Monster Hunter World videos people wanted me to watch

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after you've killed a thousand devil [Music] H oh bro is that a great sword it's a long sword oh wow Jesus what the [ __ ] bro they're cutting his [ __ ] legs off oh my God it's a counter yeah what the [ __ ] Jesus oh God wait that's a move you can do that's [ __ ] insane oh my God bro that's some [ __ ] anime [ __ ] oh my god well yeah now I know definitely Capcom made this this reminds me of like Devil May Cry holy [ __ ] Jesus at the same time long sword is the best yeah this does seem really good good personally I really love using the great sword so I don't like I have no problem continuing to use that oh wow look at like all the parts are broken he's all got the white [ __ ] all over him oh my God prob the hammer maybe yeah this definitely looks really fun though holy [ __ ] bro they they haven't even taken damage oh my [ __ ] [Music] god jeesus that is insane the 2minute fight what the [ __ ] man I'll link you guys the video oh that the people from Monster Hunter um uh let's see here hell Hunters Monster Hunter series producer uh rosu chimoto uh would like to share a few words with you what's in store for Monster 2024 uh I didn't watch this I just liked it and I'm going to watch it on the stream h oh seem positive feedback over the world into the last year it's crazy actually like whenever the game got announced I was like okay but like now that I played Monster Hunter world I am like infinitely more hyped up for this game I think it's because monster hunter is it's a very big game but it's like it's kind of like Poe where it's like it's a huge game but it's still Niche and like now that I played it I'm like oh my God this is incredible I'm super [ __ ] [Music] excited for F Sport excitement yeah there it is gam for summer summer 2024 okay are they um are they real when does Monster Hunter when does the new one come out 2025 okay so it's not going to be for a while [Music] okay so it's going to be a while number one monster from all the generations I feel like be like ran or something right I feel like that's the one that everybody knows cuz I don't think it's going to be one of the endgame bosses because you have to keep in mind a lot of people play the game and they're super casual they never even got to these higher higher end bosses if this is anything like other game like voting things I always just assume that there's like a massive silent majority of super casuals don't even know any of the DLC bosses like I hope I'm wrong you know it means the community is really invested that's just what I've seen in other games [Music] out yeah I think I'm going to play Monster Hunter rise uh after after I played the first one I think I will play that one especially now since I can play it on PC am I going to play it like right away no I'll probably give it some more time I mean I've got a whole year right until the new game comes out but I do plan on playing it yeah Wilds there it [Music] is 23 [Music] million oh my [Music] god oh is this this is like their mobile game right rise the games I hope you try the games out too yeah I think it's really funny that like their strategy for getting people to play the games is to tell people to play the games whereas like you have a lot of these other Studios that come up with like these really elaborate like marketing plans but the problem is that the game isn't really very good so whenever people look at the game they say wow this isn't very good and then they don't do it yeah make it a big discount and it's solved yeah exactly rise is very lackluster in my opinion compared to the world and iceborn yeah but I want to understand why that is because I feel like every game that I play is something new that I learn about games and something new that I understand about games so the more that I play different games and I understand that the better I can see why people have certain opinions and why they don't have certain opinions that's why I care a lot about like knowing things right is because I feel like if you you can predict the future if you know everything effectively right and so how close can you get to that and so I want to be able to know as much as I can because that will give me a better insight into what I think is going to happen in the future or what I I think should happen that's badass let me look and see how popular the game is now let me pull this up and see uh where the [ __ ] is it there it is yeah so it was at 144 and oh my God it's actually still getting bigger holy [ __ ] look at this we'll move it back just a little bit oh my god well deserved yeah I I'm happy man this is awesome yeah asmon effect no guys I want you to understand obviously obviously me playing the game did help the game undeniably me playing the game helped the game but I'm riding the wave I'm not making it like I I saw a lot of other people playing it a lot of other people were positive and I figured [ __ ] it teone thinks I should try it out I'm going to give the game a try and I did and I'm so glad that I did but it's not all just about me but yeah apparently these guys have been making Monster Hunter videos for like years look at this yeah I never even heard of [Music] this see by the way I think that the way Monster Hunter does multiplayer and online Group Play is what I wish almost every single game had because like games having I I really love games that are like Poe or games that are like um like MMO lights or like soft MMO games where they're primarily solo games but they have like group hubs that you can go and meet up with other players in I think that's so cool like that to me is like Peak [Music] Fantasy on August 31st 2013 today exactly 10 years ago Adrien uploaded the first video on this channel just be the this channel was called adri mh100 this was the beginning of what should later be known as Team Dark Side as time went on adri made less and less solos instead he started to make more multiplayer speeduns with his friends yeah I think people like watching multiplayer gameplay because of the synchronization there's just something that's really cool to see like for example like both of those guys doing the jump up at the same time he became more inactive on his personal Channel and in 2014 Mei renamed it's like watching uh like classic speed Shar the origin of dark side it was when the friend group started killed him last night speedrun and one guy from that friend group called was offline the next day and he couldn't join the speedrun on that day I didn't do that team then finished the run when he was offline by inviting someone else when he came back online the next day he was upset and called them the dark side because they hadn't waited for him and finished a speedrun without him wow so then let me tell you the story of how I joined this team for those who don't know my name is Chris but back in the days of for ultimate and generations my monster hunter character was called knew it was in Spring 2015 I had just finished high school and had a lot of time to play mods 4 ultimate was I started to make a lot of speedruns on YouTube and since I was very motivated to make content I was eventually invited into the team to join them and help make more videos the first video I joined was the 5,000 subscriber special many of the old members who were part of the team for over a year at the time started to yeah see that is so [ __ ] cool loose interest burnout AIO I'll turn it up either monster hunter or speeduns and with most of the old members in active saw with me I was insanely committed to playing for ultimate every day and also super motivated to create content on the TDS main Channel that's awesome and so the two of us continue to make videos years and became really good friends then in late 2016 even Mei lost interest due to mons on a Generations on 3DS and how much he disliked the tiny 3DS screen to play Monster Hunter on I then continued the channel for around half a year by myself the channel was called team dark side but I was the only active member because I assume that there are probably other developers that have made games like Monster Hunter but because they're not Capcom it hasn't really been super successful am I right about that it's kind of like uh basically how there are Souls light games yeah that I strug I was going to play that onas up with to make four players but then like the PC Port was really bad back all those years since the time I joined this team at 5K Subs I've spent far over 10,000 hours recording editing and uploading monster H videos for you guys I'm really proud of the work I've done on this channel and how much I grew as a person alongside this wow this channel has completely changed my life and for that I very very grateful I'm especially grateful to all of you guys who have been following us and watching watching our videos for so many years in 2017 our team finally got bigger again with fno oroshi Vanita Zuki joining this was also the year when I started the gon wrong series I originally got the idea when messing around with the l gambi in Monster on a tri ultimate in 2017 we moved away from covering Monster Hunter Generations only instead we started to make videos about Tri ultimate ultimate and monst hun double cross on the wait is this the same guy the tone tone gave me the thing it's the same dude holy [ __ ] I thought so I didn't even recognize this yeah this is what got me to play it bro get his get his hand the right way way hands all kind of [ __ ] up there it is all right we're good yeah he's like you got to play it cross on the switch the fact that I could play a new monster hunter game in 1080P again on the big screen was huge news for me even if me playing the game in Japanese because obviously I didn't understand anything making mixed builds with good skills during that time was a huge challenge the DS this looks pretty good for mobile but then in 2018 everything changed when Monster Hunter World released see that's the thing because I feel like like I never really heard about Monster Hunter until Monster Hunter Worlds at the time we had just passed 40,000 subscribers and while some other channels like gajin Hunter or Eric's were way bigger than us to reach 40,000 subs for us was a huge accomplishment how Niche the Monster Hunter Community had been before world but with the release of world Monster Hunter became so much bigger and a huge amount of new players like you look at the Quality difference of like the graphics and everything like these are this is [ __ ] like just it's so much better like versus anything else that had come before that visually I think it looks a lot better than Monster Hunter rise even Community our videos started to get this totally different environment we reached one million views for the first time with our neran speedrun in the world beta this was a few weeks before the full release of the game and overall 201 was just insane we absolutely loved the game just as much as we did it back does timate and by the end of the year we hit 100,000 subscribers damn 2019 was a big year for us two of our members left the team and while it was sad to part ways I tried to use this as an opportunity to improve many things we do ons isn't that the weapon I have got paid and how we communicate and make yeah is isn't that the weapon that I have holy [ __ ] decisions together I feel like 2019 was the year where we started to take things more seriously especially since the channel was a lot bigger now and we kind of needed to be more serious in order to not [ __ ] up 2019 was a big turning point for several reasons Stephen and luji joined us and with them we created our Billy Billy Channel pepo joined Chinese social fantastic speeduns during the time in that what we just watched after 3 years there was no other way than to part ways with him for several reasons which we had already elaborated enough in the past but in that same year ride around the release of iceborn two other new members joined us vicory and deos apart from being 9,000 what the [ __ ] are you kidding me holy [ __ ] [ __ ] and this is with a great sword apart from being an amazing wait is that is that with a great sword what the [ __ ] am I doing wrong speedrunner viory started to also continue my monster on wrong series and because of him this series completely outgrew my original idea W made so many Gone Wrong videos that it turned into a series with continuous uploads for the majority of the past 4 years and DS also became one of our most important members who has been making amazing speedruns he has been with us through all of the challenges as well as fun moments and he became a TR amazing they do so much damage years in 2020 our last two speedrunner members artamus and HC joined us artamus is one of the best status gunners in the game and I've been playing with him since monster on a tryc is one of the best charge plade players and both have made amazing speedruns and videos on TDS Fuji and NK also joined us to make all of our Japanese translations since around the time of 2020 and 2021 I'm super happy to have 10 the chance to be part holy [ __ ] [ __ ] are you kidding me that's insane of such an amazing team of C creators speedrunners and really good friends how I have say guys it's crazy to think that most of the big monster hunter creators from back in the day when we started have either stopped covering monster hunter or quit YouTube entirely and while this is really sad to me kind of also understand many of them sometimes it's hard to motivate yourself to still come up with new and interesting ideas after almost 10 years to still have the same fun and enthusiasm that you had when making your very first video it's just not the same anymore and burnout is a serious topic and every one of us YouTubers will be a victim of that at some point or at least BR I fought this guy again last night because they said like there was a mission that came up and it said you have to fight him or uh it goes away and so I fought this dude again bro this fight is the [ __ ] most annoying [ __ ] fight in the whole game I hate this [ __ ] fight agree told me the other day that it's in general really difficult to do something for 10 years and be expected to have the same enthusiasm for it expected to play the game every single day these are the expectations that people usually have towards us while they rarely see how long we've already been doing this and the astonishing fact that we're still even around but I get it it's really difficult to relate to us back when we started we only had a very tiny amount of subscribers so most of our subscribers have bro they we started we only had a very tiny amount of subscribers so most of our subscri have just [ __ ] deleted themed and followed us at some point in the last years but not many of them have sticked around for the other weapon that I would want to use in this game is a bow like some sort of ranged weapon just to see how much different the gaml would be because I feel like using a lot of other weapons it will be a lot of the same Dynamics but like yeah I would want to try it out P 10 years most Gamers just play another playing like magic R Force themselves to play the same game for a decade without taking any major breaks so how is anyone supposed to understand the challenges of that also we're simply adults now when we started is simply more easy with less responsibility and we had more time just sitting in front of the PC life just changes in 10 years and we're no robots everyone needs a break at some point and especially right now is a really rough time to be a monster hunter YouTuber the hype from world is long gone and Ry and sunre he didn't even know continue that same exact momentum for a long period of time right now most people have moved on most other big creators who are covering Monster Hunters have have moved on most players in the community have just moved on to play different games I think that people like and that's not really a bad thing I mean Monster Hunter is it's a game with a finite amount of content naturally so I I think it's okay like people are always going to like you know move away like for example like there's a lot of people that used to make a lot of Elden ring content now they're not doing as much of it right now because there's no content really for the game but like that doesn't mean that they don't love the game as much as they did whenever they made the content it's just that like you know they've done that and like now they're waiting for new stuff so they can do it again they get old and lose their hair oh yeah well there's that too for you as a Creator who is focusing on Monster Hunter only no matter if you are more experienced than in the past make better videos than in the past has put more time into your videos you effectively get less views anyway exactly and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it it seems like the monster on the community is and this is one of the things like this is like kind of like a YouTuber problem so like I don't want to get into it a whole lot but like whenever you're making content about a game eventually that game will lose some degree of of popularity because people just kind of move on right they're playing other games they have other things to do and so they're not really thinking about playing uh this game anymore and so that's why you see a lot of like one game Andes try to like that's why like for example with like wow like wow streamers always try to invent new metas and ways to play the game because there's no real content in the game that people are like intrinsically watching for so they have to like create their own content and I had to do this for a long time that's how I know about it and so uh I I I think this is just what happens a lot of one game in that's why like some of them become like super jaded about the game because it's like you're into a job that you like you like your job but you are like getting paid less and less every year and it's just like it's less and less fulfilling every year that's just how it is sleep right now more than it ever has since World release in 2018 obviously that will all change with the next big release but yeah for now that's just how it is all of the members in our te face these challenges it's not just Mei and myself all of us in TDS are now making videos for at least 3 years or longer and we're all trying to catch a break here and there as much as we can to be able to be back and be 100% motivated when the next release comes out because regardless of all of these challenges that we're facing that nobody of you guys can really see behind the content that we're making regardless of all of that stuff all these challenges in our personal lives that we all have just as much as you guys have as well my team and I are still committed every one of us is 100% committed to you guys to this Channel and we will not same [ __ ] we will be keeping making Jesus bro now I really need to play this game Monster Hunter videos for you guys to enjoy Monster Hunter now is coming out in a few weeks which I will cover the others in the team don't know yet if they will Monster Hunter now like that again that that's the mobile game right now viory and some of us are working on the highest damage number video in sunre which would be absolutely insane Mei and I work on a new video similar to our monster on the world size comparison I've just never seen a game that has like it's mobile game that has like good action combat like I remember uh like the reason I quit Diablo mortal was because of that so yeah it it's kind of I bet it's like all right but yeah I I don't know genshin ah yeah you're right you are right with genshin that's true yeah this will also be a banger video maybe maybe it is with these videos CU we want to make them so yeah even after 10 years we are still out here we're still committed we are still standing while so many other monster hunter crators have stepped down it does make me sad to see so many familiar faces I don't think I don't I don't think this is the right way to look at it personally I think it's like they haven't really stepped down they're just waiting because you know half of these guys are going to come back whenever the new game comes out fellow ERS friends and even Community managers who leave that's way a ofes it's just like part of the identity of the community gets lost but then there's also new people coming so I guess it just always keeps changing but also to see so many others leave makes me somehow proud to be able to say that we are still out here are still it's weird for me to think personally like whenever my stream first started getting really popular the streamers that were popular there like at that time almost every single one of them like it is in a different place now and like whenever I think about like my YouTube videos for a while is like back in the day whenever I was making YouTube videos the other guys that were making them well the two main guys one of the two two two of the main guys uh were Bell and also lazy peon which ironically both of them transitioned to variety games and they did incredibly well because they made really good content and uh I I remember back in the day it was like okay yeah like these guys are also doing it yeah preach well preach was doing different preach was doing like more ingame Focus content I was doing like more just like kind of like game conversation content you know impressive actually yeah Jesse Cox wow kenor yeah it's crazy to think back at how many different faces there were back then the grind since freaking 2013 and that's crazy to me well guys I'm sorry for this old man ramble but um I really just felt like I needed to get this off my chest let let me end this by saying thanks to all of you guys who have been part of this journey who supported us for so many years who commented under our videos cheering us up you guys are the best and all of my team members and I hope you guys will continue to enjoy our videos for many years to come and with that said see you guys in the next one peace I will say that like like rise doesn't look as a it doesn't look as good as Monster Hunter world but it actually just looks like a lower resolution version like I prefer the graphics of Monster Hunter World a lot more but I'm trying to think of like how can I explain it oh I I don't know it's just very hard for me to say it's like it's arcadey yeah yeah it looks kind of arcadey that that that's a good way for me to say it sure it has to be yeah yeah I I I think I'm going to yeah I'm going to try this uh I'm going to try this one out too because whenever I watch something like this like what I'm really watching for is I'm watching for like like how does the character move right how how do things move around in the game because like I don't I I I care about visual style like for example I think that like Monster Hunter world like it came out in 2018 so it's actually quite a while ago now it's like 5 years ago but like the Fidelity of the actual uh designs on the monsters is not really really high like if you look at like visual Fidelity and pixel count on these monsters and you compare it to like a new like a new gen game now it it it it's not good but I think monster hunor has the same thing that uh what do you call it that Elden ring does is like there's like a certain type of graphic style and a certain type of art direction that the game has that makes it to where the lower pixel count and the lower quality of the graphics isn't as big of a deal it just looks good regardless yeah it's a good art direction right and so like that's a big difference that I think a lot of people need to realize is that Graphics in my op everybody thinks about Graphics as in like how does the grass look how do the monsters look like how many pixels are on a helmet but the reality is that you can have a million pixels on a helmet but you can still go back to tier three for warriors back in [ __ ] vanilla wow and I think that [ __ ] clears almost any set that they're making today because at the end of the day the pixel count matters but the art design and the direction and the style of the game matters infinitely more like how many how many games nowadays do we see that have these just incredible amazing graphics and it's a beautiful mansion with nothing inside it looks great on the outside but when you go in where is everything the water doesn't work what is that and so to me like I I am very much a huge simp for like very very good gaml like that is and I really mean this that is all I care about like if a game has good gameplay everything else doesn't matter I don't care about the the story I don't care about the graphics F I don't even care if it has pay to win if it has good gam playay I will play it if it has bad gameplay I won't play it or I might I might still play it if it's if it's something like um you know the coffin of Andy and ly right is does that really have good good graphics right I don't think so uh but you know uh or sorry good gameplay I mean to say uh but you know it doesn't matter Starfield yeah Starfield is a good example well the Starfield Field's Graphics like in my opinion I think cyberp Punk looks like [ __ ] way better like holy [ __ ] like neon compare neon to like uh night City it's not even a [ __ ] like it's just it's like looking at a PS4 and a PS5 game it's just such a massive difference it's not even funny it's insane but yeah I'll link you guys video yeah these guys I didn't hear about these guys at all until like maybe a couple of days ago
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 576,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: QZcpU7qKIl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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