Software Defined Network Guide - SDN - How To Create

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hey everybody and welcome back to Jim's Garage since proxmox 8.1 dropped just a few days ago a lot of people have been asking me about the new features specifically around the sdn the software defined Network now I've already done the other part which is to set up the gotify notifications and that's awesome I do recommend to do that if you haven't already but this video is going to give you a really quick and dirty review of how to set up sdns now you might be thinking why do I want to set that up well it's really useful because it creates various networks behind proxmox so that means you don't need to expose this using the traditional method with PCI E cards ethernet cards Etc instead you can create those networks within proxmox via software so you can create all of your networks that you want to within proxmox and you can still root that traffic out because you can do sourcenet translation I'll show you how to do that right now so heading over to the proxmox documentation this is is probably the least obvious bit about this whole process if you've installed proxmox fresh with 8.1 you won't need to do this but if like me you're upgrading from previous versions you're going to have to follow these installation steps here now first of all you're going to have to install the lib V Network Pearl and then you're going to have to add interfaces D this Source bit here to your Etc network interfaces then you're going to have to install DNS mask and also the python tools now the important thing here is as well that you do this on every one of your proxmox nodes so if you're just running the one just go and install it on the one if you've got two or more obviously go and install it on each one of those so let's hop into proxmox now and I'll show you what this looks like once it's completed so over on my proxmox and I've got two nodes as you know by now but the process is the same for each one so in here I've gone to the shell and now I'm in the ETC network interfaces file so if I scroll down to the bottom you can see all the way down here where I've added in the ETC Network interfaces. d/ star you need to have that at the bottom of this file and then you need to save it once you've done that you're ready to get into the sdn now the sdn can be found on the data center Tab and then you need to click on sdn now the first thing you need to do is configure a Zone and there are lots of different types of zone so when you click add you can see that there's simple there's VLAN qinq vxlan evpn I'm only going to touch on the simple which is basically the same as having a dumb switch but the process for a VLAN is pretty much identical and I might come on to this in a later video if you need it but I've already done a ton of videos on vlans and this follows basically the same principle so as I mentioned I'm just going to touch on the simple so here you can see I've created one and the process for that is straightforward I click simple I give it an ID in this case you can see I just called it test I specified an MTU now this is for transmission size on the network and I had some issues with this I had to manually specify 1460 as the MTU I'd be interested to know if you've left it as Auto and this worked but for me 1460 was the only value that I could get to work once you've done that ipam should already be pre-populated to use PVE which is the default and the only other thing you need to put in here well if you want to use DHCP which I imagine you will for automatic IP provisioning you need to click automatic DHCP once you've done that and given it a name click add that will create something like this which if I edit you can see all of that is prepopulated so once you've done that you've created your Zone and you'll see here on the left I've got the local network which is created by the default in installation and now I'll start to get one for test so once we've created a Zone we need to create a virtual Network so again we need to hit this create button we need to give it a name and we need to give it a zone so the Zone will be the one you've just created and then you can decide whether you want it to be VLAN orware I'm not doing that in this video but again the process is really simple and I showed you in my previous video what VLAN aware means for when we set up open sense and I also did it for sofos XG so once you've configured that you'll end up with something like this so test test test there we go dead straightforwards now that you've created the vnet you need to create a subnet to go on this network so to do that you head over on to the right and you click create now when you click create really straightforward same as you've done probably a million times for your firewall or switch create any IP address range that you want to specify where the Gateway is going to be on that and importantly you can do snat so Source Network address translation what this does is it allows it to access the internet so I.E well not just the internet actually anything outside of this network so that's really handy if you want something local on proxmox but you also want it to communicate with either your network or the broader Network aka the internet so once you've configured that you'll have something that looks like this so if I click edit you can see all those values populated I also went into the DHCP Rangers Tab and if you remember earlier when we clicked on Zone we did automatic DHCP that box was ticked so if you click on DHCP ranges I've just put in a Range here for 10010 to 10020 I've clicked okay and saved it after that you've got the options tab there's nothing here that I needed to change for a simple sdn and that's the same story for ipam everything here is the same actually this will be be blank until you apply it and the most important thing when you've done all of this or you make any changes and it's really not obvious I hope they change this in the guey is to click on sdn and then you need to hit apply if you don't hit apply none of this will get created nothing will be applied and when you do you should get here a list of the sdn the node and its status and I've got two here because I've got two nodes if you're only using one you'll get a single entry now what you do how do you use this well glad you've asked because I've created here two VMS this VM here is sdn and this one is sdn 2 this is one I've already created and is up and running and if I do an IPA you'll see here that it's picked up 1921 1681 10010 which is that first IP within that reservation so just to prove that I'm not lying here creating a new VM this has just been created from a clone I've never turned this VM on if I go to Hardware you'll know you'll know that I haven't turned it on because this here is wrong so rather than use the bridge vm0 or any of my existing ones I want to create I want to use test and then when I click okay that's now going to use test which is this network down here so now when I boot this machine up fingers crossed it should pick up an IP address and because this one already has 10 I suspect it's going to come up with a .11 IP address I'm going to let this boot up because it's a cloud image it's going to pull some updates Etc and I'll see you on the other side so here yeah we know it's got internet because it's now going and picking up all of those updates which is excellent we've got that Source net enabled and if I run an IPA yes 1921681001 and hopefully with any luck we can ping our friend who is on number 10 there we go there's sdn in under 10 minutes so thanks for watching Everybody hopefully this gives you the tools now to set up an sdn within your proxmox environment and this is going to be great for those of you who want to set up a network within proxmox you don't want to have this all externally exposed great for not only security but also for Hardware as well so give this a like and a subscribe if you enjoyed it and I'll see you on the next one take care [Music] everybody
Channel: Jim's Garage
Views: 33,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, linux, tech, technology, homelab, software defined network, sdn, proxmox sdn guide, proxmox software defined network, proxmox how to create sdn, sdn network, sdn architecture, proxmox 8.1, proxmox 8.1 sdn, what is sdn, network, networking
Id: UZ9mfxNMyHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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