Do THIS And Pick Up 70 Yards With Your Driver

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so a lot of golf as I see get that low squirty one out to the right and even though I've had great Club head speed and ball speed there 203 yard carry and 227 yards total is not that impressive now straight away I want you to comment below is that a regular t- shot that you see but you would much rather see some something more along these lines so higher flight more ball speed potentially a different shape and suddenly a massive carry at 254 and 283 yards total so hopefully you've commented below that yes you need that and that's why you're watching this video so let's understand first of all what caused the first one and more importantly what caused the second one so the a little bit more Club head speed but that'll all tie into what we're going to change so the first one had the ball forward in my stance had the club right behind the ball but into impact the club was traveling down taking a bit of Loft off and not really making me as efficient as I could but the second one we had the club traveling up through impact launching the ball higher and making me more efficient as well as swinging the club a little bit faster so I know what he's saying we all know that hitting up is good as opposed to hitting down with driver if want to maximize distance but for a lot of golfers when they try and hit up on the golf ball that bad one becomes even worse with the ball curving over to the right and not going even as far but being way offline poor strike despite good club head speed so I know what you might be thinking you might thinking wow Ali's explaining exactly what goes on with me with driver so let's talk about first of all how we're going to make it a bit easier for you to get the club traveling up which is by getting the low Point further behind the golf ball and the first way we're going to do it is we're actually going to change the way we actually get the club Behind the golf ball so we're still going to get that ball position forward in the stance but instead of from there then moving the club up behind the ball and it may be dragging our body and our shoulders into the wrong place we're going to keep the club head fairly Central in our stance so probably a good couple of Club head widths back behind the golf ball and we're going to feel like that as we swing we're going to let the sternum stay pretty much in line with that as we shift into that left side you can see the spine tilt that creates is going to get the ball sorry the club traveling up catching the ball on the way up low point of the swing behind the ball now as good as that is and I'll do that on this one and I'll show you how the club travels up but this isn't the be all and end all with this so from there we see that one curving over to the right we see the low. 5.4 in behind clubs traveled up 3° it was a little bit longer but still pretty poor for that speed so what we need to appreciate is the reason a lot of golfers hit down is as the club's traveling down towards the golf ball you can see it's traveling more from the inside still might be out to Wi but as the club travels up you can see it's really starting to go out to in so the danger is when we set up with our feet with the traditional train tracks Club on the outside track feet on the inside track the problem is as you're doing that and you're trying to hit up the path of the club is becoming much more out to win and then if you leave that club face at the Target the ball sets off at Target and slices so what we want to do is rather than stand with everything nice and square as we drop the club back we're actually going to close the stance off so actually move the trail uh Trail foot back and Lead foot forward so everything's more over to the right hand side so as you now swing more from the inside reach your low Point clubs traveling more neutral on the way back to the ball and that's going to help the path and the face be much closer together that's going to give you the control then the low point being behind is going to give you more distance so then the key is more distance and accuracy that's massively going to help so we're going to set up we're going to aim everything that way and like I said we're going to feel like the sternum stays in line with where the club was at address and straight away we're going to start to see a much different shot and we see 103 mph Club speed ball speed at 154 nearly 155 low. 3 in behind clubs traveled up 1.8 de carry is now 250 and totals 2 84 now I know you're thinking you might be thinking I don't need to watch any more of the video cuz that's already a huge pickup well what if I told you there's even more to pick up in there and we can enhance what we're doing to make it even further so once we get that set up and we get that stance closed one great way of feeling that sternum stays back behind the golf ball is as we're swinging down into impact we want to feel that that lead side is working up and behind and you can see how it accentuates that spine tilt and that's going to get the low Point even further behind it's also going to help me move that club quicker cuz you can hear that little whoosh there that that's one that's the other so there's going to be more Club head speed the low Point's going to move even further behind and the accuracy's there so potentially more Club Ed speed more ball speed even more efficient let's see can we get out even further than we did there so we're going set up as we've discussed focus on that feeling through impact that felt good so we see more cled speed at nearly 106 ball speeds jumped to nearly 158 low points gone 6.2 in behind clubs traveled up 4° carry it nearly 270 and total at nearly 293 so you can see we're picking up accuracy but most importantly we're combining that with longer t-shots so I've got one ball left and if you're working through the video with me which hopefully you are we're going to see if we can get even more out of that so more Club head speed more ball speed maybe even a little further behind let's see if we can get carry over 270 in total over 300 so got that set up can I really exaggerate that pushing feeling as I'm coming into impact so we can definitely see there a little bit more Club head speed at 107 ball speed jumping up over 159 low. 5 1/2 in behind attack angle 3.6 carry at 273 and total at 296 so it was a failure on did I manage to get to 300 yards but compare that to that very first shot that when nowhere near the Fairway but also no distance at all to over 272 carry nearly 300 total I'm not promising and you're going to make that big a change but we'll definitely get you hitting it longer and straighter by adjusting the setup and changing that feel to make you faster and more efficient and ultimately get you hitting the longest drives you've ever hit on a regular basis
Channel: AliTaylorGolf
Views: 229,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ali taylor golf, ali taylor golf youtube, ali taylor, alitaylorgolf, golf, golf swing, golf tips, golf swing slow motion, golf driver tips, effortless golf swing, chipping, fairway woods, hybrid golf clubs, Do THIS And Pick Up 70 Yards With Your Driver, pick up 30 yards with driver, 40 yards, 50 yards, 60 yards, 70 yards, do this with driver
Id: nl1kt3L7u0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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