This Changes Everything: Passthrough iGPU To Your VM with Proxmox

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hey guys what's going on it's Don here from Nova Spirit Tech and today I want to show you guys a really cool mod that you could do to your proxmox which allows you to pass through your integrated GPU to your VM so let's check it out now I personally do a lot of Home lab stuff especially on proxmox and a lot Docker stuff so if you guys are interested in seeing more proxmark stuff let me know down in the comments below but with that being said let's get started now the recent mod that I found for proxmox is actually very exciting for me because it allows you to actually pass through your integrated GPU over to your VMS now about last year around this time I actually converted my proxmox over to a Mini PC which I'll leave a link over here and since then it's been great power usage wise I was able to get all my VM testing stuff like that but the only downside is I can't add a GPU so I don't have any gpus to any VMS which limits what I can do with each VM with that being said said having this little mod will greatly improve the usage of your virtual machines now I also did a video recently on proxmox allowing you to use the GPU only on Linux V virtual machines which I'll leave a link over here that's been great but it only works for openg GL so it's not really a dedicated GPU like this which actually allows for transcoding or graphic applications like Photoshop or freead so it's a huge difference between the two if you just need openg G to work you can use the original method that I have posted over there very simply allows proxmox to use the openg through your Linux virtual machines but it doesn't work for Windows so uh let's jump into my desktop this is the original article that I was searching for and I found it through here how to pass through your GPU through Windows 11 and you can see he's using Ander Lake integrated graphic card controller and he's actually using a Mini PC as well which is a belink i51 12 48p which is really close to what I got but un unfortunately for me I actually have a 11th gen and that seems to be a huge problem so if you guys have a 11th gen your mileage may vary on if you could pass through or not but anything like 12 gen or 13 gen CPUs they seem to work pretty much fine now going down this list he actually has instructions on how to compile everything which is the same that you would find on the GitHub but things do change slightly depending on the Kernel that you have so this is the actual GitHub that provides you with this pass through option and it does work for Linux 1. 6.1 all the way to Linux 6.5 and again depending on your kernel version and as of right now the kernel version for proxmox is uh 6.2 so unless you're not using the proxmox kernel and you're using a different kernel you you can still compile it towards the kernel version and again he has the same instructions here as well but just remember the package version reflects the version of Kernel that you're using so 6.1 would be uh um proxmox 8.0 and 6.2 would be proxmox 8.0.4 which is the latest version I'm using right now and you would have to change it respectively so this would be uh 6.2 you would have to change this folder to 6.2 and when you're compiling you have to make sure the version is 6.2 so there's there little bit of things that you have to change around just to get it to work so just keep that in mind when you're compiling now there is another version over here that allows you for use of raptor L which is version 13 but it fixes some issues with Looking Glass so if you guys are planning to use looking glass with this uh you can follow this guy tutorial and I will leave all the links that I'm showing you right here down in the description below so you can use them for reference but yeah he has a lot of things about uh getting this to work with looking class and everything so if you are interested in getting this working and you have 13 gen this might be the article that you might be looking for now personally I got this to work on my VM only once and I was on proxmox 8.0.1 kernel version 6.1 and when I first initially tried everything I managed to get it to work and it was able to detect the graphic card I was able to get everything working um but that was shortlived and that was my problem because I ended up getting so excited playing around with this I was like oh let me upgrade my prox MOX next thing you know the kernel version updated everything just broke and even recompiling it uh didn't bring it back so I need to probably look into to a kernel issue or maybe change the kernel again or roll back to the original kernel just see if I can get it to work I also had an issue where I had to use a very specific version of um the Intel graphic drivers which is 101. 3222 now the latest version is 4953 as of making this video and I wasn't able to get the graphic card working but the 3222 or yeah 3222 was able to work again it worked only for Colonel version 6. too and I am on um Intel 11 gen so again it's a very hit or miss with this um generation of CPUs uh I didn't see any problems with 12 or 13 as I'm doing research on this but 11th gen is the one where people were having like you know issues where they are able to get it or not but fortunate for us like you could still see that I am able to detect the Intel Iris GPU which means it's passing through correctly it's just something's triggering it probably in the current side where it's not allowing to work now upon doing more Discovery I found out that if you're going to compile this for a different kernel you do need to follow this issue board because you do have to change some of the code just so it would allow it to compile uh namely this little bit over here and I had to do this myself just to get it to compile on 6.2 uh furthermore uh I will this is where I found success with getting it to work on Elm gen through this issue board over here uh this little thing over here kind of gives you what you need to do and how to build and what versions of uh drivers were able to get this to work and this is what you should be seeing like if you go into performance you should be able to see the Intel GPU transcoding decoding all this other stuff but like I said uh unfortunately I was able to show you much of this in action because I broke it before I was able to do that which was clumsy on my part and I do plan to fix this again either rolling back my kernel or compiling something uh compiling another kernel that will possibly work and he this lays out a lot of information that you do need uh if you are running 11 gen CPU so furthermore this is huge news like if you I head over to my proxmox I'm able to see if I go into Hardware my gpus I could just go over here edit uh jump down here and I'm able to see all my gpus the tiger Lake tiger Lake all this is great I'm able to select it just don't select the first one because that's the native one that you're using but every other one you're able to use and pass through and it works fine it's just again my little issue with it is I made a little mistake now your mileage may vary with this and I do hope that it's actually very easy for you guys to get this to work it is still very experimental as you can tell it broke my computer when just trying to update the kernel so again play around with it I know this has tons of applications to it so if you're able to get this to work you could possibly run a VM with Plex or a VM with with transcoding or just run a VM just for transcoding or anything that has to use a graphic card you're able to do this especially on a Mini PC where you can't add a dedicated graphic card well anyway that is it for me guys I just wanted to lay this little bit of news down if you guys are interested in seeing more proxmox content or home lab content like stuff I'm serving let me know down in the comments below I am interested in sharing this stuff because I do a lot even like running Mac OS um like right over here I'm able to run it off my VM and everything and test whatever I need to test so yeah prox Max has gone a long way for me I've been using it since version 1.9 uh back in 2010 so the amount of things I've added to this and took away and things have changed it's intense anyway if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and as I say my nerd cave hack tail it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 19,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, proxmox igpu, proxmox, igpu, passthrough, passthrough internal gpu, intel, uhd, quicksync, iris xe, strongtz, vgpu, proxmox vgpu
Id: 9ruxTChA4Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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