This Base is 100% Invisible

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all of my bases keep getting fat leaving all of my items to mysteriously disappear so if I want this to never happen again I'm going to need to create a base that is completely invisible to the naked eye and that starts with a good location because I want the space to have Farms every villager and a way to get infinite emeralds I'm going to want to build this pretty close to a village and right here seems about good but this leads me to my first issue I obviously can't just build my base right here in the open if I want this space to be completely invisible to a player walking by I'm going to need to place it within a hill and using this handy dandy pickaxe I can break into my base place the blocks back and it doesn't even look like anything's here but even if I place my base in a mountain the average player walking by would still be able to see my name tag but after looking at the Minecraft forums it said that a player can see a name tag from 60 to 70 blocks away so just to play it safe I'm gonna make the base 80 Blocks below ground level that way if any player happens to walk by on the surface there is no possible way to see me and now that I have the main area complete I need to start branching out into my fourth section one area for villagers one for Farms one for storage and one for whatever else I need like enchantment tables and other utility the first thing we're going to start with is the Villager area which is going to be long and wide with an area at the end to put a villager breed and while I'm mining this area out I need to make sure to cover up any caves that we run into because if anything is suspicious within a cave that's just another chance for someone to find my base and steal all of my loot but for this breeding machine to actually work I need to bring four villagers down here that is one villager kidnapped and one villager in my hole uh-oh we have twins oh my God you guys are annoying get oh get in the hole and that is all the villagers in my hole but something has just come to my attention see for the past two weeks there's been a group on the server that's trying to make people only eat pumpkin pie I mean how stupid is that they can't eat anything else or their Association will kill that player so I went to spawn to hopefully do something about it what even is this bruh I guess they're like headquarters so they were basically just trying to convert everyone to pumpkin pie lovers which is again stupid so I created a little message for them destroying their headquarters and leaving them a friendly note this could very well backfire on me but if I can finish my base before they inevitably Ambush me I could re-gear in no time rendering their attacks completely useless the overall design of this villager breeder is pretty simple and if you want to make it for yourself this is the tutorial I use now I just have to put all the villagers in here which ah yeah this this might be a struggle one two three and four to make these villagers actually breed they're gonna need to be fed Mass amounts of carrots so this leads me to the creation of the second section of my base the farm area this area will have a carrot Farm sugarcane farm and even a glitched farm that allows us to get infinite Emerald using the extra carrots that I brought I can feed the villagers and make them read once they're done breeding an eyeball that I need I can transfer them into these little holes but getting all the villagers for this trading Hall will actually take ages so in the meantime I'm gonna start building the glitched farm that will allow me to get basically infinite emeralds and I present to you the string duper yeah it's kind of lame I know I know but this thing gives you a serious amount of string very fast and once my villager room gets all filled up I can trade all this string with the flex and because this string duper can run at all times that means I have basically infinite Emerald but while in the nether collecting materials for the base what the heck ambushed by the PPA to make it worse we were on the nether roof leaving me no way to escape even if I throw a pearl they can easily catch up so if I was going to get out of this alive I would have to fight back here hello sword fighters [Music] this is so terrible God bro I hate Shields so much is this is this part of the pumpkin pie Association guys that's my resources kept draining it looked like my time on the server would soon be no longer shoot my oh my God my helmet what bro the cogwebs aren't literally invisible are you kidding me [Music] I had died and lost all of my stuff if the PPA were willing to spend hours hunting me down just to kill me what else were they willing to do but I couldn't waste time I want to be able to defend myself against these could be attacks I need to finish my base so I grabbed a spare set of armor and got back to work now I'm gonna finish off the villager trading Hall by building a mechanism that allows villagers to have insane prices let me explain okay I I promise on that back here is where I'm gonna put a zombie that can zombify the Villager once I hear these villagers they will have insanely cheap prices making it easier to grind gear and I guess whatever else I may need but my villagers still haven't had any babies huh okay I just checked the tutorial again and it looks like there should be only two villagers and this glass shouldn't be here hopefully now they'll breed all so I just realized that these Pistons need to be sticky pistons instead of the normal ones thank you there we go wait they're making babies let's go and now I just need to finish off the farm section of the base with a sugar cane farm and using the extra dirt from the carrots this section of the base is entirely complete leaving only the last two sections of the base for me to build and I'll start with the storage room because as you can see I've got a lot of junk lying around this section is gonna be pretty simple a small room with 12 double chests on each side and that is the storage room entirely complete this now leaves only one section of the base left to build the enchantment table brewing station and utilities area to start this off I'm gonna create a little room for the enchantment table and grindstone the main area I'll place down my Brewing stands and decorate it a bit just to make it pert and with those being placed that is the utility room finish but during this entire time building my base I've been getting comments on my tweet from the PPA things like I am not not going to take this level of disrespect the PPA will rise as these comments keep coming in the risk of getting attacked again gets even more likely but if I want to defend myself against these attacks this base is gonna have to be done gearing me up with all the op loot I could ever need while I may be done building all the sections there is still one area that needs my attention the villager trading Hall but do you know what else needs your attention the Subscribe button we've been trying to get 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year and if you subscribe before we hit this Milestone you can claim your before 100K OG ticket but in order to finish the villager trading Hall I'm gonna have to get 44 villagers in these holes the first 22 are easy but the other 22 these are the hard ones each one of these Librarians are going to have a designated book that I'm going to buy from them and right here is the list all we have to do now is is grind and seven hours later we have finished off the bait literally every section is fully complete but there's still one more thing I would like to do I built this base in a way that no one could find it but what good would that be if it wasn't good for grinding so to put this base to the test I'm going to strip off all of my clothing and tools to really see how overpowered this space is and time starts now first I'm gonna grab all of the string from the string dupers and trade it with my Fletchers not with all these emeralds I can buy individual Diamond pieces after unenchanting these pieces I need to buy all the books that I will need and after lots of enchanting later I finally have everything done and it didn't even take that long to get this Max set of diamond armor it took me less than an hour that just proves how good this bass tree is and if you like this video and would like to see more like it watch the video on screen now where I destroy all of the netherrite on the server subscribe
Channel: SlordFighter
Views: 597,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft smp, minecraft hardcore, lifesteal smp, Infuse smp, minecraft traps, SlordFighter, I Killed A Stacked Player Using Only A Snowball, parrot, clownpierce, infamousjj, smp, slots smp, Prince Zam, I Survived A Week On 1 Heart, I collected the most illegal items in 7 days, slordfighter texture pack, how i permanently lost my inventory slots, moktod, willsion, i robbed every netherite armor set, render, Why I Hate Netherite, I Built a base that makes infinite diamond gear
Id: LGx-w1by3x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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