This Guy Is A GOD At Monster Hunter

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10 steps of great sword step one charges a normal slash oh I've done that yeah ooh ooh ooh damn that's what I do damn bro this guy's ready 800 oh my God bro this guy's got ridiculous [ __ ] gear holy [ __ ] step number two what's this tackles oh yeah oh this must be that boss oh [ __ ] damn the explo expion too okay o this guy was such a [ __ ] Jesus true charge slash oh yeah I did that that's the three yeah I I do this 1.7k holy [ __ ] man God [Music] damn [Music] Jesus bro he's been down for a bit 900 oh my God big numbers yeah this is crazy holy [Music] [ __ ] helicopter slash what the [ __ ] is [Music] that yeah I don't even know how what this is oh this [ __ ] jumping wide slash step number five what's this instant charge after shoulder B wait [Music] what how do you do that right click during tackle what the [ __ ] oh my [Music] god oh this guy's a real [ __ ] Jesus it's Tech I've never seen that what the [ __ ] Slinger combo God damn well this is the best weapon [Music] maybe I should try to learn how to do this that see that looks really good I don't know how the [ __ ] he hit him there oh my God it's hard yeah that is crazy what the [ __ ] oh he flashes them with his attack oh I just realized what he's doing [Music] huh so it does knock him down then huh oh he's [Music] dangerous so [ __ ] badass predictive charges Jesus oh my God oh my God bro like this is so good he's so [ __ ] [Music] fast Oh [Music] my Jesus this is see like this makes me want to play the game you know like it makes me want to get better at it repeatedly knocking him down oh my God it does so much damage bro this guy can't even do anything hey did my did my audio cut out pseudo loop with flinching what the [ __ ] it's the video oh okay I see this is incredible yeah I didn't even know you could do all this this is nuts and I guess I so that extra damage is the blast damage is that right right s yeah that's really interesting I didn't even know you could do that [Music] ooh God [ __ ] [Music] damn I feel like his mob stay stunned for longer maybe I'm like crazy but I feel like those mobs have just stunned for so [ __ ] [Music] long combat super complex the claw extends it that's the Flinch [Music] abuse dude's a pro it's a stun prolonger yeah I don't know 2,000 damage the highest crit I've ever had was 1.5k that was it damn bro that guy can't even play the game bloopers and dunks what the [ __ ] God I'm going to be honest like that is nuts 1.5k while sleeping he does 4k on sleeping I guess so oh my God yeah and I think I did do that to a mob that was just sleep too you know what the other reason probably is is like obviously his gear is probably better than mine but another big reason too is the fact that um what do you call it oh what the [ __ ] uh is it like he doesn't have as many defensive uh traits as I do cuz like I have a ton of like defensive things like this is the only boss like I feel like that boss like that lunaris boss like that one is so [ __ ] hard for me to deal with with I think I have that sword though tank build yeah I know I have a tank build exactly but it works though that F ring the bass M Quin yeah I haven't fought him yet I don't know what that's going to be there's been people telling me that there's like a monkey or something I have to fight I don't know what that's going to be yet I don't think I fought that one either step 10 what's [Music] this two most important great sword tips are position and timing positioning and timing but it's also significant to deeply understand monsters uh-huh predicted and triggered PCS [Music] openings is a voice I think the audio is just messed up up oh my oh my God oh my [ __ ] [Music] god oh [Music] my no way Jesus man that is insane true charge what the [Music] [ __ ] oh well this guy was a real [ __ ] oh he doesn't do that in the in the easier version that must be a new one God [Music] damn so he just knows what they're going to do it's actually crazy how many of these bosses I've never seen holy [ __ ] spoilers no it doesn't bother me at all like I've seen tons of pictures and videos over the years of Monster Hunter [Music] sure Jesus oh oh my [Music] god I didn't even know he was going to be there he just showed up oh my god wow God [ __ ] damn that is nuts the skill stealing of monster is insane yeah this is insane dude oh my God yeah I I love videos like this because it's like you can be the greatest player in the world but if you haven't done this for 100 hours you're not going to be able to do this I'll link you guys the video that's amazing so it's looking like monster hunter's player numbers keep going up so why is Monster Hunter World the game G released in 2018 suddenly getting player numbers 400% more than its usual Baseline on Steam uh you probably seen people returning for Monster own for the first time but why as I write this as 58,000 concurrent players uh it's highest since January 2021 whenever iceborn released on PC what's going on here so obviously I think the big reason why this happened is because of the of the new game that got released right it's the same as like Dragon's Dogma and so obviously Dragon's Dogma isn't as well known as Monster Hunter but um if you look at the charts and everything you can see even that game has grown quite a bit you know back in like 20 uh and 20 right it had 500 people online uh this is probably where they had the uh the announcement of the new game Dragons Dogma 2 coming out uh and then so obviously every time that Dragons Dogma 2 has had new content and new information come out for it uh you know people have obviously logged on and wanted to play it and also the other reason why Dragon's Dogma hasn't gone up as much as Monster Hunter but it's still clearly gone up by a lot uh is because it's a much older game right Dragon Dogma came out in I think 2011 and or 2012 somewhere around there like either one of those two years and big [ __ ] surprise guys uh you know it's not going to be as up toate and it's not going to look as new and fresh as Monster Hunter World which at the time in like I think 2018 whenever it came out um yeah 2018 and uh at the time then it was one of the best best looking games out there and so yeah I would say that that's also yeah monster AR is also a franchise and everything like that also with HD graphic overhaul the Monster Hunter actually looks pretty good yeah yeah no doubt and yeah the the graphics look better so it's easier for people to go back back and play it again so yeah I think that's the big reason uh is the new game that's 100% the the big reason uh the next n major Monster hunner game was announced at game awards uh December 7th probably one of the single biggest reveals on the show and you can see clearly right cuz this is 27 November this is 11 December you can see right here this looks like it's December 7th right and it's just going up because people are excited about the game on December 8th it never stops there it's also uh joined by an ad campaign from Capcom encouraging players to go back and play monster on her world again with the return to World hashtag well I'm not entirely convinced that AB Cain is responsible for this it's extremely clear that the Wilds announcement was the kickoff for the very least I I think that with any sort of a rise in popularity of a game there are a lot of things that come together to make the game popular so for example one of the big reasons is because the game is good the game is very good and it plays well so people people that watch it or see it are like okay I want to try this out what made you want to play it I saw it was getting popular and I thought I was like all right you know what techone said I should play the game and cuz like before then the people that had wanted me to play Monster Hunter were just like annoying me but like whenever I heard tekon say that and I'm like okay I mean he likes a lot of the same games that I do I'll try it out I'll give it a shot why not getting popular yeah yeah why not play r though um I just picked this one that's why yeah I mean there's no real reason other than that how much do you think that you affect these numbers I don't know maybe like I mean maybe 5K maybe 10K I mean that would be a huge estimate right I mean but I I think that I'm not the reason I mean I'm just part of it uh that's it so I'm just and I'm just saying that number because that's what you know whenever me playing another game in the past that's kind of what it's been a result of right there some somewhere around those numbers uh steam winter sale compounding Factor oh yeah that's also yeah was it was on sale massively content creators oh boy oh this oh it's about me holy [ __ ] um this is bit as a chicken in the egg situation where content creators may be jumping on the bandwagon because the game is getting popular or because the game is getting popular because big content creators are suddenly pushing it uh it's both like I'm I the reason why I'm uh I played is because I saw it was getting very popular and also because I wanted to try it out because I had somebody that I trusted tell me that it was good so yeah it's literally that simple [ __ ] um I'm leaning towards the former but once they are playing it it certainly helps accelerate things further yeah it's like a force multiplier exactly one prominent example of this is asman gold who can create player interest searches by himself as he tried monster hunter world he and ended up uploading eight videos about it within a week ranging from 400 ,000 to 1.2 million views each he's been playing it on his widely watched stream consistently he's not the only one of course but perhaps the most prominent example and no doubt drove sales by himself yeah it's kind of crazy um like the the first Monster Hunter video I did well this is actually just like a random video isn't it yeah this is like episode 6 and it has 800,000 views and it's just a [ __ ] VOD like this I would say the Monster Hunter uh streams and everything have been some of my most successful uh like video content in a long time yeah it's kind of crazy for a VOD yeah title's crazy yeah I know we just we really go and do whatever right with five hour VOD Sam sure yeah exactly you also have people making YouTube reactions of your fights too well good I I I I appreciate it I think that's great a satisfying loot grinder and I mean on runer is great game in my space loot grinding genre it's about as good as you get foring monsters and difficult fights for materials to craft high-end armor and weapons it feels like many people now are playing uh when they didn't exactly understand how well Monster Hunter might intersect with their existing gaming interests and now they know and there it is yeah I mean my perspective like I I farmed that sword for like 3 4 hours last night and I finally got it with like the purple sharpness so I'm happy I'm chilling people love watching vods yeah I guess so what HR am I I am 48 so that means tomorrow we're going to be the able to do the level 50 uh the level 50 quests how did you learn tackle I just played it and that was it I mean it's pretty simple isn't it f your point from Forbes just clean article yeah I mean I I I think obviously the game's been growing a lot and it's it's great I'm I'm happy right it's it's awesome game's amazing but reaches further by encouraging farming the fights are engaging enough as a player as a spectator yeah no I think that you're right about that and also the combat's very satisf fine and that's a big factor as well yeah this was this was so [ __ ] this is by far the best part of the video that is nuts that's so good oh my [Music] God that was so [ __ ] cool yeah I know dodged twice yeah let see in slow motion hit boxes based that's what I was telling you guys like bro like a game that like a game that has like these good hit boxes it's just it's something else man it's a whole different experience so last night cuz I wanted to make I don't know which weapon is going to be really good so I got to [Music] 48 yep I got the 48 so what I went and I did this is the sword by the way and I'm going to show youall what what's going on here places okay so we're going to look at uh upgrade equipment so I made the nagon weapon not really a big deal I just went over there and I made it put the pieces together I have it uh I made this one as well the hidden blade I'll show you yeah that one uh that one right there uh I also went and I oh I already had this one um I made this one I think I I did this on stream last time I made this and no that's that's an older one I have this as well I made that the acid galvanis sword cuz it had a little bit of purple damage and it also had water damage as well I made that last night not a big deal then I went over and I decided I'll probably farm this one today it's not really a big deal either just go get it and uh where else do I have it um where the [ __ ] is it cuz I I farmed one that took a really really long time I'm trying to find out where it is oh it's the one that's equipped that's right this one here so this one required me to get the mantle for this weapon and so I had to reill the fgar anth and also the narua like three times and then I had to also Farm uh this bird wyvern gem as well and I farmed every single one of these last night and now I have the sword that has purple sharpness three times is insanely lucky here here's what's crazy about it I got it on my first kill I got on my first kill and after that I need to get more scales and so I thought it would take a lot longer which is why I crafted this one over here uh to use in the meantime and then what else did I make oh I made this here the uh this is the Lunesta weapon and so then I reill her and I got the uh beat juice gem I also have the nante I have three nante gems and I went and I farmed the uh that boss that Zeno thing and I got the gem from that as well I got all of those that's right we did it got everything done
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,197,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: o6qyBaP6FGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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