40+ Scripts To Streamline Your Proxmox Homelab

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hey guys what's going on it's Don here from Nova Spirit Tech and welcome back to the channel and today I want to show you my secret sauce to streamlining your home lab on proxmox so let's get [Music] started now in case you missed it I do have a video series that I'm working on with proxmox which I'll leave a link on the top right over here and continuing from that Series today I'm going to show you a website called proxmox helper script now because proxmox is actually based on Debian which is a operating system a lot of people use and it's easy to function around we're able to actually create scripts to help build VMS or containers or even sometimes just run programs directly off the deban operating system now the website I'm going to show you actually has a collection of these scripts that will actually help you build these containers VMS or even install stuff to monitor or manage your proxmox through the shell so let's check it out now here we on the desktop of my proxmox install you probably seen this a few times already and the last video was about the NZ again I'll leave a link right over here the website I'm going to show you I'll leave a link down in the description below is called proxmox helper script and in here you basically could search for stuff that you need and it's a script that will actually help you install it as either evm or lxt container so to check this out say we're going to go over to proxmoxve and if you wanted something to hey you upgraded your kernel multiple times and you wanted to clean it instead of manually doing it there's actually a script that you could just copy paste and it'll actually clean up all the stuff from your grub menu delete all the cold kernels uh stuff like that uh he also has a few other uh stuff along the way for proxmox tools like monitor oil or lxc updator which will actually update every single one of your containers uh and a bunch of other stuff but let's say we're going to jump in and install something so I'm going to go over to media and you can see he has a bunch of stuff over here and we're going to head over to sonar and he has a script here and also a description of what it is now if you guys all worry about his scripts you can actually head over to his GitHub which you can tell everything gets updated so soon like this is updated 2 hours ago from making this video uh we got stuff that's updated 5 days ago so this is constantly being updated and if you guys want to support this Creator um he has a support tab over here that will lead you to his patreon now I do want to keep this script going forever because it's amazing it has a lot of stuff in here but to jump into it say if I want to install something now there's a couple of menus here uh the CT is what we're actually looking for but the install script is actually the actual install so I'm going to go over to install and say if I wanted to install something called wole uh I will have everything here down to the last script on how to install something even creating the service that will start up the program on bud up so it has everything that you need and I actually use this for reference a lot of the times when I'm unfamiliar with installing a specific program that I need on proxmox so this actually helps me a lot even if I'm not just running his script but back to running say sonar I'm going to hit over here to copy or you could just highlight and copy it go over to your pro Mox and drop into the shell so you get a divian base over here and all you have to do is just hit paste and hit enter now it's going to go through all the menus for installing sonar so I'm going to proceed with installing sonar and give this I don't know a few minutes depending on how fast your computer is and your internet speed and do you want to use default settings I usually hit yes because you always change the settings later on if you want more CPU usage or Ram while this is installing I'm going to show you what he means over here too it actually tells you it's going to default into using 1 gig of RAM 4 GB of storage and only two virtual CPUs and it'll actually give you the I uh the port number that you need to attach it to anything goes here if I want to install tar tar is another one it'll give you the port right over here default Ram settings etc etc so it's really cool how this helper script would just install everything that you need and there's a bunch of stuff I think I counted his scripts to be over 40 and it's even more than that I definitely know but this is his website has a lot of the stuff that you are looking for on his GitHub anyway so head back over to proxmox and it'll actually tell you which storage you want to install it on which is going to be my nvme hit okay because that's where my containers will be stored and where I want my storage pool to be which will be zo poool technically I could have installed that into nvme because it's only using 8 GB of storage jumping into his GitHub again uh there's a bunch of stuff that you can see over here uh there CT install VMS TurnKey miscellaneous there's functions and stuff like that so again if you want to Deep dive into some of the scripts or install it manually you could do it through his uh GitHub and kind of like just browse through the scripts all right say once you're done you could see sonar is coming up already right here it's powering on it's grabbing the IP address and give it a couple of more seconds we already know it's uh 10500 and there we have it once we're done it'll actually pop in the URL that you need to go in which you could always get later or go back to a site to find the port number say like sonar it's 8989 it'll say it right here all I have to do is just go to this IP and this port and I should be able to access the sonar so HTTP is it s nope no s HTTP 192 68105 20000 8989 and there we have it sonar is installed now I'm not going to go through the settings of sonar but I'm just saying that this will install applications that you need now going into his website again say like there specific things just keep in mind look what it says at the end it says lxc lxc lxc and there are sometimes uh if you're going into say server they don't have anything at the end that means it's going to install directly on the host so if you're going to install tail scale it's going to take the host IP and install it on the host so you can actually um VPN with tail scale directly to your main host or if you have something like VM this will actually spin up a VM instead of a lxc container so be mindful of that when you're installing it so you know which one you're getting obviously containers are a lot smaller and more useful and because we are limited by how much RAM I have on this uh base system I will be installing more containers than I am with VM and I'm going to be taking a different direction from the helper script but I will be using it for reference because of the scripts and everything that they have in there which helps me identify what I need to install or how to install it but that's basically it as long as you copy and paste into your terminal you're going to set yourself up with all these containers and this list should start populating and if you don't know what you need to install just go through what he has he has so many things I actually did not know about um something called py alert and I actually want to play around with this py alert is actually a pretty interesting program um you could go here to his link and it'll actually bring you to the GitHub of what P alert is but what I'm just saying is it's a really good resource for building out your or streamlining your home lab for proxmox anyway that is it for me guys I hope you guys enjoyed this little thing now I am going to be referencing this in the future because I'm going to be installing jelly Fin and proxmox possibly using the script that they have so you're going to hear me talk about this in future videos as well anyway that is it for me guys if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below and if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and as say my nerd cave hack to larts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 20,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, proxmox tutorials, proxmox server build, proxmox, proxmox scripts, tteck, helper-script, helper script, proxmox container, secret sauce, home lab, proxmox homelab, server build, tutorial, homelab, sonarr, services, minipc
Id: TJ8-oKRrwjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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