ATOMIC HEART is... well you just gotta play it lol

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[ __ ] oh he running look at it just yeah get body idiot they just run towards you they're just casually jogging over like sir you need some assistance imagine you see a robust Hey sir sir you need something good I got a sword a massive sword bro that was literally a FNAF jump scare welcome to atomic heart I don't know what to expect from this I'm excited I'm intrigued you could say I saw some gameplay footage of this guy fighting this metallic rollerball looking like the thing Mr Incredible fought from The Incredibles I know y'all know I'm like all right first person shooter I like those and then I was approached by atomic heart themselves who coincidentally is sponsoring this video atomic heart thank you atomic heart is now available on PS4 PS5 Xbox One Xbox series s and x and PC and you can get the game by clicking the link in the description welcome to a utopian world of Wonders and perfection in which humans live in harmony with their loyal and fervent robots of course something had to go wrong or else we wouldn't have a game the Unstoppable course of Technology along with secret experiments have brought rise to mutant creatures terrifying machines and super powered robots oh my all suddenly rebelling against their creators only you can stop them and find out what lies behind the idealized world with all that being said it's good to be home I'm finally home from that stuff that I I couldn't go into the detail about so now we can get started two months into the year uh and we're gonna start with atomic heart this is a very unique way to display difficulty we got peaceful Adam local malfunction and Armageddon that's kind of heat I'm not gonna lie I really love this whoa whoa whoa people just rolled their eyes ah of course he's getting paid he's gonna say great things listen I mean let me zoom in all right I'm honest about my reviews and my game plays I never told y'all this there was only one video that I did that I acted like the game was he y'all might be able to know which one it is but that was years ago that was a very long time ago and I paused the game simply because the graphics look insane please good Good Vibes the cello May complex was built from the ground up to be the ideal comfortable workplace candy Club I've been here before Zane this looks insane are you serious would you care for some more soda come right uh sure how much is that oh is it free uh sure sure thanks decisions dialogue choices incredible okay it's kind of heat did I have to pay for that or looks like another bot got stuck in a tree that always cracks me up what the heck still working on the robot's navigation assistant what I noticed yo yo what's going on with him wow what a beautiful day well someone's about to pop off come on now y'all can't sense it in the air bomb about to detonate in three two one in the future when we create robots just don't be mean to them it's that simple good morning my boy how are you did you sleep well good morning Dr Sachin off I slept fine waiting orders how do you like the new glove better than the old one it's growing on me I'd expect nothing less I designed the device myself thank you be careful with it now it's more important than you might think yes Dr sechinov I'll keep it safe report to the lab to complete your integration with the glove whoa do it hey that bot's actually pretty good did you just praise the robot I'm amazed that's because it's not constantly trying to give me unsolicited advice this is crazy but why are y'all so entertained by this like humans can do that why'd they have to make the robots like with faces like this though like they really gave him the stash good day comrade Come Close hello buy a copy of the facility Herald comrade breakthroughs abound biology robotics a newspaper what the hell do I need that for in case you're underway our newspapers are a source of information I've got a talking glove on my hand can I just get the information comrade major may I remind you that I can display information about our surroundings on your retina it won't make you any smarter but it will make it easier to read use your glove's built-in menu lousy prick that's kind of cool there's room uh can we get the atom in the picture too there is so much going on this city feels so alive hold up what's this long lost okay is this ice cream hey thank you is everything free in this town too I don't know what y'all doing over here okay get it hey hey make the bot Nae Nae Nae Nae for you get a whooping what they doing over here facility blink imagine a chai reporting for Duty on comrade sectionoff's direct order well yeah yeah many happy returns cut to the chase would you have got places to be naturally oh snap so it is how they train them huh or programmed him wait is robots making the robots I thought these was two dudes bro I thought these were two humans oh it's all robots why do they all got mustaches like that why is he running like that is that the most efficient way to make that thing run he looked like he on his way to his girl house or something what you doing over here okay oh oh this one got an accident or something you trying to fix him up all right oh look at him looking at the arm bro don't tell me he about to put this thing on yeah oh y'all really out here y'all are really out here what [Music] oh what it's a FNAF animatronic exoskeleton Frick is this oh she probably explained but I wasn't listening okay I don't know about having like wires in my hand like that [Music] like I know it's in the glove but that's still like freaky you have just upgraded your glove with scanner functionality even be gone whoa for your information that's a highly user-friendly gesture all right open a door turn section off is about to begin hey bro Dane this here from a technical point of view it's impressive look at how many robots I greetings yo yo are we getting bombed your future I'm at a loss for words on behalf of all this isn't like wow this place is so clean like no matter how many times I come here it always amazes me it's just so nice our elevator has arrived this is an elevator style science is power I tell you the boss has a way of looking down on insurmountable obstacles I really respect that there are no obstacles science cannot surround other than an electronic glove here's your vehicle activation code calm down [Music] why don't y'all to come with me need me to get rid of somebody boss you're very relaxed about it my boy I hope it won't come to that but let's take it one step at a time I'm gonna assassin first you'll need a substantial glove upgrade report to the lab a Tereshkova robot will meet you there and take you to the vavalov complex this one hell of a car but it's still going to a funeral okay my yard deliberately like being old school [Applause] you can robots what do you want please secure your seat belt we wish you a very pleasant journey about to cut my head off why are you flying so close wait what isn't there supposed to be a radio in here cars are not car what for real watch out what am I supposed to do about it what oh shoot bro jump out oh really have a nice day take my hand comrade major thank you I will escort you to the Battle of complex goodness sweaty hell is going on here unfortunately I have no information on the subject yo robots have been carrying out their normal operations until they suddenly became hostile well watch out oh what the hell are you doing you're not about to fight no robot I was really very rude of them it was oh brother Ascent is once again continuing normally a drove a towing robot will be here shortly to perform magnetic coupling and take us by air to son of a [ __ ] not again oh no telling I'm sorry you're a robot they're gonna build another one um oh yeah you're done you're done you're done my man's done [Applause] what if I just ended the video right there I mean I already been recording like ain't near an hour [Music] is the robot have a built-in defibrillator or the glove I mean it's okay are you all right my boy I'm okay boss but nothing here is the way it's supposed to be whatever's going on clearly started a while ago Victor Petrov is the reason he's a traitor who hacked into Collective Central Hub and caused the civilian robots to attack facility employees Petrov has the access codes for The Hub your mission is to find him and bring him to me alive copy that sir the target is Victor Petrov my mission is to find him and bring him to you exactly what the freak I'm sorry I'm trapped what that's crazy we got some robots over here what's good John oh dang oh off with their head go to sleep I've been wanting to do this song anyway or we could Dodge with B okay that's good [Music] right on the head and I'm hungry too how many times do we have to tell y'all stop making robots it's doomed to fail what is that [ __ ] what is this any details on the target Victor Petrov is the lead engineer behind Collective 2.0 he was arrested for treason and sentenced to community service at the vavalov complex got it I can deal with that where should I start looking Petrov is currently somewhere in the underground levels of the vavalov complex we'll have to find a way inside okay let's do it somebody help me I'm gonna die in here oh I got you bro I got you hey you I'm coming you alive in there uh he was talking idiot oh it's a trap hit him oh wait freak oh get away from me ew literally oh oh no oh that's nasty yeah thank you oh damn God go [ __ ] yourself bro stop talking and fight saved by oh what are you looking at almost choked to death there give me your hand yeah I didn't see that coming ah you should be more careful this place is a damn mad house oh it really is thanks for the help no sweat sunny what are you doing here anyway [Music] who are you me Xena granny Xena that's all you need to know thanks granny fine I get it so what's going on here lots of casualties I don't know if you noticed but the robots are attacking people anyone who couldn't find a place to hide is dead meat I could really use a weapon you got anything of course wait but I'm not giving you beneath us is a complex if you need a weapon go down there the vavalov complex that's where I'm headed ah well today's your lucky day I'm heading that way too it's basically safe oh she's about to die it's a chiller son of a [ __ ] we've got 30 seconds move your 30 seconds until what ah 30 seconds into it sunny Boy [Music] get over here Beefcake no no no no no now take this key and turn it clockwise I said clockwise idiot like that I'll hold them off for now what is happening hell of an Arsenal there lady what are you planning here we go riding my two days now it's time to die I see about to die why am I not helping oh I'm I have to hold the key where'd you get that thing give it to me you I got bad key I got this dang granny do that handle that oh shoot I might have been too good of a shot ready wait oh where did granny go how deep is it we still falling hurry up bro hurry up bro if you you what that was this awkward that they put that right there I don't know why like is our character an idiot like she said turn the key clockwise dude literally immediately turned it to the left we need to find a way to open this armored door gee you think enough with the lame advice will ya why don't you tell me more about Petrov how'd they track him down to Hell the Trump's betrayal was discovered by Mikhail stockhouse he was then arrested by the argentum unit so how do you end up here after the trial Petrov was sentenced to community service and sent back here as a prisoner what they couldn't find anyone else in the whole Soviet Union's launch was only a few months away replacing the lead engineer who would have been foolish Petrov had to finish what he'd started and that's what they made him do what's so special about the guy Victor Petrov was previously the lead engineer of a secret Department within the Academy of consequences dedicated to programming robots for Collective 2.0 right thing I like telekinesis and like what the heck man oops [Music] oh and open the door I I'm doing it dude hold on I'm gonna get you out of there safe and sound look at his face bro that was Taylor in his face oh and I'ma just walk on in huh what a ax I got some shotgun shells I guess he handed it to me on his way out [Music] oh whoa what may I give you some advice I'm kind of busy right now trying to avoid the robot's more powerful attacks they're all powerful attacks performed by a robot during the power surge are especially dangerous and they knock you down oh you like that one go why didn't you tell me that before yeah your body idiot disassembled give me your resources give me your resources yeah I need those safe areas oh yeah how about how that body did a little jig after he already died [Music] materials I could save it thank you oh yeah this game's gonna be Heat this game is going to be heat it wouldn't hurt to collect the resources you find along the way major [Music] backpack for storing items and Equipment it utilizes a quantum singularity to shrink items placed within it then restores them to their original size upon extraction yeah Weird Science huh all right robot talks a little bit too much you gotta let us like let us take it in but are y'all peeping how I'm just holding the glove out scanning the room and all the supplies are just coming I don't have to keep on mashing RB to each object I just hold it and everything in a room is just coming towards me like Magneto like we're living in sci-fi times or something oh you could say that again this is crazy look at that big old key right there wait tears too maybe I can't wait I had a shotgun where did this come from it's game time look this is the coolest collecting mechanic out of any video game so we gotta find Victor yo Vicky look how they be running towards you too oh [ __ ] reload did you see how the one was running look how they just yeah get body idiot they just run towards you they're just casually jogging over like sir you need some assistance [Laughter] sir sir sir you need some assistance I love how they design that this game is tough damn it why is everything locked here emergency mode was activated as soon as the robots began attacking humans facility 3826 is on lockdown that includes the inner sector so how am I supposed to open this door it's locked with an electromagnetic lock so I need to fry it with an electromagnetic pulse how the hell oh my bad something's wrong whoa what oh we're dead it's a freaking Transformer foreign [Music] great just a little more you okay I'm fine how many fingers four four great now get up I need your help all right who are they they brought you here put pressure on this wound oh they try to save you and who are you Doctor you got a name no time for small talk right like what you asking everybody four steps four steps four steps come on get me them what's this doing what took you so long you got a neuropolymer you don't need one yeah so what's your name doc Larissa and you ask a lot of no have y'all noticed that though he keep on asking everybody their name Pokemon the forces this man's dying what's your name oh questions you know what you're on your own you got this where are you going it's great now we're getting how did you do that you ask a lot of questions am I an evil person okay bro oh why did you try to lie oh Five Nights at Freddy's bro that was literally a FNAF jump scare yo final boss Hey sir you need some assistance yeah I got some assistance for you get back where you at [Music] oh I got a Reload I'm out of ammo you got me in a corner oh wow healing healing healing healing healing put the ax away dude oh my all right here we go here we go terminated Charles where does the shaft Larissa crawled into go it's hard to say the ventilation system contains a large number of branching Ducks fine I can deal with it later oh this game is tough oh this game is tough I don't know why this dude just let everybody in that room die like that like they all here saving my life he's like oh you got that I'm just here for this like bro what's that freaky thing on the door unlocked are you serious then open it already come on we're in a hurry I'm unable to assist you I lack any kind of lock picking functionality you'll have to find your own method for picking locks I'm sure you're smart enough yeah right in other words you're basically useless as always try snapping your fingers at the exact moment the Locking pin light goes on that's a before [Music] start hearing creepy singing down a creepy Corridor reload your weapon location on birthday [ __ ] a lullaby I don't like this Charles what's on the other side of the door that's Nora's voice she's very dangerous oh really [Music] I guess we about to do this [Music] [Music] oh my goodness better find your arms can't you see I'm trying open to suggestions bring me to the sensor manipulator quick rebellious dominant men really turn me on I'll turn you on all right just let me get you what a brief I love tough guys I'm on fire closer I can't reach her I'm trying I'm trying she's one stronger I'm at your surface sugar anything for my master what can I do for you more skills will become available to you soon but choose shock for now so we got shock in our glove oh how can I resist now let me show you what I can do professionally I mean I've seen it literally crispy Critters I am here to help you upgrade your red hot pocket rockets and believe me handsome you can upgrade whatever tickles your fancy weapons are useful open the corresponding window major get rid of that glove handsome you don't need him anymore now that you've got me I'll service you however you want stop got a sword a massive sword thrust it deep into it Nora can upgrade weapons a matter of fact let me get one of them robots real quick just for science purposes let me get one of them robots quick rock with your axes just to take a taste of things to come you handsome beasts big guy yeah cool use this powerful weapon to split the skulls of your enemies and bring me gifts so we can get down and dirty I'll show you what rooms feels like why should I bring you gifts girls like being pampered because the repair underneath resources to break them down and produce items luckily for us it's not very picky although some upgrades may call for Unique components I can't wait for your strong hands to grow that's enough of that oh I got some bad guys but take care there's a dandelion security camera up ahead [Music] you said you knew how to avoid the camera I expected more subtlety from a professional such as yourself sometimes you just need to go in guns blazing this was one of those times oh shoot another robot's coming sir sir can I assist you sir no you may not oh oh look at him bro that running is crazy look how they just come back from it too sorry you need some help how much time and effort is it gonna take to fix this damn place I agree it's a troubling sight regardless robots will be able to repair the damage quite quickly hey let's put a cookie in there yeah even locks like cookies right Charles yes do you like cookies what is that how I use y to shock say last oh come here pal I literally just just why nothing happened oh I mean I locked the door yeah move swing on him where you at I don't know about using that uh Whirlwind movie oh I have to wait for a cooldown I finally see it at the bottom of the screen all right here we go here we go shocked on him he didn't really care about that there's no other way forward we have to take it take it where Petrov escaped while working in vavalov's cold Workshop s my bad I I just wanted to see what that was Patrol escaped while working in vavalov's cold Workshop illogical to begin our research there so how do I get there first we need to get to the Distribution Center this cable car will take us there you can swim through polymer I've done it before it's nice actually kind of like swimming with whales and dolphins in the ocean whoa dinner's ready right I hear whales I hear all types of stuff um Full House playing cards [Music] offline reboot the control system to reactivate the line there's the control panel and of course it's locked you guys just love these things don't you combination lock it'd take me a year to guess the combo look around maybe someone has the code I didn't know Ike was in control need to find what the heck all right so okay Charles so this isn't a dead person talking to me it's the neuropolymer in his Noggin right crudely speaking yes as it fades away neuropolymer memory temporarily stores the individual's last thoughts creepy wow how long are they gonna talk for I can't say exactly somewhere between a minute and a couple of days but it seems the more time passes after death the more corrupt the information becomes I see so the stuff they're saying isn't always that important poor bastards that's crazy stop schematic no go the cable car line is activated welcome passengers oh sorry no ticket eight seven no ticket him and needs one-liners bro we go no this tunnel's messed up it's gonna be a bumpy ride yeah we would have died on impact this ain't good this is not good oh wait where are we going back oh shoot oh oh it was one of them Superman robots [Music] I knew it was gonna be rough [Music] we need to find a way to move forward but frankly I'm having trouble figuring out how climbing the wall That's How do you have mountaineering training I'm a spec off Soldier not some City wuss riding a desk I've got all kinds of training I must admit I'm quite glad to hear that platforming oh what the hell that was a surprise I agree you've got quick reflexes major you bet survival time bro this is insane Charles that was a bit off right a tunneling robot indeed it was the rocks can drill through even the hardest minerals Soviet science has High Hopes in them in regard to our inevitable conquest of all the planets in the Solar System wait what the bro where do y'all seconds be coming from this is crazy um this is crazy this is crazy um this is crazy [Music] hey this is my stop what a nice trip how do I open this yo how do I open it um oh oh shoot laser wall that's some serious security people put them up for a reason if you see one that means there's something important on the other side quite right comrade major I gotta see what's about to happen come on [Music] it shows you how you died too hands down one of the coolest games we've ever covered but I've already been recording for two hours so I'm gonna end this here thank you atomic heart for sponsoring the video be sure to click the link in the description if you would like to check the game out for yourself and that was amazing hopefully you guys enjoyed it deep [ __ ] assistant like that like button subscribe today to join the Samurai and until next time for businesses foreign [Music] perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 7,024,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atomic heart, atomic, heart, gameplay, 4k, part 1, game, lets, play, playthrough, walkthrough, pc, ps5, funny, reaction, ballerina, twins, machine, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin
Id: xgBxs7MBpmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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