up here quick up here above you oh should i bail uh yeah quick's right behind you you're like in between them all right yeah yeah yeah all right i'll slow down i won't make any dumb decisions here quick you're right quick to all right all right we've got people to our left as well maybe we should try to follow puffy or quake is alone here yeah i think he's by himself just wait he's a solo let's get him we got to get quick out okay chase him down uh if we see puffy uh i want to stop if i knew squiggles solos don't worry i have a cake let me know if you need it in a run jack wig be careful there arose there's another team over here i feel like he's gonna like right in there he's right yeah he's trying to set up a trap i don't i would let's not do it there's a team right ahead of us let's back up follow me follow me guys let's back up here let's restart okay let's reset okay so there's gonna be a team coming in to our right yeah i just do not like like little little tight valley yeah this is you know does anyone need is anyone a food i have a cake dude here's some pumpkin pie thanks do you need any more i actually needed like a bunch of people i i have a bunch of food yeah or anytime you see like a great tombstone yeah we should check it out there's only uh there's three other full teams and that's it sweet we just gotta stay together let's not go off on our own at all oh name your team in this building red team yeah be careful back up yeah red team to the side they might they might chase they might engage so they come on oh they're fighting another team yeah they're fighting they're fighting in the road oh but they're all dead i've got one team there's like five people right should i still should i steal jack yeah still steal it oh he's in there backing off oh jack's alone he's going in the building by himself on that ball yeah yeah you can break glass yeah you can break last night watch out this team they're gonna watch this team watch red they're gonna come in the building yeah back up guys don't get pinched we're gonna benched pink oh it's quick it's a bunch of solos here i might hunt down jack because he's iron armor oh watch out watch out quick's gonna die quicksand oh get puffy this all right i gotta eat a gap yeah puppies are ahead of you two left no they stole the kill all right back up guys back up back up we're pinching oh we're pinched yeah this is bad turn around guys i go back up let's go let's help i'm almost dead to dave and one arrow yeah purple's coming in pete i'll try and get you need your help i'm dead bottom of the hill hit pay i got both yeah that all four behind you careful yep nice oh dave that was good okay um right there yeah they're coming for you all at all times after all right they're all afraid uh they used to load pins by both ah yeah no that's so annoying it was all the teams left and they also all of them were shooting at us like yeah it's like i couldn't engage on any of them and they stole those solo kills ah yeah that sucked i also better loot no that's how does everyone have flyer to armor dude no we found nothing like that later we didn't find any iron i feel like we didn't leave the the tombstones enough that was the best every time i pass yeah because they loot the stuff every time i pass by a tombstone that's where i found the iron armor that i gave you guys in a bunch of things i should have killed that guy with the tnt in the cobwebs i don't know how he lived i put three tnt down here ran place the copper right in his feet maybe got out in time i was like so he he got hit by it but it was like right on the edge yeah it was close that's annoying i was like at least i'll get a freebie kill yeah i thought he was dead for sure [Music] uh i mean the thing is though like blue bats look like the ringer waves everything but it's all their strongest games at the start no the chinese games are pvp we we played two we played to get to the other side and battle box we're not battle box um builds no i'm saying that like like blue bots who are first their strongest games are the pvp ones yeah yeah and then we haven't played a lot of pvp oh yeah we just played sky ball they all know the button boxes yeah battle box isn't too bad but that's a different that's completely different isn't it it's way more even that's that's what i like about it yeah there's no rng on armor and stuff yeah i feel like we got a lot of chests too everyone has iron armor speed pots [Music] i just feel like what happens in survival against me every single time is just the situation we were just in there like i really like it's just a 1v1 it's like they're solos they'll run and then you get pinched by yeah you like run into another team yeah scott telling about puns hiding up there and they can't even see him wait where is puns on the balcony like behind purple team he's gonna get crushed by the border if he doesn't go oh i didn't even see him there he is yeah he's just hiding it's lucky the whole thing's made out of iron so they haven't seen him that's hilarious dude everyone's like enchanted iron armor i i knew there was oh they see him last time i played sg i had like a sharpness one iron sword we did kind of get screwed over by uh yeah our beginning loot wasn't great [Music] it's fun's owning this staircase right now uh was he gonna just mlg cobweb oh no he's not straight that's solid though yeah i guess he could just like slowly make his way down but he needs to try and clean up i hope that the other team's trying to fight no this is rough i don't know if he has cobwebs i guess not oh okay no you could just stay on top of these the whole time yeah red's team's on the other side he needs to get them to vote i don't think anyone can get up to him he needs to you just pick up some odd kills yeah puns is just gonna try to pick up kills because they have such a huge like yeah so sick wow they had no wins it's gonna be oh we can steal another kill tommy's not even kidding anyone no oh no they just left them alone yeah what just happened a red river that's it right yeah oh my god see you get so many coins they're all live oh 4 900 coins what the crazy a margin there's crazy like if you win it's ridiculous yeah yeah i mean it's not i mean it's not where we want to be but it's it wasn't the worst game in the world no red is a good pvp game red team is being the team that i was afraid they would be vic is i i don't know i cuz none of you guys were in mcc at the start dude what this was and this was vikkstar's game for like oh yeah big star is like insane at survival games like i think yeah no i it was him but the thing is him and pete would team every time for like five mcc yeah that's wild and then they used to like fix coming back like you guys don't understand big is is uh he grinded that survival games like five years ago yeah wow look at that they're just shot into the lake hey dave you're right i'm still holding on to my top i've been slowly going down every game but we got four games we're good we're saying battle box next oh yeah this is audience for isn't it oh it will be yeah that's a break here oh all right break time well i'll see you in five yeah guys i i feel like we're doing all right i'm 21st right now survive like survival games and um what was the only player survival games and skybow are my worst games red those were their two best games and remember the coin multipliers go up the later you leave something in an event maybe people said hole in the wall one oh that means we're not playing it i don't know or what don't know i don't think they made it clear this time [Applause] yeah the only game i feel iffy about is parkour tag to be honest yeah especially like the new the maps like uh not a square as well yeah i don't think i'd want to be a hunter i mean i will if i have to i just don't anxiety oh hold on let's go yeah i guess it was the least foods oh yeah definitely so is auto jump good on this or my chat's saying auto jump um i think in the practice it might be but i think i feel like it could mess me up uh and this one with remember it shrinks like outward i don't know i feel like you're just gonna have to be way more on your toes than i i don't think that we don't even know what these walls are gonna be like this they're gonna be totally different so yeah i'm gonna stick without it just remember if you get stuck you just know luminous not in this one so yeah pizza in this one though you have an alum and i had the hour that's true but pete also has won like every single hole in the wall round guys so i i'm not gonna change it really but he's i haven't tried two for three it could mess you up as well because it expands from the inside out so you could like jump off a block when you don't want to you know i'm not gonna do anything i just remember if you get find yourself glitching in the wall just spam that gray just i've just miraculously like teleported let's hope for that oh the the weight just gonna shrink from the inside it's going to make it really interesting like you have to go from one side to the other that's going to get so hard i'm going to mute up and focus on this one there it goes so good luck all right i'm always the last one to spawn in all right here we go yeah i just like i when they do the fake walls that messes me up oh i forgot about those we can see teammates good yeah like it's like so slow right now callouts aren't even super necessary yeah blue oh wait one's gonna be fake blue wait mine were all blue slime yeah i don't know why they changed textures for this hey it says to the middle oh because he's not actually slime blocks on this oh yeah i just saw a trapdoor made of slime keep an eye out for that it's like spongy right yeah it's just like blocks textured as slime i wonder because my big thing on the practicer was i'd hit the slime and i just like bounced me to the other side of the world i think you can just crouch this yeah you can oh where's this one there we go oh what is this one good we're good yellow there we go so many people are staying alive way more than that oh behind oh fine oh this is a tall one what i hack the system wait oh dude i think there's a trap door or something i could not figure that one out there was a gap i just had to sit still i think there's a trapdoor or something in it that made me like it just knocked me off i don't know i somehow landed on top of the one before that killed me and i jumped over it oh are we all out we're supposed to crouch under that one i don't know that one threw me off in the gap and it just like i got knocked off i think they're because these aren't actually slime blocks took out so many people yeah it's kind of weird that it's not slime i think they're trying to mess up the groove i don't know oh wait bomb oh he glitched through the wall it's usually some of them are slime in some of the mount yeah oh you can see it going in can you see it going transparent or not there's some slimes you see it oh some people just died yeah okay h bomb just glitching through the walls yeah he's [Music] spamming space and i threw me off because i was sitting in the gap and i just went to read chat like i looked at chat real quick and i guess i just like didn't realize that there was a little trapdoor in that gap that was going to knock me out yeah ignore it someone's found something i mean with these walls you just spam space all of a sudden you just find yourself like swimming that's just how it is oh it doesn't turn the blocks invisible because that's a bug with slime blocks themselves oh that's okay that makes sense yeah pretty sure this is just like re-textured like cobblestone i was just worried because one of you was in front of me but it is no worry all right i gotta focus up can't slip up look at that oh [Music] oh come on oh that got a lot of people with that yeah that that caught me oh good it's coming yellow no okay oh it's just the wrong side of the map when no one spawned in my bad well you can sneak through this gap i think oh it look it was too risky for me jumping wasn't that hard are you kidding me no i'm bad oh good whoa whoa whoa what yeah those ones are crazy i don't understand how i got stuck at all i was like i i what i like i cleared it for sure can we start calling out the walls again i feel like i was getting kind of stressed this time oh sb did you get nine speed you get nine uh yeah somewhere i couldn't i couldn't work i wasn't using the other side i made that one so i can get across i keep dying in like weird ways it's not even like i'm missing the jump i feel like i just keeping like stuck in the wall oh fruit just our dream just got screwed by that trap door oh i hate spawn with the face he literally just spam spacebar in it when he goes through these every time i know they flip and jump down that middle hole he literally like just stood there and the wall just went right through him he's won both is all right yeah he's just going through the slime i don't understand okay can we call out colors please yeah blue yellow yellow oh it's a weird one how how how i'm bad blue blue again sorry keep figuring it out you have to like jump before you're supposed to jump yeah like i don't get it yellow you have to jump way earlier i don't i don't it doesn't make sense to me hey dan can you call them since you're on top and yeah sure blue fire blew twice logan yellow blue green green again bubble twice damn uh green yellow twice blue blue again green how did twice this game i've died to like open gaps that like somehow the wall just like grabs me it's weird right you see like there's a chapter or you're right yeah but like it just like doesn't register to like the wall has already passed me i feel like i have no time to react oh that's a tough one damn yeah i don't know it was the first time i've never won a single round or make it it just feels weird this time for some reason that's different yeah i choked that one bad i yeah i just kept like every time i died i felt like i'm questioning what even happened ugh oh yeah we did really bad that event oh at the very end it bumped us down to ten damn yeah i just i don't know look at my score is so bad oh geez how like i don't know i don't understand that one thought i had it and then it would just shoot me backwards oh look at that top two it's so close it's like 64 points stack of points okay three games to go yeah i'm done 20th 10th oh i'm top 10 still 34 not like 27 let's go [Music] how many games left two more all right we just pop off when we find out three more yeah i got plenty of time i don't miss sounds of time you know fantastic time i i don't miss it because it's always the last game always it's so stressful i don't see i'm just i prefer the games where it's like you're going again it doesn't even have to be pvp but like i just like when you're against teams so even to get to the other side you can hit each other and stuff yeah yeah that's true i feel like the ones where you just like don't interact with the teams is just less fun than off of them well apparently parkour tag is our best game statistically so yeah so the best is yet to come it says who it [Music] all of our personal statistics i don't think if the reddit matters though because the reddit said we'd be in last place so should we really listen to them yeah yeah well if we don't step up our game we're going that way hey um i'm i'm down for battle box okay i'm gonna try and get it hey it's actually harder than i like fruit fruitberries and dream are both green teams because they're green that's cute right now oh and skeppy is blue because he's blue they killed that fox it's probably a stretch [Music] unless the chicken on that ledge there counts [Music] okay this is what we've been training for espy practice don't try the trident skip i don't think this is the one with the trident scout i feel like like i hope we i hope we could get first again cause i can't i don't think my acery skills are gonna transfer over but we can try our best your what skills my a straights from the other map nah nah that's fine just uh don't get too ahead of yourself i feel like with with these new maps i feel like it's off the trick with this is just like trying not to fall like everyone's gonna make this everyone's gonna fall so yeah yeah because it's like if we all get good times rather than like thanks for the positive support guys you are you're very nice thank you i need it oh god now we'll be fine pitfalls hit balls you know what your first time we'll probably say all right i must be like something you stand on that like will break and fall yeah i might just look for like odd placed like maybe like a bounce that'd be kind of annoying oh that would be so hard um yeah i feel like uh it will probably just be some like oddly placed square or something on the ground like if you just see like really out of place blocks just try not to stand on i them i'm a right right side kind of girl they spawn me on the left i'm going left are we heading like straight down i'm guessing sorry i think we got no way that could have gone really badly [Music] am i not running oh that's nasty oh that was wrong what oh it's this way wait where the heck can we go no one here knows where they're going hit someone all right can you no you can't go in there we're all stuck i'm so confused oh no wait what it's just like up there it's like a wall yeah no way there's like 20 people all stuck like trying to i didn't see the slime first lap no biggie of course first shulk cedar greg we're all trying to figure out what's going on scott's like i know well i didn't see the elytra oh okay oh no oh no i followed the wrong people [Music] that's just the first lap's the worst because it's like there's just tricks you just and you can't really big brain the tricks you just have to accepted asp i guess he's muted oh no way i hit someone with my trident that's the worst so annoying [Music] just happened to me twice hello i hate the tridents i'm i'm still not gonna remember how to do this no this is matt i was like when's the lap happen it's major that sauce my man said two minutes who we're in the front at the start we're all uh ducks like all of us and scott shows up i know which way which i mean i can't blame them but i'd be doing the same thing [Music] wait where do we go i don't know i think i just reset myself yeah i'm in 36th placement oh i i see oh well that was weird wait wait oh i figured out you have to go down from that last light show if that's what you're stuck on what just happens i just got last place i was in 15th place and now i was in yeah same way wait i'm even second now oh my god i figured out no one knows what's happening all right so are we doing the same thing again there's there's big red arrows yeah there's big red arrows and you have to follow it you have to follow the arrows down what i was in such a good position no if you get it right now i just did it and went from 26th to first uh it's a second no i'm i'm too far gone i'm too i have no idea where that is that's crazy that's ridiculous dude this map's so confusing wait so where did you go where do you go i just went back like 20 places arrows that are built into the ground oh follow them down it doesn't seem like it's right but you gotta go down at least you just do the whole half the map again okay i'm still yeah yeah what i did is when i saw i was heading back i just oh right yeah there's no way i would have got that yeah me neither there that's rough in the lap that's so funny i mean not for you guys i should have gone backwards now the only person who knew it was scott of course that's super sauce dude that's so weird yeah nobody got that that's what scott did you need amps for clear i'm running for my life right now i'm holding on to second get it bro get that i gotta go i prefer this to the other map though if i minimistic wait it's all like crosses over and stuff no this map is weird and scary so here's the spot everyone gets stuck i think i think everyone's got another [Music] oh my last lap nice what wait where do i go here oh i'm lost again i'm tunnel visioned [Music] i don't think anyone has fallen for a pitfall unless they had mental pitfalls of these like weird loops yeah all right i think i've seen pitfalls they're pretty easy to spy like just like concrete in the ground unless that's not what it is i don't know i'm about to laugh tommy he was first i'm passing tommy and i'm a whole lap out of him he was first before the uh the big drop [Music] sorry tommy some things have to be done [Music] i can't believe oh sb is in third let's go dude maybe he figured out the thing too maybe he's just good at um ace race he had like the third time in the actual thing hello i'm stuck second place nicely done dude but did we get second third uh fast b finishes here he does we got second and third let's go guys nicely done he just beat puns too that's what we needed second and third baby let's go sp we were freaking out i was in 30th and then i figured out that one electric place that no one could i jumped a second and i'm like all right i went i was 38 i couldn't get past this trident thing and then i the same i followed the arrows somebody said fold the arrows so i just did it yeah so i literally i did half a lap again is that what happened yeah if you if you don't notice the arrows you have to do a half a lap again yeah what i did i said i just did nose dived into the void when i saw what i was looping again three so i didn't checkpoint i just was at one point where i saw people going through a path and they just jumped into the void the arrows just look like triangles which is very good yeah like a youtube one so this is where you go down yeah let me come and find you guys oh that's annoying [Music] you got it 23rd dan all right let's go mm-hmm this would have been so much higher if i didn't do the the fail wait i wonder like on the first 23rd and did like three and a half left i don't know i think blue team finished first all of them oh maybe we are i'm going to do me and espy got second and third and we're really we got friends because scott already knew the map that i think that's dodge just for that i mean it was it was by a threshold of a minute he left first between first and seconds he would hear where to go though didn't he yeah that sounds like i just think that the arrows shouldn't look like triangles because it points three different directions that's true yeah you're right actually let's see i think we did we needed a game like this if the arrows had little tails i think it would have been a lot easier for everyone it's crazy because like scott first by 63 seconds 63 sp's behind me by seven like bro yeah i wish i turned around around like like a quarter of a second as well yeah i saw that look tommy was first he's only just finished yeah i laughed him well because of that uh extra yeah he did oh i think we we won this game though i tested once come on wow that's still that's still bad that's still bad you play in the event that's disqualified yeah we didn't get a touchdown once it's huge because the first sound was ridiculous everyone had like an awful time oh my god because everybody didn't know what to do the first time yeah yeah nobody knew where to go i didn't even i think i got second i didn't have any of the fastest laps did i get faster first place in that game ggs guys what the oh my god this dude okay oh i don't want to redo don't get me wrong i i don't want to redo no doubt that we didn't even move up what the heck we got first place that's wild i mean um i just needed to above us kind of but i got moved up from i beat tubbo and i'm 9th place nice yeah puts me back on the 14th so contract i moved from uh 27th to 26th that's positive i mean hey listen you know we shouldn't be mad at scott because um i got first place second place and we got third so i don't want anything i don't want anything to change right right right now because i just no no no no because like i i i figured it out first really we'll just keep it guys okay well make him mad make him mad before battle box no one did what all they did what it was so easy i actually i don't know maybe because one person just knew where to go yellow managed i'm not sure we did oh i have a crossbow we'll make two who are we shooting i i am feeling i'm feeling battle box because parkour attacked my car apparently i bet we're better at battle box park or typing i thought we were gonna both of these yeah like whichever one but what does the crossbow do am i being dumb uh you just shoot chickens with it so shoot parkour attack ones i guess [Music] i thought i had the egg in my hand i'm dumb oh mega chicken's gone down mega chickens are just wondering did i when we got here where are we going when i looked at this like i figured out everyone's on the wrong way like look at the sidebar and i just see 28 seconds i was like oh yeah i was fifth and i went the wrong way man battlebox i know let's go even up like i thought it was over and then i just look and i'm like well how did i get back to wait which one got picked i wasn't making it let's look at this map map we spawn inside very very vertical yeah like only on one side and then the other side has a lava trap interesting what the heck wait why is this the lava is kind of irrelevant huh yeah well if you fight on the left side yeah if you stand the right side then it no you know honestly probably what you can do in risky enough play is just send someone to just do a sprint jump over the lava and then all of a sudden you're in their back line like immediately yeah oh yeah you're right yeah but there's harming potions underneath those two side bits yeah harmony potions are huge so where did the teams come from it's gotta be like is it not in where the the leaves are or the hole in the leaves um wait what are you looking oh for where the wall goes they respond like where the players come from i think it's below like i think that orange thing is blocks the entryway and then you go that's where the the harming potion's on there oh oh maybe it is above oh yes so there's a middle ground yeah yeah okay so could you just drop and get the potion draw that's risky i don't know if it's worth it yeah because there's ladders [Music] straight away so there's crossbow quick charge speed one instant health two and arrows huge for melee uh let me here i'll take i'll take the the health of the arrows what do you guys want i'm taking speed uh i'll take i'll go healer and then we can swap at any point no you can take if you want the healer the whole time that's fine i have two splash potions of healing two i don't know who we're against but let's just greens okay we're gonna scream oh my god he got that cross pushed out of me under one on joke he rushed to the side here watch the wall make sure he's coming with the crossbar i hit dream hill i'm here i got some of that too just running by i'm out of arrows pick them up if there's any fire should i go for the damage pot down there left left left left left yeah they're wrong okay we're gonna run out of time yeah i'm going for the wall right now is going down for the wall i watched that didn't hit him ah wait i i killed one dream had seven i throw him i've splash potion of damage on a point blanket i must have not thrown on server side or something i don't know they're gonna try no what a good thing is is if you put your wool in your off hand and then you spam click both like the shears and the wool like both your buttons down it places that amperage yeah yeah i just don't get like i i really thought i was gonna get like a suicide double kill there like as i they jumped me and i had a damaged plot they were both below half health i throw it on them and like it does no damage does anyone want the i spare potion can i throw them to someone i don't know at the beginning i'll drop one because i got two can you drop i can't drop now but when it starts oh yeah all right this is the team that people say the best so the thing is i i can't do anything without a crossbow here catherine has heals i wonder if we could just target her oh they're going for mid here yeah someone's going down to mid they might go for the harming portion actually oh someone's around the corner yeah it's happening up here you killed me he's down to boys down to four he's down to four time nap yes no i got calm and half health unlucky are you guys all dead yeah yeah i got puns and snap now at least that feels good i don't get the the meta for this map it's like it's weird in him weird could you start high as well yeah there's only like there's only like two blocks or like one block to shoot people i think we fought literally like to the two best pvp teams in second round yeah that's true [Music] i actually i won't be one puns turned around and killed saturn can i get the crossbow maybe i just feel like i'm not using the speed like i'm not a good speed melee guy here i mean if it feels pop we got p out by the way done deal all right if he's out in the oven crossbow and then go from there i'm gonna i'm gonna go left and go up the laven oh you know what i need to do here i got the entry shot all right just hold down the button oh they're going for wool we gotta go go go go go go go i hit pete one where that where that can go down i can't shoot through here they're gonna get it guys you gotta go down i'm going down oh rhinestones oh yum oh my god that was close they were one block away holy i just went in i was like it's three of them there i'm like i'm throwing my body in front of me i was like trying to find a way to get in there's not many ways down walking around the entire map to get down potions they're like underneath where we spawn okay there's nobody i like stuff where i just literally aim at the spawn point at the start the second let go at the right time like i land a shot nice yeah that's good that's good it's kind of cheeky but they could do it it worked no it's allowed yeah yeah i think okay i hit one as well i hit solidarity they're all amazing my bad i threw him already i hit the wrong button i got it all right i'm gonna hit stop twice i'm so low [Music] you should go down and go after whisper go go go he's filling it i'm good all of the guys should go silva you should go for the wool maybe oh h behind you guys oh yeah i didn't know he's behind me no i didn't find it to find his mouth that was my bad throwing the potions sorry is you guys like because whisp was like rushing it i was like you guys have to go or either we all died or he was gonna get the wolf so dude some people are rushing yeah go ahead same as this lime okay uh they're going to go for the wool just because i've seen fruit berries say get wooled and shallow yeah at least twice okay okay so we should fight on the ground then right well i'll i'll say above because i have the arrows this one's very awkward like angle the angles are so bad to shoot with because it's only one shot they're going in the middle they're going in the middle he fills it fills it so quick just target fruit literally i got it i knew that i'm gonna do it dude okay why they get no points oh my god that's a lot i don't get points well they don't get nearly as much for you at least oh they do that every round oh i knew they're gonna do that but i literally couldn't even get to the ground yet yeah they all did it like they all rushed away like that like they're winning every round but they're four more rounds yeah they're watching stuff interesting that blue bass was in the sixth place i thought they were gonna play yeah i think they're can i get the healing men i'll i'll take it again i mean maybe we gotta do some bowl plays because we've lost a wool yeah that hurts my feelings a little bit i think let's just fight on the ground i think it's the best way the arrow's empty that much when you're it's hard to get it here i bet pink's gonna rush dude i'm not getting wolves you're gonna go in the middle [Music] at the bottom like if you see it that's it yeah i think it's zero points like the third round in i was like how they're just wool rashing every time yeah dude how's blue bats in seven yeah oh whoa okay they just moved to the fourth as i said that as it went from seventh to fourth somehow they were probably fighting good teams and that was a good place next time if someone if someone is rushing we need to do what we did there i don't know let's okay let's all go filling it in you were like placing blocks yeah and then i was just sitting there critting yeah i think you're right on the floor go go down go down there there's no point in trying to fight them just go at the bottom and you can still fight them everywhere but it's it's harder to get to the bottom it's there i go bad boy halo at him once i hit him on stage yeah go go go go jeffy's here chase me oh god [Music] that's the strap let's keep it rolling we've got two left [Music] yeah two left we can win both of these we can we can yeah huge bounced up let's go team let's beat blue bats man i just want to beat these guys did we already do blue boss yeah i know but i mean point-wise oh yeah yeah quick quick really quick quick dead yeah but honestly i feel like overthinking some of these strats is what is mine let's go down okay we win every time you're right yes all right yeah like i'm gonna kind of rush up and you guys go down and like i can probably like stall them from well at least go to the stairs that are down oh quick they're healing oh you healed me thank you they go for mid nice oh what quick's coming down aries coming down harrison mitch he's placing his place all through your time nice they're chasing they're chasing you watch out cara and [Music] points i got i got g shot by it like crossbow from fifth to seventh and orange went from now oh this is a this is a hot tube ah we got them no even if they're meaning or not so is good as well literally they're all good except i mean i don't know how good nikki is i don't want to be unique yeah be careful yeah they are all good damn we triple shot in ole miss nick you staying back someone's at the bottom back up back up oh i got him a chance what trade he that's almost dead one got him tommy's up there with the crossbow vicky and tommy left uh i think i hit tommy once please please please yeah kill kill nikki you can kill her guys call me tommy's on dan tommy's on danny's yeah tell me that he's on seven health seven hill nineties let's go i got a little 3k then all right yeah [Music] [Music] we're not really going to move as long as we're not last place like that we'll be in the odds the mean redditors decided nasty sound from crazy i don't know we just took a while to work this map out i think i'm not even like impressed when people are right first anymore i'm like he got first that's standard okay yeah okay if he gets second i'm like what's wrong with this guy he fell off okay i think we were six before i think we're fifth now okay yeah let's go what's lost who we need to be in parkour aqua purple red yeah like we we have to win parkour attack that's that's i'm gonna go in the gift shop and get something again move in here go last game guys i think we got all right parkour though is statistically our best one but they've changed it they've changed it so many times and they've changed it uh a lot this time so this time it's not a square the map is different it's it's going to be a rough one and we can see where the runner is now with an item we got a big chance of doing well here i'm only 25th which is usually about average for me to be fair i get copyrighted no there's not even an octopus in minecraft yeah they're the chicken might not true no i just have to not the octopus yeah please octopuses here we go parkour attack it's just hardcore attack yeah there we go so there's that new item isn't there where we can see the runner for a little bit yeah oh yeah yeah yeah i think the maps are bigger i think high ground is probably more important on this one yeah let's have a quick look at me oh it feels way bigger actually it's bigger oh there's jump pads this little box like you can jump wait they jump up or yeah they must be you can probably cry like so i see there's a ledge there you can slime block over oh dude i don't know i like just feels like it's risky it's like yeah this map's intense uh yeah this is gonna take uh some getting used to hey you want to run you mean hunt yeah i'm down the hunt at some point i just don't want to be the first one i think you'll have to i don't mind going if if you want me to go whichever i'll be down i just want to like run on this map first is it oh you got extra coins for hunting you can do it okay so it's three like how do you get that i'm trying to wear this map out so where'd you i would like to hunt at least once okay you you hunt first and silver oh i'll go first if no one wants to go first i'll do it yeah going first is scary very i might no i don't i don't mind going first because there's not really any pressure either or maybe not pressure but i mean there's a decent excuse how many layers to this this seems so scary wait where are you spawning i'll be brave i didn't want to like say it and then go against god something like that scott knows every single nook and cranny in a map he knows everything oh he tested it once he's coming back around he's going through mid yeah coming to you i can turn on the vision see where he's at right now yeah where is he he's like oh back right he's coming up we should yeah it's looking huge there's a hole i can get i can get call outs oh no i hit the trapdoor yeah i hit the trap though i didn't see it how much time i got 20 yeah he's on your tail he fell oh he fell he fell he felt no oh unlucky he ran right into him 47 seconds very good though yeah this is so yeah that's fine he knows the map he'd probably build it [Music] i probably should have got whispered but you're good how many did you get and i got two of yeah that's why i didn't want to run first all right somebody else all right here we go i don't mind going again because i i kind of have them okay you want to go until you learn like you might have an advantage oh yeah true true i keep thinking this is the pole that i can throw the map i'm just so scared to run like places i'm like i'm i don't know it's a dead end what's not he's going back left left side what is there's a piston yeah so i think you can use that to jump i'm dead he's gonna get me oh wait oh he's on all of us right now i know where he is oh dude that's so confusing it's a whole room where there's nowhere to go up yeah where is he where is he he's right below you oh never mind i thought you were where it was that was that was not the best thing we've ever done and i died this is how i expected parkour tag to go i was like yeah the new map is is kind of wild i see a tag sp let's music so oh he's just up above what the heck how do you even get up there he bailed oh what you can jump there like see this map's so intricate you can jump around there's so many places and it's like i just don't understand how you're supposed to get anywhere all right okay i'll hunt scary remember guys this is statistically our best game stop yeah right and we're intensely we are 10 where reddit said we would be yeah yeah why did i decide to run against a dream i was just oh my god oh am i being chased guys i have no idea dana's what okay he's right behind you yeah he's on you he's on your tail silly oh my god how is he yeah can i hunt next please i can't see where he is oh he's bottom he's on the floor to your right other side of that column he's right in your tail other side oh my goodness i don't know it's going that way quackity you got me mid-air oh god dang it i it dropped right then where is he oh he's up yeah yeah you're on him this map is so confusing oh nice charms let's go nice i think i preferred it when it was smaller it's the same well at least when it was smaller i could understand where i i had to hunt okay go ahead i've learned all three asap this team's doing good yeah oh my god some people have so many coins oh i see frizzy you spend more time he's on the other side remember to use your vision you have it fairly frequently yeah it's hard to like see it at the same time though as you're running away yep yeah you're kind of not looking at them yeah i'm just spamming it and like i use that fire he's always underneath me he's below me yeah i can't see him anymore i got a vision i'm just running i see him he's running we just gotta do another lap just do a lap around the map like we did before he's right near me i'm just running i think he found this i'm down he followed his health let's just wait a little yeah he's done he's not too much he's coming up all three alive it's gonna be he's coming down coming for you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're coming up come this yes did we do it the best way yeah i couldn't have gone better all three of us survived holy we were alive and i got all of them dang that was good that's why dream wins all the manhunts against that guy you know all right you want to be the runner against something uh yeah yeah that was fun i had fun i'm not sure what i did different that time but let's do it again i think the big thing is like using your vision to call out to the teammates yeah definitely yeah because this map if you just stay above you can literally just do a loop around the map oops oh he's coming for me yeah he fell oh he fell i'm gonna stay up he's below he's he's right on the lower he's right on the floor he's there to get up he's going to look like yeah he's right near you ooh see that's the problem i didn't know there's a ladder i didn't know he's just going to hover in the middle of the map he's heading towards sb respond just stay where you're at dan just play the roof close to your place just yeah go go go go and you might want to start making your way towards our spawn maybe just to build that distance in case sb gets out yeah yeah go 15 seconds yeah you got this you got this done just slow down he's on the other side of the map so just stay where you're at for now crosstalk oh he messed it up he's hold it three yeah literally he's not gonna [Music] did you get all three of them again right now i'm kind of yeah she got all of them can i can i do it one more time you do it you're on a roll you can do it anytime soon thank you you're the only one who's enthusiastic about it she's killing it okay so we can all use runner vision at different times huh so oh that's good you guys gotta time it yeah are you going through mid here yeah oh no i messed up yeah i think i messed up going towards you he's getting frustrated he doesn't know how to get to he doesn't have to get to he's going up towards mid he's kind of oh he's on the floor again he's yeah he's going he's he's far away he's going towards one of you guys oh yeah i can't see him i can't see him he's going towards you yeah you gotta run towards spawn i'm wrapping him around keep moving keep moving yes let's go we're first i got two out of three but the last one was pete so we're first with fuss holy oh man i thought i told you guys statistically this is our best game they were right when sylves hunter and i was like uh oh false names really like dude see if you gave me a video he's like yeah their best game is parkour tag and i literally was like no that's not true there's no one actually crazy there we call it uh who just got hunts left i haven't hunted yet but uh you could go for it you would love it okay best game ever yeah i appreciate that it's a good time right now yeah we just gotta we just gotta comment sylvie so i really like once anytime you get your vision use it and yeah and just tell it that's right so he gets vision free i'll just go first they're just going through mid yes i'm looking around the right side here so we gotta find our way up there before she notices okay she's just coming so is she coming from me i'll jump down we're uh for all of us we're kind of together we need to we need to split oh no i feel what okay she's chasing both of you guys still she's on younow sylvie no she's coming she's she's up she's she's coming up the ladder oh no she bailed she bailed i'm going back she's under our sponsors down there on youtube am i good oh she got me oh that was you so sorry i missed uh i'm still kidding she's coming towards you she's coming towards you she's right behind you oh i'm so close don't know she's so far away from you i think if you just stay there yeah yeah yeah you got this no dave there you go oh i've done so bad guys i think it's physically impossible yeah i only got one we're still first we got 300. now we were tied because there was one wait you only got one dan yeah my bad i don't know why it says that we tied like we didn't lose interesting i think it's because like we go again i'll try it it's rough it's it's all good though because like if me and dave survive we get like a massive it's more it's better to survive than i think i think like is splitting off and then calming to each other where they're at because we can't just get caught in a pack together so it's jackman to yeah okay he's still on the right side i start looping yeah yeah he's coming i'm i can't vision for a little bit because i'm trying to reposition he's on the floor he's on the block i'm looking backwards i'm hanging up oh you see he's chasing him he's going to get me keep moving a straight line going a straight line keep going straight line get as many points as you can straight oh yeah just just waste this time keep going keep going he's so bad he's so bad oh my god he's crying no you clutched that so hard though oh my god that comment oh no he's just taking his time oh he fell again yeah all right we gotta go yeah go you go you go you guys you've got this bro you've got this you've got this you've got this [Music] look at that the statistics don't lie yes sylvie you clutched that so hold on guys my adrenaline this is the most fun i've ever had in my entire life oh we got one more left uh who's going oh vic tommy nicky all right i'll vision it's tubbo he's going straight up mid he's heading to the left side left side is he coming towards me yeah he's heading left side yeah he's head towards you go go go i haven't got a bit of time a little bit uh you got a decent amount of space but we got to keep moving here so we're going to move over he's behind us let's split up where are we all together he's on the floor now yeah he's educating you something oh he got me my bad my butt you're good you're good thank you first i don't have a vision i'll vision i would i'd move though oh you asked me he's right he's jumping down he's after you oh he's coming to you dave oh wait wait wait wait wait wait he's yeah behind you guys behind you guys stood up hold up oh let's go straight live down yeah straight line nice [Music] okay nice okay i think i bought you some time though dave yeah i don't see him oh i just need him to mess up once and he didn't mess up dude there's gonna be some i've survived like five rounds 1400 points dude i don't i don't i don't know if that's i don't know if that's going to get us is that what we want to be i mean boys we should be proud of that we could yeah i know i'm having fun we weren't expected to be first place regardless no no no no oh yes yes insane not even close man yeah what how did i get so little points i think if you were a hunter a lot and you got a lot less points yeah you do surviving is crazy so close oh we still finished that's good guys no dude oh i feel good i got fifth place individually oh i'm you know i just got 14 again no we didn't make a dodgeball that's fine that's fine because we proved the reddit world right now let's go buy five places hey that's my best ever i moved up to the fifth did i pass geez guys let's go 32nd place but if the hunters got more points i would have been in first place for sure yeah you were crazy you went crazy i think you were the only one just to catch everyone else we were like 2k 2k from second place that round when we got three or like we had three alive and three dead that was nuts i'm just saying no one would have said yellow yaks would have outplaced green guardians yeah absolutely i take that as a dub it was literally just the survival games and sky battle yeah pvp was rough red rabbits dropped like three places no okay we got first place in the first and last game like that feels good yeah yeah i can't even i feel like i feel like i would usually be more tilted but like we crushed the last game so yeah we did for sure and we were ten flight after the first few yeah yeah we were tenth like three in and then all of a sudden and then we just wanted and all right guys let's stick around for dodgeball that's who wins them i did not get any of these teams to be in the top two so here we go that's all that matters at the end yeah nothing's fine i'll take fifth top five for his individual as well yeah top five is crazy hey well blight especially against that team dude i mean i i got i want i want puns to have afterward i want blue team yeah sorry scott just you know yeah well since since scott you know had his own uh bit the order advantage you know he only tested it once yeah no i mean that's so big to test it once though for sure yeah like everyone everyone got lost yeah i mean i don't wanna like everyone put me in dave yeah second and third because you guys were in last place or it was in this way yeah it's fine oh my god these mascots are crazy blue bats yeah i'm blue bats yeah let's get a blue box stopping that former teammate puns guys should be saying win who's saying wins here i think uh the old bats win here you know best friends julie callum i want him to win through catherine i think the blue bats i think blue bats got this katherine she's a girl and that's awesome for her yeah yeah she carried the whole team probably yeah they don't have a girl on their team so true true so oh so we came first in three of the feminist thing to support the blueprints did we rudy which which was the other one ace race trace as well oh yeah you're right but we killed it three games oh that's actually pretty good just the pvp was weighted like heavily with kills i guess the park it was always going to be a pvp that that parkour tag wasn't weighted so much like the difference between like first and last wasn't that big like if we got first in survival games in the last we probably would have went to dodge if they gave you more points to kill i think they would oh scott hit hillary early on dude the way puns and sapnap and calum have sweated practice for this they've been sure with their own paradigm yeah they've grinded so much i said h bomb on the practice server once so yeah ace just finds a way into dodgeball every time somehow by going through the slime that's how chunk you got to give katherine the arrows dude yeah right chill hold it down i hope he does yeah oh maybe he does well he does now oh yeah there we go never seen him in dodgeball i just made that up yeah so puns this is for back to back mcc's for puns oh is it and it's his first two i think i think the last one was his first am i wrong no this second one uh still his win rate would be the best in mcc yeah like 66 percent yeah except for cows these guys missed every arrow yeah dude he's saying the same thing i think catherine needs zeros now i'm just having half heart oh now the arrows are in the castle he's going to land the first shot [Applause] mr momentum place did you finish recipe individual i was i was on the ready i was going to finish 31st for some reason like you're you easily could have got tougher no i don't want i saw you so i was so confused people just don't know yeah i think people assume that like anyone who has like the most viewers is like the best yeah it's just it's just pv i'm just not good at getting kills in pvp like i'm good at doing damage but then somebody else gets the kills and things like that nice oh let's go in the tide this is good catherine carey 1v1 [Music] dang if we made it dodgeball i'd be pretty confident i've never made it to dr bolt sam [Music] i have three times and only one once but probably the best shooters on the team so [Music] i mean you can be mad at scott you want but scott's pretty good dude he lands all these shots you know he's good at the game where are those shots hitting puns come on how many times has scott won mcc i think maybe twice oh no it's h-bomb that's one at about 17. it only takes two wins to win now oh no no no they changed the ui it looks weird now yeah it's just a crown yeah okay callum callum is landing these shots he's the only one yeah everyone's missing give them the cpk why are they oh nice dodge oh no double arrows double hours i believe she's got this [Applause] [Music] what oh no reverse sweep dude i've seen it was talking smack all right what's he saying that's like 4mcc what's he saying let me hear it i got reverse sweeps so making fun of you for being shy impartial of blue over blue what does that mean he's been dying off the bat ready he's gonna die right now oh no that puns is down h-bomb is just so good dude it's crazy how good h-bomb is it doesn't even practice does it i didn't pick a team i said i said lefty blue like pete [Music] some reason i think of them as one i mean they're pretty similar i agree that blue will win this would be so sad at 3-0 like no yeah i know what you mean now cause i'm like sat here wait how do i do this let me go over here [Music] where is he where is he [Music] nice ah sorry we can't finish them all that's what they get for knocking him out first twice oh there he is yeah he's mad how'd you get up there i don't know it's all dirty yeah those those two rounds they lost snapping up died right now he shouldn't be going for catherine he should have gone for something not much room there we go all right now now they can have a respect i think that either even if they don't win at least hitting at 3-0 i wasn't paying attention what's going on yeah i like these little foam fingers though are they cool i'm gonna take a screenshot with them prove my support [Music] [Music] yeah i think they talk to him about it i mean it's tomorrow yeah i think i was just going back and forth dude he wasn't even doing anything that crazy go on quick scope yeah they got both arrows oh no this has to hit he's waiting for them to get it i feel like that's so hard to do sometimes though only got three people yeah no because you got it [Music] h-bomb doesn't miss these but also i curse anyone anytime i say that oh wait who are you waiting for oh i'm ready for blue bats yes same i just know h-bomb doesn't miss those oh this is catherine's moment she's got this soak it in i know it about to make the play of your life [Music] yes let's go oh so you've got both arrows h has two arrows cursed him dave cause he's one of them he wins mcc h-bomb doesn't miss these ever he's never missed these ever ah i like that screen that's cool [Music] this is a great mcc yeah i enjoyed this this is cool i don't know oh look at that boys look at that i know i wanted one but that's okay already has a sample yeah yeah he just prints them how many well i don't know i honestly like we did so well like i can't be tilted at all like especially like the predictions in their place and we won three out of eight games that's wild yeah first place it's like no no i feel i feel really good not much you can do i mean this was the most stacked mcc yet so yeah yeah we held our ground yeah everyone thought that we were going to get last place and we got above everyone's predicted first place uh yeah let's go top half top half average average team let's go yeah yeah we smacked rambu as well i might post a pitch for that just for the meme i appreciate it very much thank you for being here and i'll see you soon see you later legends
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 770,570
Rating: 4.9543304 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm live, gaming, video games, funny, minecraft
Id: xG_800Lmx_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 48sec (8388 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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