Abbey Sharp Vs Amberlynn Reid Vs ME?! (This is SO Dumb)

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all right so today's video or what what we're going to be talking about today is is it really is ridiculous and it's over the top and honestly i know that that's why i'm doing it because i think it'll be funny so this is going to be this is going to be me reacting to a video of someone reacting to me reacting to abby sharp reacting to amberlynn reed's diet i'm pretty sure i got that right the first try very proud of myself but it's ridiculous trust me it's over the top so this is a video from chikara transformations i think that's how you say it and it is called inception reaction obesity beast versus abby sharp versus amberlynn reed part one i guess there's more than one part geez um so uh uh here we go you guys this is ridiculous [Music] dang that intro's lit though [Music] dang dude i should probably put a copyright disclaimer in my videos but i've never had a problem so [Applause] [Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel my name is leona i'm also score transformations i'm an online health and fitness coach and i'm also a bodybuilder you can't see i'm wearing a hoodie it's really cold in the uk guys i don't believe you liar the struggle man when you wear a hoodie no no gains it's misty and cold right now well i am not though i am not a doctor i am not a dietitian and i'm not a nutritionist so this video is actually highly requested and i don't just move up one or two people i'm going to say at least five or six people message me about this geez it's a lot of people man true story abby sharp has done a video about amberlynn read and i have covered abby sharp in the past i have it in recent times actually and i think it's because she has started to cover more people on the other end of potentially disordered eating um because that was basically my main contention i've heard a lot of this like um i've heard a lot of people that have um like things uh have a you know levied like things against abby sharp is that it or criticism there i couldn't think of the word um where they say like abby doesn't talk enough about uh you know bigger creators and i think that that's a valid criticism first off i want to put that out there um i ca i understand probably why she hasn't because she is health at every size you know what i mean and so that could be a bad look and so i think that that's probably why she just naturally hasn't done that and i from watching her channel in the past and seeing a lot of her videos a lot of a lot of why she i think the reason why she makes videos is because she is trying to show people that these people you follow that claim to be super healthy and that claim to be like the pinnacle of health actually have some disordered behaviors you know and that's like kind of why she makes these videos again i'm not saying that that's right but i i think i understand like why she has taken you know the route that she has but i do think it would be interesting for her to do more full day of eating videos on people that might not be considered quote unquote healthy or thin or fit or whatever and with her is that she only focused on people that were she considered underweight or to have unhealthy diet habits because of the fact that they are like athletes and stuff like that so but then she has started to cover people like nicola avocado and people are slightly on the other side of the spectrum which i think is a responsible thing to do it's very it's not portraying a fair image of what's um disordered and not especially seeing that obesity is one of the leading causes of death in the western world so obviously undereating is a problem people starving themselves for looks obviously is a problem i get that but the reality is more people do die of obesity i don't disagree with that and normalizing obesity is kind of what she was always almost doing but now she is uh covering a wider variety of people so i don't have as much to say about her personally i don't like her approach i find her i'm sure she does it for a reason i'm sure there's a certain demographic that she talks to but well yeah that's like what i said right so her her demographic isn't um isn't my demographic it's probably not her demographic um it's like i said it seems like it's for a very specific person now there's no i'm not saying that you can't uh criticize that because you certainly can i've criticized it myself um but i'm just trying you know kind of trying to play devil's advocate a little bit i i feel like her approach is very uh treating people with cotton gloves which is not the way i like to be treated i want people to be honest and direct with me so i i've seen i've seen other videos with people being like she needs to do things this way and i'm not trying dude it's so freaking annoying like i'm just i'm i'm trying to explain how i feel okay so i'm not trying to defend abby sharp or defend amberlynn reed or defend this woman like i'm just trying to explain how i feel okay so like it's weird to me because of course abby sharp is not going to come and like do a every damn day fitness type of roast on someone like she's coming as a dietitian that's like i'm going to talk about the the dietitian stuff that i see here the food stuff like i've seen people like abby sharp didn't talk about uh amberlynn reed and and how she uh did this thing in the past about this person and how she did this about the dog and it's like dude like obviously abby sharp is going to come from a place of a dietitian trying to help with the diet side of things like she's not going to get into the weeds about all that stuff now again if that's your criticism that's fine but it's like i feel like it's pretty obvious that like abby sharp is going in this as a dietitian that is explaining if this person wants to lose weight i think this is what they can do like i just i don't know but anyway obesity the reaction to her reaction people have asked me to do a reaction to his reaction to her reaction i think it's so funny that why not just have her react to the actual video why why react to my video that is an hour and a half long why would you do this to yourself like i guess i'm doing it to myself right now but i do this all the time man hey baby i it ain't no thing you know what i'm saying oh my god so we are doing some inception level [ __ ] here i'm only going to half of the video for now because his reaction is an hour and a half which means that if i would hey can't say i don't got stamina baby let's go do a full reaction for several hours and my my internet bandwidth cannot cope with that kind of video upload i'll be uploading for a whole day so i'm going to break it into halves i'll probably do the other half next week yeah dude story of my life dude sometimes these freaking videos take literal hours to upload it's literally torture before we get into it if you are if you're not a member it's maybe worth exploring i do remember only live streams i live stream my first workout this weekend um i don't monetize the content there's no ads in there i will have dedicated live streams every thursday afternoon live streams the best you guys know and i will do more dedicated content for example training with uh coaching cues diet and i'll do i'm gonna film this weekend a at home workout tutorial of exercises you can do at home with limited equipment i'm gonna do recipes etc etc i'll also keep you up to date of what the what the schedule is like for my channel if there are perks there that are worth it in my opinion but i also totally understand if something you can't afford or you're not particularly interested in but the options are there i dang dude she's she's she's killing this sales pitch man this is i suck at this stuff you know i have a members thing too you guys can join if you want i don't do all that stuff though i'm just being honest do you suggest checking it out we could have a good time we have some fun emojis it's just nice like i i'm glad i've done the membership it's um i wish i'd done it sooner to be honest because i do like having that little bit of extra privacy there and i'm not gonna lie the emojis are just fun so we're gonna get into this now grab yourself your big cup of apple and cinnamon tea if you know you know and let's get into this this is gonna take some time i don't know what to expect by the way i do like obesity i do like john i do watch his content here and there i did heck yeah you do everyone likes me you kidding me just kidding everyone's like i don't like you anymore you're freaking cocky crap in and out of it so i hope you should see what he has to say all right so today we're going to be talking hey it's me hello it's a little little baby me i just want to touch myself hi well that's a cool denim jacket man you're a cool guy wow now this video i want to make it very clear you guys look at those little baby yoda over here look at this you oh you guys can't see him he's excited though this video was posted like in i like his style this sort of style it really suits him hey style icon baby let's go hour before i am sitting here in the stream uh reacting to it or sharing my thoughts so i have not obviously been able to watch the video because it's a pretty long one but this is as you can see by the uh title of the video uh dietitians thoughts on amberlynn reed's diet and mukbangs this might be hard to watch and this is from this is so ridiculous dude i can't we're gonna do it but [Laughter] oh i trust me the ridiculousness of this is not lost on me oh man i don't care i'm gonna do it we're gonna do it i don't care uh known dietitian on youtube abby sharp just to bring up every show being a dietitian obviously she's more qualified than what i am but from my understand same she is an intuitive eating dietitian and intuitive eating is an interesting way of looking at dieting so for example here what is intuitive eating let's just clarify that it's basically an approach was created in 1995 intuitive eating is a non-diet approach to health and wellness that helps you tune with your body signals break the chronic cycle of dieting and heal your relationship with food from a nutritional from a nutritional professional perspective intuitive eating is a framework that helps keep us that helps keep nutrition intervention behavior focused instead of restrictive rule focus some of the principles of intuitive eating are reject diet mentality honor your hunger make peace with food challenge the food police respect your fullness discover the satisfaction honor your feelings respect your body move your body honor your health this is very haze very body positive and i mean she's not wrong i think that there are with with intuitive eating i think that there are a lot a lot of things that i think are really awesome now i've i've i've talked about this many times with intuitive eating is when it comes to intuitive eating one of the the issues i have with a lot of intuitive eating dietitians or just dietitians in general is that they they make it seem like you can just go from not knowing what to eat and eating in a way that's obviously not good for your body to just eating intuitively which is like it's just not that simple like it really isn't that simple it takes a lot of time to be able to get to a point where you can eat intuitively like i eat i don't like to call it intuitively but i like to eat um mindfully right and so i i take i i think about what i'm going to i think about the food that i'm going to put in my body so i don't just eat whatever i want um but i i do think that intuitive eating really is the way that we should eat eventually right so that's important though eventually it's different from what you should be doing right now obviously we should all be body to positive and i don't think bloody positive should just belong to obese people i think but we should all be body positive people regardless of size and skin color et cetera et cetera people are going to be subjective to criticism for others so just make sure you always love yourself but for me there is for like i say i'm not a dietitian but i do think some principles of intuitive eating work in theory but it's been taken over by the haze movement by the body positive movement the negative side of it and it is frustrating it seems like it's that's why i don't like to say i i eat intuitively now because it has like this weird connotation now so that's why i like to call it like a mindful eating or something else because i don't want to be lumped in with with all those peeps you know what i'm saying it's being used as um basically an excuse to normalize obesity and excuse overeating and so this is interesting so ariana just said um i used intuitive eating to heal my bulimia and like that i think that's one of the things that intuitive eating really really does well with um helping people it really can't help people that are overly restrictive right um like there are there genuinely are some benefits there like absolutely excuse just poor diet behaviors and i get you should do everything in moderation as per the intuitive eating approach but the reality is that some people do need to have stricter diets if you want to lose weight if you want to lose body fat if you need to because of your health you need to follow a diet unfortunately or maybe not diet you need to follow calorie restriction yeah so i'm glad that she uh she used that word instead of diet because diet like everyone has a diet like a diet is such a weird word english is weird we've gone over this but like diet is such a weird word because it to a to a lot of people like it means like you're going on a diet you're restricting yourself but then to other people it's like literally just the word diet right whatever you're eating but i think that you have to you're going to have to re if you want to lose weight you have to be in a caloric deficit right you have to restrict your calories some way now for some people tracking that and actually putting that into my fitness pal that's the way they can do it but there are a lot of people that can lose weight without tracking but it's it's not because it's not because they are not um they're not in the deficit it's because they have just changed their habits right so like not drinking soda not eating fast food not eating junk food like if you're 200 pounds overweight and you cut those things out like you will lose weight no you won't be tracking your meals or anything like that but you can lose weight without actually tracking right it is possible you're never going to lose weight otherwise you probably need to look in to implement eating more whole foods and minimizing the intake of fast foods and processed food if you're trying to build muscle you're going to have to eat probably a little bit more than normal because you need you need energy to build muscle to yeah baby try and get jacked and perform if you're an athlete you're probably gonna have to follow a certain way of eating as well in order to be a top performance so i for example need to make sure if i'm trying to die which is something i'm i'm not dieting right now i'm trying to i'm doing something for four weeks a transformation but for me to lose body fat i actually need to eat more but healthy whole foods stick to a meal plan and be quite strict with that that's what works for me but the more i eat as far as my metabolism the more i can train the higher intensity i just lose i lose body fat if i eat more i know it's crazy but that's how my body works now if i don't force myself to eat certain meals at certain times and even force field moves when i'm not hungry i will under eat because i get very busy most days with food it's not for me your boy can eat you know what i'm saying and the thing is is like it's interesting because i'm assuming that a lot of the people that are probably watching her channel that are watching my channel like that's not the um that's not the that's not the experience that most people are going to have right it's not going to be oh if i if i don't focus i just don't eat enough no most people that are probably watching our channels are no if i don't focus i'm eating too much you know what i mean and so it's i don't know interesting to me filming in the morning and then my clients in the afternoon that i'm just stuck here all day long if i don't take time away to to go and eat and force myself to eat then i'll just under eat massively i'll easily eat like only 1500 calories a day which is not good for somebody my size my height my lean muscle mass my performance in the gym so intuitive eating i think it's one of the things it works on paper where it doesn't work in practice for some people i don't think it's an appropriate approach from everybody especially people that have problems overeating and i'm sure a lot of you guys know who amber lynn reed is if you don't i'm sure abby will let us know so uh let's see uh let's see how this goes this one's gonna be hard to watch i mean she's probably not wrong hey everyone i'm abby sharp welcome to abby's kitchen apparently abby's going to do a video about me supposedly people have requested her for her to review my what i eat in the days the thing is with her though she's like i did see the i did see the abbey video so i'm not going into i'm gonna be honest i don't think that she would i would be surprised this is no shade but this person has 18.1 k subscribers like abby sharp like she does it to be interesting and to help people but like she does it for cloud as well right she's not gonna do someone that doesn't have like a huge following and so not to be mean but i'm just saying i i don't think that she probably i don't think that she would it's completely blind i haven't seen joe's response to it he she does cherry pick her but who knows maybe i'm wrong i don't know if if i'm wrong that's fine it doesn't really matter reactions her commentary videos because with greg she purposely did a video of when he was dieting and with amber she's perfectly doing it when amber is eating pretty healthy for amber at least so i would imagine that if she does it for me she's probably going to take a video or two videos where i'm purposely dieting there's times and places where i'm strict there's times and places when i'm not strict and if i have a goal you have to just be strict but i i have a feeling that if she does me she will purposely find videos where i am i am being strict but then i have a certain goal to achieve which is to sometimes get really shredded jesus freak dude same though what i don't know like the y'all the greg video was bad like that was just bad abby seems like a nice person that was bad it was bad video she did not do a very good job but i will say that it doesn't seem like she's always malicious in her intent to uh review video review diets she reviewed my diet and she was actually pretty um she was actually pretty seemed to be pretty chill with with whatever she saw like genuinely i was surprised i thought she was gonna roast me uh but she seemed to be totally fine with with the way that i eat so i think like this narrative that she is only out for blood and tries to um like ruin people it from my own experience it doesn't seem to be true um but again like i said the great one was just it was bad it was bad which i don't think i will in four weeks but be cool though if i get 75 kilos i'll be looking pretty good i mean like i'm 77 and a half now if i get to 75 two and a half kilos dude bodybuilders are so funny [Laughter] oh man it's just so funny to me no shade or anything but bodybuilders are so funny to me it's five six pounds on me fat loss you'll notice the difference in today's highly requested video we will be reviewing amber lynn reed now i've received so many requests from you guys to i do not i i mean i believe everything she's saying right here because y'all the amberlynn reed stands or whatever whatever they're called oh i'm babies i believe are they go freaking hard dude like they do not play and so i'm sure she's probably gotten literally thousands of people to ask her to uh to talk about this stuff i've uh i've been i've been i've been told it's called the hater nation i guess so i apologize for being wrong last time i think it's important for her to talk about it anyway because what the the behaviors that somebody like amberlynn displays or um foodie beauty or hungry fat chicken nicotine avocado is like obviously i don't think large volume mukbangs are good regardless i don't think there is really a place for them doing a couple of thousand calories okay but when you get like even like eric the electric and stuff like that it's it is perpetrating unhealthy eating behaviors in my opinion and just because somebody's slender it's not okay i definitely also believe that there is an element of uh what's the word like the fat bias if you like jeez man one of this comment right here yeah this is craziness okay it says hater nation is more than people who react to alr and chantel not necessarily the stands dude there is too much lore with these people there's too much lore to get into i am sorry i try man but dude like i said in my video it seems like no matter what you say people are like well you didn't bring this up and this one but this in this open this up you're like dude holy crap i'm sorry i didn't freaking spend four months of my life to understand this one video holy smokes whoo because let's be real you don't want to see somebody who is really overweight eating more fruit but then this is because i think you can see they're already actively sick it's like seeing somebody who is underweight starving themselves you probably have a bigger problem with it compared to somebody who's overweight starving themselves you know i don't know if that makes sense i don't mean that to be in a horrible way i understand why it is a problem i do also see that it is somewhat unfair because you should treat everybody equally but if somebody sorry this is so stupid it's so dumb this is me and then her and then me again reacting to oh my god oh i don't even remember what she was saying i'm just saying that the whole idea of what i'm doing right now is so dumb okay let's go who is like indulging in their addictions or furthering their unhealthy habits it's just painful to watch isn't it there's just you i don't know i don't like watching it this is part of the reason why people ask me sometimes to do foodie beauty reactions and honestly like i find it difficult to do reactions to her for the most part because one same dude same i'm glad someone else said it her videos are not very interesting two if she wants to be fattening then let her be fat and eat like what what is that what is that to me three i just find her regression in her health every time i look at her i can see she's getting bigger she's getting sicker and she's not talking about health and diet like i know that i do life by jen sometimes i only do it when she does like what i eat in the days or diet videos i'm very the same like i don't feel the need to sit here and go back to back on amberlynn reads content because i don't find it that interesting i like to talk about i want to talk about diets and dude okay so i know that i've been i've been like you know being ridiculous but actually like so far what she's saying most of what i obviously there's some things i disagree with but like what she's saying right here this is truly like i've said this before like i don't want to sit there like and like constantly talk about someone that i genuinely believe is in a bad spot like it feels really weird like people always like i get comments on almost every video saying like do you watch amberlynn read you should talk about emily i'm like i don't want to do that all the time like i just it feels weird to me it's just like oh health and whilst i have obviously opinions regardless if i feel like i'm just going to sit there and basically nitpick their life which i probably do to some degree anyway and i've definitely tidied that up a lot compared to what i have done in the past i just don't feel like doing just reactions for the sake of reactions i want to do reactions when i have something to comment on if exactly when you actually have something to say when you actually have something to say if there's a point that you can make instead of just watching someone's video and being like haha fat person like that's not helpful and i'm sure for her if she's done these types of videos in the past used to do them all the time like that's not fulfilling man i'm telling you it's not like you get money off of it you get views off of it but you don't feel like you're actually doing anything you're just making fun of fun of someone constantly right that's not fun that makes sense and if i stick to health and calories and food exercise then i have fair talking points i just personally can't do back-to-back reactions i know if i did it would get me like i can guarantee if i did back-to-back ambulance i know i would get a lot of views i know i would make insane money and i that's true she's not lying dude she's not lying bro hundred percent sometimes keep amber in there because of the fact that i know they do make me money but i just for my own mental health i can't do certain people and definitely not back to back because i find it depressing to look at dude okay so with what she just said right there like i already have so much more respect for her than a lot of other people i've talked about because it seems like she actually has a conscience which is you know hey few and far between nowadays it seems like i know i'm kind of contradicting myself because i do do reactions but you know what i'm trying to say i have i do have some i do have some um i do applies not morals but i do apply some rules to what i'm doing with my content she said not morals i don't have any morals if that makes sense i'm sure you know what i'm trying to say review amberlynn since i began the series but especially since i did my review on nicocado avocado so similar to nick whose review you can watch right here amberlynn's channel has been the subject of a lot of hate yes the thing is with nick nick does it i think they both do it on purpose i both think 100 they both do with without a doubt nick much worse though like nick it's literally everything is fake okay like i don't believe a single thing that happens in those videos and like i i don't understand how a sane person can think that like it's so obviously fake with amberlynn reed it seems like a lot of it actually is real but then it's played up and made a little bit worse but with nick it literally all seems like every single piece of it is fake every piece which again like i don't get how everyone doesn't see that it seems so obvious but they are playing the role of they are they are youtube trolls do i think they actually deserve things like death threats and do i think that some of the commentary that people make is fair no like people do go too far the reality is like if somebody's a troll just laugh at them with them don't get offended by anything she does because she is trolling for the most part there's some things that happen some of it does get lost in translation i think because you're only hearing one side of the story and people have such a huge dislike towards amber which some of it is absolutely it's um justified i'm not saying it isn't because she does she does troll her audience with her own health and it's stupid it is i do agree i mean she's she's making sense very stupid but then at the same time when she's trolling don't get offended by it but for example like what's been going around with these voice notes this is nobody's problem but amber's and her family and frankly i think it's highly inappropriate to be even making a video about that and sit there and listen to them that's not your business that's not my business you don't know what went on i'm gonna be honest i have no idea what she's talking about but it seems like drama that i have zero interest in you know there's things that you can be judgmental on but to sit there and like imagine if that was your family imagine if you're with somebody and you had some problems with your other halves mother or father or whatever and you were working things out regardless of what you think about amber regardless of what she said this that's not your business there's just some things that aren't worth discussing or bringing up because it's nothing to do with anybody it's i don't know i feel personally really gross like if i was to see her and do reactions to that like i couldn't do that with good conscious because it's not that is literally out of my business that's not something she's chosen to put out there there's just some lines you have to draw i don't know i'm telling you like i said people are unbelievably obsessed like it's crazy man i don't even know what she's talking about i don't know it seems like some stuff that probably shouldn't be out there but i was going with that a lot of bullying oh yeah with her being bullied so some of it is not bullying i don't think people deserve to be bullied she's definitely open to criticism but at the same time people do take it too far people do take it too far and are unnecessary you can be critical without name calling etc and a lot of controversy largely to her extreme weight gain and the inconsistent nature of her content and while it has taken me a long time to figure out how to best approach this video it's not so much the weight gain i think it's like people so it looks like so rachel just said amber was talking mean to her girl's mother and mother sold the voice messages so again that's just dude that's horrible that someone would do that like obviously you shouldn't talk mean to people but like to sell the voice like like again that's like something i'm just like okay but that's not obviously isn't i have no opinion i don't care i just don't care people want her i don't think i don't think many people want her to be unhealthy i think people do want her to lose weight and be healthy the problem isn't that she's getting bigger the problem is is that she's trolling that journey is her prerogative to do with her channel what she wants but to sit there and basically start a health journey to only get bigger and then along the way just control your audience especially when some people aren't trusty viewers they are supportive and it is kind of a kick in the face to those who are like that but then at the same time she does have a large audience of trolls so i don't know it's not just it's not just her weight gain it's her behavior in the process of i want to say that i think i'm finally ready i think that it's great that she is you know trying to trying to respond in a way that is you know what she thinks is best but i can say from my own experience uh that it seems like however you respond is never going to be enough because if you um if you respond in a way that's kind and you try to understand what's going on you're being an armed baby or you're people say that you're basically like an ambulance soccer count try to share um experience and share knowledge with amberlynn um people will be like you don't understand what's going on like she's tricking you you should have went harder on her like she is she's just gonna use this as a blah blah blah blah blah true true but just because amber has a history of trolling people you don't have to necessarily see if if she's done bad things that doesn't mean that you also have to become a bad person and do horrible things like i fully understand and know exactly the history of amber but i can still be subjective in my reactions and not be horrible because the reality is like i don't necessarily make my reactions for her because i know that she's probably not the one that's going to be watching it and if she at least she's honest about that you know like because some people will be like i'm trying to help her by this reaction and i'm like no you're let's just be real be honest like yo you're trying to make some bank baby you know hey if you want to make some money hey there's nothing wrong with that but like come on don't be like i'm trying to help amber because my reaction of me calling her fat and saying she's a slob is going to help and make her want to lose weight like come on dude no like it's just use common sense like no like you're you're trying to make some paper baby you know there's nothing wrong with it but just be honest he does she's probably not gonna listen to what i have to say the chances of that are very small however i do have to consider her a wider audience and unfortunately the majority of the audience of ambulant and foodie beauty are people with eating disorders they're either overweight or yeah i mean i would i would probably agree with that like people that have just maybe not eating disorders that have some disordered eating because most people would watch them like i have zero interest in and completely leave and be like nah what are underweight i'm gonna guess that about 70 to 80 percent of people who watch ambulance foodie beauty suffer with some form of eating disorder and that's not and i don't think that's being hyperbolic because i get a lot of people in particular women i get a lot of women message me i do get some men message me as well but they're either struggling with binge eating disorders with obesity with trying to lose weight or they're all there people that have structure that struggle with their binging and purging and anorexia and i think partially that's probably part of the morbid fascination with amber and foodie beauty is that people are themselves in a bad state but they're not as bad as them yeah dude yep 100 man like it's it's it's nice to be able to be like you know what i'm not feeling good about myself but at least i'm not as bad as this person right like that's that's something that a lot of people do not just in online stuff like i remember when i was bigger there was a guy that lived across the street from me that was a lot bigger than me and i remember i would say to my friends this wasn't nice this was mean but i was you know 300 pounds at the time i remember saying to my friends let me know if i ever get as big as that guy over there you know like it's something that people do like it's it's a normal thing to do so it's just happening on the internet now so they watch to kind of feel better about themselves and that's probably a horrible thing it's probably why i started watching i think probably also out of morbid curiosity and i have also had my history i don't anymore but for me to be horrible and mean just because she is they do um inappropriate things two wrongs that make a right like i have to be mindful of the fact that that i do coach a variety of people and also i don't see the point in like i i know i had there have been times where i have been a little bit mean and i've completely changed that pers approach because being being mean and horrible is easy i can assure you for me to sit here and slag somebody off it's so easy it's so easy but actually trying to be slag is such a good word i wish we used that here in america more destructive and just give fair opinions without being horrible it's a lot harder and i'm not saying it's harder to be like i'm not saying it comes hard to me it's just attacking somebody like amber it's i'm not that's not being horrible but she's an easy target there is dude this is these are all facts man and it's like i said it seems like she actually has a conscience so it makes sense why she has um changed her ways like i think that i think that's a good thing it's easy it is easy to attack somebody attacking somebody on their looks on their every things that they're doing it's not hard but trying to be constructive and give advice maybe not to her but to others that are listening it's a little harder right so there's that camp but then if you go extra hard and you're like kind of mean and you are a bully and stuff like that which i definitely don't think is the right way to go about it absolutely i would i have gone the other way right being kind and trying to actually give knowledge and share things but if you are overly mean and rude then obviously people are going to be like you're being overly rude and mean and so this is a polar i don't think so i what i found when i had in the beginning of the year my chat my channel grew really quickly i've only been doing youtube properly for about a year and uh i started reactions in december as well as like i started my vlogging then as well and i started off basically the way i am now being very fair and just trying to explain things and then you do sometimes get too emotionally involved which was my fault i don't anymore now like i don't give two shits but from for me it came from the perspective of wanting people to do better and it's frustrating when people just throw away their health like that but at the end of the day it's not my life so why do i care the second i got a little bit mean a little bit harsh it does get condoned people do like that and um yeah i mean dude the meaner you are the more views you will get i promise you that's how it works it's sad but the meaner you are in these videos and the more like especially if your thumbnail is good and you it makes you like you look disgusted and like you will get more views the meaner you are the more views you will get it's it's it's how it works it's it didn't make me feel good so this is why i partially stopped it because i recognize that it's just not appropriate for somebody who is an online coach who deals with various people it's not gonna reach them it there's there's just no point to it right but people do people do respond well to it the audience does like it when you're being horrible for the most part and that's really sad to be honest rising topic and as a youtuber as a content creator if you talk about it there will always be a side of people that wish you talked about it in a different way that's just that's just the facts so today we're going to be taking a look at the evolution of amberlynn's channel and her corresponding weight gain my thoughts on her problematic mukbang content and some other i might have to do this in the three parts because we're almost half an hour in i'm literally three minutes into this video so hey man you are the one that decided to watch my reaction of this 45 minute long video okay don't come at me all right you didn't have to watch my hour and a half long video bro all right that was your choice okay you could have just watched abby's video and then been done with it but here we are you know now we're four reactions deep and we're having a good time so it's fine oh this is going to be a big series guys i might have to break it up into several parts so be ready for that reasons why dieting might be failing amberlynn's weight loss goals we will also once again be joined by eating disorder dietitian alessandra magisano i did watch this video from um from abby and the way alessandra speaks i found that really annoying oh i struggled listening to it but if you even when we get to it we'll get to it to gain a little bit more insight into some of these hot topics i think that's cool but of course before we get started a few quick disclaimers number one the information in this video is for entertainment and educational purposes only so you should always speak to a healthcare provider about your unique healthcare needs two this video is not intended to diagnose or pathologize amber lynn the problem is that she does go in on she does go on in this video to basically talk about amber having binge eating disorder which from what i understand has never been officially diagnosed i'm sure she probably does you know you don't really get to be well maybe i mean i don't know like amber herself has said many times that she has been getting disorder like she's so i feel like i don't know for her being like hey you know she said she has a big eating disorder so this is what you would do if you have that i don't know i feel like there's nothing wrong with that you do get to be 600 pounds by just overeating but i'm sure binging is part of it um you don't have to you don't have to be a medical professional to die to diagnose somebody like amber when you get over a certain size you have problems with eating there's some there's some internal problems there that make you go to food i don't think many people get that big by choice because they just love food and they love to eat and they love to be some people may but that for the most part it's physically uncomfortable it's mentally uncomfortable because you're you are poisoning your body you are slowly killing yourself that's a horrible thing to say but that is the reality it's called morbid obesity i can't imagine many people do that by choice because you know it's funsies trigger i mean it's not she's not wrong there like like especially like when when we're talking about like being at a point where you know your your mobility is is suffering your your quality of life is severely has been severely um you know hampered because of your size like no one wants that no one's like i love this there are some people i'm sure but like most people are like this i i would really like to not be here right so there's there's some serious stuff going on so that's why i don't like when people like just lose weight just lose weight it's fine it's easy it's like it's not that simple dude like obviously it's more than that rewarding that some graphics and discussions may be disturbing to some my viewers particularly those who may have battled or are battling disordered eating i just cut out some of the warnings the trigger warnings that abby puts in there so i just want to say like i i think trigger warnings are good and i think that they are necessary and i'm glad that they exist but for me i think it's funny and i put them in too but it's funny to me that a video like this we feel like we need to put a trigger warning when it's like you saw the thumbnail in the title so if you're going to be triggered why would you click on it like i just so ah yeah i also find trigger warnings look i get it if you talk about certain subjects if you're gonna talk about maybe assaults etc i totally get that yeah and like self-harm and like yeah you know like sexual assaults and stuff like that um i think even like you know even if it's like a serious like seriously intense talk about like binge eating or something like that like some sort of um eating disorder like i think it's fine to put in a little trigger warning it doesn't have to be like over the top but like just let people know for the people that really can handle it they can leave like i personally i am more annoyed with the people that complain about trigger warnings than people that actually put trigger warnings in like i don't know that's my opinion though but like he says at the end of the day ambulance in the thumbnail people know who ambulance for the most part you're talking about diet tips triggers i mean i don't know i'm probably from a different school i'm i think her majority of her audience is probably teenage girls and younger females i'm sure there's some men in there as well but for the most part i think it is um probably more like millennial millennial females that cover that come from a background of restrictive eating disorders you know i get why she has to do it but at the same time it is you don't have to watch the video do you if something triggers you it's one thing if it's somebody pops up but like he says it isn't the thumbnail but then i'm not somebody that gets easily triggered by things so sometimes it's hard for me to put myself into other people's shoes but i do try okay so for those of you who are unfamiliar with amberlynn reed she initially the three of you guys she started her youtube channel back in 2013. i think i'm funny all right that was a good joke to document her weight loss that's technology of course it's hot in lost journey at the time she was around 368 pounds however since starting her channel she continued to steadily gain up to about 200 pounds and reached her highest weight in january 2020 at 572 pounds now imagine being 572 i often i keep putting this into your perspective and in fact let me go to instagram here i'm quite strong i'm not insanely strong there's over 250 kilos now let's go i couldn't lift 250 kilos no way could i deadlift that i think there's a few females that can but let me find uh you're just not you're not just not going to talk about that misty like painting right there it's not gonna nothing all right well i guess we'll just move on let me show you this girl that can't so i'm gonna show you a video by a little girl called keira jason i follow she is phenomenal like the strength in this girl the strength she is dead lifting here 260 kilos now look at how many look at the bend look how that bar bends that is insane yeah dude that's freaking wild bro my my heaviest deadlift ever is 455. man that's not kilos that's pounds okay literally insane now my best oh talking off instagram i'll show you my best hey man it's nice to know someone else gets as distracted as i do when i'm trying to react to a video good to know first of all so here is me doing a rack pull of 200 kilos which is like half a deadlift that's like the strongest lift i've ever done in my life talking of which if you don't follow me on instagram you should because from tomorrow i am gonna do from a second channel i'm gonna do a video which i'll film probably wednesday or thursday instagram decides what i'm going to eat so i'm going to be running polls and you're going to vote and then depending on how people vote that's basically what i'm going to eat so you get i should do one of those all right instagram chooses my meals for breakfast should i have oats or should i have oatmeal for lunch or for dinner should i have stir-fry or should i have mixed veggies rice and meat with a nice sauce on it you instagram decides my meals wow it's someone gonna eat for the day anyway let's get back to this my point is 600 pounds there's few people that can lift that kind of weight that's insanely heavy insanely heavy and i mean i i don't think she's gonna show the videos but i've i've talked about amberlynn and like she she really has like if you go back to her like i think she still has it up on her channel if you go back to her first video it's her explaining why she wants to make this channel like it really was at the beginning i'm making this channel because i want to document myself losing weight like that was the reason that she started and like there's video proof of that selling a variety of different popular weight loss diets during this time viewers have questioned amber's authenticity and commitment to her weight loss journey i think ambra is pretty honest she says when she messes up she says when she's binge eating she never sticks a diet more than a couple of days i don't think that's that's sadly kind of true if she will ever be successful unless she has some serious so unless she gets some serious mental help i just don't think she has that willpower and i don't know why i think man a lot of people talk about this but i think a big reason is because and like i'm not saying this to be mean a big reason is because like she has such a large following that like for her not losing weight like she is doing fine without it right like not maybe not physically but like financially like she has like for her losing like the the amount of things that need to like that she needs to do to lose weight is like that's a lot of stuff that she needs to do and for her her weight isn't making so she can't work it's not like there's so much that's still able to happen for her because of her weight because of this following that she has that like the her online presence is a huge hindrance i believe a hundred percent her online presence is a huge hindrance in making her want to lose weight and people like well she should get off youtube but it's like yeah maybe that that might be a good idea but like you really think that she's just going to get off youtube and like completely leave the way that she makes money like the thing that makes her the money like no dude like what no sane person would do that like and you might say well you should do it cause it's gonna save your life yeah i would agree with that but again like obviously that's not gonna happen like i don't know like i feel like this is a pretty obvious thing that people seem to miss like of course a huge reason why she isn't doing it is because of her platform like come on don't know what can be done um but i don't think the perfect diet doesn't exist for amber i think she needs to really undergo some very strenuous therapy and potentially be in an facility for in for um be an impatient facility because i just don't think she has the willpower to do it on her own i don't know unless it's all for views it's all for trolling and she's like [ __ ] it i'll just go out being like this possible but i don't know i don't think so as she continues to steadily gain weight despite repeated efforts to improve her diet and start fresh tomorrow now now okay i'm not sure if she's going to bring it up but i do think that it's important now i for my own like when i talk about amberlynn reed i don't really care about the other controversies that are circling her because when i'm talking about it i'm talking about weight loss i'm talking like that's what i care about yeah and that's like the perspective that's the approach that i'm taking as well with my reactions is that i know a lot of the lore that surrounds them and um you know i'm not afraid to laugh at amber when she's trolling because it's funny she's like she's trolling on purpose so it's funny if you see people getting wound up but at the same time like i don't necessarily want to get into the whole lore of things that have happened does that mean it's a free pass completely for amber absolutely not she's done some things that are not cool whatsoever but at the same time i'm trying i am trying to help people with their health and fitness journey so for me to see here and just be nitpicky or judgmental of other things she's doing it's about the amount of earrings she buys like what difference does it make am i sometimes picky yeah i am but i do try and minimize it as much as possible because it's just not constructed to the conversation that i'm trying to have right but there are also other things that have happened in the past many many many controversies that have absolutely nothing to do with um weight or anything like that it's more about being kind of a bad person okay and those are other things that people have made many many videos on and this is the reason i think like i think abby's going to turn it around into well she is she's going to turn it around oh people don't like amber because she's fat it's like no it's not because she's fat i mean i can't stop laughing about how stupid this video is oh man it just keeps like popping into my head like why am i doing this oh man i'm sure that doesn't help it definitely draws the initial attention the morbid curiosity is because of her obesity but a large part a large part is it because of the things she says and does that's why a lot of people don't like her there is she does great controversies and she does love it because that's what makes her views unfortunately and you can say what you want but when it comes to youtube and when it comes to making money amber knows what she does if things go bad guaranteed something will happen clickbait title will come up up go the views up comes the hate it's the hate warranted sometimes yes sometimes no i don't think hate is ever warranted criticisms are it's a fine line sometimes i mean i agree with all this like she amberlyn is i'm not trying to say she's a victim or she's like perfect like god please don't think that's what i'm saying she knows what she's doing right like when she like clickbaits her her health and like there's a health scare and there's actually nothing what happened like that stuff is like i would never do that dude cause karma like i'm good dog i'm good i'm good i'm not gonna do that i'm good but like she's fine with doing it and like she gets views when she does that stuff like she knows what she's doing just like i know what i'm doing well technically today i don't know what i'm doing because this is absolutely ridiculous but yeah but amber knows what she does do not worry she makes plenty of money and she knows how youtube works i'm not sure if abby is going to go into it but i do know that that is why there is also this other group of people that might not be the biggest fan of her because of the um those different controversies as well i'm not sure if abby's gonna be talking about those because again you know she's taking this from a dietician's approach so i would i would be surprised if she did bring it up but maybe she does i don't think she will i'm pretty sure she doesn't um and i kind of understand i understand why as well because like abby is trying to have a conversation about dieting and health so to really she should i think she should maybe if she's gonna just talk about that she should just look at the foods itself and not necessarily at amber's presence online because there is a lot to it it's a lot it's a very gray area it's not that black and white it's like oh fat dislike it's not like that so if you're going to even bring up yeah it's all that's interesting isn't it like if she's going to bring up the online presence and why there is so much hate then maybe you almost do have to touch about around some of the lord that surrounds amber i i don't disagree with what she's saying like do i think that abby needed to bring up every single little thing god no because that video was already long would have been longer you know but i do think it would have been helpful for her at least i mean the video's doing well it seems like it's being perceived well so it's not like it's that big of a deal but i think that it would have maybe been a little bit like a little bit more better a little bit better if she would have just at least said there's other stuff that's going on as well but i'm not going to get into it right to at least acknowledge like i know this these things exist but it's not any of my business i'm not going to talk about that's usually what i do and people seem to be fine with that but then at the same time it that's if you're talking about dieting and health like what difference does it make but then the argument i know the argument is going to be the reason why amber is big is because people hate her online so she's eating more which i'm sure some of it does the impact that but at the same time interesting interesting i can see this one from both sides i don't know if you've noticed but i do try and see things from all different perspectives and sometimes i don't know the answer but if you guys are willing to let me know or give someone like valid opinions or criticisms and i am more than happy to listen and read i still need to read the um the studies that uh one of my subscribers left in regards to insulin and obesity and all of that so because i was saying i think sometimes i come across as somebody um that's very anti-carb i'm not necessarily anti-carb i just think i love carbs so much you guys carbs are good people over consume carbohydrates and i think there's a time and a place for them i think if you're very sedentary there's just no need for a lot of carbohydrates but then i know as well in studies that it's weight loss is calories in calories out so high carb low carb doesn't really matter over a prolonged period of time they have the same results it's just that you know from working with people i find that applying carbohydrates around energy expenditure is more useful but you know i'm sure there probably is also subconscious bias there because i personally do like low carb diets i like eating high fat so i don't i'm not even i'm not even disagreeing with her i i love carbs but i understand what she's saying right like introducing carbs around activity because that's what your body uses first is going to be the carbs and uh fat and uh protein are more satiating than carbs are i understand it's not like she's wrong but i just like bread you know maybe there are some some subconscious buyers there but you know i never said that my approach works for everybody i thought most of my clients are not low carb only some are when we're trying to do a cut or if there are certain medical concerns and again like i can't help everybody with all medical problems either sometimes i do have to decline people because i know my remit of expertise and sometimes i do have to refer people to people more qualified than me but that's a different story in addition to her weight loss journey amberlynn is also known for her mukbang videos which have really generated a lot of negative feedback critics of amberlynn are quick to point out some of the contradictions of someone in a larger body seeking weight loss who is simultaneously participating in a trend that encourages eating large volumes of food in one sitting so this begs the question are mukbangs okay acceptable and fun to watch when the youtuber is generally thin healthy or fit i think it is more acceptable but i personally don't agree with it either granted i have done some eating challenges which is more for informational purposes only but i would never do like a 10 000 calorie challenge because i just don't agree with stuff like that it's even when i do things like eating like foodie beauty which if you haven't seen that video go and check it out i did it because of the fact that i'm taking um measurements like blood pressure and blood blood glucose levels um i do this claim to say that this is not how people should eat i don't agree with it i think this is a little interesting um because i mean my whole thing i don't i don't like any of that stuff i don't watch food challenges i don't watch mukbangs it's not i just don't enjoy it right but there are there are people that like what like watching that stuff right and that's fine right like i don't think that uh food challenges should be demonetized or shouldn't be demonetized but mukbang should i think they should all be allowed right i don't agree with them i don't watch them but it's so weird to me that someone could have such a little disconnect of like oh i do food challenges i don't do mukbangs like come on man like you're eating a lot of food on camera like it's the same thing dude it's the same thing you're maybe you're doing it for science you're doing it to explain something but i guarantee most people that do some sort of food challenge or some sort of mukbang have a reason that they're doing it most of them aren't just doing it because oh i just want to eat a lot of food on camera and be a fat person and be gross and disgusting and make people hate me like most people are like no i do it because of this or that or that like everyone's gonna have their reason right i'm testing it on my own body which is probably dumb but i know my body well enough to know how i can prepare for it how i can manage it afterwards this is a slippery slope because now you're going down the road of like who's allowed to do these types of things like i'm allowed to do it because i understand my body more and this person isn't allowed to do it because obviously they don't understand their body more like i just i'm sorry i don't agree like i just i don't like i think like they should be allowed i don't i don't like them but like to say like i should be able to do it because i understand my body versus this person shouldn't be because they obviously don't like i'm sorry man it doesn't it's that's not fair i have a i have a i'm pretty in tune with how my body functions and i would not do challenges like that on a regular basis especially fast food challenges however i am thinking about maybe next week filming a 3d video eating like freely for a day bro are you she did not oh my gosh this is so funny hey no hey this this girl this woman has been great and i think she she makes some really good points but come on man like she said these are stupid but also i might do one [Laughter] hey do you queen do your thing and just eating fruits and taking my blood glucose levels for that i think that's going to be fascinating if you want to see that leave a banana leave a banana in the comments already there'll be another emoji later but leave a banana for now that's gonna be absolutely awesome dude and are they otherwise disturbing and problematic when the milk bangers nutritional health is already in question i think it is because it is kind of like watching somebody who is for example uh an alcoholic or a drug addict if you were to see like the model type partying and she's like in a club in her noise clothes and she's doing some you know some of that would you judge it she's picking her nose she shouldn't be picking her nose in the club that's not sanitary if it's only on the weekends probably not if you were to see somebody that is homeless that is dirty that has unkempt if you see them on the street like shooting up would you have a problem with the den you probably would i think and that's well i mean i i that's that's a problem like i think that that's that's the problem is like some people are allowed to do things while other people aren't allowed to do things dude that's not cool like everyone we're all humans we are allowed to do the same types of things like we have our own perceptions on people but like to say that like this it almost makes it feel like because this homeless person doesn't have the same liberties as this person who's in the club that's a sexy girl that's doing you know doing that right like oh i don't i don't know about that one i i i very very much so disagree with that that whole framing like i i don't like that at all they're both probably wrong but it's like you are gonna if somebody is very deep in their addictions it's a lot harder to watch i don't know it is interesting isn't how we are okay with certain people in acts behaving in certain manners compared to others just partially because of their appearance and their social status etc it's just so close like she's so close to understanding what i'm saying like she said it's interesting so then the next step is like maybe that's not cool to do then right like the neck you just take the next step like it's interesting that i have this thought that it's okay if this person does this thing but not okay of this person and then you take the next step and like you know what i don't think that's cool and maybe i shouldn't feel that way right so maybe i don't know hope she'll see this and maybe she'll make that next step hopefully i don't know i don't know if that's right or wrong hmm giving me a lot to think about dude and oh i'm this is like oh my gosh i'm so glad that she brought this up because this is the question and i don't have the answer okay like i don't either i can see why it's problematic but i also get that it shouldn't be because why is it okay for one person to do it and not for another it doesn't make sense because the reaction she's so close dude she's right there she might get there quality is anybody that's doing mukbangs or binges on for a camera i know most of them don't even properly eat it it's like camera tricks but if they do you're still [ __ ] up your health just because the fact that you happen to happen to not get um as fat from it or you know a lot of them do act a lot of them do have disturbing a lot of them do follow certain passages from one side like the elect electric he like cycles like 100 miles after a mukbang um or a challenge which like obviously is better that he tries to rectify but at the same time cycling 100 miles after you've eaten food like that's unhealthy but then he eats it off gallery so i get it but then at the same time dude eric freaking yeah it's crazy man air's my friend i love eric but dude i could never imagine like that dude's a machine like he is like unbelievably fit like you guys it's unreal how his engine not saying i agree with the whole eating a bunch of food thing like hey that's obviously not my thing but like he is unbelievably fit like it's it's like these are destructive behaving fatters there's i'm sure people that may be fast for like days on end just to try and rectify the calories so yeah and like i don't know i obviously eric's my friend so i'm gonna defend him a little bit whatever call me a hypocrite that's fine um but like eric himself if you talk to him or if you if you like if like people ask him like i want to do what you do uh blah blah he's always like don't do what i do don't do it don't do it it's not healthy like he he will be the first person to say that so he's not under no delusions that what he does is healthy um again it's what makes him money and he's very good at it again do i agree with it it's not something i would do but he is not some sitting here saying what i do is the pinnacle of health absolutely not you know that's destructive too but this is the question that fires me up because who knows like it's so frustrating when people like oh if you're overweight you can't do muck bangs i'm like nah dude that's not how that works like how could you just say like if you're thin you're allowed to do this thing but if you're overweight you're not allowed to do it right i totally agree with him and i think my stance has very much changed on this especially just talking to people and being on youtube and having to be a lot more open-minded and understanding and i see what i understand i understand why because i am i also think it is bad but i can also i just it's just not nice to look at seeing somebody literally like ruin their health over food and i think that's what it is but then at the same time if you're gonna make it bad for one person you should make it bad for another person too or if you're gonna make it okay for one person it should be okay for anybody right like that's how i feel at least it is it's such a tricky it's such a tricky subject like and this is why i don't think if the people keep saying like oh yeah chantal should be kicked off the platform she's indulging in her uh addictions and this is it i think it's highly unlikely to happen because if they do they have to kick everybody off that does muck banks and that's not going to happen because it's far too lucrative so do you really think youtube is suddenly just going to get rid of all of these content creators that make them millions and millions in adsense i think not i disagree with that and like people like well uh youtube should demonetize um you know hungry fat chick or amberlynn reid or all these big these bigger people that are doing these mukbangs but i'm like dude i can almost guarantee you that's never gonna happen literally just said that i love john i think we're kind of on the same wavelength different i think we have quite different approaches but you know great minds you know because youtube if they are going to deem their they would have to say themselves as a company you're not allowed to do mukbangs because you're too overweight and i just don't see that happening i don't see it happening now there's a difference when you are someone like amber lynn who is who has made her whole channel about wanting to lose weight and then you start putting out mukbangs where you are eating thousands and thousands of calories now of course the thing is amber doesn't do that though she has done some mukbangs that are high calorie but for the most part she just sits there and eats her dry ass chicken you know i'm sorry i made me laugh [Laughter] oh man okay so she does eat some unhealthy foods but she never does things like hungry fat chick or nico cardo avocado or one of the many other thousands of youtubers of course those people that are following you that were excited that are invested in you losing weight they're going to be disappointed in the fact that you are now eating thousands and thousands of calories and and you are monetizing those videos you are making money on those videos and you're basically it feels like and i know because i've had people explain it to me it feels like a slap in the face because you were invested in this person yeah that's the thing i think a lot of the resentment that amber does get is that people do want her to do well and when she then turns around and does things like mukbangs it is just like why are you doing this to yourself like why are you ruining your health for views and money it's hard to understand and it's sad because she's just such a young woman and she has such the thing i mean it's an interesting question but i mean the answer is very easy um because why not right like there are people i was one of them that will ruin their health and their you know their future for nothing like i didn't make money being the size that i was it wasn't lucrative for me in any capacity but like i didn't care i didn't care right like i just didn't care like so i think that that's the thing is like there's just a lot of people that just don't care and then if on top of it you are gaining weight and it makes like the more weight that you gain the more popular it seems like you become like shoot dude why would you not just go for that right like not saying it's right but like serious health implications already it's like why are you doing this there is a life beyond this but i like i say i think there's many reasons why she does what she just wanted his money two she doesn't know any better whenever i've seen pictures of her as a child she was enormous as a kid so how does she know what it's like to be a healthy bmi she doesn't how can you miss something you've never had you can't you don't know what it's like so you can't you can't relate to that and also i'm fairly sure that the aspect of weight loss is like it's her identity she is big l so who is she gonna be if she loses the fat just amberlynn did she just say she's big al what i'm just like imagining some old white guy with like a beer belly and a mustache with a baseball cap on like i'm big ow okay i'm sorry i'm sorry she loses who she is and on top of that there's gonna be a lot of loose skin and i know that john is very confident very hot i know that john is very happy with his skin and he's never gonna from what i'm saying he's not gonna operate away which is fine but i can imagine somebody like amber who is quite vain i can imagine that like that's off-putting to know that you're just gonna have to have so many operations to get rid of their skin and i think that is probably something that does scare a lot of people who are overweight to take action it's just it's not just a case of oh well you lose some weight are you gonna look good or as per society good like there is gonna you're probably gonna have internal damage to organs you're probably gonna have damage to joints your skeleton is probably gonna be deformed forever because of all the pressure of the weight you're gonna have loose skin there's a lot of long lasting potential lifetime lasting and uh side effects that you you may never be able to get rid of so it's not that easy i don't think but then i can't relate because i've never been that big now should you feel like it's a slap in the face i don't know like people get invested in people they watch online it just is a thing right so this is a really really interesting conversation that i think um is still being explored but i am very curious to see what she says we're going to be diving deeper into these questions later on yo she has gotten she is like three minutes into my video my original video holy smokes dude she's gonna have to make 20 videos on this i promise i'm not gonna react to any other ones like this is it i'm not gonna i won't subject you guys to that in the video so definitely be sure to stick around for that now with all of that said many of amberlynn's viewers have repeatedly expressed concern about her size it's not normal for a five foot two five for three five foot four female to be 600 pounds that is highly concerning and very detrimental to health and the implications that this may have on her health and well-being that may have that will be this is not this is one thing i don't like about fat acceptance and that's that or haste is that yes you deserve to be treated fairly but you cannot deny that there's not going to be medical problems that that will happen if they're not there now they will indefinitely happen i highly doubt that there is anybody who's like class 2 or class 3 obese or even class 1 obese that has been there for a prolonged period of time that has no there's no side effects i don't believe it it's called morbid obesity it comes with comorbidities this is undeniable science if you haven't got anything yet it will happen granted a lot of things can happen to healthy bmi healthy fit people too but your chances are significantly increased and that's also a fact that's not my opinion now i mean it it's hard because there are different classes of obesity and like i'm actually still considered obese if we look at bmi right that's why you know it's just it is what it is um but like to say like everyone that has is even in like stage one obesity or whatever is has had is is having like these like terrible health issues that is like going to kill them in five years like it's just not it's not realistic now again if we're talking about amberlynn reed and people that are that size then yes absolutely i agree like that's that is like when it starts impacting your health not just in like oh your blood tests but like how can you stand up like can you tie your own shoe can you get up and sit down like all of those things and yeah absolutely being that size is is very detrimental and even like the size that i was like there are like she talked about it earlier there are effects right i have loose skin from being that size like that is just what it is um and so there are you know there there is some truth to that but i don't think anyone like if you're 50 pounds overweight you might be considered morbidly or obese at least and that's not like you have some like serious issues that like if you don't address them right now they're gonna be like you know it's i don't know i can understand this concern as we do know that obesity specifically higher amounts of body fat may put one at a greater risk of a number of chronic diseases including cancer unfortunately amberlyn did now this is i think that man i really this might just be me but i i really do feel like abby sharp has like it's been really interesting seeing her uh i don't know metamorphosis or her transformation um from being someone that was it seemed like for a while was very almost pro uh health at every size and she was and she purposely left out studies where it is very clear that obesity is a problem she would always go on the urge of like oh well weight loss can be problematic weight loss can lead to eating disorders weight loss can cause this and this and this is like yeah but what's on the other side though what's up isn't well i mean i'm neither a good don't get me wrong but even now she's like it may do this it's like well this is not really opinion from what i understand it's fairly well researched that having excess amount of body fat it does cause increased chances of obesity that's not um an assumption that's fairly well established through research all this stuff to where it seems like she is now more in the middle with this stuff which is i i personally feel like is kind of where i am as well where it's like you know do we need to shame people and call them names or anything like that obviously not but the reality of someone being you know as large as amber lynn is or just being really really big like yo those really can lead to some uh negative health health complications right and the fact that she's saying this like this is probably something she wouldn't have said a few months ago definitely and i think this is why i also have not reacted to uh abby as much because she is changing her view and she is being more inclusive of the people that she reacts to this is partially why i also want to start doing more like model what i eat in a days and i have done other people that are on the extreme end of restricting you know but i will be honest like amber stuff gives me the view so i probably will keep doing that for the most part if in terms of what i eat in the days but i do try and balance it out and so i think that this is um this is r it's really interesting to to hear this recently share that she was diagnosed with stage one endometrial cancer which is a cancer in the lining of the uterus now i will say that there are a number of risk factors for endometrial cancers including age genetics and use of certain forms of contraceptives but research does suggest that obese and overweight women with higher amounts of body fat are two to four times more likely to develop endometrial cancer it's because of the increased uh estrogen from being obese and extremely obese women are about seven times more likely one explanation all right guys so we are only 11 minutes into obesity's video and i have been filming for 45 minutes already i hey you did it to yourself i don't know it wasn't my fault i i didn't ask you to do this i'm gonna stop this here and let me know down below if you want me to keep doing this series um i don't know if and when i'll continue the reaction i'll probably do it maybe like once or twice a week i can work my way through this video but i don't want to do a video first of all i don't want to edit a video that's like four hours long and i don't want to do that to you so we'll just keep look we'll call this part two insert a little a monster like beast emoji like you know whatever whatever you think is a beast emoji inside that so i know you ain't watch the video until the end so you're on og and b that you want me to do a part two part three part four part five part ten twenty we'll we will see don't do twenty don't do it don't do it to yourself i don't want anyone to do that to themselves that's just that sounds horrible but um there's a lot to unpack here because of what he's saying and what she's saying and obviously my own experience is having done some reactions to ambulance reads so on that note i'm gonna go thank you very much for watching comment like subscribe if you dislike the video dislike it let me know why maybe i'll learn something maybe we'll agree to disagree that's fine as well i am going to go get my nails done because the salons are open again so new set is going to come on must be nice okay why are you just rubbing that in our faces so that's americans it's not very nice and um yeah edit this so make sure you're subscribed join the membership if you want to check out my second channel and that's it for me have a good week see you later bye oh man wow oh um again like i said i fully understand how ridiculous this is it's just it's absolutely ridiculous but we did it we made it through um i thought there were some great points made obviously there's some things i disagree with um if she ends up reacting to the whole video that's oh my gosh she's gonna have to stop talking as much or something because she's gonna be there forever uh but this was a lot of fun and uh i feel bad for her if she ends up deciding to continue this series
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 100,586
Rating: 4.8651686 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, weight loss, fat loss, abbey sharp, amberlynn reid, chikara transformations
Id: g9cq8ezCENQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 36sec (4776 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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