RAGNAROK IS HERE - Part 1 (God of War Difficulty)

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oh boy read this boy get in the boat boy what if I could go deeper hey yo get in the boat boy that was like my favorite line uh and it was like the beginning of the first I don't even know where to start you see it you see what time it is I don't even know where to begin first of all it's my birthday we do not care what a heck of a birthday present Kratos Kratos y'all about to bless me like this guys the only thing I would like for my birthday is for you to Samurai slice that like button and I just hit the mic number two Shout Out PlayStation this video is sponsored by PlayStation I'm actually playing the game early what this this is unprecedented for years I have wondered how these big YouTubers would get the game early I'm here we worked hard for this I just want to say Shout Out PlayStation shout out to the people that made this happen you know who you are I think that's all the announcements um I did not play the first God of War on my channel so if you're new around here don't even bother looking up my first one I foolishly played it off camera and thinking it was gonna be mid foreign I don't know what the freak so here we are at the next go around I'm playing this game from beginning to end on the channel y'all gonna see all the reactions to everything now I don't remember everything about the story but um I know that me and atreus are about to go in and that's all I really need to know God of War Ragnarok ah Sony internet Sony I'd read that wrong [Music] Santa Monica Studio oh [Applause] it's that real music man come back home as soon as you press new game he gonna start moving and the game starts I know what time it is but I feel like little recap you know boy's mother is dead she wanted us to spread her ashes on the highest peak in all around the gods of these Realms don't take kindly to Outsiders trust me y'all remember God leader of the banner once yes but no longer okay there's only one person alive yeah you need to go first you need to cut off my head walking around with a little head on your booty eyes on you brother especially nice [Music] show I chose to live as a man but the truth is they won't lead this man alone and so will you you can do whatever we want yeah Trey Stark your Trails start going a little crazy quizzes to killing a god [Music] back off Kratos this has nothing to do that fight was insane oh no no no my boy he had to go it was a menace he had to go pretty good of humanity look she was a giant I'm a giant I guess there's just one thing I don't understand Giants called me Loki a question for another day question for another day boy you know what I forgot I ain't even do my intro and all the excitement I lost myself what's up what's going on Cory kitchen here and welcome to God of War Ragnarok I don't think there's anything left for us to do let me get these subtitles right I know some of y'all suckers can't read but you know for the ones who can Sony Entertain new game oh difficulty give me story that's for the casuals give me Grace okay you're not a casual casual but you you still basically a semi-casual give me balance okay I could start to respect you a little bit give me no mercy it's for those who want a more demanding combat experience give me God a war it's for those who want the game as difficult as possible requiring god-like reflexes and strategy don't play with me don't play with me I'm like that okay oh and get be sure to get your merch coreykenshin.com while supplies last I'm like that I'm like that give me God of War look at him he he saw you already like he did not just pick that option it's beautiful look at a beard this man Kratos is stressed how many gods do I need to kill I just want to live peacefully with my son [Music] I'm so curious how they about to make Thor bro [Music] I'm sorry you know what I should have had water in here what am I doing [Music] where that boy Trey is at boy there he is got a little older okay you know how to hunt now hungry oh boy's got a little deeper he said hungry what's next oh storm is getting worse I'll get them ready we getting ready foreign [Music] oh got my ax with the runes already in it yo my Kratos in the first game he was leveled up Max my build was nice I forgot all of that though so [Music] thank you [Music] this is so beautiful bro this is beautiful [Music] need help oh I don't need no help [Music] what is that that from before I can't remember what that is what you doing boy ready to look like you know the quadratic equation hey surviving thimble winter all right look around I'm not controlling this I'm just controlling the camera all right I held Fenway got some sleep maybe he'll be ready to eat when you get home all right there he is quite sick atres I know but he was a little better yesterday what were we talking about until he wasn't he's eating I'm not giving up on him all right we don't got to give up on anybody I feel like we've been chased hear that yes definitely heard that is it her yeah Freya it's not far oh shoot already bro I just get off me still run jacks no we can't do this already I just started the game cradles if you wouldn't give up that easy would she she never does stay alert all right all right say less say less go around this yep there she is all right we got it don't panic I'm trying what can I do about this you're coming down okay yep I see him trans okay go around yep all right it's too close all right my health is not looking around again um with the safe okay protection save is near all right all right say less say less we go oh no bro Brian we're not here I'm about to die already please don't make me do this do it a train is doing oh hey it ain't my fault you couldn't control your son so I had the body oh we got a turbo on the finger where's River State we made it let us go home it's Becky it's fauna up they are mad cool I just got stabbed in my chest meat like I'm sorry I couldn't take the shot I did not wish you two I keep hoping she'll let it go you saved her life I killed her son there is no letting back go hey yeah we didn't I didn't want to well when I was playing I did I guess killing balder really did bring on fimbal winter stop smelling after that day think it's ever gonna get better someday the worst is still ahead of us you must be strong moving to California I'm not dealing with this forever I'm moving Perpetual winter this is not Game of Thrones the winter is not coming in California I got it shout out Corey Barlow for having the most fire first name laughs [Music] I'm like how do you just go home after that like I'm still not understanding [Music] Trails I don't know I already know what time it is go on girls foreign do you know how to read now please tell me you did some Hooked on Phonics since the first game hey hey hey hey Shield how you bring the shield back how you bring the ax back there we go bring that back like a heart attack oh I'm ready I'm ready yo what's up y'all I'm glad y'all are good wolves not like the wolves that uh Liam Neeson was going against in that one movie I don't hear him he always says hello atreus Ben rear you okay boy that's actually a cold name Ben rear oh it's okay you okay what happened to him again I know I missed you too where's your food still hungry come on boy you need to eat just imagine having a pet wolf too big I'll be lit until he eats you go ahead there you go there you go handle that get your protein [Music] um let that body my job dang he spit it off the time draws [ __ ] you must prepare yourself or what he's still eating he wants to live he did not eat that address he's dying he literally spit it on the ground [Music] did fenrir have some pups a brave boy some strong hitting us with but you can rest now I'm not trying to cry immediately I'll be okay looking like going there you have to let go dang [Music] cut on a gang to tears I didn't sign up for this [Music] stuff it's on [Music] oh it literally died right here on the spot it's really do be waiting till you get home [Music] I had a friend somebody their dog like was about to die but they didn't do it until they got home [Music] same thing that just happened right here just so they could see you one more time come we trained what the my dog just died dad no it's the middle of the night night does not stop our enemies I mean that's true but why what for drinking is all we ever do ever it's not enough we can't hide forever who are you talking to boy prepare for a fight for which we are not ready we'll go time is running out the prophecy say femble winter leads to Ragnarok war is coming whatever Loki's supposed to be doing he's supposed to be doing it now my story doesn't end hiding in these Woods I should be out there finding out who I am who Loki is I will not allow you to pick a fight with gods I don't want to fight anyone I just want answers lead test guard um maybe that's what mother want no what mother wanted looks like we never will we do not want to mess with those ass Guardians especially Odin leave him to his Odin sleep look I have a moment alone with Henry before I bury him say less say less all right now's a moment let's get to training [Music] [Music] cut the game on to Pat's dying what kind of sick game is this Santa Monica Studio my mirror you got a chicken bone what is that oh well I recognize that dirt expression anywhere care to tell me what went wrong no oh it's gone oh no not fenlier how's the lad taking it bad not well he goes to bury him oh damn it yo you sound like jacksepticey I ain't gonna catch all right brother good night there all right that's one way to sleep I mean optimal Comfort no but he's a God of War what you expect the freaking love sack I should have chose a different brand of blanket who is that [Music] thank you Kratos are you joining me in a warm bath oh it's my baby mama right are you ready you walk as though Amir himself sits atop your shoulders this is your hunt I will follow very welcome all right all right at least it didn't suffer hey eating doodle before you die am I to decipher your grunting tell me your thoughts got the Predator oh well yes but it does kill it is the natural order of things your words are misguided how approach slowly it's okay little one we want to help don't we no don't speak for yourself come on sick wolf we found beyond our Stave he found his way inside as I said he would we should have acted it was not our concern nowadays is that problem doesn't have to reach our doorstep for it to be our responsibility as stew we have the power to limit the harm it could cause we should act wow who are we to hide and do nothing we are not hiding thank you all right are we about to kiss or oh okay my bad what's this about to pick some logs up yeah I like when he does that whoa turtle oh she's a giant I forgot gonna make me pick that one up yeah I like watching you pick things up Fredo's having good boy oh okay oh hey if you don't come get this dirty coyote here boy I got a little piece of baloney back at the house all right too good for that I got you right bye is running out [Music] brother hey timing's running out I don't like the sound of that foreign hence my bellowing you never came back from Buddy and the Wolf it's been some time pick him up before imagine your entire existence is living on the back of someone's pants not even pants lowing cloth you know this dude Kratos be farting you just back there just smelling it rumbling all the time the headaches this man must have like look at the head bumbling and fumbling back there just cried out this has not been opened no plants this way either all right let's see tracks heading down to the Frozen River that's most likely where he did the burying okay yo got good he crawled through here R2 heavy attack you seem troubled in your sleep even for you nightmares I dream of the past almost every night ah the bad old days in Greece no it feels like phase trying to tell me something you don't mean to say you're talking to ghosts again brother no but it is something more than memory hmm like a warning use your words brother the truck stop here man and we're not alone oh okay y'all know who I am right I I just wanted like you see the pain all right clay goodbye all right all right you see what I just did to your boyfriend right and you're still coming at me get off me come here oh get get my egg back okay block that easy work oh you don't like those artists all right I got you go yup I like those Harry I like those fairies wait what do you mean it's higher we're not doing a lot of damage I'm gonna be honest with you it's a lot of guys here all right [Music] I can explain what happened is I rolled over my toe in the chair I'm dead serious when I fought the very first guy I like got so hyped like my junks was like this I lifted my chair up and landed on my toe like that threw off my whole like battle like you be this close we should check on the protection Steve there's a tree up ahead yeah bro I was thinking I could lift this up the whole time and that was just there all right give them hellstones you were right Steve is broken explains our trespassers what happened here all right another back there a dead animal a struggle we must find atreus I between the Savage beasts and marauding Raiders he may have sought shelter follow this video we'll find them ah we need a way around Trails on the other side of that Gap if you can fear the way we won't find him this way let's find that trail of blood take it in his chest first hack silver know your place trash any idea what could have made the light wand at all we argued he accuses me of hiding from Odin yeah only sensible to keep a low profile after killing three of his Ken I'll Reckoning will come that is why atreus must learn to survive on his own oh this is about that prophecy just because the Giants had you dead on some wall full of otherwise accurate predictions I believe in prophecies well good okay yeah Kratos is pretty sure he's gonna die or not sure he's gonna die he's just trying to prepare atreus for that unfortunate inevitability yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah as a good father should train his what do you believe about prophecya I'm skeptical by Nature though we have seen things that defy explanation So speaking as the smartest man alive I have no bloody idea all right can we get sneak kills Frost awaken Old Triangle to frost up the ax okay yes sir head shot come here buddy give me give us another one it could laugh I don't know what these suckers think they're on good evening how do you like that I froze him and then shattered him yo I like that okay yeah come down here so I can freeze no I don't think so [Music] all right where's that trail gone all right um shut up girl too many for a scouting party they must have a camp nearby I know what you're thinking brother but atreus can handle himself taught him well so he keeps telling me yeah I want to see a treas fight without me I want to see what that looks like hello Forge the iron hack silver gorgeous and the trail leads into that cave well we know where we are going I'm sure we can find a quiet way in quiet way we don't do stealth on this channel oh you can do that yeah freak you think you thought at least the Raiders you rescued the wolves from no they have not been here at all yes very weird eggy skin Elder Death from Above Sprint off a ledge once in the air are one say less come here come here you're not done roster oh whoa whoa hold on let me Frost up Hal the trail goes through here leads deeper then go over there talking junk your baby gum gums get on here come on girl what do you think you're doing with that I can throw these all day oh I'm on top of it me me me me me oh my bad my bad my bad where's my ax where's Max who do that oh it was you huh eat one of those oh where you going you trying to hide God no get this ax go to sleep at me are you here perhaps a Chase came here seeking shelter kept moving when he saw the radar and the bear came battling after impressive Rampage I'll give it that do you think the bear was chasing atreus well just as likely the bear was hopped in a Chase was chasing it to help you know the line address where are you oh all right cool oh hold up let me get the hell no all right somehow we're still alive wrong all right get up on him get up on him get up on him get back oh shoot oh all right Retreat Retreat oh he seems angry all right let me get some help Bjorn let me get some help Bjorn all right shots oh he stumbled oh all right all right hold up oh bro he's getting more angry okay oh my goodness dude oh my goodness oh yes double stumble all right hold up okay bro I'm trying to lock on like I'm playing bloodborne oh my goodness Pro relax all right all right let me die all right here we go here we go let me get some help Bjorn Bjorn oh shoot we aren't we're like all right I'm tired all right get back in the fight oh my I can't see you all right come on come on get back in lock in lock in lock in Kratos okay oh boy I can't see him okay yes all right that's one that's two that's three r two r two we're coming back at him R3 R3 ow my back wait what foreign [Music] another one give him another one oh my mirror go to sleep go to sleep little bear what [Music] which way is which way is huh what bro I almost cracked your neck [Music] this man is a shape shifter you do not remember you're a freaking animorph I prayed fenrir and then um I'm not sure probably dug them up and ate them so sad and then I was angry scared I remember running mm-hmm is that when you hit me oh charging and I charge back okay that had to be a dream emotions they transformed you what I I didn't know I could do that calm down you do not do anything they overcame you that is why we must not abandon your training we do not know the reach of your abilities be dangerous without discipline to control them Bro you've already talked about discipline I need more than that I need answers answers you don't have answers only your mother had held what if there was someone who could help us someone that could give us answers about the Giants and who Loki's supposed to be wouldn't that help to understand where I'm becoming lotteries I might have killed you yeah I went Spartan rage on true we'll take more unnecessary risks inaction is also a risk you taught me that no I'm not a general anymore no that is a year man just trying to protect the Sun a Grizzly encounter health will automatically regenerate okay yeah I feel like I have more Health than this at the end of the fight return home with the trash all right open that up I mean I feel like they could just climb on it all right this way so are we going to discuss the boy becoming a bear yeah are we not now we need to repair the protection Steve and get home what happened to the protection Steve you say you're blaming me I am not blaming you Latrice well tell your voice that uh sensitive oh about to get that stealth killed companion arrows use Square all right say the word father bro get a head shot a transfer is that where's my ax yeah hit the mirrors forgot about them arrows baby so alive besides your gift of language and healing creatures thoughts are there any other new magical abilities to report not really what a thin rare what about him when he died you cast a spell no I didn't but I saw light I don't know what you're talking about he didn't see that um no I was definitely like some was it blue orbs oh I recognize where we are now what's with all the blood you're as a chance seriously that or any prey you might have been dragging I suppose I'm sure that makes me feel any better uh uh oh y'all saw that owl with the blue eyes over there what was that this one what what's happening [Music] [Music] what happened here who did this I always need you I didn't mean to oh intent doesn't matter only consequences [Music] what what can we do a doctor pet wolves pet bears nature will take its course [Music] [Music] we're about to be Colorado's most wanted man we can't just be out here killing all these kin storms are coming isn't it cold enough we are almost home all right boy wait who is that bro what do you think you're doing they're attacking me and my son what is your issue get out of your freaking mind yeah come here good stuff for you you thought girl wow a lot of those guys it's been like this all night he must have been inside The Stave when I fixed it hey actually sometimes I really wish tears Temple still work so we get out of mid Garden they say fimble went on affects all realm slide okay but how could things be any worse than here [Music] hey it could always be worse remember that spawner girl good Brave girl that's right he's good with them no surprise really don't greet the other one Becky you okay just a little Thunder [Music] like what comes after lightning like what Thor makes I'm just checking on too bad yes sir bro they be going to bed at 5 00 p.m like bro I would hate living here as evening's goal that was entirely too eventful I agree well I'd met you it was a bit like old times there for the moment the three of us navigating some hit or two and happened upon patch of forest in a while since you've joined us that's what you mean stop well just tired I suppose you've seen one deer hunt you've seen them all how can you feel tired when you never sleep there are other kinds of tired lad you'll see when you're all done now rest proper rest my brothers things are always brighter in the morning he just cursed us what was that the ball we just laid down oh yeah [Applause] oh boy can I come in I have meat you would not find me good company no I'm sure we'll find lots to talk about oh shoot talk with him wait here boy I'm about to see what this joke is talking about oh he's he's a giant oh dang it this man eight foot [Music] this ain't no Chris Hemsworth Thor [Music] nice place oh let me pause is it just me like what they're about to talk about I don't worry well first of all it's so nice to have you in my home my humble about you water huge fan I've seen all your movies I've read the comics oh my goodness yeah let's see who's heavier or I mean Kratos you should have slammed it oh you did a little uh okay a little bar made atres I was about to say don't disrespect me in my own house [Music] maybe we could be friends you told me before I poured why are you here shoe you know why just being polite what do you just do you seem like a calm and reasonable person are you a calm and reasonable person well yes indubitably calls for a calm I'd say the moment cost for calm oh he brought somebody they get that that's right hand or that better not be Odin foreign got the game off cut it off I don't want it hold it do y'all know how strong Odin is foreign walked in the room and said you know who I am back before winter set in there were some misunderstandings he kind of scrawny regrettable ones but I think we all have a better idea of who we're dealing with now what you did to his boys self-defense dying is what we easily live for and let's be honest they were kind of useless but vulgar he had value he was my best tracker Mike closer yeah his mind was gone sure but he had his uses in now he's gone because of you you follow me what you want you have a debt you're no fun anymore what do you want exactly dang I was gonna drink that that's already in wine how about peace meet how does peace strike the esteemed retired God of War how about we just don't kill each other how about you stay home kick up your feet this sounds wonderful no quarrel with me and I'll have none with you this song's one of course it means that that one that one has to stop his search for tear yeah we know what you've been up to stop it here's always are dead he is dead you understand and then that's it there was Square well even sweeten the deal I'll let you keep the prisoner that I know you stole that's right I know you're in here somewhere your silver tongue little [ __ ] why should we believe or whatever you what have your promises ever been what there he is my old partnering crime he's lost weight if he tells you snow is white he's lying what kind of wisdom is that can't the smartest head alive see past himself see that we all want the same thing all right here's a deal I know you can trust Odin seems kind of like a slickster Odin's name has so much weight it's like I wish it was more you know few words unless you talk the like you know he up here like he sounded like a freaking used car salesman or something settle your debt with my ex keep prayer off your back I mean your boy safe dang that's really all you want isn't it so what do you say okay you're not about to fight Thor and Odin Kratos no oh don't take all day what do you mean by that hold it hold it hold it hold up what do you mean by that bug time it means I get appeals of you for what you took from my family you'll pick it up backwards for Boulder now show me this God killer I've heard so much about y'all gotta come back tomorrow y'all gotta have to come back tomorrow we are not about to fight Thor in part one like that's not like I this this is I oh my goodness Santa Monica Studio um this was incredible this is how you start off a video game this is how you start off a video game what I want to do is upload this game every single day until we beat it we did it for security breach we could do it for this if y'all think that's a good idea if that's something that y'all would like if we're going to K likes are two tomorrow every part it gets 200 likes in 24 hours imma drop the next part with that being said shout out to PlayStation thank you for sponsoring the video if you want to check out God of War Ragnarok link will be in the description I need to go take a bath take a take a walk take something take a poop I don't hope you guys enjoyed the dip sure this is a samurai slice that like button subscribe today to join it Samurai and until next time my brothers and sisters oh my goodness yes [Music] my name is [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 10,632,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war ragnarok, god, of, war, ragnarok, game, gameplay, part 1, lets, play, 2022, is, here, walkthrough, playthrough, part, kratos, thor, atreus, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, hardest, give, me, difficulty
Id: EqkX3IPwedA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 6sec (3666 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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