This Character Has INFINITE Lives

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look at this crazy new character what is this is this technology too so this is unbidden but tainted version I know it seems like a lot to take in right that is awesome I know it seems like a lot to take in right now but you just gotta follow with me it's gonna make sense all right it seems a little weird but just trust me so the way this character works is I have zero HP but I actually have infinite HP you can see here we can swap attack rewind with a percentage chance we have wisps and absorb so you saw earlier we found Tech 2 the treasure room right maybe a small rock and it turned into a wisp and then it was just working what I did afterwards is use the threshold and basically I gulped the whisks to make sure that it is permanent so the idea basically being that you pick up items and you have to decide if you want to gulp them or not based on how many thresholds you have on top of that again like I said earlier we actually have infinite HP I cannot die but the way I'm assuming it works is you saw my percentage chance went down right there when I exited the curse room I have a percent chance to glowing hourglass on hit uh and the more I get hit the lower chance deploying hourglass will work so you know if I get hit like three times on the floor and I have a 33 chance to respawn you know I might just not so it's a very unique character the most unique character we've played on the channel so far and I wanted to try them out because I saw the homie bd1p uh he played uh tainted on bit in a while back and I that guy's a homie so I wanted to see what this character is all about perfect thank was gone synth oil so I can just take that as you can see it turns into a wisp it is doing what it has to do in fact it affected the range so my range is actually bigger I'm just gonna gulp it and now it's permanent and now I just have it so if I had to uh if I find too many items all at once and I don't have a threshold I might not be able to gulp everything I have a 99.5 chance there's no way this doesn't work right like I I I'm probably gonna respawn here okay and it seems to go down every single time you take damage okay it's a pretty simple character actually it doesn't seem too confusing there's just a little weird in the beginning but now it's making sense so I like it teleport is uh unironically probably the worst active item in the king and that is Guillotine which okay cool that was what that didn't disappear okay what huh okay hold on now I'm confused oh okay now I don't know what's going on it seems like I have school bag in a way I somehow gulped the teleport or I have the teleport as a wisp so maybe you can just have active items as wisps too and you can gulp those interesting I don't even know how that would work but very unique seems uh taking damage does not affect deal chance so that's good as well keep that in mind should I split the wormwood I'm gonna split the wormwood I don't care splitting the wormwood oh that's not a thing what am I doing I know that the only boss you can split is delirium I don't know why I thought I could split wormwood now obviously the way that I attack is just like an area of effect pulse around me but it does seem to have synergies unique synergies like how we found Tech 2 and it just added a laser on top of it so it seems really cool sure I'm the loss so I should go to the devil rooms right uh what oh they don't delete I just keep oh oh cool cool all right I was expecting those to delete because I'm a lost character but I guess this lost character has a couple bits of extra Secrets I would say it absolutely just go to the devil rooms then was this character why would you not I'll go to this shop as well I think the main thing you want for this character is battery items let's see if we can get one can't see it that sucks there's a coupon oh no no that's good we'll take that what is that that must be new spawn a new trinket on pickup 40 chance to smelt current trinket 40 chance to spit out smell to trinket 10 chance to re-roll your current trinket 10 chance to destroy your country get that doesn't sound good that sounds awful I'm out of here so I don't know if there's a way for me to decide what item I want to threshold oh wait what look at that I do have multiple active items I really have school bag cool I I don't think there's a way for me to decide when I want to threshold I think it's made be just based on the order that you picked up everything so we do have to be careful here we gotta spam it and also I just saw that I have a 50 chance to respawn what is that that looked awesome also it hurts my eyes oh my God that's awful no it's terrible it's the worst thing ever I hope it doesn't actually hurt anyone's eyes uh oh my God I respawn it's okay that's that's not what I expected did I take all of this I have the d8 now okay cool uh so never take Mom the void with this character uh I don't think it visually works very well I'm gonna be real I don't think it works too well it's not that distracting for me I hope it isn't as distracting for you guys it is interesting because I am getting items it's just that you gotta remember these items really aren't permanent I could lose them at any point but as long as I'm careful with my wisps which I have a lot of teams of Bethany knowledge I should be okay uh they're basically just a really strong character that can't die they're definitely a challenge character though Perfection for free uh we got a tears up which I'm assuming just makes me pulse faster yes in fact I got such a fat range down from that what I'd rather just uh d8 myself again and I'm not sure how to make the percentage go up maybe just clearing rooms without taking damage makes it so your percent chance to respawn goes up I'm assuming that's how it works otherwise I might be dying soon a 50 chance to respawn is basically just guffy's caller and I don't know how I feel about that very unique and fun character that that is something I'll say this character is fun to play I'm Having a grand time very unique I must admit I do want some balls so thank you you like yoink so I suppose you should really try going alternate floors because they have a unique mechanic where you can choose both items you don't just lose out on one item yeah if there's a choice between two or more you could just take everything so maxing out on that is probably the best way to play stuff like Boss Rush and uh things like that are probably very important for this character you're gonna take care of Peep here should be easy with all the void ma is not golfed yet I'm hoping that it will be because that's a really good whisp and I don't want to lose out on that goodbye Pete and hello uh a ranger uh I don't have rerolls so I guess I'll just take it whatever I realize now my d8 has not been charging so I assume I have to actually be locked into the d8 for it to charge I was hanging on the meat cleaver for a bit and uh it was not getting the charge it deserved uh wow okay yeah I'll I'll run that holy mother of God my speed is abysmal oh my God I am the AOE Lord nothing can hurt me I covered the entire Area 13 damage pulses oh don't lose my wisps and it's intro oh okay well I didn't this is terrifying okay having high range could be really bad I think I didn't die I again I'm assuming that the glowing hourglass percentage is the chance for me to die I'm not dating anymore by the way there's just no way I'm doing that so either I'm insanely lucky or it doesn't work the way I think it does uh I don't know if I want to risk the curves again assuming this is how the character works I don't think that's a worthwhile risk instead I'm just gonna roam around with my AOE honestly this kind of AOE damage plus meat cleaver is a really good Synergy since all I really need is things to be low HP and they kind of just die in one pulse yeah see so we got kind of we got something going here oh look at that look how far boom I'm so far away my damage is crazy and I love how they've actually like synergized basically everything I've come across it seems like this is a really fleshed out character most things I've come across have really synergized like the raindrops The Tech 2 the mod the void it's all textured too I have so much money what the heck okay here let's let's spend a little bit because I actually have to uh we have a threshold ready we get Lusty blood and then we get Bomb Bag locked in that's cool I feel like I'm forgetting to use threshold that's a that's a me issue I just gotta remember to use that one pulse is enough to kill a host that's crazy look at this boom that's power right there oh my Lord we now have access to pause for whatever reason I would want to do that this cage is so nuts you buy the husk I don't even have to come close to you my range is nasty booster pack I guess would only work if I threshold it never mind and lazarus's Rags I guess I'll take it might as well but I'm just not interested because I am trying to have fun with this character Mausoleum scares me the amount of times I will probably explode randomly to a brimstone actually the AOE is so strong I'm gonna try it it scares me a little bit but I mean I kind of I got a what is it 55 chance to respawn Donald sharp really early which is great mom's key short a box of friends I don't really have any friends I want to do that's crazy I just saw that Spike block destroyed you know why it's because I technically have euthanasia each one of these pulses has a chance to do euthanasia that's insane also I'm technically a lost character so I have Perfection with this hypothetical euthanasia so this is insanely powerful I really like this character so I I mean sometimes about it it's just very unique I've never played anything like it is this XL when was the last time I had a mausoleum XL jeez this place is huge all right VR bag I gotta find my treasure room maybe teleported I thought that was supposed to be a mechanic where you hold a Direction with teleport and you go there I find it the most fun because it's I have so much knowledge of Isaac so when I have to learn something new on the Fly I'll try to make it entertaining and I'm having a good time it makes me happy I'm gonna definitely do Boss Rush I think it's very important for this character uh because not only do you get to I need I want to know I want to know I want to know what that does I just simply want to know it's as simple as that I have to know oh my God that looks cool but I think this might have been a mistake it's important that you do Boss versus character because you get all four items and you can spam threshold Sagittarius okay uh this is terrifying now I might have messed up by doing this I didn't lose Perfection by getting hit that's interesting uh I probably should have taken Dr fetus but I mean you can't give me a new character with new synergies and shove doctor fetus in my face and not expecting to take it got it okay all right not bad a little terrifying but not bad this is now a doctor fetus run all Dr fetus enjoyers Rejoice they'll take negative and we'll oh my God all right I mean dude I mean oh you can only take one interesting okay so Boss versus different it's actually different so the question becomes do I do 100 myself and I think the obvious answer is yeah duh of course I'm going to but I don't even know how that guy died uh after I beat boss rushed I'm gonna start D100 or you know what whatever I'm just doing now what do I get I'm still Dr fetus oh yeah actually you know what's going on I know exactly what I I just got C-section what is this Synergy there's so many pulses I can't see not the items that are wisps which made it made sense to me okay well you know what we're just gonna go do I I didn't keep my C-section I have to do it again oh my God I have to do it again it counts as a glowing hourglass I have to all right boom then turn into C-section grab it now I have to be Boss Rush without getting hit otherwise I can't keep C-section they also drop bombs it's terrifying it's this turned it's so chaotic so fast I don't know why they're staying as if I have anti-gravity do I have anti-gravity it doesn't look like it oh my God they're chucking bombs in my face please just don't lose I I I seriously I don't know I can't see what's going on no no again this is so hard it's because the stupid C-sections are dropping bombs everywhere I I I I'm either the luckiest person or it's not working how I thought it used to work I must be just getting lucky right or it just it must not work the way I think it does maybe maybe you really just can't die as a character I don't know oh I forgot that I'm supposed to be spamming uh threshold that's the whole reason I wanted to do this it's nah see there's chucking bombs back at me I swear I'm not making it up I'm Beelzebub and Loki we did it oh my God I can't believe it what no I'm not I will not I won't simply won't you know what whatever md100 who even knows what I get it's nothing I literally got nothing whatever as long as I got rid of the C-section that's all I care about cool oh yeah no let's get it it's a spirit it's Spirit sword now this is now a spirit sword run oh I bet you weren't expecting that one okay spinning deals so much damage it's really dumb Trinity Shield yeah sure should I fight hush I feel like I'm gonna die um I'm not going to only because and I have this problem with teams of Bethany uh hush and mega Satan are hard fights for characters like team to Bethany and in this case tainted unbidden because a lot of their items are based off of wisps and they delete your wisps excuse me is this gonna get deleted too uh it really did just disappear we do have an emergency Chariot and it looks like our timer's doing okay we are clearing rooms and I think it's going up I think maybe clearing rooms also makes the timer go up because that's at 39.25 now it's a 30 why is it going up interesting there must be some hidden mechanic uh actually I just use threshold and it went down so uh Lord knows what's going on I just got the I didn't press anything I swear to God forget me now just showed up out of nowhere I don't know how it's just there now oh I just I've always had it never mind okay this mod is making me go insane every time I open a mod I feel like I just get gas lit because my entire knowledge of Isaac is thrown out the window and I have to learn really quickly also I don't know what the deal is with me holding down the spirit sword and just leaves a blade there but it looks cool like that looks cool in fact I'm gonna do something here let's leave a blade for these guys right here all right that was cool that was awesome that was actually really cool leave one for Satan too oh it looks too early okay Satan was done before we ever forget me now for the dark room so we can get a lot of items let's just see what's going on hello dark room oh my God my God I mean sure uh I can take all of these right just based on how he works yeah I can we are gonna get so many goddamn items you don't even know looks like we're also running 4.5 volt which is good for end game so I'm happy with that IBS yeah sure I don't care what just happened I'm back finally it's been so long and I am streaming right now so many things came up Daft Punk tears of the Kingdom Mother's Day but now I'm here if you go to I will be there unlocking third dead God see you there
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 141,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I4nT2JdGW00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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