This Diamond Block is Ruining the SMP

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it was just another normal day on the hardcore SMP I was checking my shop to see how many diamonds I made [Music] when what is wrong with me usually I love diamonds but this diamond block is haunting me you see this block represents all of my failures four of them to be exact on most hardcore smps this would have been game over four times but this is Minecraft SOS where players can revive each other with fake coins at first it only cost one coin but then it went up to two than four and now pretty soon it'll cost six coins just to revive one player that means people are going to start dropping out of this SMP like flies and I refuse to be the first to go so I really need to stock up on fake coins if I want to stick around right now I only have two but there's currently a challenge on the server that will let me double that welcome to the mid game things are getting a little bit more difficult there's actually two challenges so you have the ability to earn two fake coins you will be assigned a buddy at random if your buddy dies at any point you lose you still have the chance for this a special task I kind of have a reputation for dying now so no one wanted me as their body oh for God sake listen I got them all out of my system early you're good all right no mug oh mug y pick there you are buddy keep you safe task two build a fully powered conduit oh I've never done that this is a good one I like this one something else you can't do in yeah yeah and so our two objectives for this episode were set I need to keep pixel Rifts safe and build myself a conduit pixel Rifts is a Minecraft Survival expert there's just no chance he's dying but in order to make the conduit there are three main challenges first I'll need to obtain prismarine from an ocean Monument for the frame then I'll have to get a treasure map from a sunken ship and follow it to find the part of the sea finally I'll need to get eight Nautilus shells Scott got the task of killing three Elder Guardians so I asked him if he wanted to go to the ocean Monument together Eloise overheard this and decided that she would need a babysit to make sure I didn't die whip was Scott's buddy so he decided to come babysit too we alled plans to go to the monument but before we could go Lizzie announced that she was having an auction welcome to my shop ever since I accidentally killed her when an amethyst Crystal grew into the drop shoot I made for her our friendship has been complicated did M swamp booby trap this geod m but when she introduced one of the items up for auction I saw my chance to mend things the next item we have a map to a new friend two withad one YouTube short about our friendship oh meta I like it so to Mo I also made a bit on another map map to a mystery shiny two stacks of scaffolding one with killing Kit full Enchanted helmet mending and Unbreaking and protection so to for the enchanted diamond helmet if you do not deliver upon your promises I will be forced to burn down your house I delivered Lizzy her helmet and then that night I made an epic YouTube short telling the Twisted tale of our fragile friendship I also brought her some feather falling boots so that she wouldn't die from any more Falls yeah did I mention she died again from another fall then I got a comment from Lizzy on my short she had finally forgiven me meaning I had pacified my most dangerous enemy on the server for now but although the auction had gone amazing for me not everyone was so lucky so you know how we were doing that auction and then everybody was was betting and it was fun let's start the bidding at one stack of Bones five stacks of bone blocks what nine stacks of bone blocks oh my gosh 15 stacks of bone blocks what of course I do yeah of course I do salt I don't have a bone Farm MOG I don't even have one bone block let alone F 15 stack of them come with me this right here is a very powerful bone meal farm this this one actually looks better than fp's the one that FIP uses is the same one that I use in my hardcore world but this one looks way more complicated okay well I will wait here patiently for it to fill up all right thank you very much no problem sir anytime see lat later man after I helped Owen I was ready to gear up for the trip to the ocean Monument with Scott when I got back to my base something was off what okay what is this danger please close door but come on I'm not a baby we don't need to we don't what what is this unstable unstable Bridge it's not unstable it's fine guard rails oh come on is this how people see me now [Laughter] oh hey I don't like threats like that I don't I don't like to be threatened should we take a walk what do you mean I'm not a child Eloise these are just standard safety precautions Mark so as you can see what well he's not there anymore where'd he go I know how much he means to you so it was a clear message to you about how to stay alive it was threatening you think I want my best friend's disembodied head over my door no I just think that's how you will learn best oh my I didn't even notice the door spam is so bad what do you mean it's bad you should read the signs there's no signs over there no there might be a sign up here I got to check just no what you doing I better take off my feather falling boots I don't want to slip no you don't need to do that M get back up get back get back you brought them to my house I thought you were trying to keep me safe I don't have a bed right now I see what you mean it is dangerous out here it's okay mug I'll get this guy don't you worry about it you're burning up it feels safer now other than all the Phantoms that you brought very stressed stressed right now you're high strong dude you need you need a day off I do need a day off you're right why don't you take a day off and I'll just play and maybe I'll do a couple ancient city raids fight the Wither what does this say danger thin walk I just need you I want you to be careful I think we're going to meet up soon so you better get ready I'll go back to my base and prep I'll see you soon we got to walk as a group everybody on horses cuz that will keep you safe I don't have a horse dude yeah I don't got Wing we see you there bye no Scott Scott no Scott don't you let me love you and keep you safe get back here oh wait wait a sunken ship can I get my heart of the sea here no no you get it B Berry treasure so you get the berry treasure map from the Shipwreck yeah okay okay I need a map then that was such a realistic drowning sound get in we near that yet God that's so scary why is it a jump scare o prismarine sh where MOG MOG come back come back please you're getting lasered ooh prismarine no MOG oh my God I need the prismarine okay yeah I know you need the prismarine but it's not safe out there for you MOG no there's a bobber in my face I can't see you hooked it right into my eye all right M give me the flint and steel I'll break a I'll break a hole for yall okay yay yay we have a in go go go oh this place is amazing they're teaming up on me m Dodge and weave MOG I I don't know how to weave I only know how to knit we can leave those two losers behind what we don't have a huge amount of water breathing left ow oh ow oh my gosh I got three heads yes we're done yes guys how do we get out have you thought about the door I I don't I can't find it and I don't have any water to breathing left oh God I thought you were supposed to be protecting me Eloise come this way I can't I can't I can't cuz there's there Guardians and I need to stay still oh but you're going to drown yeah where are you I know this way this way and then you take a right ah thank you you're free you're fine you got a door right so you're good you just you live in the you live in the temple now to mine a bunch of prismarine I never get this stuff it's so beautiful oh sponge wow I never get sponge wow all right I think I got everything I need I just need a buried treasure oh I I see a shipwreck I'm going for it I found a berry treasure map guys let's go y all right you keep him safe uh should we follow it yeah might as well you look at the map and you you tell me when we're getting close yes sir I would face a little bit more south east a bit more we're on the map now we're getting some color on the map which means we just need to keep going south color on the map it's putting some color on my cheeks I'm getting so excited for this treasure I'm so excited right here somewhere around here off he goes oh I found it I got one it's your heart of the sea wow okay so now I just need six more Nautilus shells I can lend you this it's got luck of the C3 so you're more likely to get a nautilus shell fishing is the boring way oh but they need to be holding the nautilus shell yes they need to be holding it if are any with Trident we are getting out of here stack we tried fishing for a while hoping some drowned would maybe spawn in the meantime but we were having absolutely no luck and it was getting pretty boring so I decided to help Eloise with her task instead it was the nice thing to do because she had been helping me out but also pixel Rifts had agreed to help her too and I need to make sure he doesn't die her task is to defeat a level three raid which means she first needs to kill three Banner guys to get baten level three so MOG we're going to do a fun activity now called sit in this hole until pillages appear okay 3 2 1 Click oh my God that's crazy that is weapons grade we were obviously super distracted so we decided to try and find a Pillager Outpost instead of aimlessly waiting around for Pillager patrols but before going I wanted to be extra prepared so I went down to sages store to purchase a netherite upgrade now I've got two now I've got three as I was upgrading my armor a Pillager p finally spawned and Eloise got her first level of bat Omen before heading to the Pillager Outpost I went to stash some stuff at the shop and there were a bunch of diamonds there waiting for me just went through and checked all my boxes and I got a whole bunch more diamonds but look what I found dear MOG swamp thank you for all the help you've given me over the SMP I feel bad about using your farm so please take this as a small thank you Owen no shot I cannot believe this plus look at how many diamonds we've made on our shop so far I think this shop is working out after all guys you got one yeah Banner guy come here come here come here all right is that two no wait no no no you you hit him what 20 minutes later you got it yeah he's over here nice right so we're creating an army okay I see what you mean by an army here they come here they come oh smack him up yeah vindicate this all right wave number three oh we got a ravager on this one we got a ravager ravager barely know her don't get blown up by that MOG trying over here over here ah Iron Golems please move out the way MOG so many of them this time oh that's quite a lot retreating to the tower up you go up we go this is an epic battle Carnage Victory we did it no way that was that was much easier than I thought it was going to be no it wasn't bad at all thanks to your iron golem Army Strong work everyone even the village nitwit survived now that I knew pix was safe and sound I had to focus on getting the shells you need to get Nautilus shells because you have very little time to do that actually I have to do that like right now go down to the river by my house there's always um come with me every time I have gone to get clay down here there is somehow always Dr kill him kill kill kill yes I got one nice see look I don't know what it is about this spot but there's always so many no you're right this is this is mint thank you so I started grinding for hours I didn't realize this would be the hardest part of getting a conduit try wow I got my first Trident this is amazing I slayed so many more drown but none were spawning with shells and I was running out of time to finish my task I tried fishing for a while but that seemed even slower but I had a secret third method of getting Nautilus shells since drowned and fishing were too slow I was forced to trade if this happens to me in superf flat I have to wait for Wy T to sell it but here on the server I have human friends Lizzy kindly sold me a few shells she had gotten while fishing and on the way back I ran into sausage here take four n shells oh four oh my gosh I don't even need this many this is so amazing thank you dude these are the last of my diamonds I love our neighbor ship it's the best the best ship thank you for the N you genuinely saved me hours of work so you're welcome you're welcome we'll grind together for something else later birds of a feather grind together that's what they say with the shells secured I finally had everything I needed to make the conduit everything except one crucial element I needed a place to put it so I devised a classic two birds one stone solution in order to blend my iron golem Farm in with the rest of the base I decided to create a pond not only will it be spawn proof for the Iron Golems but it'll provide the perfect home for our new conduit before making the conduit I had to make sure to return Eloise's fishing rod so I left a nice note and I was on my way but I realized she probably deserves something better than just a note for somehow keeping me alive for an entire episode there we go that's better I built the frame of the conduit into the base of the Iron Golem farm and then I started filling in the pond with water pretty soon the pond was looking nice and pondy and it was time to complete the challenge once and for all yes we did it this is so cool oh why why does it have like a [Music] heartbeat with pix alive and the conduit bill it was time to collect my hard-earned coins from the face hello there book please one book completed a raid yes okay there you go one coin for you yes I and look he is alive look at him he is alive my buddy was PX and I believe he stayed alive as well yeah yeah yeah yeah you got lucky on that one good for you good for you thank you and here is my task I had to make a conduit how do I prove it to you it's just over at my base it's over there lovely well there you go one coin for you sir and a completed book May the fates be ever in your favor who what what wow that was magical thanks for being my buddy and for not dying hey what's up how are you doing hey man what are you guys doing here what do you mean we just got a fake coin what do you want about oh that's cool nice you finished your challenges great but you were the one who gave us the coins there's a foster there's a foster on the on the server you have a foster that's a little sus this is the most fake coins I've ever had I was feeling like a king and that's one it hit me we still have two treasure maps from the auction I couldn't wait to see what the skull Slayer had in store for me all right I'm going to try to find this one first ooh there's I'm on the corner of it okay so I need to go Southwest what could this Poss be this is it this it's beautiful amethyst wait the Clusters those are hard to get wait this is actually pretty valuable and I bet she got the Amethyst from the geode where I killed her this is like full circle okay map number two says a new friend oh I'm so close now is it this chicken are you my new friend oh it's another flower okay okay so the flower is just the marker I get it now an axel I don't have one of these it's name is goose we have to put goose in this pond it's just too perfect oh I hope he's happy in here and I can swim with him forever and I'll never drown thanks to my conduit for once everything really did turn out perfect didn't it do you want your day to be perfect too well then you can get schematics for all the builds from this series on my patreon as well as all my world downloads exclusive content and even in-depth advice for your YouTube channel check out the link in the comments it's one of the most direct ways that you can support the creation of these videos thanks for watching
Channel: Mogswamp
Views: 243,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O48JTdcV-YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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