yes. i literally beat the entire ending in one video. pls watch.

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hey cutie how you doing you want to know why i look like a mess it's because i spent all of today and all of yesterday getting this together well most of yesterday i want to say it was around a 16 hour project all together so do me a favor and watch the whole thing help your boy get his watch time up i know it's a long video just put it on in the background and go do something else yeah i'm not even asking you to sit here and watch this even though there are so many golden legendary moments in this video and so many top tier masterful edits that i put in but no you don't even got to do that if you don't want to watch it but you can put it on and walk away though let me briefly explain that the first 10 minutes of this video was shot approximately four months ago on a playstation 4 console the remaining 50 minutes of the video was shot yesterday on a playstation 5 console and looks better someone's knocking at my door so with all that being said please enjoy the finale of ghosts of tsushima oh and one more thing before you go this year will be the year of me completing incompleted games so go down in the comments and leave what game that i never finished do you want me to finish next all right all rise for the final time [Applause] [Music] welcome back ghost of tsushima welcome back to the samurai game watched by a samurai on youtube and played by samurai shogun himself this is not our outfit for the day i got to change that so we'll do that later last episode tragic very very tragic taka and i got captured [Applause] and only one of us made it out alive taka's dead he also fought luzo to the death he should have surrendered and only one of us made it out alive i also went against my uncle to try and save our people i became the ghost before that he has rewarded me with death i'm locked up won't let me out but at the last second kenji helped me escape and now here we are so let's go kenji how do i oh out the window let's go uh escape castle uh which way are we supposed to go oh snap they're all talking junk about me whoa i killed him for y'all don't be dead if it wasn't for me this is so messed up hero to villain in one episode dang they're all talking junk about me talking junk about my uncle [Music] what the freak yes oh suck i escaped oh he's still running he's still running oh [Music] what a freaking beast [Music] oh he went as far as he could this game just takes and takes [Music] i'm sorry i couldn't protect you [Music] that's a freaking war horse [Music] and three [Music] this copyright for sure he buried his horse bro with his hands ain't no shovel out here [Music] hey she said something like i'll never forget you i think now what do i call when i need a horse i got no horse button last episode was our final horse montage and we never knew it i need a rest in peace soda in the chat he was a good horse and i promised him peace after this war he never saw peace all he saw was war and strife and hard times and he delivered he helmed my escape out of castle shimoda he took not one not two i think three arrows to the behind imagine getting shot on your hip and still running [Music] he suits you and he needs a name right from the heavens best horse award the losses everybody everything's dying kenji said yuna was at the sacred tree no weapons i'll have to stay hidden guys why can't you kill one of them and take their sword no you know's not here but these people the mongols must have rounded them up we're sick of him blood poured from his mouth smells like wolf spain poison the mongols learned how to make my poison no now they're using it against us [Music] ow right oh they put it on arrows i can lose them in the storm go do zig zags do zig zags don't walk in a straight line oh my i don't see anybody you know always coming through with the save yoona is that you i wasn't sure you'd wake up i thought i wouldn't the mongols used my own poison on me how did they get i learned that i don't know but they learned how to make it themselves they must have tested it on the people of kin before they burned the town i saw families lying in pools of blood [Music] the guilt there's only one way to end this kill khan he's taken his army to a stronghold on the coast what is me we will need a station camp somewhere close i'll see what i can find your equipment's in that chest meet me by the lookout tower when you're ready go give me my stuff back now to find yunna [Music] yes sir yes sir let's get the horses let's get the horses ah what happened to your mouth when i escaped the castle guards fired on us they killed surah i'm sorry these will have to do for now i want these whack horses oh and uh you got the one that i would have gotten look at this beat down wrong with your neck meat let's go sora soda the freak was that are those people from king i don't know the mongols burned a lot of towns if you'd only pursued their army instead of fighting each other why did you surrender to your uncle to save you i couldn't let them take you my uncle needed someone to blame and i was his first choice he was trying to protect me to fulfill his duty to the shogun i surrendered so you could escape north and pick up the khan's trail as a fool for turning against you he wanted me to be his son i destroyed his dream by doing the right thing being right doesn't always make things better talk to him dan talk to him dan how you guys doing i'm hungry i'm hungry you're free now hey huh your uncle chose his path and i chose mine [Music] couldn't studied lord shimura's tactics he knows how to break an army of samurai but he doesn't know how to defend against us the ghost will make him hurt for tucker for everyone bamboo light light work that's what i do like work like perfect damn that light won't work perfect [Music] is everyone all right nevermind it's the squad things considered good to see you lord sakai thank you for coming is it this cold everywhere up here you'll get used to it it's time for the khan to die yes ma'am yes ma'am um i'm trying to decide what i want to do i think i should stop this episode right here oh my god [Music] that's right i took so long to complete this game we're finishing it over two different generations ps5 down there not making a sound i remember i would play this on a ps4 sound like a dang jet engine every time i've started the game this game running in small 60 frames oh my gosh man the first half of the video 30 frames second half 60 frames all right first thing we're gonna do we need to switch our gear up in order to pay our respect to taka and sora ghost armor level four brutal bandit mask don't forget the blood on it that represents sorta's blood and top it off literally with the sake clan helmet we getting some revenge this episode [Music] let's call the horse [Music] i don't even got a name for you you can never replace soda but i appreciate you being here for me and for soda's memory one final horse montage roll it perfect [Music] that was for you soda that was for you time to meet with the squad and kill the khan it's good to have some extra hands around here that's good yuna let's do this who are the others ready to follow wherever you lead the sensei told them you're the only person on tsushima who can kill the khan yes ma'am can't do it alone yes i can move without a plan of attack and we know he's a port izmi surrounded by an army we need to know the weakness in their defense how to get past them man and where to find the khan sounds like we need a hawks view of the place i know where we can get one we'll have cover of darkness if we leave we still do a side quest all right i might skip this let's just get to the hawk [Music] all right side quest complete yeah i miss none we need to talk say i don't got time you need a toupee now all y'all missed was we planned out what we about to do which was kill the con so let's try this again oh the plan's coming kenji found where we can steal watches from the mongols i'm heading there now that's a good start but we need more fighters no oh my no my uncle wants to con dead as much as we do he'll join our attack he'll throw you in prison oh my god write him a message leaving in his quarters in a castle full of samurai i'll be gone before they know i was there uh oh we about to sneak and try to get my uncle part of the tongue i mean i don't know my uncle kind of hates me he tried to adopt me i said no let's hope my uncle eats it all right i can cry we will you got a horse for me i can't replace what you lost no but give one of these a chance let me look let me look let me look let me look which one oh i already see which one i'm getting darkest night right here darkest night like my heart after y'all killed soda y'all pushed me to the darkness easy there it's all right what's your name what will you name this one black is night like a shadow born from the darkness good choice oh google's castle i grew up there and i still remember every hidden path through those old walls even as a boy lord shimla couldn't keep up with me let's go let's go kage let's go oh y'all thought we was only doing one more horse montage a new era begins kage run that horse montage [Applause] [Music] me and my car gate back at castle shimura all i gotta do sneak in what last jin why did you run away i wanted to catch an eel for your dinner were you planning to catch it with your bare hands it's like a look old and young at the same time i don't get it jesus said you get rid of me as soon as you had a son of your own come here i can't have kids your friend is wrong a path ahead may take a lifetime but i will walk it with you always i mean he's always been a stand-up uncle i'm not i'm not even gonna hold him he was that father figure that i needed he just too old fashioned like the rules of war have changed uncle you need to see that trying to help us let's go let's get in here so i'ma climb up that shimmy up those rocks they won't be watching the cliff face yo who the freak is this be careful ghost the samurai are watching for you dang appreciate the heads up here's your reward there we go yes sir yes sir i still got it i still got it so since there are samurai watching for us confused samurai that means i can't kill anybody right because then that's like treason hey spider-man up in this thing all right jump over there uh-huh if i attack the gods it will prove on the monster they think i am exactly exactly can't do that whoa how did he see me he's here somewhere no no he ain't hold up hold up hold up got my smoke bombs ready nothing too [ __ ] good yeah take a look all i gotta do is sneak i got how many i got two smoke bombs left use those in an emergency where everybody at don't see nobody don't see anybody my uncle's giving a speech over there [Music] oh [Music] dang he does love me [Music] the mongols have suffered defeats at granite pass in jogako temple we believe lord the ghost is responsible for both what do you wish to do we will deal with the ghosts once we defeat the mongols i think we're in guys yeah here we go here we go light work i'm a straight ninja dude i am the ghost yeah you see it um you see it he's here gods uncle i'm gone forgive me for not facing you in person the khan's fleet has gathered at port izumi i'm just trying to unite our ships with poison that would devastate the shogun's army but when the next storm arrives i plan to kill the khan and sink his fleet yes sir i ask that you join me i hope we can meet if not as father and son then as warriors who have walked different paths whatever you believe i've become i will always be your family oh my god tear up man gosh jen is a master with the pen heart of the detail what you gonna do now uncle the ball is in your court let's get it let's do this together what took you so long second it was far you had us worried i thought you'd been caught delivering my message wasn't easy i'm the ghost did you uncle read it will he help us defeat the con i hope so but we can't wait to find out it's fine storm is here wind's getting stronger the storm will be here by morning oh did you secure the siege weapons enough to cause plenty of damage also found some deserters from your uncle's army who want to follow the ghost let's go we're ready tell the others we attack a dog oh camera's off i'll spread the word but you should check on them they want to hear from their leader eternal blue sky the khan must die you've come a long way since you pulled me off komodo beach you were so heavy i could barely drag you and yeah you didn't strip you half naked just to reach town whoa go on look at jim smiling he lay i wouldn't be here without you you know everyone we've lost i can't i have to stop the con no you don't you could find a boat sail somewhere quiet or your uncle fights his samurai war do you really want that i remember asking for that a long time ago all right if i fall promise me you'll keep fighting you're a real bastard jin sakai you should get some rest not yet so you just playing with my emotions sit just a little longer why why did you even like say that if he wasn't trying to do that that's kind of like i'm not a yo-yo unit you can't just play with me and then put me down [Music] port easy me squad this is it we have one chance to take down the khan before he attacks our mainland kenji what's the status of our siege weapon timeout where's big boy at don't tell me we was supposed to do a side quest that would get him here i could've ready to rain fire on the mongol fleet good yuna will signal your attack once the volley begins the mongols will charge your position and run right into our ambush the explosives are set up archers on the rooftops we're with you sakai thank you all of you go gin there's no sign of your uncle that storm's not waiting and neither are we let's go get ready to fire the signal arrow about to get it in about to get it in oh let's go let's go go go go oh all right i'm trying to recalibrate ah what's up i got poison all right come on come on we're here you're done we got a seal dude water stance come here oh you're not getting the break off of her whoa lady mexico you getting in here oh the mongols are regrouping we won't give them a chance norio is leading the rest of our forces up the hill oh norio and we'll join him and press the attack let's go i thought he didn't come for a second no they are my boy where you at where are your big behind that hey there we go my teddy bear this is where it ends today the khan dies yes sir lord shimmer isn't here we fight alone we'll lead an attack on the main gate distract the mongols while you find a way inside you'll be overwhelmed we came this far we're not turning back now i better not die none of y'all you are all the bravest warriors i've ever known i hope to see you again oh we will leave the battle to us what are we waiting for no mercy for the mongols fight wait fight for lord sakai for the ghost uh where do i guys where do i go oh this way hey y'all don't work all right you work just act like i'm here because we know if i was here they wouldn't stand a chance but i just gotta get through hey what what y'all looking at i need to get to a rooftop look over the camp figure out how to find the con what you doing put the freak down it's the con let's get up on that rooftop over there no nobody sees me nobody see me nobody see me yep there we go climb up there there we go where's this dude at this tower is perfect you can see the whole camp from there all right tired of all these freaking dudes where is this dude hiding at you see us attacking your freaking friends [Applause] uncle oh oh here he is is this where his house is come on open up open up you see what's happening the disrespect he taking a swig do you know who i am matter of fact enjoy your last drink of your life all this death because you no no your uncle would not surrender to you i offered you peace and you chose war now the people of your mainland suffer you think so you will never leave this island poison put that down oh my goodness hey everybody stand up i will avenge the people of tsushima vengeance the petty wish of a child let's go bye oh my gosh bro okay heal up heal up heal up a little bit all right still got that attack what the water says whoa hold up is not my destiny to die here oh you think so huh let me heal up heal up come on boy oh wait that's unblockable that's unblockable get back whoa bro if you do not get back look at that move i'm getting up i'm getting up i'm getting up oh my gosh bro we got one chance he blocked all of that out [Music] you're weak oh bro he's almost dead he's almost dead let's go that worst dance combo still going hard hold up hold up i got kunai i got kuna i got kunai one for you goodbye get my kunai back get my kunai back you can run but you can't hide wait hold on goodbye stop stop running towards me y'all gonna keep getting knocked down dodge that one punk wait goodbye give me supplies who else trying to run up on me oh you want one too goodbye headshots only headshots only what else we got arrows i need those kamir khan i got a little present for you bro you're not escaping just me and you that's me and y'all uh oh y'all got helmets on okay um let me just go into ghost mode for you come here come here come here one for you and come here one floor it's a garbage and i got kunai's but y'all oh is this a god bro i don't even realize ah it's just me yukon it's just me and you i don't wanna yeah put that down come here come here you want some of this cod one of those what bro he's still coming bro he eating those go bro go around go around go around go around y'all not gonna eat these though blow that up come here come on what was that kill the ghost bruh how are you not dead whoa come on you want some of this water said does that does that hold up hold up let me deal with you since y'all want to shoot arrows then since you're on the 2 arrow who else shooting arrows who else who narrows get the short bow come here oh he got a helmet on dang it let me get up there let me get up there i'm not about to fight the khan and my god soon arrows at me i don't think so i can't get up there oh oh he got his own teammate oh heal up here look come on khan ding what y'all about to press it with me press triangle that's one and another will come oh really it ain't gonna be you though that's for taka we will be remembered no forever you won't know i already wrote an overcomer oh my gosh off with his head just like you did my boy i've been waiting the whole game for that my voice hurt bruh i've been screaming this all i ever wanted [Music] [Applause] where am i i know jen is not dead oh there we go why you acting like you hurt that was easy this is yours let me die my man oh okay i was so pissed too i mean i did just save the [Music] world [Music] y'all clap it up clap [Music] off with his head the freak i'm talking about roll the credits we still playing what's going on the khan is dead but his army is still here our home won't be safe until we drive them out to sea and when they're gone what happens then we start new lives i used to know what my new life would be now i'm not even sure who i am don't worry you probably be my wife you're a great warrior a loyal friend and a thief that's the past what you become tomorrow is your choice look it goes to sushi been giving us so much wisdom you can't stay here long my uncle will come looking for us no he won't after the battle he sent a messenger did he offer to make peace he wants to meet you by the still waters under the red leafed tree for me lake we used to spoil her when i was a child want company i need to face him alone he's my only family i know still hurts thinking about tucker no don't think about him the smell of smoke in his hair his quiet laugh the hell he'd give me for drinking too much my whole life he was part of me [Music] and and now i'm alone oh you're not baby you're not alone you have me we have each other a ghost i'm not a ghost you belong to everyone damn [Music] all right well i thought the game would be over um yes we just liberated that the tale of lord shimura i guess we about to meet with uncle kage there we go let's see what this dude want listen i'm not letting you adopt me i don't i don't want that wow we can be uncle and nephew and rule this land together i know i did some crazy things back there but hey he was about to die i'll wait for him on the dock this better not be a trap boy i came by myself uh-oh uh-oh play it for him jim i save the world um where's my armor at gin uncle it's over i wasn't sure you would come of course i wanted to talk with you if we work together we can drive off the remaining mongols start rebuilding our home that is not your duty the shogun has disbanded clan sakai as of today you are no longer samurai oh well actually we knew that was gonna happen i sacrificed everything for my people and i would do it again new summers are coming to replace those we lost they will occupy your land in a state wow i have to say goodbye to my home ride with me oh my i did everything for you sacrifice my horse that's pretty much it will you remain in chito of chishma yes shogun asked me to train his warriors to fight the mongols good they won't give up until they've conquered all of japan i will spend what years i have left ensuring they fail a task i hoped we would face together as father and son you can still be married start a new family yes remarry i suppose i can i don't know if your giblets they still functional like it's really 65 year old dudes out here having kids like i don't i don't know about that one looks like he could use a push let us help you yeah don't trouble yourselves nonsense you can't do it alone what is this side quest filler much too kind the mod is sicker than it looks that's a heavy load where are you headed yoga the ghost army is up there he has an army you didn't hear they'll sail for the mongol steps with a storm on their back burn their homes to the ground an impressive goal this is everything i can offer them i hope it helps then we will see you on your way well let's help out here we go thank you my lord jogakoo is many miles from here keep away from the mud and the mongols i will just imagine being defenseless and getting ran up here no idea what he's talking about not here follow me i don't have an army every day more people flock to your calls the shogun is concerned i am concerned you have nothing to fear when the new clans arrive will people bow to the samurai or betray them in the name of the ghost i won't let them do that they'll listen to me openly defied me my most trusted warrior anyone let our people to disobey their leaders what makes you think your followers will obey you as you wish bro where are we going my family cemetery the resting place of seven generations of sakai including your mother seven generations and my father we must pay our respects it's so quiet take a second and appreciate wow imagine seven generations of your family in the state says your family no longer exists such disrespect to your ancestors you think i'm about to say here let them say mike my family's disbanded no because i'm about to have some kids with unit and guess what they last names about to be sockeye talk about my clan this man so beautiful i will miss this soon let's declare he ordered you to kill me the ghost was an outlaw we taught our people to defy their leaders to defend themselves with poison the gift you gave to our enemy i had to stop you from throwing away your people's lives what you have no honor and you are a slave to it brother excuse me to say goodbye to me you were my son now i must continue the line of shimura without you i must start a new family and my head is the cost taking it is my punishment hey [Music] crying for real our final day together it is beautiful don't draw [Music] it's time write the last words of clan and clan shimra [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh [Applause] somebody not walking away from this so they both writing their final will and testaments [Music] oh my goodness man strength in every step a fate neither of us want this is where we pot [Music] dang will always be with you yes uncle i will train you to become the strongest warrior clan sakai is ever known i will raise you as my own son are you ready i am ready i don't want to do this fight man uncle why why why do you have to do this [Music] oh my god [Music] uncle you never fought nobody like me before i don't want to hurt you i'll go get the [ __ ] off me uncle get off me the wounds you kept my spirit you never hear killing me will only make them worse let me go in peace let me go in peace you don't want to do this oh you want revenge for my failure this is not my revenge [Music] okay uncle can fight it's about to go down [Applause] what lick me three either three let's do this oh come on [Music] what the freak let's go oh [Music] looks like i was just a better warrior uncle first attempt that took like 20 minutes kill or spare which i want to do kill hold up let me not press it on accident kill or spare kill him like he was about to kill me or let him live and walk away if it were me even though you try to kill me uncle i i don't think i'll be able to kill my own family like i i i just can't do it oh i'll confirm all right let me let me think again then what do y'all want to do go down in the comments what kill or spare what what should i do i don't know i got a spare him i got a spare spare ah do it put the controller down i can't i i don't you're not evil that's the thing you're not evil i have no honor is that what you said to me but i will not kill my family tell them to come i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] why why'd you put that on i thought he he should have threw it on the ground and smashed it or been like take this say that you killed me [Music] bro i know the true meaning of sacrifice [Music] would you sacrifice everything for your family your reputation your status even your very relationship with them [Music] that's a legend status the ending is it's pretty sad you know it's sad he he did what he had to do to save japan and it costed him his is literally his clan he can't even visit his cemetery anymore his family cemetery but since your boy saved it yes i saved it we get to see two endings today baby but first this is the aftermath we stay with our ending that we chose dang you're not clan sakai anymore well actually we are them disbanding me ain't gonna freaking change nothing this is where i live now dang bruh what an ending for a hero this is where they got me stationed at from now on gin i like your new home it suits you it will hurt you now that clan sucker is gone and i've been branded a traitor i heard about your uncle will he come for us i don't think so but sooner or later someone will what matters is you're alive you defeated koten khan and left the mongols without a leader the mainland is safe but our home isn't the khan's forces are stuck here more desperate than ever to conquer our island then we'd better keep fighting sensei ishikawa is still hunting his student probably wondering what's taking me so long to show up did you talk to norio he said the monks still need support just do their side quests i'll never forget that good we'll cover more ground if we split up hit the mongos from all sides take back her home goodbye chin and take care of yourself i will you too you know you're gonna be home for dinner right what you mean take care of myself we live here now traditions and what a sad life he saved lives and was branded a traitor for it what the freak we're back let's see what happened if we killed him bro i wouldn't he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did this there's like no reason to do this [Music] i will make sure you are remembered as a great warrior a wise leader and a father thank you find me in my next life i will [Applause] ah [Music] is horrible he just killed vegito not a really about to be after him now what does she say if i kill my uncle i like your new home it suits you it will have to do now that clan sucker is gone right this part's the same i've been branded a traitor i heard about your uncle i'm sorry he's gone i did what i had to what matters left the mongols is a leader this part is the same the home isn't okay it's the same after that yeah we're back in the timeline where i spared my uncle because why wouldn't you want to do that guys that was ghost of tsushima there's absolutely no reason why this should have taken me months and months and months to do um but it's the new year and i'm working on finishing all the games that i've left and completed with that being said what game do y'all want to see me finish next there's plenty to choose from leave it in the comments guys thank you so much for coming back and watching the end of this another journey complete and on to the next one hopefully you guys enjoy it if you should assist the same right slice that like button subscribe today to join the samurai and until the next game my brothers and sisters [Music] guess my name is curry kinchin [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 9,036,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yes, literally, beat, the, entire, game, end, ending, in, one, video, pls, watch, ghost, of, tsushima, gameplay, lets, play, playthrough, all, both, endings, finale, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, edits, jin, sakai
Id: mdgTcZrs2S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 51sec (3891 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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