This Tainted Item Synergy Is INSANE

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so we got something special for you guys today we did not check out all the other tainted items and you guys loved the tainted items so I wanted to see what all of these other bad boys do this is the tainted version of soy milk each time you fire a tear you fire seven additional soy milk tears and a circle around you okay cool tastes like sand okay I see so it's literally it's soy milk but it's like Tammy's head imagine if the tears instead of coming out of your face just kind of go all around little Slugger this is darker fetus taintified if that's even a word you fire piercing saw blade tears that deal repeated damage as they pass their enemies saw base will revolve around obstacles and walls that they hit saw blade shot what does this do oh my literal God this is awesome okay dude so a lot of you were saying like oh man you should keep the mod it's so cool I try not to keep my videos too modded unless it's dedicated for the mugwad right sucks unless the video is dedicated to showcasing the mod I don't really like having too many mods does this my my face actually damage people I did not know that's so cool but if you guys really like this mod that much then I guess you know I will we'll talk about it we'll see but right now I just wanted to Showcase some of the items that we did not be I we were not able to get last time we were not able to get a little Slugger or soy milk last time so I wanted to really see what these items do and the thing about it is I don't think it's possible or if it is it's highly unlikely this is so overpowered for you to get multiple tainted items right because the requirement for a tainted item is for you to pick up an item and then it has a tainted variant and then luckily find the tainted treasure room and switch it out so I don't know how likely it is for you to even get multiple tainted items right so seeing something like this is highly unique this is awesome actually now I think about it what happens if you get every single tinted item in the game now wait a second that sounds awesome like I don't want to do that anyway whatever I'm getting off track I just wanted that my Sprite is bugged I just wanted to see what this is all about out so many people request me to do this let's try it out we have 15 cents I'll go in here oh yeah I mean it doesn't really matter right I'm not really aiming I'm just kind of chucking my bombs out there for my my saw blade sorry I'm not used to saying saw blades it's not really a tear effect naturally and here we have PhD which is just a good item and it gives us a tears up which is what we want I want to see how much like what is this like the fact that my face does damage it's as if I have Guillotine on top of guillotine really look at this my face does so much damage because my face literally does damage and it also does damage actually it's not that good I'm gonna start shooting saw blades okay all right all right all right little Sluggers pretty strong take the HP let's leave find secret room and go we also got a solo heart which is nice all right treasure room accessed the soul is really good but it's defensive and I'm looking for synergies miter is really good and it's defensive I'm leaving the treasure for him it's also spectral is it spectral it's like a weird no it's not it's not spectral it just kind of passes through rocks like I don't know clock fight should be easy only the big saws are gonna hit him though because he's in the center of the room but that should be more than enough I want damage we actually got angel with a roll oh I'll take the wafer dude absolutely you know what you can also do here we can roll double key piece yeah go ahead and walk up there with all those zombies that's a good idea so we'll get this one key piece and then we'll blow you up and get another key piece I uh I'm not gonna lie I don't know how I'm dodging I can't tell where my body is it's a little hard to tell it's not just the fact that it's Guillotine it's the fact that it's like saw blades all across the room but I think I'm managing re-roll Stigmata and the body yeah sure I'll just buff up my HP to gargantuan amount we'll take this for an early planetarium chance I never complain about an eight ball showing up in the first couple floors and God God damn it is the shop juicy uh that's kind of whatever I mean like the 4.5 volts okay with the D6 it pays off later on uh I'm not gonna fret if I can't get it but if I can I will take it dead cats are you joking uh yeah I mean there goes all my HP what was in here is this juicy yeah it's absolutely juicy more tear rate of and it's getting very noticeable how fast my saw blades are going I imagine shot speed Dara Turtle just got destroyed I imagine shot speed just also affects how fast the saw blades move which I I'm down for a couple shot speed UPS looks like we have a perfectly timed roll we also have a Charged key on the back end in case you want to use it I'm just going to knife piece this you know what a chemical feels okay I'll take it full health probably does nothing for me the entire run with my HP now but maybe tainted items are absolutely they're insane they're crazy give me that damage of looks like the secret room's fairly obvious so I'm gonna walk inside of it and get a secret room item not low which I'll re-roll would have been fats that's okay I'll take the key bone should I go for the 4.5 volt you know what yeah why not I'll clean up house right here below my donation machine and get no money from it that was the most disappointing one yet just kidding I gotta lock up all right let's go planetarium chance is locked in because of the eight ball test test nice the soul part that's profit turns out my saw blade is despite lasting a very long time I do actually have a range cap to them so they can eventually just disappear thank God otherwise I would have actually had to just restart maybe I would have to do like a something like that that's a that's a tainted item I mean if we're gonna showcase the tainted items I'm gonna take the curse of the tower I don't know what the tainted version of curse of the tower is I don't think it would be good but I think it'd be hilarious if it showed up Let Me In Here IBS that's disgusting I'll take the blind lazarus's Rex oh boy attempt life we have a shop right here we have 30 cents dude geez oh there's a crooked penny I'm gonna take a broken modem instead I'm thinking of using a crooked Penny challenge recently I've talked about it in the past like the past couple months and people have been requesting it as well a crooked Penny challenge where you have like car battery and every single time you find an item you have a 25 chance of being able to pick it up because you got to use uh the Crooked Penny I might do that one day it might be pain to do but I think it'll be good content so maybe I'll do it this is this is the worst fight what is this and this is actually more visually hard to tell what's going on than singe singe himself is already a tough fight with the saw blades I mean they're all gray dude thanks gaming Isaac I feel like proptosis would be the worst pick ever I'm taking the dog tooth Continuum would have been cool I don't know how that would work actually in my mind it just would not have worked at all and I'm more Curious honestly I kind of wanted for the speed up but I'll take the Luna which is I my opinion just better nice item item I actually cannot get this I can't get it the pearls are in the way be right back I might as well try and get a roll and roll the secret room so my goal I think is to go maybe to the chest just would give us as many items as possible and give us the highest chance of getting synergies I'd love a parasite with this and I'm still curious as to how homing would work as well a steam sale I mean say less thank you appreciate you allow you to clutch as long as it's not Gideon he has gone into hiding I don't know where that man is he's on his super villain Arc right now oh my God don't get hit again I don't lose you a chance thank you we actually got Angel hello it's okay we can go it and wow I'm gonna be real because of the towers destroying me Eucharist how how does this work there's no way it works um there no it would just ruin the Synergy let's be real I'm not even gonna try it but the complete logic here it would not work uh just a tears up no big deal I don't get to have a role for the secret room that's okay just having the item itself is good enough for me it's funny though that I can't actually take the beam of light I actually have to take the item secret room oh my God there's our item right there you know I really actually would not matter if I rolled into a god item because I've gotten the rare like secret room where I don't have flight should I reroll the secret room for the funny like what if I got a god item like that certificate in there and I couldn't access it that sounds like that would not be funny actually let's not do that I'm really enjoying the fact that you guys like the mods it's always nice to change a change the pace up a little bit and I am also very aware there is a tainted version of member card geez I hope I get that I'm also very aware of the people that are like hey where the heck's the um the third dead God progress and that's why I've started streaming again I apologize for not streaming as much as I used to it's actually no conspiracy whatsoever it's just that tears of the Kingdom came out and it literally blew away my mind and I I just have to play that game I'm sorry all right people were also asking me to play it on stream for variety which I was highly considering to do dude I so badly wanted to do that but my issue is that breath of the wild is a game that means a lot to me it came out at a time where I really really really was not that into video games anymore and I was like so sad because video games are my life I love games so much guys so much all kinds of games and breath of the wild reinvigorated that for me and I was like yes and then tears of the kingdom is coming out out so I'm like oh this has to be another God game right so breath of the wild means so much to me and tears of the Kingdom I want to experience it for myself no offense to anyone you know what I mean it's just an experience I want for myself not to mention even if I were to randomly stream it just to stream it I'm going to reroll this by the way if I get an item uh I I did not that sucks chaos card hey let's go blow up a boss even if I were to stream it just to stream it I don't like the idea of doing that because I would just be completely silent the entire game and not talk and not say anything I'd have my mic muted and I'd just be immersed and that's like well then what's the point of me streaming I wouldn't be putting out good content for you guys you guys always deserve the best in my opinion so that's why I'm not gonna be streaming twos of the Kingdom but I will say that so far it's a great game obviously no spoilers for me I'm not gonna spoil anything this is probably a tainted uh treasure room actually we get explosivo sure give me exploding solids is this a tainted treasure room it is Sayer the club all enemies explode on death explosion hair bomb effects explosion size and damage skills and enemy Max Health you should stand far away from bosses before they die what happened I'm just doing this for science I have to know what happens if you roll this okay I think it defaulted to the next item that I had as a trapdoor to each shop that leads to the black market uh that sounds really good but I prefer memory card but yeah we're back with streams my game Crash what what actually you know what here's something crazy right we have the memory card right here we picked it up and when I re-rolled it turned it into the member card change version we can actually use this as an opportunity to do a bit of experimentation what happens if there's no tainted items for it to re-roll into we know that there is a tainted treasure room to the left over here and this will be experimentation we actually get to answer our question this is a blessing in disguise what do you turn into you turn into something random okay stops contain fewer Goods you will receive a free store credit in each shop that sounds really good but I might as well see if I can look at more you know what I mean we'll take the explosivo again I'm still clearing out the floor again my bad I don't know why that happened by the way we're gonna fight mom and we will probably do Boss Rush here let's because we can uh let's go to the chest today uh I'll roll both of these We're not gonna fight Mega sane I just want to see I mean I'm still farming for Sacred Heart here it doesn't want to show up come on dude boom yeah okay we're gonna fight in here oh defense thank you we'll fight in here we'll complete it we'll get another roll we'll use it on the tainted treasure room and then there's also a battery in the shop so we're gonna maximize our rolls and see what we can get just for fun really have fun with the mod you know I like the mechanic of the head doing damage but what it seems like I don't know if it's just me I don't know if the head doing damage scales off your own damage it felt like I got a lot of damage ups but my my chainsaw head damage did not go up so I don't know if I'm incorrect there but I think it should go up logical I feel like it should it probably does and I'm just incorrect okay well the haunt got destroyed because their entire mechanic is going up against the wall what's with all the soul Hearts the miter stays golden hey there's a nickel I think I just like ADHD well I can play like an absolute dumbass can't I just because of miter thank you looks like we have only two more ways to go and never done all right Fallen you're gonna drop a stranger tractor I don't know how this works but this is exactly the type of stuff I was looking for crazy really stupid items does that mean they're gonna be attracted to all the saw blades on the walls this is gonna get really stupid really quick that's the tainted Polaroid what I guess it's because I picked up the Polaroid I had to default to that uh today I learned that there's a tainted Polaroid kind of cool where you could just go to home but that's not what we're here for roll it that's just Bumbo oh yeah I don't know how it works maybe uh maybe it's just random no wait it's not it's not random I'm so stupid dumb dumb I have Steam Sale Steam Sale has a tainted variant so that is actually the answer you cannot get the tainted bearing of something unless you have the original you have to actually switch it out when that reverse uh or sorry tainted steam cell showed up the like steam gift card it's because keeper drops seem to sell for me that makes more sense okay let's go now it all makes sense I get how the model Works knowledge gained and now I've passed it on to you guys congratulations hello Bumbo your level one I'm not gonna lie I just got PTSD I know it's the womb and it's literally impossible but I pressed tab then I saw that it was a big uh room for a boss and I thought it was Gideon that's how much emotional damage getting has done to me I need you guys to understand this oh uh that sucks they should really buff inside them I feel like it deserves more love considering it's literally delirium roll yeah we can get another maybe maybe not I just came up with the craziest idea you know how I said uh bumbo's like oh he's level one or whatever oh nice what if uh is there a way to adjust how much damage or familiar does there probably is I mean the modding and what right can can we uh make it so there's like a mod so that Bumbo is like like level 9999 can we do that it does make him the absolute Giga chatty one shots everything I and maybe like a new Sprite too that would be so cool roll and up here he's cool maybe damager to your aura actually it's a Range Rover let's go looks like we reset our stats for damage which is nice hey crane game I needed a use for my money you know my crank game luck has not been good as a recent oh hey what makes you small pill where the heck did it go where is it I don't see it oh my God it's up there it's being dragged around by the saw blades what the that's that's hilarious I love that give me this money I need it for maybe the memory card shop okay we did get a boss and it was in time we could fight hush I do want to roll the angel though because this is my last chance and I have Eucharist plus rerolls I feel like it's a disservice if I don't at least try to get some quality for items you know I mean like come on police you're joking you're actually joke account oh don't do that to me that's scary hey let's try sagging I feel like trisagian does nothing like literally nothing uh but I don't have time so we're gonna take the flight we're gonna take the tri sag in and we'll take the conjoined progress never mind I can't oh it does work it's just weird I've lost the ability to shoot saw blades except they are still saw blades and they sound like it it's actually kind of hilarious Aloo oh yeah conjoined dude if I get a conjoined with this it's not so time well guess what happened oh wait I'm not even close to conjoined because I didn't take the other one wait mysterious liquid with this would be crazy right I have to yeah actually that's that's that's really good that's really good Echo what all right I mean thanks try not to explode challenge the reason it's probably that laggy is because even though it doesn't look I'm shooting Too Many Tears the amount of tears that are on the wall is way higher than it may seem is it just me or did the explosions just go to the beat of the hush song I must be going crazy right no I swear to God the explosions are going in beat with the hot song it just did it again I I know I'm not crazy what was that I felt it in my bones what happened to that cup did you see did what happened to that ghost what's going on the strange attractor is the funniest pickup I've had all day that's hilarious I love this it's so laggy oh my goodbye Isaac he's out of here do what the hell happened to me what the how what the heck is going on what I'm what what what can I shoot hello what is this let me out okay I fixed it it was never an issue hello I please tell me that I can open these chests okay I fixed it I guess um these are all whatever eyesore sounds funny so I'm gonna do that a tiny planet sounds even funnier yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean it's really bad because I have strange attractor but there's no way I'm not doing it it's gotten so buggy and laggy and glitchy I'm terrified and I'm having a great time gonna like it actually it's growing on me is it a cracked Grill hey thanks re-roll fast bombs magic fingers they're okay dude stop I can't see it's too fast things are moving at Dragon Ball speed oh this is gonna be the worst did you see how far Envy pushed me I can't even place down bombs properly I can't even pick up this chest it's it's it's hiding the chest for me guess where the chest is oh well I see it now I it's doing the it's doing the glitch thing I don't know what that is uh shout outs to the real unsung hero of the entire day miter for keeping this run actually like winnable I don't know what that is it's like I just lose my head and I just bug out and die I don't know what that bug is well I found blue baby and I'm not gonna lie I kind of got everything I wanted from the run I wanted a silly modded Just Have Fun Run and see what the excuse me and see see what the and see what the uh the silliest run I could get was and I I got that I I accomplished it up GG foreign [Music]
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 155,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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