Why All New Players Quit WoW | Asmongold Reacts

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why new players don't stay in World of Warcraft dragon fight I saw some of your comments about how bad the leveling experience can be spending a bit more time in game I had an idea I want to experience this game from a brand new player's perspective so that's what I'm gonna do mistake I'm gonna level the 60 as a new player would to see how bad it really is first things first we need to select a server oh wow look at all these servers marked for new players well that's hypothetically what I am so I guess I'll pick as Galore because it has a cool name next we need to make a character I want to be a wizard so I guess I'll be a mage that's for the race I gotta go blood elf because obviously one sec I'm gonna make myself look fabulous no I just need a name there we go The Adventures of noob mcnubby are about to begin oh I've raided with him before starting zone let's go exile's reach because I have legitimately never done it before all right we're all set let the adventure begin now I want to set some ground rules for this character I will not use any heirlooms and obviously I can't send any gold or items to this character yeah sure I'm gonna level mostly through questing but I'll do the occasional dungeon just to see how it goes at different levels all right loading in and what is that is that a Chinese gold seller spamming in Mandarin with the actual f uck I'm not really sure how to react to this I see the 1 to 60 to 70. is this real life so I'm guessing they're boosting players oh is this because well it's smart though right I mean because that's where you want to sell the carries is as soon as somebody's leveling you know oh you're gonna play the game all right well here we go we're gonna post it right here this was happening 10 years ago how many of you guys remember you were on a server where you'd see [ __ ] a bunch of Chinese letters and then a link of the [ __ ] challenge mode Miss of Pandaria Phoenix and then more Chinese letters and then a website oh my God we had these all that's all trade chat was wow in China and now they're all coming over to American servers through a VPN or something experience is coming fast and I feel very powerful frostbolt is easily two-shotting things that's crazy okay when did they stop putting new abilities on your bars at low levels I thought that I only had frostbolt it's not a big deal for me but a new player might struggle really hard on this Quest that requires you to use abilities they probably wouldn't even know they had yes this is kind of nitpicky but you gotta remember it's not nitpicky at all like if a player does not intuitively understand like what to do in a game that's probably the game's fault there are too many people who are experienced video game enjoyers who are unable to see the world through the eyes of someone who is the uninitiated the reason why a five-year-old can use a smartphone is not because the five-year-old is a [ __ ] genius it's because of the person that made the smartphone as a [ __ ] genius proven MMO is where most players quit it's stupid but this could legitimately turn players away from the game if they think the quest is bugged or something let's see if I can solo it easy peasy wow though I will say I'm starting to feel weaker yes that was supposed to be a tougher anime but my Frost bull isn't doing as much as it did even on normal enemies and on top of that it's noticeably slower to cast it doesn't feel great but it's a pretty minor complaint at this point I'm so sick of games where you you you just get weaker every level all you do is get weaker and weaker and weaker it's so [ __ ] annoying right level 10 and they have a fake dungeon for me this is actually pretty cool it's teaching new players how to join groups yeah I think this is good oh yeah I get to choose my spec I'll just stick with frost for now because it's what I've been doing another nitpick here but once you select your spec it should automatically switch over to the talent page I wouldn't doubt that some new players miss it yeah it's probably a good idea and that's the dungeon gotta say I'm impressed I think it's simple enough for new players I think exile's reach was good overall I think that it was good like yeah sure there are things they could do better but overall it was good I understand and it teaches them some pretty basic things like don't stand at bad stuff overall I'd give this introzone an 8 out of 10. it feels a bit hand-holdy for me I'd say I've played the game for years yeah I think it's great my only real gripes are that new players might have a hard time finding their spell book and talent trees all right we're out of the starting zone now time to start the real Adventure I've decided to level through battle for Azeroth and yes I know how much I've roasted it in my earlier video but I have two reasons for this first is that it's the expansion the game guides you to by default so I would assume well then you should obviously do that one because that's what it that's what a player that's trying the game out is going to do they're going to see the oh this is the one they want me to do I'll just do this one new players would choose it and two I haven't unlocked the Allied races that from there yet so I see it as a two birds one stone situation and to make it fair I want my criticisms of the story affect how i rate the leveling experience and there's level 20. gained from exploration so my overall item level is 20. but I got these pants that are item level 54. and my heirlooms that I'm not using would be 54 as well but it's a bit far behind but it's not too terrible yet I will say that I feel significantly weaker than I did at the start frostbolt feels like a wet noodle now but if I get a little fun fact here when was the last time he saw another new player here's a frost proc I can kill things pretty quick still I've decided to do a dungeon looks like the wait time for DPS is about six minutes that's not too bad while past me is leveling in the background I want to thank all you guys for commenting in my other video that was super cool of you so I figured I'd respond to some of them Benjamin said it's not a great take at all well okay well never mind then I guess I'm wrong oh we all have different opinions for I said good effing video wow thanks man Boomer Bill said I don't think we needed a video about you not liking wow story it's cool that you like being a nobody maybe there's a game where you can do that it doesn't just like a boomer exactly what I would expect him to say it seemed like you finished the video but that's okay I didn't really need you to maybe there are some videos out there that you can enjoy Anthony said this was a good video thanks I appreciate it a couple of people disagree with me on the chosen one aspect which is fine if you like it great I just happen to not like it I you know what I think I think being the chosen one in the story is completely irrelevant because the final fantasy story you've been [ __ ] foretold by this magic Crystal Mommy and she says that you're really special you know what you're the most special everybody likes you and you just go around and you just solve everybody's problems wow there's a [ __ ] Elemental force of nature that's terrorizing the world oh just go kill him okay that's done and you know what you're level 20 when you do that you're level 30. who the [ __ ] cares so it was and it was a great story I loved it I thought it was great so I actually before Final Fantasy I would have had the Outlook that being the chosen one in the story is bad but after that I actually don't think so I think that you can tell a great story where you're just a random Adventurer that does random things like in classic World of Warcraft and I think that you can also tell a great story like in Final Fantasy uh lost ark's the same yeah Lost Ark bro like like don't you get to [ __ ] one of the pre one of the like she's like the queen of the city and you could [ __ ] her I mean this is some Chosen One energy here absolutely Sasha no no she's like second in command no they're like it's the other one uh [ __ ] what's her name and Vern oh God I don't remember what her name was but uh yeah there's two of them Ellen yeah Ellen yeah there you go another thing I want to touch on here is that there's a gray area between being the chosen one and a random hobo yeah it doesn't bother me when somebody calls me a champion but it feels forced and weird when I'm called the champion Arthur said dragonfly is the worst expansion of all time I'm sorry you feel that way and I hope you find something you enjoy playing legitimately I don't mean that sarcastically JJ seems to have not watched the video at all and just guessed how it went thanks for commenting it's always a bad idea to bring up these comments because you have to understand that the people that make comments like this this dog is smarter than he is and this picture is from like [ __ ] 2006 so the dog's probably dead now the dog's probably still smarter than he is that's just how it is the people they're [ __ ] dumb man anyways quite a few people disagree with me on Legion which again is fine but I guess I'll explain my stance on it as a story I think the overarching story is good but I hate that it's forced through the perspective of me being the chosen one mechanically as a leveling zone I'll admit there's not really much difference yeah it's because people don't give a [ __ ] about that good expansion besides pfp in the insanely [ __ ] RNG the the people that are raiding the expansion people rate wow expansions based off of the content that they do them in so if you say that Legion was bad and you're talking about the story they're gonna be like no it wasn't I loved Mythic plus you're wrong so you're talking about two different things it's between any of the expansions but I absolutely hate the exposition dump quests where you just stand there waiting for NPCs to talk and as for when it was the current expansion it felt like blizzard doubled down on a lot of things that drove me away in the first place Mission tables Titan forging artifacts artifact power welfare legendaries way too much RNG and of course the chosen one thing it's cool if you liked it I personally didn't and finally Swag Lord YOLO says okay Boomer um weren't you that guy that got banned in classic for AFK battlegrounds ooh there's my dungeon these dinosaurs can wait and it's already in progress let's hope this is not a bad sign okay okay that wasn't too bad and I got some fat loots from it which is item level 64. that's pretty good it's weird that BFA randoms don't give you the Satchel of helpful Goods I think those should definitely be added to every expansion's dungeons because I suspect my item level is going to get wait why would it yeah I didn't even know that didn't happen be bad later on there's level 30 and I gotta say I'm getting pretty weak outside of flurry and fingers of frost my damage is pitiful and I kind of know what I'm doing I can only imagine how this would feel for a new player so my item level is up to 55 and my heirlooms would be at 82 which is not great but I have managed to progress from 34 below to 27 below so maybe my hypothesis of item level getting worse was mistaken and it's just a scaling issue anyways I'm going to do another dungeon all right there's the dungeon let's see how this goes oh boy oh boy somebody's already dead I have no idea what's going on all right that was a bit rough but we made it through without wiping and I got another piece this was a good dungeon I like this dungeon a lot it was fun which is item level 92. too bad I can't equip it because it's a mace I thought that wasn't supposed to happen all right there's 40. and I feel weaker still I know people are going to argue that the game should get harder as you progress but this isn't even a difficulty thing the mobs aren't getting harder they're just getting more tedious and this is the problem with like because this is always the way the game was where it got harder like for example whenever you're level 15 it's easier for you to kill mobs than whenever you're level 50. the way that wow solves that is that you were killing different mobs whenever you have scaling and you have people that are leveling in the same areas for too long they start to feel how they're getting outscaled by the mobs now this should be solved with better leveling and leveling it like you're going to different places because yeah if you're fighting Brown Orcs And then you're fighting green Orcs And then all you get up to the red Orcs And then oh my God they're really hard to kill bro they're just a higher level they have more base health like what's really the difference between that and scaling functionally there isn't any but it feels bad and I think that the way something feels in a video game matters a lot even if you think oh well that's not logically the way that things should work and you know whenever you really think about it it would not work that way because uh actually you are getting more powerful your damage is getting higher you have more tools you know they're over yeah they're over engineered damage exactly but like the way that it's solved is by having players go to different places very regularly or to progress through the different areas Frost bolt went from two shotting things with a 1.5 second cast time to 10 shotting things with a two second cast time it feels bad and now even my cheese combo of flurry Frost orb ice Lance isn't even killing things as fast as it did anyways my item level is up to 85 which is around where it should have been nine levels ago and my heirlooms would be at 113 which puts me at 28 below which is slightly worse than it was 10 levels ago level 50. my item level is now 111. heirlooms would be at 145 which puts me at 34 item levels below I finally noticed that I hadn't picked up the talent lonely winter which is just a straight up 25 damage boost that would help so after I got that things got a bit quicker frostbolt still is again you got to keep in mind that like a new player is dumb as [ __ ] you know why because they're new so they probably wouldn't have picked that one up either although and unless I'm comboing flurry with fingers of frost kill times are really slow level 55 now and I gotta say it's getting dicey the time to kill enemies has gotten rather annoying well let's see easily die if I'm not careful I did do another dungeon which was a bit grueling and I managed to score three pieces of loot none of which I was capable of equipping so yeah that's so stupid why would you give a so that's so dumb and finally level 60. those last few levels were rough I expect a new player would have died quite a few times if they didn't just give up it's too bad he didn't show much just went up to 144 heirlooms at this level would be at 183 so I'm 39 item levels below that's a pretty big difference and it shows I have never felt weaker even using my CDs my damage is not great this really goes to show how bad the scaling is for Content pre-dragon flight especially from 50 to 60. my title might seem like clickbait but honestly this is a bad experience for new players nine well I think that one of the big reasons why it's a bad experience is that like you didn't even interact with any other players even inside of the dungeon like I I see the chat uh I guess you guys don't see it because my camera is in the way they're not even talking to each other like you're just effectively playing a shitty single player game so yeah big surprise people aren't going to stick around of course not know that many of you are thinking this is so they can sell the character boosts but honestly I think that's a bad sales tactic if a player levels from say 1 to 40 the chances of them buying the Boost are probably pretty slim yeah because they're already halfway invested they're gonna feel like oh I'm wasting money if I buy the Boost now and also if they're not enjoying the game why would they pay money to play the game more if they have already not enjoying it the more they play it it's just like it doesn't make sense I mean they've already gotten this far and if they decide to buy it right off the bat their action bars will be immediately filled with a bunch of abilities they have no clue on how to use I think that you should not be able to buy a boost until you level one character naturally I think it's a huge mistake allowing people to boost right at the beginning because you have no [ __ ] idea what you're doing like it it's not fun to just be given 20 different abilities you don't know how any of these things work together you have three different systems that these abilities work together with like how could it like [ __ ] that they lose either way and all of this is even yeah that is leveling and wow putting my personal opinions aside of the story new players are expected to go through this grandiose story only for it to be cut off before they get any payout of it you hit 60. don't worry about that big bad you've been chasing it's time to go to the Dragon House yeah he's a different story but let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say the new player got this far they hit Dragon plight and have a good time getting the rest of the way to max level in fact they get so into the game that they want to start doing harder content so of course they start looking for a guild now remember the first decision I made at the start of the video that's right or in other words a dead realm guess they gotta buy a transfer now I know why things are this way it's easier to just leave it dragonflight is their focus and it shows they don't want to waste the resources on the rest of the game also they want you to press these buttons a new player already has to spend 15 per month of subscription six faction changes for 95 dollars six character transfers for eighty dollars what the hell are you talking about what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] what is this like why bro while players are like they've only played one and I'm a wow player I used to be like this they've only played one game for the last 15 years well of course it's like that that's how it is well yeah that's just how it is and that's the that that that's all there is to it so another 50 or so once they get to dragon plate now they need to spend more if they want to have a good experience no they can almost afford Diablo 4. Fair after leveling to 60 without heirlooms these buttons are definitely more compelling than they were at the start and probably even more so for someone inexperienced in the game but I think I found an even more compelling button to press okay I might watch that tomorrow I don't know if you want to watch that today I'm going to look at something else now uh let's see wow is insanely outdated it's just crazy how bad it is man like I don't even know what to say like I'm sorry to say but like this is this is a good video because I think it goes to show like the monotony the drudgery and just the boredom that leveling a new character really provides yeah this is a great video this guy's always got a thousand subscribers and I'll give him a like and uh subscribe to his channel I think this is uh this is good part of the issue is there's 20 years worth of content that has to exist in the game somewhere no they could solve it it would be so easy to solve it uh but they don't want to because they're too busy trying to make people work in the office trying to justify a multi-million dollar building rather than fixing the game which is why they have the building in the first place which is streamlined new buyer experience yeah they definitely should I think that like I I feel like the problem with Wow right now like retail wow is you need a new game there's 500 different mounts 300 different titles thousands of different pets you know 50 000 like 10 000 different transmog items you know 200 different raids 500 different dungeons seven different expansions like it's just too many man like it's just too much going on like oh this is from the seasonal reward from the fourth season of battle for Azeroth that came out in 2020 like oh this one this is for getting Gladiator and Legion the second season at the beginning of the expansion like oh my God man what is this is so much in the game it just you need a reset the game needs a [ __ ] reset and this is speaking of somebody who's collected [ __ ] everything in the game it needs a reset none of it matters like it's all just [ __ ] pixels like yeah it's cool and I'm happy that I got it and it's great but what really matters is is like the pursuit of it that's the like I remember whenever I got for example in Poe whenever I got com's heart the day that I got calm's heart was the day I stopped playing the game I did it I beat the game I got the chess piece I wanted I saved up all my cards he was like way ways like 201 like 15 14 or something like that like right whenever they was like I I I I went back and checked I I don't have the Legacy one it is the 500 health one not the 1000. however I I had this chess piece and I had wanted it more than anything and I got it and then I quit because I I achieved my goal it's not about the items it's about getting the items
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,901,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: VIu7HhlPoZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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