100 Days in the Desert

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I'm stranded in the desert it never rains there's no trees to be found and the only animals around are these dumb rabbits but this is no normal desert this is one of Minecraft secret superf flat challenges I'm on a quest to beat them all in hardcore mode and this will be the hardest one yet let's do this after taking a quick look around I sprinted towards the nearest Village grabbing some sticks from the dead bushes along the way there were hay bals that I could craft into bread but in order to do so I needed a crafting table okay let's see what's in this Tower thing over here actually this was my second attempt on my first try I got about 10 days in before dying so I was actually feeling extra confident in my early game plan so confident in fact that I was just jumping off Towers willy-nilly I found the crafting table I needed in a small Hut and then I cheesed an iron golem so I'd be able to craft a bucket excuse me sir do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and savior I grabbed some water from the village well and carried it to the closest lava pool I could see this should make it super easy to build a portal but first I wanted to breed the nearby cows since they're actually kind of rare cows sheep pigs and camels don't spawn anywhere except for within the Village Animal pens so I have to make sure to keep these guys extra safe I slay another Iron Golem to make an iron pick and then I grabbed some Cobble from the lava pool to use for crafting more tools I managed to get some of the portal built but before I could finish the monsters of the night forced me to take cover after being chased around for a while I managed to get to my crafting table and craft an iron sword and for the rest of the night I took shelter and a house and crafted some more tools with the Cobblestone I got technically that was only day Zero the warm-up day if you will we've still got 100 more days to go and I have no idea how I'm going to get wood yet let alone kill the dragon and we're not stopping there either to fully complete this challenge not only do I have to beat the game but I'll also have to defeat the Wither and make an Epic Base only then can I call this preset truly conquered with all of these upcoming challenges looming in my mind I quickly finished building the nether portal but I realized I had no way to light it luckily I did something sneaky that should help I actually started this world in version 1.17 this was the Minecraft update before the world height was lowered meaning the generation was slightly different if you have one of these older superf flat worlds when you upgrade past 1.18 you'll get loads of different structures you wouldn't otherwise get including the the Pillager Outpost and ruin portal I can get wood at the Pillager Outpost and then use lava to light it on fire and ignite the portal or if I'm extra lucky I could even find a flint and steel in a ruined portal chest so I set up a quick home base around the portal and geared up to go search for some structures but just in case I got unlucky I put a little dead Bush between the lava and the portal I don't know if it's possible for these to light on fire and ignite a portal but you know what we're trying it okay I see a desert temple I'm going to go see what we can find don't blow up don't blow up don't blow up don't blow up oh new smithing Temple I should use that yeah spoiler alert I forgot to use that I kept venturing forth but the sun went down before I could find any new structures but finally after running for half the night I spotted a ruined portal in the distance let's go the chest was stocked with not one but two different ways to light the portal it looked like I'd be in the nether in no time which would finally give me access to all that sweet sweet Hy the the wood anyhow I went back and L the portal and found myself in a crimson forest biome I quickly grabbed some Crimson wood and then retreated back to the Overworld before any hogl could ruin my run then I crafted a shield and helmet with some of the iron I got from the desert temple so I'd at least be a little bit more prepared in case of porine Ambush since there were tons of mobs out I decided to just spend the rest of the night digging a hole to collect some blocks when the sun came out I crawled out of my hole just like I do in real life and I went to the cow pen to go grab the dirt as far as I can tell this stuff can really only be found in these Village pens so it's actually pretty valuable okay editor MOG here it turns out way at the bottom of the world there are a few layers of stone where stuff like dirt gravel and even different ores can spawn but I didn't realize that until after I finished the 100 days so consider this like the extra hard version of this challenge anyways I used the dirt to start constructing a villager breeder but I quickly ran out so I ran to a nearby Village to grab some more I spent the rest of the day working on building the farm and by the next morning it was basically done I just need carrots why is it always carrots so the next day I headed east in search of carrots and my journey brought me to another desert temple where I found two diamonds I found a camel in the next Village I passed through and in the distance I spotted a Pillager Outpost so I saddled up the camel and and took off for the Outpost I think I'm going to call him Camelot the most creative camel name in history on the way I stopped at another Temple where I got another gapple and more smithing templates but then it was time to hop off Camelot and race Into the Danger Zone since there are no caves Pillager Outpost spawn pillagers like crazy on superlow worlds especially in the daytime so I had to make a Mad Dash to the top the risk was worth it though because I got the carrots I needed plus a goat horn and some new smithing templates that I definitely didn't put in a chest and forget about for the rest of the 100 days after toting my new horn and grabbing some more dark oak it was time to attempt the risky descent oh oh oh God there's so many there's so many go go go go go go go go but I managed to escape relatively unscathed and Camelot and I began heading back to the base I noticed that the village where I found him had a pig pen so I marked down the cords so I could return for them and then I made my way home to clear out my inventory i pled all the carrots and the Villager breeder and then bone meal them to try and fill up the farm but I still didn't have enough so I crafted some iron armor and fought skeletons for their bones and I was able to finish filling in the carrots by the morning it was becoming apparent that killing random Iron Golems would not cover my iron needs so on day four I decided to start working on an iron farm the first step was to collect some building blocks so I dug out a bunch more Sandstone from that random hole I made I also moved another villager into the breeder so that hopefully by the time I needed villagers for the iron farm they'd be ready to go for the rest of the day I collected some wood from the Nether and then I made a quick Cobble farm so I could keep replacing my tools for the next 2 days I worked on building up the iron farm until all that was left was getting the villagers and zombies into place and luckily the Villager breeder was actually working but moving mobs around at night was proving too hazardous so instead I spent the rest of the evening lighting up the area to make it a bit easier the next day I was able to start moving the villagers into place and by the end of the day I had three villagers on each side all that was left was to get the zombies in place but that would have to wait until night time so while I waited for the sun to go down I decided to start building a mob farm the cool thing about building in the desert is that you can kind of just carve things out of the ground by using torches to get rid of the sand I was able to go way faster I feel so fivehead right now but before I could finish off the farm night time had fallen and the zombies began spawning I realized I was super unprepared for this cuz I had no mine carts or rails at all so I quickly killed some iron golems and then caught my first zombie in a boat I wanted to give my zombies helmets so they wouldn't burn in the daylight but I didn't have enough leather and I almost died trying to get some so I gave up on the helmet idea and just decided to put a little roof over the zombies instead I didn't have enough time to move the zombies before the sun came up so I decided to just go back to working on the mob farm I took a quick trip to the nether to grab some wood for trap doors and then I was able to finish digging out the farm and get the water streams in place by night fall with the sun down it was time to return to the zombies once more I needed one more mine cart so I headed to the next door Village to hunt for an iron golem while I was there I noticed there was a sheep pen but unfortunately there was only one sheep oh no his comrade has fallen you can't be bred so you're dead to me after that I found and slay an Iron Golem but a creeper blew up my iron before I could even pick it up what no I ah lucky for me another Iron Golem had spawned in my Village but even after taking his iron I still didn't have enough for both rails and a second mine cart so transporting the zombies would have to wait wait one more day since it was day 10 I made it my goal to get both the mob farm and iron farm working by the end of the day I spent the day putting a roof on the mob farm and finishing up the trap doors and by night time the only thing left to do was the drop shoot I started digging out the shoot but my pick was about to break so I decided to move back to the iron farm once that thing's ready I won't have to worry about my tools breaking again but sadly I couldn't find any more Golems around to get me the missing iron I needed to move the zombies so unfortunately I didn't get either Farm working by the end of day 10 but hey that's okay you know I was only even more determined to finish both them up I went back to digging out the drop shoot for the mob farm and somehow a little cat got down there oh my God I love this cat I'm going to name him plummet hi plummit plummet and I finished up the drop shoot and I was able to knock out the lights in the mob farm in theory it was working but I didn't really have time to stick around and make sure because I finally was able to kill one last Iron Golem and get the mine carts and rails I worked all night to get the zombies in place and although the Phantoms made sure to make it as horrible as possible I was still able to get it done by the morning yo Enderman verse Iron Golem get him get him get him oh after watching that intense early morning brawl I spent some time cleaning up the Iron Golem Farm a bit and adding Hoppers to the storage finally I was in the Iron Age I knew I kept this lava pool for a reason with those Farms finished I decided it was time to take on the nether fortunately the nether fortress was super close to my portal and it really didn't take long at all for me to find a blaze spawner these guys have ended a few of my hardcore runs so I just took my time and spent the whole day slowly but surely getting nine blaze rods by the time I made it back to the base it was day 13 I used one of the extra blaz rods to craft a brewing stand and then I decided to check on the mob farm oh it's working beautifully you'll love to see it I crafted some Hoppers to make a quick collection chest and then return to the nether to look for a warped Forest these biomes spawn lots of Endermen so it's a perfect place to get ender pearls fast I was super careful to boat the Enderman before attacking them just to ensure I Wouldn't Die I spent a bunch of time doing that and by day 14 I had collected a baker's dozen of pearls and I was ready to return to the Overworld to craft the Eyes of Ender when I got back I noticed that some of the Golems from my iron farm were actually spawning on one of the Villager houses so I had to demolish it before I could gear up for the dragon fight but with that done I started my preparations I crafted new tools and armor grabbed plenty of food and made sure that I had my gapples ready to go just in case with that I took a deep breath through the first Ender eye and set off I decided to leave kot behind and set my bed so I could quickly return to my base after the dragon fight on the way to the stronghold I looted a few desert temples where I found a Notch Apple some more books and smithing templates and some diamonds by the time I made it to the stronghold location the sun had come up on day okay I think it's right around here somewhere Bullseye okay I'm just making a portal real quick so it's easy to get back here are you kidding me dude there better be more water in here okay here we go all right let's see where this goes oh we've been here before this is perfect now that I had a super easy way to get back to the end there was no more procrastinating but before tackling the dragon fight I decided to unwind with a bit of my favorite anime for years now I've been on a journey an endless struggle to find the very best Minecraft server host along the way I've made hundreds of friends but I've also made countless enemies so now I can't hold back it's time to show my true potential it's time to bloom [Music] but seriously huge thanks to bloom for sponsoring the video I really do think they're the best Minecraft server host around hands down they've got Advanced features like server splitting with a userfriendly panel and great support so head on down to the link in the pin comment and use code mog2 at checkout for 25% off your first month okay no more stalling time to fight this Dragon Mama Mia here I go again you've all seen a dragon fight fight before so I'll just show you the highlights I had to do a water bucket clutch which I was pretty proud of not going to lie and I also had a crazy close call with an Enderman but I managed to boat him just in time otherwise it was a pretty standard fight and I was super relieved to have one of the hardest parts of this challenge behind me I wasted no time in heading for the outer end Islands because I want to get an elytra ASAP even if I'm not able to get sugar cane from wandy for Rockets I can still Glide around and prevent myself from dying from Fall damage I immediately spotted an n city in the distance so I tried pearling over but I [Music] missed okay that could have just ended my run but I'm not one for learning lessons so I gathered up some blocks bridged out a bit and try it again nice there we go that's what I'm talking about baby by the time I reached the nend city another day had passed I made sure to take things really slow since these shulkers can hurt if you're not careful but luckily the loot chests were full of enchanted diamond gears so as I made my way up the towers I was getting harder and harder to kill to my delight this city had an end ship and I was able to board the vessel by using a combination of shulker levitation and clutch MLG gamer skills alongside the elytra I found a crazy good diamond sword and yet another type of smithing template I made sure to stick around and get plenty of shulker shells before leaving the end I looted another nend city and then a third one with another end I got tons of diamonds full diamond gear another elytra and a super nice shovel all in all I was very happy with my haul by the end of the day I managed to get back to my base safely with all the loot and I spent the next morning organizing everything that night I decided to officially start working on an Epic Base which I did by digging a big hole I'm not really sure what this base will be at but I have this vision of like a big pyramid thing sunken into the ground with blue water and a lush Garden Oasis after digging through the night I made some temporary holes to keep my animals I got the cows into their hole but I still didn't have any pigs or sheep yet so it was time to go find some Camelot and I set out and I returned once more to that lonely sheep I tried to Larn him home with some wheat but it was painfully slow so I decided it would be better to just craft some leads I actually had some slime slime already cuz that random hole I dug in the ground happened to be in a slime chunk but I needed to wait for night time to get some strings so I decided to keep exploring turns out I didn't need spiders at all though because I found all the string I needed while looting another desert temple so I crafted the lead and managed to get the Sheep back home and then I chose a new direction to explore the next Village I found had another camel so I decided to bring it home in case I ever want to make some camel babies plus I'm sure Camelot will enjoy having some company I made it back to the base with Camella by day 20 but rather than keep looking for pigs and sheep I decided to take a little break to continue work on the base I started by making a big grand staircase in front of the Iron Golem Farm then I got a bunch of sandstone walls and started making a big Square using the Iron Golem farm and the mob farm to figure out where the center should go I continued digging sand through to the next day then while I was typing up my notes for the day a creeper nearly ended my entire run oh oh thank goodness I had all that diamond armor I took a quick break from digging to grab some terracotta from the village to use as a highlight block for the base and then then when night fell I headed down to the mob farm to convert it to an XP farm it seemed like I had miscounted somehow with the drop shoot though and it was way too deep I had a bunch of really close calls trying to fix it and by the time I was done fiddling with it to make sure the mobs would die in one hit another half day had gone by so I decided to start a brand new project that night which is kind of totally unnecessary but really fun to have a cactus farm I mean how can I not have a cactus farm on a desert world right even though I had to deal with Mobs harassing me the whole time I finished the basic structure for the first level of the farm by day 23 then I added in the sand and created an infinite water source just to make the water channels easier to create but since it was still daylight I wanted to do a bit of XP farming to try and repair my shovel as much as possible before mobs started spawning at night so plummet and I hung out for a bit while I did that man you really like me huh should I tame you nah I went back up to the surface to do a bit more digging for the base when I heard the voice of a familiar friend right away I was so happy to see Cherry saplings for sale finally I could have an easy source of wood he also had sea pickles and drip Lea so I bought some of each yes oh we finally have wood it's so beautiful so Majestic all right back to work I started working on the collection system underneath the cactus farm and started smelting some sand into glass to use for the water streams at the end of the day I decided to check how much iron we'd gotten so far hey not bad we'll have a beacon in no time or at least the base for it the next day I was kind of in the mood to mix things up so I decided to go on another hunt for pigs and sheep so I grabbed my leads and took Camelot to the coordinates of the pig pen we found all the way back on day three but rather than take them straight back to the base I pressed forward to try and see if there were any sheep in a nearby Village I could take back at the same time my plan worked out great because I soon located some sheep a few hundred blocks away and was able to lead one back to the pigs there was only one fatal flaw in my plan I only had two leads I had accounted for this when I left however by bringing a slime ball with me so all I needed was two more string and I'd be golden I mind terra cotta while I waited for nighttime but it was just taking so long and I'm I'm not proud of this but I figured F out how to get the string I needed early you didn't see anything okay in fact anyone who comments about this just Gaslight them what black cat there's no black cat in the video what are you talking about my Three Amigos and I made our way back to the base and I was finally able to fill the empty animal pens I bred the animals and then went back to working on the cactus collection system with the glass we smelted for the remainder of the evening in the morning I put the Hoppers and chests into place and then I fed my animals once more then it was time for another nether wood chopping Mission this time it wasn't out of necessity but for aesthetic Reasons I'm going to need a bunch of fences for the cactus farm and I think the warpwood will probably look the best with Sandstone okay this should do it now we just need the fences and the cactus with the farm so close to being functional I decided to dedicate Day 26 to getting it up and running I placed in the fences and then the cactus and with that the first level was finished with the pattern memorized I was moving much quicker and the second layer was pretty much finished by son it only took a few more minutes to complete it but I decided to hold off on doing more layers for just a bit instead I began working on one of the last major Farms we needed to get done before before I could focus on Base building an automatic crop farm this would hopefully give me a pretty easy source of emeralds but first I would need enough dirt to actually make it so I tried going to the nether to search for gravel but I couldn't really find much I wanted to duplicate my dirt by crafting it into corer and then converting it back to Farmland but when it became clear that gravel wouldn't be so easy to find I just headed to some nearby villages to steal the dirt from the Farms instead I spent the next day continuing work on the farm but I still needed more dirt so I took one last soil search and after that I was able to get all the Farmland filled in I put carrots on one side and potatoes on the other so we could Farm both and everything was basically ready to go for the villagers time to Wrangle me some testificates wrestling with the Villagers took basically all day but I got it done nonetheless all right I think we just need to wait for their inventories to fill up after finishing the farm I spent the rest of the day digging sand and I started clearing out the lava pool in my base so I could safely dig out the sand beneath it I finished clearing out the lava the following day and then I moved my nether portal down to the level I want the base to actually be at at this point I I was pretty sure I wanted to move my villager breeder as well so I made sure to leave enough room for that at the center of our base perimeter I was super careful when laying out the location of the breeder so that once I moved the villagers I wouldn't have to do it again with the foundation for the new breeder in place I was ready to start dismantling My Little Shelter and moving everything down so I took down the Walls trying not to tear up and then I moved all the dirt from the old breeder to the new one after the soil was tilled and the carrots were planted once again I reconstructed the little chamber that holds the baby villagers and I was pretty much ready to move the Villers to the new Farm all right ladies and gentlemen you know what time it is time to Wrangle me some testificates moving the villagers into place was an all day Affair I spent a bunch of time creating a pathway for them to travel along and then when night fell I placed some beds down to lure them towards the holding chamber oh my God these guys are so annoying the villagers were way too hard to move without the beds at night so I decided to spend the day on other stuff and come back to it once the sun was down I spent some time repairing my shovel again and then I worked on clearing out tons more sand at this point I had a big enough hold dug that I could sort of start mapping out the actual structure of my base I want to have a little moat around the pyramid structure so I started figure out the exact spacing for that once it was night I took some time to take extra precautions with my villager path then I added some trap doors to trick them into thinking they could walk to the bed it worked like a charm and they all marched their butts right into the holding chamber I can't tell you how happy I was to have that done with before the next day I decided to see if the crop Farm was working and it sort of looked like it was but very slowly we'll come back to that the next morning I put some cactus in the oven to smell and then worked on grabbing some of the villagers from our holding cell with mine carts I used that brewing stand we crafted forever ago to get a cleric and then I tried rolling for a farmer who would buy carrots and potatoes once I got one I did some manual farming over at the crop farm so I could trade for a few emeralds I also grabbed the dye out of the oven and turn my sheep green I've got big plans for these sheep you you'll see I wanted even more emeralds so I stopped by the mob farm to grab some bones to fertilize the crops and while I was there I grabbed some rotten flesh to sell to the cleric I was finally able to level up my villagers the next morning then I bought some lapis from the cleric and made some cyan Dy so I could turn some of the sheep cyan as well but then I realized they were never going to regrow their wool without grass so I had to plant some for them to munch on Camelot kept getting stuck inside the mob's pens and it was driving me nuts because they kept escaping when I tried to get him out okay there we go Camelot you stupid idiot once I finally got him out of the way I was able to finish dying my sheep now it was time to experiment with all the wool I collected so in the structural series with hobby we use cyan wool for the bottom of Gul lagon and I really liked how it looked I think I'm going to do that here as well what about if I try and use this for the grass does that look stupid huh I actually really like it yeah it's much brighter than the actual grass in this biome I was pretty happy with both uses of the wool so I decided to try and collect a little bit of wool every single day and slowly expand until all the grass and the moat were finished I spent some time decorating with the Terracotta I had collected from The Villages and I was really happy with how it looked as a highlight Block in my head this Bas is going to look amazing but right now it looks like a mess I spent the rest of the night digging more sand and lighting things up to protect my villag on Day 36 I made it my mission to move all the chests to a more permanent place but first I spent the morning getting rid of all the ugly scaffolding I had used to transport the villagers afterwards I chopped a bunch of Cherrywood to use for chests and barrels I decided to create a little sunken area in front of my nether portal that would hold a mini storage room moving all the items down to the new barrels took the rest of the day and some of the next but it was totally worth it having everything a bit more organized just felt so much better once I was happy with the storage for the time being I spent some more time carving out the bottom floor of my new base the the whole thing is sunken down a few blocks with some Sandstone stairs and I think it looks really cool and deserty the next morning when I went to breed my animals I realized I was all out of wheat so I went to grab some hay bales from a village and picked up all the Terracotta I could while doing so then that evening I went to the nether to spend some time mining warped wood I needed tons of the stuff to use for the border around the moat so I contined chopping till the next morning I guess one of my iron golems came through the portal cuz on the way back I witnessed him on a mission to clean up hell bro thinks he's going to single-handedly save the nether I left him do it and returned to the Overworld with about 5 and 1 half stacks of warped logs I placed as many as I could but finishing the job would require much more sand clearing so I switched gears once more and spent the rest of the day Excavating like one of those jungle survival YouTubers A40 was more the same I managed to finish placing all the Sandstone stairs to complete the lower level of the structure then after my usual morning break to feed the animals and sheer the Sheep I started working on a ceiling for the bottom level the more of the ceiling I put into place the Cozier it started to feel I was also figuring out how the outer walls of the structure should look and everything started coming together I love it when a build just kind of builds itself you know what I mean I then took a break from building to slaughter some of my cows using the leather they dropped I'd be able to craft the last few item frames I needed for the storage room and that's how I spent the following morning pretty soon all the barrels were labeled and looking nice with that I went back to digging and I started clearing out the back side of the base the day continued for most of the next day as well I placed the rest of the Warped wood border around the moat and then decided to do one more warpwood border to separate the grass from the Sandstone path at this point the biggest thing stopping me from making Fast progress on the base was my shovels durability so I decided I needed a better source of experience so I threw several stacks of sand in the oven to get a bunch of glass for a quick and dirty blaze farm while that cooked I did a bit more digging and by the next morning it was ready to go so I grabbed some materials and headed to the nether to start building right away I dug down when I got to the spawner so I could plan out the outline of the farm without dealing with the blazes once I had everything measured out it was just a matter of placing the glass on each side I got the entire bottom half of the farm finished but then I had to dig out the blocks above the farm which is when things got a little bit dangerous but my pick was quickly running out of durability so I took a breather in the Overworld to grab some of my other ones from our n City Raid trying to finish off the inside of the farm was crazy dangerous ah please no ow watch it bro why me I completely lost track of time while clearing the last remaining blocks and fending off the blazes but at some point it became day 45 and I placed a lava bucket in each corner of the farm to finish it off the last thing to do was carefully put in the trap doors in The Collection area and with that the blaze farm was fully operational I knocked out the remaining torches on the spawner to improve the spawn rates and then I spent some time repairing my shovel this was the first true speed test of the farm it only took about 5 minutes to repair half of the durability which wasn't lightning fast by any means but definitely a huge improvement from the snail pace of our mob farm for only taking like 3 days to build I'd say it's worth it I was excited to get home and use the newly repaired shovel to dig tons of sand so I did just that now that I could rely on my shovel instead of using torches to clear the sand my rate of clearing drastically increased by the end of the night I was able to clear out enough room to finish the inner ring of warp wood that frames our walkway I was just short on warpwood but I got done what I could and then I turned my attention to the second floor of our base at this point my plan was to move my animal pens to the second floor of the pyramid so they'd be nice and easy to access also the constant bleeding of sheep over my head would hopefully remind me to keep shearing them whenever possible after establishing the shape of the new pens I went and tended to my animals I wasn't really up for the task of moving them quite yet so afterwards I did some more sand clearing and pretty soon my shovel was back on the verge of breaking but instead of worrying about that I took a moment at Sunrise to just admire how far the base had come already man I know it's only the start but it's looking good after morning yoga I went to the nether to repair my shovel again it took about 8 minutes to fully repair it so while I waited around for Blaze to collect I widen the room out a bit just to give a better view of the farm before going home I made sure to stop by the warp Woods biome to get more wood to finish our little walkway border I also grabbed some quartz whenever I saw it just in case we need it later I got back to the Overworld just as we were entering day 48 the very first thing I did that morning was finish off the missing warped wood there we go that was going to bother me then I put my new repaired shovel to good use digging out the Ray's path around our base that's when I realized that our mob farm was actually a little bit in the way I had clearly miscalculated when laying down the perimeter of our wall but it was way too late to change things now that I had built the cactus farm on the center of the other side so rather than move the mob farm I decided to work around it and try to find a way to make it look somewhat intentional my solution ended up being to turn it into like a mini pyramid out of sandstone stairs then I built an identical one opposing it to make it symmetrical with the staircase in the walkway this basically took all all day to pull off but when I turned around to view the results I liked what I saw oh yeah this looks pretty good actually after digging for the rest of the day it was starting to feel like the end of the Dig was in sight this motivated me to continue clearing sand the next day I was finished clearing the bottom level of the base so my focus was mostly on the tiered walkway I got most of it done but at night time I got pretty sidetracked by all the mobs spawning and I had to take some time to light things up the next morning marked the official halfway point of the challenge and as I looked around I felt pretty good about our progress with one major goal done and another about halfway finished I felt confident we'd have enough time to complete the challenge before the 100 day Mark I spent the next morning doing my wool chores and I even tried putting a bit of AstroTurf on the second layer of our base to add some Greenery not sure if I like it yet but we'll see then I checked on the autoc crop Farm which was still working abnormally slowly but I thought nothing of it and I went to go trade with my Farmer villager unfortunately he had been tragically zombified so I cleared out some space below the villager farm where I could set up a curing station but in order to get weakness potions to do so I would need Nether wart so I went back to the nether to grab some from The Fortress I figured I'd repair my shovel again while I was there and I also kept my eyes peeled for any wither skeletons I could find since I still need to worry about defeating the Wither I found some diamonds in a loot chest but there were no wither skellies to be found so I called off my surch sadly I lost the footage for day 51 but it was fairly uneventful I finished repairing my shovel killed two wither skeletons but got no skull and then I finished clearing out all the sand from the base wait I wasn't recording with the digging finally finished I really start to focus on decorating the base a bit I also wanted to do way more villager trading I think the one thing I did better in the snowy Kingdom preset was to do tons of villager trading early on I had great tools way earlier and it really sped things up a lot that's probably my biggest mistake so far in this challenge but hopefully it won't be enough to stop us from completing our mission I worked on a bunch of small details for the facade of the base and did more work on the second level as well the animal pens were almost ready by night time but I got distracted putting all the waterfalls around the base and lighting things up with lanterns turns the next day I killed some cows for food and then set off with Camelot to search for more terra cotta and dirt I need the dirt to finish off all the animal pens and I'll need loads of the Terracotta for our little base highlights each New Village had a good amount of both blocks and I made sure to grab some hay bales as well which would ensure I'd never really have to grow my own wheat to feed my cows and sheep the Expedition lasted all of day 53 and 54 I collected about nine stacks of Terra Cotta and several of dirt before I finally started heading home I made it back to the base on day 55 and after sorting out some of my stuff I worked on placing all the terracotta I had collected made a really huge difference in dressing up the base of it I also placed all the dirt I had collected into the animal pens and placed a grass block into each one so that it would spread out I really only need the grass for the Sheep but I figured it would look nice for the other animals too after raising the walls of the pens to make sure the animals wouldn't be able to jump out I was finally ready to start moving the cows look I'm a Minecrafter not a comedian okay moving the cows took until the next morning and honestly I was too lazy to even bother with some of them after the the cows it was time to do the pigs which was much easier since there were only a few of them lastly I moved the Sheep over and then I was finally able to get rid of the old animal pens which were just about the last thing left from our initial temporary base at first I was going to use the last of the four animal pens for chickens but I don't think you can even get them unless a chicken jockey spawns or something so maybe I'll use it for my camels Instead at night I worked more on the raised path around the base by placing more of my terra cotta and converting the floor to Sandstone for a more finished look then the next day I finally got rid of the Cherry leaves that were link ing in the sky above my base afterwards I wanted to try and get some copper so I put some water down in my mob farm drop shoot to hopefully convert zombies to drown but I was getting super unlucky and only getting skellies and creepers so I figured I'd try again later I placed the last of the Terracotta I had collected and then I started adding a cut Sandstone trim to spiff up the walls a bit the next morning I finished the trim and then moved on to placing all the water features for the mod the little waterfalls just helped the base look more complete and interesting I went over to my mob farm to check for a drowned again and immediately it was was a disaster oh God no why no no no no no no no no no no dude make it stop this was such a big mistake after almost dying I was forced to retreat and disable the farm with some torches so I could go clean it up it took basically all day to clear out the remaining mobs rebuild all the exploded walls and reactivate the farm this time I made sure to add trap doors to the bottom which should prevent skeletons from trying to shoot me which is what caused the explosion after the cleanup was finished I ran into Wy te at the base and I was so excited to find that he had dark oak saplings I went to grab some emeralds from the base but by the time I got back all that remained of Wy were some leads on the ground wait a zombie got him no no come on man this sucks so bad this was pretty devastating cuz I really wanted the green leaves to decorate with as much as I love the Cherrywood the leaves just don't really go well with the desert theme this tragedy was a sign that things needed to change for too long I had been avoiding villager trading and none of this would have happened if I had emeralds on hand ready to trade but first I wanted to replace the exposed walls of the mob farm with Sandstone to make make sure it was a little less fragile I really want to avoid any future mob mishaps because that sort of thing could easily end my run I also decided that I wasn't in love with the Terra Cotta next to the green wool so I began to remove it and place it around the topmost walkway of the base instead I didn't have enough to finish it off completely so we would have to do another terracotta trip at some point I wrapped up the day with some wool chores but I became a little preoccupied with a zombie attack forcing me to stop and light things up a bit on day 60 I dug out one last line around the base for Terra Cotta in order to try to get an idea of how much I'll in total but rather than head out to get it I remained at the base to do more villager trading like I said I would after the dark oak mishap I spent basically all day fiddling around with the Villagers and trying to set up some sort of villager Training hall in the base progress was pretty slow I'm not going to lie but I was hoping it would go faster once I had a design established after wool chores the next morning I worked on the staircases on each side of the base I want to put an enchanting room in the center of the second level right above the Villager breeder so I began laying out where that would go next then I heard Wy T show up again but it was just to tease me he had no saplings this time and he was basically just there to yell at me for letting his comrade die but I bought some Coral from him just in case we want to use it for something and then I started putting water streams to decorate the second level using my Mason villager I was able to buy a bunch of bricks and make some large pots which I began placing around the base these definitely fit with the desert theme the next day I pushed Wan te into a hole so I could steal his llama they might come in handy for carrying stuff if I need to travel with a lot of items I put them in the empty mob pen and then I went back to work on building up the base I planted some Nether wart around where I want my enchanting station to go and then when night fell I worked more on the Villager Training hall I was pretty happy with the placement of my first four villagers and now I had a design that I could copy to the other side to wrap up the day I placed more of the big pots around and then I added some small pots on top so I could put cactus in each one that Tiny Pop of green really helps liven up the base a little I really wanted to make some librarian villagers but I didn't have sugar cane yet so I was unable to craft the books for a lecturn so Camelot and I went Westward bound with a mission to find a village library on the way I made sure to collect all the Terracotta I saw all two Villages side by side surely one of them has a library neither one had a library I have so much dirt in terracotta but I just need books oh is that one over there yes dude let's go just in time for Sunrise baby after raing one last desert temple Camelot and I hastily returned to the base home sweet home right away I placed in the Terra Cotta that was missing from the walls and I crafted a Le turn and place down the books for my enchanting station I didn't have enough bookshelves for the full setup so I'd have to trade for the rest of them so I went downstairs and wasted pretty much the entire rest of the day working on the villagers most of it was just wasted time the Villager kept refusing to refresh his job and then he escaped and the whole thing was just really unproductive so I decided to get more villagers into place so that at least I could work with multiple at once it was high time for a big trading Hall expansion so I spent all of day 65 adding tons of new slots for the villagers on each side of the base I set up some temporary Railways to help me get each slot filled in this process spilled over into day 66 and to be honest dealing with the Villager stubbornness almost drove me to the prak I finally got a villager into each slot by midday and then I crafted some lanterns and began lighting things up as the sun went down making sure to get rid of all the ugly torches then I worked on getting some new workstations made for the villagers like a grindstone and a blast furnace and I even did some resetting for a good book tra but no luck the next day I noticed I was almost done with all the green wool on the second floor of the base which was a bit of a relief cuz we're 2/3 of the way through the challenge and I've got only a tiny bit of the lawn in place I still wanted to get that Copper from a drown so I checked back on the mob farm and after a solid 10 minutes of standing around I only got the chance to kill like two of them some of the zombies literally just refused to drown eventually I just got frustrated and gave up then I tried to do some resetting for a good book trade but I realized that's like the worst thing to do when you're frustrated so I grabbed all my terracotta and started filling in the last outline around the base but I only had enough to get about halfway there in desperate need of a change of pace I decided to expand my cactus farm once again this was a really refreshing diversion from my usual tasks even though it's really pointless I kept working on the cactus farm the following day and I decided to just keep going until it was 5 layers tall I was out of warped wood so I quickly stopped by the nether before continuing on into the next day after one last trip to the Nether on Day 70 I was finally able to complete all five layers of the cactus farm which at this point was more of a cactus Tower well that was pointless since I was out of reasons to keep procrastinating I went back to trading with my villagers my crop Farm was still too slow so I wanted to grab some bones from my mob farm to do a bit of manual farming but while I was down there I saw some drowned and I decided to try one last time to get that copper I needed finally yes dude yes oh my God I eagerly sprinted back to the base to craft a brush with the copper but before using it I quickly made a Fletching table to get a Fletcher villager before I forgot to do so sticks would be like the best trade I had going forward but then it was time to get our brush to get the new sniffer mob I was so excited cuz cuz I really want to decorate my base with the new flowers so I ran for the first desert temple I saw to search for the sus sand I managed to get three Pottery shirs but no egg the next Temple I checked had a village growing into it where the sus sand would normally spawn so that was a bust too seemed like I was going to have to travel a little bit further for the sniffer eggs so I returned to the base to grab my camel man I love how this place is coming out as I prepared to set out again I had a random Epiphany I think the reason my crop Farm is working so slowly is that there are too many villagers in it I think there only needs to be one on each side so I decided to give my theory a proper task we'll see what happens on Day 72 I cleared out my inventory and took Camelot in search of the sniffer spawn secretly set within a suspicious set of sand some of you might have already guessed How This Ends but if not I'll just show you this Montage to sum it up yeah that's right the sniffer egg doesn't spawn in deserts at all it's only in warm ocean ruins no one told me okay it's a good thing I checked the the wiki cuz I already spent two Minecraft days on this but on the bright side I had lots of cool shirts to use I dejectedly made my way back home and did My Wo chores and then I cleaned out my inventory a little bit to try and cheer myself up I spent the morning experimenting with the new shirts they actually look kind of cool but they hardly make up for my lack of a sniffer but I couldn't dwell I still needed to defeat the Wither and I only had a quarter of the challenge left to go so I headed to the nether to search for wither skeletons but the Fortress was completely deserted then I managed to get myself in a really dangerous situation with some piglins but luckily I was able to pill her up and Escape them only to find that the Fortress was still empty when I returned but I remembered seeing another Fortress in that warped Forest so I headed there and I actually did find a few wither skeletons there but still no skull I spent a ton of time clearing out the Fortress to try and encourage spawning and I hunted down a pack of four skeletons but still no luck then after a bit more clearing I got another four but still nothing after spending the entirety of day 76 full hunting as well I was beginning to panic a little bit even just finding weer skeletons was proving almost impossible and with looting three my chances of getting a skull were still only 8.5% so after multiple days of grinding with zero results I decided to just give up for the time being I came back to the Overworld and then my elytra roke needless to say my spirits were pretty low I did my wool chores got some more food and organized my inventory a bit and then I repaired my elytra with some Phantom membranes then it was time to do some trading after a little bit of rolling I got a silk touch trade and I decided to keep it then just a few rolls later I got mending too I was super relieved to be able to put mending on my elytra so hopefully it wouldn't break again I spent the next day chopping cherry trees and crafting them into sticks to get tons of emeralds from the Fletcher I'm going to use them to buy the last bookshelves I need for our enchanting setup I wanted another Fletcher so I could trade more sticks per day so I went to the Nether and found some gravel to make another Fletching table I also finally crafted my enchantment table and put that into place there we go I love how the villagers are just chilling down there I chopped up a bunch more wood and when my villagers reset their trades in the morning I traded for tons of emeralds finally I was able to finish off the the enchantment table set up with that done I decided to focus on doing more resetting for books after several minutes I got an efficiency 5 trade so I locked it in to be honest I have no idea what happened to those llamas I stole from Wy T but at this point I still had an empty animal pen so I decided to move half my sheep into there and breed them so that I could gather wool faster with just over 20 days to go it was going to be a race to finish all the green and cyan wool at the end of the night I got back to Wood shopping and the next day I was able to buy an efficiency 5 book I did even more resetting and I got an Unbreaking 3 trade as well I was hoping to get some better gear going soon so I kept chopping wood I feel like we're running out of time on day 81 I was able to get efficiency 5 Unbreaking three and mending onto an axe now I could get sticks to trade much faster I once again spent the whole day doing so and I really only took breaks to Shear my sheep by day 82 I was becoming a bit fatigued with chopping wood non-stop so I decided to work on the base in the morning I started building up the walls and the roof around the enchanting setup but I wanted to use some warped logs as a highlight block and I didn't have any last so I planned on going to the nether that night to grab some but while it was still light out I did another round of chopping and training then I got plenty of warped wood for decorating and I was back at my base by the next morning I used it for this little trim along the roof and I think it was honestly worth the trouble after even more chopping and trading I remember to check on the autoc crop Farm to see if killing the villagers actually fixed it and turns out it did and I was able to cash in with the farmer villager with all those emeralds I was able to get those same three enchantments I had put on my axe onto a shiny new pickaxe after that I kept chipping away at the design for the second level of the base I added in some little Windows using stair blocks and once again I think it really fits the desert theme the next day after a little bit of villager trading I sprinkled some more pots around the base they really are like a cheat code for decorating then while doing my wool chores I realized just how great my new pick was for eating through Sandstone oh wow that that is nice next I headed up to convert the sand path around the base to Sandstone for a more finished look there was a villager house in the way but I really enjoyed plowing through it with my new pickaxe I was about halfway done with the path when I got a bit distracted by a literal zombie apocalypse leave me alone oh god what the after somehow clearing all the zombies out I spotted some very recognizable llamas blue orchids were about the only good trade this time around but I picked up the puffer fish too and threw them in my mod just for fun I would come to regret this very deeply I had just enough blue orchids to replace the cactus and the pots on top of the base Wy te seemed to like the change while I was sharing my sheep I saw such a cute cat that fell into the pen but before I could even craft a fishing rod I got stung by one of the puffer fish that swam up the little waterfall yeah putting them there was definitely a mistake I spent some time fishing and then I was able to tame the kitty who had decided to name Oasis just don't ask her to play wonder wall after placing in a ton of cyan wool the moat was nearly finished as soon as it was done I could dye the cyan sheep green and fill in the lawn twice as fast it had already been almost 10 days since I had attempted to get the Wither skulls so I decided to go back into the nether for another attempt with my new pick I would be able to mine out the nether brick at The Fortress at a much faster rate but it didn't take long for me to become agitated once more okay I've spent days at this Fortress and I've still only killed 26 so I decided to do something drastic I used the seed command to figure out the SE seed and then I used chunk base to locate a nether fortress in a Soul Sand Valley biome in theory I think these generate more skeletons it was a bit of a hike but I was pretty sure it would still be faster than staying at the useless Fortress I was in but when I got to the Fortress I was worried it was all for nothing there's just nothing here this is bogus man but eventually I realized that a bunch of them were actually spawning right underneath the Fortress and from that point on my luck Chang yes first skull finally finally over the course of the next day I grinded through a ton more skeletons and man to get my second and third skulls even though the first one took forever my luck had definitely balanced out only 59 total kill okay that's actually not bad I carefully made my way back home through the nether mentally preparing for the Wither fight ahead of me I spent the morning of day 88 sorting out my inventory and Brewing some potions for the big battle wow these really do look like P jars now I also planted some melon seeds that were basically sitting around in a chest this whole time so I could craft some glistering melons for health potions while I waited for the melons to grow I decided to outline exactly where I planted to put the beacon for the base did you know that the top of a desert temple has the perfect amount of space for a full Beacon inside that gave me inspiration to do something similar with the roof of our base with the iron in place all we needed was the beacon itself but I wasn't about to die this far into the challenge so I was going to push off the Wither fight until the very last minute after one last round of collecting and placing in the cyan wool the moat was finally finished I made sure to dye all the cyan sheep green so that we can finish off the lawn next I really want to get protection four armor before the Wither fight so I spent the rest of the the day resetting another librarian by the way I just want to reiterate that these were a horrible idea can't stress that enough ow ow ow after another big chopping trade on day 89 I traded with my Fletchers for some bows and combined them in an anvil to create a somewhat decent bow for the Wither fight then I covered up the base of our Beacon with stairs to complete that desert temple look ow I think it's pretty cool especially in combination with the warpwood trim I wrapped up the Night by selling all the crops from the autoc crop Farm to the farmer and finishing up those health potions I I just have to say glistering melon has got to be one of the most random items in the game the next day I returned to finishing off the path around the perimeter of the base remember previously I got interrupted by that zombie apocalypse well this time I got interrupted by pillagers who presented me with an interesting dilemma I could try and fight the pillagers in order to get a totem of undying for the Wither fight but the very Act of trying to defeat the raid might just be more dangerous than the Wither fight itself but I decided for Content I would just go for it but first I quickly crafted some Diamond pants and went to the blaze farm to get to level 30 then I used the enchanting room to put a Max Level enchant on them and I locked out with Unbreaking 3 and protection 3 my new pants emboldened me to attack the pillagers and run to the nearest Village to initiate the raid unfortunately I picked the worst Village to do it in it's been so long since I did a raid that I completely forgot it would end if all the villagers die and I stupidly picked that weird Temple village with only like two villagers in it so the raid ended almost right away and even though I was kind of disappointed I was honestly more relieved than anything with just 10 days left to the end of the challenge it was time to wrap up all the last minute little details around our base so I took camela on one final terracotta tour so we could finish the Terracotta detailing once and for all we set a northwesterly course since that was the direction I had explored the least and in the second village I arrived at I saw the most cursed Minecraft Cactus I have ever seen what the heck talk about heartburn looks like he got a little too much off his chest then at the very next Village I went to I saw another extremely weird Cactus what me when I skip leg day am I right fellas about this Cactus really Rings a Bell collecting terra cotta at night was super annoying and I had to be really careful not to die dude I had my shield up I swear to God if this guy kills me I'm going to freak out moving on I kept hunting terra cotta the next day without any major mishaps and I began heading home as the sun set Across The sandswept Horizon the cactus farm was a beacon in the night guiding me home to the task of placing the final bits of terracotta it was super satisfying finishing up the pathway once and for all afterwards I unpacked my luggage from the Terracotta tour for a bit and while doing doing so I decided to place those ominous banners I got on what I considered to be the front of the base it also conveniently Points North so it's easy to orient myself I wrapped up the night with some good oldfashioned lawn laying and then headed back to the storage room to grab some Sandstone walls I used them to make one last border around our perimeter path to keep any zombies from somehow pathfinding their way down to our villagers it was a pretty dark day which I think means it would have been a thunderstorm if not for the whole desert biome thing but the gloominess inspired me to work on clearing out all the Torches around the base and installing more perent lighting fixtures I mostly use lanterns on the base itself and then in order to light up the lawn I put down some shroom lights and hid them with green Carpets by the morning as far as I could tell all the Torches were gone everything was spawn proofed and the base was now safer than ever just in time for me to finish the 100 days and never play on this world again on Day 94 I decided to plant some cherry trees around our base and these little Planters to sort of capture that Oasis feeling I'm not sure how well the cherry trees go with the desert biome to be honest but because of my failure to protect Wy te I just kind of have to live with it I also wanted to put a glass pane window on the first layer of the cactus farm in order to prevent zombies from cutting through the farm and into the base so I threw some sand in the oven and set it to broil then to deal with the lack of green trees I decided to make some cool custom palm trees in the base I wanted to use granite or andesite walls for the trunks so I went to craft some but I realized that I hadn't had a cobblestone Farm since I took down my temporary base way back at the beginning this whole time I was just living off what little Cobble I had collected in the first few days so I decided to repurpose the space I originally cleared out for the Villager curing station but before I could actually build the farm my oven timer went off so I grabbed the piping hot glass and headed over to the cactus farm to put pains in the first level I decided not to do the rest of the levels mostly for the sake of time but I think it kind of looks cool this way after all I still have a lot of lawn to plant and now I need green wool for my palm tree idea as well speaking of I spent a few minutes building a quick cobble generator and then collecting a bit of Cobble afterwards I went to the nether to grab more quartz ow I'm mining here then I used the quartz and Cobble to craft some Granite which which I turned into walls owow dude I think this will be the perfect thing to use for the palm tree trunks I started building up a palm tree on each corner of the second level of the base I made sure to carpet the top of the quote unquote leaves to prevent mob spawns other than Phantom attacks it was pretty uneventful I've built lots of palm trees before so it was pretty formulating it took me until sunset the next day to finish off all the palm trees and I had to stop many times to Shear my sheep for more leaves but then it was time to admire my work ooh I can't wait to see how this looks oh man that that really makes the base look so complete with that addition I was basically ready to call this base finished other than a few small details we had completed our second goal for this challenge only one task remained but I still had 4 days before I had to worry about that all right I think it's definitely missing more plants in those Gardens I tried placing some cherry leaves around the gardens ow but it just didn't look right if only had green leaves dude but luckily I had an idea unlike on regular super flat worlds the desert super flat preset comes with certain features there's actually a difference between features and structures in the game things like desert temples and Villages are considered structures but things like patches of cactus and Lava Lakes are actually features and one of the features that can be found in the desert preset is amethyst geodes not only is this exciting cuz I can't get amethyst on my main world but it might help me solve my garden problem most flowers can't be placed on the green wool I use but the amethyst clusters can and they might just look flowery enough to pass but finding them before the time limit was going to be really difficult so I did what I had to do do and I crafted a piston using some highly Advanced Techniques that are definitely not cheating I began to survey the ground beneath my base but I could only see empty void below the mob farm was a similar story so I decided to run even further away from the base to try again I found some weird holes in the ground and I decided to try there in case it was like a collapse geode turns out it was just a lava lake but I looked anyhow and immediately saw tons of mobs I had a little suspicion it might be a m shaft but spotting two chest mine carts confirmed it so I turned subtitles on and began digging down and after after about 2 minutes I was able to hit the M shaft if I wanted to find a geode before the challenge was over I really didn't have time to be exploring M shafts but I just couldn't help myself things were a bit dodgy in the shaft but I managed to work my way through until I was completely blessed with Good Fortune I found the amethyst geod I was looking for attached to the m shaft not only that but it was next to those mine cart chests they really did Lead Me Right Where I needed to be I was excited to find glowberries which are actually exclusive to M shafts on this preset and some name tags which I could use on Camelot and OAS I only found two name tags but that's okay because something happened to plummet earlier and also CA just doesn't deserve one yeah I said it I got as many amethyst clusters as I could find and I was shocked to find another amethyst geode right next to the first one or maybe it was the same one the generation was really weird due to the m shaft but that didn't matter cuz I got the Clusters I needed so I race home to put them into our garden I ended up replacing every other Cherry Leaf block with a cluster and then I nervously climbed to the top of the Iron Golem Farm to see the result oh wow that's much much better I wasn't sure they would really read as flowers but I think it totally works it looks like some sort of desert cactus flower but there was still one glaring issue with the base we really got to fix this weird Gap in the roof so that was my main task on day 98 but first I wanted to give my pets their new name tags Oasis seemed very pleased good kitty but Camelot had run off again and I couldn't find him anywhere I couldn't waste anytime looking for him so I just got started finishing off the roof of the base I started with the ceiling in the enchanting room and then took a quick break to lay down more of the lawn at this point I was closing in on the final corner of the green wall I went back up to the enchanting room to add a ceiling lamp but I ended up swapping out the Cherry trap doors for warped instead which I think looks much better then I Ed my glowberries from the M shaft to put some Vines around the entrances to the enchanting room I didn't have enough for each side but hopefully they'll grow quickly enough that I can fix that I also used the pumpkin seeds I found in the M shaft to plant some pumpkins opposite the melons I think I might have had pumpkin seeds this whole time but better late than never then it was time to finish off that weird Gap in the the roof so I grabbed some slabs and water buckets and began filling it in with a small water feature retained by Sandstone crenellation sads these things the next morning I spotted Camelot in the distance from up on the roof so I went and gave the little ingrate his name tag and dragged his humpy butt back to the base I made little post around the Grass Court yard so that I could tie him up and I wouldn't lose him again it was also a good opportunity to place lanterns so I could get rid of the Hidden shroom lights in the floor I was painfully close to finishing off the green wool which was pretty wild considering it was the penultimate day of the challenge I really cut it close after going back and finishing up the water feature on the roof my sheep had regrown their coats and I was finally able to plant the last few meters of lawn yes I can't believe how close that was but we did it as evening fell upon the sandscape I realized that in the morning I would finally have to fight the Wither just for fun I went to check the cactus farm to see how much we had collected during the challenge hey almost three double chest not bad but with that it was time to clear out my inventory and get all of my potions ready to go at this point I was so far in that I knew I wouldn't be able to scrap the video if I lost so I did something drastic I cheated that's right I made a copy of the world right before the fight so that in case I die you guys will get a chance to pick up right where I left off and complete the challenge for me you can pick up that World download as well as the snowy Kingdom world my world with Hobby and my flat world all on my patreon I've been working really hard to add so much more including Bedrock world downloads 4K Wallpapers schematics for all my builds and that's just the start so I can stop worrying about views and advertisers and algorithms and have more fun just making awesome super flat cont content for you guys so if all that sounds good to you please check out my patreon it really does help me out but no amount of pluging could save me from the inevitable fight so I dug down into a random tunnel created an iron golem to take some hits for me and then I placed the skulls to summon the weather oh ow that hurt oh God definitely still withered I think he's almost halfway he's going to go into the sword mode okay yes yes yes he switched okay Health okay [Music] strength oh this is easy we got him we got him we got this come on I'm not even withered I'm so good I'm so good I got this let's go dude yes let's go oh yes and we got a Wither Rose too let's go oh I'm so happy is it day 100 yes it's day 100 we beat him like as the sun came up on day 100 oh that's so awesome so that was it 100 days and I had truly conquered this challenge defeating both bosses and even making an insanely cool base with nothing else left to do I quickly cleaned up my base and then crafted the beacon I brought a podt up to the enchanting table and planted the weather flower to remember that Iron Golem's ultimate sacrifice then I finished putting glowberries on each entrance after that I spent a bunch of time moving my sand and Sandstone chest out of sight into the basement with the Cobble farm with that it was time to place the final block of our base there we go 100 days challenge completed uh let's go for Speed I guess not that it'll do me much good now let me know if you guys are still enjoying this series and which preset you'd like me to do next without you guys none of this would be possible thanks for watching
Channel: Mogswamp
Views: 1,618,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n2Wy4xvB9DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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